Detailed Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan
Detailed Lesson Plan
I: Objective
At the end of the lesson. 90% of the students should be able to
A. Discuss the procedure of the PCB designing clearly
B. Perform the step by step procedure of PCB Designing
C. Value the importance of PCB Designing
III: Materials
Pentelpen/Handouts, Ferric Chloride, 2”x3” PCB, ½”Masking Tape, Utility Knife, Plastic
Container, Gloves, Face Mask, Safety Glass
A. Preparation
Teacher Activity Students Activity
“Let us start this day by thanking god and ask for (Assign student will stand in front and will lead the
his Guidance. Assign student please lead the opening prayer)
“Before you take your set kindly pick-up the pieces (The assign secretary of the class will stand tell
of trash and arrange your chair” who are the absentees for the day)
Assign secretary May I know who are the absentees
for this day?
B. Motivation
“When you hear the word designing what comes (Students will raise their hands)
into your mind?” “Making a thing based on what you want to do”
“Thank you, how do you feel when you are given a (Students will raise their hands)
chance to design a thing” “Happily, because I can have a chance to express
what I feel”
“Thank you. It really feels good if you are given a
chance to design, though you have the freedom to
make or design what you want there is always a
step and safety procedure to be followed in order to
make the right design. Right class?” “Yes Sir”
(pick any students from the class) “PCB is an electronic materials used in every
electronic devices”
Going back to the lesson, the printed circuit Board
or PCB is a card made especially for attaching
electronic components
D. Activity
Teacher Activity Students Activity
Safety Precaution
1. Remove all jewelry when performing the
2. Avoid horse playing
3. Use appropriate tools and chemicals to be
4. Do not perform the activity unless the
instructor told you to do o
5. If accident happen, report immediately to
the instructor
Please refer to the handouts for the steps and
procedure in PCB Designing
“Right class”
What is the first step anyone? (Students will raise their hands)
2. Cover the PCB with Masking Tape “Cover the PCB with Masking Tape”
E. Generalization
Based on what you have learned in this topic, who (Students will raise their hands)
can now share their learning’s? “I have learned the PCB is very important in every
device we use. It is said the PCB is the back bone
of every device.
Thank you. How about the steps in PCB Designing. (Students will raise their hands)
Anyone? “I have learned that there are 7 steps in PCB
1. Prepare the materials needed
2. Cover the PCB with Masking Tape
3. Draw out the Lay-out
4. Carefully trace the design using Utility Knife
and remove the excess Masking Tape
5. Subject to etching process
6. Rinse the PCB with water
7. Remove the Masking Tape with the design.
V. Evaluation
General direction: Read the following questions and while the answer to the space provided.
I. Identification
_________________1.It is the back bone of electronic devices.
_________________2.It provides the electrical needs of the electronic components.
_________________3.It holds and provides insulation to the electronic components.
II. Enumeration
4-10 7 steps in PCB Designing
VI. Assignment
A. Follow up assignment
1. Research about different PCB design
2. Individual, submit each PCB with holes already drilled.
B. Advance assignment
1. Read about Soldering a component
Prepared by:
Joel S. Milan
I: Objective
At the end of the lesson. 90% of the students should be able to
1. Identify properly the proper care and usage of tools
2. Know the proper care of tools in accordance with safety practice
3. Apply proper care and uses of tools in accordance with establish procedures
III: Materials
Handouts, CBLM, Soldering Tools, Cutting Tools, Drilling Tools, Driving Tools, Splicing Tools
and Auxiliary Tools
A. Preparation
Teacher Activity Students Activity
“Let us start this day by thanking god and ask for (Assign student will stand in front and will lead the
his Guidance. Assign student please lead the opening prayer)
“Before you take your set kindly pick-up the pieces (The assign secretary of the class will stand tell
of trash and arrange your chair” who are the absentees for the day)
Assign secretary May I know who are the absentees
for this day?
B. Motivation
“When you hear the word tools what comes into (Students will raise their hands)
your mind?” “To make the work easy and safety”
“Thank you. It really feels good if you work using (Students will raise their hands)
appropriate tool for the job, though you have the “Safety, because I know the hazard that can harm
freedom to what you want there is an appropriate us and to avoid accident during laboratory ”
tools and caring of tools in order to make the right
“Very good”
-To ensure proper general maintenance and (Students follow the discussion)
upkeep of laboratory tools and equipment.
C. Lesson Proper
Teacher Activity Students Activity
I will discuss first the helpful tip caring /storing (Students follow the discussion)
tools after we will do task involving caring and
storing tools.
D. Activity
“I will discuss the safety rules during laboratory
and after that you can proceed to your respective
task on how we properly care the tools and we have
some laboratory safety rules” (Students follow the discussion)
Safety Precaution
1. Remove all jewelry when performing the (Students follow the discussion)
2. Avoid horse playing
3. Use appropriate tools and chemicals to be
4. Do not perform the activity unless the
instructor told you to do o
5. If accident happen, report immediately to
the instructor (Students follow the discussion)
“Okay please prepare the entire Tool, Equipment (Students prepare the tools equipment and
And Materials needed for the task.” materials)
“So I will distribute now the Handout/CBLM to (Students will follow the self-paced instructions
those who are ready for the task.” based on Handout/CBLM )
“Please refer to the handouts/CBLM the task (Students will follow the self-paced instructions
assigns to you for further instruction. based on Handout/CBLM )
E. Generalization
Based on what you have learned in this topic, who (Students will raise their hands)
can now share their learning’s? “I have learned proper caring of tools obtain by
safety. Now I understand the quote Safety First”
Thank you. How about the caring and storing of (Students will raise their hands)
tools. Anyone? “I have learned the following tips on how tools care
and stores.
Task Sheet
Students name:
Teachers name
Subject Matter: Proper Care and Use of Tools
Objective: To perform proper caring and storing of tools
Tools/Materials: Handouts, CBLM, Soldering Tools, Cutting Tools, Drilling Tools, Driving Tools,
Splicing Tools and Auxiliary Tools
Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Self Instruction
Performance Standards
VI. Assignment
i. Follow up assignment
1. Read about the terminating and connecting electrical wiring.
Prepared by:
Joel S. Milan
I: Objective
At the end of the lesson. 90% of the students should be able to
1. Identify the appropriate measuring instruments to achieve required outcome
2. Know the accurate measurements obtained for job specification
3. Apply calculation needed to complete work task using four fundamental operation of
4. Read instruments limit accuracy of the tool
III: Materials
Handouts, CBLM, Scale Rule, Pencil, Eraser, Utility Knife, Scissor, Glue gun, Illustration Board
A. Preparation
Teacher Activity Students Activity
“Let us start this day by thanking god and ask for (Assign student will stand in front and will lead the
his Guidance. Assign student please lead the opening prayer)
“Before you take your set kindly pick-up the pieces (The assign secretary of the class will stand tell
of trash and arrange your chair” who are the absentees for the day)
Assign secretary May I know who are the absentees
for this day?
B. Motivation
“When you hear sound box what comes into your (Students will raise their hands)
mind?” “Cabinet or enclosure of the speaker”
“Thank you. It really feels good if all of you will (Students will raise their hands)
participate not only in our discussion but in project “Safety, because I know the hazard that can harm
making a well, though you have the freedom to us and to avoid accident during laboratory ”
design a sound box we some standard size on each
design in order to make a uniform output.
“Okay lets read the Inches Scale” “Student read inches scale”
“Okay lets read the Centimeter scale” “Students will read centimeter scale”
“Okay lets read the Millimeter Scale” “Students read the centimeter scale”
D. Activity
Teacher Activity Students Activity
“Before we proceed to our task, designing sound
box, please follow some safety tip
Safety Tip of drawing and measuring tools: (Students follow the discussion)
Create an outline before you begin drafting
Explain any technical terms
Design to be visually attractive and easy to
The letters and number must be legible to
read and understand
Seat in comfortable manner
Use appropriate tools in drawing (Students follow the discussion)
“If not prepare your tools and materials for the “Students prepare their tools and materials in the
task.” task”
“For the design please refer to the handouts given (Students will follow the self-paced instructions
to you” based on Handout )
“Good job class, please prepare yourself for (Student prepare there self for the generalization)
E. Generalization
Based on what you have learned in this topic, who (Students will raise their hands)
can now share their learning’s? “I have learned and safety during drawing and
making sound box. Now I’m proud that I can
design may own sound ”
Thank you. How about the safety tips in drawing. (Students will raise their hands)
Anyone? “I have learned the following safety tips in drawing.
Task Sheet
Students name:
Teachers name:
Subject Matter: Carry out measurement and calculation
Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Self-Instruction
Performance Standards
VI. Assignment
i. Follow up assignment
1. Read about the electrical/electronic schematic symbols and diagrams.
Prepared by:
Joel S. Milan
I: Objective
At the end of the lesson. 90% of the students should be able to
1. Identify the appropriate hand tools to achieve required outcome
2. Know the appropriate hand tools obtained for job specification
3. Apply use needed hand tools to complete work
III: Materials
Handouts, CBLM, Assorted Screw Driver, Assorted Electrical Plier, 3 meters # 14 PDX Copper
Wire, Illustration board and Glue gun
A. Preparation
Teacher Activity Students Activity
“Let us start this day by thanking god and ask for (Assign student will stand in front and will lead the
his Guidance. Assign student please lead the opening prayer)
“Before you take your set kindly pick-up the pieces (The assign secretary of the class will stand tell
of trash and arrange your chair” who are the absentees for the day)
Assign secretary May I know who are the absentees
for this day?
B. Motivation
“When you hear tools what comes into your (Students will raise their hands)
mind?” “Use to carry out a particular functions”
“Thank you. It really feels good if all of you will (Students will raise their hands)
participate not only in our discussion but in “Safety, because I know the hazard that can harm
performance task as well, though you have the us and to avoid accident during laboratory ”
freedom not use tools but in safety reasons we have
some standard rules to be followed in order to have
a standard output by using appropriate tools.
“Okay good”.
Screw driver
-are hand tools specially designed to insert
and tighten or to loosen and remove screws. (Students follow the discussion)
Slotted screwdriver
-use to drive or fasten negative slotted
screws. (Students follow the discussion)
Philip screwdriver
-use to drive or fasten positive slotted screws. (Students follow the discussion)
Soldering Tools:
Soldering iron
-is a device for applying heat to melt solder
in attaching two metal parts (Students follow the discussion)
Splicing Tools:
Long nose
-is used for holding, bending and starching
the lead of electronic component or connecting two
wires. (Students follow the discussion)
Side cutter
-is a wire cutting pliers, though they are used
to grab or turn anything, but are used to cut wires. (Students follow the discussion)
Electrical pliers
-use for splicing wires. (Students follow the discussion)
Boring Tools:
-is used to bore or drill holes in the printed
circuit board. (Students follow the discussion)
Safety Tip of hand tools in wire splicing: (Students follow the discussion)
Cut the wires according to size
Take not to damage the insulators
Design to be visually attractive and easy to
The letters and number must be legible to
read and understand
Seat in comfortable manner
Use appropriate tools (Students follow the discussion)
“If not prepare your tools and materials for the “Students prepare their tools and materials in the
task.” task”
“For the design please refer to the handouts given (Students will follow the self-paced instructions
to you” based on Handout )
“Good job class, please prepare yourself for (Student prepare there self for the generalization)
F. Generalization
Based on what you have learned in this topic, who (Students will raise their hands)
can now share their learning’s? “I have learned on how do the kinds of splicing in
accordance with workplace standards and the
importance of hand tools in wire splicing”
Thank you. How about the safety tips of hand tools (Students will raise their hands)
in wire splicing. Anyone? “I have learned the following safety tips of hand
tools in wire splicing.
V. Evaluation
Task Sheet
Students name:
Teachers name:
Subject Matter: Using Hand tools
Equipment: N/A
1. Always follow Safety Precaution
2. Choice hand tools
3. Read instructions
4. Clean and inspect the hand tools
5. Store the hand tools properly
Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Self Instruction
Performance Standards
VI. Assignment
i. Follow up assignment
ii. Read about the electrical/electronic circuits symbols and diagrams.
Prepared by:
Joel S. Milan