Smart Parking System Using RFID
Smart Parking System Using RFID
Smart Parking System Using RFID
-Khyati Garg
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Sithouli Campus, Gwalior, India
Abstract: Introduction-
Now days the use of vehicles is increasing day RFID is a technology that helps to identify the
by day, the major problem in densely populated animate or inanimate through radio waves.
areas is lack of parking availability. The RFID RFID is one of the most fundamental
technique is the mostly used technique to technologies that enables wireless data
overcome or eradicate the cause. The existing transmission. Although it has been
technique of RFID concept is to check the known for a long time, has not been very often
balance amount in the card rather than finding used in industry. Because it was expensive and
the availability of parking lots at remote there was no standardization among the
location. manufacturing companies. It took
The major disadvantage in this existing a long time to be widely utilized.
methodology is tracing the amount deducted The intentions of the utilization of the
and it varies from time to time on various slots. RFID technology have been
Hence, we provide a solution i.e., by this encouraged in the following ways: By
proposed method we ensure an efficient the use of RFID technology, manually
monitoring system that allows for tracking achieved workloads will be decreased
availability of spaces in parking areas in remote considerably.
areas like malls, parks and other public places RFID technology is universal, useful
as well. This project forecasts all the possible and efficient.
ways to reduce parking tension. This project RFID technology increases company
aims at interfacing RFID concept with Internet efficiency and provides advantages on
of Things (IoT). IoT establishes a client server both company and client-wise.
communication that enables the user for remote RFID technology is much more secure
communication regarding availability of compared to other networks.
parking slots from distance. In order to enhance RFID labels play an important role as
a mobile friendly environment a website is an inventory tracking technology.
being developed that gives prior information to RFID technology is an automized
the user about the availability of parking slot vehicle identification system that is
and thereby enabling them to book the slot for useful and requires no personnel.
parking from a distance and the slot remains Vehicles are identified and parking-lot
booked for a period of half an hour there by fees are collected automatically via this
waits for the user to arrive until the specified system.
time is reached. When the time exceeds, the RFID system enables vehicles to
user needs to book the slot again if available. check-in and check-out under fast,
This ensures minimization of traffic constraints secure and convenient conditions. Most
in parking areas. This can be implemented in of the gate controlling systems includes
shopping malls where usually traffic problems barriers. The timing of the gates and
arise due to lack or unavailability of parking. additional sensors enables a one by one
parking-lot circulation thus preventing The main table consists of the fields such as
multi check-ins or check-outs at a time. vehiclelD, platenumber, type, and model. To
RFID is a technology that collects monitor a vehicle's inner city parking-lot
parking fees without having to stop movements, its check-in and check-out
vehicles. attempts, the dates, the time, the parking-lot
information and total parking fee,
"VehicleCirculationlnfo" table was used.
Implementation- These two tables were prepared by a database
management system and administered via the
In this study, controlling of three parking-lot software developed. RFID reader was
check-ins and check-outs has been achieved by connected to the computer's USB port by the
using a central database system. The parking- USB cable to provide communication between
lots are located on various parts of the city. the developed software and RFID reader.
Another USB connection was established for
the barrier as well. For each of the parking lots,
one barrier and one RFID reader were utilized.
In this project, it is proven that by utilizing
RFID readers and RFID labels with a
centralized database system, all the parking-lots
in a city could be operated in an economical and
fast way.
This prototype will provide an automized
operation and
In this application, a vehicle's identification controlling ability for all of the parking-lots in
information is searched on the central database a city by using standardized devices. At the end
first, if a vehicle doesn't have any previous of each month, the total fees for each of
records registered to the database, the initial parking-lot member drivers will be calculated.
entry level information of a vehicle is stored in Then these fees could be drawn from their bank
the database. If a vehicle has a previous record accounts and transferred to the parking-lots'
stored on the system, there won't be any accounts automatically, issuing an invoice for
secondary information entries thus duplicate each transaction. Thanks to the system's easy
entries will be avoided. installation and operation, automized data
Under normal circumstances, if a vehicle gathering and reporting will be possible. With
checks-in to parking-lot without RFID By a centralized database system, a remote
notification, that vehicle will not be able to access and administration of the system will
check-out afterwards. In that way, unauthorized also be possible. Over the internet,
entries will be avoided. administrators will be able to view
If a checked-in vehicle does not get checked- identification and dept information of any
out, it won't be able to check-in to any of the vehicle and monitor the efficiency and
parking lots in the city. Only the administrator functionality of RFID-enabled parking-lots.
of the central database could bring a solution to Via such a system, personnel costs will be cut
this problem. Identification information of the off. As is in the case of ATM machines,
registered vehicles within the coverage area of realization of unmanned, completely automized
an RFID reader will constantly be read. If in this parking-lots will be possible in the future.
process, a vehicle's information is recorded into Without having to stop vehicles, check-ins and
the database there will be duplicate entries and check-outs will be possible. In that way, there
this will cause problems within the system. To won't be any traffic jam problems. As is in the
traditional parking lot systems, drivers will not application: Parking Lot Circulation Control
have to take and process parking tickets during (MSc), Yuzuncu
check-ins and check-outs. Moreover there Yil University,Van.
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smooth traffic flow within the parking-lot thus [8] Anonymous, 2005. Electronic Tolling
preventing the emission gas formation. Technology &
With this system an automized income implementation. Richmond,Virginia.
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monitorization will be possible. A unity and security
predetermined price-range will both relieve the of the gathered data will be possible.
city traffic and provide security for vehicles. In VAieuwt
that way, cities will have a more modem look. [9] Smart Parking Applications Using RFID
Instead of parking vehicles on streets and put Technology
them into risk, drivers will be able to leave their Conference Paper · October 2007
vehicles to these parking-lots with contentment. [10] RFID Based Smart Car Parking System
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