Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, E-Mail
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, E-Mail
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, E-Mail
Now the AMBAL-M device consists of the central solenoid and one end system. Hot plasma in
the solenoid and end system is filled from the other end by a plasma stream generated by a gas-
discharge source. In 2000-2001 we obtained in the 6 m solenoid the plasma with ~0.4 m diameter,
density ~1.51013 cm-3, electron temperature ~50 eV, and ion energy ~250 eV. For enhancement of
the plasma density hydrogen was puffed into the solenoid plasma near the entrance mirror.
Two methods of gas puffing were used – through a ceramic tube to the solenoid axis and into the
gas-box on the plasma periphery. Both methods were found effective and yielded close results at
identical rates of hydrogen puffing, however the preference was given to the gas box. Optimization
of the hydrogen puffing rate led to the density increase up to ~61013 cm-3 with simultaneous growth
of the plasma energy content The plasma energy content growth at gas puffing to the turbulent
solenoid plasma is explained by fast heating of ions and electrons formed at ionization of hydrogen.
In this work measurement results of plasma and gas local density are submitted. The plasma
density profiles were measured by mobile Langmuir probes and were normalized by attenuation of
a diagnostic beam of fast atoms. The gas local density was measured by two time-domain vacuum
gages placed between the plasma column and the solenoid chamber wall. By results of
measurements estimations of particle balance in the solenoid were executed. The recycling rate also
was estimated.