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Table of Contents

Title 46

Part LXI. Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Chapter 1. General Provisions ....................................................................................................................... 1
§101. Evidence of Qualification; Licensure .......................................................................................... 1
§103. Rulemaking .................................................................................................................................. 1
§105. Definitions.................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 7. Bylaws ......................................................................................................................................... 4
§701. Board Nominations ...................................................................................................................... 4
§703. Compensation and Expenses........................................................................................................ 4
§705. Meetings ....................................................................................................................................... 4
§707. Board Organization ...................................................................................................................... 5
§709. Executive Director ....................................................................................................................... 6
§711. Domicile ....................................................................................................................................... 7
§713. Amendments to Bylaws ............................................................................................................... 7
§715. Rulemaking Process ..................................................................................................................... 7
§717. Disbursements .............................................................................................................................. 8
§719. Minutes ........................................................................................................................................ 8
§721. Publications of the Board ............................................................................................................. 8
§723. Voting .......................................................................................................................................... 8
§725. Executive Session ........................................................................................................................ 9
§727. Declaratory Orders and Rulings ................................................................................................ 9
Chapter 9. Requirements for Certification and Licensure of Individuals and Temporary Permit to
Practice Engineering or Land Surveying ..................................................................................... 9
§901. Engineer Intern Certification ....................................................................................................... 9
§903. Professional Engineer Licensure ................................................................................................ 10
§905. Temporary Permit to Practice Engineering ................................................................................ 11
§907. Land Surveyor Intern Certification ............................................................................................ 12
§909. Professional Land Surveyor Licensure ...................................................................................... 12
§911. Temporary Permit to Practice Land Surveying.......................................................................... 13
Chapter 11. Curricula .................................................................................................................................. 14
§1101. Approved Curricula ................................................................................................................... 14
§1103. Other Engineering Curricula ...................................................................................................... 14
§1105. Acceptable Engineering Graduate Degrees ............................................................................... 14
§1107. Land Surveying, Mapping and Real Property Courses .............................................................. 14
Chapter 13. Examinations ........................................................................................................................... 15
§1301. General ....................................................................................................................................... 15
§1305. Approval to Take the Examination in the Principles and Practice of Engineering.................... 15
§1309. Approval to Take the Examinations in the Principles and Practice of Land Surveying
and in the Louisiana Laws of Land Surveying .......................................................................... 16
§1311. Examination for Record Purposes.............................................................................................. 16
§1313. Examination Results .................................................................................................................. 16
§1315. Re-Examinations ........................................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 15. Experience ............................................................................................................................... 16
§1501. Recognition of Experience ......................................................................................................... 16
§1503. Graduate-Level Engineering Degree ......................................................................................... 16
§1505. Work Experience........................................................................................................................ 17
Table of Contents

§1507. Engineering Experience Subsequent to Degree ......................................................................... 17

§1509. Experience at Time of Application ............................................................................................ 17
§1511. Experience from Faculty Engineering Research and Design Projects ....................................... 17
§1513. Teaching Experience .................................................................................................................. 18
§1515. Progressive Experience .............................................................................................................. 18
§1517. Knowledge Required ................................................................................................................. 18
§1519. Applied Experience .................................................................................................................... 18
§1521. Experience Acquired in the United States Military ................................................................... 18
§1523. Sales Experience ........................................................................................................................ 18
§1525. Construction Experience ............................................................................................................ 18
§1527. Supervision by Licensed Professional ....................................................................................... 18
Chapter 17. Applications and Fees .............................................................................................................. 19
§1701. Applications ............................................................................................................................... 19
§1703. Fees ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Chapter 19. Disciplines of Engineering....................................................................................................... 20
§1901. Disciplines.................................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter 21. Certificates of Licensure and Certification of Individuals or Firms ................................... 20
§2101. Expiration and Renewals ........................................................................................................... 20
§2103. Licensure and Certification Status ............................................................................................. 20
Chapter 23. Firms ........................................................................................................................................ 21
§2301. General ....................................................................................................................................... 21
§2305. Supervising Professional ............................................................................................................ 21
§2307. Professional Identification ......................................................................................................... 22
§2309. Enforcement ............................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 25. Professional Conduct ............................................................................................................... 22
§2501. Scope; Knowledge; Definition of Licensee ............................................................................... 22
§2503. Licensees .................................................................................................................................... 23
§2505. Services ...................................................................................................................................... 23
§2507. Conflicts of Interest .................................................................................................................... 24
§2509. Improper Solicitation ................................................................................................................. 24
§2511. Conduct of Advertising .............................................................................................................. 25
Chapter 27. Use of Seals ............................................................................................................................. 25
§2701. Seal and Signature...................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 29. Standards of Practice for Boundary Surveys ...................................................................... 28
§2901. Scope and Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 28
§2903. Definitions.................................................................................................................................. 29
§2905. Classification of Boundary Surveys ........................................................................................... 29
§2907. Property Boundary Survey ......................................................................................................... 30
§2909. Route Survey .............................................................................................................................. 33
§2911. Mineral Unitization Survey........................................................................................................ 33
§2913. Positional Accuracy Specification and Positional Tolerances [Formerly §2909] ..................... 34
Chapter 31. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ......................................................................... 35
§3101. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 35
§3103. Definitions.................................................................................................................................. 35
§3105. Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 36
§3109. Exemptions ................................................................................................................................ 37
§3111. Determination of Credit ............................................................................................................. 38
§3113. Units ........................................................................................................................................... 38
§3115. Record Keeping ......................................................................................................................... 39
§3117. Audit and Review of Records .................................................................................................... 40
Table of Contents

§3119. Failure to Comply ...................................................................................................................... 40

§3121. CPD Reinstatement .................................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 33. Disciplinary and Enforcement Proceedings ............................................................................. 40
§3301. Disciplinary and Enforcement Proceedings ............................................................................... 40
Title 46
Part LXI. Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Chapter 1. General Provisions phrases shall have the following meanings, unless the
content of the rules clearly states otherwise.
§101. Evidence of Qualification; Licensure
ABET―Accreditation Board for Engineering and
A. In order to safeguard life, health and property, and to Technology, Inc.
promote the public welfare, any individual in either public or
private capacity, or foreign or domestic firm, practicing or ANSAC/ABET―the Applied and Natural Science
offering to practice engineering or land surveying in the state Accreditation Commission of ABET.
of Louisiana, shall be required to submit evidence that they Accredited Engineering Curriculum―a curriculum
are qualified to so practice and shall be licensed with the approved by EAC/ABET as an engineering academic
board. Unless specifically exempted by law, it shall be program that satisfies the academic requirements for the
unlawful for any person to practice or to offer to practice in practice of engineering at the professional level.
the state of Louisiana, engineering or land surveying, as
defined in the licensure law and the rules of the board, or to Accredited Land Surveying Curriculum―a curriculum
use in connection with their name or otherwise assume, use approved by ANSAC/ABET as a land surveying or
or advertise any title or description tending to convey the geomatics academic program that satisfies the academic
impression that they are a professional engineer, professional requirements for the practice of land surveying at the
land surveyor, professional engineering firm or professional professional level.
land surveying firm, unless such person has been duly Act or Licensure Law―R.S. 37:681-37:703, including
licensed under the provisions of the licensure law and the any amendments thereto. This law empowers the board to
rules of the board. regulate the practice of engineering and land surveying in
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. the state of Louisiana.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Benefits of Any Substantial Nature or Significant
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Gratuity―as used in the rules of professional conduct, shall
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 7:643 (December mean any acts, articles, money or other material possessions
1981), amended by the Department of Transportation and which are of such value or proportion that their acceptance
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying could reasonably be expected to create an obligation on the
Board, LR 27:1020 (July 2001), LR 30:1704 (August 2004), LR part of the receivers, or otherwise compromise their ability
44:611 (March 2018). to exercise their own judgment, without regard to such
§103. Rulemaking benefit or gratuity.
A. Under the provisions of R.S. 37:688, the board has the Bona Fide Employee―an individual in the service of an
authority to make, adopt, revise, amend, promulgate and employer under a contract of hire, expressed or implied, oral
enforce bylaws, rules and regulations consistent with the or written, where the employer has the power or right to
constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana. This is control and direct the employee in the material details of
necessary for the proper performance of the duties of the how the work is to be performed and the employer pays
board and the regulations of the proceedings before it, as wages or a salary directly to the employee, pays a share of
well as for the protection of the public and the proper social security and federal unemployment tax, withholds
administration of the licensure law. federal income tax and the employee's share of Social
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Security payments, provides training, furnishes tools and
37:688. materials, and sets hours of work. Generally such employees
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of work full-time for the employer, perform work at a location
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for assigned by the employer and do not offer their services to
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 7:643 (December the general public.
1981), amended by the Department of Transportation and
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Bona Fide Established Commercial Marketing
Board, LR 27:1020 (July 2001), LR 30:1704 (August 2004), LR Agency―a business which is specifically devoted to public
44:611 (March 2018). relations, advertising and promoting the services of a client,
§105. Definitions and which may be appropriately licensed as required by state
A. The words and phrases defined in R.S. 37:682 shall
apply to these rules. In addition, the following words and EAC/ABET―the Engineering Accreditation
Commission of ABET.

1 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


Employees―for purposes of R.S. 37:701(C) only, shall Gross Negligence―as used in R.S. 37:698(A)(2), shall
mean: mean the practice of engineering or land surveying by a
licensee characterized by the licensee's lack of reasonable
a. any and all individuals to or for whom a firm
care, precaution, or attention to the life, health, safety,
engaged in industrial operations pays salary or other
property or welfare of others, which could result in injury or
compensation, withholds taxes, provides benefits or pays
damage to life or property or financial loss. Examples of
workers' compensation and/or liability insurance, including
practice which the board may consider to constitute gross
without limitation all individuals covered by the definition
negligence include, but are not limited to:
of bona fide employee as set forth in the rules of the board;
or a. the preparation of an incomplete or inaccurate
engineering or land surveying plan or document that is
b. any and all individuals whose conduct a firm
below acceptable standards, which is released for
engaged in industrial operations has the right to control,
construction or other lawful purposes, and which could
including the right to hire, fire or directly supervise, the right
result in financial loss, damage or injury; or
to set the individual's work schedule and job duties, or the
right to set the terms and conditions of employment, b. failure of the licensee to exercise reasonable
including without limitation individuals supplied through an diligence and care in providing professional services, which
employment agency or consultant firm. could result in financial loss, damage or injury.
Firm―a domestic or foreign firm, partnership, NCEES―the National Council of Examiners for
association, cooperative, venture, corporation, limited Engineering and Surveying.
liability company, limited liability partnership, or other
Person―an individual or firm.
Practice of Engineering―
Fraud, Deceit, or Misrepresentation―as used in R.S.
37:698(A)(1) or (2) or R.S. 37:700(A)(3), shall mean a. practice of engineering is defined in R.S. 37:682.
intentional deception to secure gain, through attempts to The board recognizes in the design of buildings and similar
deliberately conceal, mislead, or misrepresent the truth with structures that there is overlap between the work of
the intent to have others take some action relying thereupon, architects and professional engineers. It is recognized that an
or any act which provides incorrect, false, or misleading architect who has complied with all of the current laws of
information, upon which others might rely. Louisiana relating to the practice of architecture has a right
to engage in some activities properly classifiable as the
Gross Incompetence―as used in R.S. 37:698(A)(2),
practice of engineering insofar as it is necessarily incidental
shall mean the practice of engineering or land surveying by a
to his/her work as an architect. Likewise, it is recognized
licensee who is either incapable of exercising ordinary care
that the professional engineer who has complied with all of
and diligence or who lacks the ability and skill necessary to
the current laws of Louisiana and is properly licensed has
properly perform the duty undertaken. (The practice of
the right to engage in some activities properly classifiable as
engineering in a discipline other than that in which the
architecture insofar as it is necessarily incidental to his/her
licensee has been listed will not be considered as evidence of
work as a professional engineer. Furthermore, the architect
gross incompetence, provided the licensee is otherwise
or the professional engineer, as the case may be, shall
qualified by education or experience.) Examples of practice
assume all responsibility for compliance with all the laws or
which the board may consider to constitute gross
ordinances relating to the designs or projects in which he/she
incompetence include but are not limited to:
may be engaged;
a. the undertaking of assignments other than those
b. teaching of engineering design and the
for which the licensee is qualified by education or
responsible charge of the teaching of engineering design
experience in the specific technical fields involved; or
shall be considered as the practice of engineering. An
b. the affixing of the licensee's signature or seal to accredited engineering curriculum ensures the minimum
any engineering or land surveying plan or document dealing quality requirements for the teaching of engineering design.
with the subject matter in which the licensee lacks Thus, the teaching of engineering design courses and the
competence by virtue of education or experience. responsible charge of the teaching of engineering design
courses must be conducted by professional engineers or by
Gross Misconduct―as used in R.S. 37:698(A)(2), shall
engineering faculty in an accredited engineering curriculum.
mean the practice of engineering or land surveying by a
These unlicensed engineering faculty members are exempt
licensee who performs any acts, causes any omissions or
from licensure by the board only for the purpose of teaching
makes any assertions or representations which are
of engineering design courses and the responsible charge of
fraudulent, deceitful, or misleading, or which in any manner
the teaching of engineering design courses in an accredited
whatsoever discredits or tends to discredit the professions of
engineering curriculum and shall not otherwise practice or
engineering or land surveying. Gross misconduct as used
offer to practice engineering in the state of Louisiana as
herein shall also include any act or practice in violation of
defined by R.S. 37:682 without being licensed by the board.
the board's rules of professional conduct or the board’s rules
on use of seals. Practice of Land Surveying―defined in R.S. 37:682.
The board recognizes that there exists a close relationship

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 2

Title 46, Part LXI

between land surveying and some areas of engineering, with xii. site grading plans.
some activities common to both professions; however,
d. Professional services which require the
survey work related to property boundaries must be
application of engineering principles and the interpretation
performed under the responsible charge of a professional
of engineering data must be performed by or under the
land surveyor. Presented below are guidelines which shall be
responsible charge of a professional engineer.
used as an aid in determining the types of surveying services
which may be rendered by professional land surveyors or Responsible Charge―defined in R.S. 37:682. It shall
professional engineers. mean the direct control and personal supervision of
engineering or land surveying service or work, as the case
a. Surveying and mapping functions which require
may be.
the establishment of relationships to property ownership
boundaries are unique to land surveying and must be Seal―a symbol, image, or list of information that may
performed by or under the responsible charge of a be found in the form of a rubber stamp, computer-generated
professional land surveyor. These functions include: data, or other form found acceptable to the board that is
applied or attached to a document in a manner consistent
i. boundary surveys;
with the board’s rules on use of seals.
ii. subdivision surveys and plats; Signature―handwritten or digital as follows:
iii. public land surveys; a. a handwritten message identification containing
iv. surveys of servitudes (easements) and rights of the name of the person who applied it; or
way; b. a digital representation of a person's handwritten
v. surveys of leases.
Topographical Survey―the measurement by any
b. Surveying and mapping functions not unique to method of natural or man-made features in the air, on the
land surveying must be performed by or under the surface or in the subsurface of the earth, or within bodies of
responsible charge of a professional land surveyor whenever water for the purpose of determining or establishing their
they require the establishment of relationships to property size, shape, grade and/or contour. This also includes the
ownership boundaries. These functions include: preparation of any data depicting the above-described
i. topographical surveys; features. Such surveys may include the use of conventional
survey methods, LIDAR and scanning technologies, and
ii. surveys for record drawing; hydrographic survey methods to gather this data.
iii. layout surveys for construction; Under the Responsible Charge of a Professional
iv. hydrographic surveys; Engineer―as it applies in R.S. 37:701(C) only, shall mean:

v. mine surveys; a. the work performed by a professional engineer

duly licensed under the provisions of the licensure law; or
vi. mapping.
b. the work reviewed and approved by a
c. Surveying and mapping functions which do not professional engineer duly licensed under the provisions of
require the establishment of relationships to property the licensure law, who is authorized to direct changes to the
ownership boundaries must be performed by or under the engineering work; or
responsible charge of either a professional engineer or a
professional land surveyor. These surveying and mapping c. the work performed in accordance with a system
functions include: of engineering practices approved by a professional engineer
duly licensed under the provisions of the licensure law.
i. topographical surveys;
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
ii. surveys for record drawing; 37:688.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
iii. layout surveys for construction; Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
iv. hydrographic surveys; Professional Engineers and Surveyors, LR 4:298 (August 1978),
amended LR 5:110 (May 1979), LR 7:643 (December 1981), LR
v. mine surveys; 14:449 (July 1988), LR 16:772 (September 1990), LR 17:804
(August 1991), LR 20:901 (August 1994), amended by the
vi. mapping; Department of Transportation and Development, Professional
vii. geodetic surveys; Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1020 (July 2001),
LR 30:1704 (August 2004), LR 32:1618 (September 2006), LR
viii. cartographic surveys; 35:1908 (September 2009), LR 38:835 (March 2012),
repromulgated LR 38:1030 (April 2012), amended LR 44:612
ix. horizontal and vertical control surveys; (March 2018), LR 45:75 (January 2019).
x. quantity and measurement surveys;
xi. profiles and cross-sections;

3 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


Chapter 7. Bylaws 1. Expenses for transportation by personally-owned

vehicles shall be reimbursed at the mileage rate specified by
§701. Board Nominations the board at a regular meeting. Reimbursement shall be on
the basis of the most direct route. The traveler shall be
A. The following guidelines and procedures will be
required to pay all of the operating expenses of the vehicle.
observed in order that timely and prudent advice can be
given to the Louisiana Engineering Society and the 2. Air travel will be by coach or economy class rates
Louisiana Society of Professional Surveyors with regard to when available. Travel by state plane is also permitted.
nominees for vacancies on the board. Reimbursement will be limited to comparable coach or
economy class rates. Receipts or other verification of travel
B. The practice area of engineering of each professional shall be attached to the expense report. Reimbursement will
engineer board member shall remain unchanged during each be on the basis of the most direct route available. Air travel
administrative year. by private aircraft may be approved by the board. When so
1. Professional engineer board members shall approved, reimbursement will be on the basis of coach
continue to represent the practice area of engineering for airfare.
which appointed. C. Lodging and Meals. The board shall allow its
2. Professional engineer board members who retire members to be reimbursed actual expenses for meals
from active practice shall continue to represent the practice (including tips) and for lodging at a single occupancy rate.
area of engineering for which appointed and currently Receipts for lodging shall be submitted and attached to the
serving at the time of retirement. travel voucher.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
C. An examination will be made of the anticipated
vacancies scheduled to occur during each new administrative HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
year because of expiration of terms of appointment, as Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
published in the roster, and the appropriate nominating Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:58 (February
organization shall be soon notified, along with the official 1976), amended LR 5:110 (May 1979), LR 11:1182 (December
interpretation of the practice areas of engineering 1985), LR 19:55 (January 1993), amended by the Department of
represented, as well as a priority listing of the desired Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
practice areas requested to be considered. Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1023 (July 2001), LR 30:1707
(August 2004), LR 44:613 (March 2018).
D. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of a §705. Meetings
board member, the executive director shall immediately
notify the appropriate nominating organization. A. Regular Meetings. The board shall hold at least four
regular meetings each year.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. B. Annual Meetings. The first regular meeting of the
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of fiscal year is to be held in July, and shall be designated as
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for the annual meeting.
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 4:298 (August
C. Special Meetings. The chairman or the secretary may
1978), amended LR 5:120 (May 1979), LR 11:1179 (December
1985), LR 19:57 (January 1993), amended by the Department of call special meetings when considered necessary. Upon
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and written request of at least six board members, the chairman
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1023 (July 2001), LR 30:1706 is required to call a special meeting.
(August 2004), LR 37:2411 (August 2011), LR 44:613 (March D. Open Meetings. Every meeting of the board shall be
2018). open to the public, unless closed as an executive session.
§703. Compensation and Expenses
E. Meeting Dates. Written public notice of the dates,
A. Authority to Incur Traveling Expenses times, and places of all regular meetings shall be given at the
beginning of each fiscal year.
1. The board shall allow its members actual traveling
expenses plus per diem to attend regular, special and F. Separate Notice of All Meetings. In addition, separate
committee meetings of the board. Per diem for the time written public notice of any regular, special, or rescheduled
spent traveling and for time spent at the meeting shall be meeting shall be given no later than 24 hours before the
allowed. The per diem allowance for time spent traveling holding of the meeting. This separate notice shall include the
shall not exceed two days for these meetings. agenda, date, time and place of the meeting.

2. The board may, by resolution at one of its meetings, G. Posting of Notice. The written public notice discussed
authorize any of its members or representatives to travel at in §705.E and F shall include:
the expense of the board to attend meetings and conventions 1. posting a copy of the notice at the office of the
such as those of NCEES, ABET, or other allied board; or
organizations. Per diem for time spent traveling and for time
2. publication of the notice on the board website no
spent at the meeting will be allowed.
less than 24 hours before the meeting.
B. Reimbursement of Transportation Expenses

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 4

Title 46, Part LXI

H. Notice to Board Members. Notice of all meetings, in c. sign the minutes of the board meetings after
conformity with §705.E and F, shall be given in writing to approval of the minutes by the board.
each board member by the executive director.
4. Treasurer. The treasurer shall be responsible for the
I. Quorum. A simple majority of board members shall annual budget of the board. The treasurer shall present a
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. financial report to the board at each regular meeting.
J. Robert’s Rules of Order. Robert’s Rules of Order shall E. Committees. The board may establish standing
govern the proceedings of the board at all meetings, except committees, including but not limited to the following:
as otherwise provided herein or by law. executive committee, engineering committees, land
surveying committee, engineer intern committee, laws and
K. Location of Meetings. All meetings shall be held at
rules committee, education/accreditation committee, finance
the board office, unless, in the judgment of the chairman, it
committee, nominations and awards committee, complaint
is necessary, convenient or preferable to meet elsewhere.
review committees, continuing professional development
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. committee, firm licensure committee, and enforcement
37:688. committee. The board may also establish ad hoc committees
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of from time-to-time as necessary.
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:52 (February 1. Power to Appoint. Unless otherwise provided
1976), amended LR 5:118 (May 1979), LR 11:1181 (December below, the chairman of the board shall have the power to
1985), LR 19:55 (January 1993), LR 21:1354 (December 1995), make all committee appointments. All committee
amended by the Department of Transportation and Development, appointments shall be effective from date of appointment
Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1023 until March 31 of the following year.
(July 2001), LR 30:1707 (August 2004), LR 44:614 (March 2018).
§707. Board Organization 2. Executive Committee. The chairman, vice
chairman, secretary, and treasurer shall constitute the
A. Number of Board Members. The board shall be executive committee. The chairman of the board shall serve
comprised of 11 members, each of whom shall be appointed as chairman of the executive committee. The executive
by the governor in accordance with the requirements committee shall oversee the operations of the office of the
established by law. board and shall advise the executive director as to the
B. Board Officers. The board shall elect annually from conduct of the business of the board between meetings. The
its membership the following officers: a chairman, a vice executive committee shall also make recommendations to
chairman, a secretary, and a treasurer. the board with respect to personnel, policies and procedures.

C. Date of Elections. The election of board officers shall 3. Engineering Committees. The chairman of the
take place not later than at the board's January meeting. In board shall appoint one or more engineering committees,
the event that an officer cannot complete his/her term, an with not less than two board members on each committee. At
election in order to fill the unexpired term shall be scheduled least two of the board members on each engineering
at the earliest practical regular or special meeting. committee shall be professional engineers. Each of these
committees shall:
D. Duties
a. review applications for licensure in each
1. Chairman. The chairman shall preside at all respective discipline of engineering; and
meetings, appoint all committees, except as otherwise
provided, and shall, together with the secretary, sign all b. recommend approval or disapproval of
certificates issued by the board. The chairman shall, with the applications.
assistance of the executive director, compile the agenda for 4. Land Surveying Committee. The chairman of the
each regular and special meeting board shall appoint a land surveying committee composed of
2. Vice Chairman. The vice chairman shall, in the not less than two board members. At least two of the board
absence of the chairman, perform the duties of and possess members on the land surveying committee shall be
all of the powers of the chairman. Should the chairman's professional land surveyors. The land surveying committee
membership on the board end prior to the election of his/her shall:
successor, the vice chairman shall automatically assume the a. review applications for licensure as a
duties of chairman. professional land surveyor;
3. Secretary. The secretary shall: b. review applications for certification as a land
surveyor intern;
a. be the official custodian of the records of the
board and of the seal of the board and ensure that the seal of c. recommend approval or disapproval of
the board is affixed to all appropriate documents; applications;
b. sign, with the chairman, certificates, the issuance d. conduct oral examinations or interviews of
of which shall have been authorized by resolution of the applicants, as necessary; and

5 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


e. supervise the development and administration of development committee shall review and make
examinations on the Louisiana laws of land surveying. recommendations to the board regarding continuing
professional development rules and policies.
5. Engineer Intern Committee. The chairman of the
board shall appoint an engineer intern committee composed 12. Firm Licensure Committee. The chairman of the
of not less than two board members. At least two of the board shall appoint a firm licensure committee composed of
board members on the engineer intern committee shall be not less than two board members. The firm licensure
professional engineers. The engineer intern committee shall committee shall review and make recommendations to the
review, as necessary, applications for certification as an board regarding applications for firm licensure and other
engineer intern and shall recommend approval or issues relating to firm licensure.
disapproval of applications.
13. Enforcement Committee. The chairman of the
6. Laws and Rules Committee. The chairman of the board shall appoint an enforcement committee composed of
board shall appoint a laws and rules review committee not less than two board members. At least one of the board
composed of not less than two board members. The laws and members on the enforcement committee shall be a
rules committee shall work with similar committees of professional engineer and at least one of the board members
professional and technical organizations on matters of shall be a professional land surveyor. The enforcement
mutual concern. The laws and rules committee shall also committee shall make recommendations to the board
make recommendations to the board in matters concerned regarding the board’s investigative, disciplinary and
with the licensure law and the rules of the board. enforcement policies, procedures and practices.
7. Education/Accreditation Committee. The chairman AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
of the board shall appoint an education/accreditation 37:688.
committee composed of not less than two board members. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
The education/accreditation committee shall evaluate and Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:52 (February
make recommendations to the board concerning the quality 1976), amended LR 5:110 (May 1979), LR 11:1179 (December
of the engineering and land surveying curricula, along with 1985), LR 19:54 (January 1993), LR 21:1353 (December 1995),
evaluation of the faculties and facilities of schools within amended by the Department of Transportation and Development,
Louisiana. The education/accreditation committee shall also Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1024
have the power to make inspections in the course of its (July 2001), LR 30:1707 (August 2004), LR 33:2788 (December
evaluations. 2007), LR 35:1908 (September 2009), LR 37:2411 (August 2011),
LR 38:2563 (October 2012), LR 40:1388 (July 2014), LR 42:1104
8. Finance Committee. The chairman of the board (July 2016), LR 44:614 (March 2018), LR 45:76 (January 2019).
shall appoint a finance committee composed of not less than
§709. Executive Director
two board members. The treasurer will serve as the chairman
of the finance committee. The finance committee shall make A. Appointment. The board shall appoint an executive
studies, reports and recommendations to the board on fiscal director, who shall assist the board members in the
matters. The finance committee shall also prepare a budget performance of their duties.
for presentation to the board no later than the November
B. Ex-Officio Committee Member. Although not a
member of the board, the executive director shall be an ex-
9. Nominations and Awards Committee. The chairman officio member of all committees.
of the board shall appoint a nominations and awards
C. Duties of the Executive Director. The executive
committee composed of not less than two board members.
director shall:
The nominations and awards committee shall present to the
board a list of nominations for election of board officers and 1. conduct and care for all correspondence in the name
for any applicable awards. of the board;
10. Complaint Review Committees. Complaint review 2. record and file all applications, Louisiana laws of
committees shall be composed of not less than three board land surveying examinations, licenses, certificates,
members appointed by the enforcement staff on a case-by- suspensions, revocations and disciplinary and enforcement
case basis. Complaint review committees shall review the actions;
results of investigations against licensees, certificate holders 3. send members of the board notices of all regular
and unlicensed persons; decide whether or not to prefer meetings at least 10 days in advance thereof;
charges; and/or recommend appropriate action to the board.
Any decision, including the preferral of charges, shall be 4. keep correct minutes of all meetings of the board,
made by a minimum two-thirds vote of the board members including a record of all certificates and licenses issued;
serving on a committee. 5. examine all applications for licensure and
certification and bring about the necessary correction or
11. Continuing Professional Development Committee.
supplying of missing or essential data in connection with
The chairman of the board shall appoint a continuing
such applications prior to consideration thereof by the board;
professional development committee composed of not less
than two board members. The continuing professional

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 6

Title 46, Part LXI

6. address inquiries to references to verify the 25. assist the chairman with planning and compiling the
qualifications, experience and character of applicants as agenda for each regular and special meeting of the board.
directed by the board;
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
7. make arrangements as required by the board for all 37:688.
examinations and interviews of applicants; HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation, Board of Registration for Professional Engineers
8. supervise the administration of the Louisiana laws and Land Surveyors, LR 2:53 (February 1976), amended LR 5:118
of land surveying examinations examination; (May 1979), LR 11:1180 (December 1985), LR 19:55 (January
1993), LR 21:1354 (December 1995), amended by the Department
9. present to the board the results of examinations and of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
other evidence of qualification; Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1025 (July 2001), LR 30:1709
10. have certificates prepared for those applicants who (August 2004), LR 37:2412 (August 2011), LR 38:2563 (October
2012), LR 44:614 (March 2018), LR 45:76 (January 2019).
have been approved for licensure or certification by the
board; §711. Domicile
11. notify by letter to the last known address, every A. Domicile. The domicile of the board shall be the city
licensee and certificate holder of the date of the expiration of of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
the license or certificate and the amount of the fee that shall B. Change of Domicile. The board may vote to change
be required for its renewal; its domicile.
12. develop procedures and internal policies for all AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
administrative functions; 37:688.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
13. employ and supervise the work of all investigators Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
and secretarial, stenographic, clerical, and technical Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:52 (February
assistants essential to the work of the board, but only on 1976), amended LR 5:117 (May 1979), LR 11:1179 (December
approval of the executive committee and in accordance with 1985), LR 21:1353 (December 1995), amended by the Department
the provisions of the licensure law; of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1026 (July 2001), LR 30:1710
14. assist the board in the adoption and amendment of (August 2004).
rules and bylaws in accordance with the state law;
§713. Amendments to Bylaws
15. represent the board at meetings of technical and
professional societies and appear before student groups and A. The bylaws of the board may be amended at any
legislative committee meetings; regular or special meeting, provided, however, that such
proposed amendments have been submitted in writing to the
16. write articles for publication to inform licensees, members of the board at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
certificate holders and the public of activities and actions of The board may waive this 30-day provision at a regular or
the board; special meeting.
17. be an associate member of NCEES; AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
18. assist the finance committee in the preparation of HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
the budget; Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:54 (February
19. assist in ensuring that expenditures are within the
1976), amended LR 5:119 (May 1979), LR 11:1183 (December
budget; 1985), amended by the Department of Transportation and
20. receive and account for all monies derived from the Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
operation of the board; Board, LR 27:1026 (July 2001), LR 30:1710 (August 2004), LR
44:615 (March 2018).
21. comply with R.S. 37:690 in all matters relating to §715. Rulemaking Process
receipts and disbursements;
A. Power to Promulgate Rules. Under the provisions of
22. audit all bills and accounts covering expenditures the licensure law, the board is given the power to make and
and prepare all vouchers and checks for payment of promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the proper
approved bills; performance of its duties and the regulations of the
23. keep a register of receipts and expenditures, proceedings before it, as well as for the protection of the
maintaining such financial books, and show the financial public and the proper administration of the licensure law.
condition of the board and the validity of the licenses and of B. Proposal of Rule Change. Any board member may
the certificates which have been issued; propose the adoption of a new rule or regulation, or the
24. assist in the legislative audit made of all receipts amendment or revocation of an existing rule or regulation.
and disbursements at the close of each fiscal year by a C. Requirements of Proposal. Such proposal shall:
certified public accountant; and
1. be in writing;

7 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


2. include a draft of the requested change or changes; 2. the members of the board recorded as either present
and or absent; and
3. be sent to the chairman and the executive director at 3. the substance of all matters decided, and, at the
least 30 days before the next regular meeting of the board. request of any board member, a record, by individual board
member, of any votes taken.
D. Copies of Proposal. The executive director shall send
copies of the proposal to all board members at least 10 days C. Optional Items for Inclusion. Any board member may
before the next regular meeting of the board. request that a matter discussed during a meeting be placed in
the written minutes of that meeting.
E. Notice of Proposal. The chairman shall place the
proposed change, amendment, or revocation on the agenda AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
for the next regular meeting scheduled after receipt of the 37:688.
proposal. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 11:1181
37:688. (December 1985), amended by the Department of Transportation
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Board, LR 27:1026 (July 2001), LR 30:1710 (August 2004), LR
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:54 (February 44:615 (March 2018).
1976), amended LR 5:119 (May 1979), LR 11:1182 (December
§721. Publications of the Board
1985), amended by the Department of Transportation and
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying A. Roster. A roster showing the names and addresses of
Board, LR 27:1026 (July 2001) LR 30:1710 (August 2004), LR all professional engineers, the discipline of engineering in
37:2412 (August 2011), LR 44:615 (March 2018). which professional engineers are listed, the names and
§717. Disbursements addresses of all professional land surveyors, and the names
A. Check Requirement. All disbursements over the and addresses of all engineer interns and land surveyor
amount of $150 shall be made by check or approved interns may be published by the board. A roster of firms may
electronic fund transfer. also be published by the board. The rosters may be made
available through the board's website.
B. Line Item Restrictions. Annual disbursements shall
not exceed current budget line items. B. Official Journal. The official journal of the board shall
be selected by the board.
C. Required Signatures on Checks. All checks must be
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
signed by two of the following individuals (with at least one 37:688.
of the signatures being from either the treasurer or another HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
board member as directed by the board): Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:55 (February
1. treasurer;
1976), amended LR 5:119 (May 1979), LR 11:1182 (December
2. executive director; 1985), LR 19:55 (January 1993), LR 21:1355 (December 1995),
amended by the Department of Transportation and Development,
3. deputy executive director; or Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1026
(July 2001), LR 30:1710 (August 2004).
4. any board member as directed by the board.
§723. Voting
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. A. General Provisions. Unless otherwise specified in the
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of following Subsections, a simple majority of a quorum of the
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for board at a meeting properly noticed and convened is
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:58 (February necessary in order to elect an officer or approve a measure
1976), amended LR 5:119 (May 1979), LR 11:1182 (December before the board.
1985), LR 21:1355 (December 1995), amended by the Department
of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and B. Change of Domicile. In order to change the domicile
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1026 (July 2001), LR 30:1710 of the board, approval of two-thirds of the entire board at a
(August 2004), LR 37:2412 (August 2011), LR 41:1499 (August regular meeting properly noticed and convened is necessary.
§719. Minutes C. Executive Session and Agenda Additions. Approval of
two-thirds of a quorum of the board at a meeting properly
A. Requirement of Keeping Minutes. The board shall noticed and convened is necessary in order to:
keep written minutes of all of its open meetings.
1. decide to hold an executive session; or
B. Required Items for Inclusion. The minutes shall
include, but need not be limited to: 2. consider a matter not on the original agenda of the
1. the date, time, and place of the meeting;
D. Approval of Items Added to Agenda. If two or more
board members present at a regular or special meeting are

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 8

Title 46, Part LXI

agreed to defer action of a matter not on the original agenda 4. investigative proceedings regarding allegations of
of the meeting that matter shall not be approved and shall be misconduct;
placed on the original agenda of the next scheduled meeting.
5. cases of extraordinary emergency, which shall be
E. Disciplinary and Enforcement Proceedings. Approval limited to natural disaster, threat of epidemic, civil
of a majority of the entire board membership authorized to disturbances, suppression of insurrections, the repelling of
participate in a proceeding is necessary in order to take invasions, or other matters of similar magnitude; or
disciplinary or enforcement action.
6. any other matters now provided for or as may be
F. Amend Bylaws. A majority vote of the entire board is provided for by the Legislature.
necessary in order to amend the bylaws.
B. Limitations on Executive Sessions. No final or
G. Waiver of Bylaw Amendment Requirements. By a binding action shall be taken during an executive session;
unanimous vote of the board members present at a regular or nor may an executive session be called for discussion of the
special meeting, the 30-day provision for submission of appointment of a person to a public body or, except as
proposed bylaw amendments may be waived. provided in R.S. 39:1593(C)(2)(c), for discussing the award
of a public contract.
H. Manner of Voting. Voting shall be conducted in the
following manner: AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
1. no proxy voting or secret balloting shall be HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
permitted; Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 11:1181
2. all votes shall be viva voce; and (December 1985), LR 19:55 (January 1993), amended by the
3. votes on motions to hold an executive session Department of Transportation and Development, Professional
(along with the reason for holding the session) shall be Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1027 (July 2001),
LR 30:1711 (August 2004), LR 44:615 (March 2018).
recorded and entered into the minutes of the meeting.
§727. Declaratory Orders and Rulings
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. A. The board may issue, upon request, a declaratory
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of order or ruling as to the applicability of any statutory
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for provision, rule or order of the board. Declaratory orders
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 11:1181 and rulings shall have the same status as board decisions
(December 1985), amended LR 19:55 (January 1993), LR 21:1355
or orders in disciplinary and enforcement proceedings.
(December 1995), amended by the Department of Transportation
and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying B. A request for a declaratory order or ruling is
Board, LR 27:1027 (July 2001), LR 30:1711 (August 2004), LR made in the form of a written petition to the board on a
44:615 (March 2018). form provided by the board.
§725. Executive Session
C. Said petition shall be considered by the board.
A. Reasons for Calling Executive Sessions. Executive
sessions may be held for the following purposes: D. The declaratory order or ruling of the board on said
petition shall be in writing and mailed to the petitioner at
1. discussion of the character, professional the last address furnished to the board.
competence, or physical or mental health of a person,
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
provided that such person is notified in writing at least 24 37:688.
hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
before the scheduled time contained in the notice of the Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
meeting at which such executive session is to take place and Land Surveying Board, LR 37:2412 (August 2011).
that such person may require that such discussion be held at
an open meeting. In cases of extraordinary emergency, Chapter 9. Requirements for
written notice to such person shall not be required; however, Certification and Licensure of
the board shall give such notice as it deems appropriate and
circumstances permit;
Individuals and Temporary Permit
to Practice Engineering or Land
2. strategy sessions or negotiations with respect to
collective bargaining, prospective litigation after formal Surveying
written demand, or litigation when an open meeting would §901. Engineer Intern Certification
have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating
position of the board; A. The requirements for certification as an engineer
intern under the several alternatives provided in the licensure
3. discussion regarding the report, development or law are as follows.
course of action regarding security personnel, plans or
devices; 1. Graduates of an Accredited Engineering
Curriculum. The applicant shall be a graduate of an
accredited engineering curriculum of four years or more

9 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


approved by the board as being of satisfactory standing, who Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1027 (July 2001), LR
is of good character and reputation, who has passed the 30:1711(August 2004), LR 32:1618 (September 2006), LR 37:2412
examination required by the board in the fundamentals of (August 2011), LR 38:2563 (October 2012), LR 43:343 (February
engineering, who was recommended for certification by a 2017), LR 44:616 (March 2018).
professional engineer holding a valid license to engage in the §903. Professional Engineer Licensure
practice of engineering issued to him/her by proper authority A. The requirements for licensure as a professional
of a state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the engineer under the alternatives provided in the licensure law
District of Columbia, who has submitted an application for are as follows:
certification in accordance with the requirements of R.S.
37:694, and who was duly certified as an engineer intern by 1. the applicant for licensure as a professional
the board. engineer shall be an engineer intern, or an individual who
meets the qualifications to be an engineer intern, who has a
2. Graduates with Advanced Engineering Degree. The verifiable record of four years or more of progressive
applicant shall be a graduate of a non-accredited engineering experience obtained subsequent to meeting the educational
or related science or engineering technology curriculum of and applicable experience qualifications to be an engineer
four years or more approved by the board as being of intern on engineering projects of a level and scope
satisfactory standing, who has obtained an engineering satisfactory to the board, who is of good character and
graduate degree in an engineering discipline or sub- reputation, who has passed the examination(s) required by
discipline from a college or university having an the board in the principles and practice of engineering in the
undergraduate accredited engineering curriculum in the same discipline(s) of engineering in which the applicant seeks to
discipline or sub-discipline, approved by the board as being be listed, who was recommended for licensure by five
of satisfactory standing and in accordance with §1105, who personal references (at least three of whom must be
is of good character and reputation, who has passed the professional engineers who have personal knowledge of the
examination required by the board in the fundamentals of applicant's engineering experience and character and ability),
engineering, who was recommended for certification by a who has submitted an application for licensure in accordance
professional engineer holding a valid license to engage in the with the requirements of R.S. 37:694, and who was duly
practice of engineering issued to him/her by proper authority licensed as a professional engineer by the board; or
of a state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the
District of Columbia, who has submitted an application for 2. the applicant for licensure as a professional
certification in accordance with the requirements of R.S. engineer shall be an individual who holds a valid license to
37:694, and who was duly certified as an engineer intern by engage in the practice of engineering issued to him/her by
the board. proper authority of a state, territory, or possession of the
United States, or the District of Columbia, based on
3. Other Non-Accredited Engineering Graduates. The requirements that do not conflict with the provisions of the
applicant shall be a graduate of a non-accredited engineering licensure law and which were of a standard not lower than
curriculum of four years or more approved by the board as that specified in the applicable licensure law in effect in
being of satisfactory standing, who has a specific record of Louisiana at the time such license was issued, who is of
four years or more of verifiable progressive experience good character and reputation, who has submitted an
obtained subsequent to graduation, on engineering projects application for licensure in accordance with the requirements
of a level and scope satisfactory to the board, who is of good of R.S. 37:694, and if the state, territory, or possession, or
character and reputation, who has passed the examination the District of Columbia, in which he/she is licensed will
required by the board in the fundamentals of engineering, accept the licenses issued by the board on a comity basis,
who was recommended for certification by a professional and who was duly licensed as a professional engineer by the
engineer holding a valid license to engage in the practice of board.
engineering issued to him/her by proper authority of a state,
territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of B. The requirements for licensure as a professional
Columbia, and having a personal knowledge of his/her engineer under the alternatives provided in R.S. 37:3651(A),
engineering experience, who has submitted an application (B) and (C) are as follows:
for certification in accordance with the requirements of R.S.
1. the applicant for licensure as a professional
37:694, and who was duly certified as an engineer intern by
engineer shall be a military-trained individual who has
the board.
completed a military program of training in engineering at a
B. The authority for the executive director to issue a level that is substantially equivalent to or exceeds the
certificate can only be granted by the board. requirements for licensure under R.S. 37:693(B)(2) and
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Subsection A herein, who has been awarded a military
37:688. occupational specialty in engineering, who has performed in
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of that military occupational specialty at a level that is
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for substantially equivalent to or exceeds the requirements for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:352 (November licensure under R.S. 37:693(B)(2) and Subsection A herein,
1976), amended LR 5:114 (May 1979), LR 6:735 (December who has engaged in the active practice of engineering, who
1980), LR 7:644 (December 1981), amended by the Department of has not been disciplined in any jurisdiction for an act that
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 10

Title 46, Part LXI

would have constituted grounds for refusal, suspension, or E. The authority for the executive director to issue a
revocation of a license to practice engineering in Louisiana license can only be granted by the board.
at the time the act was committed, who is an engineer intern,
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
or an individual who meets the qualifications to be an 37:688 and 37:3651.
engineer intern, who has a verifiable record of four years or HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
more of progressive experience obtained subsequent to Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
meeting the educational and applicable experience Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:352 (November
qualifications to be an engineer intern on engineering 1976), amended LR 5:114 (May 1979), LR 5:365 (November
projects of a level and scope satisfactory to the board, who is 1979), LR 6:735 (December 1980), LR 7:644 (December 1981),
of good character and reputation, who has passed the LR 10:804 (October 1984), LR 11:362 (April 1985), LR 19:56
examination required by the board in the principles and (January 1993), amended by the Department of Transportation and
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
practice of engineering in the discipline of engineering in
Board, LR 27:1028 (July 2001), LR 30:1712 (August 2004), LR
which licensure is sought, who was recommended for 32:1619 (September 2006), LR 37:2412 (August 2011), LR
licensure by five personal references, three of whom are 38:2564 (October 2012), LR 39:1060 (April 2013), LR 39:2801
professional engineers who have personal knowledge of the (October 2013), LR 43:538 (March 2017), LR 43:1419 (July 2017),
applicant's engineering experience and character and ability, LR 44:616 (March 2018).
who has submitted an application for licensure in accordance §905. Temporary Permit to Practice Engineering
with the requirements of R.S. 37:694, and who was duly
licensed as a professional engineer by the board; or A. A person who is not a resident of and has no
established place of business in Louisiana may be granted a
2. the applicant for licensure as a professional temporary permit to practice or offer to practice engineering
engineer shall be a military-trained individual who holds a in Louisiana when such practice does not exceed 120
current, valid license to engage in the practice of engineering consecutive days in any calendar year, provided such person
issued to him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or is licensed to practice engineering in their own state,
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of
based on requirements that are substantially equivalent to or Columbia, in which the requirements and the qualifications
exceed the requirements for licensure under R.S. for obtaining a license are not lower than those specified in
37:693(B)(2) and Subsection A herein, who is of good the licensure law, and provided further that before beginning
character and reputation, who has submitted an application such temporary practice in Louisiana, the person shall have
for licensure in accordance with the requirements of R.S. applied to the board, paid the prescribed fee, and received a
37:694, and who was duly licensed as a professional temporary permit, and upon the conclusion of such work
engineer by the board; or they shall advise the board as to the period of time that they
3. the applicant for licensure as a professional have practiced in Louisiana under such temporary permit.
engineer shall be a military spouse who holds a current, B. A military-trained individual or military spouse may
valid license to engage in the practice of engineering issued be granted a written temporary permit to practice
to him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or engineering for the period from the time the individual has
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, applied to the board for licensure pursuant to §903.B until
based on requirements that are substantially equivalent to or either the license has been granted or notice of denial of
exceed the requirements for licensure under R.S. licensure has been issued, provided such individual holds a
37:693(B)(2) and Subsection A herein, who can demonstrate current, valid license to engage in the practice of engineering
competency in the practice of engineering through an oral issued to him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or
interview by the board, who has not been disciplined in any possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia,
jurisdiction for an act that would have constituted grounds based on requirements that are substantially equivalent to or
for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license to practice exceed the requirements for licensure under R.S.
engineering in Louisiana at the time the act was committed, 37:693(B)(2) and §903.A, and provided further that before
who is in good standing with and has not been disciplined by beginning such temporary practice in Louisiana, the
the agency that issued the license in the other jurisdiction, individual shall have applied to the board, paid the
who is of good character and reputation, who has submitted prescribed fee, and received a temporary permit, and upon
an application for licensure in accordance with the the conclusion of such work, he/she shall advise the board as
requirements of R.S. 37:694, and who was duly licensed as a to the period of time that he/she has practiced in Louisiana
professional engineer by the board. under such temporary permit.
C. The provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Subsection B C. The provisions of Subsection B shall not apply to any
shall not apply to any individual who received a individual who received a dishonorable discharge from the
dishonorable discharge from the military. The provisions of military or to a military spouse whose spouse received a
Paragraph 3 of Subsection B shall not apply to a military dishonorable discharge from the military.
spouse whose spouse received a dishonorable discharge
from the military. D. In Subsections B and C, the term military shall mean
the United States military.
D. In Subsections B and C, the term military shall mean
the United States military.

11 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


E. The authority for the executive director to issue a §909. Professional Land Surveyor Licensure
temporary permit can only be granted by the board.
A. The requirements for licensure as a professional land
F. The fee for a temporary permit for an individual shall surveyor under the two alternatives provided in the licensure
be twice the fee paid by an applicant applying for licensure law are as follows:
as a professional engineer pursuant to §903.A.2. The fee for
1. the applicant for licensure as a professional land
a temporary permit for a firm shall be twice the fee paid by
surveyor shall be a land surveyor intern, or an individual
an applicant applying for licensure as a professional
who meets the qualifications to be a land surveyor intern,
engineering firm.
who is of good character and reputation, who has a verifiable
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. record of four years or more of combined office and field
37:688 and 37:3651. experience in land surveying including two years or more of
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of progressive experience on land surveying projects under the
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
supervision of a professional land surveyor, who has passed
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 8:192 (April
1982), amended LR 16:773 (September 1990), LR 19:56 (January the oral examination required by the board, who has passed
1993), LR 22:286 (April 1996), amended by the Department of the examinations required by the board in the principles and
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and practice of land surveying and the Louisiana laws of land
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1028 (July 2001), LR 30:1712 surveying, who was recommended for licensure by five
(August 2004), LR 37:2412 (August 2011), LR 39:2802 (October personal references (at least three of whom must be
2013), LR 44:616 (March 2018). professional land surveyors who have personal knowledge of
§907. Land Surveyor Intern Certification the applicant's land surveying experience and character and
A. The requirements for certification as a land surveyor ability), who has submitted an application for licensure in
intern under the two alternatives provided in the licensure accordance with the requirements of R.S. 37:694, and who
law are as follows: was duly licensed as a professional land surveyor by the
board; or
1. the applicant for certification as a land surveyor
intern shall be a graduate holding a baccalaureate degree 2. the applicant for licensure as a professional land
from a curriculum of four years or more who has completed surveyor shall be an individual who holds a valid license to
at least 30 semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in land engage in the practice of land surveying issued to him/her by
surveying, mapping, and real property courses approved by the proper authority of a state, territory, or possession of the
the board, who is of good character and reputation, who has United States, or the District of Columbia, based on
passed the examination required by the board in the requirements that do not conflict with the provisions of the
fundamentals of land surveying, who was recommended for licensure law and which were of a standard not lower than
certification by a professional land surveyor holding a valid that specified in the applicable licensure law in effect in
license to engage in the practice of land surveying issued to Louisiana at the time such license was issued, who is of
him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or good character and reputation, who has passed the
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, examination required by the board in the Louisiana laws of
who has submitted an application for certification in land surveying, who has submitted an application for
accordance with the requirements of R.S. 37:694, and who licensure in accordance with the requirements of R.S.
was duly certified as a land surveyor intern by the board; or 37:694, and if the state, territory, or possession, or the
District of Columbia in which he/she is licensed will accept
2. the applicant for certification as a land surveyor the licenses issued by the board on a comity basis, and who
intern shall be an individual certified by the board as a land was duly licensed as a professional land surveyor by the
surveyor in training or a land surveyor intern on or before board.
January 1, 1995.
B. The requirements for licensure as a professional land
B. The authority for the executive director to issue a surveyor under the alternatives provided in R.S. 37:3651(A),
certificate can only be granted by the board. (B) and (C) are as follows:
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
1. the applicant for licensure as a professional land
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
surveyor shall be a military-trained individual who has
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for completed a military program of training in land surveying
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:352 (November at a level that is substantially equivalent to or exceeds the
1976), amended LR 5:114 (May 1979), LR 5:365 (November requirements for licensure under R.S. 37:693(B)(4) and
1979), LR 6:735 (December 1980), LR 7:644 (December 1981), Subsection A herein, who has been awarded a military
LR 10:90 (February 1984), LR 16:773 (September 1990), amended occupational specialty in land surveying, who has performed
by the Department of Transportation and Development, in that military occupational specialty at a level that is
Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1028 substantially equivalent to or exceeds the requirements for
(July 2001), LR 30:1712 (August 2004), LR 32:1619 (September
licensure under R.S. 37:693(B)(4) and Subsection A herein,
2006), LR 37:2413 (August 2011), LR 38:2564 (October 2012), LR
44:617 (March 2018). who has engaged in the active practice of land surveying,
who has not been disciplined in any jurisdiction for an act
that would have constituted grounds for refusal, suspension,

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 12

Title 46, Part LXI

or revocation of a license to practice land surveying in dishonorable discharge from the military. The provisions of
Louisiana at the time the act was committed, who is a land Paragraph 3 of Subsection B shall not apply to a military
surveyor intern, or an individual who meets the spouse whose spouse received a dishonorable discharge
qualifications to be a land surveyor intern, who is of good from the military.
character and reputation, who has a verifiable record of four
D. In Subsections B and C, the term military shall mean
years or more of combined office and field experience in
the United States military.
land surveying including two years or more of progressive
experience on land surveying projects under the supervision E. The authority for the executive director to issue a
of a professional land surveyor, who has passed the oral license can only be granted by the board.
examination required by the board, who has passed the
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
examinations required by the board in the principles and 37:688 and 37:3651.
practice of land surveying and Louisiana laws of land HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
surveying, who was recommended for licensure by five Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
personal references (at least three of whom must be Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:244 (August
professional land surveyors who have personal knowledge of 1976), amended LR 2:352 (November 1976), LR 5:114 (May
the applicant), who has submitted an application for 1979), LR 6:735 (December 1980), LR 7:645 (December 1981),
licensure in accordance with the requirements of R.S. LR 11:362 (April 1985), LR 16:773 (September 1990), LR 19:56
37:694, and who was duly licensed as a professional land (January 1993), amended by the Department of Transportation and
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
surveyor by the board; or
Board, LR 27:1029 (July 2001), LR 30:1713 (August 2004), LR
2. the applicant for licensure as a professional land 32:1619 (September 2006), LR 35:1909 (September 2009), LR
surveyor shall be a military-trained individual who holds a 37:2413 (August 2011), LR 38:2564 (October 2012), LR 39:2802
current, valid license to engage in the practice of land (October 2013), LR 43:539 (March 2017), LR 44:617 (March
surveying issued to him/her by proper authority of a state,
territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of §911. Temporary Permit to Practice Land Surveying
Columbia, based on requirements that are substantially A. A military-trained individual or military spouse may
equivalent to or exceed the requirements for licensure under be granted a written temporary permit to practice land
R.S. 37:693(B)(4) and Subsection A herein, who is of good surveying for the period from the time the individual has
character and reputation, who has passed the examinations applied to the board for licensure pursuant to §909.B until
required by the board in the fundamentals of land surveying, either the license has been granted or notice of denial of
principles and practice of land surveying and Louisiana laws licensure has been issued, provided such individual holds a
of land surveying, who has submitted an application for current, valid license to engage in the practice of land
licensure in accordance with the requirements of R.S. surveying issued to him/her by proper authority of a state,
37:694, and who was duly licensed as a professional land territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of
surveyor by the board; or Columbia, based on requirements that are substantially
3. the applicant for licensure as a professional land equivalent to or exceed the requirements for licensure under
surveyor shall be a military spouse who holds a current, R.S. 37:693(B)(4) and §909.A, and provided further that
valid license to engage in the practice of land surveying before beginning such temporary practice in Louisiana, the
issued to him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or individual shall have applied to the board, paid the
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, prescribed fee, and received a temporary permit, and upon
based on requirements that are substantially equivalent to or the conclusion of such work, he/she shall advise the board as
exceed the requirements for licensure under R.S. to the period of time that he/she has practiced in Louisiana
37:693(B)(4) and Subsection A herein, who can demonstrate under such temporary permit.
competency in the practice of land surveying through an oral B. The provisions of Subsection A shall not apply to any
interview by the board, who has not been disciplined in any individual who received a dishonorable discharge from the
jurisdiction for an act that would have constituted grounds military or to a military spouse whose spouse received a
for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license to practice dishonorable discharge from the military.
land surveying in Louisiana at the time the act was
committed, who is in good standing with and has not been C. In Subsections B and C, the term military shall mean
disciplined by the agency that issued the license in the other the United States military.
jurisdiction, who is of good character and reputation, who D. The authority for the executive director to issue a
has passed the examinations required by the board in the temporary permit can only be granted by the board.
fundamentals of land surveying, principles and practice of
land surveying and Louisiana laws of land surveying, who E. The fee for a temporary permit shall be twice the fee
has submitted an application for licensure in accordance paid by an applicant applying for licensure as a professional
with the requirements of R.S. 37:694, and who was duly land surveyor pursuant to §909.A.2.
licensed as a professional land surveyor by the board. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
C. The provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Subsection B 37:3651.
shall not apply to any individual who received a HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and

13 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


Land Surveying Board, LR 39:2803 (October 2013), amended LR of such quality and extent that the board believes that the
44:618 (March 2018). applicant has obtained engineering knowledge and skills at
Chapter 11. Curricula least equivalent to that obtained by education in an
accredited engineering curriculum.
§1101. Approved Curricula
B. Non-accredited engineering curricula shall be those
A. The board shall determine which curricula are to be curricula of four years or more which are found by the board
recognized under the provisions of the licensure law as to be equivalent in content to accredited engineering
approved curricula for the certification and licensure of curricula, including a minimum of 46 semester credit hours
individuals as engineer interns, professional engineers, land of recognized engineering courses, 36 of which shall be
surveyor interns, and professional land surveyors. advanced level courses usually offered in the junior and
senior years.
B. In general, the board will recognize as approved all
accredited engineering curricula of four years or more. The AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
board may recognize as approved an engineering curriculum 37:688.
that was not accredited at the time of the applicant's HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
graduation, but which became accredited within the
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:113 (May 1979),
following two years. amended 7:647 (December 1981), LR 10:805 (October 1984), LR
C. Based on an investigation by a committee of the 19:907 (July 1993), amended by the Department of Transportation
board, the board may, by a majority vote at a regular and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
Board, LR 27:1029 (July 2001), LR 30:1713 (August 2004), LR
meeting, recognize as an approved curriculum a non-
44:618 (March 2018).
accredited engineering curriculum of four years or more
from a school of satisfactory standing that does not meet the §1105. Acceptable Engineering Graduate Degrees
specifications of §1101.B. The board shall keep a record of A. Acceptable engineering graduate degrees are those in
the engineering curricula thus approved. an engineering discipline or sub-discipline from a university
D. To qualify for certification as an engineer intern having an undergraduate accredited engineering curriculum
pursuant to §901.A.2 or §901.A.3, a graduate of a non- in the same discipline or sub-discipline and which require
accredited engineering or related science or engineering the removal of deficiencies in science, mathematics,
technology curriculum must submit to the board an engineering sciences and engineering design as a
evaluation of the curriculum prepared by a board-approved prerequisite to the graduate courses; or are those found by
education credential evaluation service. the board to be equivalent to such degrees. The successful
completion of a minimum of 48 semester credit hours of
E. In general, the board will recognize as approved all coursework in engineering sciences and engineering design
accredited land surveying curricula of four years or more. is required in order to remove deficiencies in engineering
The board may recognize as approved a land surveying sciences and engineering design.
curriculum that was not accredited at the time of the
applicant's graduation, but which became accredited within AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
the following two years.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
F. Based on an investigation by a committee of the Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
board, the board may, by a majority vote at a regular Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:113 (May 1979),
meeting, recognize as an approved curriculum a non- amended 7:647 (December 1981), LR 10:805 (October 1984),
amended by the Department of Transportation and Development,
accredited land surveying curriculum of four years or more
Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1029
from a school of satisfactory standing that does not meet the (July 2001), LR 30:1713 (August 2004), LR 43:1420 (July 2017).
specifications of §1101.D. The board shall keep a record of
the land surveying curricula thus approved. §1107. Land Surveying, Mapping and Real Property
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. A. To qualify for certification as a land surveyor intern
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of pursuant to §907.A.1, the “30 semester credit hours, or the
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for equivalent, in land surveying, mapping, and real property
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:113 (May 1979), courses approved by the board” shall include:
amended LR 5:365 (November 1979), LR 7:646 (December 1981),
LR 10:805 (October 1984), LR 19:57 (January 1993), amended by 1. 15 semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in land
the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional surveying courses, at least three of which shall be in
Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1029 (July 2001), boundary surveying;
LR 30:1713 (August 2004), LR 44:618 (March 2018), LR 45:77
(January 2019). 2. three semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in
mapping courses;
§1103. Other Engineering Curricula
3. three semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in
A. To qualify for certification as an engineer intern
real property courses; and
pursuant to §901.A.3, a graduate of a non-accredited
engineering curriculum must present evidence of experience

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 14

Title 46, Part LXI

4. nine semester credit hours, or the equivalent, in scores on the examination withheld and/or declared invalid,
either land surveying or mapping courses. have disciplinary action taken as described in R.S. 37:698-
700 and/or be subject to the imposition of other appropriate
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. sanctions.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of F. The board may require applicants to demonstrate their
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
knowledge of the laws and rules of the board, and the
Land Surveying Board, LR 45:77 (January 2019).
English language. Applicants must be able to speak and
Chapter 13. Examinations write the English language. Proficiency in English may be
evidenced by possession of a baccalaureate degree taught
§1301. General exclusively in English, or by passage of both the TOEFL
A.1. Only individuals who have received permission (test of English as a foreign language) paper-based exam
from NCEES will be allowed to take the fundamentals of with a score of 550 or better (213 or better on the TOEFL
engineering and fundamentals of land surveying computer-based exam) and the TSE (test of spoken English)
examinations, and all applications for these examinations exam with a score of 45 or better. Applicants requesting a
must be timely filed with NCEES. waiver from the TOEFL and/or TSE requirements must
submit a written request and supporting reasoning to the
2. Only individuals of good character and reputation board. A waiver from the TOEFL and/or TSE requirements
who have received permission from the board will be may be granted by the board upon receipt of one of the
allowed to take the principles and practice of engineering, following:
principles and practice of land surveying and Louisiana laws
of land surveying examinations, and all applications for 1. a passing score on the Graduate Record
these examinations must be timely filed with the board. Examination (GRE); or

B. The applicant must present appropriate documents to 2. transcripts which verify the successful completion
establish his/her eligibility and identification prior to being of 6 full-time semesters (6 credit hours per semester) toward
admitted to any examination. a graduate engineering degree in the United States.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
C.1. Timely filing of an application with the board or 37:688.
NCEES does not assure that an applicant will be permitted HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
to take an examination, or be scheduled for examination on a Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
particular date. Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:113 (May 1979),
amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), LR 11:363 (April 1985), LR
2. To be considered for the following examinations, 16:774 (September 1990), LR 19:57 (January 1993), amended by
the application for the examination must be submitted to the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional
NCEES: Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1030 (July 2001),
LR 30:1714 (August 2004), LR 35:1909 (September 2009), LR
a. fundamentals of engineering; and
37:2413 (August 2011), repromulgated 37:2752 (September 2011),
b. fundamentals of land surveying. amended LR 38:2565 (October 2012), LR 39:2282 (August 2013),
LR 42:1104 (July 2016), LR 44:618 (March 2018).
3. To be considered for a specific examination date,
§1305. Approval to Take the Examination in the
the application for the principles and practice of engineering
Principles and Practice of Engineering
examination must be received at the board office no later
than December 1 for the April examination administration A. An applicant who meets all of the other requirements
and June 1 for the October examination administration. for licensure as a professional engineer may be permitted to
take the examination in the principles and practice of
4. To be considered for the following examinations,
engineering in the discipline(s) of engineering in which
the application for the examination must be submitted to the
he/she seeks to be listed.
B. An applicant who has already been duly certified as
a. principles and practice of land surveying; and
an engineer intern by the board, but has not yet met the
b. Louisiana laws of land surveying. experience requirement for licensure as a professional
engineer, may be permitted to take the examination in the
D. Examinations in the fundamentals of engineering,
principles and practice of engineering in the discipline(s) of
fundamentals of land surveying, the principles and practice
engineering in which he/she seeks to be listed.
of engineering, the principles and practice of land surveying
and the Louisiana laws of land surveying will be offered at AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
times and places designated by the board or NCEES. 37:688.
Descriptions of typical content of the examinations will be HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
made available to applicants through NCEES. Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:113 (May 1979),
E. Any applicant found to have engaged in conduct amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), LR 11:363 (April 1985), LR
which subverts or attempts to subvert the examination 11:950 (October 1985), amended by the Department of
process may, at the discretion of the board, have his/her Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and

15 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1030 (July 2001), LR 30:1715 B. After an individual has failed a principles and practice
(August 2004), LR 40:1390 (July 2014), LR 44:619 (March 2018). of engineering examination, principles and practice of land
§1309. Approval to Take the Examinations in the surveying examination or Louisiana laws of land surveying
Principles and Practice of Land Surveying and examination in any and all jurisdictions for the seventh time,
in the Louisiana Laws of Land Surveying he/she is no longer eligible for licensure.
A. An applicant who meets the other requirements for C. After an individual has failed a principles and practice
licensure as a professional land surveyor may be permitted of engineering examination, principles and practice of land
to take the examinations in the principles and practice of surveying examination or Louisiana laws of land surveying
land surveying and in the Louisiana laws of land surveying. examination, he/she may be required to appear before the
board, or a committee of the board, for an oral interview/oral
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. examination.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for 37:688.
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:113 (May 1979), HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), amended by the Department Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 2:353 (November
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1030 (July 2001), LR 30:1715 1976), amended LR 4:516 (December 1978), LR 5:114 (May
(August 2004), repromulgated LR 44:619 (March 2018). 1979), LR 7:647 (December 1981), LR 12:692 (October 1986), LR
§1311. Examination for Record Purposes 16:774 (September 1990), LR 19:57 (January 1993), amended by
the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional
A. The board provides the opportunity for professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1031 (July 2001),
engineers who were previously licensed in Louisiana to take LR 30:1715 (August 2004), LR 32:1620 (September 2006), LR
the examination in the principles and practice of engineering 35:1909 (September 2009), LR 36:1034 (May 2010), LR 39:2283
in the discipline(s) of engineering in which they seek to be (August 2013), LR 42:2196 (December 2016).
listed without affecting their current licensure status with the
board. These examinations are offered at times and places
Chapter 15. Experience
designated by the board or NCEES. Each applicant will be §1501. Recognition of Experience
charged a fee for this service. A. The board will not recognize experience acquired by
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. an applicant in violation of the licensure law of any state,
37:688. territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Columbia.
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:114 (May 1979), B. In considering applications for licensure by comity,
amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), amended by the Department the board may recognize examinations passed before the
of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and applicant had accrued sufficient qualifying experience
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1030 (July 2001), LR 30:1715 according to Louisiana experience requirements in effect at
(August 2004), LR 44:619 (March 2018). the time, if:
§1313. Examination Results
1. the examination was passed in accordance with the
A. The board or NCEES will specify the minimum laws and regulations in effect at the time in the jurisdiction
passing score for all examinations for certification or in which the applicant was examined; and
licensure of applicants.
2. the experience deficiency according to Louisiana
B. Applicants will be informed only as to whether they experience requirements has been satisfied as of the date of
passed or failed an examination. the application to the Louisiana board.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. 37:688.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:114 (May 1979), Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:112 (May 1979),
amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), LR 11:363 (April 1985), amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), amended by the Department
amended by the Department of Transportation and Development, of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1031 Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1031 (July 2001), LR 30:1715
(July 2001), LR 30:1715 (August 2004), LR 39:2282 (August (August 2004), LR 36:1034 (May 2010), LR 44:619 (March 2018).
2013), LR 44:619 (March 2018). §1503. Graduate-Level Engineering Degree
§1315. Re-Examinations A. An applicant who has obtained a master's degree in
A. Except as otherwise provided in Subsections B and C, engineering which has followed a baccalaureate degree in
an individual who fails an examination is eligible to apply to engineering from an accredited engineering curriculum may
retake the examination. A request for re-examination must be use the master’s degree for credit for one year's experience.
submitted in writing prior to the deadline for scheduling of An applicant who has obtained an earned doctoral degree in
the examination. engineering which has followed a baccalaureate degree in

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 16

Title 46, Part LXI

engineering from an accredited engineering curriculum may specified in the requirements for qualifying as an engineer
use the doctoral degree for credit for two years' experience. intern will be considered as engineering experience.
The two-year’s credit for the doctoral degree includes the
B. Up to one year of engineering experience may be
one year for a master's degree.
obtained prior to graduation, if obtained through a college or
B. An applicant who has obtained an earned doctoral university-sponsored co-op program as part of an accredited
degree in engineering which has followed either a engineering curriculum approved by the board, and only
baccalaureate degree in engineering from a non-accredited after completion of the first half of the curriculum. If the co-
engineering curriculum or a baccalaureate degree in a related op program work is full-time work, the amount of credit
science or engineering technology curriculum may use the given is equal to the time worked.
doctoral degree for credit for one year’s experience.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:688.
37:688. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:112 (May 1979),
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 3:502 (December amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), LR 11:362 (April 1985), LR
1977), amended LR 5:112 (May 1979), LR 6:735 (December 27:1031 (July 2001), LR 30:1716 (August 2004), LR 44:620
1980), LR 7:647 (December 1981), amended by the Department of (March 2018).
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and §1509. Experience at Time of Application
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1031 (July 2001), LR 30:1715
(August 2004), LR 41:1122 (June 2015), LR 44:619 (March 2018). A. Experience must not be anticipated.
§1505. Work Experience B. For applicants for professional engineer licensure
A. No applicant will be allowed credit of more than one under §903.A.1 of these rules, the “verifiable record of four
year of experience for both work and education during any years or more of progressive experience obtained subsequent
consecutive 12-month period. to meeting the educational and applicable experience
qualifications to be an engineer intern” must be gained by
B. Two years of the required engineering work the time of application for licensure. However, for any such
experience shall be obtained in a state, territory, or applicant who has already been duly certified as an engineer
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia. intern by the board and has received approval to take the
However, the board may allow substitution of two years of examination in the principles and practice of engineering
foreign engineering work experience provided that the under §1305.B of these rules, such experience need not be
experience is obtained under the supervision of a gained by the time of application for licensure part I, rather
professional engineer holding a valid license to engage in the such experience need only be gained by the time of
practice of engineering issued to him/her by proper authority application for licensure part II.
of a state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the
District of Columbia. C. For applicants for professional land surveyor
licensure under §909.A.1 of these rules, the “verifiable
C. Two years of the required land surveying work record of four years or more of combined office and field
experience shall be obtained in a state, territory, or experience in land surveying including two years or more of
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia. progressive experience on land surveying projects under the
However, the board may allow substitution of two years of supervision of a professional land surveyor” must be gained
foreign land surveying work experience provided that the by the time of application for licensure.
experience is obtained under the supervision of a
professional land surveyor holding a valid license to engage AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
in the practice of land surveying issued to him/her by proper HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
authority of a state, territory, or possession of the United Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
States, or the District of Columbia. Surveying Board, LR 27:1031 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1716
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. (August 2004), LR 37:2413 (August 2011), LR 38:2565 (October
37:688. 2012), LR 40:1390 (July 2014), LR 42:443 (March 2016).
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of §1511. Experience from Faculty Engineering Research
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for and Design Projects
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:112 (May 1979),
amended LR 7:647 (December 1981), amended by the Department A. Experience gained in engineering research and design
of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and projects by members of an engineering faculty in an
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1031 (July 2001), LR 30:1716 accredited engineering curriculum is creditable.
(August 2004), LR 32:1620 (September 2006), LR 44:619 (March
2018). AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
§1507. Engineering Experience Subsequent to Degree HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
A. Except as otherwise provided in Subsection B, only Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
Surveying Board, LR 27:1031 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1716
experience obtained subsequent to completion of a degree
(August 2004), LR 44:620 (March 2018).

17 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


§1513. Teaching Experience 3. Adequate experience in the technical field aspects of

land surveying must be demonstrated.
A. Engineering. Teaching experience must be in
engineering or engineering-related courses at an advanced AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
level in an accredited engineering curriculum. 37:688.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
B. Land Surveying. Teaching experience must be in land Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
surveying or land surveying-related courses at an advanced Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1716
level in an accredited land surveying curriculum. (August 2004), LR 44:620 (March 2018).

AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. §1521. Experience Acquired in the United States
37:688. Military
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
A. Engineering. Engineering experience gained in the
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1716 United State military must be of a character equivalent to
(August 2004), LR 44:620 (March 2018). that which would have been gained in the civilian sector
doing similar work. Normally, it would be expected that the
§1515. Progressive Experience
experience gained in the United States military is through
A. Engineering. Experience must be progressive on service in an engineering or engineering-related group.
engineering projects to indicate that it is of increasing
B. Land Surveying. Land surveying experience gained in
quality and requiring greater responsibility.
the United States military must be of a character equivalent
B. Land Surveying. Experience must be progressive on to that which would have been gained in the civilian sector
land surveying projects to indicate that it is of increasing doing similar work. Normally, it would be expected that the
quality and requiring greater responsibility. experience gained in the United States military is through
services in a land surveying group.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of 37:688.
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1716 Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
(August 2004). Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1717
§1517. Knowledge Required (August 2004), LR 44:620 (March 2018).
§1523. Sales Experience
A. Engineering. Experience should include
demonstration of a knowledge of engineering mathematics, A. For sales experience to be creditable as engineering
physical and applied science, properties of materials, and the experience, it must be demonstrated that engineering
fundamental principles of engineering design. principles were required and applied in gaining the
B. Land Surveying. Experience should include
demonstration of a knowledge of surveying mathematics, AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
theory of measurements, application of legal principles of 37:688.
boundary surveying, and the fundamental principles of land HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1717
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. (August 2004), LR 44:620 (March 2018).
37:688. §1525. Construction Experience
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and A. For construction experience to be creditable as
Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1716 engineering experience, it must be demonstrated that
(August 2004), LR 44:620 (March 2018). engineering principles were required and applied in gaining
§1519. Applied Experience the experience.
A. Engineering. Experience should include AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
demonstration of the application of engineering principles in 37:688.
the practical solution of engineering problems. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
B. Land Surveying Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1717
(August 2004), LR 44:621 (March 2018).
1. Experience should include demonstration of the
application of land surveying principles in the practical §1527. Supervision by Licensed Professional
execution of land surveying tasks. A. Engineering. Experience should be gained under the
2. A substantial portion of the experience must be supervision of a professional engineer holding a valid
spent in charge of work related to property conveyance license to engage in the practice of engineering issued to
and/or boundary line determination. him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia,

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 18

Title 46, Part LXI

or, if not, an explanation shall be made showing why the States, or the District of Columbia. Three or more of the five
experience should be considered acceptable. personal references furnished by an applicant for licensure
as a professional land surveyor shall be professional land
B. Land Surveying. Experience should be gained under
surveyors holding valid licenses to engage in the practice of
the supervision of a professional land surveyor holding a
land surveying issued to them by proper authority of a state,
valid license to engage in the practice of land surveying
territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of
issued to him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or
Columbia. Applicants for licensure as a professional
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia,
engineer or professional land surveyor must also
or, if not, an explanation shall be made showing why the
successfully complete the board’s Louisiana laws and rules
experience should be considered acceptable.
quiz and Louisiana ethics and professionalism quiz prior to
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. licensure. Additionally, applicants for licensure as a
37:688. professional land surveyor must successfully complete the
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of board’s Louisiana standards of practice for boundary surveys
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and quiz prior to licensure.
Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1717
(August 2004). C. Applicants who have attended college shall have
certified transcripts of all college work forwarded by the
Chapter 17. Applications and Fees registrar of each college directly to the office of the board.
§1701. Applications D. For college credits and/or college degrees earned
A. Applications for certification as an engineer intern or outside of the United States, applicants may be required to
land surveyor intern shall be completed on the most current submit a course-by-course analysis and equivalency in terms
forms developed by the board. The application shall contain of United States courses and credits from an organization
statements showing the applicant's qualifications, and a approved by the board. The applicant will be responsible for
recommendation for certification by a professional engineer fees connected with this service.
or professional land surveyor holding a valid license to E. An application for certification or licensure may be
engage in the practice of engineering or land surveying considered incomplete by the board. The applicant may be
issued to him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or denied admission to an examination until the information
possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, submitted in the application has been investigated and
as appropriate. Furthermore, applications for certification as replies have been received from references. The board may
an engineer intern pursuant to §901.A.3 submitted by require additional information and documents it considers
graduates of a non-accredited engineering curriculum shall necessary for the proper evaluation of an application.
also contain a recommendation for certification by a
professional engineer (holding a valid license to engage in F. An application requiring an examination for
the practice of engineering issued to him/her by proper certification or licensure must be timely filed with the board
authority of a state, territory, or possession of the United or NCEES, as discussed in §1301.
States, or the District of Columbia) having personal
G. Applicant files may be destroyed at the discretion of
knowledge of the applicant's engineering experience.
the executive director no earlier than the end of the
B. Applications for licensure as a professional engineer applicable retention period set forth in the board’s records
or professional land surveyor shall be completed on the most retention schedule.
current forms developed by the board. The application shall
H. Applications for licensure of an engineering firm
contain statements showing the applicant's qualifications,
and/or land surveying firm shall be completed on the most
and the names and addresses of five personal references who
current forms developed by the board and shall contain the
recommend the applicant for licensure. None of the five
names, license numbers, and signatures of all professional
personal references can be an immediate family member or
engineers and/or professional land surveyors designated as
business associate of the applicant. For purposes of this
supervising professionals in accordance with Chapter 23
§1701.B, immediate family member is defined as a spouse,
(Firms). The name and signature of an officer of the firm
child, spouse of a child, sibling, spouse of a sibling, sibling
duly authorized to make certifications on behalf of the firm
of a spouse, parent, parent of a spouse, stepparent or
must appear in the specified location of the form. If the
stepchild. For purposes of this §1701.B, business associate is
applicant is a corporation, a copy of the corporation's
defined as a subordinate of the applicant, or a consultant or
Louisiana certificate of incorporation (domestic) or
contractor who provides goods or services to the applicant or
certificate of authority (foreign) must accompany the
to a business, entity or agency in which the applicant is an
application. If the applicant is a limited liability company, a
owner, member, officer, director, trustee, partner, principal,
copy of the company's Louisiana certificate of organization
manager, employee, associate, consultant or contractor.
(domestic) or certificate of authority (foreign) must
Three or more of the five personal references furnished by
accompany the application. The board will license firms that
an applicant for licensure as a professional engineer shall be
are corporations using only the name as reflected on the
professional engineers holding valid licenses to engage in
corporation's Louisiana certificate of authority or certificate
the practice of engineering issued to them by proper
of incorporation. The board will license firms that are
authority of a state, territory, or possession of the United
limited liability companies using only the name as reflected

19 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


on the company's Louisiana certificate of authority or (August 2004), LR 39:1061 (April 2013), LR 43:1420 (July 2017),
certificate of organization. Designated supervising LR 44:622 (March 2018).
professionals for the firm must also successfully complete Chapter 21. Certificates of Licensure
the board’s Louisiana laws and rules quiz and Louisiana
ethics and professionalism quiz prior to licensure of the firm. and Certification of Individuals or
Additionally, designated supervising professionals for a land Firms
surveying firm must successfully complete the board’s
Louisiana standards of practice for boundary surveys quiz §2101. Expiration and Renewals
prior to licensure of the firm. A. Licenses and certificates of individuals and firms
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. shall expire on the date specified on the applicable biennial
37:688. renewal form and/or as shown on the board's records and
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of shall become invalid after that date unless renewed within
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for 120 days. After that period, the licensee or certificate holder
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:112 (May 1979), may apply to the board to reactivate his/her expired license
amended LR 5:365 (November 1979), LR 7:646 (December 1981),
or certificate.
LR 11:362 (April 1985), LR 19:57 (January 1993), amended by the
Department of Transportation and Development, Professional AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1032 (July 2001), 37:688.
LR 30:1717 (August 2004), LR 37:2414 (August 2011), LR HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
38:2565 (October 2012), LR 39:2283 (August 2013), LR 41:2690 Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
(December 2015), LR 44:621 (March 2018). Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 7:648 (December
§1703. Fees 1981), amended LR 6:417 (June 1983), LR 11:363 (April 1985),
amended by the Department of Transportation and Development,
A. Application fees, renewal fees and all other fees shall Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1035
be established by the board by a majority vote at a regular (July 2001), LR 30:1718 (August 2004), LR 44:622 (March 2018).
meeting. The fees so established shall be in accordance with §2103. Licensure and Certification Status
the limits specified in the licensure law.
A. The board has established the following licensure
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. statuses for licensees.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Active Status―the licensure status which exists for a
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for licensee of the board who has complied with all the licensure
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 3:503 (December and licensure renewal requirements of the board and who
1977), amended LR 5:365 (November 1979), LR 7:646 (December has elected to be in this status on his/her biennial licensure
1981), amended by the Department of Transportation and renewal form.
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
Board, LR 27:1033 (July 2001), LR 30:1718 (August 2004), LR Expired Status―the licensure status which exists for a
44:622 (March 2018). licensee of the board who has failed to properly renew
Chapter 19. Disciplines of licensure as required in R.S. 37:697. A licensee in an expired
status cannot practice or offer to practice engineering or land
Engineering surveying in Louisiana.
§1901. Disciplines Inactive Status―the licensure status which exists for an
individual licensee of the board who has chosen not to
A. Professional engineers will be issued licenses by the
practice or offer to practice engineering and/or land
board as a professional engineer, and the board shall list a
surveying in Louisiana and who has elected to be in this
professional engineer in one or more of the disciplines of
status on his/her biennial licensure renewal form. A licensee
engineering approved by NCEES based on such individual
in an inactive status can represent himself/herself to the
having passed the examination in the principles and practice
public as a P.E. inactive or a P.L.S. inactive, as applicable,
of engineering in such discipline(s).
but cannot otherwise practice or offer to practice engineering
B. Each individual licensed under R.S. 37:693(B)(5) and/or land surveying in Louisiana.
shall be listed by the board as a professional engineer in the
Retired Status―the licensure status which exists for an
discipline of naval architecture/marine engineering.
individual licensee of the board who has chosen not to
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. practice or offer to practice engineering and/or land
37:688. surveying in Louisiana and who has elected to be in this
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of status on his/her biennial licensure renewal form. To qualify
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
for the retired status, the licensee must be at least 70 years of
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:118 (May 1979),
amended LR 5:365 (November 1979), LR 7:646 (December 1981), age or have been a licensee of the board for at least 35 years.
LR 11:362 (April 1985), amended by the Department of Unless the licensee is granted a waiver by the board, the
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and renewal fee for the retired status shall be one-half of the
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1033 (July 2001), LR 30:1718 current renewal fee for the active status. A licensee qualified
for the retired status may be granted a waiver of this renewal

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 20

Title 46, Part LXI

fee if the licensee is at least 70 years of age, has been a provided, however, that the firm must be licensed separately
licensee of the board for at least 35 years continuously, has as an engineering firm and as a land surveying firm, and the
never been subject to disciplinary action in any jurisdiction, requirements of this Chapter will apply separately to
has never committed any of the offenses described in R.S. providing or offering to provide engineering services and
37:698(A)(3), (4) or (5), and is of good character and land surveying services.
reputation. A licensee in a retired status can represent
3. A firm may provide or offer to provide both
himself/herself to the public as a P.E. retired or a P.L.S.
professional services and the services of other related
retired, as applicable, but cannot otherwise practice or offer
professions in Louisiana, such as architecture and landscape
to practice engineering and/or land surveying in Louisiana.
architecture; provided, however, the firm must be licensed
B. The board has established the following certification under and comply with the provisions of the licensure law
statuses for certificate holders. and this Chapter.
Active Status―the certification status which exists for a C. Unless otherwise provided, sole proprietorships which
certificate holder of the board who has complied with all the are not legal entities and which bear the full name of the
certification and certification renewal requirements of the owner who is a licensed professional are exempt from the
board and who has elected to be in this status on his/her application of this Chapter. Such sole proprietorships are not
biennial certification renewal form. required to be licensed as engineering or land surveying
firms with the board. Sole proprietorships which are not
Expired Status―the certification status which exists for a
legal entities and which do not bear the full name of the
certificate holder of the board who has failed to properly
owner who is a licensed professional must be licensed with
renew certification as required in R.S. 37:697.
the board as an engineering or land surveying firm and must
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. comply with all the provisions of this Chapter.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of D. Joint ventures that provide or offer to provide
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for professional services in Louisiana will not be required to be
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2151 licensed as separate entities. Nevertheless, any firm
(November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation (including those sole proprietorships otherwise excluded
and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying under §2301.C) that provides or offers to provide
Board, LR 27:1035 (July 2001), LR 30:1719 (August 2004), LR professional services in conjunction with its participation in
36:1034 (May 2010), LR 44:622 (March 2018). a joint venture can do so only if it complies with the
Chapter 23. Firms provisions of these rules.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
§2301. General
A. The following rules with regard to firms shall apply HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
equally to domestic or foreign firms, partnerships, Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
associations, cooperatives, ventures, corporations, limited Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 3:502 (December
1977), amended LR 5:116 (May 1979), LR 8:191 (April 1982), LR
liability companies, limited liability partnerships, and any
16:774 (September 1990), amended by the Department of
other entities, unless otherwise provided: Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
1. use of the term professional services in this Chapter Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1035 (July 2001), LR 30:1719
will refer to either engineering services or land surveying (August 2004), LR 37:2414 (August 2011), LR 44:622 (March
services; and
§2305. Supervising Professional
2. use of the term licensed professional in this Chapter
will refer to either a professional engineer or a professional A.1. Each firm licensed with the board shall designate
land surveyor duly licensed in Louisiana. one or more supervising professionals. Each supervising
professional shall be a licensed professional:
B. A firm must be licensed with the board before it may
provide or offer to provide professional services in a. whose primary employment is with the firm on a
Louisiana. full-time basis; or
1. A firm which has in its name the words engineer, b. whose secondary employment is with the firm,
engineering, land surveyor, land surveying or any provided the supervising professional is an owner of the
modification or derivative thereof shall be construed to be firm.
offering to provide professional services and therefore must 2. The supervising professionals of an engineering
be licensed with the board before doing business in firm shall be professional engineers. The supervising
Louisiana, unless it has in its name modifying or explanatory professionals of a land surveying firm shall be professional
words which would, in their ordinary meaning, negate the land surveyors.
inference of the practice of engineering or land surveying.
3. The responsibilities of a supervising professional
2. A firm may provide or offer to provide both include:
engineering and land surveying services in Louisiana;

21 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


a. renewal of the firm’s license and notification to §2309. Enforcement

the board of any change in the firm’s supervising
A. In the event that a firm shall fail to comply with these
rules, the board may take whatever action is necessary
b. institution of and adherence to policies of the against such firm to require compliance or to enjoin further
firm that are in accordance with the licensure law and the practice or offers to practice engineering or land surveying.
rules of the board; and
B. Firms are subject to all disciplinary and enforcement
c. ensuring that all professional services provided provisions provided for in the licensure law.
by the firm are performed by or under the responsible charge
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
of licensed professionals. 37:689.
B. The supervising professional of a firm which HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
participates in a joint venture shall be responsible for Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 3:502 (December
assuring that all professional services performed by the joint
1977), amended LR 5:116 (May 1979), LR 8:191 (April 1982), LR
venture are rendered in conformity with the provisions of 19:57 (January 1993), amended by the Department of
these rules. Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
C. Nothing herein shall prohibit a supervising Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1036 (July 2001), LR 30:1720
(August 2004), LR 44:623 (March 2018).
professional from also being in responsible charge of
professional services provided by the firm. Chapter 25. Professional Conduct
D. A failure to comply with any of the provisions of this §2501. Scope; Knowledge; Definition of Licensee
Chapter may subject both the licensed firm and the
supervising professional to disciplinary action by the board. A. In order to safeguard life, health and property, to
promote the public welfare, and to establish and maintain a
E. Compliance with this Section will not be met by a high standard of integrity and practice, the following rules of
contractual relationship between the firm and a licensed professional conduct shall be binding on every licensee.
professional or a firm of licensed professionals in which These rules of professional conduct deal primarily with the
such licensed professional or firm of licensed professionals relationship between licensees and the public and should not
is available on a consultative basis. Nor will it be considered be construed as a substitute for codes of ethics of the various
compliance if a licensed professional is related to the firm professional and technical societies.
solely in a nominal or inactive capacity.
B. All licensees are charged with having knowledge of
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. the licensure law and the rules of the board and shall be
deemed to be familiar with their provisions and to
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for understand them.
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:115 (May 1979), C. For purposes of this Chapter only, the term licensee
amended LR 8:191 (April 1982), LR 10:343 (April 1984), LR shall mean any professional engineer, professional land
11:362 (April 1985), amended by the Department of Transportation
surveyor, engineer intern, land surveyor intern, or firm
and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
Board, LR 27:1036 (July 2001), LR 30:1719 (August 2004), LR holding a license or certificate issued by the board.
33:2789 (December 2007), LR 35:2856 (December 2009), LR D. A licensee possessing personal knowledge of a
38:1418 (June, 2012), LR 44:623 (March 2018). violation of the licensure law or the rules of the board shall
§2307. Professional Identification report such knowledge to the board in writing and shall
cooperate with the board in furnishing such further
A. Letterhead, business cards, advertisements,
information or assistance as it may require.
promotional materials, websites and other identifying items
issued or used by firms in Louisiana shall reflect the exact E. Licensees shall timely respond to all inquiries and
firm name contained on the firm’s certificate of licensure correspondence from the board and shall timely claim
issued by the board. correspondence sent to them from the board via the U.S.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Postal Service or other delivery service.
37:689. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of 37:688.
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:116 (May 1979), Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
amended LR 8:191 (April 1982), amended by the Department of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 4:299 (August
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and 1978), amended LR 7:648 (December 1981), LR 16:776
Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1036 (July 2001), LR 30:1720 (September 1990), amended by the Department of Transportation
(August 2004), LR 33:2789 (December 2007), LR 44:623 (March and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
2018). Board, LR 27:1036 (July 2001), LR 30:1720 (August 2004), LR
44:623 (March 2018).

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 22

Title 46, Part LXI

§2503. Licensees express an opinion only when it is founded upon adequate

knowledge of the facts in issue, upon a background of
A. Licensees shall hold paramount the life, health,
technical competence in the subject matter, and upon honest
property and welfare of the public in the performance of
conviction of the accuracy and propriety of the licensee's
their professional duties.
B. Licensees shall at all times recognize that their G. Licensees shall issue no statements, criticisms, or
primary obligation is to protect the life, health, property, and arguments on engineering or land surveying matters
welfare of the public. If their professional judgment is connected with public policy which are inspired or paid for
overruled by nontechnical authority, they will clearly point by an interested party or parties, unless the licensee has
out the consequences, notifying the proper authority of any prefaced the comment by explicitly identifying the licensee's
observed conditions which endanger public life, health, name, by disclosing the identities of any party or parties on
property and welfare. whose behalf the licensee is speaking, and by revealing the
C. Licensees shall approve and seal only those existence of any pecuniary interest the licensee may have in
documents which are safe for public life, health, property, the instant matter.
and welfare, which are complete and accurate, which are in H. Licensees shall not attempt to injure, maliciously or
conformity with accepted engineering and land surveying falsely, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation,
standards or practice, and which conform to applicable laws prospects, practice or employment of another licensee, nor
and ordinances. indiscriminately criticize another licensee’s work in public.
1. Licensees shall comply fully with Chapter 27 (Use If the licensee believes that another licensee is guilty of
of Seals). misconduct or illegal practice, such information shall be
presented to the board in a manner consistent with the
2. Except as permitted by §2701.A.3.b.ii, licensees requirement of those rules for reporting personal knowledge
shall not seal the work of or take the professional of rule or licensure law violations.
responsibility for any documents related to engineering or
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
land surveying not performed by the licensee or under their 37:688.
responsible charge. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
3. Licensees shall not accept the responsibility for, nor Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 7:648 (December
review, revise, sign, or seal documents when such
1981), amended LR 11:950 (October 1985), LR 16:776 (September
documents are begun by persons not properly licensed; or do 1990), LR 17:273 (March 1991), amended by the Department of
any other act to enable anyone to evade the requirements of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
the licensure law. Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1037 (July 2001), LR 30:1721
(August 2004), LR 44:624 (March 2018).
D. Licensees shall submit to a client only that work
prepared by the licensee or under their responsible charge; §2505. Services
however, licensees, as third parties, may complete, correct, A. Licensees shall perform services only in the area of
revise, or add to the work of another licensee or other related their competence.
design professional, if allowed by Louisiana law, when
B. Licensees shall undertake assignments only when
engaged to do so by a client, provided:
qualified by education or experience in the specific technical
1. the client furnishes the documentation of all such fields of engineering or land surveying involved.
work submitted to him/her by the previous licensees or other C. Licensees shall not affix their signatures or seals to
related design professionals; any documents dealing with subject matters in which they
2. the previous licensees or other related design lack competence, nor to any such document not prepared by
professionals are notified in writing by the licensee of the them or under their responsible charge. Responsible charge
engagement referred to herein immediately upon acceptance requires a licensee to have client contact, provide internal
of the engagement; and and external financial control, oversee training of
subordinates, and exercise control and supervision overall
3. all work completed, corrected, revised, or added to
job requirements to include research, planning, design, field
shall contain a notation describing the work done by the
supervision and work product review. A licensee shall not
licensee now in responsible charge, shall have the seal and
contract with a non-licensed individual to provide these
signature of the licensee affixed thereto, shall contain the
professional services. Other types of research, such as land
date of execution, and shall become the responsibility of the
title searches and material testing, may be contracted to a
non-licensed individual, provided the licensee reviews the
E. Licensees shall be objective and truthful in all work. Licensees may affix their seal, signature and date to
professional reports, statements or testimony. Licensees shall documents depicting the work of two or more licensees or
include all relevant and pertinent information in such other related design professionals provided that a note under
reports, statements or testimony. the seal designates the specific subject matter for which each
F. When serving as an expert or technical witness before is responsible.
any court, commission, or other tribunal, licensees shall

23 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


D. Licensees may accept an assignment outside of their §2507. Conflicts of Interest

areas of competence to the extent that their services are
restricted to those phases of the project in which they are A. Licensees shall further act in professional matters for
qualified, and to the extent that they are satisfied that all each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees and
other phases of such project will be performed or supervised shall avoid conflicts of interest.
by other licensees, in which case they may then seal, sign B. Licensees shall disclose all known or potential
and date the documents for the whole project. conflicts of interest to their employers or clients by promptly
informing them of any business association, interest, or other
E. In the event a question arises as to the competence of
a licensee in a specific technical field which cannot be circumstances which could influence their professional
otherwise resolved to the board's satisfaction, the board, judgment or the quality of their professional services.
either upon request of the licensee or on its own volition, C. Licensees shall not accept compensation, financial or
may require the licensee to take an appropriate examination otherwise, from more than one party for professional
or quiz or submit to an appropriate interview. services on the same project, or for professional services
pertaining to the same project, unless the circumstances are
F. Firms may offer and/or provide a combination of
engineering and construction services in connection with a fully disclosed to, and agreed to, by all interested parties.
design-build project in Louisiana without obtaining a firm D. Licensees shall not solicit or accept, directly or
license from the board, provided that: indirectly, benefits of any substantial nature or significant
gratuity, from any supplier of materials or equipment, or
1. prior to the execution of the contract for the project,
from contractors, their agents, servants or employees or from
the firm obtains an authorization certificate from the board
any other party dealing with the client or employer of the
by filing, on a form approved by the board, a written
disclosure on which it shall designate a professional licensee in connection with any project on which the
engineer (professional of record) licensed in Louisiana to be licensee is performing or has contracted to perform
in responsible charge of all engineering services offered professional services.
and/or provided by the firm for such project; E. When in public service as a member, advisor or
employee of a governmental body or agency, or under
2. the professional of record and an officer of the firm
sign the written disclosure submitted to the board, contract to provide consultation, advice, technical reviews
identifying the professional of record's role in the project and and recommendations to a governmental body or agency,
licensees shall not participate in considerations or actions
certifying that the professional of record will be in
with respect to professional services provided by them or
responsible charge of all engineering services offered and/or
their organization to that governmental body or agency or to
provided by the firm for the project;
any other person.
3. all engineering services offered and/or provided by
the firm for the project are performed by or under the F. Licensees shall not solicit nor accept professional
responsible charge of the professional of record; and services from a governmental body or agency of which the
licensee or a principal, officer or employee of the licensee's
4. in the event such professional of record's services firm serves as a member, employee, consultant, contractor or
terminate with respect to the project or his/her role in the representative, except upon public disclosure of all pertinent
project otherwise changes, then within five business days: facts and circumstances and consent of all parties.
a. both the firm and the professional of record shall G. Licensees shall not attempt to supplant another
notify the board in writing of such termination or change; licensee in a particular engagement after becoming aware
and that the other has been selected for the engagement.
b. the firm shall file with the board a new written AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
disclosure designating a new professional of record 37:688.
employed by the firm and licensed in Louisiana to be in HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
responsible charge of all engineering services offered and/or Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 7:648 (December
provided by the firm for such project.
1981), amended by the Department of Transportation and
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
37:688. Board, LR 27:1038 (July 2001), LR 30:1722 (August 2004), LR
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of 44:625 (March 2018).
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for §2509. Improper Solicitation
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 7:648 (December
1981), amended by the Department of Transportation and A. Licensees shall avoid improper solicitation of
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying professional employment or services.
Board, LR 27:1037 (July 2001), LR 30:1721 (August 2004), LR
32:1620 (September 2006), LR 33:2789 (December 2007), LR B. Licensees shall not falsify or permit misrepresentation
35:2856 (December 2009), LR 44:624 (March 2018). or exaggeration of:
1. the licensee’s or any associate's academic or
professional qualifications;

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 24

Title 46, Part LXI

2. the licensee’s degree of responsibility in or for the Chapter 27. Use of Seals
subject matter of prior work; or
§2701. Seal and Signature
3. pertinent facts concerning employers, employees,
associates or joint ventures, of the licensee’s or his/her firm's A. The following rules for the use of seals to identify
past accomplishments work performed by a professional engineer or professional
C. Licensees shall not pay nor offer to pay, directly or land surveyor shall be binding on every licensee.
indirectly, any commission, or gift, or other valuable 1. Seal Possession
consideration in order to secure work, except under the
following circumstances: a. Each professional engineer or professional land
surveyor, upon licensure, shall obtain an official seal.
1. securing salaried positions through employment
agencies; or b. Firms are not authorized to possess or use seals.
2. as a bona fide employee, or a bona fide established c. In the case of a temporary permit issued to a
commercial marketing agency retained by them. licensee of another state, territory, or possession of the
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. United States, or the District of Columbia, the licensee shall
37:688. affix the seal of his/her jurisdiction of licensure, his/her
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of signature, the date of execution, and his/her Louisiana
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for temporary permit number to all of his/her work.
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 7:648 (December
1981), amended by the Department of Transportation and 2. Seal Design and Signature Requirements
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying a. The design of the seal shall have the following
Board, LR 27:1038 (July 2001), LR 30:1722 (August 2004), LR
44:625 (March 2018).
minimum information:
§2511. Conduct of Advertising i. “State of Louisiana”;
A. Licensees shall not make exaggerated, misleading, ii. licensee's name;
deceptive or false statements or claims about professional iii. license number;
qualifications, experience or performance in brochures, iv. "Professional Engineer" or "Professional
correspondence, listings, websites, or other public Engineer in _________ Engineering," or "Professional Land
communications. Surveyor."
B. The prohibitions listed in Subsection A include, but Seals issued prior to promulgation of these rules may use the
are not limited to: word "registered" in lieu of "licensed". If a seal is replaced,
the new seal shall use the word "licensed" in lieu of
1. the use of statements containing a material "registered".
misrepresentation of fact;
b. Indicated below is a sample of the seal design
2. omitting a material fact necessary to keep the authorized by the board.
statement from being misleading;
c. Seals of two sizes are acceptable:
3. the use of statements intended or likely to create an i. 1-5/8 inch seal commonly used in pocket seals;
unjustified expectation; and and
4. the use of statements containing a prediction of ii. 2-inch seal commonly used in desk seals.
future success.
d. Rubber seals of the same design and size are
C. Consistent with the foregoing, licensees may acceptable for use.
advertise for recruitment of personnel. e. Computer-generated seals of the same design and
D. Consistent with the foregoing, licensees may prepare size may be used.
articles for the lay or technical press. Such articles shall not f. A seal must always be accompanied by the
imply credit to the author for work performed by others. licensee's signature and date. The signature and date must be
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. placed adjacent to or across the seal.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
Surveying Board, LR 27:1038 (July 2001), amended LR 30:1722
(August 2004), LR 44:625 (March 2018).

25 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


(c). the licensee reviews the final documents;

(d). the licensee has the authority to and does
make any necessary and appropriate changes to the final
(i). if the documents are prepared outside the
licensee's office, the licensee shall maintain all evidence of
the licensee's responsible charge including correspondence,
time records, check prints, telephone logs, site visit logs,
research done for project, calculations, changes, and all
written agreements with any persons preparing the
documents outside of the licensee's office;
(ii). a licensee failing to maintain
documentation of the items set forth above, when such are
applicable, shall be considered to be in violation of R.S.
37:698(A)(6), and the licensee shall be subject to
disciplinary action as set forth in the licensure law.
ii. No licensee shall affix his/her seal or signature
to documents developed by others not under his/her
responsible charge, except:
(a). in the case of an individual Louisiana
professional engineer checking and taking the professional
responsibility for the work of an engineer who is not
licensed in this state but is properly licensed in the
jurisdiction of origin of such work, the Louisiana
professional engineer shall completely check and have
responsible charge of the work. Such responsible charge
shall include possession of the sealed, signed and dated
reproducible drawings, with complete sealed, signed and
dated calculations indicating all changes;
3. Seal Responsibility
(b). certification of standard plans which were
a. The application of the licensee's seal, signature, initially prepared, sealed and signed by an engineer who is
and date shall constitute certification that the work thereon not licensed in this state but is properly licensed in the
was done by the licensee or under his/her responsible charge. jurisdiction of origin of such plans. Such plans may then be
The licensee shall be personally and professionally reviewed by a Louisiana professional engineer for code
responsible and accountable for the care, custody, control conformance, design adequacy, and site adaption for the
and use of his/her seal, professional signature and specific application within Louisiana. The Louisiana
identification. A seal which has been lost, misplaced or professional engineer assumes responsibility for such plans.
stolen shall, upon discovery of its loss, be reported The plans, which already bear the seal and signature of the
immediately to the board by the licensee. The board may engineer who is not licensed in this state but is properly
invalidate the license number of said licensee, if it deems licensed in the jurisdiction of origin of such plans, shall also
this necessary, and issue another license number to the be sealed, signed and dated by the Louisiana professional
licensee. engineer who is assuming responsibility. In addition to the
Louisiana professional engineer’s seal, signature and date, a
b. Responsible Charge statement shall be included on the plans as follows;
i. Documents will be deemed to have been “These standard plans have been properly examined by me,
prepared under the responsible charge of a licensee only the undersigned Louisiana professional engineer. I have
when: determined that these plans comply with all applicable
Louisiana codes and have been properly site adapted to use in
(a). the client or any public or governmental this area.”
agency requesting preparation of such documents makes the (c). certification of standard plans, including
request directly to the licensee or the licensee's employee as special details, which were initially prepared by the
long as the employee works in the licensee's place(s) of Department of Transportation and Development and signed
business; and dated by such agency’s chief engineer, but which are not
(b). the licensee supervises the initial preparation for use on such agency’s projects. Such plans may then be
of the documents and has continued input into their reviewed by another professional engineer for code
preparation prior to their completion; conformance, design adequacy, and site adaption for the

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 26

Title 46, Part LXI

specific application. The other professional engineer and dated by the licensee(s) in responsible charge of the
assumes responsibility for such plans. The plans, which whole project.
already bear the signature of the agency’s chief engineer,
v. Compiled As-Built Record Drawings
shall be sealed, signed and dated by the other professional
engineer who is assuming responsibility. In addition to the (a). The preparation of compiled engineering as-
other professional engineer’s seal, signature and date, a built record drawings is not considered to be the practice of
statement shall be included on the plans as follows; engineering and such drawings are not required to be sealed
“These standard plans have been properly examined by me, or signed by a professional engineer. If the professional
the undersigned professional engineer. I have determined that engineer was in responsible charge of the original underlying
these plans comply with all applicable codes and have been engineering work, he/she should (in lieu of a seal) include on
properly adapted to use on this project.” the title page of the compiled engineering as-built record
(d). certification of single family residential drawings a disclaimer (with date) which incorporates the
design plans for conformance with applicable state and local following:
building codes. Such plans shall be sealed, signed and dated These compiled engineering as-built record drawings are a
by the professional engineer who is making such compilation of a copy of the original sealed engineering
certification. In addition to the professional engineer’s seal, design drawings for this project, modified by addenda, change
orders and information furnished by the contractor or others
signature and date, a statement shall be included on the plans associated with the construction of the project. The
as follows. information shown on these compiled engineering as-built
record drawings that was provided by the contractor and/or
“These single family residential design plans have been
others cannot be verified for accuracy or completeness. The
properly examined by me, the undersigned professional
compilation of this information does not relieve the contractor
engineer. I have determined that these plans comply with the
or others of responsibility for errors resulting from incorrect,
following applicable codes for the jurisdiction in which the
incomplete or omitted data on their as-built record drawings -
residence is to be located (check all that apply):  structural;
nor does it relieve them of responsibility for non-conformance
 mechanical;  electrical;  plumbing.”
with the original contract documents. The original sealed
4. Seal Use engineering drawings are on file in the offices of (name of
professional engineer).
a. Completed Work
(b). The preparation of compiled land surveying
i. Professional engineers shall affix their seal, as-built record drawings is considered to be the practice of
sign their name, and place the date of execution on all land surveying, and such drawings are required to be sealed,
engineering documents that have been issued by them to a signed and dated by a professional land surveyor. Compiled
client or any public or governmental agency as completed land surveying as-built record drawings must also contain
work. notes identifying the sources of the data and a disclaimer
stating whether or not the professional land surveyor has
(a). In the case of an individual who has been verified the data.
granted a temporary permit to practice engineering in b. Preliminary Work
Louisiana, the individual shall affix the seal from his/her
jurisdiction of licensure, his/her signature, the date of i. All preliminary documents shall be marked in
execution, and his/her Louisiana temporary permit number large bold letters with one or more of the following
to the completed work. statements:
ii. Professional land surveyors shall affix their (a). “PreliminaryNot For Construction”;
seal, sign their name, and place the effective date on all land
surveying documents that have been issued by them to a (b). “PreliminaryFor Permit Purposes Only”;
client or any public or governmental agency as completed (c). “PreliminaryFor Review Only”; or
work. For purposes of this §2701.A.4.a.ii, effective date is
defined as the date the professional land surveyor certifies (d). “PreliminaryNot For Recordation,
that the land surveying document represents his/her work. Conveyances or Sales”.

iii. Drawings and Plats ii. Preliminary documents are not required to have
the licensee's seal, signature and date affixed, but must bear
(a). In the case of multiple sealings, the first the name and license number of the licensee, and the name
sheet or title page of each document shall be sealed, signed of the licensee’s firm, if applicable.
and dated by the licensee(s) in responsible charge of the
whole project. In addition, each other sheet shall be sealed, c. Exempt Work
signed and dated by the licensee(s) in responsible charge of i. No seal or signature shall be required in any of
the work on that sheet. the following situations:
iv. Specifications, Reports, Design Calculations (a). on any sewage facility project in which the
and Information estimated number of gallons of sewage affected does not
(a). In the case of specifications, reports, design exceed 3,000 per day, as calculated by the governmental
calculations and information of multiple pages, the first body or agency reviewing the project;
sheet or title page of each document shall be sealed, signed

27 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


(b). on any water facility project in which the Chapter 29. Standards of Practice for
estimated number of gallons of water affected does not
exceed 3,000 per day, as calculated by the governmental Boundary Surveys
body or agency reviewing the project; provided that such §2901. Scope and Purpose
project does not cause a change in treatment, chemical
addition, or any other process affecting either the quality or A. The following standards of practice for boundary
quantity of water being produced; surveying in Louisiana have been adopted to help ensure that
boundary surveys are performed in accordance with
(c). on any project for the construction of acceptable procedures.
individual or private water wells;
B. The purpose of these standards of practice is to
(d). on any project involving both water and safeguard life, health and property, and to promote the public
sewage facilities in which the estimated number of gallons welfare, by establishing technical standards of practice for
of water affected does not exceed 3,000 per day and the every boundary survey performed in Louisiana so that
estimated number of gallons of sewage affected does not professional performance can be evaluated for but not
exceed 3,000 per day, as calculated by the governmental limited to research, field work, monuments, descriptions,
body or agency reviewing the project; or plats and maps. If higher standards are required by clients, or
(e). on any project involving the in-kind by local, state and federal jurisdictions, then those standards
replacement of water or sewage facilities in which the shall govern. When a boundary survey involves certain
estimated number of gallons of water affected does not corners or lines that are covered under the appropriate
exceed 3,000 per day and the estimated number of gallons of edition of the Manual of Instructions for the Survey of the
sewage affected does not exceed 3,000 per day, as calculated Public Lands of the United States, then the manual’s rules or
by the governmental body or agency reviewing the project. instructions for these particular surveys shall apply. Every
professional land surveyor performing a boundary survey in
ii. No seal shall be required on standard plans, Louisiana is required to follow these standards.
including special details, which are prepared by the
Department of Transportation and Development and signed C. A boundary survey in Louisiana shall only be
and dated by such agency’s chief engineer for use on such performed by a professional land surveyor, licensed pursuant
agency’s projects. to the laws of Louisiana, or persons under his/her
responsible charge. The professional land surveyor shall at
5. Electronic Transmission all times comply with the provisions of the licensure law and
a. Documents which require a seal may be the rules of the board.
transmitted electronically provided the seal, signature and D. It is intended that these standards of practice not be
date of the licensee are transmitted in a secure mode that relied upon by the professional land surveyor as a substitute
precludes the seal, signature and date being reproduced or for the exercise of proper individual skill, professional
modified. discretion, and professional judgment in fulfilling the
b. Originally-sealed documents which no longer contractual requirements of any boundary survey. This also
require a seal may be transmitted electronically but shall does not absolve the professional land surveyor from his/her
have the seal removed before transmitting and shall have the obligation to use due diligence in the practice of land
following inserted in lieu of the seal, signature and date. surveying and from complying with all applicable laws and
rules pertaining to the practice of land surveying.
"This document was originally issued and sealed by (name of
licensee and license number) on (date of sealing). This E. When in the professional land surveyor's opinion,
document should not be considered a completed work."
special conditions exist that effectively prevent the boundary
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. survey from meeting these standards of practice, the special
37:696. conditions and any necessary deviation from these standards
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of shall be noted upon the drawing. It shall be a violation of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for this Chapter to use special conditions to circumvent the
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 8:192 (April intent and purpose of these standards of practice.
1982), amended LR 12:692 (October 1986), LR 16:774 (September
1990), LR 17:273 (March 1991), LR 19:58 (January 1993), LR AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
22:287 (April 1996), LR 23:869 (July 1997), amended by the 37:688.
Louisiana Legislature, House Concurrent Resolution Number 2 of HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
the 1998 First Extraordinary Session, LR 24:1207 (June 1998), Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
repromulgated by the Department of Transportation and Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 16:1064
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying (December 1990), amended LR 22:713 (August 1996), amended by
Board, LR 25:1525 (August 1999), amended LR 27:1039 (July the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional
2001), LR 30:1723 (August 2004), LR 33:2789 (December 2007), Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1042 (July 2001),
LR 34:2415 (November 2008), LR 35:1910 (September 2009), LR LR 30:1725 (August 2004), LR 37:2414 (August 2011), LR 44:627
38:1418 (June 2012), LR 39:1481 (June 2013), LR 42:443 (March (March 2018).
2016), LR 43:344 (February 2017), LR 43:540 (March 2017), LR
44:625 (March 2018), LR 45:77 (January 2019).

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 28

Title 46, Part LXI

§2903. Definitions Prescription―title obtained in law by long possession.

Occupancy for the period prescribed by the Louisiana Civil
A. Any terms not specifically defined herein shall be as
Code, as sufficient to bar an action for the recovery of the
defined in the most current publication of Definitions of
property, gives title by prescription.
Surveying and Associated Terms as published by the
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. For the Right of Way―any strip or area of land, including
purpose of this Chapter, all the definitions listed that differ surface, overhead, or underground, encumbered by a
from any other source are to be interpreted as written herein. servitude. Rights are typically granted by deed for access or
for construction, operation and/or maintenance purposes,
Artificial Monuments―relatively permanent objects
according to the terms of the grant.
used to identify the location of a corner. Artificial
monuments shall retain a stable and distinctive location and Servitude―an interest held by one person in land of
shall be of sufficient size and composition to resist the another whereby the first person is accorded partial use of
deteriorating forces of nature. such land for a specific purpose. A servitude restricts but
does not abridge the rights of the fee owner to the use and
Client―the person with whom the contract for work is
enjoyment of his/her land. The term easement is often used
made. This may or may not be the owner.
interchangeably with servitude and generally means the
Corner―a point on a land boundary at which two or same thing.
more boundary lines meet. It is not the same as a monument,
Shall―the subject is imperative or mandatory and must
which refers to the physical evidence of the corner's location
be done by the professional land surveyor.
on the ground.
Should―past tense of shall and used to express
Deed―an instrument in writing which, when executed
obligation, duty or desirability.
and delivered, conveys an estate in real property or interest
therein. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
Description, Legal―a written description usually HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
contained in an act of conveyance, judgment of possession, Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
or recognized by law which definitely locates property by Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 16:1064
metes and bounds or by reference to government surveys, (December 1990), amended LR 22:713 (August 1996), amended by
coordinate systems or recorded maps; a description which is the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional
sufficient to locate the property without oral testimony. Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1042 (July 2001),
LR 30:1725 (August 2004), LR 37:2414 (August 2011).
Description, Metes and Bounds―a description of a §2905. Classification of Boundary Surveys
parcel of land by reference to course and distances around
the tract, or by reference to natural or artificial monuments. A. Types of Boundary Surveys. Three types of boundary
surveys, which relate to or define property boundaries, are
Encroachment―any structure or obstruction which regulated by these standards of practice. These are property
intrudes upon, invades or trespasses upon the property of boundary surveys, route surveys and mineral unitization
another. surveys.
May―when used means that a choice on the part of the B. Presented below are classifications which define the
professional land surveyor is allowed. degree of accuracy which shall be attained for boundary
Monument―a physical object or structure which marks surveys performed in Louisiana. These classifications are
the location of a corner or other survey point. In public lands based upon the purposes for which the property is being
surveys, the term corner is employed to denote a point used at the time the survey is performed and any proposed
determined by the surveying process, whereas the monument developments which are disclosed to the professional land
is the physical object installed, or structure erected, to mark surveyor by the client. Refer to §2913 for accuracy standards
the corner point upon the earth's surface. Monument and for each of the following classes of boundary surveys
corner are not synonymous, though the two terms are often 1. Class A Surveys. Boundary surveys which require
used in the same sense. maximum surveying accuracy. This includes, but is not
Natural Monuments―objects which are the works of limited to, surveys of urban business district properties and
nature, such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, bays, trees, rock highly developed commercial properties.
outcrops, and other definitive topographic features. 2. Class B Surveys. Boundary surveys of properties
Positional Accuracy―the difference between the actual which justify a high degree of surveying accuracy. This
position of a monument and the position as reported on the includes, but is not limited to, surveys of commercial
plat or map. properties and higher priced residential properties located
outside urban business districts and highly developed
Positional Tolerance―the distance that any monument commercial areas.
may be mislocated in relation to any other monument cited
in the survey. 3. Class C Surveys. Boundary surveys of residential
and suburban areas. This includes, but is not limited to,

29 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


surveys of residential areas which cannot be classified as 1. a signed, sealed and dated metes and bounds
class A or class B surveys. written description depicting the surveyed boundary (see
Subsection H, "Descriptions");
4. Class D Surveys. Boundary surveys of all
remaining properties which cannot be classified as class A, 2. a certified plat or map depicting the survey as made
B or C surveys. This includes, but is not limited to, surveys on the ground; and
of farm lands and rural areas.
3. a signed, sealed and dated written report of the
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. professional land surveyor's findings and determinations.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of D. Research and Investigation. Where the purpose of a
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for property boundary survey neither requires nor includes
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 16:1065 research and investigation of servitudes, a note to that effect
(December 1990), amended LR 22:714 (August 1996), amended by shall be placed upon the plat or map. However, when such
the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional research or investigation is required, the professional land
Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1043 (July 2001), surveyor shall request from the client or their agent the most
LR 30:1726 (August 2004), LR 37:2415 (August 2011), LR 44:627
recent legal description, plats or maps describing the
(March 2018).
property to be surveyed. The professional land surveyor
§2907. Property Boundary Survey shall then evaluate the necessity to obtain the following data
A. Definition based on the specific purpose of the survey:

Property Boundary Survey―a survey which, after 1. additional recorded legal descriptions and plats or
careful study, investigation, and evaluation of major factors maps of the tract to be surveyed and tracts adjoining or in
influencing the location of boundaries, results in the proximity to the property to be surveyed;
deliberate location or relocation on the ground of, and the 2. the recorded legal descriptions of adjoining,
recovery or installation of monuments that define the severing, or otherwise encumbering servitudes or rights-of-
location and extent of, one or more boundaries. Surveying way, including but not limited to, highways, roadways,
and mapping activities which meet the definition of a pipelines, utility corridors, and waterways used for drainage,
property boundary survey are listed in Subparagraph a of navigation or flood control; and
§105.A, Practice of Land Surveying. Any plat or map
prepared from surveying and mapping activities listed in 3. grants, patents, subdivision plats or maps or other
Subparagraph b of §105.A, Practice of Land Surveying, recorded data that will reference or influence the position of
which does not meet the definition of a property boundary boundary lines.
survey, shall have a note stating that it that does not E. Monuments. The professional land surveyor shall set
represent a property boundary survey. monuments at all boundary or lot corners, including points
B. Purpose. The primary purpose of the property of curvature and points of tangency, unless monuments
boundary survey is to locate or relocate the physical position already exist or cannot be set due to physical obstructions.
and extent of the boundaries of real property, and the The following guidelines apply to artificial monuments to be
discovery of visible evidence of prescriptive rights relating set.
thereto. A property boundary survey may also include the 1. All monuments set shall be composed of a durable
location or relocation of the physical position and extent of material and shall incorporate a ferrous material to aid in
political boundaries which define the perimeters of public or locating them by magnetic locators and, if composed of a
private ownership. In addition, the property boundary survey ferrous material, shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch outside
is a means of marking boundaries for sufficient definition diameter and a minimum of 18 inches in length unless it is
and identification to uniquely locate each lot, parcel, or tract physically impossible to set such a monument. If rebar rods
in relation to other well recognized and established points of are used as survey monuments, the minimum size shall be a
reference, adjoining properties and rights-of-way. #4 bar.
C. Product. A property boundary survey shall result in 2. Concrete monuments shall be at least 3 inches in
the recovery, establishment or reestablishment of width or diameter by 24 inches in length, reinforced with an
monumented corners and points of curvature and tangency. iron rod at least 1/4 inch in diameter, and may contain a
Reference monuments shall be established or reestablished precise mark on top indicating the exact location of the
when required by these standards of practice (see Subsection corner.
E, "monuments"). In the event that no plat or map is
required, the professional land surveyor shall maintain 3. Marks on existing concrete, stone, or steel surface
adequate records to substantiate his/her professional opinion shall consist of drill holes, chisel marks or punch marks and
in reestablishing boundary lines and corners on a survey. If shall be of sufficient size, diameter or depth to be definitive,
requested by the client, a property boundary survey may also stable and readily identifiable as a survey monument. Marks
include the following: on asphalt roads may consist of railroad spikes, large nails,
or other permanent ferrous spikes or nail-like objects.

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 30

Title 46, Part LXI

4. It is unacceptable to set wooden stakes as 6. All boundary discrepancies, visible evidence of

permanent boundary monuments. possible encroachments, and visible indications of rights
which may be acquired through prescription or adverse
5. Monuments shall be set vertically whenever
possession shall be physically located. All evidence of
possible and the top shall be reasonably flush with the
servitudes that is visible without meticulous searching shall
ground when practical. Monuments subject to damage from
be physically located during the survey. Furthermore,
earthwork, construction or traffic should be buried at a
nonvisible servitudes shall be located only upon the client's
sufficient depth to offer protection.
specific request and the client’s delivery of any necessary
6. When physically impossible to set a monument at documentation.
the corner, witness or reference monuments shall be set,
7. All field data gathered shall satisfy the
preferably on each converging line at measured distances
requirements of the following Subsection on plats and maps.
from the corner and identified as such in the description and
on the plat or map of the property. G. Plats and Maps. Every original plat or map of a
property boundary survey should be a reproducible drawing
F. Field Procedures. All field work shall be performed in
at a suitable scale which clearly shows the results of the field
accordance with accepted modern surveying theory, practice
work, computations, research and record information as
and procedures. Any person in charge of a survey field party
compiled and checked. The plat or map shall be prepared in
shall be well-trained in the technical aspects of property
conformity with the following guidelines.
boundary surveying. Every professional land surveyor under
whose responsible charge a property boundary survey is 1. Any reasonably stable and durable drawing paper,
conducted is also required to adhere to the following. linen or film of reproducible quality will be considered
suitable material for property boundary survey plats and
1. All field measurement procedures shall be
consistent with these standards of practice and modern
surveying theory, procedures and techniques. 2. The minimum dimensions for plats and maps shall
be 8 inches by 10-1/2 inches.
2. In performing resurveys of tracts having boundaries
defined by lines established in public lands surveys, the 3. All dimensions, bearings or angles, including
professional land surveyor shall, as nearly as possible, sufficient data to define the curve, shall be neatly and legibly
reestablish the original lines of any prior survey made under shown with respect to each property or boundary line. To
United States or state authority. In all townships or portions define a circular curve, the following four elements shall be
of townships where no property boundary survey has been shown: chord bearing, chord distance, arc and radius. When
made, the professional land surveyor, in surveying or possible, all bearings shall read in a clockwise direction
platting the township or portion thereof, shall make it around the property. All lines and curves shall show
conform as nearly as practicable to the lots and section sufficient data on the plat or map to calculate a plat or map
indicated upon the plats or maps according to which the closure.
lands were granted by the state or by the United States (R.S.
4. Monuments shall be labeled as "found" or "set"
with a sufficient description of the monument. The
3. Where applicable, property boundary surveys description shall include but not be limited to the size and
necessitating the division of a section shall be performed in type of material, and relevant reference markers, if any,
accordance with the appropriate instructions for the along with their position in relation to the corner.
subdivisions of sections as published by the United States
5. When the purpose of the property boundary survey
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, in
dictates, the area of the tract and all pertinent natural or man-
its book entitled Manual of Instruction for Survey of the
made features located during the course of the field survey
Public Lands of the United States, and all applicable federal
(water courses, streets, visible utilities, etc.) shall be labeled
or represented by an appropriate symbol on the plat or map
4. Special consideration shall be afforded by the rules in its proper location. When appropriate, the feature shall be
of evidence and "hierarchy of calls" before any decision is dimensioned and referenced to the nearest property line.
made regarding property boundaries. "The legal guides for
6. A statement indicating the origin of azimuths or
determining a question of boundary or the location of a land
bearings shall be shown on each plat or map. If bearings are
line in order of their importance and value are: 1–natural
used, the basis of the bearing shall include one or more of
monuments, 2–artificial monuments, 3–distances, 4–courses,
the following:
5–quantity. But the controlling consideration is the intention
of the parties" (see citation in Myer vs. Comegys, 147 La. a. reference to true north as computed by
851, 86 So. 307, 309 (1920)). astronomic observation within one mile of the surveyed site;
5. A careful search shall be made for corner b. reference to the Louisiana state plane coordinate
monuments affecting the location of the boundaries of land system with the appropriate zone and, when applicable, a
to be surveyed. Any evidence discovered shall be evaluated controlling station(s) with coordinates and datum noted;
for its agreement in description and location with the call in
the relevant deeds and/or plats or maps.

31 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


c. reference to the record bearing of a well- e. name, telephone number, mailing address and
established line found monumented on the ground as called license number of the professional land surveyor and, if
for in a relevant deed or survey plat or map; or applicable, the firm who employs the professional land
d. when none of the above alternatives are practical,
a magnetic bearing (corrected for declination) may be used. f. signature and seal of the professional land
surveyor under whose responsible charge the survey was
7. If a coordinate system other than the Louisiana
State Plane Coordinate System is used on a plat or map, that
system shall be identified. If that system is the Louisiana g. scale, written and/or graphic;
State Plane Coordinate System, the appropriate zone shall be
h. north arrow, and it is recommended that the
shown on the plat or map.
drawings be oriented so that north is toward the top of the
8. Where the new survey results differ significantly sheet; and
from the prior deed information in regard to course, distance,
i. legend for symbols and abbreviations used on the
location or quantity, the plat or map shall indicate such
plat or map.
differences or discrepancies.
15. Final plats or maps issued to the client shall contain
9. Where separate intricate details, blowups or inserts
a certification statement by the professional land surveyor
are required for clarity, they shall be properly referenced to
certifying its authenticity (that it represents his/her survey)
the portion of the plat or map where they apply. This applies
and stating that the property boundary survey is in
particularly to areas where lines of occupation do not
accordance with the applicable standards of practice as
conform to deed lines and to areas where a comparison of
stipulated in this Chapter, based on the current survey
adjoining deeds indicates the existence of a gap or an
"classification" (see §2905, Classification of Boundary
10. Cemeteries and burial grounds known by the
H. Descriptions. A written legal description of the
professional land surveyor to be located within the premises
surveyed tract of land shall provide information to properly
being surveyed shall be indicated on the plat or map.
locate the property on the ground and distinctly set it apart
However, a detailed survey of the limits of the cemetery or
from all other lands. The following guidelines apply.
burial ground shall not be required unless directed by the
client. 1. When the surveyed property's dimensions,
boundaries and area are in agreement with the existing
11. When the purpose of the property boundary survey
recorded deed or platted calls, the existing recorded
dictates, properties, water courses and rights-of-way
description may be used if it approximates the standards
surrounding, adjoining, or severing the surveyed site shall be
contained herein.
identified. Private lands or servitudes should be labeled with
the name of the owner or with a reference to the deed under 2. When the property is an aliquot part of a
which ownership is held, provided that such information is rectangular section or a lot in a platted subdivision, the
furnished by the client. aliquot method or the lot, block and subdivision method
(including recordation data) of describing the property may
12. Original section, grant, subdivision or survey lines,
be used. Metes and bounds descriptions of this type of
when an integral part of the deed, shall be shown in proper
property are optional.
location with pertinent labeling. A measurement of course
and distance shall be shown to a parent tract corner, block 3. Every aliquot description shall contain the
corner, section corner, subdivision or grant corner, and following basic information: aliquot part of section,
existing monuments shall be indicated. township, range, parish, land district and meridian (if
applicable), parish and state.
13. Differing line weights or delineating letters or
numbers (A, B, C, etc. or 1, 2, 3, etc.) shall be used to 4. Every subdivision lot description shall also contain
clearly show the limits of what is being surveyed. the following basic information: lot, block, unit (if
applicable), name of subdivision, city (if applicable), parish
14. Each plat or map shall show the following:
and state.
a. caption or title;
5. Every metes and bounds description may be written
b. client and/or purpose; in at least two parts. The first part, called the "general
description," shall indicate the general location of the
c. vicinity map. A vicinity map will not be required
property by naming the particular lot or block within which
if there are sufficient features and landmarks (officially
it is located if in a subdivision or by naming the grant or
named streets and street intersections, lots and blocks within
aliquot part of a rectangular section within which it is
a subdivision, adjoining subdivisions, Township-Range-
located, along with the township, range, land district and
Section lines, etc.) on the plat or map that would sufficiently
meridian (if applicable), city (if applicable), parish and state.
enable a person to identify the location of the survey site;
The second part, called the "particular description," shall
d. date of the survey; logically compile and incorporate calls for the following:

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 32

Title 46, Part LXI

a. courses and distances of the new survey, 33:2790 (December 2007), LR 37:2415 (August 2011), LR 44:627
preferably in a clockwise direction; (March 2018).
§2909. Route Survey
b. adjoining apparent rights-of-way or servitudes;
A. Definition
c. monuments (when controlling), including
descriptions of type, size, material, reference monuments (if Route Survey―a survey for determining the route of a
applicable), and whether found, set or replaced; and proposed pipeline, power line, cable, road or other linear
facilities, excluding flood protection levees, in order to
d. the area, if stated, shall be in square feet, acres or acquire a right-of-way, servitude or easement from the
hectares within the tolerances specified in this Chapter. property owner being crossed.
6. The "point of beginning" should ideally be the B. Scope and Product. A route survey shall, as a
property corner that is most accessible and most easily minimum, consist of the following elements.
identifiable by interested parties. This point shall be
carefully chosen and described in a manner which will 1. The professional land surveyor shall utilize
distinguish it indisputably from any other point. The sufficient title information and research as needed to define
"commencing point" shall be any identifiable point used to the tract boundaries.
locate the "point of beginning." 2. The professional land surveyor shall locate
7. The courses in the written description shall be as sufficient evidence, on the ground, to determine the location
brief and yet as explanatory as the professional land of all boundary lines that will be crossed by the proposed
surveyor can construct. Brevity should not cause important right-of-way, servitude or easement. Installation of new
locative information to be omitted, and explanatory phrases monuments is not required when defining the limits of the
should not enlarge the description to the extent of confusion. right-of-way, servitude or easement to be acquired.
8. Curved boundaries shall be identified, and 3. The professional land surveyor shall prepare a
sufficient data to define the curve shall be presented. To plat(s) or map(s) for those tracts being crossed, showing the
define a circular curve, the following four elements shall be alignment of the proposed route and the length of the
listed: proposed right-of-way, servitude or easement across the
tract. These plats or maps shall be prepared in compliance
a. chord bearing; with those requirements for property boundary survey plats
b. chord distance; or maps that are specifically contained in §2907.G.1, 2, 6, 7
and 14. Final plats or maps issued to the client shall contain
c. arc; and a statement by the professional land surveyor certifying its
d. radius. authenticity (that it represents his/her survey) and stating
that the route survey complies with the applicable standards
9. Each metes and bounds description shall return to of practice as stipulated in this Chapter. Sufficient
the “point of beginning” and close mathematically within the information to re-establish the right-of-way, servitude or
tolerances stated in this Chapter. easement, including any found monuments, must be shown
10. A statement at the end of the description shall at a suitable scale or in a separate detail on each plat or map.
connect the description to the specific survey on which it is 4. If requested by the client, the professional land
based and to the plat or map which depicts the survey. Such surveyor shall prepare a legal description of the proposed
a statement may be phrased: right-of-way, servitude or easement for each tract crossed by
the proposed facility. The description shall describe the
"This description is based on the property boundary survey alignment and length of the proposed right-of-way, servitude
and plat or map made by _______(name)______, Professional or easement and shall comply with those requirements for
Land Surveyor, dated __________."
or legal descriptions for property boundary surveys that are
"This description is based on plat or map recorded specifically contained in §2907.H.6 through 11.
_____________(give recordation data) _____________."
5. The accuracy standards that are required for route
11. The metes and bounds description shall then be surveys shall be based on property classification D, as
signed, sealed and dated by the professional land surveyor. presented in §2913.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
37:688. 37:688.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 16:1065 Land Surveying Board, LR 37:2418 (August 2011), amended LR
(December 1990), amended LR 19:58 (January 1993), LR 22:714 39:1061 (April 2013).
(August 1996), amended by the Department of Transportation and §2911. Mineral Unitization Survey
Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
Board, LR 27:1043 (July 2001), LR 30:1726 (August 2004), LR A. Definition

33 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


Mineral Unitization Survey―a survey performed to calls for the individual tracts which comprise the unit. Final
define subsurface mineral tracts for the specific purpose of plats or maps issued to the client shall contain a statement by
allocating mineral rights within a mineral unit. the professional land surveyor certifying its authenticity (that
it represents his/her survey) and stating that the mineral
B. Scope and Product. A mineral unitization survey shall,
unitization survey complies with the applicable standards of
as a minimum, consist of the following elements.
practice as stipulated in this Chapter. In addition, the plats or
1. The professional land surveyor shall utilize maps, when applicable, shall be in compliance with the
sufficient title information, as provided by the client, needed Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Office of
to define the mineral tracts, in conjunction with adequate Conservation’s requirements governing unit plats and survey
information to define the unit boundary. plats (LAC 43:XIX.Chapter 41).
2. The professional land surveyor shall determine, on 4. The accuracy standards that are required for
the ground, the location of the unit well and the location of mineral unitization surveys shall be based on property
sufficient tract lines in order to determine the subsurface classification D, as presented in §2913.
mineral tracts located inside the unit boundaries. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
Geologically significant wells, as identified by the Louisiana 37:688.
Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
field order or the client, will be located with respect to the Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and
unit boundaries. Installation of new monuments defining the Land Surveying Board, LR 37:2419 (August 2011).
limits of the unit, or of the tracts which comprise the unit, is §2913. Positional Accuracy Specification and Positional
not required. Tolerances
3. The professional land surveyor shall prepare a [Formerly §2909]
unitization plat or map (Louisiana Department of Natural A. If radial survey methods, global positioning systems
Resources, Office of Conservation field order unit, voluntary (GPS) or other acceptable technologies or procedures are
unit or declared unit) showing the mineral participant(s) and used to locate or establish points on the boundary survey, the
limits of the tracts (or portions of tracts) which are included professional land surveyor shall apply acceptable surveying
in the proposed mineral unit. These plats or maps shall be procedures in order to assure that the allowable positional
prepared in compliance with those requirements for property accuracy and/or positional tolerance of such points are not
boundary survey plats or maps that are specifically exceeded. Any conversion from meters to feet shall use U.S.
contained in §2907.G.1, 2, 6, 7 and 14. These plats or maps Survey Feet.
shall contain bearings and distances around the perimeter of
the unit boundary, but are not required to depict or list such

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 34

Title 46, Part LXI

Condition A B C D
Urban Business Remarks and
Urban Suburban Rural
District Formula
Unadjusted Closure 1:15,000 1:10,000 1:7,500 1:5,000 Traverse Loop or
(maximum allowable) between Control
Monuments (closed
Angular Closure 10''√N 15''√N 25''√N 30''√N N = Number of
(maximum allowable) Angles in Traverse
(closed traverse)
Accuracy of Bearing ± 15 Sec. ± 20 Sec. ± 30 Sec. ± 40 Sec. In Relation to Source
(closed traverse,
radial or GPS)
Linear Distances 0.05 ft ± 0.05 ft ± 0.07 ft + 0.1 ft + Applies when the
Accurate to: (maximum ± 0.05 ft ± 0.1 ft ± 0.15 ft ± 0.2 ft Distance is not part
allowable) per 1,000 ft per 1,000 ft per 1,000 ft per 1,000 ft of a Closed Traverse
(radial or GPS)
Positional Tolerance and 0.1' + AC/15,000 0.1' + AC/10,000 0.1' + AC/7,500 0.2' + AC/5,000 AC = Length of Any
Positional Accuracy of any Course* (closed
Monument (maximum) traverse, radial or
Calculation of area - accurate 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 To 1 acre
and carried to nearest ____ 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01 To 10 acres
(decimal place) of an acre 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.1 To 100 acres
(closed traverse, radial or 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 To 1,000 acres
Elevations for Boundaries 0.2 ft. 0.3 ft. 0.4 ft. 0.5 ft. Based on Accepted
Controlled by Tides, Local Datum (closed
Contours, Rivers, etc. traverse, radial or
Accurate to: GPS)
Location of Improvements, ± 0.1 ft. ± 0.2 ft. ± 0.5 ft. ± 1 ft. (closed traverse,
Structures, Paving, etc. radial or GPS)
(Tie Measurements)
Adjusted Mathematical 1:50,000 1:50,000 1:50,000 1:50,000 (closed traverse,
Closure to Survey (Minimum) radial or GPS)

*Short courses in classes "A" and "B" may generate positional changing technology, equipment, procedures, processes,
errors of less than 0.01 feet. A minimum course distance of
tools, and established standards. This Chapter provides
200 feet shall be used in calculating positional error.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. flexibility in selecting among a broad range of activities that
37:688. are intended to strengthen or maintain competency in
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of technical, managerial (business) or ethical endeavors.
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Licensees are encouraged to select meaningful continuing
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 16:1068 professional development activities which will be of benefit
(December 1990), amended LR 22:716 (August 1996), amended by in the pursuit of their chosen fields.
the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional
Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1046 (July 2001), AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
LR 30:1729 (August 2004), LR 37:2419 (August 2011), LR 44:628 37:697.1.
(March 2018). HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Chapter 31. Continuing Professional Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2152
(November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation
Development (CPD) and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
§3101. Introduction Board, LR 27:1046 (July 2001), LR 30:1729 (August 2004), LR
44:628 (March 2018).
A. This Chapter provides for a continuing professional §3103. Definitions
development program to ensure that all individual licensees
are informed of those technical and professional subjects A. Terms used in this Chapter are defined as follows.
necessary to safeguard life, health and property and promote Acceptable Activity―subject matter which is technical
the public welfare. Every individual licensee shall meet the in nature or addresses business management practices,
continuing professional development requirements of this professional ethics, quality assurance, codes or other similar
Chapter as a condition for licensure and licensure renewal. topics which facilitate the licensee's professional
B. The primary purpose of licensing for professional development as a professional engineer or professional land
engineers and professional land surveyors is to help protect surveyor, and/or serves to safeguard life, health and property
the public from unqualified or unethical practitioners. The and promote the public welfare. Any course/activity offered
requirement for continuing professional development is also by a board-approved sponsor/provider will qualify as an
intended to help protect the public by reinforcing the need acceptable activity. It will be the responsibility of the
for lifelong learning in order to stay more current with

35 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


licensee to determine if a course/activity offered by an required to earn 15 PDHs per calendar year in engineering-
unapproved sponsor/provider is an acceptable activity. related acceptable activities. Effective January 1, 2017 and
beginning with professional engineers whose biennial
Board-Approved Sponsor/Provider—the Louisiana
licensure renewal periods begin after January 1, 2017,
Engineering Society; the Louisiana Society of Professional
professional engineers may not earn more than 8 PDHs
Surveyors; professional and technical engineering or land
within a single calendar day.
surveying societies; federal, state or local governmental
agencies; and colleges or universities. All sponsors/providers 1. During each biennial licensure renewal period
must conduct courses which will enhance and improve a beginning before January 1, 2017, at least one of the PDHs
licensee's professional development as a professional shall be earned in professional ethics. Effective January 1,
engineer or professional land surveyor, and/or serve to 2017 and beginning with professional engineers whose
safeguard life, health and property and promote the public biennial licensure renewal periods begin after January 1,
welfare. 2017, at least one of the PDHs per calendar year shall be
earned in professional ethics. Professional ethics concerns
Continuing Education Unit―a unit of credit
the standard of professional conduct and responsibility
customarily used for continuing education courses. One
required of a professional engineer.
continuing education unit equals 10 hours of in-class time in
approved continuing education courses. 2. During each biennial licensure renewal period
beginning before January 1, 2017, at least eight of the PDHs
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)―the
shall be earned in Life Safety Code, building codes and/or
educational process whereby a licensee engages in a
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines by
continuing program to maintain, improve or expand skills
every professional engineer who designs buildings and/or
and knowledge.
building systems in Louisiana during such period. Effective
Course/Activity―any program with a clear purpose and January 1, 2017 and beginning with professional engineers
objective which will maintain, improve or expand the skills whose biennial licensure renewal periods begin after January
and knowledge relevant to the licensee's field of practice. 1, 2017, at least four of the PDHs per calendar year shall be
earned in Life Safety Code, building codes and/or Americans
Dual Licensee―an individual who is licensed as both a with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines by every
professional engineer and professional land surveyor. professional engineer who designs buildings and/or building
Licensure Status― systems in Louisiana during such calendar year.
a. active status―a licensure status as defined in B. During each biennial licensure renewal period
§2103; beginning before January 1, 2017, every professional land
surveyor is required to earn 15 PDHs in land surveying-
b. expired status―a licensure status as defined in related acceptable activities. Effective January 1, 2017 and
§2103; beginning with professional land surveyors whose biennial
c. inactive status―a licensure status as defined in licensure renewal periods begin after January 1, 2017, every
§2103; professional land surveyor is required to earn 8 PDHs per
calendar year in land surveying-related acceptable activities.
d. retired status―a licensure status as defined in
§2103. 1. During each biennial licensure renewal period
beginning before January 1, 2017, at least one of the PDHs
Professional Development Hour (PDH)―a nominal
shall be earned in professional ethics. Effective January 1,
contact hour of instruction, presentation, or activity.
2017 and beginning with professional land surveyors whose
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. biennial licensure renewal periods begin after January 1,
37:697.1. 2017, at least one of the PDHs per calendar year shall be
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of earned in professional ethics. Professional ethics concerns
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for the standard of professional conduct and responsibility
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2152
(November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation
required of a professional land surveyor.
and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying 2. During each biennial licensure renewal period
Board, LR 27:1047 (July 2001), LR 30:1730 (August 2004), LR beginning before January 1, 2017, at least two of the PDHs
42:1104 (July 2016), LR 44:629 (March 2018).
shall be earned in the standards of practice for boundary
§3105. Requirements surveys in Louisiana. Effective January 1, 2017 and
A. During each biennial licensure renewal period beginning with professional land surveyors whose biennial
beginning before January 1, 2017, every professional licensure renewal periods begin after January 1, 2017, at
engineer, including those listed in two or more disciplines, is least one of the PDHs per calendar year shall be earned in
required to earn 30 PDHs in engineering-related acceptable the standards of practice for boundary surveys in Louisiana.
activities. Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning with C. During each biennial licensure renewal period
professional engineers whose biennial licensure renewal beginning before January 1, 2017, every dual licensee is
periods begin after January 1, 2017, every professional required to earn 30 PDHs; however, at least one-third of the
engineer, including those listed in two or more disciplines, is PDHs shall be earned separately for each profession.

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 36

Title 46, Part LXI

Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning with dual licensees AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
whose biennial licensure renewal periods begin after January 37:697.1.
1, 2017, each dual licensee is required to earn 15 PDHs per HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
calendar year; however, at least one-third of the PDHs for Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2152
each calendar year shall be earned separately for each (November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation
profession. and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
1. During each biennial licensure renewal period Board, LR 27:1047 (July 2001), LR 30:1730 (August 2004), LR
37:2420 (August 2011), LR 42:1104 (July 2016), LR 44:629
beginning before January 1, 2017, at least one of the PDHs
(March 2018).
shall be earned in professional ethics. Effective January 1,
2017 and beginning with dual licensees whose biennial §3109. Exemptions
licensure renewal periods begin after January 1, 2017, at A. A licensee may be exempt from the CPD
least one of the PDHs per calendar year shall be earned in requirements in this Chapter for any one or more of the
professional ethics. Professional ethics concerns the standard following reasons.
of professional conduct and responsibility required of a
professional engineer and/or professional land surveyor. 1. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
beginning before January 1, 2017, new licensees shall be
2. During each biennial licensure renewal period exempt from the CPD requirements prior to their first
beginning before January 1, 2017, at least two of the PDHs licensure renewal. Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning
shall be earned in the standards of practice for boundary with licensees whose biennial licensure renewal periods
surveys in Louisiana. Effective January 1, 2017 and begin after January 1, 2017, new licensees shall be exempt
beginning with dual licensees whose biennial licensure from the CPD requirements during the calendar year in
renewal periods begin after January 1, 2017, at least one of which they are licensed.
the PDHs per calendar year shall be earned in the standards
of practice for boundary surveys in Louisiana. 2. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
beginning before January 1, 2017, licensees serving on
3. During each biennial licensure renewal period active duty in the United States military for a period of time
beginning before January 1, 2017, at least eight of the PDHs exceeding 180 consecutive days in a biennial licensure
shall be earned in Life Safety Code, building codes and/or renewal period shall be exempt from the CPD requirements
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines by during that biennial licensure renewal period. Effective
every professional engineer who designs buildings and/or January 1, 2017 and beginning with licensees whose biennial
building systems in Louisiana during such period. Effective licensure renewal periods begin after January 1, 2017,
January 1, 2017 and beginning with dual licensees whose licensees serving on active duty in the United States military
biennial licensure renewal periods begin after January 1, for a period of time exceeding 180 consecutive days in a
2017, at least four of the PDHs per calendar year shall be calendar year shall be exempt from the CPD requirements
earned in Life Safety Code, building codes and/or Americans during that calendar year.
with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines by every
professional engineer who designs buildings and/or building 3. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
systems in Louisiana during such calendar year. beginning before January 1, 2017, licensees experiencing
disability, serious illness, or serious injury of a nature and
D. Excess PDHs duration which prevent them from satisfying the CPD
1. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods requirements during a biennial licensure renewal period may
beginning before January 1, 2017, if a licensee exceeds be granted an exemption from such requirements for said
his/her biennial licensure renewal period requirement of period. Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning with
PDHs, up to a maximum of 15 PDHs may be carried licensees whose biennial licensure renewal periods begin
forward into the subsequent biennial licensure renewal after January 1, 2017, licensees experiencing disability,
period. Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning with serious illness, or serious injury of a nature and duration
licensees whose biennial licensure renewal periods begin which prevent them from satisfying the CPD requirements
after January 1, 2017, if a licensee exceeds his/her annual during a calendar year may be granted an exemption from
requirement of PDHs, up to a maximum of 7 PDHs may be such requirements for said year. Supporting documentation,
carried forward into the subsequent calendar year. such as a signed letter from a physician who has treated the
disability, illness or injury, is required. This documentation
2. Excess PDHs may include, without limitation, shall be on the letterhead of the physician, shall set forth the
those earned in professional ethics, the standards of practice nature of the disability, illness or injury and the period of
for boundary surveys in Louisiana, Life Safety Code, time under treatment by the physician, and shall contain a
building codes and/or Americans with Disabilities Act statement by the physician as to any limitations placed upon
Accessibility Guidelines. the licensee which impaired his/her ability to satisfy the
E. Licensees will be required to verify compliance with CPD requirements. Effective for biennial licensure renewal
these CPD requirements at the end of each of their biennial periods beginning before January 1, 2017, this exemption
licensure renewal periods. may only be granted for one biennial licensure renewal
period at a time. Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning
with licensees whose biennial licensure renewal periods

37 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


begin after January 1, 2017, this exemption may only be 3. obtaining teaching credit for teaching/instructing or
granted for one calendar year at a time. presenting. To obtain credit for teaching/instructing
or presenting, licensees must be able to document that
4. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
research and preparation were necessary, such as in the case
beginning before January 1, 2017, licensees working outside
of first-time teaching;
of the United States for more than 180 days in a biennial
licensure renewal period where compliance with the CPD 4. membership in engineering and land surveying
requirements is impractical due to location, working hours, professional associations or technical societies;
mail restrictions, etc., may be granted an exemption from
5. authoring and publishing articles/papers in
such requirements for said period. Effective January 1, 2017
engineering or land surveying journals; or authoring and
and beginning with licensees whose biennial licensure
publishing books related to engineering or land surveying;
renewal periods begin after January 1, 2017, licensees
working outside of the United States for more than 90 days 6. obtaining patents;
in a calendar year where compliance with the CPD
7. formal, documented problem preparation for
requirements is impractical due to location, working hours,
mail restrictions, etc., may be granted an exemption from NCEES or state professional engineering or land surveying
such requirements for said calendar year. Supporting exams;
documentation, such as a signed letter from the licensee’s 8. serving as thesis directors for students pursuing a
employer, is required. This documentation shall be on the masters or doctoral degree in engineering; and
letterhead of the employer, shall set forth both the location
and the period of time in which the licensee has been 9. serving on technical committees that are assisting
working outside of the United States, and shall contain a federal, state or local governmental agencies in developing
statement by the employer as to why it was impractical for standards related to engineering or land surveying.
the licensee to satisfy the CPD requirements. B. PDHs may not be earned through informal, non-
5. Licensees who certify their licensure status as structured activities such as reading technical journals.
inactive on their biennial licensure renewal form shall be C. The board has final authority with respect to the
exempt from the CPD requirements until their next licensure acceptability of activities, PDH credit, PDH value for
renewal. In the event such licensee subsequently elects to be activities, and other methods of earning PDH credit. PDH
reinstated to active status, he/she must meet the requirements credit for acceptable college or correspondence courses may
set forth in §3121. be based upon course credit established by the college or
6. Licensees who certify their licensure status as school.
retired on their biennial licensure renewal form shall be D. Selection of activities is the responsibility of the
exempt from the CPD requirements until their next licensure licensee.
renewal. In the event such licensee subsequently elects to be
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
reinstated to active status, he/she must meet the requirements
set forth in §3121. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
37:697.1. Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2153
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of (November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2153 Board, LR 27:1048 (July 2001), LR 30:1731 (August 2004), LR
(November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation 37:2420 (August 2011), LR 39:1481 (June 2013), LR 42:1106 (July
and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying 2016), LR 44:631 (March 2018).
Board, LR 27:1048 (July 2001), LR 30:1731 (August 2004), LR §3113. Units
42:1105 (July 2016), LR 44:630 (March 2018).
A. The conversion of other units of credit to PDHs is as
§3111. Determination of Credit
A. PDHs may be earned as indicated in §3113 for the
1. one college or unit semester hour = 45 PDHs;
following activities:
2. one college or unit quarter hour = 30 PDHs;
1. successful completion of college courses,
correspondence courses, continuing education courses, 3. one continuing education unit = 10 PDHs.
seminars, tutorials, and short courses, and/or by
teaching/instructing these items; B. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
beginning before January 1, 2017, PDH credit will be
2. attending or presenting qualifying seminars; in- awarded as follows:
house courses sponsored by corporations, governmental
agencies or other organizations; workshops; or 1. fifty contact minutes of verified attendance at an
professional/technical presentations made at meetings, activity in accordance with §3111.A.1-2, or problem
conventions, or conferences; preparation for a NCEES or state professional engineering or
land surveying exam in accordance with §3111.A.7 = one

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 38

Title 46, Part LXI

PDH. A maximum of 10 PDHs will be allowed per biennial attending the activity. A maximum of 15 PDHs will be
licensure renewal period for problem preparation; allowed per calendar year for teaching, instructing and
2. membership in an engineering or land surveying
professional association or technical society in accordance 4. authoring and publishing a peer reviewed (refereed)
with §3111.A.4 = one PDH per biennial licensure renewal article/paper in an engineering or land surveying journal, or
period for each association or society. A maximum of three authoring and publishing a peer reviewed (refereed) book
PDHs will be allowed per biennial licensure renewal period related to engineering or land surveying, in accordance with
for all such memberships; §3111.A.5 = 5 PDHs per calendar year for all such
articles/papers or books;
3. teaching/instructing or presenting an activity in
accordance with §3111.A.1-3 = twice the PDHs allowed for 5. authoring and publishing a non-peer reviewed (non-
attending the activity. A maximum of 30 PDHs will be refereed) article/paper in an engineering or land surveying
allowed per biennial licensure renewal period for teaching, journal in accordance with §3111.A.5 = 3 PDHs per calendar
instructing and presenting; year for all such articles/papers;
4. authoring and publishing a peer reviewed (refereed) 6. obtaining a patent in accordance with §3111.A.6 =
article/paper in an engineering or land surveying journal, or 10 PDHs for each patent;
authoring and publishing a peer reviewed (refereed) book
7. serving as a thesis director for a student pursuing a
related to engineering or land surveying, in accordance with
masters or doctoral degree in engineering in accordance with
§3111.A.5 = 10 PDHs per biennial licensure renewal period
§3111.A.8 = 1 PDH per hour of thesis credit. A maximum of
for all such articles/papers or books;
5 PDHs will be allowed per calendar year for all such
5. authoring and publishing a non-peer reviewed (non- students;
refereed) article/paper in an engineering or land surveying
8. serving on a technical committee that is assisting
journal in accordance with §3111.A.5 = 5 PDHs per biennial
federal, state or local governmental agencies in developing
licensure renewal period for all such articles/papers;
standards related to engineering or land surveying in
6. obtaining a patent in accordance with §3111.A.6 = accordance with §3111.A.9 = 1 PDH per 50 contact minutes
10 PDHs for each patent; of attendance at a committee meeting. A maximum of 5
PDHs will be allowed per calendar year for service on all of
7. serving as a thesis director for a student pursuing a
such committees.
masters or doctoral degree in engineering in accordance with
§3111.A.8 = 1 PDH per hour of thesis credit. A maximum of AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
10 PDHs will be allowed per biennial licensure renewal 37:697.1.
period for all such students; HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
8. serving on a technical committee that is assisting Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2154
federal, state or local governmental agencies in developing (November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation
standards related to engineering or land surveying in and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
accordance with §3111.A.9 = 1 PDH per 50 contact minutes Board, LR 27:1048 (July 2001), LR 30:1732 (August 2004), LR
37:2421 (August 2011), LR 39:1481 (June 2013), LR 42:1106 (July
of attendance at a committee meeting. A maximum of 10
2016), LR 44:631 (March 2018).
PDHs will be allowed per biennial licensure renewal period
for service on all of such committees. §3115. Record Keeping

C. Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning with A. All licensure renewals will require the completion and
licensees whose biennial licensure renewal periods begin submission of a biennial licensure renewal form. By
after January 1, 2017, PDH credit will be awarded as completing and submitting this form, the licensee is
follows: certifying that he/she has met all requirements for licensure
renewal, including CPD requirements. This form will also
1. fifty contact minutes of verified attendance at an contain an affirmation which must be completed if the
activity in accordance with §3111.A.1-2, or problem licensee desires to change his/her licensure status.
preparation for a NCEES or state professional engineering or
land surveying exam in accordance with §3111.A.7 = one B. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
PDH. A maximum of five PDHs will be allowed per beginning before January 1, 2017, all licensees are required
calendar year for problem preparation; to maintain a board-approved professional development
activity log outlining all PDHs claimed during a biennial
2. membership in an engineering or land surveying licensure renewal period. Effective January 1, 2017 and
professional association or technical society in accordance beginning with licensees whose biennial licensure renewal
with §3111.A.4 = one PDH per calendar year for each periods begin after January 1, 2017, all licensees are
association or society. A maximum of two PDHs will be required to maintain a board-approved professional
allowed per calendar year for all such memberships; development activity log outlining all PDHs claimed during
3. teaching/instructing or presenting an activity in a calendar year. Licensees must complete all sections of the
accordance with §3111.A.1-3 = twice the PDHs allowed for log and be prepared to submit the completed log and any

39 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019


corresponding documentation to the board upon request. the licensee to disciplinary action as provided in the
Blank log forms can be obtained from the board's website. licensure law.
C. Maintaining records to be used to support PDHs B. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
claimed is the responsibility of the licensee. Effective for beginning before January 1, 2017, PDHs earned and used to
biennial licensure renewal periods beginning before January satisfy a not-in-compliance situation may not also be used to
1, 2017, these records must be maintained for at least three satisfy the CPD requirements for the current biennial
consecutive biennial licensure renewal periods (six years) licensure renewal period. Effective January 1, 2017 and
and copies may be requested by the board at any time. beginning with licensees whose biennial licensure renewal
Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning with licensees periods begin after January 1, 2017, PDHs earned and used
whose biennial licensure renewal periods begin after January to satisfy a not-in-compliance situation may not also be used
1, 2017, these records must be maintained for at least six to satisfy the CPD requirements for the current calendar
consecutive calendar years and copies may be requested by year.
the board at any time.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:697.l.
37:697.1. HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2154
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2154 (November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation
(November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1049 (July 2001), LR 30:1732 (August 2004), LR
Board, LR 27:1049 (July 2001), LR 30:1732 (August 2004), LR 42:1107 (July 2016), LR 44:632 (March 2018).
42:1107 (July 2016), LR 44:632 (March 2018). §3121. CPD Reinstatement
§3117. Audit and Review of Records
A. Effective for biennial licensure renewal periods
A. The board may request, at any time, that a licensee beginning before January 1, 2017, to become reinstated to an
provide proof of compliance with all CPD requirements. active status, a licensee in an expired, inactive, or retired
status must have earned all PDHs which he/she would have
B. Additionally, the board will conduct random audits in
been required to earn if he/she had been in an active status
connection with impending biennial licensure renewals of up
during the previous biennial licensure renewal period as
to 30 percent of all board licensees. A license will not be
provided in §3105. Effective January 1, 2017 and beginning
renewed and will be deemed to have expired, unless the
with licensees whose biennial licensure renewal periods
licensee provides proof of compliance with all CPD
begin after January 1, 2017, to become reinstated to an
requirements and there are no discrepancies or deficiencies
active status, a licensee in an expired, inactive, or retired
status must have earned all PDHs which he/she would have
C. The board will require that all licensees against whom been required to earn if he/she had been in an active status
formal disciplinary charges are pending in Louisiana provide during the previous two calendar years as provided in §3105.
proof of compliance with all CPD requirements. AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
D. Should a licensee fail to provide proof of compliance 37:697.l.
with all CPD requirements, or if discrepancies or HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
deficiencies are discovered as the result of any of the
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2154
requests/audits provided for in §3117.A-C, the licensee will (November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation
be deemed not in compliance with the CPD requirements of and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying
the board. Board, LR 27:1049 (July 2001), LR 30:1732 (August 2004), LR
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 42:1107 (July 2016), LR 44:633 (March 2018).
37:697.l. Chapter 33. Disciplinary and
HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for Enforcement Proceedings
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 24:2154
(November 1998), amended by the Department of Transportation §3301. Disciplinary and Enforcement Proceedings
and Development, Professional Engineering and Land Surveying A. Any disciplinary or enforcement proceedings initiated
Board, LR 27:1049 (July 2001), LR 30:1732 (August 2004), LR
by or with the board will be governed by the substantive and
35:2856 (December 2009), LR 44:632 (March 2018).
procedural provisions of the licensure law and these rules
§3119. Failure to Comply and by the provisions of the Louisiana Administrative
A. When a licensee is deemed not in compliance with the Procedure Act (R.S. 49:950 et seq.).
CPD requirements of the board, the licensee will be so AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.
notified and will be given 120 days to satisfy the CPD 37:688.
requirements. The licensee must provide documented HISTORICAL NOTE: Promulgated by the Department of
evidence of compliance, accompanied by payment of an Transportation and Development, Board of Registration for
administrative fee of $200. Failure to comply will subject Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, LR 5:117 (May 1979)

Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019 40

Title 46, Part LXI

amended LR 6:149 (April 1980), LR 7:649 (December 1981), Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, LR 27:1049
amended by the Department of Transportation and Development, (July 2001), LR 30:1733 (August 2004), LR 44:633 (March 2018).

41 Louisiana Administrative Code January 2019

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