Transfer of Property PDF
Transfer of Property PDF
Transfer of Property PDF
Jamia Hamdard
Course Syllabus
Course Overview:
Semester: 5TH
Credits: 4
The institution of property is age old concept of society. The right to property is not only a
constitutional right but has also come to be recognized as a human right. Variety of rights and
obligations has been attached to the concept of property which is dealt by various laws in all
legal systems. It is incumbent on law student to know the fundamentals of property laws, the
various modes of acquiring rights in the property and kinds of interests in the property. This
course is intended to teach the basics of property law and its jurisprudence.
The course has a weightage of 100 marks. 75 % of the marks will be covered by the End
Semester Examination; while as 25 % will constitute internal assessment to be done by the
concerned instructor.
(A) End Semester Examination: There shall be ten questions in the Question paper with two
from each unit. Students shall have to answer five questions in all selecting one from each
(B) Internal Assessment: Students will be assessed and evaluated by the concerned teacher
during the entire semester at regular intervals. This will be done by employing a wide range
of methods including written tests, tutorials, term paper writing, presentations etc.
Attendance of the students will also form a part of the internal assessment.
Course Outline:
Definition of transfer of property- difference between transfer and contract- Kinds of interest -
Conditional transfer -Property of any kind may be transferred - Condition restraining enjoyment-
Transfer to an Unborn child- Rule against perpetuity- Class Transfer- Doctrine of Accumulation-
Fulfillment of Condition precedent (Doctrine of Cypress)- Fulfillment of Condition Subsequent –
Doctrine of Acceleration – Covenant Rule in Tulk V Moxhay.
Bonafide Holder under defective title- Doctrine of election – Ostensible owner – Feeding the
grant by Estoppel – Lis pendens – Fraudulent Transfer - Part Performance.
Sale – Definition, difference between sale and contract of sale, rights and liabilities of seller and
buyer before and after completion of sale -Exchange: Definition and mode Actionable Claims-
Gifts: Scope- meaning- mode of transfer- universal gifts- onerous gifts.
Mortgages of Immovable property: Definition- Kinds of mortgages and their features Rights and
liabilities of mortgagor and mortgagee- Priority of securities- Doctrine of Marshalling and
Contribution- Charges- Lease of immovable property: Definition Scope- creation of lease-
Rights and liabilities of lessor and lessee- Determination and holding over.