Understanding Research and Scientific Publication: Article
Understanding Research and Scientific Publication: Article
Understanding Research and Scientific Publication: Article
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3 authors:
Mona Giri
Nepal Health Research Council
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Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, Kathmandu, Nepal
Any research work is completed only after completion of Based on the reflections of the editors and reviewers of
the final step which is “dissemination”. Even though the most of the journals in Nepal, one of the most essential
philosophy of publish or perish has been well accepted areas to be improved is the skills of the authors to
by the scientific community for a long time, till date, for present their work in precise format.2 Before embarking
most of the researchers, dissemination has been limited on the race to get ones name in the most prestigious
to sharing of the findings to their colleagues or to the journals, one should be acquainted with writing skills.
audience at the local, regional or national conferences.1 The next step could be to share their work within their
peers to get the feedback. Feedback from the peer
The major reason behind the emphasis on publication group helps the most to evaluate one’s own work and to
has been the fact that until and unless any research identify the shortcoming and hence refine the writing.
work gets published, the findings would be confined to This review could then be followed by identification of
the researcher and there would be no proof to validate the appropriate audience for the study finding and after
the work.1 Further, publications help researchers to that the choice of journal shall be determined.5
share their work to the larger scientific community and
get feedback. The real essence of publication is the Many a times, the researches often lack readers because
sharing of discoveries and ideas to the wider network of the choice of the journals. Rather than aiming for
and learning what others have already found in the most popular journals, one should target to get their
specific area and get insights on what more needs to be work read by large number of people and this could be
searched. It is to be internalized that if the research achieved by publishing the article in quality national
works were not shared, the progress in scientific world journals or speciality journals based on the nature of
would be slow and negligible.2 the research work and the findings. It is to be realized
that publication is not only the dissemination of findings
Besides, in recent years, with reference to professional and results, it is the means to present ones arguments
growth, publication has become one of the major based on the research work and recommend appropriate
criteria for being hired, getting promoted or being policies. This underlines the importance of choice of the
funded for future research.3 In the context of Nepal right journal for publication.6
too, the universities have made publication a criteria
for academic positions.2 This has proved to be one of Moreover, the fear of rejection from the journal acts as
the measures to promote the research and publication the factor for reservedness of the researchers. The fact
culture. However, compulsion to publish a research that most established academicians also get rejected
paper for upliftment in the professional career has should be born in mind and researcher should be aware
also become one of the major hurdles for some of the of the fact that reason for rejection is not always the
professionals, one of the major reasons being lack of poor quality of research. The paper might not have
skills to write up their research work in a correct and fallen into the priority areas of the journal, or it might
concise form. Majority of the professionals want their not be the appropriate read for its readers.5
work to get published only for the sake of academic
designation and these faculties would neither teach nor Thus, the current trend to publish only for the sake of
encourage the new generation to conduct research and meeting the criteria for professional growth needs to
publish the evidence generated.4 be changed and the real need to research and publish
should be embraced by all the enthusiastic researchers
which could in the long run be beneficial to the scientific 3. Coolidge HJ, Lord RH. Archibald Cary Coolidge, life and
community and could add on to the evidences. letters. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company; 1932.
2. Magar A. Scientific publications in Nepal. J Nepal Health 6. Jaensch C. Why submit? Why publish? Why review?. UK:
Res Counc. 2012 Sep;10(22):243-9. [PubMed] University of Essex; [cited 2017 April 26]. [Full Text]