Traffic Lane Controller Using Rfid and Iot: Computer Science and Information Technologies
Traffic Lane Controller Using Rfid and Iot: Computer Science and Information Technologies
Traffic Lane Controller Using Rfid and Iot: Computer Science and Information Technologies
Veera Boopathy E
Department of ECE, Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur, India
Corresponding Author:
Veera Boopathy.E,
Department of ECE,
Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering,
Hosur, India.
Email: [email protected]
RFID tags placed at every 500m on road would be read by the RFID reader on the vehicle, and
transmit the read tag id to the cloud. Traffic light posts are placed at the traffic junction. Traffic light set the
green passageway for specific period of time which is not a complete systematic system as it cannot solve the
traffic problems fully. The proposed system will have RFID readers at the vehicles that will read all the RFID
tags attached on road coming towards the junction. RFID technology consists following components.
b. RFID reader
The purpose an RFID reader's is to identify RFID tags. A reader contains a Radio Frequency
module, which acts as both a transmitter as well as receiver of radio frequency signals. To generate the
carrier frequency, the transmitter contains of an oscillator. The receiver has a demodulator to extract the
returned data and also for processing it contains an amplifier to strengthen the signal. A microprocessor
forms the control system, memory to filter and store the data. The data is then ready to be sent to the network.
RFID technology [1] uses digital data within RFID tag, which is made up of integrated circuits
which contains a small antenna for transferring information to RFID readers. The greater part of RFID tags
encloses as a minimum an integrated circuit for demodulating and modulating RF waves and an antenna.
Frequency ranges differ from low frequencies of 125 to 134 kHz and 140 to 148.5 kHz, and high frequencies
of 850 to 950 MHz and 2.4 to 2.5 GHz. Wavelengths in the 2.4 GHz range.
2.1. Camera
There will be four cameras in one intersection for a junction road. A CPU will be connected with
these cameras which will be used for video processing. The RFID will be positioned under the road for
detection of the car. The hardware's used: HD Camera [4], CPU (For video processing), Microprocessor (For
traffic light controlling) and RFID Reader (For vehicle Detection) which will be besides the road. Then using
Frame by frame Real-time video analysis through Developed algorithm, how much cars are present on the
Road can be detected. Depending on the number of Detected vehicles implementation of a serial traffic
Timer system is done. This information will be transmitted to CPU or the central database. According to this
automatic traffic system, the traffic light ON/OFF will depend on the number of Vehicles on the Road. The
CPU will detect each and every car and will Count the vehicle number in the road by using the Developed
algorithm. It will also do the same thing with other side of the road by using another camera.
CPU then compares vehicle number on adjacent roads. The road which has more vehicles will get
the preference and green Light for that road will be set on and red signal will be displayed automatically to
the other road. Traffic lights will be connected to the central system and intelligent System will control the
traffic light system.
2.2. WSN
The work in proposed an approach to integrate Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in the RFID
Reader to implement Traffic controlling system where motion sensors are used to transmit signal to the RFID
reader to enter in the read Area when it detects the RFID tag and then RFID Reader Reads the contents of
RFID tag and pass this information to Host via IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee standard, which reduces Cost and time
required by eliminating the wired Installation of cable. Each intersection contains 8 RFID readers.
The road is divided into two separate lanes. Each lane has its RFID Reader to track the vehicles
passing through it. Each Intersection point has its separate database to store the Information regarding the
vehicles that passed from junction. Every vehicle has a RFID enabled device that stores a vehicle
identification number (VIN) [5]. The duty of the smart traffic controller is to compute the time of green
signal specifically basis on the amount of vehicle and also solve the problem of starvation. This is
recommended for object detection and contour tracing. After finding the edges then count objects as defined
by the edges. RFID TAG must be installed in each and every vehicle that is being used.
RFID READER placed at most critical spots on road would be read by the on the vehicle, and
transmit the read tag id to the cloud. The Tag information table in cloud would fetch information regarding
the Locality/Road/Lane [6]. The data base of the vehicle which is maintained by control room.
In this paper we propose to install an intelligent tracking device on every vehicle. The reader would
provide following features for controlling the Traffic in Highways,
− Ensures the Vehicles running on Highways follow lane discipline
− Identifies and Reports cause for Congestion in a fast track road.
− Enables automated deduction of violations and charges penalties or license cancellation etc.
− Helps in Reducing Bribery in the Traffic control mechanisms in avoiding Violations.
− Increases consciousness in vehicle operators.
Creates ways to new Traffic prediction to reduce the influence of lane closure, this paper designs the
control flow of Intelligent Lane Merge Control System (ILMCS) [3] with ITS techniques, and constructs
Traffic Information Collection System, Traffic Information Process and Decision System and Traffic
Information Release System of ILMCS.
The system identifies traffic states by analyzing real-time data collected by traffic detectors and then
adopts adaptive lane merge control strategies by analyzing the extent of traffic congestion.
At last, the paper evaluates ILMCS performances by simulation. The results show the performances
of ILMCS exceed conventional merge controls, dynamic early merge control and dynamic late merge
control, especially in improving freeway work zones safety and capacity.
The main components of ILMCS are Traffic Information Collection System (TICS), Traffic
Information Process and Decision System (TIPDS) and Traffic Information Release System (TIRS). TICS is
the basis of ILMCS, using traffic detectors to collect data and transfer to TIPDS by communication network.
TIPDS is the core component of ILMCS to decide which control strategy should be adopted. TIRS releases
control strategy information to travelers by using a series of VMS, then to realize dynamic control of the lane
merge. Figure 1 shows the TICS, TIPDS and TIRS components and data flow.
Traffic state is detected by traffic volume, velocity and occupancy data. ILMCS triggers DEM when
traffic volume is low and the system controls the first piece of VMS upstream to show “Left (or Right) Lane
Do Not Pass/ When Flashing”. With the increasing of traffic volume, the upper VMS are triggered in
sequences, until the final piece of VMS on upstream. If traffic volume continues to increase, when the queue
diffuses to upstream of WZ and ILMCS transfers to DLM, where all VMS show the message of “Use Both
Lanes to Merge Point/ When Flashing”. With the real-time change of traffic states, the control strategy of
ILMCS also changes adaptively.
Traffic state is detected by comparing traffic data collected from TICS with the decision thresholds
and the detection algorithms. Some traffic detectors are installed on VMS to monitor traffic density and
congestion. When stopped vehicles are detected in the open lane next to a sign, a signal is transmitted to turn
on the flashing strobes on the next sign upstream while automobiles are running once more, the strobes will
shut off. In this way, the length of the no-passing zone is adapted to the length of congestion at any moment;
thereby it can increase the capacity.
Finally the GSM module number is interfaced with IOT cloud which manage the database
of vehicles and these are accessed by control room TICS act as IOT platform that collect the information
and by using intelligence if any vehicle cross the speed limit of the Lane then vehicle details
is noted in control room.
The previous systems work efficiently to manage to manage the traffic but does not provide quality
of service for additional emergency and stolen vehicles and use Hardware like ZigBee etc. and complicate
the system. The Proposed system works effectively and with higher accuracy in managing the traffic at
junction with different priorities at different time.
[1] Andrew G. Beacher, Mechael D. Fontaine and Nicholas J. Garber, Evaluation of the late merge work zone traffic
control strategy, Virginia Transportation Research Council, Final Report, 2004.
[2] Andrzej P. Tarko, Daniel Shamo and Jason Wasson, Indiana lane merge system for work zones on rural freeways,
Journal of Transportation Engineering, 1999, 125(5):415-420.
[3] Tapan Datta, Kerrie Schattler, Puskar Kar and Arpita Guha, Development and evaluation of an advanced dynamic
lane merge traffic control system for 3 to 2 lane transition areas in work zones, Michigan Department of
Transportation, Research Report RC-1451, 2004.
[4] Eric Meyer, Construction area late merges (CALM) system, FHWA Pooled Fund Study, 2004.
[5] Kyeong-Pyo Kang, Gang-Len Chang and Jawad Paracha, Dynamic late merge control at highway work zones:
evaluation, observations, and suggestions, TRB 2006 Annual Meeting CD-ROM, 2006, 1-28.
[6] Patrick T. McCoy and Geza Pesti, Dynamic late merge control concept for work zones on rural freeways, Available:,US Department of Transportation FHWA, 2006.