Earthquake Analysis of High Raised RC Framed Building by Response Spectrum Method
Earthquake Analysis of High Raised RC Framed Building by Response Spectrum Method
Earthquake Analysis of High Raised RC Framed Building by Response Spectrum Method
Earthquake Analysis of High Raised RC Framed
Building by Response Spectrum Method
Jetta Sravani and 2Varra Aruna Reddy,
Assistant Professor, St.Marry’s Integrated Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India
Abstract: Many high-rise buildings are designed with basement. shear force in the basement is carefully investigated in this study.
In general, we assume that a building is fixed at the ground level. And an efficient method is proposed for the analysis of high-rise
Buildings between 75 feet and 491 feet (23 m to 150 m) high are buildings considering the effects of basement by using partial or
considered high-rises. Buildings taller than 492 feet (150 m) are full rigid diaphragm and matrix condensation procedure.
classified as skyscrapers. However, the basement may introduce
Earthquake has always been a threat to human
flexibility to the structure resulting in larger lateral displacements
civilization from the day of its existence, devastating human
and longer vibration periods. The seismic loads applied to a
lives, property and man-made structures. The very recent
building structure will affect the member forces in the basement.
earthquake that we faced in our neighboring country Indian has
Thus, it is recommended to include the basement in the analysis
again shown nature’s fury, causing such a massive destruction to
of high-rise building (G+15) structures.
the country and its people. It is such an unpredictable calamity
The effect of the basement is investigated based on the that it is very necessary for survival to ensure the strength of the
seismic response of high-rise buildings and an efficient analysis structures against seismic forces. Therefore there is continuous
method to account for the effect of the basement was proposed in research work going on around the globe, revolving around
this study. When a 15-story building structure was subjected to development of new and better techniques that can be
static lateral loads, the displacements of the roof were 13.8cm and incorporated in structures for better seismic performance.
12.7cm for the cases with and without the basement. And the Obviously, buildings designed with special techniques to resist
period of the building with the basement was about 10% longer damages during seismic activity have much higher cost of
than that of the building without the basement. Therefore, it is construction than normal buildings, but for safety against failures
recommended to use the proposed method to get more accurate under seismic forces it is a prerequisite.
results in the analysis of building structures with basement.
Key Skills:
ETABS 2015
Auto Cad 2016
Recently, most of the high-rise buildings may have basement
used as parking lots or shopping malls etc. In general, it is
commonly assumed that the building is fixed at the ground level
in the analysis and the basement is not included in the analytical
model. Using this assumption, the lateral stiffness of the structure
may be overestimated since the flexibility introduced by the
basement is ignored. Therefore, the natural periods may be
shortened and the dynamic response of a building structure may
be misestimated due to this inaccurate prediction of the lateral
Figure 1: RC building with exterior bracing system as lateral
In general, only gravity loads are considered in stiffener (1)
designing the basement structure without the effect of lateral
forces as earthquake loads applied to the super structure such. But
the seismic loads applied to the super structure will affect the
member forces in the basement structure. The previous researches
on buildings with basement were only focused on the dynamic
behavior of a structure using a simplified model and could not
cover the effect of seismic loads on basement structural members.
The effect of the basement on the seismic response of high-rise
buildings and the effect of the seismic loads on the member force
of the basement were investigated in this study. Especially in
seismic analysis of high-rise building structures with basement, it Figure 2: Connection of steel brace to concrete member [2]
is of practical importance to obtain an accurate estimation of the Shear walls are structural system consisting of braced
high shear force acting on the basement structure. Therefore the panels, also known as Shear Panels. Concrete Shear walls are
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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4(1), ISSN: 2394-9333
widespread in many earthquake-prone countries like Canada, special buildings, like critical buildings of nuclear power plants.
Turkey, Romania, Colombia, and Russia. It has been in practice
A. The Four Virtues Of Earthquake Resistant Buildings
since 1960’s, used in buildings ranging from medium- to high-
rise structures. Shear walls should always be placed For a building to perform satisfactorily during earthquakes, it
symmetrically in the structure and on each floor, including the must meet the philosophy of earthquake-resistant design
basement. Reinforced concrete Shear walls transfer seismic forces discussed in Section 1.2.
to foundation and provide strength and stiffness.
1. Characteristics of Buildings
There are four aspects of buildings that architects and
design engineers work with to create the earthquake-resistant
design of a building, namely seismic structural configuration,
lateral stiffness, lateral strength and ductility, in addition to other
aspects like form, aesthetics, functionality and comfort of
building. Lateral stiffness, lateral strength and ductility of
buildings can be ensured by strictly following most seismic
design codes. But, good seismic structural configuration can be
ensured by following coherent architectural features that result in
good structural behaviour.
(a) Seismic Structural Configuration
Seismic structural configuration entails three main
Figure 3: Building showing a Shear Wall [3] aspects, namely (a) geometry, shape and size of the building, (b)
location and size of structural elements, and (c) location and size
of significant non-structural elements (Figure 1.8). Influence of
the geometry of a building on its earthquake performance is best
understood from the basic geometries of convex and concave
lenses from school-day physics class (Figure 1.9). The line
joining any two points within area of the convex lens lies
completely within the lens. But, the same is not true for the
concave lens; a part of the line may lie outside the area of the
concave lens. Structures with convex geometries are preferred to
those with concave geometries, as the former demonstrate
superior earthquake performance. In the context of buildings,
convex shaped buildings have direct load paths for transferring
earthquake shaking induced inertia forces to their bases for any
direction of ground shaking, while concave buildings necessitate
The design for only a fraction of the elastic level of bending of load paths for shaking of the ground along certain
seismic forces is possible, only if the building can stably directions that result in stress concentrations at all points where
withstand large displacement demand through structural damage the load paths bend.
without collapse and undue loss of strength. This property is
called ductility (Figure 1.6). It is relatively simple to design
structures to possess certain lateral strength and initial stiffness by
appropriately proportioning the size and material of the members.
But, achieving sufficient ductility is more involved and requires
extensive laboratory tests on full-scale specimen to identify
preferable methods of detailing.
In summary, the loading imposed by earthquake shaking
under the building is of displacement-type and that by wind and
all other hazards is of force-type. Earthquake shaking requires
buildings to be capable of resisting certain relative displacement Objectives
within it due to the imposed displacement at its base, while wind
The objectives of present work are as follows:
and other hazards require buildings to resist certain level of force
applied on it (Figure 1.7a). While it is possible to estimate with 1. To analyze the building with different ground motions,
precision the maximum force that can be imposed on a building, namely, IS code compatible ground motion, Imperial
the maximum displacement imposed under the building is not as Valley ground motion and San Francisco ground motion.
precisely known. For the same maximum displacement to be 2. To perform dynamic analysis of the building using
sustained by a building (Figure 1.7b), wind design requires only response spectrum method.
elastic behaviour in the entire range of displacement, but in 3. To model building with different lateral stiffness systems
earthquake design there are two options, namely design the and study the change in response of the building
building to remain elastic or to undergo inelastic behaviour. The 4. To compare and get a better and efficient lateral stiffness
latter option is adopted in normal buildings, and the former in system
D. Design Practice
The generation of acceleration response spectrum and a change of
frame of reference of deformation together have facilitated
converting the moving base problem of earthquake shaking of
Dead Load on G+15 Building buildings into a fixed base problem (Figure 1.13). The latter is
easy to handle, since design practice is conversant with analysis
Scope and design of structures subjected to forces, and not subjected to
1.1 This code (Part I) covers unit weight/mass of nationals, and displacements or accelerations. Therefore, the acceleration
parts or components In a building that apply to the determination response spectrum allows quick, back-of the- envelope type
of dead loads In the deslln of buildmgs. 1.1. J The unit calculations by senior engineers to check the ball park values of
weight/mass of maternal that arc likely to be stored in a building force generated in a building during earthquake shaking.
are also specified for the purpose of load calculations along with
angles of maternal canon as appropriate
A. Structural Wall-Frame Systems
Earthquake resistant buildings should possess, at least a
minimum lateral stiffness, so that they do no swing too much
during small levels of shaking. Moment frame buildings may not
be able to offer this always. When lateral displacement is large in
a building with moment frames only, structural walls, often
commonly called shear walls, can be introduced to help reduce
overall displacement of buildings, because these vertical plate-
like structural elements have large in-plane stiffness and strength.
Therefore, the structural system of the building consists of
Figure 7: Tabulated Plot Coordinates moment frames with specific bays in each direction having
structural walls (Figure 3.29b). Structural walls resist lateral
Weak Storey forces through combined axial-flexure-shear action. Also,
structural walls help reduce shear and moment demands on beams
It is one in which the storey lateral strength is less than 80 percent
and columns in the moment frames of the building, when
of that in the storey above, The storey lateral strength is the total
provided along with moment frames as lateral load resisting
strength of all seismic force resisting elements sharing the storey
system. Structural walls should be provided throughout the height
shear in the considered direction.
of buildings for best earthquake performance. Also, walls offer
Seismic Weight
best performance when rested on hard soil strata.
Seismic Weight of Floors
Consider the five-storey building, but with structural
The seismic weight of each floor is its full dead load plus walls as shown in Figure 3.42. The first case differs from the rest
appropriate amount of imposed load, as specified in 7.3.1 and in the position of the structural walls in both direction – the walls
7.3.2. While computing the seismic weight of each floor, the are at the building periphery in the first case, while they are
weight of columns and walls in any storey shall be equally placed near the centre in the others. The last two cases represent
distributed to the floors above and below the storey. buildings with twice wall area in the Y-direction; in the last case,
two short (one-bay) walls are combined to form one long (two-
Seismic Weight of Building
bay) wall. Structural walls, owing to their large lateral stiffness,
The seismic weight of the whole building is the sum of the draw most of the lateral force and thereby help reduce demands
seismic weights of all the floors. Any weight supported in on columns and beams. This is seen in Figure 3.43; bending
between storeys shall be distributed to the floors above and below moment, shear force and axial force demands on beams and
in inverse proportion to its distance from the floors. columns are significantly reduced by introduction of structural
walls (at periphery). But, it is not sufficient to provide structural
walls in buildings; their location in a building governs the overall
response of the building. Details are taken.
B. Beam Design
A reinforced concrete beam should be able to resist
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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4(1), ISSN: 2394-9333
tensile, compressive and shear stress induced in it by loads on the [7] IS 13920-1993 for Ductile Detailing Reinforced Concrete
beam. Structures subject to seismic forces, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
There are three types of reinforced concrete beams
1.)Single reinforced beams
2.)Double reinforced concrete
3.)Flanged beams
A. Summary
The obtained results of static and dynamic analysis in
OMRF & SMRF are compared for different columns under axial,
torsion, bending moment and displacement forces. The results in
graph-1 shows that there is equal values obtained of axial forces
in static and dynamic analysis of OMRF structure. The results in
graph-2 shows that the values are obtained for torsion in static
analysis are negative and dynamic analysis values are positive.
The results in graph-3 here we can observe that the values for
bending moment at dynamic analysis values are high in initially
for other columns it decreased gradually as compared to that of
static analysis. The results in graph-4 we can observe that the
values for displacement in static analysis of OMRF values are
more compared to that of dynamic analysis values of same
columns. The results in graph-5 shows that the values obtained of
axial forces in dynamic analysis of SMRF structure values are
high compare to static analysis.