WA Melchiorri
WA Melchiorri
WA Melchiorri
– p.1/139
1. Introduction;
2. General description of a telemanipulation system:
3. Overview on applications and existing devices;
4. Force reflection in telemanipulation:
5. Introduction to the Passivity Theory;
6. Modelling of telemanipulation systems;
7. Control techniques for telemanipulation systems:
8. Performance measures for telemanipulation systems;
9. Demos (experimental setup).
Robotic Telemanipulation:
Introduction - History - Applications
Claudio Melchiorri
– p.3/139
Telemanipulation - Introduction
Development of different “TELE-techologies”:
capability of performing remote manipulation of objects/environments.
Probably, the initial noticeable research interest, despite the existing operating devices,
has not been fully respected:
technological reasons;
different location of the operator and robotic device.
Telemanipulation - Introduction
Some basic definitions:
HUMAN OPERATOR: person performing the observation and control (supervision of the
development) of a desired task.
TELEOPERATOR: machine that extends (to a remote location) the sensing and
manipulation capabilities of an human operator.
Both master and slave devices have their own local control system, with a very large
variety of complexity and sophistication levels, which allow the execution of desired
Telem-Intro - Claudio Melchiorri – p.7/139
3. A communication channel is present between the master and the slave sites.
This channel may represent a source of problems when a time-delay is present, since, as well known from the
control theory, delays in a feedback loop may generate instability.
Even time-delays of the order of the tenth of a second may create instability problems.
General description of a telemanipulation system
The main features of the components of a telemanipulator are the following.
The master.
The master, or local system, is the interface through which the operator specifies
commands to the whole device. Typical features of the master are:
Capability of assigning tasks to the slave and providing the operator with relevant
information about the task development.
Several implementative solutions have been adopted: joysticks and/or consoles,
exoskeletons, ...
Different types of signals may be reflected by these devices to the operator, from
simple graphical data to full kinetostatic information.
Capability of acquiring and processing data from both the operator and the slave.
Typical elaborations are filtering, prediction, delay compensation, modelling of
remote and local dynamics, and so on.
A robotic system for the interaction with the environment and the execution of the
task planned by the operator.
This part, usually provided with autonomous features, has to be in some way
customised to operate in particular environments, e.g. submarine, outer space,
nuclear areas.
Note that the kinematics and the dynamics of the remote manipulator may be
different from those of the local one (problems when telepresence is needed).
A signal acquisition and processing.
Sensory capability is a main requirement for the slave device, which is often
equipped with video cameras, force/tactile sensors, proximity sensors, and so on.
The capability of data processing. Also the remote site must be able to elaborate
the information needed for task execution. In fact, besides other considerations, the
destabilising effects originated by communication delays and/or restricted
bandwidths of transmission must be compensated locally, providing the slave
system with a certain degree of autonomy.
General description of a telemanipulation system
The communication line.
The communication line represents the link between the master and slave sites.
Different platforms may be used for this purpose, from radio connections by means of
satellites to cables for underwater operations.
Main drawback. Time delay in the transmission of signals:
physical delay in the transmission line (e.g. in a long satellite communication),
limited bandwidth of the hardware.
The time delay, in some case not constant, can originate noticeable instability problems
if proper compensating actions are not taken.
Development of Telemanipulation
1954: electro-mechanical master-slave teleoperator developed by Goertz at Argonne
National Lab.;
Development of Telemanipulation
late 50’s interest in applying this new technology to human limb prostheses. Kobrinskii
(Moscow) in 1960 developed a lower-arm prosthesis driven by myoelectric signal
from the upper arm;
60’s Rapid developments in the medical field, with teleoperators installed on the
wheelchairs of quadraplegics and commanded by the tongue;
Development of Telemanipulation
60’s: Telepresence, force reflection, two-arm teleoperators. touch sensing and display,
Significative example is the Mosher’s Handyman, developed at General Electric Co.;
Development of Telemanipulation
1966: US Navy’s CURV (Cable Controlled Underwater Vehicle), for retrieval of a bomb
from the deep ocean.
Development of Telemanipulation
1965: first experiments with relevant time-delays (race to the Moon): instability
problems were firstly noticed in force reflection.
Overview on applications
Use of telemanipulators, in the broader sense of the terminology, may be found in a
number of different areas developed since the early 50’s.First examples of these devices
have been designed and realised for operations in radioactive environments and for
human limb prostheses.
Space applications
Robots are used in space for: Main reasons of using robots in space are
exploration, high costs of human operators,
scientific experiments, hostile environment for human beings.
commercial activities.
At the moment, most part of the teleoperation in space is performed in activities related
to shuttles (problems are well defined and the environment is structured).
Usually, the operator performs a direct control of the task executed by the manipulator.
ROTEX is a robotic arm for intra-vehicular activities developed by DLR, Germany.
It was successfully used in the mission of the space-shuttle COLUMBIA in 1993,
performing three significant tasks: assembly of a grid, connection/disconnection of an
electrical plug, grasp of a flying object.
Main features:
advanced materials
tactile arrays,
predictive control
The rover Sojourner is probably the most known space rover, after the succesfull NASA
mission Pathfinder on Mars (July 4, 1997).
Space rovers
Current technology would allow further substantial developments, which are slowed
down by the large amount of money and time required to guarantee a successful
For these reasons the research are in general jointly developed by national space
agencies, industries and research laboratories.
80’s: extensive use of ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicles) for offshore operations for
oil/gas industry.
At the moment, underwater telerobotics is mainly used for business, military missions
and scientific expeditions.
The main users of telesubmersibles are the communications (telephone) and oil
industries, where under water pipes and cables require routine operations.
The scientific community uses this technology for marine biological, geological, and
archaeological missions.
The military have used telerobotics in many salvage operations, such as plane or
watercraft recovery.
However, the most important users are probably in the business field, where it is more
economical to send teleoperated devices rather than human divers.
Technical problems due to conditions of the water environment:
high pressures
hydraulic actuators
poor visibility
External lighting, sonar, ...
communication difficulties
radio, cables, (both), ...
Control aspects:
first examples of underwater teleoperation were mainly based on manned
submersibles, either free swimming or connected to a surface ship, and with
teleoperated arms on the outer structure;
telerobotics (autonomous) tasks are usually limited to small routine tasks rather
than complete activities, for example simple tool switching operations, repetitive
bolt/nut screwing, piloting to new locations;
in more recent operations, human operators remotely control the submersibles;
computer graphic simulation may help the user during task execution in partially
known environments.
Medicine (Telesurgery)
Main applications of robotic manipulators in the medical field:
Medicine (Telesurgery)
Medicine (Telesurgery)
improving performances for operation presenting spatial problems for a surgeon (better and less destructive
Reliability is one of the main requirements, since equipment must typically operate
in contaminated/dangerous areas for long periods of time.
Significant technological problems are encountered due to radiations and high
Telerobotics in mining and other industries
Besides the typical use of robots in a number of industrial applications (assembly,
welding, painting, and so on), other applications of robotic systems in ‘non-conventional’
production processes have been developed, for example in:
Applications in this area aim to employ telerobotic devices for the protection of persons and properties. Most
systems used in this area are teleoperated devices since these tasks require decision capabilities and
intelligence levels not possible for machines at the present time.
In the area of security, robots may be used for patrolling buildings (e.g. offices and factories) and for protection
Also militars adopt teleoperation, mainly for locating enemies or dangerous equipment without direct risk for
human personnel.
– p.37/139
Passivity Theory
represents a powerful and elegant tool for the analysis and control design for both
linear and non linear dynamic systems;
is a mathematical description of the physical concepts of power and energy;
is very closely related to the stability theory (Lyapunov, energy functions);
allows the design of control strategies for the interaction with arbitrary passive
environments without too concern on modelling and estimation;
human operators can easily deal with passive systems;
transient phases are not well described.
Passivity: some definitions
Let us introduce the following notations:
, a subset of IR (in general the time domain);
, a vector space with the usual Euclidean norm (usually IR );
, the set of all functions mapping in :
, with the properties of
a linear space;
and the causal truncation operator (defined in the case of infinite time functions)
! "
smooth in , with .
defined as
# ! IR
Passivity: some definitions
Definition: The system (1) is said to be PASSIVE if there exists a continuous function,
called storage function,
IR , which satisfies ,
such that
Definition: The system (1) is said to be STRICTLY PASSIVE if there exists a continuous
(storage) function, IR , which satisfies , and a
such that
Lemma Let suppose the system (1) be (strictly) passive. If the storage function is
positive definite, radially unbounded, and decrescent, then, for , the equilibrium
3. More in general, the passivity of a system is not changed by a transformation
expressed by an orthogonal matrix (i.e. a matrix such that
Robotic Telemanipulation:
Modelling Aspects
Claudio Melchiorri
mechanical system force/torque applied to the system linear/angular velocity of the system
electrical system voltage across the terminals current through the network
The analogy is based on similarities between the following variables of mechanical and
electrical systems:
Current Velocity
Viscous friction
Inductance Inertia
Capacitance !
# Stiffness
Series/parallel of previous
One-port impedance '
Modelling a teleoperation system
Complex mechanical systems can be described by means of elementary mechanical
elements (both passive and active):
Viscous friction
sech tanh
( and
characteristic inductance and capacitance of the line)
Two important elements
Ideal transformer
Example of a teleoperation model
, the device is described by the network:
, a generator should be included:
are transfer matrices.
Teleoperation system description
The most convenient description can be chosen considering:
Impedance matrix
which relates effort ( ) and flow ( ) variables as:
Impedance matrix
when both the off-diagonal blocks of
, are not null:
Hybrid matrix
The impedance decription is not general since it cannot describe particular two-port
elements, i.e. the ideal transformer. A more general description for teleoperation
systems is given by the hybrid matrix, defined according to the following sign convention:
$ $
Hybrid matrix
Physical meaning of the hybrid matrix elements:
force ratio
velocity ratio
IDEAL HYBRID MATRIX. In case of ideal telepresence, forces and velocities of master
and slave are equal, and therefore:
Hybrid vs Impedance
Assuming impedances at the master and slave sites described by the matrices,
the impedance transmitted to the operator can be computed as a function of the hybrid
In the 1 dof case, for example, the following relationship between actual and transmitted
impedance is obtained:
! !
Hybrid vs Impedance
The possibility of exploiting the relation between master and slave impedance matrices
consists in:
Wave variables
Let consider the total power flow in a two-port element as composed of two terms, the
input power and output power :
! !
! !
Wave variables
input wave output wave
Wave variables can be applied both to linear and non-linear systems.
From physical intuition, in stable system the “amplitude” of is less than the
“amplitute” of :
Scattering matrix
The Scattering operator (or matrix) relates the input/output wave variables, and , at
Definition. Given an -port system, the scattering matrix (or scattering operator) is
defined as the operator which relates input and output wave variables as:
Scattering vs Passivity
Theorem. An LTI -port element with scattering matrix
and only if
! "
Scattering vs Passivity
– p.67/139
Unstructured environment;
Presence of a human operator for high-level control:
man/machine interface;
training of specialized personnel;
Control strategies for telemanipulation systems
In general, two distinct and different robotic systems (master & slave):
different kinematics;
different work space;
different impedance characteristics;
different dynamics properties;
Transmission of signals to remote sites (master slave):
choice of suitable signals (position, force, vision, temperature, . . . );
choice and computation of the “coordination” signal;
Time delays (limited bandwith and/or remote location):
instability problems if signals are fed back to master site.
Master Slave
The controller output is relayed directly to the slave servos, where is it interpreted as a VELOCITY command.
Some considerations:
+ Simple implementation;
Master Slave
The controller output is interpreted as a VELOCITY command by the slave servos, after being properly
elaborated by the control system (typically: change of reference frame).
Some considerations:
+ Allows change of reference frames;
Master Slave
The controller output is relayed directly to the slave servos, and is interpreted as a DESIRED JOINT MOTION
Some considerations:
+ Simple implementation;
Master Slave
The controller output is interpreted as a DESIRED JOINT MOTION command by the slave servos, expressed in
a convenient reference frame attached to the slave (end-effector, ...).
Some considerations:
The controller output is relayed directly to the slave servos, and is interpreted as a DESIRED JOINT MOTION
Simultaneously, the slave position is sent back to the master controller, where it is interpreted as a REQUIRED
The result is the generation of a force at both the master and slave site when their positions is different.
Some considerations:
+ Simple implementation;
+ Force feedback;
Master joint signals are transformed into equivalent Cartesian movements of the slave reference point, and then
transformed in servo joint commands;
Similarly, the slave position is transformed and sent back to the master controller.
When the positions of master and slave are different, there is force reflection at the master and force generation
at the slave site.
Some considerations:
SCALING: a “geometric gain” may be used between master and slave motions. Useful
for gross motions and/or precision operations.
MOTION CONSTRAINTS: constraints are artificially added to the slave site in order to
protect or improve the control action.
COMPENSATION TECHNIQUES: data to/from the slave are artificially modified in order
to enhance or compensate some (physical) effects, such as dynamics, friction, tracking
of moving objects, and so on.
Bilateral control
Usually, the goals of a telemanipulator are to operate in an unstructured environment,
and therefore the human control is required.
Since the operator represents the main “controller” of the system, he/she requires to be
informed about the evolution of the task and about some pertinent information:
The choice of the type of signals transmitted to the operator has strong implications on
the control properties and performances of the system.
Bilateral control
The term ‘coordination’ is used to indicate a signal computed as a function of the master
and slave variables, in order to obtain their reciprocal tracking.
Bilaterally controlled teleoperator: when the flow of the signals can be reversed, i.e. the
operator may assign a force and receives back a velocity information.
This is equivalent to reversing the roles of the master and the slave.
Possible control design goals
In designing the overall control systems, some goals can be considered:
Power scaling;
Impedance scaling;
Impedance shaping.
Possible control design goals
A possible set of relationships between velocities
and forces
In general, there are four relations between velocities/forces, but only three can be
independently assigned.
' '
operational amplifiers are information flow processors and result in unilateral elaboration (ideal input/output
power scaling devices are power flow processing elements and result in bilateral elaboration (power couplings
between the elements, non-ideal input/output impedances).
Ideal power scaling device:
force scaling factor,
operator admittance function,
environment impedance function
$ $
the power contributions at the two ports of the device are related by:
The impedance factor of the bilateral system is given by .
By defining a proper selection of the velocity/force scaling factors, it is possible to
independently obtain certain values of the power and impedance factors:
scaling the power;
scaling the impedance.
transmitted to the operator equals the
Power Impedance
Attenuation Magnification
: $
power is amplified from the operator to the task. Minification Amplification
! !
a real-time simulation of a “virtual environment” is used (with the model of the environment) for obtaining the
apparent impedance.
In general, it is possible to obtain geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarities:
Geometric similarity: the ratios between all geometric dimensions of master/slave subsystems are equal.
Kinematic similarity: equality of all geometric dimension ratios and time scaling.
Dynamic similarity: equality of all geometric dimensional ratios, time scaling and force ratios.
An example
Consider a bilateral macro/micro teleoperator with position scaling factor
Two possibilities for the choice of the force scaling factor:
$ $
$ $
Apparent impedance
Robotic Telemanipulation:
Control Schemes
Claudio Melchiorri
1. Presence of time-delays. The control schemes will be described and their features
in the presence of time-delays discussed.
2. Scattering theory. The scattering analysis will be adopted in order to investigate
the passivity properties of the control methodologies (hybrid and scattering
3. Communication line. The control schemes are mainly based on different
methodologies for the computation of the coordination signal, without dealing with
the local controllers.
The analysis considers the communication line properties as a key factor for a
suitable definition of the coordination in presence of time-delays.
4. Limitations. In the following analysis, the human operator and the environment
model are not considered.
5. Experimental activity. A simple 1 dof teleoperation device (two one-dof “robots”
position and force sensorized) is used for implementing the different control
communication “law”:
reduces the performances without producing a valuable improvement of the stability properties;
the communication channel does not result passive, and this originates instability;
the non-passive communication channel introduces power contributions in the overall system.
These contributions have to be compensated by introducing attenuation in the local controllers.
Modelling the TFR
, master/slave masses and damping factors,
human operator model (stiffness),
slave position controller.
Telem-Contr - Claudio Melchiorri – p.99/139
, computed for
, is
Modelling the TFR
The norm of the scattering matrix for TFR is:
The norm of the scattering matrix results infinite and the passivity conditions are not
verified even for very low time-delays .
In practical applications, stability can be achieved only by inserting attenuation at the
local controllers in order to compensate the power components introduced by the
communication channel.
, of TFR teleoperators is reported in the figure:
as a function of
−2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
w*T [rad]
TFR: scattering analysis
−2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
w*T [rad]
, i.e. the system is not passive
The norm of the scattering matrix is unbounded for
, bounded for
The non-passivity features of the TFR do not change by reducing the force
reflection gain.
Telem-Contr - Claudio Melchiorri – p.103/139
TFR Verification
(a) forcem/s [N] (c) fmd−fs [N*m]
x 10
2 4
0 2
−2 0
−4 −2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
(b) xm−xs [rad] −3 (d) tm−ts [N*m]
x 10
0.4 5
0.2 0
0 −5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) forcem/s [N]
2 (c) fmd−fs [N*m]
0 1 2 3 4 5 −0.01
0 1 2 3 4 5
(b) xm−xs [rad]
(d) tm−ts [N*m]
1 0.01
0.5 0
0 −0.01
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] Time [s]
It is proportional to the error of the actual master posture and the delayed slave one,
through the force reflection gain .
Shared Compliance Control (SCC)
Note that the coordination strategy introduces a compliance between the robot positions.
# #
+ -
master dynamics !
slave dynamics !
environment model #
In order to apply the network theory and compute the hybrid matrix, we consider the
following scheme:
, thus allowing the hybrid representation.
SCC: Stability Analysis
The maximum singular value, , of the scattering matrix of SCC is
s_max[S(j w)]
−2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
w [rad/s]
Telem-Contr - Claudio Melchiorri – p.111/139
−2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
w [rad/s]
the time-delay;
−10 −5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
−3 (d) tm−ts [N*m]
(b) xm−xs [rad] x 10
1 5
0.5 0
0 −5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s]
−5 −20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(b) xm−xs [rad] (d) xm−xs [rad]
0.5 1.5
−0.5 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s]
For larger time-delays the force reflection gain should be accordingly reduced to guarantee stability.
SCC and phase-lag controller
In SCC teleoperation for a given time-delay a proper limitation of the force reflection
gain should be introduced.
control law in the feedback flow of the teleoperator, in place of the gain:
The zero ( ) and the pole ( ) of the phase-lag network design can be based on
similar initial operator force action on master, (in both cases time-delay $
0 0
−5 −5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(b) xm−xs [rad] (d) xm−xs [rad]
−0.5 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) operator/environment forces (c) operator/environment forces
(b) master/slave positions (d) master/slave positions
Robotic Telemanipulation:
Passive Control
Claudio Melchiorri
– p.117/139
stability time-delay
The communication channel is designed on the basis of the lossless transmission line
and the electro-mechanical analogy.
Two control schemes have been introduced (Anderson & Spong, Niemeyer & Slotine)
corresponding to different considered levels of complexity and phenomena:
from which the following alternative representation of the lossless transmission is obtained:
In real application a scaling (impedance) should be introduced in the previous equations between velocities and
Introduction of scaling factors between velocities and forces should be carefully considered in order to maintain
the passivity of the network.
Introduction of scaling without altering the passivity properties is obtained by means of two transformers
(passive two-port elements) at both the master and the slave site.
! !
By considering the wave variables in place of the power ones, the alternative description
of the communication network is obtained:
Impedance adaptation
Impedance mismatches are present at the extremities of the communication line,
originating Power Reflections at both sites of the teleoperation system.
does not introduce dissipation for the possible power reflections, destabilizing the device.
Impedance adaptation
The time descriptions of the adaptation elements are:
and being the new input variables of the communication line.
The insertion of these elements results in the modification of the stability features of the
network as well as of its description:
! !
Impedance adaptation
A scheme representing the two adaptation elements at the terminations of the
communication line is:
Impedance adaptation
Considering the previous power variable description of the network
a scheme for the compensation of this effect can be obtained by adding the
following further element at the slave site.
Scattering Analysis
Maximum singular value
teleoperation scheme is given:
of the scattering matrix of passivity based
as a function of ,
for different values of the force reflection gain
s_max[S(j w)]
−3 −2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10
w*T [rad]
The introduction of the drift compensation schemes does not alter the passivity of the network.
Experimental Verification
Adapted passivity based teleoperation,
operator action (force pulse) on the master,
0 2
−10 0
−20 −2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
−3 (d) tm−ts [N*m]
(b) xm−xs−xsd [rad] x 10
0 −5
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) operator/environment forces (c) master/slave forces
(b) master/slave positions (d) master/slave torques
Position Drift
Adapted passivity based teleoperation,
operator action on the master,
interaction with the environment,
position drift between master and slave (no use of drift compensation algorithm),
−4 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
(b) xm−xs−xsd [rad] −3 (d) tm−ts [N*m]
x 10
2 2
0 −4
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] Time [s]
Telem-PassC - Claudio Melchiorri – p.129/139
Position Drift
Introduction of the position drift compensation algorithm:
0 1 2 3 4 5 −0.05
0 1 2 3 4 5
(b) xm−xs−xsd [rad]
(d) tm−ts [N*m]
1 0
0 −0.05
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time [s] Time [s]
Predictive Control
PREDICTIVE CONTROL: the task is graphically simulated in real-time, without
time-delay, exploiting a model of the remote environment and of the slave device.
A graphic interpace is used on which the robotic device is superimposed on the real
operating system in the scene of the remote site.
This type of task planning helps when a noticeable time-delay occurs. In fact, when
operators deal with relevant time-delays, usually they operate with a “move and wait”
strategy, specifying small displacements to the remote robot. With predictive control this
is avoided.
On the other hand, the operator has only visual information about the remote
environment and the task execution.
The force information may or may not be transmitted to the operator, and an extensive
use of graphic simulation and telesensor programming is made to help control of the
task execution.
In the ROTEX project, this control approach has been adopted.
By using predictive display, the time required to execute complex tasks is greatly
Robotic Telemanipulation:
Claudio Melchiorri
Evaluation criteria for teleoperated systems
with proper values of the coefficients , and .
Given a particular task, the time to completion is defined as the elapsed time from its
start ( ) to its completion
This index has been extensively used to evaluate stereo-vision systems and to asses
workload and task learning.
The computation of this index is quite simple in well defined tasks, such as in laboratory
experiments, while it results more difficult in other circumstances.
With this criterion, a system is “good” if the time it requires for executing a task is the
minimum. A drawback is that this criterion does not provide any information about the
quality of the execution.
Evaluation criteria for teleoperated systems
This criterion clearly depends on the personal judgement of the operator, and therefore it
may not be regarded as an absolute index.
However, it has been shown that this criterion may be definitely correlated with other
performance measures, e.g. time to completion, and that it takes into account more
complex information not easily measurable in other manners.
Although several indices based on the energy consumption required to execute a
particular task have been proposed, it was found that a simple measure of the average
of the absolute changes in joint displacements per period of measurement is as
informative about the performances of a teleoperator as more complex effort functions.
Assuming a constant period of measure:
is the number of periods,
is the displacement of joint in the -th period, and
is a proper weight factor.
A similar index could be defined considering task variables instead of joint variables.
In fact, tasks in the velocity or force domain can be performed with different efficiency
depending on the configuration of the robotic arm. Basically, measures of this type are
extensions to telemanipulators of known manipulability indices for industrial arms, mostly
based on the Jacobian matrix of a given robot.
the determinant of , det
A performance index can be defined as the “distance” between these two matrices:
In the computation of the hybrid matrix
all the dynamics relating the operator to
the environment (i.e. the master with its controller, the communication line, the slave and
the environment) have to be considered.
If one takes into consideration, for example, only the hybrid matrix of the communication
line, misleading results may be obtained.
) for any dynamics of the manipulated object;
) for any dynamics of the manipulated object;
ideal response 3: both the slave position and force variables are equal to the
master ones for any dynamics of the manipulated object.
Evaluation criteria for teleoperated systems
The performance indices are defined according to the ideal responses 1, 2, and 3 as
defines the frequency range of interest, and
are the
transfer functions from the input (i.e. the force applied by the operator) to the master position, slave position, master
force and slave force respectively.
is introduced in the indices
for weighting different
frequencies components.
From the definitions, it is clear that the measures provided by the indices represent distances between slave and
master positions ( ) and forces ( ).