LIS 105 Organization of Information Sources I - Final
LIS 105 Organization of Information Sources I - Final
LIS 105 Organization of Information Sources I - Final
Learning Outcomes
GO 11
GO 5
GO 6
GO 7
GO 9
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Major Course Outputs: As evidence of learning, the students are required to execute/submit the following:
Major Course Course Output Description Corresponding Learning Outcome
MCO 1 Major exams Prelim , Midterm, Finals LO1 – LO5
MCO 2 Report presentation Present, discuss and describe the history of cataloging and
LO 1
classification using appropriate presentation tools
MCO 3 Practical exercises Using the corresponding standards (AACR2r, MARC 21, and RDA)
comprehensively describe 5 materials of varying types but related to
LO 4 & LO 5
each other in terms of author and/or title (monographs, maps, video
recording, sound recording, etc.)
Description of resources using Student can satisfactorily Student has clear Student understands the Student can identify
MARC 21 describe any type of resource understanding of the structure concepts and applies these to appropriate rules for each type
using MARC 21 of MARC 21 monographs but has limited of material
application to non-monographic
Description of resources using Student can satisfactorily Student has clear Student understands the Student can identify
RDA describe any type of resource understanding of the structure concepts and applies these to appropriate rules for each type
using RDA of RDA monographs but has limited of material
application to non-monographic
Creation of database using Student is able to create a Student is able to present a Student understands the Student has minimal
RDA functional database applying relational database design concepts of relational database understanding of relational
relational principles and RDA consistent with RDA principles and how RDA is applied database principles and RDA
rules rules