As the fact that today is conducted a number of scientific research works in the field of medicine, it is necessary to define the steps by
which it is carried out to make it universal and to have scientific value. This paper describes the research methods, study design, the
way in which one should be written, and why it is important to publicize the same. Special emphasis is placed on scientometrics as
the science that evaluates scientific papers and their citation in the selected sample of journals. The paper also answers why scientific
research works should be carried out and what kind of satisfaction they provide to the researcher.
How to cite this article: Masic I. Medical publication and scientometrics. J Res Med Sci 2013;18:516-21.
Address for correspondence: Prof. Izet Masic, Department of Family Medicine, University of Sarajevo,Bosnia and Herzegovina.
E‑mail: [email protected]
Received: 03‑06‑2013 Revised: 15-06-2013; Accepted: 26‑06‑2013
at professional meetings (e.g. conferences). That research that are related to the research. Many databases contain
which is not published or displayed in another way cannot such abstracts, and we will mention just a few: MEDLINE,
affect the practices that can make people healthier. For this SCOPUS, EMBASSE, ISI Web of Science, EBSCO, etc. The
reason, scientists are encouraged, especially young ones, most important of these is PubMed, which contains more
after completing the project to publish scientific work in than 21 million abstracts (most of them from MEDLINE
a professional journal. and PubMed Central).[2]
IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM If the researcher cannot get from the database insight into
the whole article, it remains the possibility to directly contact
The first step includes actions such as: the author and ask for a copy of the same. After receiving the
• Selection of topic article, the researcher should re‑read the summary, review
• Literature retrieval charts and tables because usually the most important results
• Focusing on the question posed in the survey. are presented graphically, and read the whole article to get
a real insight into the problem.
This step is probably the most challenging part of the
research project. In this step, the creativity is not only Focusing on the question set in research
allowed, but is obligatory. Selection of research topics Having selected research topics, researcher should focus on
usually reflects personal affinity of the researchers for the the specific question to which research should provide the
problem. One of the most commonly used methods in the answer. What will be the guiding question in the study also
selection of research topics is brainstorming which aim is depends on the type of study that will be conducted. By the
to create a nice long list of possible research topics. After manner in which data will be collected, we can distinguish
the researcher searched the databases with summaries of three types of studies:
previously published papers, journals and books, consult • The primary study: Collecting and analyzing new data
with colleagues, he gained insight into the possibilities for • Secondary studies: an analysis of existing data
research and expand the list of possible topics for research.[2] • Tertiary study: A review and synthesis of existing
When are identified possible research topics, it is
important to formulate them so that each includes three CHOICE OF STUDY DESIGN
important elements: Exposure, disease or outcome, and Commonly used study designs are:
the population. When these three items are defined, they • A meta‑analysis
should be combined to form a research question that must • Correlation (ecological) studies
be answered, for example: Is physical activity associated • Case studies and case series studies
with increased risk of bone fractures in adults with diabetes? • A cross‑sectional study
In fact, physical activity is exposure to potentially provoking • Cohort study
factor, bone fractures is a disease or condition, and adults • Experimental
with diabetes represent a population among which to • Controlled studies (case control),
perform the research. • Qualitative study.
Literature retrieval The study design must be appropriate to the goals that
Once the field of research is chosen, the researcher needs have been previously set. For example, if the objective is
to explore the existing literature that could be used for the to evaluate whether an intervention is effective, the most
research. Usually, first is explored basic information on appropriate study would be experimental. On the other
the internet. Organizations that deal with public health hand, if we want to understand certain populations, the
such as the World Health Organization (HFA ‑ Health for best would be to apply some of the observational studies
All Databasis) and the U.S. Center for Disease Control and such as a cohort or cross‑sectional study.
Prevention have basic information on various diseases and
risk factors for their occurrence. It might also be helpful Each of the listed types of studies is focused on a specific
finding statistical data for a particular problem, and once the population. Thus, for instance, case studies and controlled
exposure, disease or outcome, and population is identified. studies are focused on individuals with a specific
disease, while cohort studies are more concerned with an
Abstract (summary) presents a brief description of an individual’s exposure to the risk factor.
article, chapter, or book, and the length is one paragraph.
Abstracts in medical science give a glimpse into the design Researchers who have fairly easy access to the population of
of the study, the population covered, and the key words interest, such as a group of individuals with a specific disease
or exposure to a risk factor, usually elect for the study design studies are among the best to determine the risk factors for
that is appropriate for the participants in the study. certain diseases.
All researchers have an ethical obligation to reduce problem being investigated. In experimental and clinical
to a minimum the risk that could have participants research is necessary to specify the objective(s) of research
in the study. Ethics Committee must protect research and hypotheses (assumptions) which are included in the
participants, researchers, and institutions in which the study.
process is carried out. It is unacceptable to conduct
research for which protocols the ethics committee had Methods
not given consent.[1] The description of the methods used in the study must first
emphasize the study design that will be used. It is necessary
DATA ANALYSIS to describe the main features of the study, describe the sample
tested, the standard values for the tests, etc. In this paper,
The fourth step in the research is the processing of the data it is necessary to explicitly specify the parameters that are
collected. Most studies require only a descriptive analysis monitored and controlled during the study. This part should
and some comparative statistical analysis. Data are usually end with the description of the statistical methods used.
recorded in some of the software used for databases processing
such as Microsoft Access. After the data has been entered, they Results
can be imported into one of the standard software for statistical Section where we present the results of research begins
analysis. For statistical analysis most of researchers now use with a description of the test population and clearly
SPSS software package, Statistical Package for the Social identifies the size of the tested sample and the demographic
Sciences, which is very useful for epidemiological studies. characteristics. The results obtained by statistical analysis
should be presented in tables and charts whenever
Descriptive analysis is used to describe the basic possible. When displaying the results it is necessary to
characteristics of the study population and other data mark the interval of deviation and their levels of statistical
sources. Comparative analyzes comparing groups of significance. In a comparative study, the interval of
participants on the basis of age or gender, exposure or deviation must relate to the differences between the groups.
existence of disease, etc. A comparative analysis involves
statistical tests that classify participants into two categories Discussion and conclusion
and compares the characteristics of those categories. Discussion is the most important part of the article, and it
begins by summarizing the key findings obtained during
WRITING AND PUBLICATION OF RESULTS the study. In it is promoted the most important results and
comparison with those obtained in previously conducted
The last step in the research is to write the report and studies. If they are significantly different, it is necessary to
conclusions of the research and the presentation or give a possible explanation for these differences. Finally, we
publication. [1,3,13] Usually, the results of the work are should give a confirmation of the set objectives (goals) and
published in the form of an article. Earlier we mentioned confirm or reject the hypothesis. In conclusion is presented the
that every professional article must have its own summary most important facts that were obtained during the research.
or “distillate” which outlined what was done in the course
of the research, in what way, what are the results, and Literature review
the author’s interpretation of them.[4] In article, “How to Citing references can be done in two ways:
Search, Write, Publish and Prepare the Scientific Papers in • In the text of which is given as a brief description of the
the Biomedical Journals”[3] states that the summary must be source of information
clear and precise. To help remember the necessary features, • At the end of the document where is provided detailed
it is useful to use the English acronym for “Keep It Simple bibliography information for each source.
and succinct” ‑ KISS.[3]
References are often cited in the nomenclature
After the summary, are followed the usual parts of a according to Vancouver or alternatively by style called
professional article. Above‑mentioned author in the same ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal
article provides given acronym IMRaD: Introduction, Editors). The literature review should use only those
Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.[3] references that are directly related to the topic of the study.
• Receiving critical review Some of the indicators used in the evaluation of scientific
• Showing respect for the participants and partners research are:
• Facilitate future research • Impact factor
• Personal satisfaction. • Article citations
• Journal citations
SCIENTOMETRICS • The number and order of the authors, etc.
Scientometrics is part of scientology (the science of science) Impact Factor is the number of citations of articles published
that analyzes scientific papers and their citation in the in the journal during the previous 2 years divided by the
scientific journal selected sample.[5] Name Bibliometrics in the total number of articles published in the journal during the
seventies was introduced to denote a quantitative study of the same period. Factor of influence depends on: The quality of
communication process using mathematical and statistical the journal, the language on which it was printed, the area
methods to books and other media of communication. it covers, and the magazine distribution system [Tables 1
Almost simultaneously, in the countries of the former and 2] [Figure 1].
Eastern Bloc was introduced scientometrics name derived
from the Russian language. More specifically, in 1969 was Citation provides guidance to scientific work because it
introduced the name scientometrics related to scientific field encourages scientists to deal with the most current research
that deals with the study of science as an information process areas. So actually “terror of scientometrics indicators”
by applying quantitative (statistical) method, and later organizing scientific work at the global level shapes and directs
Tibor Braun (who in 1977 established international journal it.[7] On the citation impact: Quality of work, an understanding
Scientometrics) introduced the name Scientometrics.[6,13‑16]
of the language in which the work was written, the loyalty of
a group of researchers, type of work, the benefit in terms of
“I quote you, and you love me,” “benefit” in terms of “I will
Table 1: H-index proposed by Jorge E. Hirsch, a physicist at UCSD, as a tool for determining the relative quality. This
figure present current biomedical journals in Bosnia and Herzegovina ordered by the H-Index values in 2011
Title SJR H index Total Total Docs. Total Refs. Total Cites Citable Cites / Doc. Ref. / Doc.
Docs. (3years) (3years) Docs. (2years)
(2011) (3years)
Medicinski Arhiv 0,121 10 101 281 0 69 277 0,29 0,00
Bosnian Journal of Basic 0,204 7 53 221 1.120 108 212 0,56 21,13
Medical Sciences
HealthMED 0,190 5 260 280 6.329 114 279 0,44 24,34
Technics Technologies 0,193 5 161 148 2.727 74 148 0,49 16,94
Education Management
International Journal of 0,196 3 43 47 1.061 21 46 0,46 24,67
Collaborative Research
on Internal Medicine and
Public Health
Sport Science 0,186 2 36 87 680 14 87 0,17 18,89
Acta Medica Saliniana 0,101 1 34 32 580 1 27 0,04 17,06
South East European 0,101 1 20 39 702 0 39 0,00 35,10
Journal of Economics and
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