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Republic of the Philippines Founded 1907 R.A.


Negros Oriental State University

NOPS (1907) NOTS (1927) EVSAT (1956) CVPC (1983)
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines 6200


SUBJECT & TIME: CLJ 300 ( C ) TTH 7-8:30PM DATE: NOV. 19, 2020


I. MULTIPLE CHOICE : Write the correct answer(letter) in the space provided: (20points)

C 1. It is a learning that develops the Knowledge, skills and Values of Human Rights with the
broad goal of building a universal Human Rights culture.
A. Human Rights B. UDHR 1948” C. Human Rights Education D. Civil Rights E. None of the Above

D 2. This rights enables the people to participate in running or influencing the Administration
of the government (e.g. right to vote, right to freedom of expression, right to free and periodic
elections, etc.)
A. Civil Rights B. Bill of Rights C. Classification of HR D. Political Rights E. None of the Above

A 3. It is the concept of human beings as having universal natural rights, or status, regardless of
legal jurisdiction or other localizing, such as ethnicity, nationality and sex.
A. Human Rights B.Civil Rights C. Political Rights D. Human Rights Education E. None of the Above

A 4. This rights pertains to belonging to a person by reason of citizenship (e.g..right to a name,

right to freedom from discrimination, right to equality before the law, right to public trial, right
to marry ,etc.)
A. Civil Rights B. Bill of Rights C. Classification of HR D. Political Rights E. None of the Above

B 5. Human Rights defines as “rights derived from the inherent dignity of the human person’;
also when they are guaranteed by a written constitution are known as “Fundamental Rights” this
definition is from what?
A. Human Rights B. UDHR 1948” C. Human Rights Education D. Civil Rights E. None of the Above

B 6. This is a group of rights that have been recognized by the Supreme Court as requiring a
high degree of protection from government encroachment. These rights are specifically in the
Bill of Rights, or have been found under /
due process.
A. UDHR 1948 B. Fundamental Rights C. Civil Rights D. Bill of Rights E. None of the Above

D 7.It is a written statement that lists the basic rights of the citizens of a country, or a document
containing a formal statement of rights; specifically: a summary of fundamental rights and
privileges guaranteed to a people against violation by the state.
A. UDHR 1948 B. Fundamental Rights C. Civil Rights D. Bill of Rights E. None of the Above

A 8. These rights are moral claims which are inalienable and inherent in all individuals by
virtue of their humanity alone, irrespective of caste, color, creed and place of birth, sex, cultural
difference or any other consideration.
A. Human Rights B. Human Rights Education C. Bill of Rights D. Human dignity E. None of the Above

A 9. These characteristics of human rights are conferred on an individual due to the very nature
of his existence. Inherent in all individuals irrespective of their caste,creed, religion, sex and
A. Human Rights are Inalienable B. Rights as limits to state power C. Human Rights are Irrevocable
D. Human Rights are Universal E. None of the Above

B 10. Human Rights imply that every individual has legitimate claims upon his or her society
for certain freedom and benefits.
A. Human Rights are Inalienable B. Rights as limits to state power C. Human Rights are Irrevocable
D. Human Rights are Universal E. None of the Above
Republic of the Philippines Founded 1907 R.A. 9299

Negros Oriental State University

NOPS (1907) NOTS (1927) EVSAT (1956) CVPC (1983)
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines 6200

B 11. Human Rights are not static, also go on expanding with socio-eco-cultural and political
developments within the State. Judges have to interpret laws in such ways as are in tune with the
changed social values.
A. Rights as limit as state power B. Human Rights are Dynamic C. Human Rights are Irrevocable
D. Human Rights are Universal E. None of the Above

D 12. Human rights are not a monopoly of any privileged class of people, without consideration
and without exception.
A.Human Rights are Inalienable B. Human Rights are Essential and Necessary C. Human Rights are
Irrevocable D. Human Rights are Universal E. None of the Above

C 13. These rights cannot be taken away by any power or authority because these rights
originate with the social nature of man in the society of human beings and they belong to a
person simply because he is a human being.
A. Human Rights are Inalienable B. Human Rights are essential and Necessary
C. Human Rights are Irrevocable D. Human Rights are Universal E. None of the Above

B 14. In the absence of Human Rights, the moral, physical, social and spiritual welfare of an
individual is impossible.
A. Human Rights are Inalienable B. Human Rights are Essential and Necessary
C. Human Rights are Irrevocable D. Human Rights are Universal E. None of the Above

A 15. To treat another individual irrespective of the fact that the person is a male or female, rich
or poor etc. In what concerned?
A. Human Rights are in connection with Human Dignity B. Human Rights are Dynamic
C. Human Rights are Irrevocable D. Human Rights are Universal E. None of the Above

C 16. It acknowledge as a landmark document in Human Rights history. It was drafted by

representatives from various countries and regions with varying legal and cultural experiences.
A. Human Rights Education B. Human Rights C. UDHR D.1987 Philippine Constitution
E. None of the Above

A 17. This Act shall be known as the “Human Rights Victims Reparation and Recognition Act
of 2013”.
A. R.A No. 10368 B. R.A 9372 C. R.A No. 9745 D. R.A No. 8049 E. None of the Above

C 18. This Act shall be known as the ”Anti-torture Act of 2019”.

A. R.A No. 10368 B. R.A 9372 C. R.A No. 9745 D. R.A No. 8049 E. None of the Above

B 9. This Act shall henceforth be known as the “Human Security Act of 2007”.
A. R.A No. 10368 B. R.A 9372 C. R.A No. 9745 D. R.A No. 8049 E. None of the Above

D 20. “Anti-Hazing Act of 1995”, is a national legislation in the Philippines regulating the act
of hazing and other initiation rites in fraternities and sororities in the country. It prohibits and
penalizes physical harm and violence in such practices.
A. R.A No. 10368 B. R.A 9372 C. R.A No. 9745 D. R.A No. 8049 E. None of the Above

II. Enumeration (30points)

1. What are the Basic Human Rights? (10points)

2. Give at least 10 Articles and its meaning of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

III. Essay (30 points)

1. Explain Human Rights. (5points)

2. Why is it important to know about Human Rights? (10points own opinion/ideas)
3. Which Human Right is violated the most in our country? Why? (10points)
4. Is education a Right or a Privilege? Explain.(5points)

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