1. What are nano particles?
Nanoparticles are particles having size of which ranges from 1-50 nm.
3. Define nano-wires.
Nano-wire is a material having an aspect ratio ie., length to width ratio greater than
20. They are also referred to as quantum wires.
7. Define nanochemistry.
Nanochemistry is defined as the study of manipulation of materials at atomic
molecular and macromolecular scales.
9. What is CVD?
CVD is Chemical Vapour deposition. It is a process of chemically reacting volatile
compound of a material with other gases, to produce a non-volatile solid that deposits
automatically on a suitably placed substrate.
2. Discuss the laser ablation ,CVD and electrodeposition techniques for the synthesis of
Top Down / Physical / Hard Methods:
1. Laser Ablation:
Laser Ablation chamber :
High-power laser pulse is used to evaporate the matter from the target .The
total mass ablated from the target per laser pulse is referred to as the ablation rate.
Reaction setup:
When a beam of laser is allowed to irradiate the target, a supersonic jet of
particle is evaporated from the target surface. Simultaneously, an inert gas like
Argon, Helium is allowed into the reactor to sweep the evaporated particles from the
furnace zone to the colder collector.
The ablated species condense on the substrate placed opposite to the target.
The ablation process takes place in a vacuum chamber, or in the presence of some
background gas.
Template assisted electro deposition is an important technique for synthesizing
metallic nanomaterials with controlled shape and size. Arrays of nano-structured materials
with, specific arrangements can be prepared by this method, using an active template cathode
in an electrochemical cell. The electrodeposition method consists of an electrochemical cell.
The cell usually contains a reference electrode, a specially designed cathodes and an anode.
The cathode substrate on which elelctrodeposition of the nanostructures, can be made of
either non metallic or metallic materials. By using the surface of the cathode as a template,
various desired nanostructures can be synthesized for specific applications.
This is due to the elimination of stabilizing molecule, generating a greater aggregation of the
Hydrothermal synthesis
a.Hydrothermal synthesis:
It involves crystallization of substances from high temperature aqueous solutions at
high vapour pressure. Hydrothermal synthesis is usually performed below the super critical
temperature of water.(3740).
Hydrothermal synthesis is performed in an apparatus consisting of a steel pressure vessel
called autoclave in which a nutrient is supplied along with water. A gradient of temperature is
maintained at the opposite ends of the growth chamber, so that the hotter end dissolves the
nutrient and the cooler end cause seeds to take additional growth.
b. Solvothermal synthesis :
Solvothermal synthesis involves the use of solvent under high temperature (between
100o – 1000oc) and moderate to high pressure (1 atm to 10,000 atm ) that facilitate the
interaction of precursors during synthesis.
A solvent is mixed with certain metal precursors and the solution mixture is placed in
an autoclave kept at relatively high temperature and pressure in an oven to carry out the
crystal growth. The pressure generated in the vessel, due to the solvent vapour , elevates the
boiling point of the solvent.
4. Write a short note on Nano wires, Nano rods and Nano clusters.
Nano –wires:
Nano-wire is a material having an aspect ratio i.e. length to width ratio greater than
20. Nano –wires are also referred to as “quantum wires”.
Nano –Wires of metals: Au ,N i,Pt
Nano –Wires of semiconductors: Si, GaN
Nano –Wires of Insulators: SiO2, TiO2
Molecular Nano –Wires: DNA
Characteristics of Nano- Wires :
> Nano- Wires are one – dimensional material.
> Conductivity of a nano-wire is less than that of the corresponding bulk materials.
> It exhibits distinct optical, chemical, thermal and electrical properties due to this
large surface area.
> Silicon nano-wires show strong photoluminescence characteristics.
Synthesis of nanowires:
1. Template assisted synthesis:
The templates contain very small cylindrical pores or voids within the host material
and the empty spaces are filled with the chosen material to form nanowires.
Eg. Mesoporous Alumina
2.VLS method:
This method is used for the production of single crystal of semiconductors of
elemental Silicon and Germanium. The mechanism involves a gas phase reaction followed by
anisotropic crystal growth (different properties in different directions). For example the laser
ablation and thermal evaporation of a solid target made of pure Si powder mixed with metals
(Fe, Co, Ni) catalyst at 1200o -1400o C followed by condensation on a substrate maintained at
900o-1100o C facilitates the growth of long Si nanowires with diameters in the range of 20-80
nm. Each wire consists of crystalline Si core encased by an outer layer of silicon dioxide.
Applications of nanowires:
Nanowires are used to enhance mechanical properties of composites.
Semiconductor nanowires are used as components in making transistors, diodes, logic
gates and digital computing.
Nanowires find applications in high density data storage either as magnetic read
Nano Rods:
Nano rods are a material having an aspect ratio in the range 1 to 20 nm.
Characteristics of Nano rods:
It exhibits special optical and electrical properties.
Nano rods are two dimensional materials.
Nano clusters:
Nano clusters are multi atom particles of size intermediate between molecule and bulk
materials. The size of nano clusters range from 1-10nm .The atoms or molecules in a clusters
are bound by any of the forces like covalent, ionic, Vander waal’s forces. When a gas
condenses in to cluster of atoms the no. of atoms in these clusters varies between a few to
hundreds. Clusters of certain size called critical size are more stable than others (200-103
The no. of atoms in a cluster of critical size with higher stability is called Magic
number. Cluster of transition metal atoms have chemical, electronic, magnetic properties
which vary with number of constituent atoms.
Source of clusters:
Super sonic nozzle source:
The metal is vaporized in an oven and mixed with inert carrier gas at a pressure of
several atmospheres at a temperature of 75-1500K .Metal/ Carrier gas mixture is allowed to
pass through the nozzle in to high vacuum which produces a supersonic beam of the mixture.
The carrier gas produces large clusters. In the absence of carrier gas small clusters are
Gas aggregation source:
Vapours of metal atoms are introduced in to inert gas which is maintained at high
pressure and high temperature. The gas phase is supersaturated with metallic species and
aggregates. It acts as a seed and produces a continuous beam of nano clusters.
Structure of CNTs:
Carbon nanotube is a tabular form of carbon with 1-3 nm diameters and a length of few nm
to microns. Each carbon atom in the carbon nanotubes is linked by the covalent bond. They
are two types of nanotubes.
1. Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) having a diameter of 1 nm. Three types of
SWCNTs are as follows:
Synthesis of Carbon Nano Tubes:
Carbon nanotubes are prepared by the following methods.
Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons.
Laser evaporation
Carbon arc method.
Chemical vapour decomposition.
Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbon:
Carbon nano tubes are synthesized by the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons such as acetylene
at about 700oC in the presence of Fe-Silica or Fe-graphite catalyst under inert conditions.
Laser Evaporation:
It involves vapourization of graphite target, containing small amount of cobalt
and nickel, by exposing it to an intense pulsed laser beam at higher temperature (1200oC) in a
quartz tube reactor. An inert gas such as argon is simultaneously allowed to pass into the
reactor to sweep the evaporated carbon atoms from the furnace to the colder collector, on
which they condense as carbon nanotubes.
Carbon arc Method:
It is carried out by applying direct current (60-100 A and 20 – 25 V) arc between
graphite electrodes of 10-20 µm diameters. The discharge vapourizes one of the carbon rods
and forms a small rod- shaped deposit on the other rod. The yield depends on the uniformity
of the plasma arc and the temperature. The deposits contain 10 – 50 SWNTs, the average
size about 1.4 nm in diameter and about 10 µm in length.
Chemical Vapour Deposition:
It involves decomposition of vapour of hydrocarbons such as methane, acetylene,
ethylene, etc., at high temperatures (1100oC) in presence of metal nanoparticle catalyst like
nickel, cobalt, iron supported on MgO or Al2O3. Carbon atoms produced by the
decomposition condense on a cooler surface of the catalyst.
Properties of CNTs:
(1) Mechanical Properties:
Young’s modulus of carbon nano tubes is 10 times greater than that of steel. CNTs
have very structural defects in their walls, and hence, do not fracture on bending. The tensile
strength of CNTs is about about 20 times that of steel.
(2) Electrical Properties:
The electrical properties of CNTs vary between metallic to semiconducting materials.
The very high electrical conductivity of CNT is due to the minimum defects in the structure.
(3) Thermal Conductivity:
The thermal conductivity of CNT is very high due to the vibration of covalent bonds
due to minimum defects in the structure.
Due to the unusual and unique properties of CNTs they find potential applications in
the following field:
Carbon nanotubes play an important role in the battery technology, because some
charge carriers can be successfully stored inside the nanotubes.
Multi-walled CNTs can be used as storage devices to store hydrogen gas in fuel cells.
CNTs are used as catalyst in chemical reactions.
CNTs can be used for drug delivery within the body by placing the drugs within the
tubes or by attaching the drug to the sides of the tubes.
CNTs are used as light weight shielding materials to protect electronic equipments
from electromagnetic radiation.