Lesson Plan: Unit 7: Describing People and Things
Lesson Plan: Unit 7: Describing People and Things
Lesson Plan: Unit 7: Describing People and Things
Lesson Plan
Unit 7: Describing People and Things
Course Information
Language Acquisition:
1) Recognize and demonstrate non-manual Paired, group, and class dialogue ~ Comprehension checks 2&4
signals to describe people using American practice. Workbook & interactive ~ Classroom Observation
Sign Language. online assignment ~ Homework
[ACTFL:7.1, 7.4, 7.5, 7.11 & 7.13] ~ Unit 7 Exam - Multiple Choice
2) Identify and demonstrate translating Paired, group, and class dialogue ~ Comprehension checks 1&2
sentences, fingerspelling, and numbers practice. ~ In-Class Feedback
practice using American Sign Language. ~ Unit 7 Exam, - short answers in ASL
[ACTFL: 7.2, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.9]
3) Identify and describe salient features of Group exercise with role-play ~ Comprehension checks 1, 3, & 4
people’s physical appearance and personality ~ Classroom Observation
characteristics using American Sign ~ Homework
Language. ~Unit 7 Exam - Multiple Choice
[ACTFL: 7.1, 7.4, 7.8] Questions.
4) Demonstrate self-generated short stories Short videos with narratives and ~ Unit 7 Video Journal: Comparing with 3&4
and narratives. instructor lectures followed by Family culture and narrative
[ACTFL: 7.11, 7.13] comprehension questions or activities. ~ Performance Rubric
Assigned readings and videos. Panel of
diverse Deaf people.
Teaching Methods
I selected three methods used in this unit plan are the Natural Approach, Text-Based Instruction, and Cooperation Language
Learning. The Natural Approach will be the primary method used to teach this unit. The classroom environment will be created
to encourage total immersion in American Sign Language and non-verbal communication. All classroom materials such as
pictures, videos, and other media will emphasize the use of ASL. All assessments will use ASL as well.
The second Text-Based Instruction method will be used to teach this unit. Students will watch stories, culture, and exams videos
in American Sign Language. Students will collaboratively interpret the video, summarizing the story of the stories, cultural
history, or exam.
The third Cooperation Language Learning method will also be used to teach this unit. The goal will be to use paired, group, and
class activities to encourage students to communicate and negotiate for meaning. Form-focused lessons and corrective feedback
using elicitations and metalinguistic clues will be done through interactive online modules on Canvas and activities in class.
Natural Approach Students observe the natural interaction between a teacher and
students at the introduction. Students participate in dialogue
practice and classroom interaction.
Lesson Outline
7:1 Conversation 1: Identifying a Person. Relaying a Message
7:2 Clothing-Related Words
7:3 Guess My Number
7:4 Conversation 2: Describing Personal Items (Tops or Coats, Bags &
7:5 Translating Sentences with “Have” 1
7:6 Translating Sentences with “To Drive,” “To Take” & “To Pick Up” 1
7:7 Asking How Many
7:8 Conversation 3: Describing Personal Items (Hats and Scarves)
7:9 Telling the Year
7:10 Translating Sentences with “Have” 2
7:11 : Cultural: Greetings and Leave-takings
7:12 Translating Sentences with “To Drive,” “to Take” & To Pick Up” 2
7:13 Story: A Memorable Costume Deaf Profile: Arthur Kruger
Lesson Outcome
Select and apply mouth
morphemes (puffed cheeks, pouted
lips, “oo”, hard “mm”, “cha”) to
describe body type. Paired exercise to point out a ~ Comprehension checks
person in the room, you need ~ Classroom Observation 1&2
Select and support the use of to describe something that ~ Recasting
salient feature as a culturally helps the listener locate the ~ in-class assessment
person quickly.
acceptable component of ASL
2 minutes;88 minutes left
1.The instructor will wave both of their hands in the air or turn the lights
on and off quickly to get everyone’s attention, as expected for a
visual-based classroom.
2. The instructor will greet the class, which is seated in a U-shape
classroom to maintain a clear sightline and ask students how they are
doing. Response to students
Roll Call (3 minutes)
3 minutes;85 minutes left
1. Use the attendance sheet below
2. Fingerspell students’ name randomly, first or last name
3. Add a checkmark for students arriving to class on time
Attendance Sheet
Mon Wed
1. Saeed S.
2. Latifa Y.
3. Methaq S.
4. Masror S.
5. Hiba I.
6. Hind R.
7. Hanko O.
8. Oday O.
9. Rudy Z.
10. Sandro I.
11. Hazy Z.
12. Milad F.
13. Mukdad R.
14. Afak S.
15. Hakiel S.
16. Oushin J.
Entry Activity & Review (7 minutes):
1. Introduce
2. Explain to your partner about your family tree diagram. You may
add in more description (looks, personalities, hobbies, etc) about
each member of your family tree.
1. Height
2. Body type
3. Hair
Digital Presentation UNIT 7.1: IDENTIFYING
15 minutes; 56 minutes left
To point out a person in the room, you need to describe something that
helps the listener locate the person quickly.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Body Position: Legs
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Types of Tops
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Types of Sleeve Lengths
1. 2. 3. 4.
Types of Necklines
1. 2. 3.
4 5. 6.
15 minutes; 51 minutes
1. 2. 3.
Appearance: Head and Face
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Appearance: Hair
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Appearance: Hair
7. 8. 9.
10 11.
Types of Eyeglasses
1. Name item
(give color if only one)
2. Describe
size & shape of lens
3. Describe details
Types of Scarfs
1. name item (give color if only one)
2. describe basic size and shape
3. describe pattern and details
Types of Details
Clothing: Patterns
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7
Polka Dot Sizes
15 minutes; 26 minutes
Group activity Glass Window
20 minutes;6 minutes left
Part 1 (A approaches B)
A: tell what is lost, ask if B has
seen it
B: say no, ask A to describe it
A: describe
B: tell A you will check
Part 2 (B returns without the item)
B: add another description to confirm
A: confirm or correct
B: explain you will go get the item
Part 3 (B returns with the item)
B: ask if it is the correct item
A: confirm, express gratitude
B: respond
Closing: HW Announcement
6 minutes;0 minutes left
For homework, students can choose one of three option (pick one only) to sign salient features:
• A Family member
• A Friend
• Cartoon character (pick only from example and one character)
Students will sign their selection of salient examples and send their video for review via
GoReact. NOTE: See Homework Rubric for Expectations.
Homework Rubric
10 7 5 10 pts
Formatting Superior Satisfactory Emerging / Weak
Appropriate choice of Good choice of background, Background lighting and or clothes
background, lighting, and lighting and clothes with few cause some distraction or inappropriate.
clothes with no distraction. distraction. Camera location is Camera location either too far or close,
Camera location is optimal. slightly observed or far. making it difficult to observe signs.
Lesson 7:6 Translating Sentences with “To Drive,” “To HW 7.6, page 43 & 44
Take” & “To Pick Up” 1
Lesson 7:10 Translating Sentences with “Have” 2 HW 7.10, page 57
Lesson 7:12 Translating Sentences with “To Drive,” “To HW 7.12, page 63
Take” & “To Pick Up” 2
We spell clothing
related words THEN
describe what it looks
Unit 7.3: Guess My Number
Less than
More than
In Range
31 41 51 61 71 81 91
33 44 55 66 77 88 99
Quick Review:
Number 1-100
Practice: Rocking Numbers
67 68 69 78 79 89
76 86 87 96 97 98
Find your partner, guessing what year
s/he was born in… and/or even
guessing how old s/he is.
A: begin game
B: guess numbers
A: confirm when correct
number is given
Unit 7.4: Describing Personal Items
Like 🡪 Dislike:
Never See
Old (Old Fashioned)
Loud Color
Quick Review:
Real vs Fake
1 2 3
4 5 6
Sleeve Lengths
1 2 3 4
Tops and Coats
1 2 3
4 5
4 5 6
3 4
4. I have no shoes.
4 5
Including reactions
• ordinary, common, expected
• less than expected
• more than expected
• unbelievable, ridiculous, outrageous
2000 to 2009
Years Beginning with 20
• 2010 🡪 20+10
• 2011 🡪 20+11
• 2018 🡪 20+18
• 2030 🡪 20+30
• 2045 🡪 20+45
Years Ending with 01 - 09
• 1907 🡪 19+0+7
• 1801 🡪 18+0+1
• 1603 🡪 16+0+3
Unit 7.10: Review Sentences with
Review with Sentences with the word “have.”
What’s up?
Just the same
See you later
See you tomorrow
“Thumb Up”
Group Activity Interaction: Greetings
• Greet everybody quickly as you enter the
Link: https://www.facebook.com/DawnSign/videos/1857007654328331/
Unit Assessment
UNIT Assessment / Answer Key
Part 1. Numbers
You see signed sentence with numbers in them. Choose the number from options given fro each number.
A) Matty
B) Mutty
C) Natty
D) Mummy
E) Nappy
A) Barely
B) Easy
C) Early
D) Every
E) Fairly
Part 3. Appearance
Choose the pictures (a, b, c, d, e) that best matched the signed sentence.
Part 4. Sentences
Watch the instructor signing and circle your answer (a, b, c) that best matched the signed sentence.
Lentz, E. M., Mikos, K., & Smith, C. (2014). Signing naturally level
2: Teacher’s curriculum guide. San Diego, CA: DawnSignPress.
Lentz, E.M., Mikos, K., & Smith C. (2014). Signing naturally level 2:
Student workbook. San Diego, CA: DawnSignPress.