Activity 2 - Assumption of Art

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Name: Jerome C. Deiparine Date: Sep.

09, 2020
Instructor: Roldan S. Cabañero Activity No. 2

Assumption of Art
Activity No. 2

1. When can you say that art is?

a. Art is universal

Art is universal because in general it doesn’t matter what language we speak or our social
caste we can appreciate it. That’s not too say that everyone likes the same things. Taste and
preferences are likely impacted by the environment in which we’re raised. But it doesn’t have to,
because art is universal.

b. Art is cultural

Art is cultural when it gives an expression of a particular person, or group of people. When
an object, ritual, activity, or custom which makes up our culture has been modified by art, we
have cultural art. That would include graffiti on the walls of buildings, decorative arts ranging
from the woven patterns in curtains to dishwasher or computer designs, the cuisine we cook,
whether according to tradition or from recipes we make up ourselves, the styles of the clothing
we wear, the high heeled shoes on some women’s feet, or the cultivated bonsai in our gardens.

c. Art is not nature.

We can say that art is not nature, when art is man-made construct. It means that the art is
not a natural occurrence. Most forms of art are man-made like paintings, sculptures,
architecture, photography, drawings and etc.

d. Art involves experience.

An artist gains experience while doing the creative project, therefore each project requires a
certain amount of experience and as the creative process evolves into the Artist's personal
style, experience is the factor that provides Nuance, balance, perspectives and depth, also the
ability to discern the desired quality of the work. If we desire as an artist to be as accurate as
possible in depicting a scene on paper or canvas, we need the experience of our skill set to
apply our medium to the material in order to complete the idea as you envisioned it.

e. Art as expression, as a form of creation.

Art has an expression when we can see that there is something an expression of feelings,
belief, and character. Most forms of arts involve different expressions it can be an emotional
feeling of an artist. We can see different output of art having hidden meanings that most of us
just ignore without knowing that there is something significant expression that can be found from
the arts like paintings and sculptures. All this form of arts created by artist with different
2. Visual Arts

a. Film

Film is the most advanced form of art so far created by man. It not only involves visual
images (which is the classic term for what "art" actually meant). However, art now includes
sound and movement. Which film expresses at the highest possible level. All human art was
related to imagery in some form. All examples of human art are visual. Especially from any
era where writing was not available. However, writing is also visually related. Music is also
an "art" but was not considered so until only the last 500 years. Even dramatic performance
was not considered as high art until recently. Film is the highest form so far developed for
visual expression. Art was always maintained as a form of human expression. With various
levels of refinement. Film is now at the point where any concept imagined in the human
mind can be expressed in film. Something not possible prior to our era. The only element
missing from film are 5-dimensional reality. which may not be far off. Then it may become
difficult to tell the difference between what is art and what is reality.

b. Poetry

Poetry is an art form in which human language is used for its aesthetic qualities in addition
to, or instead of, its notional and semantic content. It consists largely of oral or literary works in
which language is used in a manner that is felt by its user and audience to differ from ordinary
prose. It may use condensed or compressed form to convey emotion or ideas to the reader's or
listener's mind or ear; it may also use devices such as assonance and repetition to achieve
musical or incantatory effects. Poems frequently rely for their effect on imagery, word
association, and the musical qualities of the language used. The interactive layering of all these
effects to generate meaning is what marks poetry.

c. Architecture

Architecture is an art form that reflects how we present ourselves across the earth’s
landscape, and, like other expressive mediums, it changes with styles, technologies and cultural
adaptations. Architecture not only provides worldly needs of shelter, workspace and storage but
also represents human ideals in buildings like courthouses and government buildings and
manifestations of the spirit in churches and temples. Traditional architecture has survived over
thousands of years in one form or another, while contemporary design offers new approaches in
how we use materials and technology to shape the look of our environment.

d. Dance

Dance is the art form in which human movement becomes the medium for sensing,
understanding, and communicating ideas, feelings, and experiences. Dance has its own
content, vocabulary, skills, and techniques, which must be understood and applied to be
proficient in the art. The elements of dance are the fundamental concepts and vocabulary for
developing movement skills as well as understanding dance as an art form. All these elements
are simultaneously present in a dance or even in a short movement phrase.

e. Theater

Theatre is a collaborative art form which combines words, voice, movement and visual
elements to express meaning. The field of theatre encompasses not only live improvised and
scripted work, but also dramatic forms such as film, television and other electronic media. Due
to the increasingly pervasive influence of contemporary theatrical media, theatre has enormous
importance in citizens’ lives. It is not possible for students to achieve media literacy without
understanding and having hands-on experience with theatre. Theatre is about the examination
and resolution of fundamental human issues, and is built on understanding and presenting
interactions between people.

f. Applied Arts (Fashion, Furniture)

Applied art is the application of design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday
use. Whereas fine arts serve as intellectual stimulation to the viewer or academic sensibilities as
well as produced or intended primarily for beauty; the applied arts incorporate design and
creative ideals to objects of utility, such as a cup, magazine or decorative park bench. There is
considerable overlap between the field and that of the decorative arts; to some extent they are
alternative terms. The fields of industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design,
decorative art and functional art are altogether considered applied arts. In a creative and/or
abstract context, the fields of architecture and photography are considered applied arts. Many
applied art objects are collected, for instance ceramics, textiles, jewelry, glass, furniture,
children's toys, cars, electric guitars, as well as various forms of images produced in commercial
contexts, such as film posters or old advertisements


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