Optimal Control of 2-Link Underactuated Robot Manipulator: Amit Kumar, Shrey Kasera, L. B. Prasad
Optimal Control of 2-Link Underactuated Robot Manipulator: Amit Kumar, Shrey Kasera, L. B. Prasad
Optimal Control of 2-Link Underactuated Robot Manipulator: Amit Kumar, Shrey Kasera, L. B. Prasad
Abstract—Robot manipulators are nonlinear multi-link [20-23]. If robot manipulator dynamic model is controllable then
system, having higher disturbances and uncertainties. Thus, the for optimal control Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) can be
controlling of robot manipulator is matter of concern. In this designed with the help of feed forward gain. For Linear
paper for deriving the dynamics of robot manipulator Euler Quadratic Regulator (LQR) design feed forward gain can be
Lagrange (EL) method is used. This paper proposes a nonlinear obtained by solving Algebraic Recatti Equation (ARE) [13-19].
optimal control approach of 2-link robot manipulator. At first Because of the dynamic equations of robot manipulators are
stage linearization of robot manipulator is performed at its nonlinear, due to this reason in optimal control of robot
operating point using Taylor series expansion. For optimal manipulator for Linear Quadratic Regulator(LQR) design the
control, Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) is designed after
dynamics of robot manipulator should be linearized.
linearization of nonlinear dynamics of 2-link robot. This uses the
feed forward gain to control the robot manipulator and to achieve
In this presented paper section II represent the mathematical
desired position and velocity. This proposed paper shows that modeling of 2-Link robot manipulator and in section III
Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controlled robot manipulator linearization of nonlinear dynamics of robot manipulator is
is locally stable. performed. In section IV for optimal control linear quadratic
regulator is designed, and in section V simulation and results and
Index Terms—Robot manipulator, Euler Lagrange (EL), in VI conclusions are discussed.
Taylor series, LQR.
A. 2-link Robot manipulator
Robots are introduced in industries for increasing
productivity, quality improvement and for replacement of
human in hazardous task. Robot manipulators are multi-link
nonlinear system [1]. Mostly robot manipulators are driven by
actuators which may be electric, hydraulic or pneumatic. Robot
manipulator dynamics describes how in the response of these
actuator forces the robot moves.
In this paper 2-link under actuated planer robot is considered
for discussion of optimal control. Recently much attention has
been taken in the field of robotics to control of mechanical
systems, where the number of control inputs are lesser than that
of generalized co-ordinates, such type of system is known as
under actuated system [2]. The under actuated system also used
in mobile robot systems. For example, manipulator arm is
attached to mobile platform, space platform or sea vehicles. In
this paper the 2-link robot one joint is attached with dc motor for
actuation and other link is un- actuated (no motor is connected
at the joint), the second link is as a simple pendulum and the Fig.1. 2-Link Robot Manipulator
motion of second link is controlled by actuation of first link. In this paper for optimal control of robot considering a 2-link
Under actuated robot manipulator control is the most robot arm which is acting in vertical plane against the
challenging task in robotics [3] because of presence of gravitational force. Here the considered robot arm is in
nonlinearity in dynamics of robot with unity controlling underactuated condition, an actuator is connected with elbow (at
element. Due to occurrence of gravity part robot manipulator joint-2) but no actuator is connected at shoulder (at joint-1) as
dynamics does not identify precise state feedback linearization shown in Fig.1.The most common control task in robot is swing-
[3]. Dynamic of 2-link robot is written in paper by using kinetic up control task in which the elbow (joint-2) torque is used to
and potential energy of links using Euler Lagrange approach balance and transfer the robot arm in vertical arrangement.
2017 International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)
ݔଵ ߠଵ ݂
ۍ ې ߠۍଵ ې
ௗ ݔଶ ௗ ଶ ݂ଶ
൦ ൪ ൌ ێሶ ۑൌ ۑ ݂ێ (22) The linearized system matrixes we obtained are:
ௗ௧ ݔଷ ௗ௧ ߠێଵ ۑ ێଷ ۑ
ݔସ ሶ
ߠ ۏଶ ے ۏ ݂ ସے
Ͳ Ͳ ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
݂ଵ ൌ ݔଷ (23) Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ͳ
݂ଶ ൌ ݔସ (24) A=൦ ൪ B= Ͳ
ͳʹǤͶͻ െͳʹǤͷͶ Ͳ Ͳ െʹǤͻͺ
ெమ ర ௦௫మ ௫యమ ల ୡ୭ୱሺ௫భ ା௫మ ሻ
݂ଷ ൌ െ െ െ െͳͶǤͶͻ ʹͻǤ͵ Ͳ Ͳ ͷǤͻͺ
ఱ ାర ௦௫మ ఱ ାర ௦௫మ ఱ ାర ௦௫మ
ఱ ఏమሷ ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
ఱ ାర ௦௫మ Ͳ ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
C=൦ ൪ D = [0]
Ͳ Ͳ ͳ Ͳ
ర ௦௫మ ௫రమ ାଶర ௦௫మ ௫ర ௫య ళ ௦௫భ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ͳ
݂ସ ൌ െ െ
ఱ ାర ௦௫మ ఱ ାర ௦௫మ
ల ୡ୭ୱሺ௫భ ା௫మ ሻ ሺሺభ ାమ ାయ ାଶర ௦௫మ ሻାூభ ାூమ ሻఏభሷ
ఱ ାర ௦௫మ ఱ ାర ௦௫మ
The one well known method of optimal control theory of pole
Linearization about a fixed point ( ǡ Ͳ) with the help of placement method is Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) [7].
Taylor series expansion is performed using, The optimal pole location can be evaluated by LQR algorithm,
డ డ which is based on the performance index. The optimal
ݔሶ ൌ ݂ሺݔǡ ݑሻ ൎ ݂ሺ כ ݔǡ כݑሻ ቂ ቃ ሺ ݔെ כ ݔሻ ቂ ቃ ሺ ݑെ כݑሻ (27) performance index will be defined firstly in order to find the
డ௫ డ௨
After partial differentiation put x= כ ݔand u=כݑ optimal feedforward gain and after that Algebraic Recati
Now assume that, in linearization of robot manipulator Equation(ARE) will be solved [6].
dynamic equation, about the fixed point ݂ሺ כ ݔǡ כݑሻ is zero. To achieve finest performance in according to provided
Then the linearized dynamic equation in state space form is amount of performance, LQR is found to be a best control
ݍሶ method. To minimize the objective function J, LQR controller
ݔሶ = ିଵ ൨ (28)
ܯ ሺݍሻሾݑܤ െ ܪሺݍǡ ݍሶ ሻݍሶ െ ܩሺݍሻሿ is designed with the help of a state feedback K. [9-12]. To
ݔሶ ൎ A ( ݔെ ) כ ݔ+ B ( ݑെ ) כݑ (29) realize certain negotiation among the application of control
Where determination, magnitude and the rate of response that will
ݔെ כ ݔൌ ݔ and ݑെ כݑൌ ݑ confirms a stable system, the feedback gain matrix is used, as
ݔሶ =ܣሶݔ ݑܤ and ݕൌ ݔܥ ݑܦ (30) this will minimize the objective function.
After applying Taylor expansion about equilibrium point For continuous time, linear system is described by:
כݑ݀݊ܽ כ ݔ,the equation obtained in form of simple state space ݔሶ ൌ ݔܣ ݑܤAnd ݕൌ ݔܥ ݑܦ (33)
as Cost functional defined as:
Ͳܫ ܬൌ ሺ ݔܳ ் ݔ ݑܴ ்ݑሻ݀ݐ (34)
A= ቈെିܯଵ డீ െିܯଵ ܥ (31) Where Q and R are the weighting matrixes, Q is positive
semi definite matrix and R is Positive definite symmetric
Ͳ matrix.
B= ቂ ቃ (32) An energy function can be taken as, performance index (J).
െିܯଵ ܤ
Robot manipulator is in under actuated condition and no motor so, that for minimizing the performance index, the total
is provided at joint-1 thus applied torque at joint one is zero [4]. energy of the closed-loop system should be keeps small. In
Using Jacobian, the matrix A and B also can be written as performance index (J) the control input (u) and the state x
are biased such that to keep performance index (J) is
߲݂ଵ ߲݂ଵ ߲݂ଵ minimum, control input u and state x can’t be too large.
ǥ Performance index (J) is surely finite if it is minimized and
ݔ߲ۇଵ ߲ݔଶ ߲ݔ ۊ
since it is an infinite integral of x, this is implying that as
ۈ ߲݂ଶ ߲݂ଶ ߲݂ଶ ۋ
ܣൌ ݔ߲ ݔ߲ۈǥ ߲ ۋ ݔȁ כ ݔǡ כݑ time t tends to infinity the x tends to zero. It turns that the
ଵ ଶ closed loop system will be guaranteed stable.
ۈǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ ǥ Ǥۋ
߲݂ ߲݂ ߲݂ The positive semi definite matrices Q (of nxn) and
ǥ positive definite matrix R (of m×m) are chosen by the design
ݔ߲ۉଵ ߲ݔଶ ߲ݔ ی
߲݂ଵ ߲݂ଵ ߲݂ଵ engineer. Depending on how these design parameters are
ǥ selected, the closed-loop system will present different
ۇଵ ߲ܯଶ ߲ܯ ۊ
݂߲ ۈଶ ߲݂ଶ ǥ ߲݂ଶ כ כ ۋ To keep performance index J minimum, if design engineer
ܤൌ ܯ߲ ܯ߲ۈ ߲ܯ ۋȁ ݔǡ ݑ
ଵ ଶ select Q large enough then the state x is minimum minimum
ۈǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǤ ۋ and the control input u must be small when the R is selected
߲݂ ߲݂ ߲݂
ǥ large. This mean that, the larger values of Q result are
ܯ߲ۉଵ ߲ܯଶ ߲ܯ ی
2017 International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)
closed-loop system matrix ሺ ܣെ ܭܤሻ poles are lie in left of ܲଵଶ ൌ ܲଶଵ ǡ ܲଷଵ ൌ ܲଵଷ ǡ ܲଷଶ ൌ ܲଶଶ ǡ ܲସଶ ൌ ܲଶଷ ǡ ܲଷସ ൌ ܲସଷ
the s-plane, so that the state decays to zero [19].
Scalar quantity ݔܳ ் ݔis always positive or zero for all ͳǤʹͷͳ͵ ͲǤͷͷͺͻ ͲǤͷͶͻ ͲǤʹͺͷ
functions x at each time t, if selected Q is positive semi- ܲ ൌ ͳǤͲ݁ ͲͶ כͲǤͷͷͺͻ ͲǤʹͷͳͳ ͲǤʹͶͶͷ ͲǤͳʹͲʹ
definite. If R is positive definite then the scalar quantity ͲǤͷͶͻ ͲǤʹͶͶͷ ͲǤʹ͵ͻͳ ͲǤͳͳͶ
ݑܴ ்ݑis always positive for all values of control u at each ͲǤʹͺͷ ͲǤͳʹͲʹ ͲǤͳͳͶ ͲǤͲͷ
time t. This guarantees that in term of eigenvalues, the
eigenvalues of R should be positive and eigenvalues of Q ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
should be non-negative. The matrices Q and matrix R should Ͳ ͳ Ͳ Ͳ
Here considering Q=൦ ൪ and R = [1]
be selected diagonally and all elements of matrix R and Ͳ Ͳ ͳ Ͳ
matrix Q must be chosen positive, may be probability of few Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ͳ
zeros on its diagonal and it is note that the matrix R is must
be invertible [19]. Using equation ܭൌ ܴିଵ ܲ ்ܤoptimal control gain K can be
obtained as:
LQR Theorem 1: The closed loop system (A-BK) must be ݇ ൌ ሾെʹͶʹǤͷʹ െͻǤ͵͵ െͳͲͶǤͷͻ െͶͻǤͲͷሿ
asymptotically stable if the system (A, B) is reachable and if and by using MAT Lab command
matrix Q is a positive semi definite matrix and matrix R is [P, s, K] = care (A, B, Q, R) the poles of the system can be
positive definite matrix. [19]. obtained as
ݏൌ െͳͲǤʹͶʹǡ െ͵ǤͷǤ െʹǤʹͺͷͷǡ െʹǤͳͻ
LQR Theorem 2: The closed loop system (A-BK) must be Here all poles of system are lie in left half of s-plane, thus it
asymptotically stable if the system (A, B) is stabilizable and can be say that system is stable.
(A, Q) is observable and if R is positive definite matrix and
Q is positive semi definite matrix [19].