Corona Ignition ACIS

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Corona Ignition Assessment of Physical

Effects by Pressure Chamber, Rapid

Compression Machine, and Single Cylinder
Engine Testing
Dr. John Burrows, Kristapher Mixell,
Paul-Benjamin Reinicke, Michael Riess, Marc Sens

Federal-Moguls Advanced Corona Ignition System (ACIS) is present-
ly under development internally, at customers, and fundamental experi-
ments at IAV. The purpose of these activities is to determine the efcacy of
the technology, characteristics of performance, and the ultimate industrial
feasibility of the technology.

Pressure vessel testing has shown consistency with earlier works regard-
ing corona formation/pressure relationships, while also providing evidence
of preferential formation with tip sharpness. Rapid compression machine
(RCM) work has shown potential correlation with simulation work demon-
strating radical formation patterns yet still has demonstrable benet for
reduction in ignition delay in a variety of fuel-air mixtures at various ignition

Engine testing has shown signicant reduction in ignition delay with a

corresponding improvement in lean and dilute limits. Testing has shown
notable improvement in BSFC. Benet has also been shown in engine
performance at the knock limit.

1. Introduction
The concept of utilizing corona for the purpose of igniting fuel-air mixtures
has been around for many decades. For example, patents have been
granted for such concepts in the early 1960s in the U.S. Although interest-
ing, corona ignition lacked the existence of essential market drivers and
complementary technologies to make industrialization neither technically
nor economically feasible.

In the decades since, numerous researchers in various organizational en-
tities have continued to pursue corona ignition based on the assumptions
that (1) a large, volumetric ignition source will be superior to a single point
ignition source, and (2) initiation in a spatial model will not suffer from
initial heat losses due to proximity effects related to the ignition source,
and therefore have less ignition delay. The phenomena of corona incep-
tion and its use as an ignition source are well documented and will not
be re-examined here. However, researchers have expanded the body of
work to include the mechanics of ame formation, as well as the formation
of radicals relative to streamer length and hypotheses from said work.
The combination of this body of work, emissions regulations, and the im-
plementation of technologies such as direct injection, electronic engine
control, and exhaust gas recirculation have made an environment where
the proper execution of corona ignition can be both technically and com-
mercially feasible.

Federal-Mogul Powertrain has developed a corona ignition system known

as the Advanced Corona Ignition System (or ACIS), based on principles
well documented in public research, and a thorough analysis of the tech-
nical and execution risks associated with such a technology. This assess-
ment has yielded a set of guiding principles (or pillars) regarding approach
and execution. The system has been developed internally, and tested with
multiple OE partners, who have generously shared time and data to en-
able the development that will be presented. Additionally, work has been
conducted with IAV on single cylinder engines, and a rapid compression
machine, to further analyze and understand various mechanisms related
to the benets of corona ignition. The following paper will present the ap-
proach and results, as well as some commentary regarding public works.

2. Testing and results

To date, the ACIS system has been applied to a wide variety of engines.
Bore sizes tested have ranged from automotive gasoline (80-90 mm bore
class), stationary and transport CNG (90-150 mm bore class) and large
bore CNG (> 300 mm bore) power generation. Engine loads up to 30 bar
IMEP, and cylinder pressure approaching 100 bar at time of ignition, and
over 200 bar Pmax, were tested. Engine speeds have exceeded 6,500 rpm
at full load. Customer strategies have included lean, dilute (with and with-
out boost), homogeneous, stratied, and alternative combustion.

The objective of this paper is not intended to be an exhaustive review
of all types of testing and strategies encountered. Many of these details
are considered condential. However, details regarding the following are

1. Certain variables related to corona performance such as pressure


2. Effects on combustion initiation

3. Part load performance enhancement through lean and dilute limit ex-

4. Combustion performance at the knock limit

2.1. Pressure chamber analysis

As known from the physics of electrical discharges, corona formation is
strongly dependent upon many factors, including electrode geometry and
gas pressure, or density. In order to gain insights into the specic behavior
of the ACIS ignition, basic analyses under different temperature and pres-
sure conditions have been conducted on a pressure chamber.

An ACIS igniter was placed into a nitrogen atmosphere in a simple pres-

sure vessel at Federal-Mogul with an optical access parallel to the igniter
tip plane, and perpendicular to the igniter axis. Select igniter tips were
sharpened to demonstrate corona inception voltage preference related
to electrical eld strength. A starting point of 50 V input and 3.9 kg/m3
was used to demonstrate a relatively large, stable corona without arc dis-
charge, and corona formation was photographed. Pressure is increased
isothermally until the discharge is extinguished with results recorded.
Voltage is then increased 10 V, and the procedure is repeated with im-
ages recorded for each successive voltage setting until 90 V is achieved
(see gure 1). First observations are that the corona size follows a linear
behavior at lower voltage settings and gas densities. Densities range four
times from stable onset to corona extinguishing density at 50 V. The differ-
ence between onset and extinguishing densities is reduced to about 33 %
at 90 V. The trend is noted for corona inception voltage (CIV) and corona
extinguishing voltage (CEV) along the vertical columns of the chart. Also
noted is the preference for formation at the sharper tips, which remains
preferential across tested densities and voltage settings.

Figure 1: Density and voltage effects on corona formation

Even allowing for some igniter inefciencies, the results tend to suggest
a narrowing of the stable range between CIV, arc onset, and CEV across
the range of relevant densities. Furthermore, it tends to suggest the need
for a strategy to maximize corona effectiveness at elevated densities and
voltage input levels.

Additional testing at IAV was conducted with a pressure chamber, which

was lled with a nitrogen atmosphere, and operated within a range of 0.5
to 150 bar and 0 to 450 C. For the observation of the corona streamer
formation under different chamber conditions, the pressure vessel was
equipped with two CCD cameras with top and side views of the igniter tip.
In addition to the standard CCD imaging, Schlieren measurements have
been conducted as well, in order to yield detailed information about the
effects of the corona discharge to the surrounding uid. The experimental
setup used for the Schlieren visualization is shown in gure 2.

Figure 2: Experimental setup for Schlieren experiments at the pressure

By controlling temperature in this second experiment, a better understand-

ing of the corona discharge phenomenon may be realized. Testing over a
series of pressures and temperatures conrms the principal dependence
of corona formation on gas density and corona voltage. Figure 3 shows
exemplary results for one voltage and one density variation. Photographic
techniques relate that streamer distribution along its length is stable, as
density is varied. A short streamer at higher density has a similar distribu-
tion of streamer counts as a long streamer at low density. However, the
distribution of high streamer count is condensed closer to the tip. This
gives some insight into the formation of radicals that are essential to the
initiation of combustion.

Figure 3: Density and voltage effects on corona formation (root mean
square images calculated from 100 single images)

In addition to the benecial volume ignition effect of the corona, it is known

from literature that corona discharge generates a gas ow (corona wind)
characterized by signicant turbulence [1], which in turn positively inu-
ences the initial ame kernel development and propagation. To examine
this phenomenon for ACIS ignition, Schlieren measurements of the coro-
na discharge have been conducted in the pressure vessel. Figure 4 shows
the ignition process for ambient conditions and increased gas density at
20 bar/200 C. At the beginning of the corona discharge, no change in gas
density along the streamers is visible (cases 1A and 2A). With increasing
corona duration, the generation of local turbulences can be observed in
the area covered by the streamers. The maximum magnitude is reached
at corona switch-off (cases 1B and 2B). The distribution of the turbulence
area is linked to the corona penetration, and thus depends on the gas den-
sity; highest intensity seems to occur in the vicinity of the electrodes. With
the available measurement setup it was not possible to attribute the for-
mation of turbulences unequivocally to ion motion or gas heating effects

caused by the corona discharge. Nevertheless, it is conceivable that the
corona-induced turbulence can contribute to the initial ame development
at least for quiescent mixtures, as prevailing in the RCM investigations
described in subchapter 2.2. In a real engine application, it is assumed
that the gas dynamic structure produced by corona discharge is insigni-
cant when compared to the level of charge motion and turbulence inside
the engine.

Figure 4: Schlieren imaging of corona discharge under (1) ambient

conditions and, (2) 20 bar/200 C directly after (a) corona onset and, (b)
corona switch-off

2.2. Rapid compression machine (RCM)

In order to better understand the effects of the corona ignition to the com-
bustion initiation, detailed investigations have been conducted by IAV on
a rapid compression machine (RCM), in comparison with a standard spark
plug ignition. In contrast to the pressure vessel, the RCM allows the exam-
ination of the ignition system in a combustible mixture close to real engine
conditions. The RCM is a single-stroke device that disposes of a combus-
tion chamber, in which an air-fuel charge is compressed by a piston, and
combusted in a subsequent expansion stroke. In this process, the RCM
offers various degrees of freedom, as compression ratio, pressure, tem-
perature, as well as air-fuel composition and charge motion.

In a rst step, the measurements have been conducted with a fully ho-
mogenized methane-air mixture, to examine the basic mechanisms of the

ame initialization. Additionally, charge motion has been deactivated to
minimize the side effects of turbulence. Figure 5 shows the examined op-
erating points (chamber conditions at ignition timing). For each point, a
variation of the air-fuel ratio for representation of stoichiometric, lean, and
rich combustion has been performed. In a next step, there are planned
experiments with direct gasoline injection during the compression stroke,
for an evaluation of the benets of corona ignition under stratied mixture

Chamber conditions at ignition timing

Temperature Corresponding real engine
Pressure in bar Density in kg/m
in K OP
OP1 4.1 450 3.2 2,000 rpm/2.8 bar IMEP hom.
OP2 8 480 5.8 2,000 rpm/4.8 bar IMEP strat.
OP3 19 630 10.5 1,500 rpm/7 bar IMEP hom.
OP4 33 630 18.3 1,500 rpm/7 bar IMEP strat.

Figure 5: RCM operating conditions at ignition timing

For selection of an appropriate optical measurement method, a spectro-

scopic analysis of the combustion process inside the RCM was done. It is
known from existing literature that OH-radiation (wavelength 310 nm) is a
very sensitive indicator for the start phase of the combustion, and in good
correlation with the thermodynamic combustion rate. However, the detec-
tion of OH-radiation requires a complex optical setup with UV lter, image
intensier and in case of laser induced uorescence (LIF) diagnostics
also a laser device. The spectroscopic measurement of the premixed
methane combustion showed a characteristic OH band and a quasi-con-
tinuous spectrum in the visible wavelength range with lower intensity. The
course of radiation intensity over time is almost completely synchronous
for the entire spectrum (see gure 6). Therefore, all following ame exper-
iments have been conducted with a high-speed imaging of the combustion
luminosity in the visible spectral range which enables a much simpler
measurement setup, in conjunction with a higher image quality.

OH* chemiluminescence
1.4 natural luminocity
1.2 rate of heat release

normalized intensity in -
flame intensity





-10 -5 0 5 10 15
time in ms

Figure 6: Representative combustion spectrum (left), and correlation of

ame radiation to rate of heat release (right)

The setup used for the experiments is shown in gure 7.

Figure 7: Setup for optical experiments on the RCM

By means of the high-speed CMOS camera (20 kHz), the development of

the corona streamers, as well as the ame initialization and propagation
can be visualized. Figure 8 shows exemplary results for a low load oper-
ating point with stoichiometric mixture, which are qualitatively applicable
to all examined chamber and mixture conditions. It can be observed that

the corona streamers do not start simultaneously on all electrodes. This
is probably caused by tolerances in the electrode tip geometry (tip sharp-
ness) and thus slight differences in the generated electric eld. 0.33 ms
after ignition onset, the streamers reach their maximum protrusion, and
lead to a large-area ame initialization along their surface. In direct vicinity
of the prong tips, where the electrical eld is highest, the inammation
appears more intensive. The ame front propagation is faster than on the
streamer heads.

Reasons for this behavior can be seen in a higher radical density due to
the locally higher electric eld strength [2], and an increased heat trans-
fer by adjacent reaction zones in direct proximity. Furthermore, the faster
ame propagation could be promoted by local turbulences induced to the
mixture by the corona discharge, as observed in the pressure vessel. With
increasing combustion development, the ame front transitions more and
more from the characteristic star-shape into a spherical shape, as present
at spark plug ignition. From this point, the ame propagation is only deter-
mined by the chamber and mixture properties.

+ 0.1 ms + 0.2 ms + 0.4 ms + 0.6 ms

+ 1.0 ms + 2.0 ms + 4.0 ms + 6.0 ms

Figure 8: Ignition and ame core formation for ACIS ignition (time after
ignition timing)

Comparing the results with a standard spark plug ignition, the benet of
the higher ignition volume of the corona becomes clearly evident in a sig-
nicantly reduced ignition delay (see gure 9). In addition, the propagation
of the initial ame front of the corona ignition is with 4 to 5 ms approxi-

mately 1.5 times higher than with spark plug ignition. In addition to the
very high radical density and the local turbulence induced by the corona
discharge, the turbulent ame character of the multiple ignition sites com-
bustion also promotes faster ame propagation.

However, the advance in ame initialization with the corona ignition can-
not be maintained for the entire combustion process. Once the single
ame fronts of ACIS ignition merge to one spherical ame front (around
6 ms after ignition timing), the combustion conditions are identical with
spark ignition. Temporal and spatial distance from corona discharge is too
high to still contribute to mixture inammation. At this point less than 5 %
of fuel mass is converted. As the main heat release proceeds under same
conditions for both ignition systems, the overall combustion duration can-
not be improved by the corona ignition. This becomes particularly obvious
when comparing the heat release for spark and ACIS ignition with aligned
combustion phasing.

220 50 1.2
IGN 1 IGN 2 + 8 ms TDC
heat release in -

180 40
pressure in bar
stroke in mm

140 30 0.6
100 20 0.4
60 10
20 0 -0.2
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
stroke time in ms Spark Ignition (IGN1)
pressure ACIS, same ignition timing (IGN1)
heat release ACIS, same HR50 timing (IGN2)

Figure 9: Comparison of ame core formation for ACIS vs. spark ignition

As mentioned above, all the other examined variants (chamber conditions
and air-fuel ratio) yield qualitatively similar results, so that an exhaustive
explanation of those is disregarded in this paper.

2.3. Part load engine testing

Pressure vessel testing conrms previous experiments with respect to the
relationship between pressure (density) of the gas and corona formation;
while high-speed photography in the rapid compression machine supports
theories proposed regarding radical density at the base of streamers, rais-
ing questions as to the potential efcacy of corona ignition with respect
to the ignition of fuel-air mixtures. However, subsequent testing with co-
rona ignition shows a demonstrable improvement in ignition delay and
combustion phasing in rich, stoichiometric, and lean conditions in these

Attention turns to in-engine combustion testing that was conducted with

several different customer engines the results of which are presented
here. Details of the engines are omitted to protect customer condentiality,
but it is given that each of the engines are production-based, with certain
modications reecting future direction.

2.4. Lean, part load combustion

Lean limit testing at part load conditions was conducted to demonstrate
the potential of the ignition system as an enabler to future fuel economy
strategies. From rapid compression machine work, it follows that a signif-
icant reduction should be seen in the 5 % MFB indicating a reduction in
the ignition delay. Correspondingly, the 50 % MFB (or CA 50) should show
a shift in combustion phasing to a slightly earlier position. No effect is
expected in the overall burn duration. The ability to measure extension of
the lean limit may also be explored using COV of IMEP as indication of
overall combustion stability.

In the rst series of engine tests, the ACIS system is benchmarked against
a high-energy conventional ignition system (> 120 mJ). The fuel-air mix-
ture is reduced until combustion stability is considered unacceptable. As
shown in gure 10, there is little difference in combustion stability from
lambda 1 to 1.4. However, a considerable reduction in ignition delay is
measured resulting in the ability to retard ignition timing by about 5 de-

grees. As the lambda ratio is increased beyond 1.5, the conventional
system begins to exhibit instability far in excess of the 3 % COV limit.
In contrast the ACIS ignited engine continued on to nearly lambda = 1.8
before COV exceeded the 3 % limit. The disparity in ignition delay is also
increased at these levels.

Figure 10: Lean limit testing @ 2,000 rpm/3 bar IMEP

In-cylinder video from a second customer engine test of the ignition and
combustion events demonstrates the effect (see gures 11 and 12). At
time of ignition, combustion initiates at arc in the conventional system,
while multiple initiation sites are recorded along streamers. This initial
phase of combustion can explain both the reduction in ignition delay and
the extension of lean limit.

Figure 11: ACIS ignition at 2,000 rpm/3 bar IMEP

Figure 12: Comparison of ACIS (left) vs. spark ignition (right) 23 CA
after ignition timing at 800 rpm/1.5 bar IMEP

Recall from the images of combustion in the RCM initiation of combustion

appears orderly along the streamers, with higher concentration of radicals
and combustion close to the base of the streamer. This was predicted
in previous research. In contrast, the propagation of the corona initiated
combustion moves very quickly into a large but less organized pattern,
demonstrating the effect of turbulence even at the relatively low speed
and load. Both examples show similar reduction in ignition delay and tim-
ing. This consistent behavior indicates that size and characteristics of the
initial inammation and low heat loss tend to be dominant in the event.
The organization and distribution of radicals in the initiation predicted an-
alytically and witnessed in the RCM have lesser effects.

2.5. Dilute, part load combustion

Testing on the rst customer single-cylinder engine was performed with
a similar method to measure the tolerance to externally cooled EGR. As
expected from lean limit testing, there was a signicant increase in the
amount of EGR that could be introduced before instability was encoun-
tered. In the graphs below (please compare gures 13 and 14, respec-
tively), it is demonstrated that the ACIS system could ignite mixtures in
excess of 30 % EGR. It is also shown that there is a signicant reduction
in ignition delay of 28 % at the 25 % EGR point.

Spark Ignition
ACIS Ignition

Figure 13: EGR testing @ 2,000rpm/3 bar IMEP

The potential benets of this extended dilution tolerance can be seen in a

third customers engine testing. This testing was conducted in a four-cyl-
inder research engine equipped with three spark plugs-per-cylinder, a tur-
bocharger, and an external EGR loop. Cooled EGR was added until insta-
bility, indicated by a COV of IMEP > 3 %, was exceeded while BSFC was
measured. Similar to the rst customer test, EGR could be pushed over
30 %. This test showed a reduction of nearly 5 % in BSFC when compared
to the initial undiluted BSFC (see gure 14).

Figure 14: BSFC vs. EGR rate for ACIS system on four-cylinder engine

Additional tests were conducted comparing a single plug, three-plug, and

single ACIS igniter ignition systems. Each ignition system was run to its

EGR limit, and the best fuel consumption gures were recorded at loads
of 2, 5, 8 and 10 bar. In gure 15, the baseline (or zero point) is the single
plug ignition system at its best dilute fuel economy at the indicated load.
At 5, 8 and 10 bar, ACIS performs signicantly better than a single plug
system, demonstrating between 2 and 5 % improvement, and about 1 %
over the three-plug system. The single exception is at the 2 bar point,
where the three-plug system has a slight advantage over ACIS. A possible
reason for the anomaly is related to lower turbulence at time of ignition
when compared to the higher loads, reducing the advantages of the highly
distributed radical formation. By geometry, the three-plug system has initi-
ation points spaced further apart, and could possibly have a better spatial
effect at lower turbulence levels. More study and optimization needs to be
applied here.

Figure 15: Fuel consumption comparison of single and three-plug

systems vs. ACIS

2.6. Full load combustion

Testing of ACIS at loads approaching 24 bar IMEP shows an increase in
maximum cylinder pressure (Pmax), reduced standard deviation of Pmax,
ignition delay, and standard deviation of 5 % MFB when compared to the
reference high-energy ignition system (see gure 16). Combustion param-
eters at the knock limit indicate a strong increase in performance is pos-

sible through the ability to optimize timing much closer to the knock limit,
without compromising operating safety margins. Furthermore, a reduction
in the variation in maximum cylinder pressure can reduce stresses in the
engine associated with this variability.

Spark Ignition
ACIS Ignition

Figure 16: Combustion parameters at knock limit (2,000 rpm/full load)

The precise and voluminous nature of the ignition source is responsible

for the improvement. In general, corona size is positively correlated to
combustion performance. However, next generation engines with a com-
bination of high compression ratios (small head-to-piston clearance vol-
umes), boosting (high cylinder pressure), turbulence and mixtures (lean,
dilute, stratied) present numerous challenges to ACIS.

Previously presented pressure vessel testing shows an increase in volt-

age requirements with increasing cylinder pressure. A dilutant such as
cooled EGR can increase voltage requirements. As ignition timing ap-
proaches top dead center (TDC), clearance between igniter tips and pis-
ton crown is reduced. This close condition increases the local electrical
eld. The combination of voltage demand plus high electrical eld can
create conditions where an arc discharge is formed, instead of the desired
corona discharge. Due to a variety of mechanisms, this arc discharge is
less desirable than a properly controlled corona discharge. Depending
upon the ignition requirements at the particular speed and load condition,
this arcing condition can have effects ranging from none to misre. For
instance, a lambda = 1, full load condition (high breakdown voltage, turbu-
lent, low ignition quality requirements) may suffer little or no negative ef-
fect resulting from an occasional arc discharge; whereas a highly diluted,
medium load point with very high ignition quality requirements may suffer
a misre. The ACIS driver supports arcing mode and a Federal-Mogul
patented concept referred to the Ignition Optimization System (IOS). Op-

eration with IOS helps to mitigate the effects of arcing by controlling the
corona/arc transition, and provides for increased tolerance to cycle-to-cy-
cle variation.

Pressure vessel and RCM testing conrms relationships well established
in previous voltage/pressure/geometrical relationships. New ndings in
the RCM demonstrate and conrm analytical work predicting radical dis-
tribution along streamer length, as well as the orderly and instantaneous
nature of inammation. RCM testing demonstrates a signicant improve-
ment in the 5 % MFB characteristics compared to spark ignition. This is
likely due to both the volume of the ignition source and turbulent nature of
the ame initiated by corona ignition previously documented. However, no
signicant change is quantied in the 10-90 % burn duration.

Engine testing and in-cylinder videos conrm the effect of the voluminous
and turbulent ame from RCM and Schlieren imaging, but show that mix-
ture turbulence has an effect on the pattern of initiation. Although this ef-
fect was not directly studied for this paper, it may be inferred that turbu-
lence at time of ignition has limited impact on combustion, as shown in
the symmetry of ignition delay reduction between RCM and engine data
across a variety of geometries, loads, and fuel types. The benet of ACIS
as an enabling technology is seen in its ability to greatly extend both lean
and dilute limits. ACIS can also work at high engine loads improving com-
bustion at knock limits, and has been shown to reduce cyclic variability
across a wide range of operating conditions.

Beside the potential in terms of extending lean and EGR dilute limits, the
voluminous ignition characteristics of ACIS is expected to be benecial
particularly for stratied combustion robustness. In further investigations it
is planned to evaluate the effects of the corona ignition to stratied charge
inammation in detail on the rapid compression machine and on a single
cylinder engine. First tests at IAV show promising results. Also, it is intend-
ed to deeper examine the mechanism of radical induced ignition by con-
tinuing RCM investigations, for example radical supported auto ignition.

The authors would like to thank Eike Rindeisch for supporting this paper
with the conduction of the RCM testing work during his diploma thesis
period at IAV. Further thanks to Dr. Jochen Mass for his support in terms
of optical measurement techniques.

[1] Akishev, Y., Goossens, O., Callebaut, T., Leys, C., Napartovich,
A. & Trushkin, N. (2001). The Inuence of Electrode Geometry and
Gas Flow on Corona-to-Glow and Glow-to-Spark Threshold Currents
in Air. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, 18.
[2] Breden, D., Raja, L. L., Idicheria, C. A., Najt, P. M. & Mahadevan,
S. (2013). A Numerical Study of High-Pressure Non-Equilibrum
Streamers for Combustion Ignition Application. Journal of Applied
Physics, 114, 8.

The Authors
Dr. John Burrows
Electronics and Analysis,
ACIS Federal-Mogul Corporation Manchester
Suite 14, Styal Road
Manchester, M22 5TN
United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]

Paul-Benjamin Reinicke
Thermodynamics/Boost Systems, DA-M11
Division Development Advanced
Carnotstrae 1
10587 Berlin
E-mail: [email protected]

Kristapher Mixell
ACIS and Ignition Coils
Federal-Mogul Powertrain
47001 Port Street
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
E-mail: [email protected]

Marc Sens
Thermodynamics/Boost Systems, DA-M1
Division Development Advanced
Carnotstrae 1
10587 Berlin
E-mail: [email protected]

Michael Riess
Thermodynamics/Boost Systems, DA-M11
Division Development Advanced
Carnotstrae 1
10587 Berlin
E-mail: [email protected]


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