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Column properties:
Effective length factor = 2
Column length = 5000 mm
Width = 300 mm
Depth = 300 mm
Tie diameter 12 mm
Tie spacing = 350 mm
Diameter of longitudinal bar = 12 mm
Qty of longitunal bar = 4 pcs
Is = 15442190 mm moment of inertia of steel shape
Isr = 1018 mm moment of inertia of reinforcing bars
Area of steel core = 5890
w = 2340 kg/m
fc' = 21 mPa
Fy = 238 mPa
Fyr = 276 mPa
Es = 200000 mPa
1. The cross-sectional area of the steel core shall comprise at least 1% of the total composite cross
Area of steel core = 5890 mm 6.54 % OK
2. Concrete encasement of the steel core shall be reinforced with continuous longitudinal bars and
lateral ties or spirals. Where lateral ties are used, a minimum of either a No. 3 (10mm) bar spaced at a
maximum of 12 in. (305 mm) on center, or a No. 4 (13 mm) bar or larger spaced at a maximum of 16
in. (406 mm) on center shall be used. Deformed wire or welded wire reinforcement of equivalent area
are permitted. Maximum spacing of lateral ties shall not exceed 0.5 times the least column dimension.
3. The minimum reinforcement ratio for continuous longitudinal reinforcing, ρsr shall be 0.004,
Gross area of column = 90000 mm
Minimum allowed = 360 mm
Total Area of rebars = 452 mm OK
Compressive strength
Ac = 90000 mm
As = 5890 mm
Asr = 452 mm
Ec = 22305 mPa
Ic = 659557810 mm moment of inertia of the concrete section
C1 = 0.2228
EIeff = 6366967686133 mPa
Po = 3133179 N
Pe = 2513578 elastic buckling load
Pn = 1859531
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