LP 4
LP 4
LP 4
Your CT’s First and Last Name Your School & District
The most amazing UTL 640 UTeacher on the planet (you): Isabella Mullen
Subject Level and Proficiency Level: Latin 1, Novice low
Submitted Date / Time: 3/4/2020, 12:00 Teach Date / Time: 3/6/2020, 3:00-4:30
Lesson Title: Datives with Special verbs
TEKS / Can-Do Performance Standard(s) addressed:
(2) Interpretive communication: reading and listening. The student comprehends sentence-length
information from culturally relevant print, digital, audio, and audiovisual materials as appropriate
within highly contextualized situations and sources. The student uses the interpretive mode in
communication with appropriate and applicable grammatical structures and processes at the
specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to:
(B) identify key words and details from fiction or nonfiction texts or audio or audiovisual
Enduring Understanding:
• Examining the development of language can help reveal literal explanations that show the reasoning
behind figurative translations.
Essential Question (S.M.A.R.T.):
• How can I identify the four verbs from stage 11 that take the dative case and translate eight sentences
using this construction in context?
Guiding Questions:
• Which verbs take a dative instead of an accusative?
• What do these verbs have in common?
• What are literal translations that make this make more sense?
Assessment: (How will you know that students have mastered the Essential Question? What will be the
measurable proof that each student will do to show that they’ve accomplished the Essential Question?)
The students will identify the eight instances of a verb that takes a dative in a story and provide a written
translation for each of those sentences.
The culture topics for the day will be up on the board while I present and we discuss them
Students will write down information and join in discussion of the topics
Rationale (Why are students doing this? What is the purpose? How does it connect to the
Transition statement (How will you smoothly connect to what’s next to show the progression to
their learning within this lesson? What will you say/do?):
I will have them put everything away and get ready to play last person standing for review for the
Rationale (Why are students doing this? What is the purpose? How does it connect to the
Transition statement (How will you smoothly connect to what’s next to show the progression to
their learning within this lesson? What will you say/do?):
I will tell them to put everything away and get ready for their quiz.
Mode: Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE 20
Through: Speaking Listening Reading Writing IN ENGLISH min
Vocabulary Quiz
Rationale (Why are students doing this? What is the purpose? How does it connect to the obj./EQ?):
Transition statement (How will you smoothly connect to what’s next to show the progression to
their learning within this lesson? What will you say/do?):
I will ask everyone how they did and go over problems they thought they had/do a check in. I will
tell them to break into groups right away and pass out their sheets.
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
Walking around to make sure no one is Taking a quiz.
cheating Studying stage 11 vocabulary or reading if they
have finished
Rationale (Why are students doing this? What is the purpose? How does it connect to the obj./EQ):
Transition statement (How will you smoothly connect to what’s next to show the progression to
their learning within this lesson? What will you say/do?):
I will ask what each of these has in common (they all take a dative). I will explain how the literal
translations of this word make a lot of sense with a dative instead of an accusative, and walk them
through an example with each of the four words. (2 min)
Mode: Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE 20-30
Through: Speaking Listening Reading Writing IN ENGLISH min
Independent Practice
The students will skim through the passage I put up on the board “Marcus et Quartus” (they
also have in books) and find each of the eight instances our new verbs are used.
They will write down the line the sentence is in, the verb used, and the dative it takes.
They will correctly write translations of just those sentences and turn them in
Rationale (Why are students doing this? What is the purpose? How does it connect to the obj./EQ?):
Transition statement (How will you smoothly connect to what’s next to show the progression to
their learning within this lesson? What will you say/do?):
I will tell them to turn in their translations to me (not the box) and thank them for letting me teach
them again.
I. Culture Card 10 min
II. Review 10-15 min
III. Quiz 15-20 min
IV. Jigsaw
1. Groups 15 min
2. Lecture/Discussion 5 min
V. Practice 20-30 min
Synonyms: Synonyms:
Definition: Definition:
Synonyms: Synonyms:
Marcus et Quartus
Skim through the reading (page 184) and translate only the sentences that have the four verbs we learned
that take a dative today. Write the line number the sentence is found on, identify the verb and dative used,
and translate that sentence into English.