Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators Using The Voltage Control Strategy
Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators Using The Voltage Control Strategy
Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators Using The Voltage Control Strategy
Abstract—This paper develops a simple and novel adaptive control The robotic systems have faced uncertainty including
system for the tracking control of robot manipulators. The structural and unstructural categories. Structural uncertainty is
adaptive control system is free from the dynamical model of robot related to the system parameters. An adaptive control is one of
manipulator and also it is based on the voltage control strategy the most important method to overcome parametric uncertainty.
that is different from common torque control strategy. In the
Adaptive control approaches can be used whether system
proposed method, both parametric uncertainty and un-modelled
dynamics in the form of a lumped uncertainty are estimated by an parameters are constant or they have small changes yet
adaptive mechanism. Using the stability analysis, the asymptotic unknown.
convergence of tracking error to zero as well as the boundedness
of all system states are proven. The efficiency of the proposed Recently, the function approximation techniques (FAT)
control approach is shown by simulation results implemented in such as Taylor series system [13,15-16], Fourier series
an articulated robot manipulator driven by permanent magnet dc expansion [17] and Legendre polynomials [18] are employed in
motors. the approximation of lumped uncertainty for the robust control
of robot manipulators. Compared with the other FAT-based
Keywords-Adaptive control system; Tracking control; Robot controllers, Adaptive Taylor series control systems require less
manipulator; Voltage control strategy; Asymptotic convergence. tuned parameters which led the controller to be implemented
I. INTRODUCTION easier and less computational.
Robot manipulators are controllable mechanical systems This paper presents a novel adaptive control of electrically
that use sensors for guidance of an end-effector from driven robot manipulators. We utilize the voltage control
programmed motion in a workspace to the manipulation of strategy in order to design an adaptive control approach. In this
physical objects [1]. An increasingly vital role of robot method, the control law is a voltage-based to command the
manipulators in industry is undeniable in the last decades. actuators. The actuators provide the required torque for robot's
Designing a high performance controller is extremely important joints in order to track a desired trajectory. The voltage control
for robotic systems which are nonlinear, high coupling, multi- law has a simpler structure in the form of decentralized control
input/multi-output, and uncertain systems [2]. yet more efficient than the torque control law. On the other
hand, we employ adaptive control in order to estimate both
The majority of control methods are based on the torque parametric uncertainty and un-modeled dynamics. The main
control strategy for robot manipulators in the literature such as advantage of the proposed adaptive control system is that the
PID controller [3], sliding mode control [4], backstepping velocity feedback of robot joints is not required. Thus, our
control [5], fuzzy control [6], neural network control [7] and adaptive control approach without velocity measurements is
adaptive control [8-10]. It is noted that controllers which are computationally simple with easy implementation.
designed based on the torque control strategy have lots of
problems since motor dynamics are neglected and complexity The rest of this paper is organized as follows: section II
of robot dynamics are employed in the control structure. To presents modeling of robot manipulator driven by permanent
tackle this problem, the integrated robot and motor dynamics magnet dc motors. Section III designs an adaptive control law
are considered in order to propose the control schemes [11-13]. and the stability analysis. Section IV illustrates simulation
Also, the voltage control strategy [14] has been proposed for results and finally section V concludes the paper.
robot manipulators. In this scheme, the controller is
independent of the complexity of robot dynamics since the II. MODELING
motor dynamics are utilized instead of manipulator dynamics. The dynamics of robot manipulators [19] are expressed as
In addition, motor voltages are considered as the inputs of
26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2018)
ࡰሺሻሷ ሺ,ሶ ሻሶ ࡳሺሻ ൌ ࣎ (1) ܴܫ ܫܮሶ ݍܭሶ ൌ ݑ (6)
where ܴ א , ሶ ܴ א and ሷ ܴ א are the vectors of joint where ܭൌ ݇ ି ݎଵ . By adding േݍሶ to the left side of equation
position, joint velocity and joint acceleration, respectively. (6), it can be written as
ࡰሺሻ is the ݊ ൈ ݊ matrix of manipulator inertia,
ሺ,ሶ ሻሶ ܴ א is the vector of centrifugal and Coriolis torques, ܴܫ ݍሶ ݀ ൌ ݑ (7)
ࡳሺሻ ܴ א is the vector of gravitational torques and ࣎ ܴ א is
the vector of input torques of robot. The electric motors provide where ݀ ൌ ܫܮሶ ݍሶ ሺ ܭെ ͳሻ is the lumped uncertainty. One can
the joint torque vectors as present an ideal control law as
ࡶ ࣂሷ ࣂሶ ࢘࣎ ൌ ࣎ (2) ݑൌ ܴܫ ݍሶ ௗ ݇ ሺݍௗ െ ݍሻ ݀ (8)
where ࣂ ܴ א is the vector of motor positions, ࡶ , ,࢘ are where ݍௗ , ݍሶ ௗ and ݇ are desired joint position, desired joint
the ݊ ൈ ݊ diagonal matrices to represent coefficients of motor velocity, and control design parameter, respectively.
inertia, motor damping, and reduction gear, respectively and Substituting (8) into (7) and with the definition of ݁ ൌ ݍௗ െ ݍ
࣎ ܴ א is the vector of motor torques. as the tracking error yields
In order to obtain the motor voltages as input, consider ݁ሶ ݇ ݁ ൌ Ͳ (9)
electrical equation of permanent magnet dc motors in the form
According to (9), the closed loop control system is linear
and also is stable for ݇ Ͳ. Due to the existence of lumped
࢛ ൌ ࡾࡵ ࡸࡵሶ ࢘ ሶିଵ (3)
uncertainty, the ideal control law (8) will be represented as
where ࢛ ܴ א is the vector of motor voltages and ࡵ ܴ א is
the vector of armature currents. ࡾ,ࡸ and ࡷ represent ݊ ൈ ݊ ݑൌ ܴ ܫ ݍሶ ௗ ݇ ݁ ݀መ (10)
diagonal matrices for the coefficients of armature resistance,
armature inductance, and back-emf constant, respectively. The where ܴ and ݀መ are the approximation of ܴ and ݀, respectively.
motor torque vector ࣎ as the input for dynamic equation (2) is These values can be estimated by adaptive laws which are
produced by the motor current vector as presented by the following stability analysis. It is noted that ܴ
has a constant value and the parameter ݀ is assumed to be
ࡵ ൌ ࣎ (4) constant during the adaptive process. This assumption is valid
because of high sampling frequency in the adaptive control. In
where is ݊ ൈ ݊ diagonal matrix of the torque constant. The other words, the sampling period of the adaptive mechanism is
state-space model of the electrically driven robot manipulators short enough compared with the variation of ݀. Substituting
is obtained by the use of equations (1) – (4) as (10) into (7) yields
ࢄሶ ൌ ࢌሺࢄሻ ࢈࢛ (5) ܴܫ ݍሶ ௗ ݇ ݁ ݀መ ൌ ܴܫ ݍሶ ݀ (11)
࢞ଵ ͳ ଶ ͳ ଶ ͳ ଶ
ܸൌ ݁ ൫ܴ െ ܴ ൯ ൫݀ െ ݀መ ൯ (13)
࢈ൌ ൩ , ࢞
ࢄ ൌ ଶ ൩ ൌ ሶ ൩ ʹ ʹߛଵ ʹߛଶ
ࡸିଵ ࢞ଷ ࡵ
where ߛଵ and ߛଶ are positive constants. The time derivative of
The state-space equation (5) shows a highly nonlinear (13) is calculated as
coupled multivariable large system.
ͳ ሶ ͳ
III. ADAPTIVE CONTROL ܸሶ ൌ ݁݁ሶ െ ܴ ൫ܴ െ ܴ ൯ െ ݀መሶ ൫݀ െ ݀መ ൯ (14)
ߛଵ ߛଶ
A. Adaptive Control Design
one can rewrite (12) as
The scalar form of equation (3) can be expressed as follows
26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2018)
To obtain ܸሶ Ͳ, the adaptive laws are chosen as where ݑ௫ is maximum permitted voltage. Due to (21), ݑis
bounded then based on (7), ܫ , ݍሶ and ݀ are bounded so ܸሶ is
௧ uniformly continuous. Therefore, ݈݅݉ ܸሶ ՜ Ͳ or ݁ ՜ Ͳ. As a
ܴ ൌ ߛଵ න ݁ܫ ݀ ݐ ܴ ሺͲሻ (17) ௧՜ஶ
result, the tracking error asymptotically converges to zero and
the boundedness of all system states is proven.
݀መ ൌ ߛଶ න ݁݀ ݐ ݀መ ሺͲሻ (18) IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
The proposed control law is simulated for tracking control
of articulated robot manipulators [21]. This robot has three
where ܴ ሺͲሻ and ݀መ ሺͲሻ are initial values of ܴ and ݀መ , revolute joints as shown in Fig. 1. The Denavit-Hartenberg
respectively. (DH) parameters of robotic system are given in Table I, where
B. Stability Analysis the parameters ߠ , ݀ , ܽ and ߙ are called the joint angle, link
offset, link length, and link twist, respectively. The electric
The desired trajectory should be sufficiently smooth such motors with a maximum voltage of 50 volts are used to generate
that all its derivatives up to the required order are bounded [19]. input torque for robot joints. The parameters of motors are
By employing the adaptive laws (17) and (18), one can given in Table II. The dynamical parameters of manipulator are
represent (16) as given in Table III, where for ݅ -th link, ݉ is the mass,
ݎ ൌ ሾݔ ݕ ݖ ሿ் is the center of mass of ݅-th frame and ܫ is
ܸሶ ൌ െ݇ ݁ ଶ Ͳ (19) the inertia tensor. The desired trajectory for each joint is
illustrated in Fig. 2, which is defined as
Considering (19), ܸሶ is negetive semi-definite thus ܸ is
bounded. Hence, ݁, ሺܴ െ ܴ ሻ and ሺ݀ െ ݀መ ሻ are bounded. On the ߨݐ
other hand, according to Barbalat's lemma, since ܸ is ݍௗ ൌ ͳ െ ܿ ݏ൬ ൰ Ͳ ݐ ʹͲ (22)
differentiable and has finite limit and ܸሶ is uniformly continuous
then ܸሶ ՜ Ͳ as ݐ՜ λ. A sufficient condition for a uniformly Simulation 1 The initial values for ܴ and ݀መ are set to
continuous function is that it's derivative is finite [20]. ܴ ሺͲሻ ൌ ͳǤͶͶ and ݀መ ሺͲሻ ൌ Ͳ. The control parameters are chosen
as ݇ ൌ ͷͲͲ and ߛଵ ൌ ߛଶ ൌ ͲǤͲͳ. The initial tracking error for
joints 1 and 3 are given -0.1 rad and for joint 2 is given -0.5
2 ߠଶ 0 0.76 0
3 ߠଷ 0 0.93 0
Figure 1. The symbolic representation of an articulated robot 1,2,3 1.6 0.26 0.001 0.0002 0.001 0.02
26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2018)
Link ݔ ሺ݉ሻ ݕ ሺ݉ሻ ݖ ሺ݉ሻ ݉ ሺ݇݃ሻ ܫ௫௫ ሺ݇݃݉ଶ ሻ ܫ௬௬ ሺ݇݃݉ଶ ሻ ܫ௭௭ ሺ݇݃݉ଶ ሻ ܫ௫௬ ሺ݇݃݉ଶ ሻ ܫ௫௭ ሺ݇݃݉ଶ ሻ ܫ௬௭ ሺ݇݃݉ଶ ሻ
Desired Trajectory
Joint Angle (rad)
Error (rad)
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 3. The Performance of the proposed adaptive controller
Figure 2. The desired trajectory
26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2018)
1.45 0
1.44 -10
1.41 -50
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time(sec) Time(sec)
Figure 5. Adaptation of ܴ Figure 8. The control efforts considering the external disturbances
0 5 10 15 20
Time(sec) 0 5 10 15 20
Figure 6. Adaptation of ݀መ
Figure 9. Adaptation of ݀መ for the second joint with respect to the different
values of ݀መ ሺͲሻ
Error (rad)
Error (rad)
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