Fields of Study of Physics

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It is the science that studies the properties and

behavior of matter and energy, as well as time
and space. In more general terms, it is the
general analysis of nature, carried out in order
to understand how the world and the universe

The word physics comes from the Greek word

physiké, which means nature.

It is the Science that is responsible for studying

natural phenomena, in which there are no
changes in the composition of matter.
Central theories
® Physics, in its quest to describe the ultimate truth of nature,
has several forks, which could be grouped into five main
theories: classical mechanics, which describes
macroscopic movement; electromagnetism, which
describes electromagnetic phenomena such as light;
relativity, formulated by Einstein, which describes space-
time and gravitational interaction; thermodynamics, which
describes molecular and heat exchange phenomena; and,
finally, quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior
of the atomic world.
Main branches of Physics

For its study, physics can be divided into

three large branches:

© Classical physics
@ Modern physics
@ Contemporary physics.
Classical Physics
Within the field of study of classical physics are:

❖ Mechanics
❖ Thermodynamics
❖ mechanical wave
❖ Optics
❖ Electromagnetism: Electricity |
Modern Physics

Within the field of study of modern Physics are:

> Relativity
Quantum mechanics: Atom | Core | chemical physics | Solid
state physics

Contemporary Physics

Within the field of study of contemporary Physics are:

Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics : Statistical Mechanics | Percolation.

Non-linear dynamics : Turbulence | Chaos Theory | Fractals.

Mesoscopic physics: Quantum dots.
Nano-Physics: Optical tweezers.

Complex systems: Sociophysics | Econophysics | Self-

organized criticality | Complex networks.
Since ancient times, people have tried to understand nature and
the phenomena that are observed in it: the passage of the
seasons, the movement of bodies and stars, etc.

The first explanations were based on philosophical

considerations and without conducting experimental
verifications, a concept that did not exist at that time.

For this reason, some "false" interpretations, such as the one

made by Ptolemy - "The Earth is at the center of the Universe
and the stars revolve around it" - lasted for hundreds of
Many philosophers are in the early development
of physics, such as Aristotle , Thales of Miletus
or Democritus , for being the first to try to find
some type of explanation for the phenomena
that surrounded them. Although the descriptive
theories of the universe left by these thinkers
were erroneous, they were valid for a long
time, almost two thousand years, in part due to
the acceptance by the Catholic Church of
several of its precepts, such as the geocentric
theory or the theses. of Aristotle.
A professor of mathematics at the University of
Pisa at the end of the 16th century would
change the history of the
science, using experiments for the first time to
verify his assertions: Galileo Galilei . With the
With the invention of the telescope and his
work on inclined planes , Galileo used the
scientific method for the first time and reached
conclusions capable of being verified. Their
works were joined by great contributions from
other scientists such as Johannes Kepler ,
Blaise Pascal and Christian Huygens .
Fields of Physics
@ Astrophysics
® Fluid dynamics
® Atomic physics
® Computational physics
® Electronic Physics
® Solid state physics
® Molecular physics
® Nuclear physics
® Particle Physics (or High Energy Physics)
® Optics
® Complex systems
Classic mechanics
® Classical mechanics is known as the description of the movement of macroscopic bodies
at very small speeds compared to the speed of light. There are two types of
formulations of this mechanics, known as Newtonian mechanics and analytical
mechanics .
® Newtonian mechanics , as its name indicates, carries Newton's precepts intrinsically.
From the three equations formulated by Newton and through differential and integral
calculus, a very exact approximation of physical phenomena is reached. This
formulation is also known as vector mechanics, and is because several magnitudes
must have their vector defined in a privileged inertial reference system.

® Analytical mechanics is an abstract mathematical formulation about mechanics; It allows

us to detach ourselves from those privileged reference systems and have more general
concepts when describing a movement with the use of the calculus of variations.
® Electromagnetism describes the interaction of charged particles with electric and magnetic
fields. It can be divided into electrostatics, the study of interactions between charges at
rest, and electrodynamics, the study of interactions between moving charges and
® Electrostatics is the study of the phenomena associated with charged bodies at rest. As
described by Coulomb's law, these bodies exert forces on each other. Its behavior can
be analyzed in terms of the idea of an electric field surrounding any charged body,
such that another charged body placed within the field will be subject to a force
proportional to the magnitude of its charge and the magnitude of the field on its
surface. location.

® Electrodynamics is the study of phenomena associated with charged bodies in motion

and variable electric and magnetic fields. Since a moving charge produces a magnetic
field, electrodynamics refers to effects such as magnetism, electromagnetic radiation,
and electromagnetic induction, including practical applications such as the electric
generator and the electric motor.
Relativity is the theory formulated primarily
by Albert Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century, and is divided
into two bodies of research: special relativity and general relativity.

In the theory of spatial relativity, Einstein,

Lorentz and Minkowski, among others,
unified the concepts of space and time, in a
® four-dimensional branch that was called
space-time. Special relativity was a
revolutionary theory for its time, with which
Newton's absolute time was relegated and
concepts such as invariance in the speed of
light, time dilation, length contraction and
the equivalence between mass and energy
were introduced .
@ Thermodynamics deals with the processes of heat transfer, which is
one of the forms of energy, and how work can be done with it. This
area describes how matter in any of
their phases
(solid, liquid, gaseous)
transforming From a macroscopic point of
view of matter, we study how it reacts to
changes in his volume,
pressure and
temperature, among other magnitudes.
Thermodynamics is based on four main laws: thermodynamic
equilibrium (or zero law), the principle of conservation of energy (first
law), the temporary increase in entropy (second law) and the
impossibility of absolute zero (third law). .
Quantum mechanics
@ Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with
atomic and subatomic systems, and
their interactions with electromagnetic
radiation, in terms of observable
quantities. It is based on the observation
that all forms of energy are released in
discrete units or packets called how
Surprisingly, quantum theory typically
only allows
probabilistic or statistical of the
observed characteristics of the
elementary particles, understood in terms of wave functions.
Physics objectives
Study a wide range of fields and natural phenomena,
from subatomic particles to the formation and
evolution of the Universe as well as a multitude of
everyday natural phenomena.

Since ancient times, people have tried to understand

nature and the phenomena that are observed in it:
the passage of the seasons, the movement of
bodies and stars, etc.
Object of study of Physics
The object of study is precisely in Matter , analyzing its different
qualities and properties as well as all the factors that can
generate a modification without it losing its Material
Essence (that is, it remains the same object but with other
In addition to analyzing these properties, it also has as its object
of study Energy and all the exchanges that different
materials carry out among themselves or send towards the
environment, as well as the analysis of Time in conjunction
with Space , the Trajectory that describes an object
determined as well as other operations derived from the
combination of different concepts.
Importance of Physics
Physics is the way that man found to study nature, based on
mathematics . The importance lies in trying to understand how nature
works. Through physics we have managed to understand that the
same force that causes an apple to fall from a tree is responsible for
the moon rotating around the earth, and the moon around the sun.
That light is an electromagnetic field, that matter is composed of tiny
elementary particles called atoms. That there are bodies with so much
concentrated mass that not even light escapes from them. That the
universe is expanding etc.
Furthermore, if it were not for physics, computers, nor complex machines
governed by computers in general, would not exist. The industry could
not have developed as it is today. There would be no airplanes or
satellites. You couldn't even carry the pants that have
Physics is wonderful, but be careful: nature is not written in
mathematical language as they say. The theories that man
proposes are not what nature dictates. Nature does not
rely on functions to evolve. Physics is one of the natural
sciences that has contributed the most to the development
and well-being of man, because thanks to its study and
research it has been possible to find, in many cases, a
clear and useful explanation for the phenomena that occur
in our daily lives.

Physics has experienced great development thanks to the

effort of notables scientists and
researchers, who by inventing and perfecting instruments,
devices and equipment have managed to sharpen man's
senses by detecting, observing and analyzing
Technological Advances in
Technological advances respond to
people's need to create, plan, design
and generate ideas that solve everyday
problems and that can be transformed
into products and processes that provide
greater well-being.
Below is a list of the advances of the last
@ They founded it in 1998, but without a
doubt the last ten years have been “the
decade of Google.”

4 Palestine

Google Search I'm Feeling Lucky offered in: —l

2 .-Cell phone
® This technology has been around for around
20 years, but it was in this last decade
when it became exponentially widespread.
3 .- Bandwidth Internet
© now it's so natural as
electricity in a large
number of homes.
4 .-Wifi
© When it began in 2000, this technology
had prohibitive prices. Now all types of
devices, from televisions to cell phones,
have this support and other technologies
such as Bluetooth.
@ The first MP3 players with hard drives were released in
the 2000. However, Apple will soon

would dominate the market, starting in 2001 with the first

player that would combine an attractive design with ease
of use and good capacity.
® Touch screen, easy to use and the super App
Store. Apple excelled with
the launch of the iPhone
three years ago. The
device itself changed the
mobile communication
and became an example
for all manufacturers to
7 . Social networks
® (Facebook, MySpace,
Twitter): Every time
is more time than
Internet users
we spend in the
communities and
social media.
8 .-Flat screens
® The most anticipated technology: the
flat screen TVs. Currently the predominant
technology is LCD.
9 .-High Definition Video
® They appeared the televisions
flat, but DVD technology was no longer
enough. HD-DVD and Blu-ray arrived,
fighting for territory.
10.-GPS Navigation
® GPS Navigation for any mortal, in 2000
they made US military positioning
satellites available to us.
11 .- Tablet or Tablet
® It is a portable computer larger than a smartphone
or a PDA, integrated into a touch
screen (single or multi-touch)
that is interacted primarily with
fingers or a stylus (passive or
active), without need
physical keyboard or mouse.
The latter are replaced by a
virtual keyboard and, in certain
models, by a mini-trackball
integrated into one of the edges of the screen.

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