Space-time has had a different meaning in general relativity and quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics has depended since its inception on a fixed space-time background
structure. In quantum mechanics, space-time is a pre-existing arena in which events happen;
quantum theory merely gives the rules for these happenings (Smolin, 2001). A fundamental
lesson of general relativity is that there is no fixed space-time background, space-time is
dynamic (Einstein, 2001; Smolin, 2001). Space and time arise out of the relationships between
events; space-time has no existence apart from the events that occur within it (Smolin, 2001).
While easy to grasp in principle, this is the hardest idea to understand about general relativity,
and its consequences are profound and not fully explored, even at the classical level. To a
certain extent, general relativity is a relational theory (Feynman et al., 1995), in which the only
physically relevant information is the relationships between events (Smolin, 2001). It is this
dynamic notion of space-time that facilitates the description of gravity. If the dynamic notion of
space-time is extended to quantum mechanics, then a quantum theory of gravity may be
described, which seamlessly merges quantum mechanics with general relativity.
Space-time Intervals
An event is the fundamental entity of observed physical reality represented by three
coordinates of space and one coordinate of time in the space-time continuum postulated by the
theory of relativity. In such a four-dimensional frame of reference (an observational perspective
of space described using a coordinate system), one can assign four coordinates to an event: three
spatial coordinates (x, y, z) to describe the location of the event and a time coordinate (t) to
specify the moment at which the event occurs (Petkov, 2010). An event has a unique position in
space-time specified by four coordinates (x, y, z, t). In relativity, the unification of space and
time is exemplified by the common practice of selecting a metric (a system or standard of
measurement of distance) such that all four dimensions are measured in terms of units of
distance (x, y, z, ct), where “c” represents the speed of light in a vacuum and “ct” represents
distance along the time axis (Petkov, 2010). t is the time (in seconds) light travels at c (at
186,000 miles/sec or 300,000 km/sec); hence “ct” represents the distance light travels and
consequently distance along the time axis. Since c is a universal physical constant equal to 1
(unity), ct reduces to t. This enables mathematical description of space-time, the positions of
events in space-time, and most importantly, space-time intervals.
In our three-dimensional Euclidean space, the shortest distance between two points is
known as the regular Euclidean distance (this distance is purely spatial and always positive).
The regular Euclidean distance is given by the Pythagorean Theorem: the square of the
hypotenuse (the regular Euclidean distance) of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares
of the other two sides. The metric of a (mathematical) space defines distance in that space.
Hence the Euclidean metric is the Pythagorean Theorem; it defines distance in 3D Euclidean
space. The regular Euclidean distance is preserved (invariant) in all Euclidean inertial (constant
velocity) frames of reference (by the Euclidean transformations), i.e., the regular Euclidean
distance is independent of the coordinate system (it is scale invariant) for Euclidean inertial
frames. This is known as general covariance. A physical law expressed in a generally covariant
fashion (like the Euclidean metric) takes the same mathematical form in all coordinate systems
(it has a physical constancy) and is usually expressed in terms of tensor fields (O’Hanian and
Ruffini, 1994). Tensors are mathematical objects which describe relationships; this makes them
inherently generally covariant and therefore useful in representing general covariance. In
Newtonian physics, the universe is assumed to be totally Euclidean, and we use the 3D
Euclidean metric to define all of our distances. When time is taken as a fourth dimension, the
Galilean transformations preserve the 3D Euclidean distance and time separately in all
Euclidean inertial frames. Einstein realized that 3D Euclidean geometry was insufficient to
describe electromagnetic effects and the constancy (general covariance) of c; Einstein
consequently developed his special theory of relativity in 1905 to explain these effects (Einstein,
2001). The mathematical structure of Minkowski space-time was an immediate consequence of
the postulates of special relativity (Landau and Lifshitz, 1960; Petkov, 2010). In Minkowski
space-time, space and time are interwoven. The shortest distance between two points (events)
in Minkowski space-time is given by the invariant space-time interval between the events,
which takes into account not only their spatial separation, but their temporal separation as well
(Petkov, 2010). Minkowski space-time is a combination of 3-dimensional Euclidean space and
time into a 4-dimensional manifold (coordinate system) where the space-time interval between
any two events is independent of the inertial frame of reference in which it was recorded, i.e.,
space-time intervals are generally covariant (constant) for all Minkowski inertial frames. In
Minkowski space-time, the invariant space-time interval replaces the invariant regular
Euclidean distance of Euclidean space.
The Euclidean metric (Pythagorean Theorem) defines the invariant regular Euclidean
distance in Euclidean inertial frames. The Minkowski metric defines the invariant space-time
interval in Minkowski inertial frames. The Minkowski metric is defined as to yield the invariant
space-time interval between two events when given their coordinate difference vectors (Petkov,
2010; Schutz, 2004):
(space-time interval) “𝑠 2 ” is equal to the difference between the space coordinates “∆𝑟 2 ” of two
events minus the difference between the time coordinates “𝑐 2 ∆𝑡 2” of the two events
(space-time interval) 𝑠 2 =∆𝑟 2 -𝑐 2 ∆𝑡 2 or 𝑠 2 =∆𝑟 2 -∆𝑡 2 , if c=1
This is the Minkowski metric; it defines distance in Minkowski space-time (the invariant space-
time interval). The Minkowski metric is a physical law expressed in a generally covariant
fashion; it has the same form in all Minkowski inertial frames (it has a physical constancy). In
practice, the square is utilized, as the metric is a generalization of the Euclidean metric
(Pythagorean Theorem) to four-dimensional Minkowski space-time. r is a displacement vector
equal to x + y + z. Equipped with this metric, the mathematical model of space-time is called
Minkowski space-time. Minkowski space-time is a specific example of a Lorentzian manifold
(coordinate system); in fact, Minkowski space-time is the simplest example of a Lorentzian
manifold (Chen, 2011; Misner et al., 1973; O’Neill, 1983; Petkov, 2010; Ratcliffe, 2006). In a
standard Lorentzian manifold, one coordinate is written with a sign (-) opposite to the sign (+ +
+…) of the other coordinates; this convention allows quantities to be categorized as light-like,
time-like, or space-like (Chen, 2011; Misner et al., 1973; O’Neill, 1983; Ratcliffe, 2006). For the
Minkowski metric, t is written as negative because it is an imaginary dimension. For the
Minkowski metric, the space-time interval “𝑠 2 ” is zero, positive, or negative; this allows the
definition of three possible types of space-time intervals. When 𝑠 2 is zero, the metric is light-
like; when 𝑠 2 is negative, the metric is time-like; when 𝑠 2 is positive, the metric is space-like.
The metric allows not only the definition, classification, and computation of invariant space-
time intervals, it also defines the geometry and properties of Minkowski space-time.
It was during my study of Einstein’s special theory of relativity that I first noticed that
space-time intervals account for the organization of human conscious experience; special
relativity actually models human conscious experience (Sieb, 2015, 2016, 2017a, 2017b). Special
relativity is based on two postulates: (1) the laws of physics are invariant (the same) in all
inertial (constant velocity) frames of reference, and (2) the speed of light (c) is the same for all
observers, regardless of the motion of the light source (Einstein, 2001). General covariance is
the heart of both postulates; the general covariance of space-time intervals is the basis for
special relativity. In special relativity, time cannot be separated from space, because the
observed rate at which time passes depends on the relative velocity of the observer. Time and
space are interwoven into a single continuum called Minkowski space-time.
Frames of reference can be divided into two groups: inertial (constant velocity) and
non-inertial (accelerating). An inertial frame of reference moves with constant velocity in a
straight line (Fields, 2015). The physics of an inertial frame has no causes external to the system
(Ferraro, 2007). All inertial frames are in a state of constant rectilinear motion with respect to
one another, there is zero acceleration. If an acceleration or extraneous force does occur, then
the inertial frame is deflected (curved) from its rectilinear trajectory (it is then a non-inertial
frame). Measurements in one inertial frame can be converted to measurements in another
inertial frame by a simple transformation (the Lorentz transformation in special relativity-
Einstein, 2001; Guilini, 2005). The Lorentz transformation is a coordinate transformation
between two Minkowski reference frames that are moving at constant velocity relative to one
another. The transformation connects the space and time coordinates of an event as measured
by an observer (someone who takes measurements) in each inertial frame. In all inertial frames
(regardless of their relative velocity), the difference between the space coordinates of any two
events minus the difference between the time coordinates of the events (the space-time interval)
is always the same (invariant). This general covariance is the defining property of the Lorentz
transformation. The Lorentz transformation has a number of unintuitive features: observers
moving at different inertial velocities may measure different distances, elapsed times, and even
different orderings of events, but always such that the speed of light and space-time intervals are
invariant in the inertial frames. Special relativity has the following consequences, which have
been validated experimentally: length contraction (shortening) and time dilation (slowing) for
increased inertial velocity, space-time interval invariance (time dilates and lengths contract at
higher speeds of a reference frame relative to another to keep space-time intervals and c
invariant in the inertial frames), mass-energy equivalence (E=m𝑐 2 ), relativistic mass (mass
increases with velocity because of increased kinetic energy), a universal speed limit (c), and
relativity of simultaneity (Disalle, 2009; Einstein, 2001; Feynman, 1998; Roberts and Schleif,
2007). The theory is “special” because it refers to the special case of inertial motion, where
gravity is negligible.
It is not surprising that special relativity models human conscious experience. Einstein
utilized his own conscious experiences (imagination, thought experiments, diagrams,
descriptions, discussions) for the development of his special theory (Hossenfelder, 2015).
Einstein in effect analyzed his own conscious experiences to come up with the principles of
special relativity. What Einstein actually discovered in his special theory was a model of human
conscious experience. Einstein was attempting to describe and explain observed physical
reality. One might say that Einstein was successful in this endeavor, as our conscious
experience is our observed physical reality.
Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity
Our current understanding of gravity is based on Einstein’s general theory of relativity
(Einstein, 2001), which is formulated within the framework of classical physics (classical physics
refers to all physical theories which are not based on the quantization paradigm-Morin, 2008).
There was an inherent limitation to special relativity: the principle of relativity (the general
covariance of space-time intervals) could only apply to inertial frames of reference, where
gravity is negligible. Consequently, Einstein developed his general theory of relativity to provide
a unified theory for both inertial (constant velocity) and non-inertial (accelerated) reference
frames (which includes gravitational reference frames). Einstein proposed the principle of
general covariance for his special theory of relativity; however, Einstein recognized that the
general principle of relativity should also apply to accelerated relative motions (including
gravitational), and he used the tool of tensor calculus to extend the special theory’s general
covariance to all frames, eventually producing the general theory of relativity.
The starting point of general relativity is the Equivalence Principle or the Principle of
Universality of Free Fall. The weak equivalence principle states that free-falling bodies
(influenced only by gravity) at the same initial conditions (position, velocity) have the same
acceleration independent of size and composition (Wessen, 2006). The Einsteinian equivalence
principle states that the outcome of any non-gravitational experiment in a freely-falling
laboratory is independent of the velocity of the laboratory in space-time (Haugen and
Lammerzahl, 2001; Pogosyan, 2011). In order to account for these findings in general relativity,
Einstein in 1915 redefined several fundamental concepts (such as gravity and inertia) in terms of
a new concept of curvature of space-time, instead of the more traditional system of forces
understood by Newton (Einstein, 2001). Einstein proposed that there is no force of gravitation,
but only the structure of space-time itself; gravity is the curvature of space-time caused by the
local distribution of mass, momentum, and energy (Einstein, 2001; Tayler and Wheeler, 1966).
General relativity is a geometric theory of gravitation (O’Connor and Robertson, 1996).
Fictitious forces are not necessary in general relativity, since its physics is explained with the
geodesics of space-time (Ferraro, 2007).
Gravitational accelerations are strictly local and are the cumulative total effect of many
local manifestations of curvature (Misner et al., 1973). In any region small enough for the
curvature of space-time and other forces to be negligible, one can describe the region as an
inertial frame (Einstein, 2001; Guilini, 2005); space-time is everywhere locally flat (Minkowski
space-time), when considered on a sufficiently small scale, and an object follows a straight line
in its local Lorentzian inertial frame (Chen, 2011; O’Neill, 1983; Tayler and Wheeler, 1966). If
you let the space-time metric be curved, then gravity is suddenly explained. If the space-time
metric possesses curvature, then the curvature will manifest as gravity (Einstein, 2001; Misner
et al., 1973). In general relativity, the space-time metric g describes the curvature of space-time;
g is related to and represents the gravitational field. The metric g may be thought of as a device
which makes corrections to the Minkowski metric for the description of gravity. Given any
Lorentzian metric g, g completely determines the gravitational field (Einstein, 2001; Misner et
al., 1973).
In general relativity, the pertinent thing that typifies gravitation is the interaction
between energy and momentum (mass times velocity) and the geometry of space-time; this is
engendered by the Einstein Field Equations (EFE). The EFE are a set of ten nonlinear partial
differential equations that describe the fundamental interaction of gravitation. First published
by Einstein in 1915 as a tensor equation, the EFE are used to determine the space-time geometry
resulting from the local distribution of mass-energy and linear momentum, i.e., they determine
the metric tensor g for a given arrangement of energy and momentum (Einstein, 2001). The
EFE may be written in the simplified form: EM = g – R, where EM is the energy-momentum
(stress-energy) tensor, g is the metric tensor, and R is the Ricci curvature tensor. g – R is called
the Einstein tensor. Notice that the EFE have the same form as the Minkowski metric (𝑠 2 =∆𝑟 2 -
𝑐 2 ∆𝑡 2); the EFE appear to be a modified form of the Minkowski metric to describe gravitation.
EM is a second-order tensor describing the local distribution of energy-momentum; it is the
source of the gravitational field in general relativity (Einstein, 2001; Misner et al., 1973). EM
has three components (Misner et al., 1973): (1) the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor is
a second-order tensor which describes the contribution to EM due to the electromagnetic force
field acting on matter, a light-like space-time interval interaction; (2) the pressure energy-
momentum tensor is a second-order tensor which describes the contribution to EM due to the
pressure force field acting on matter, a time-like space-time interval interaction; (3) the
dissipation energy-momentum tensor is a second-order tensor which describes the contribution
to EM due to the dissipation force field acting on matter, a space-like space-time interval
interaction. Any second-order tensor can be coupled to the energy-momentum tensor in the
same way as gravity is (Misner et al., 1973). EM therefore consists of three space-time interval
interactions which are the source of gravity in general relativity. EM is analogous to 𝑠 2 of the
Minkowski metric. g is the second-order metric tensor (the metric) which computes the length
of curves. In general relativity, the metric tensor g is the fundamental object of study. The
metric captures all the geometric and causal structure of space-time, being used to define
notions such as time, distance, volume, curvature, angle, and separating the past and future
(Misner et al., 1973). This is just what would be expected if g was derived from the three basic
types of space-time interval interactions. The metric (conventionally denoted by g) is given as a
covariant second-order symmetric tensor on a four-dimensional differentiable curved manifold.
The metric is nondegenerate with signature (- +++). A manifold equipped with such a metric is
a type of Lorentzian manifold (it supports light-like, time-like, and space-like intervals). The
metric describes space-time curvature in a manner consistent with energy-momentum
conservation. The R (Ricci tensor) of the EFE is derived from g and is the part of the curvature
of space-time that determines the degree to which energy-momentum tends to converge or
diverge in time (Chow and Knopf, 2004; Sidorov, 2001; Tahim et al., 2007). The Einstein
tensor g – R is a function of g and expresses the curvature of space-time. The relationship
between the metric tensor and the Einstein tensor allows the EFE to be written as a set of
nonlinear partial differential equations. The solutions of the EFE are the components of the
metric tensor. The inertial trajectories (geodesic paths) of particles and radiation are then
calculated using the geodesic equations. The EFE reduce to Newton’s Law of Gravitation when
the gravitation field is weak and velocities are much less than the speed of light (Carroll, 2004).
The three basic types of space-time intervals are essentially the source of gravitation in
general relativity; the general covariance of space-time intervals is extended to encompass
gravitation. The general covariance of space-time intervals provides a link between observed
physical reality (special relativity) and macroscopic physical reality (general relativity). When
we observe large cosmic masses (moon, planets, stars, galaxies, etc.), at great distances from us,
gravitational space-time curvature can be observed: gravitational lensing (luminous objects
behind more massive objects become visible due to the bending of light around the more
massive objects), gravitational redshift (light from objects moving away is shifted toward the red
end of the electromagnetic spectrum), changes in the orbit of Mercury, frame-dragging (of
space-time) around rotating bodies, and gravitational waves (ripples in the fabric of space-time).
These and other predictions of general relativity have been confirmed by observations and
Quantum Mechanics
A goal of theoretical physicists working beyond the Standard Model is to quantize the
gravitational field, yielding a quantum theory of gravity, which would unite gravity in a common
theoretical framework with the other three fundamental interactions (electromagnetic, strong
nuclear, weak nuclear). It is possible to describe gravity in the framework of quantum field
theory like the other fundamental forces, such that gravity arises due to the exchange of virtual
gravitons (Feynman et al., 1995; Zee, 2003). However, this fails at short distances of the order
of the Planck length, where a more complete theory of quantum gravity (or a new approach to
quantum mechanics) is required (Randall, 2005). If the space-time background of quantum
mechanics is thought of as dynamic, then quantum gravity might be described, as in general
relativity. Space and time would arise out of the relationships between events and space-time
would have no existence apart from the events that occur within it; the only physically relevant
information would be the relationships between events. Space-time intervals would then play a
crucial role in the creation of the space-time and properties of quantum mechanics; space-time
intervals could be the source of quantum gravity.
A quantum system is a portion of the physical world which is studied for its quantum
mechanics. The condition that a quantum system is in at a particular time and place (point in
space-time) is known as a quantum state (an event); a quantum state is the outcome of a
measurement of a quantum system (Weinberg, 2002). Two quantum states (events) that occur
are separated by a space-time interval. This space-time interval may be light-like, time-like, or
space-like. If the space-time interval is light-like, then an electromagnetic interaction may occur
between the two events. If a time-like space-time interval occurs between the two events, then a
stress-pressure interaction may occur. If a space-like space-time interval occurs between the
two events, a dissipation interaction may occur. In this way, space-time intervals create the
space-time and properties of quantum mechanics; space-time intervals are the source of
quantum gravity. Quantum gravity then, is not a force, but is the structure of space-time. Like
in general relativity, quantum gravity unifies three fundamental interactions or forces (the three
basic types of space-time intervals). The general covariance of space-time intervals is extended
to quantum mechanics. Treating quantum gravity in this way seamlessly merges general
relativity and quantum mechanics, providing a unified concept of gravity. Quantum gravity
would reduce to general relativity in the classical limit and conform to Newton’s law of
gravitation in the weak-field limit (Zee, 2003; Feynman et al., 1995; Randall, 2005).
In physics, one often speaks of a field. Quantum field theories, such as the Standard
Model, describe nature in terms of fields. General relativity is a field theory; at the core of
general relativity are the Einstein Field Equations. In physics, a field is defined as a physical
quantity that has a value for each point, pair of points, or other number of points in space and
time (Gribbin, 1998; Feynman, 1970; McMullin, 2002). A space-time interval is a physical
quantity that has a value for each pair of points in space and time; space-time intervals may be
considered fields. In the modern parlance of quantum field theory, a field occupies space,
contains energy and momentum (mass times velocity), and its presence precludes a classical
true vacuum (Wheeler, 1998); fields have such familiar properties as energy content and
momentum, just as particles can have (Feynman, 1970). The fact that a field can possess energy
and momentum makes it very real. This has led physicists to consider fields as physical entities
(particles, objects), making the field concept a supporting paradigm of modern physics. It was
the introduction of the special theory of relativity which opened the way for physicists to start
thinking of fields as truly independent entities (Weinberg, 1977). In quantum field theory,
fields are understood as particles (electrons, protons, photons, etc.), elevating fields to the status
of the most fundamental objects in the universe (Weinberg, 1977). Fields can be classified as
scalar, vector, or tensor depending on whether the represented physical quantity is a scalar,
vector, or tensor, respectively. Within each category (scalar, vector, tensor), a field can be either
a classical field or a quantum field, depending on whether it is characterized by numbers or
quantum operators.
Physicists have found that the notion of a field is of such practical utility in the analysis
of force that a field is often considered to be a force (Feynman, 1970). In quantum field theory, a
quantum field acts through the release of force carrier particles (messenger particles,
intermediate particles) called “bosons” (Oerter, 2006). Each boson represents a quantum (a
discrete quantity) of excitation of the relevant quantum field. There is one kind of field for every
type of elementary particle (Weinberg, 1993). In quantum field theory, a force between two
particles can be described either as the action of a field generated by one particle on the other, or
in terms of the exchange of virtual bosons (quanta) between them. There are three
conventionally accepted fundamental interactions or forces in quantum field theory
(electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear). These fundamental interactions (gauge
interactions) are not reducible to more basic interactions; the three fundamental interactions
result in all the forces we know (Schumm, 2004; Ulaby, 2010). The three, as part of the
Standard Model of particle physics, are described as discrete quantum fields, and their
interactions (excitations) are carried by bosons (quanta). The two nuclear interactions have
short ranges, producing forces at minuscule, subatomic distances. The strong nuclear
interaction, which is carried by the gluon, is responsible for the binding of quarks together to
form hadrons (ordinary matter), such as protons and neutrons; as a residual effect, it binds the
latter particles to form atomic nuclei (Ulaby, 2010). This is a stress-pressure interaction of the
type carried by time-like space-time intervals. The weak nuclear interaction, which is carried by
W and Z bosons, also acts on the nucleus, mediating radioactive decay (Ulaby, 2010). This is a
dissipation interaction of the type carried by space-like space-time intervals. The
electromagnetic fundamental interaction carried by the photon is significant at macroscopic
scales where the effects can be seen directly in everyday life (Ulaby, 2010); this is of the type
carried by light-like space-time intervals. There is a basic type of space-time interval that carries
each quantum fundamental interaction. The three basic types of space-time intervals are
consequently the source of quantum gravity; the general covariance of space-time intervals is
extended to quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics has four phenomena which have not previously been explainable
using classical physics (quantization, wave-particle duality, uncertainty, entanglement). These
phenomena, however, are explainable utilizing space-time intervals, adding further support for
the theory. The three basic types of space-time interval quantum fields act through the release
of quanta (photons, gluons, and W and Z bosons). Light-like space-time intervals (the
electromagnetic fundamental interaction) may underlie wave-particle duality. The wave-
particle duality of the electromagnetic interaction has been observed many times (Brown, 2010;
Thorne et al., 2004); wave and particle effects fully explain the emission and absorption spectra
of electromagnetic radiation. Whether or not the electromagnetic interaction is described as a
wave or particle depends on how a system is setup and observed. Space-like space-time
intervals may explain quantum entanglement: the quantum states of two related particles
cannot be described independently of one another and must be considered as a single system, no
matter how far apart they may be (the two particles must have space-like separation for this to
be realized; the particles could then be considered as a single system, distributed in space, but
not in time). Time-like space-time intervals may explain quantum uncertainty (knowing about
one property of a particle limits knowledge about other properties of the particle); signals or
information can pass between particles with time-like space-time interval separation at less than
the speed of light, causing interference and consequent uncertainty.
Theory of Everything
Finding a Theory of Everything (ToE) is one of the major unsolved problems of physics.
A ToE is a hypothetical single all-encompassing coherent theoretical framework of physics that
fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe (Weinberg, 1993). Over the
past few centuries, two theoretical frameworks of physics have been developed that, as a whole,
most closely resemble a ToE (Hawking, 2006). The two theories upon which all modern physics
rests are general relativity (GR) and quantum field theory (QFT). GR is a theoretical framework
that focuses on gravity for understanding the universe in regions of both large-scale and high-
mass. QFT is a theoretical framework that focuses on three fundamental forces for
understanding the universe in regions of both small scale and low mass (Oerter, 2006). Since
the usual domains of applicability of GR and QFT are so different, most situations require that
only one of the two theories be used (Carlip, 2001; Jaeger, 2014; Priest, 2010). Physicists have
experimentally confirmed with tremendous accuracy virtually every prediction made by these
two theories when in their appropriate domains of applicability (Oerter, 2006). Scientists also
have learned that GR and QFT, as they are currently formulated, are mutually incompatible-they
cannot both be right. To resolve this conflict, a theoretical framework revealing a deeper
underlying reality, unifying gravity with the three fundamental interactions (weak nuclear,
strong nuclear, electromagnetic), must be discovered to harmoniously integrate the realms of
GR and QFT into a seamless whole: a single theory that, in principle, is capable of describing all
physical phenomena. Space-time intervals accomplish this. The general covariance of space-
time intervals underlies a reality which harmoniously integrates the realms of GR and QFT into
a seamless whole, a single theory capable of describing all physical phenomena. Space-time
intervals therefore underlie a single all-encompassing coherent theoretical framework of physics
that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe, i.e., a ToE. The
hallmark of general covariance, the Minkowski metric, could serve as an axiom (premise,
postulate) for this ToE. This ToE encompasses observed physical reality (conscious experience)
as well; it fully explains and links together our observed physical reality and links it to physical
reality. Space-time intervals are indeed the most fundamental objects in the universe.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
The dark matter hypothesis plays a central role in current modeling of cosmic structure
formation, galaxy formation and evolution, and on explanations of the anisotropies observed in
the cosmic microwave background (the remnants of the big bang). All these lines of evidence
suggest that galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the universe as a whole contain far more matter than
that which is observable via electromagnetic signals (Siegfried, 1999). The standard model of
cosmology indicates that the total mass-energy of the universe contains 4.9% ordinary matter,
26.8% dark matter, and 68.3% dark energy (NASA Mission Pages, 2013; NASA Science, 2015;
Francis, 2013; Ade et al., 2013). Dark matter constitutes 84.5% of the total mass of the universe,
while dark matter plus dark energy constitute 95.1% of the total mass-energy content (Carroll,
2007; Jarosik et al., 2011). No dark matter particle has ever been conclusively identified. Dark
matter, however, could be a manifestation of space-time interval fields; space-time interval
fields contain energy and momentum (mass times velocity) and may be considered particles or
objects (matter). Dark matter has not been directly observed, but its existence and properties
are inferred from its gravitational effects (Trimble, 1987). Space-time interval fields cannot be
directly observed and are the source of gravitation. Space-time interval fields may be the
hypothesized virtual particles, that pop in and out of existence, playing the role of dark matter
(Wilkinson, 2017).
In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is an unknown form of energy which
is hypothesized to permeate all of space (Overbye, 2017; Peebles and Ratra, 2003). Dark energy
is the most accepted hypothesis to explain the observations that the universe is expanding at an
accelerating rate. Dark energy dominates the mass-energy of the universe; this may be because
it is uniform across space (Steinhardt and Turok, 2006; Ferris, 2015). Space-time interval fields
are uniform across space and occupy most of the universe. Dark energy is not very dense and is
not known to interact through any of the fundamental forces other than gravity (Overbye, 2015).
Space-time interval fields are unseen and not very dense; they are the source of gravity. Dark
energy could be a manifestation of space-time interval fields. Dark energy would need to have a
strong negative pressure (acting repulsively), like radiation pressure (Wang, 2016), to explain
the observed acceleration of expansion of the universe. A dynamic field may be attractive or
repulsive depending on the ratio of its kinetic and potential energy; the observed acceleration of
expansion of the universe may be caused by the potential energy of a dynamical field (Ratra and
Peebles, 1988; Caldwell, 2002). Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object because of
its position, stresses within itself, its electric charge, and other factors (Jain, 2009; McCall,
2010). Space-time interval fields could have the high potential energy necessary for the
acceleration of expansion of the universe.
Space-time intervals are the fundamental building blocks of nature. They may be the
most fundamental objects in the universe. Space-time intervals are tiny bits of information
(what, when, where) which interact to create space-time and it properties. Space-time intervals
are the source of gravity in general relativity. Space-time intervals also underlie a quantum
theory of gravity, which merges general relativity and quantum mechanics, providing a unified
theory of gravity. Space-time intervals consequently underlie a single all-encompassing
coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical
aspects of the universe, a Theory of Everything. This Theory of Everything encompasses
observed physical reality (conscious experience) as well; space-time intervals link observed
physical reality to physical reality. Space-time intervals are devices by which we extract
information from physical reality and utilize it to carry on our conscious lives. This information
is accurate and reliable because of the link space-time intervals provide between observed
physical reality and physical reality. The fact that human conscious experience (observed
physical reality) is created through the processing of space-time intervals by the brain suggests
that space-time intervals occupy a fundamental position in the universe and may be the
fundamental basis of everything.
Space-time is dynamic. Space and time arise out of the relationships between events;
space-time has no existence apart from the events that occur within it. The only physically
relevant information are the relationships between events. Space-time intervals are
relationships which give meaning and structure to space and time, creating space-time. The
three basic types of space-time intervals are the three fundamental interactions or forces of
nature. They cannot be reduced to more fundamental interactions or forces. All other known
forces or interactions arise from space-time intervals. Space-time intervals are universal and
ubiquitous in nature and because of their general covariance have a physical constancy. The
general covariance of space-time intervals, as defined by the Minkowski metric, encompasses
conscious experience, special relativity, general relativity, and quantum mechanics; the
Minkowski metric is an axiom (premise, postulate) for a Theory of Everything.
It is interesting to observe how the general covariance of space-time intervals was
developed and extended to encompass everything. The notion of general covariance was
developed in special relativity to encompass inertial frames of reference. Special relativity was
developed to explain observed physical reality, which is essentially conscious experience. There
is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting that the brain processes the three basic types of
space-time intervals to create human conscious experiences (Sieb, 2015, 2016, 2017a, 2017b);
the general covariance of space-time intervals is extended to human conscious experience
(observed physical reality). In general relativity, the three basic types of space-time intervals are
the source of gravity; the general covariance of space-time intervals is extended to encompass
gravitation. In quantum mechanics, the three basic types of space-time intervals are the three
fundamental interactions or forces; the general covariance of space-time intervals is extended to
encompass quantum gravity. Consequently, the general covariance of space-time intervals
forms the basis of a Theory of Everything (it encompasses everything).
Space-time intervals are very important for human beings. They are the fundamental
components of our conscious lives. Our entire daily activity is based on the processing of what,
where, and when information carried by space-time intervals (Sieb, 2017a). We eat (what) at
certain times (when) in certain places (where). We perform various tasks (what) at certain times
(when) in certain places (where). Our entire conscious lives are directed and organized through
the processing of what, where, and when information carried by space-time intervals. All of our
higher cognitive processing and executive function (attention, perception, learning, memory,
logic, planning, reasoning, calculating, decision-making, problem-solving, creative ability,
intentional actions) is based on the what, where, and when information carried by space-time
intervals. Scientific research at all levels is implemented through the collection and
interpretation of the what, where, and when information carried by space-time intervals (Sieb,
2017a). It is important that scientists pay particular attention to space-time intervals in their
collection and interpretation of data (Sieb, 2017a). Manipulation of space-time intervals may
have important effects on results. There are a number of criteria based on space-time intervals
which scientists might observe in conducting their research (Sieb, 2017a). Attention to space-
time intervals is also important in education, sports, physical therapy, medical diagnosis and
treatment, treatment of psychiatric disorders (depression, psychosis, etc.), treatment of
psychological disorders and problems (anxiety, etc.), and negotiating through our daily lives
(these are discussed more thoroughly in Sieb, 2017a). Space-time intervals are indeed
fundamental to our lives and activity.
Space-time intervals may be the fundamental basis of life. The processing of space-time
intervals by the human brain creates conscious experience and this animates us, i.e., makes us
come to life. A dead body no longer has consciousness and is no longer animated; it no longer
processes space-time intervals. Space-time intervals may also animate plants and animals as
well, giving them the appearance of being alive; all plants and animals do certain things (what),
at certain times (when), in certain places (where). Perhaps it is space-time intervals then which
give life to organisms. Space-time intervals have been largely ignored in scientific study, theory,
and research. When vigorously applied, space-time intervals explain many of the mysteries of
science (the nature of conscious experience, the subjectivity of conscious experience, the neural
correlate of conscious experience, a unified concept of gravity, a Theory of Everything, the
nature of dark matter and dark energy, the connection of our observed physical reality to actual
physical reality, the nature of reality, the nature of life). Other mysteries and problems of
science may also yield to the specter of space-time intervals (the origin of the Universe; the
evolution of the Universe; the origin of life; more effective treatments for psychiatric,
psychologic, and organic disorders; more effective scientific research; more effective learning
and education; more effective physical training). Space-time intervals are the most fundamental
objects in the universe.
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