Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings Located On Hillside Slope
Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings Located On Hillside Slope
Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings Located On Hillside Slope
ABSTRACT: In the seismically active Indian Himalayan region, lack of available flat lands and ever-
increasing housing needs have led to widespread construction of multi-storey reinforced concrete
moment frame buildings on hilly slopes. Such buildings have foundation at different levels and columns
of varying height to accommodate ground slope, introducing stiffness irregularity over the height of the
structure. During an earthquake, this can lead to stress concentration in structure and may make them
more vulnerable to collapse as compared to their regular counterparts. The primary objective of this study
is to evaluate the seismic performance and factors influencing collapse capacity of buildings on hilly
slopes designed as per modern Indian seismic building codes, which is not extensively investigated in
past. To this end, two-dimensional numerical building models capable of simulating flexural and shear
failure are created in OpenSEES for modern Indian seismic code compliant reinforced concrete special
moment resisting frames located in city of Aizwal in the Himalayan region of India. The collapse capacity
of the nonlinear building models is evaluated using incremental dynamic analysis for a suite of site
specific ground motions. The seismic collapse fragility curves are developed as a metric to assess the
seismic vulnerability of buildings. Buildings located on slope have lower median collapse capacity as
compared to buildings located on flat grounds. The seismic response of buildings located on slope is
particularly influenced by type of configuration and building height. The median collapse capacity
[Sa(T=1s)] decreases by 20% to 42% with increase in slope angle from 5º to 30º as compared to building
on no slope.
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019
due to irregularity in the cross slope direction is through collapse fragility curves that are
not considered. Recent studies have observed developed from incremental dynamic analysis on
higher seismic fragility of buildings located on the building models. To evaluate the parameters
hill slopes as compared to the regular building influencing the collapse capacity of buildings due
counterparts located on flat ground (Surana et al. to stiffness irregularity along slope direction, this
2018; Wang et al. 2014). Singh et al. (2012) study considers archetype buildings located on
analyzed the seismic behavior of two typical varying ground slope angle ranging from 0º to 30º,
stepping back configurations of hill buildings different building configuration and different
using linear and nonlinear time history analyses building heights.
and observed that the story at higher ground level
in building located on hill slope is most 2. SEISMIC COLLAPSE ASSESSMENT
susceptible to damage. Mohammad et al. (2017) METHODOLOGY
employed equivalent static approach and response Seismic collapse capacity of a structure is a
spectrum method to study seismic behavior of few measure the life safety provided by the structure
building configurations of hill buildings. They and can be quantified using collapse fragility
concluded that to ascertain true behaviour of hill curves that relate the probability of collapse to
buildings, equivalent static method entirely different intensities of seismic excitation. This
depended on time period is not adequate. Surana study utilizes collapse fragility curve parameters
et al. (2018) have considered the influence of for assessing the relative vulnerability of
Indian seismic design codal level (buildings buildings and evaluates the impact of different
constructed before 1962, and after 2002 high- building parameters that affect its response.
code) on response of low and mid-rise buildings Seismic collapse fragility curves are developed
with different configurations located on hill slope. using incremental dynamic analysis (IDA)
They observed 50% and 10% reduction in median conducted on analytical nonlinear models of
collapse capacity of pre-code and high-code hill archetype modern code compliant reinforced
buildings when compared to their flat-terrain concrete moment frame buildings located in the
counterparts due to torsional irregularity and region. The subsequent sections will discuss the
shear failure of short columns. methodology in detail.
This paper extends on previous research
studies by assessing the impact of different 2.1. Archetypical Building Model
building parameters on seismic collapse capacity In urban India, most of the residential buildings
of modern code-compliant reinforced concrete have the ground story height, intermediate story
special moment resisting frames that are located height and bay width in the range of 3.5 m to 4.5
on hilly slopes. The archetype buildings are m, 2.7 m to 3.5 m and 3 m to 5 m respectively
analytically modelled as a two dimensional frame (Agarwal et al. 2002). This data serves as basis for
with lumped plasticity beam column elements development of archetype building for reinforced
with elastic joint shear springs. The rotational concrete moment frame buildings. The archetype
plastic hinges provided at beams ends are capable building represents the generalized structural
of simulating strength and stiffness deterioration performance of full class of buildings. The
under cycles of earthquake loading. The sloping primary archetypical building (Type I, ID1)
ground also results in presence of short columns considered in this study is a three bay four story
that are susceptible to shear failure. To capture reinforced concrete moment frame residential
this failure, shear springs capable of simulating building located on flat ground with 3 m floor
direct shear failure and flexure shear failure are height and 5 m bay width (Figure 1(a)). To
provided on top of short columns. The seismic accommodate the gradual and steep hill slope, the
vulnerability of the buildings is quantified primary archetype building is modified only at its
foundation level, as shown in Figure 1(b) and
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019
material developed by Ibarra et al. (2005) that failure (Sezen and Moehle 2004) and flexural
captures deterioration of flexural strength and shear failure (Elwood 2004). Once the shear limit
stiffness over cycles of loading. The inelastic curve is reached, the properties of the shear spring
springs have a trilinear backbone curve that is updated to represent the expected negative
captures the negative stiffness of post-peak shear stiffness of for the column. The RC beam-
response enabling the modeling of the strain- column joint is modelled in OpenSEES (2018) by
softening behavior caused due to concrete using joint2D element with elastic joint shear
crushing, rebar buckling and fracture, and bond spring to model joint panel shear behavior. To
failure (Haselton et al. 2008). The study uses the model the rotational flexibility of the footing,
plastic-hinge parameters defined by empirical elastic semi-rigid rotational springs are provided
equations developed by Haselton et al. (2008) at each column base.
based on experimental test results of over 200
columns. The plastic hinge properties are based 2.3. Ground Motions
on beam-column properties such as, section size, To account for spectral shape of expected ground
longitudinal steel yield strength and area, shear motions in Aizwal, site specific ground motions
reinforcement spacing, concrete compressive based on uniform hazard spectra for the city are
strength and axial load in column. To capture the selected. The uniform hazard spectra with 2%
flexural response, the flexural springs are probability of exceedance in 50 years is developed
provided in zero length elements at both at top and based on probabilistic seismic hazard assessment
bottom of all elastic beam-column elements for India by Nath and Thingbaijam (2012). Based
(Figure (a)). Generally, to accommodate the on the uniform hazard spectra, 30 far-field ground
ground slope profile, short columns are provided motions are selected from PEER-NGA (2018)
at lower stories that are susceptible to shear failure database. The mean response spectra of the
in addition to flexural failure. To model the selected ground motions matches the uniform
nonlinear behavior of these columns, shear hazard spectra for the site closely and the same is
springs in addition to flexural springs are provided illustrated in Figure 4. Thirty selected ground
in the zero length element on top of the column, motion records have magnitude (Mw) greater ≥ 6.5
as illustrated in Figure 3(b). and average shear wave velocity for upper 30 m
a) b)
soil column (VS30) ranging from 360 and 760 m/s.
Zero length element
at top of the column 10
Spectral Acceleration
Flexural spring 1
Elastic element
Uniform Hazard Spectra
Zero length element at
Mean Response Spectra
bottom of the column
Selected Ground Motion
Figure 3: Lumped plasticity model for the (a) regular 0.01 0.1 1 10
columns, and (b) short columns Time Period [sec]
The shear spring is modelled using uniaxial Figure 4: Site specific ground motions selected based
material in OpenSEES (2018), such that column on uniform hazard spectra for Aizwal, India.
response will be controlled by flexural inelastic
2.4. Incremental Dynamic Analysis
springs until shear failure occurs. The shear spring
Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) is conducted
tracks the response of the associated beam-
on nonlinear structural models to assess its
column element until it crosses the pre-defined
seismic collapse capacity. In incremental dynamic
shear limit curve corresponding to direct shear
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019
The fundamental time period of vibration flexural failure of columns is responsible for
calculated by modal analysis of cracked sections structural collapse and for Type II and Type III
in OpenSEES (2018) is also presented in Table 1. buildings collapse occurs due to the combination
The study specifically looks at the impact of of column flexure and short columns shear failure.
different configurations, building heights and
angle of sloping ground on collapse capacity of 3.2. Influence of ground slope angle
vertically irregular structures and the same is The four story buildings located on gradual slope
discussed in detail in the following sections. have median collapse capacity (Sa(T=1s) 25.6%
lower than buildings located on steep slope. To
3.1. Influence of building configuration understand the effect of gradual slope angles on
Firstly, the collapse capacity of common collapse capacity, additional four story buildings
vertically irregular configuration for buildings with two stories below the uppermost ground
located on sloping grounds is investigated. The level located on 0º (ID4), 5º (ID5), 10º (ID6), 15º
modern reinforced concrete moment frame (ID7), 20º (ID8), 25º (ID9), and 30º (ID2) are
archetypical buildings located on flat (Type I, considered as shown on Figure 2 and results are
ID1), gradual (Type II, ID2) and steep slope (Type summarised in Table 1. It is observed that the
III, ID3) are considered. As evident in Table 1, median collapse capacity [Sa(T=1s)] decreases
buildings located on sloping ground (ID2 and with increase in slope angle, indicating strong
ID3) have higher time period and hence flexible correlation between slope angle of the ground and
as compared to those located on flat ground (ID1). collapse vulnerability of buildings, that structure
The comparison of collapse fragility curves of is more vulnerable to collapse as seen in Figure 7.
four story buildings located on flat (Type I, ID1), 2
gradual (Type II, ID2), and steep slope (Type III,
xm, Sa (T=1s) [g]
0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Slope Angle (degrees)
0.2 Figure 7: Comparison of median collapse capacity
(Sa(T=1s) of four story building with varying ground
0 slope angle
0 1 2 3 4
Sa (T=1s) [g] It is evident from Figure 2, that the building
Figure 6: Comparison of collapse fragility curves of can have lowermost column with heights varying
four story archetype building located on flat (ID1), from 1m to 3.6m to accommodate the ground
gradual (ID2), and steep slope (ID3) slope angle. Depending on the slope angle the
The buildings located on flat surface (ID1) number of columns below the uppermost ground
have median collapse capacity (Sa(T=1s)) 29.5% level also varies. For shorter columns, the failure
and 5.3% higher than those located on gradual mode changes from flexure to flexure shear. The
(ID2) and steep (ID1) slope building respectively, predominant failure mechanism generally
indicating higher collapse vulnerability of observed in buildings located on slope is shown
buildings located on sloping grounds. This is Figure 8. The red circles indicates failure. In ID5
mainly due column failure from increased stress (5º slope angle) building, the building collapse is
concentration introduced by irregularity over due to flexural failure of columns where else in
height of the buildings. In Type I buildings, ID2 (30º slope angle) the failure is localized due
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019
to shear failure of short columns. The decrease in fragility in Figure 10 illustrates the increase in
median collapse capacity of structure with median collapse capacity of structure with
increase in slope angle is evident from the increase in building height. The median collapse
comparison of collapse fragility curves shown in capacity [Sa(T1)] decreases with increasing height
Figure 9. of the building which is in line with the past
research studies. But to compare the response
a) b)
among buildings, spectral acceleration at T=1s is
considered. The six and four story buildings
located on gradual slope have median collapse
capacity [Sa(T=1s)] 36.8% and 51.5% higher
than the two story building respectively.
Figure 8: Predominant collapse mechanisms for the
four story archetype building located on hill slope with 0.6
a) 5º (ID5), and b) 30º (ID2) slope angle ID11
0.4 ID10
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13
Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019
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