Unit Plan Summary
Unit Plan Summary
Unit Plan Summary
Unit Information
Your Name: Joanna Saldaña
Unit Title: Getting to know you Unit Plan
Grade Level: 9th-12th Grade
Unit Summary: Provide 2-4 This unit will be focusing on introductions and greetings when meeting a new person. The students will be
sentences describing the main able to sign basic sentence structures and give some information about themselves and another person.
ideas, content, and skills of the
Differentiation: What types of Students with IEPs and 504 plans, Students with exceptionalities, and English Language Learners
differentiation should be included
in your units.
Lesson #1
Title of Lesson: Hello!
Teaching Method: Direct Instruction
TEKS: §114.34. American Sign Language, Level I (One Credit), Adopted 2014.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in ASL using expressive and receptive communication skills
without voice. The student is expected to:
(C) convey information in ASL using familiar words, concepts, classifiers, phrases, and sentences to
others without voice;
Learning Objective(s) The student will be able to introduce themselves using basic ASL sentence structure and introduce another
person by the end of the lesson.
Instructional Activity Summary After the teacher goes over each of the signs approximately 10-15 words depending on the class. Have each sign
/Include an example of assessment. written out on the PowerPoint with a picture if possible and sign it. Afterwards, have the sentence “Sign with
me” and sign it once more with the class copying the instructor. Repeat as many times as needed for each of the
vocabulary words. Once the students finish the vocabulary, the instructor will show the class how to fingerspell
and pass out a handout with each handshape and the corresponding letter. The class will then sign the alphabet
together and practice fingerspelling names. The instructor may ask each student to fingerspell their own name to
associate a name with a face.
Differentiation: Access (Resources and/or Process) Expression (Products and/or Performance)
(Multiple means for students to
The teacher will repeat signs as many times as necessary or slow down. The teacher can also explain the concept
access content and multiple modes
behind each sign, such as “meet” and how it can look like two people meeting up.
for student to express
Lesson #2
Title of Lesson: How do you spell that?
Lesson Type: Fingerspelling
Teaching Method: Direct Instruction
TEKS: §114.34. American Sign Language, Level I (One Credit), Adopted 2014.
(1) Communication. The student communicates in ASL using expressive and receptive communication skills
without voice. The student is expected to:
(C) convey information in ASL using familiar words, concepts, classifiers, phrases, and sentences to others
without voice;
Learning Objective(s) The students will be able fingerspell their own name and simple words correctly by the end of the lesson.
Instructional Activity Summary The students will be teaching each other the vocabulary given them on the respective website. The students will
/Include an example of assessment. give a short presentation or video to teach some of the vocabulary
Instructional Activity Summary The students will present a mini lecture with visuals, or present in another creative way, or show a video of
/Include an example of assessment. themselves to teach their peers the vocabulary. Each student will have 2 or 3 vocabulary words to teach and use
the video for reference.
Differentiation: Access (Resources and/or Process) Expression (Products and/or Performance)
(Multiple means for students to
The teacher will record each live lecture and all the students who pre-recorded will email the teacher to be
access content and multiple modes
posted on the school website so students can rewatch the vocabulary lessons or slow it down.
for student to express
PEDG 3380 Unit Plan Summary