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damaged, but the risk is increased significantly if the structure is sloped, such as a building on
a hill that is inclined toward the ground. This is due to the formation of plastic hinges on the
uphill side of short columns due to higher lateral stresses [2].
The most catastrophic and unpredictably occurring natural occurrence is an earthquake.
When a building is subjected to seismic pressures, human lives are not immediately lost;
instead, the building is damaged, which causes it to collapse, endangering the lives of its
residents and damaging nearby property. Particularly in a growing nation like India, the recent
earthquakes' widespread devastation of low and high-rise structures calls for more inquiry [1].
Structures on slopes differ from those on plains because they
are irregular both vertically and horizontally. Seismic zones II
and V cover a sizeable portion of the hilly terrain in northern
and northeastern India [3,4].
Building on sloping ground requires careful planning to
ensure stability and safety. Engineers must account for soil
composition, water drainage, and potential erosion to
design a foundation that can withstand the uneven terrain.
Likhitharadhya Y R, Praveen J V, Sanjith J, Ranjith A, et al (2016),[1] Although flat ground
is typically where the structures are built, because level land is so scarce, development has
begun on slopes. On land that slopes, there are two different construction configurations:
step back and step back setback. This study's research took into account a G+ 10 story RCC
structure with a ground slope ranging from 100 to 300. It has been compared to the
structure standing on level ground. Using the structure analysis programmed ETAB 2015,
the building was modelled and examined to determine the impact of the bottom floor
columns' varied heights at various earthquake-related locations. Response spectrum
studies were used to do the seismic study in accordance with IS:1893 (part 1): 2002. The
results included top storey displacement, storey acceleration, base shear, and mode
period. Short columns may be more adversely affected by earthquakes.
Ravikumar et al. (2012),[2] examined two different types of irregularities in
building models: vertical irregularity with setback and sloping ground and plan
irregularity with geometric and diaphragm discontinuity. To determine the
seismic demands, pushover analysis was done using various lateral load instances
in all three directions. Every structure taken into consideration is three stories tall
and has a unique layout with uneven elevation patterns.
Patel et al. (2014),[3] With the use of the analysis tool ETabs, a 3D analytical model
of an eightstory structure was examined in order to determine the effects of a
concrete shear wall at various earthquake-prone areas as well as the change in
column height caused by sloping land. In the current study, lateral load analysis
was done in line with seismic code to analyze the impacts of seismic load and
pushover analysis was performed to estimate the seismic vulnerability.
1. To create earthquake-resistant buildings utilizing IS 1893:2002.
3. To compare the results of Story Drift, Shear force, bending moment, and
Building Torsion of regular and irregular buildings with 10-degree and 20-
degree slope ground structures with flat ground models developed with ETABS
software in order to investigate, in accordance with IS 1893:2002, the seismic
behavior of multi-story structures in Zone II.
Using ETABS 2021 for modelling
Importing geometry
Considering the slopes
Defining material properties
Defining section properties
Assigning loads
Analyze structure
Designing structural element
Comparision of the results
Sloping terrain allows for stepped building designs.
These steps can create opportunities for slimmer rooms
with better views and glazing
Sloping ground buildings are more vulnerable to
seismic events compared to those on level ground.
Parameters such as slope angle and storey ratio
influence seismic risk and this can be better understand
using this project
Understanding the building’s lateral stability under
seismic and wind loads, considering the interaction
between the structure and the sloping ground
SLOPING GROUND”, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada
August 1-6, 2004, Paper No. 1472.
[2]. Likhitharadhya Y R1, Praveen J V2, Sanjith J3, Ranjith A4, “Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storey
Building Resting on Flat Ground and Sloping Ground”, International Journal of Innovative Research in
Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 6, June 2016
[3]. Shivanand.B1, H.S. Vidyadhara2, “DESIGN OF 3D RC FRAME ON SLOPING GROUND”,
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-
[4]. Mr. Tamboli Nikhil Vinod, Dr. Ajay Swarup,” STUDY OF SEISMIC BEHAVIOUR OF
on Sloping Ground and Considering Bracing System”, International Journal of Engineering Research
Volume No.5 Issue: Special 3, pp: 690-697.