Reducing Mold Risk: A California Builder's Guide To
Reducing Mold Risk: A California Builder's Guide To
Reducing Mold Risk: A California Builder's Guide To
PREFACE of the research, but also the current understanding of experts about
The research project which generated this report is titled “Energy- ways to prevent mold problems in new residential construction.
Efficient Mold-Resistant Building Materials and Construction Practices This document is that report. It consists of the opinions and
for New California Homes.” The project resulted from a concern that judgements of a wide variety of experts. These go well beyond the
mold in residential construction has become a prominent public is- specific topics researched during this project. With that in mind, we
sue in recent years, and that mold problems may have implications ask the reader to consider this report simply a good beginning rather
for energy consumption. The people of California funded this project than the last word on this highly complex topic. It’s also useful to
under the PIER program (Public Interest Energy Research), which is keep in mind that this report has no force of regulatory authority.
administered by the California Energy Commission on their behalf. It simply represents the judgements of the authors about what cur-
The majority of the project tasks consisted of laboratory and field rently constitutes useful advice to developers, designers, builders
studies of building assemblies which are important to keeping build- and owners about how to reduce the risk of mold growth in new
ing materials dry, and therefore free of mold growth. The results of California homes.
that research are published in great detail in other reports. In addition We dedicate this report to the people of California, and to the
to that work, the project team was charged with providing a report construction professionals and research colleagues who have made
to the California Energy Commission to include not only the results this work possible. This report is for you, with our greatest respect.
This report was prepared as the result of work sponsored by the
California Energy Commission. It does not necessarily represent
the views of the Energy Commission, its employees or the State of
California. The Energy Commission, the State of California, its em-
ployees, contractors and subcontractors make no warrant, express
or implied, and assume no legal liability for the information in this
report; nor does any party represent that the uses of this information
will not infringe upon privately owned rights. This report has not been
approved or disapproved by the California Energy Commission nor
has the California Energy Commission passed upon the accuracy or
adequacy of the information in this report.
© 2006 Gas Technology Institute
This report is copyrighted by the Gas Technology Institute, 2006.
All rights are reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced in
another publication without permission from either GTI, or from the
original holder of the copyright as indicated in the text.
PREFACE .....................................................................2 Expansion cracks between stucco and window frames ........................ 26
No impermeable paint over stucco ................................................. 26
SECTION 1 - SUMMARY ................................................8
Avoiding classic stucco problems in general ..................................... 26
THREE-PART STRATEGY ..................................................10 Integrating window flashing & sill pans with the WRB ...................... 27
The importance of air seals under windows ..................................... 28
SECTION 2 - DEVELOPMENT ........................................12
Below-grade exterior walls on hillsides........................................... 29
KEEPING WATER AWAY ..................................................13 LIMITING MOLD GROWTH................................................29
Site grading, paving, lot coverage and drainage .............................. 13
Breathable interior finish ............................................................. 29
Offering xeriscape (dry landscaping) ............................................. 14
Vapor barriers... Location, location, location ................................... 31
Extra care for developments with irrigated landscaping .................... 14
AC system which dehumidifies ....................................................... 31
Zero setback lot lines increase risk................................................. 15
AC system which does not pull humid air into the house .................... 33
KEEPING WATER OUT ....................................................16 Exhaust fans quiet enough that occupants will use them ................... 33
Roof line decisions which favor water-exclusion................................ 16 Showers and bathtubs need moisture-tolerant materials ................... 34
Progress payments that favor watertight connections ....................... 16 In kitchens & bathrooms, design for occasional water spills ............... 34
Below-grade walls on hillsides have greater risks for mold ................ 17 Specify pans under washers and refrigerators .................................. 35
Know where the master water shut-off valve is located ..................... 50 Stucco ........................................................................................ 60
Avoid interior wall finishes which are vapor retarders ....................... 51 Wood......................................................................................... 61
Avoid storing paper and fabric in damp locations ............................. 51 Mold Investigation & Remediation ................................................. 61
Current mold problems illustrate that without some thoughtful delib- But through their early aesthetic and budget choices, the developer,
eration, there is unfortunately a significant risk of making unconscious designer, builder and owner will determine what percent of these
compromises which result in mold-fragile buildings. potential loads will be safely channelled away from the building, versus
In other cases the suggestions do indeed add cost, or require the percent of the water load that will actually reach it, challenging
trade-offs between costs and the reputation of the builder or prefer- the construction.
ences of the owner, or place new demands on the skills and availability The actual water load depends on how much of the rain water
of labor, and or can affect the schedule. Each developer, designer, is allowed to flow down the exterior walls, how much of the surface
builder and owner will have to consider these trade-offs and make water is allowed to accumulate next to and underneath the foundation
their decisions accordingly. Nothing is simple in construction. All and how much of the rain and irrigation spray will land on the
decisions have consequences, and there are few if any laws to make walls. (In California, outdoor humidity is such a small annual load
these particular decisions for us. Everybody must decide how much that it does not merit the same attention as the liquid water loads.)
time, attention and money it’s worth to reduce mold risk. These actual water loads are set for all time, sometimes uncon-
Consider the space shuttle, which completed 100 missions sciously, during the early moments–when the developer decides how
safely before an inherent insulation-moisture-condensation problem far away from the buildings that water will be kept. For example: how
resulted in tragic fatalities. In a similar way, it’s possible to build hun- close to the lot lines will the homes be built? In which direction will
dreds of homes using the same details without incident... until one the site drainage slope? Which plants and grasses will be used, and
day the mixture of time, statistical probability and unconsciously risky will the roofs overhang the walls?
practices combines to produce mold. Implementing this three-part These earliest decisions, usually made by the developer and the
strategy provides an effective way to reduce that mold risk. owner, have the most effect on the baseline mold risk.
THREE-PART STRATEGY 2. Keeping water out
Here’s a brief summary of the key aspects of the strategy. In the
Every now and then, some rain is going to fall on the roof and
next section of this guide, we’ll provide the details, arranged according
flow down the exterior wall. And sooner or later some irrigation
to who’s likely to be making each decision, and when.
water will land on the walls or form pools at the edge of the house.
Plus, groundwater is always under the foundation and some moisture
1. Keeping water away
always gets into materials during construction.
Most moisture gets into a building from water outdoors. There
are four components of the annual outdoor water load. From largest To ensure that such periodic accumulations of moisture don’t help
and most continuous, to smallest and most intermittent, these are: grow mold, drain the walls and waterproof the foundation, and don’t
irrigation, groundwater, rain or snow, and airborne humidity. trap too much moisture in the materials during construction.
Landscaping choices plus the local rainfall dictate the total poten- Keeping water out of the walls requires three layers of protection,
tial annual amounts of these loads, and also their periodic intensities. not one. The outer layer–the cladding–stops the bulk of the liquid
water. The second layer is an air gap, into which the remaining water 3. Limiting mold growth until moisture dries out
can drain when it gets past the outer layer. And the third, innermost Indoors, there will be plumbing leaks, condensation and water
layer is a water-resistive barrier, which keeps any water out of the spills, sooner or later. To add the third leg to the stool, design and
vulnerable sheathing, framing, insulation and interior finish. Given construct the building so that water cannot spread into materials
these three layers, the joints and flashing around windows and doors around the source of the leak or spill. Also, make sure the indoor
are especially critical and complex assemblies, demanding careful air is dry enough to absorb any occasional moisture. The designer
attention from designer and builder. and builder might also consider selecting materials on which mold
Waterproofing the foundation requires a capillary break to keep grows slowly, or not at all—especially for parts of the house which
liquid water from seeping into the concrete, and a vapor retarder to are the most likely to have frequent wetting events, such as the exte-
keep the water vapor out as well. rior walls and foundation, and the walls of the kitchen, bathrooms
and laundry room.
These measures are mostly under the control of the designer and
the builder. But their cost and effectiveness are heavily influenced Finally, the owner must contribute to avoiding problems by pre-
by the choices made before and after construction by the developer venting any water from spreading, and drying it out quickly ensuring
and by the owner, who determine the net annual water loads on the that mold can’t grow. And it’s useful for owners to keep in mind that
structure. visible moisture accumulation in walls, ceilings and floors is not
normal—when water appears in odd places, let the builder know
about the problem so it can be fixed before mold grows.
In the past, most discussions of mold prevention have focused on
details of exterior wall design. Often overlooked in these discussions Contra Costa
is the more fundamental role of the initial development decisions, Solano
which are based on the developer’s perceptions of the needs, wants
and budgets of the target customers. Orange
San Bernadino
Several developer decisions will either increase or reduce the San Diego
net moisture load. These decisions determine the building’s inherent
mold risk and they begin with the land.
Even in southern California, with a dry climate for nearly the entire
year, poor decisions about site drainage can be a major source of
indoor mold problems. In fact, counter to intuition, there is good
evidence that water-related problems have been worse in dry areas
than in rainy areas. According to the insurance industry’s records,
the highest rates for water damage claims come from just 5 of the
16 California climate zones... and all of these high-claim zones are
in “dry” southern California.
Fig. 2.2 Southern California - Dry, but higher mold risk
Site grading, paving, lot coverage and drainage Against intuition, five of the seven counties in California which have the highest
Rain becomes surface water which flows through the site. The rates for water damage insurance claims are in the “dry” southern part of the
developer decides, through his siting, grading, drainage and other state.
every day. Third, if the wrong spray head is installed on the riser or its because they reduce the cost of land. But it’s useful to keep in mind
spray arc is misaligned, the system may be spraying water upwards that building on the lot line makes it easy for an owner to hugely
against walls and windows. Walls and windows can often be quite increase mold risk for his neighbor.
vulnerable to this large, daily, upwardly-directed spray load. For example, knee-high irrigated planter boxes have been built by
Just as importantly, plantings near the foundation can block the some owners right onto the walls of their neighbors’ homes, without
free drainage of surface and rain water. The finish grading should ensuring that the back of the box (and therefore the neighbors wall)
always include a slight slope away from the building. is watertight. Also, spray irrigation from one owner’s green lawn
But plantings are sometimes level-graded, or have decorative has the potential to soak-down the exterior wall of his neighbor’s
borders (sometimes called the “Landscaper’s Moat” by mold inves- home every day, leading to major problems from any hole or crack
tigators) which prevent rainwater from draining freely away from or unsealed joint in that wall. Compounding the problem, privacy
the building. fences are common on such small lots. So the affected neighbor
might learn about these poor practices only after mold begins to
So if daily watering near the foundation is the plan, the designer
grow inside his home.
should take steps to reduce that life-of-the-house risk through other
means, such as more elaborate measures to ensure foundation Unless the developer puts clear language in the homeowners
Fig. 2.4 contract to prevent such problems, the developer may be at risk
Roof overhangs - Longer is better for mold problems which result from one owner adding water to
Note how even a short overhang greatly
reduces the water load on the wall below. Zero setback lot-lines increase risk another’s structure.
Such simple, time-proven architectural To maximize profit and minimize costs, it’s economically difficult Also, the developer’s guidelines to the designer should be clear
features can reduce the net annual water
load—therefore the volume of rain leaks
if not impractical to resist the practice of building the house all the on the matter of drainage between lots. If the finish grading of each
around windows—by more than 50% way to the edge of the next lot, where allowed by zoning laws. While lot virtually guarantees that any water from one lot will collect near
the wisdom of such laws might be questionable from a public policy the foundation of another building, the developer may be at risk for
and building science perspective, they probably re- any mold problems that result.
duce the cost of houses on a square foot basis, So when planning a development with zero setbacks from lot lines,
it might be prudent to reduce the risk of this practice by:
• Ensuring clear contract language prohibiting one
neighbor from wetting any of his neighbors’ build-
Windward side = maximum deposition • Instructing the designer to provide especially robust
water-exclusion measures as suggested in the design
Roof overhang reduces rain load section, plus excellent foundation drainage for any
exterior walls that extend all the way to the lot line.
No overhang = full rain loading • Providing the designer and builder with budgets large
enough to accommodate these measures.
Roof overhangs and their dimensions, or the lack of overhangs This mold risk can be reduced when the builder’s incentives favor
entirely, are aesthetic and economic decisions usually made by the water-tight connections instead of discouraging them. For example,
developer on behalf of the owner. If the building has generous roof consider arranging progress payments so the builder receives a major
overhangs, the mold risk is reduced. Another benefit of generous over- infusion of cash not after just the windows are installed, but rather
hangs is a smaller annual cooling load, which reduces utility bills. after the entire assembly is complete. That is to say after the sheathing,
Fig. 2.5
Progess payments can influence mold risk for better—or for worse
These windows were installed without flashing, and before the water-resistive
barrier. So when they eventually leak, water will go directly into the walls. If
the builder’s progress payment depended on a watertight connection instead of
“getting the windows in,” mold risk would be reduced.
sill flashing and water-resistive barrier (WRB) are installed and the On the other hand, the developer can reduce risk by understand-
windows, door frames and head flashing are tied into them to form ing that, when hillside walls are necessary, the designer needs enough
a watertight assembly. money in the budget to take the same precautions that are often taken
Beyond developers, mortgage bankers and insurance providers for finished basements below grade.
can also reflect on the fact that their risks are reduced when progress These precautions are discussed in more depth in the designers’
payments encourage watertight connections. When their financing section of this report. But they include extra attention to lot drainage
and insurance requirements encourage watertight assemblies, these between buildings, waterproofing with a drainage mat and foundation
industries can be a powerful force for positive change with respect drain on the outside of the wall, and moisture-tolerant materials and
to reducing mold risk. finishes for the indoor face of a hillside wall.
moments, it will be the designer who decides how much of the an-
DESIGN DECISIONS nual weather moisture load will be allowed to reach the edge of the
After the budgets and infrastructure decisions are complete, the
building. As described earlier, these decisions include:
designer takes charge, deciding how to exclude the net water loads
which result from the development decisions. • Keeping surface water from reaching the foundation
by site grading and by excellent drainage.
Most of the suggestions included in this section are simply good
practice. Very few are required by law. With little legal compulsion at • Keeping irrigation and earth berms away from the
the design phase (but catastrophic legal consequences which follow foundation to avoid daily puddles near the building.
a mold event) the designer is often faced with trade-offs between the • Deciding to overhang the roof so that only a small
delightful visible features that sell houses vs. hidden features that fraction of the annual rainfall can possibly flow down
keep them robust and free from mold. the side of the building.
On the other hand, the designer does not always have to choose These decisions are the first and most important ones, because
one or the other. In fact, the most important choices the designer can they will decide the dimension of the risk of all other design and
make are the first design decisions: those which either keep water construction decisions. Larger loads produce larger risks. Through
away from the house, or which bring more water (and therefore more these decisions, the designer can cut the moisture loads to nearly
risk) towards the house. inconsequential amounts in dry climates, and very low amounts even
in very rainy climates.
1. KEEPING WATER AWAY Conversely, if the designer decides to ignore the impact of site
Architectural look-and-feel decisions which keep water away drainage and roof overhangs, every design detail, every craftsman’s
If the water-critical aesthetic decisions have not already been skill level, every construction sequencing decision, and every material
made by the developer, the designer will make them. In those few selection becomes more costly, challenging and risky.
Xeriscape reduces annual water loads and risks the US Department of Agriculture, titled: “ Creating Native Landscapes
When chosen by the developer and/or owner, xeriscape (dry for the Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountains.” The publication
landscaping) is an excellent way to reduce the annual water load on is available online at:
the home, and therefore reduce the risk of mold.
More than half of the water consumed by homeowners in Cali- And for an understanding of plants that have historically thrived
fornia is used for irrigation. Daily irrigation uses tens of thousands in different parts of California without irrigation, the designer can
of gallons of water per year per home—about 4 to 6 times greater consult the website of the California Natural Plant Society (www.
than the annual average rain load in California (9 to 20 inches of The society maintains a geographically-divided, search-
rain per year vs. 40 to 60 inches per year for irrigation). Any reduc- able database at:
tion in irrigation load reduces the risk that some of that water will
get into the house.
Xeriscape provides the visual interest and soil stabilization of Houses with zero setback lot lines require extra attention
vegetation, but uses xerophilic (dry-loving) plants and grasses to When the building extends all the way to the lot line, the designer’s
achieve these benefits. From the designer’s perspective, it’s important task is complicated by the fact that homeowners can unwittingly create
to ensure that: mold problems for their neighbors. For example, when one neighbor
• Any existing lawn grass is entirely removed changes the grading in his yard, or adds irrigation, or builds decora-
• The vertical soil profile can support the plants. They’ll tive planters against his neighbor’s home, he might be adding a daily
need topsoil that is fertile, weed-free and firm but water load to that other building.
uncompacted. That layer sits on compacted subsoil, There is only so much the designer can do to protect one home
with a smooth-locking interface between the two. owner from risky decisions made by another. But when the developer
• In addition to visual effects, plants are grouped around decides to build all the way to the lot line, the designer should be
the site consistent with their respective needs for water, aware of the increased risk, and consider taking such measures as:
light, soil and shade. • Waterproofing the lower part of the sheathing of the
• Plants are selected with enough diversity to provide lot-line wall with mastic.
color and visual interest throughout the year. • Using cement board as the exterior sheathing for the
• The plants selected are numerous enough and have bottom few feet of the wall.
a root structure robust enough to provide erosion • Specifying plastic composite or pressure-treated
control, particularly on steep slopes. lumber for the sill plate of the wall.
For more comprehensive guidance about xeriscape, the designer • Setting the entire lot-line wall into a sill in the founda-
can consult the well-written and illustrated color manual produced by tion slab.
Fig. 3.6 • Water sprayed on top of the slab to help cure the con-
Capillary break under the foundation crete, and to prevent the slab from drying prematurely,
Placing crushed stone under the foundation
makes it less likely for water to wick upwards
which would result in cracking and spalling.
and diffuse through the vapor barrier to grow • Irrigation or landscaping water which pools near the
mold under flooring.
• High ground water level in marshy areas or areas
subject to snow melt runoff in the spring.
There are two fundamental problems with this design. First, the
vapor barrier placed below the aggregate does not allow top-gener-
ated water to escape down into the dry earth below the foundation,
where it would do no harm. Secondly, the sand actually pulls that
top-generated water back upward to the bottom of the slab through
aggregate on top of it. That layer provides the base for pouring the capillary suction.
concrete slab. But often the support layer stays saturated with water, To avoid these problems, use coarse crushed stone rather than
because the vapor retarder below that material prevents water from sand or fine aggregate (figure 3.6), and place a high-performance
draining away safely. Excess water in the support layer comes from vapor retarder between the stone and the concrete slab rather than
many sources: below the stone (figures 3.5 and 3.7). With this design, groundwater
• Rain which falls before the concrete is poured. cannot diffuse upward through the concrete for two reasons.
• The necessary excess water in the concrete mix (about First, the large spaces between the pieces of crushed stone cannot
45 gallons per cubic yard), without which the mixture create the necessary capillary suction. Therefore even if the bed of
would be too stiff to pour. stone were partly filled with water, it could not climb upwards to the
bottom of the slab. Secondly, the vapor barrier immediately below
the slab prevents any high relative humidity air in the stone bed from
diffusing moisture into the concrete.
With this design, recommended by the American Concrete
Institute in their Guide for Concrete Floor & Slab Construction
Condensation (ACI 302.1R-04), the building will avoid long-term vapor diffusion
and flooring problems. But the builder will have to take short-term
measures to prevent problems with curing, spalling and warping im-
Fig. 3.7 Vapor retarder is essential
Note the condensation which forms under
mediately after the concrete is poured. These are discussed further
the vapor retarder even in “dry” Southern in the builder’s section of this report.
California. Without the retarder, water
diffuses upward to support mold growth in
and under flooring.
Perm rating & durability of the foundation vapor retarder Fig. 3.8 Installing the vapor retarder
and capillary break layer is difficult
For use under concrete foundations, ASTM defines all three dura-
under slabs with grade beams
bility classes of vapor retarders as having a maximum perm rating of Placing and overlapping the plastic evenly
0.3. The tougher vapor retarders (classes A and B) are better because up and down the trenches that form the
they are less likely to be cut or torn during construction, but they cost grade beams is difficult. Designing thicker
flat slabs without grade beams is less
more. When working with wet soils, the modest cost increase of a subject to installation error, and may save
lower-perm vapor retarder, which is often more durable as well, can overall costs because of the reduced labor.
be a cost-effective means of reducing mold risk in flooring.
houses, 40 to 60% of the indoor air comes from leakage pulled by seams and trimming closely around all penetrations.
the stack effect from that crawl space. Such upward air leakage brings Further, after years of controversy, building scientists largely agree
any mold spores or odors from the crawl space into the occupant’s that crawl spaces should never be vented, in any climate, at any time of
breathing zone. the year. The better plan is to make them water- and vapor-tight, just
To prevent mold growth in framing and flooring above the crawl as a basement must be. This guidance provides three benefits: mold
space, block the slow but continuous evaporation from the earth prevention, structural durability and fire protection in urban-wildlife
under the home. If the designer specifies an overlapped and tape- interface areas. When the crawl space is made dry, there are no good
sealed vapor retarder on top of that earth, the vapor load is almost reasons for venting it. And unfortunately, venting a crawl space built
entirely eliminated. on moist earth does not keep it dry enough to prevent problems.
That barrier must be continuous. In other words, the sheets
must overlap, and be trimmed snugly around any penetrations such Two layers of building paper or housewrap between stucco &
as support piers and plumbing connections. This is not simple. The sheathing
designer can specify this, but it’s not likely to happen unless the One of the virtues of cement stucco is that it is very moisture-
builder has a subcontractor experienced in the art. The manufacturer tolerant, absorbing and releasing moisture hundreds of thousands of
of the vapor barrier material can be an excellent source of referrals times without damage or mold growth. Part of the reason it tolerates
to capable contractors. moisture is because it allows water movement through it. At the same
time, however, this means that during a rainstorm, at least some water
An alternative is a thin, non-structural layer of concrete, coated
will pass through the stucco.
with a liquid-applied vapor barrier such as epoxy paint. In homes
with many floor support piers and plumbing connections, concrete So behind stucco, as with any other wall, there should be a small
may be easier to place and less expensive to make vapor-tight than air gap for drainage, followed by a water-resistive layer to protect the
cutting and placing heavy plastic sheets, and then overlapping all the sheathing behind the air gap.
The problem arises when the stucco bridges that air gap by adher-
ing to the housewrap or building paper which protects the sheathing.
Without the air gap, moisture cannot drain freely downwards, so the
moist stucco/building paper composite layer stays in contact with the
sheathing. Over time, that moisture breaches the paper and soaks the
sheathing, leading to mold.
The solution, now outlined in the International Residential Code,
is simply to use two layers of housewrap or building paper behind
Fig. 3.9 Two layers under stucco all stucco.3 The outer layer will adhere to the stucco. But there will
Stucco will adhere tightly to the first layer it always be a small air gap between the outer and inner sheets. That
contacts. So you must have a second, water- air gap will be sufficient to keep the stucco out of direct contact with
resistive layer to ensure an air gap behind
the stucco for drainage, and to provide water
the sheathing, and will allow water to drain down between the two
protection for the sheathing. layers of housewrap or building paper.
The outer layer in contact with the stucco does not need to be No impermeable paint over stucco
especially durable or costly. Its principal purpose is short-lived. Stucco freely absorbs and releases water rather than trapping it.
During application, it creates that small drainage gap by keeping the So the designer must be careful not to defeat this virtuous property
stucco from adhering to the inner layer. by covering the stucco with impermeable paint.
But it’s quite important that the inner layer be durable. For the life This is not intuitive. Many assume that, to protect the building
of the building, that inner layer will have to act as the impermeable from moisture damage, it would be best to put impermeable paint
drainage plane and protect the sheathing from moisture. on the outside of the building–on the stucco. Unfortunately, that logic
has not worked out well in the field, and the “stucco problems” it
Expansion cracks between stucco and window frames causes have become notorious.
Joints between stucco and window frames frequently leak water. The problem is that some water will still get in, but an imperme-
The problem results from the fact that vinyl expands and contracts able paint layer will keep the water from getting back out. Then over
with temperature changes much more than does cement stucco. time, small amounts of water will accumulate and lead to both mold
Compounding the problem, this expansion and contraction happens and further cracks, which let in more water. If stucco is deprived of its
every day because of day-night temperature changes. In fact, vinyl ability to release moisture, a small water problem under that stucco
expands and contracts even more than aluminum, but both types quickly becomes a very big mold problem. Often, parts of the entire
of frames have had similar problems where the frames meet the exterior wall must be rebuilt, sometimes including new framing.
stucco. Sealants alone have not been effective against this expansion
The solution is for the designer to specify that any paint or other
and contraction.
coating must have a permeability rating of at least 10 perm if it is to
So anywhere that stucco meets a window or door frame, expect be used on exterior stucco. That simple specification (if followed by
a crack. To limit water intrusion around frames: the builder and owner) will let the stucco dry out after getting wet,
• Design roof overhangs to reduce the volume of water and help avoid mold problems.
that will be flowing down the wall into those cracks.
• Ensure that windows and doors are flashed on top, on Avoiding classic stucco problems in general
the sides and on the sills, so that the water that does Beyond the key points made here, the reader may be interested
get in, will be forced right back out again. The guid- to learn more about the behavior of stucco with respect to water
ance provided by ASTM Standard E2112 is very useful intrusion. Two references are helpful to the designer who seeks to
for this point, especially if the manufacturer does not avoid known problems through better details:
provide enough detail to be certain of a good result. • “A Close Look at Stucco” Dennis McCoy. Journal of
• When the window manufacturer’s instructions call Light Construction, September, 2003
for sealant, make sure the material is applied in the • “Why Stucco Walls Got Wet; Lessons from Florida
manner and in exactly the locations shown in those Hurricanes.” Joe Lstiburek, Journal of Light Con-
instructions and not others, avoiding the potential for struction. July 2005
trapping moisture instead of excluding it.
Two aspects of window integration that have historically been the end of a long day, when the project manager might not be on-site
weak in design documents are sill pans and flashing details. to answer questions).
Sill pan flashing, shown in figures 3.10 and 3.11, ensures that 3-D drawings, in a series which shows each installation step,
water getting through the window joints will be forced outwards to are by far the best way to communicate how the pan flashing should
the drainage plane, where it can do no harm, instead of draining be constructed and connected to the water-resistive barrier. The
downwards into the wall, where the water would collect and even- illustrations in figure 3.10 show an example of such 3-D sequence-
tually support mold growth on sheathing, insulation, framing and diagrams for pan-flashing a window inserted into a wood frame wall
wallboard. with foam sheathing.
Sill pan flashing is simple in principle. First, make sure the bottom This figure comes from the Water Management Guide, published
of the pan slopes outward just a bit, and that its outer lip extends out jointly by the Energy & Environmental Building Association and
and over the edge of the window frame and over the water-resistive Building Science Press.3 That publication contains similar details
barrier. Then, be sure that each end of the pan and its back edge for a wide variety of wall construction types, from stucco to brick to
have water-tight lips (“end dams” and a “back dam”) to keep water masonry block and clapboards. The designer can use that publication
from leaking out the corners and seams of the pan. Of course, when as a guide for drawing the sequence diagrams that will be so useful
the pan flashing is constructed from separate pieces, as is common, to include in the construction documents.
make sure that all the pieces are sealed together with overlaps and
durable, water-tight sealants. The importance of air seals under windows
In practice, it is not quite so simple to install pan flashing with The back dam and end dams of the sill pan are obviously criti-
water-tight end dams and back dams. And any leakage can be a big cal components. They keep any leakage water from dripping into
problem in a short time, especially in buildings without roof over- the wall at the edges of the sill. But sometimes overlooked is the
hangs. In the past, the responsibility for flashing windows has not importance of the air seal between the bottom of the window and the
been well-defined. The designer, the general contractor, the framing sill pan. Window manufacturers’ testing has consistently shown that
crew, the window manufacturer and the siding crew are all respon-
sible for pieces–therefore it’s easy for any problem to be blamed on
somebody else.
But increasingly, the designer is being tagged with the respon-
Fig. 3.11
sibility for detailing the window flashing, and “Install per window
Preformed sill pan with end dams
manufacturer’s instructions” is not always considered an adequate and back dam
discharge of the designer’s responsibility. Sill pans can be prefabricated, as in this
by sealing the space between the pan and the window with foam,
the water exclusion performance of the system improves. When the
A recent study by the Chubb Insurance Companies randomly
wind can’t blow through that slot, it can’t drive water inwards over
surveyed 1,663 homeowners all across the U.S. Interestingly, 31
the back dam and into the wall.
percent of these homeowners had–at some point in their lives as
Plus, there’s an obvious energy benefit to keeping hot and cold homeowners–experienced water damage problems resulting from
winds from blowing into the home through all those slots all year roof leaks. And 20 percent of respondents had water damage from
long, even when it’s not raining. plumbing leaks or from burst water pipes.
Based on those results, a designer can reasonably assume that
Below-grade exterior walls on hillsides
sooner or later many of his buildings will have a significant water
The moisture contained in the earth provides a constant risk of
damage event, in addition to the smaller, chronic water intrusion
excess moisture in exterior walls that are set into the hillside. These
problems typical of nearly all housing. So here are some suggestions
walls need the same water-protection measures used for basement
Fig. 3.12 for shortening drying times, avoiding trapped moisture inside walls
walls in cold climates. Specifically:
Air seals help exclude wind-riven and for choosing materials which resist mold growth while moisture
water • Grade the lots in a way that ensures that rain or irriga- is drying out.
Sealing the air space between the window tion water from one lot cannot flow down and collect
and the sill pan keeps wind from flowing
through and pushing rain or leakage water against the below-grade walls of another home lower Breathable interior finish
inwards–up and over the edge of the sill pan on the hill. When water gets into the exterior wall, it’s supposed to be forced
and into the wall. Foam sealants are quite
effective in this role, provided the foam is • Waterproof the exterior of any wall which is covered back outdoors by the flashing. But often, the flashing is imperfect-
chemically compatible with both the sill pan by earth on the outside. especially in the corners. And occasionally there are plumbing leaks
materials and the frame of the window. and condensation problems. Further, in California most of the wood
• Provide coarse aggregate or drainage matting against
the entire exterior of the wall to relieve any hydrostatic framing is not kiln-dried before installation. The idea is that, in the
pressure, and also provide a horizontal drain at the dry California climate, the framing members will dry out over time.
foot of the wall to ensure that the matting on the verti- But this means that the walls must allow the excess moisture from
cal surface does not fill up with water. Both of these the green wood to dry out, rather than become trapped and support
will also need fabric filters to exclude fine dirt, so that mold.
the drainage components do not clog over time. Glossy enamel interior paint and vinyl wall coverings have often
• Specify moisture-resistant materials for the indoor side been responsible for trapping moisture inside walls. Avoiding these
of that exterior wall. For example, consider specifying less permeable interior finishes helps reduce the risk of moisture
mold-resistant gypsum wall board, treated lumber and problems from green lumber and from minor moisture accumula-
composite trim. And avoid moisture-sensitive materi- tions. With relatively permeable wall finishes (10 perm or above),
als like untreated paper-based products, untreated small amounts of moisture will dry out as the water evaporates and
oriented strand board (OSB) or “hard board” near the vapor slowly diffuses through the wall to the drier environment
those walls. of the air conditioned space.
Somewhat counter-intuitively, when walls are built with steel studs, acceptable, perhaps based on the assumption that in the dry climate
it’s even more important to avoid impermeable finishes. Thin steel the wood will dry down to safe levels before mold can grow.
does not tolerate moisture well; it rusts away quickly. This traditional assumption is not always valid with current
It is true that, with steel studs, there is no “green lumber” to building practices. Average wood moisture content of partly-air-dried
dry out–so with steel there may be less mold risk during the first lumber may initially be much higher than 15% if it’s been left out in
year of the building’s life. But later, wood gains a big advantage the rain. Further, buildings are no longer allowed to leak air as freely
over steel. After that first year any initial excess moisture in wood is as in the past, so any wet framing will take longer to dry.
usually gone. For the rest of the building’s life, the wood becomes While the wood itself may not grow much mold, overly wet fram-
an excellent storage buffer for small amounts of intermittent leakage ing has often been responsible for very costly mold problems. Wet
or condensation. wood can transfer its moisture to nearby gypsum wall board as it
When small amounts of leaking water reach wood, they are dries, leading to mold growth on the wall board. The implication for
absorbed, keeping that water from migrating into more sensitive the designer is clear: Don’t allow interior paints and wall coverings
materials nearby, such as gypsum wall board or carpets. Then the which trap moisture from damp framing lumber in the wall. Specify
wood can slowly redistribute and release that water through evapo- finishes that pass vapor at a rate of at least 10 perm—and much
ration–provided that the process is not blocked by impermeable higher perm ratings can further reduce risk.
finishes. Permeable interior finish is even more important when the exterior
Even in California, where building with relatively wet wood has cladding system is not permeable, as in the case of external insulation
been common practice, framing lumber usually dries down to 8 to & finish systems, sometimes called EIFS or synthetic stucco. With EIFS,
10% moisture content after the first year. water in the exterior walls cannot easily escape to the outdoors via
Using the USDA 15% average moisture content limit (with 19% diffusion and evaporation. So it’s extraordinarily important to allow
as a maximum reading in that average)6, dried lumber near a water any trapped water to evaporate and diffuse inward through perme-
leak can later re-absorb a substantial fraction of its weight before able interior finishes.
there is significant risk of mold growth in the wood. Dried wood The most notorious mold and structural failure problems associ-
framing provides a superb, low-cost reservoir for occasional small ated with EIFS have occurred when water leaks were trapped between
spills, leaks or condensation—as long as any evaporating moisture the EIFS on the outside and vinyl wall covering on the inside. The
is not trapped inside the wall by the interior finish. trapped water feeds mold growth, rots wood and corrodes steel studs,
With wood, the designer must remain keenly aware of problems leading to spectacularly expensive problems and lengthy lawsuits.
that can come from assuming that framing lumber will be “dry So regardless of the builder’s preference for framing or for exte-
enough” when it is installed. Sometimes wood may be much wetter rior cladding, it’s best to make sure the interior finish of all exterior
than 15% average moisture content. This is often true in California, walls can pass water vapor freely. That way moisture won’t become
where “partially-air-dried” lumber has sometimes been considered trapped inside those walls to cause problems.
Vapor barriers... Location, location, location climates, there is very little vapor-drive outward, because it’s not all
Nationally, the advice from building scientists on vapor barriers that cold outdoors, except for a few days each year.
is not quite as simple and clear-cut as their advice recommending Under such comparatively mild outdoor temperatures, the posi-
breathable interior finishes. tive role intended for cold-climate vapor retarders does not apply.
To begin with, even the name has become complicated. Building Retarders are designed to prevent high indoor humidity from slowly
material suppliers have adopted the more technically accurate term but constantly forcing water vapor into the walls where it would con-
“vapor retarder” for most materials. The word “retarder” makes for dense. In mild climates like most of California, their more probable
clumsy speech, but it accurately describes the fact that most films role is negative–a vapor retarder membrane can trap water leaks
have some degree of vapor permeability. There is some agreement inside walls and also inhibit the release of construction moisture to
that the term “vapor barrier” can and should still be applied to films the drier, air-conditioned environment inside the house.
with very low permeance (less than 0.1 perm). Otherwise, for most Naturally, given the climate diversity of California, there is an
materials the term “vapor retarder” is now more common. exception to this advice for the two coldest climate regions of the
Not only is the terminology more complex these days, but the state (Zones 14 and 16). In the high, cold climates of the mountains,
opinions of different experts from different parts of the world have an interior vapor retarder is useful. It should be located just behind
been contradictory–which tells you right away that experience with the interior wallboard of all exterior walls and behind the ceilings of
vapor retarders has varied considerably with geography. Current the occupied space on the top floor. The retarder will keep indoor
building codes throughout the USA still reflect this confusion. But humidity from migrating outwards and condensing in the walls or
recently, most experts have reached agreement on recommendations attic during the winter months. That’s why, when the house is located
for California-type climates. in climate zones 14 or 16, California Energy Standards require vapor
In foundation slabs and for crawl spaces, vapor retarders are retarders in the walls. Also, in all parts of the state, any stucco wall
essential. They keep ground moisture out of the flooring. There is needs a water-resistive barrier (often a vapor retarder) for protection
no debate about the need for this retarder. From a building science of the sheathing inside the wall.
perspective, the lower the perm rating, the better (usually 0.3 perm However, vapor barriers–such as impermeable paint–on the out-
for slab foundations). The more widespread controversy until recently side surface of exterior walls are not useful in any part of California.
concerned the best location for the foundation vapor retarder. Now, It’s always better to let wet walls dry outwards, because there are so
there is a consensus from concrete and flooring experts that the re- many hours during the year when such drying can take place. Avoiding
tarder should be positioned immediately beneath the concrete pour, vapor barriers on the exterior face of walls is a good way to reduce
rather than lower down, under the gravel that forms the capillary mold risk in all climates–and especially those in California.
break under the foundation.
In walls, the current consensus from building scientists is that AC system which dehumidifies
interior vapor retarders are usually counterproductive in the mild- In California, humid outdoor air infiltration and dehumidification
temperature, mostly-dry climates typical of most of California. In such are not common problems. Most of the state has a dry climate, and
even in zones where humidity rises periodically, it does not stay high
for very many of the hours in a year.
On the other hand, some homes are occupied on a seasonal So with most cooling systems, the compressor operates for a just
basis. Humidity can build up during unoccupied periods because a few minutes, just long enough to satisfy the thermostat. Then the
the cooling system may not operate long enough to remove moisture compressor shuts off and the coil stops drying the air. In fact, the air
from the air. Similarly, any cooling system which is oversized will flowing across the cooling coil then reabsorbs the moisture that had
also have the short run-times which lead to high indoor humidity. condensed on the coil, and blows that excess humidity back into the
“Right-sizing” the AC system helps avoid high indoor humidity, which conditioned space, as shown in figure 3.12. The net effect of these
in turn reduces mold risk. This suggests the designer (and builder) short run-times is two-fold: highly efficient cooling, but entirely inef-
should avoid the usual temptation to install “extra” cooling capacity. fective dehumidification.
Here’s why, in more detail. In well-insulated homes, the situation gets worse when the
Modern cooling equipment has become very efficient at removing designer sizes the cooling system with extra cooling capacity–for
heat. This means it does not have to run for very long to cool the home. example, selecting a 3.5 ton unit where the peak load is estimated at
Most of the year, an AC system only needs to operate for a few minutes 2.8 tons. When loads are low and equipment is oversized, the com-
every hour to keep the home at a comfortable temperature. pressors run for even shorter periods, guaranteeing that the home
Dehumidification is a different story. Typical residential cooling will be periodically humid throughout the cooling season.
systems must run for at least 20 continuous minutes in every hour to There are two ways to improve dehumidification: “right-sizing”
remove any moisture at all from the air. If they don’t run for at least the AC system, and adding a dedicated dehumidifier (DH unit).
20 minutes continuously, the cooling coils simply don’t stay cold Right-sizing the system is an option in the more popular load
enough for long enough for moisture to condense and drip off the calculation software that is used to document compliance with Cali-
coil and into the drain. fornia Title 24 energy use calculations. The right-sizing option and
subroutine was developed by the Berkeley Solar Energy Group to
address shortcomings of generic load calculation procedures when
applied to California homes. The generic procedures have frequently
resulted in either undersized equipment (houses too hot for many
hours), and oversized equipment (houses too humid).
Fig. 3.13
Dehumidification performance of cooling systems
Measured values from field-installed units show that unless compressors
operate for at least 20 consecutive minutes, cooling units don’t actually
remove moisture. When compressors shut off early, the moisture simply re-
evaporates back into the air stream.7
This explains why oversizing cooling units results in cold, clammy houses. The
compressors don’t run long enough to dehumidify. Solution: avoid oversizing
cooling equipment, so it will run longer and dry more effectively.
But to greatly improve both thermal comfort and drying effective- of the dominant mechanisms of the classic mold problems in hotels
ness, add a dedicated dehumidifier to the HVAC system. This separate in humid climates, and in portable classrooms and manufactured
unit responds to a humidistat, not a thermostat. It keeps the air at homes through the country.
a comfortable humidity all through the cooling season, providing Duct-leakage mold problems tend to be less extreme in Califor-
the dry air which can remove any excess moisture from materials, nia’s dry climates. And in field-built houses, dry wooden framing can
reducing mold risk. absorb some of the condensation. But mold problems can occur in
“Right sizing” the cooling equipment does not have the same any building in any climate where the ducts–and all the duct con-
reliable drying effect as adding a dedicated dehumidifier. Drying is nections–are not sealed up air-tight.
still only an intermittent by-product of the cooling process. So even In this case, California law is clear. Title 24 requires that all ducts
right-sized cooling equipment does not reduce mold risk as effectively be sealed as if they were high-pressure commercial duct connections.
as installing a dedicated DH unit. But right-sizing cooling does save the The logic for this regulation was based on energy savings. Sealing duct
cost of a separate dehumidifier, and makes the home more comfort- work reduces the annual heating and cooling cost of most homes by
able for more hours of the year, while reducing mold risk. 20 to 30%–a significant benefit to the public at a very modest con-
struction cost. But the regulation is also very important to reducing
AC system which does not pull humid air into the house mold risk by reducing condensation. To reverse a familiar saying;
Pulling humid air into cool houses results in condensation on cold sealing all duct connections “isn’t just the law... it’s a good idea.”
surfaces, which eventually leads to mold. Although most of California
is a dry climate, humid air infiltration can still occur, especially when Exhaust fans quiet enough that occupants will use them
ducts run through crawl spaces and attics. In California, the outdoor humid air load is very low, in all parts
Suction is created when the ducts and duct connections on the of the state. But the also-low internal humidity load can increase with
return air side of the system are not sealed up tightly. Through those occupant density, cooking preferences, and number of indoor plants.
small leaks, the duct connections pull in extra air as they pass through Compared to water leakage, none of these loads is very significant.
unconditioned parts of the building. As the system draws air out of But the colder the surfaces of the exterior walls, the more im-
these places, outdoor air and humid air from crawl spaces is pulled portant it becomes to exhaust water vapor generated from showers,
into the cooled building by the slight negative air pressure created by plants and boiling pots. Mold problems from internal water vapor
those those leaking connections. The leakage air volumes measured have been recorded in cold climate zones, but also in overchilled
through field research can be quite large, and the infiltration happens buildings in hot parts of the state.
any time the fans are operating–thousands of hours every year.
If the exhaust fans you specify for the kitchen and bathrooms are
Until recently, experts only recognized the excess energy costs quiet, chances are better that the occupants will use them. A loud
associated with leaking air ducts. Now such leaks are also understood bathroom fan that wakes up one’s spouse during a pre-dawn shower
to be a frequent cause of mold problems, especially on overcooled is less likely to be used than a remote-mounted, slow speed, quiet
surfaces. When large amounts of humid air are pulled into small, fan. And a loud kitchen exhaust that makes it difficult to converse or
overcooled structures by leaky ducts, condensation and moisture to hear the TV during food preparation is not likely to be switched
accumulation are continuous and mold grows quickly. This is the one on very often.
Remote-mounted fans greatly reduce noise in the occupied space, the walls and floor that connect to the tub need full waterproofing as
but generally cost more to purchase and install. The designer can if they were exterior walls below grade. The designer should expect
weigh the probabilities based on occupant density. When big fami- that these surfaces will get wet, and should specify waterproofing and
lies occupy small spaces, and when occupant cooking preferences select backing materials accordingly.
lean towards slow-cooking and boiling pots, and when the building For example, cement board is a far more moisture-tolerant
is located in one of the cold climate zones, the potential for mold and fault-tolerant material for backing of shower tile than is “green
problems from internally-generated water vapor increases. Especially board” (waxed gypsum board). In fact, the January 2006 update to
under those circumstances, the designer might choose to spend more the International Residential Code (IRC) prohibits that material as a
of the budget on quiet exhaust fans. tile-backer. Specifying a water-resistive layer between the tub/shower
and the sheathing and flooring surrounding that fixture is the best way
Showers and bathtub surrounds need design attention and to ensure that water leaks do not create chronic problems.
moisture-tolerant materials
Don Halvorson, a bathroom design consultant with long experi- In kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms, design for occasional
ence in Southern California, has pointed out that–per square foot–the water leaks and spills
annual indoor “rain load” from a shower is far greater than the out- When water ends up on the floor, it is pulled upwards into gyp-
door rain load on the roof. But the joints around most showers and sum board walls by capillary suction, as shown in figure 3.13. When
most combination bathtub-showers are not designed or constructed gypsum board is installed so that it rests on the flooring, it’s easy for
to the same level of care as roofing connections. They need to be. any water spill or floor-cleaning water to wick up into the wall.
Otherwise, the shower water will get into the walls and grow mold.
This is one reason that mold is so common behind baseboards
This means that the bathtub needs flashing at the tub-wall connec- after water damage. The spilled water wicks up into the gypsum, but
tion. The same goes for any tub or shower shelves, and especially any can’t dry out because the baseboard acts as a vapor retarder. So mold
shelf where a window provides a view from the tub-shower area. Also, grows on the paper-faced gypsum board behind the baseboard.
Fig. 3.14
The importance of a gap at the base of
a gypsum board wall
This building had a small water damage over a
weekend. Because there was no gap between
the floor and the gypsum, water wicked up into
the wall board, as shown in the infrared image
Photos courtesy of
One solution costs very little additional material: just make sure Specify pans under washers and refrigerators
the gypsum board is installed with a gap of 3/8 to 1/2” at the base of The most common source of water damage claims against home
the wall. Then fill that air gap with water-resistant sealant to maintain owners’ insurance is burst or leaking hoses which supply water to
the sound-barrier and fire protective properties of the wall. clothes washers. Leaking water tubing on refrigerator ice makers is
On the other hand, trimming the boards, lifting them, support- another common source of water damage–one which usually falls
ing them and sealing the gap takes more time to install, slowing the outside of homeowners’ insurance coverage. These leaks are usually
construction schedule and requiring more supervision and more small volumes of water, but constant! Because the water leak is not
skill in installation. obvious (no puddle), the mold growth caused by ice maker water
line leaks is very difficult for the homeowner to diagnose and locate.
So it may be more practical to specify gaps at the floor only in
It will usually happen behind the refrigerator, and may also be inside
the areas where water spills and plumbing leaks are most likely, such
the wall rather than on its exposed surface.
as bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Alternatively, it may be
less costly to specify cement board or fiberglass-faced wall board for The designer can reduce the risk of mold from these water
these more vulnerable areas. sources by specifying pans with drains in laundry closets, and by
specifying pans which drain towards the occupied space under re-
Total costs and ease of applying final finishes will probably govern
frigerators–mopping the floor is easier than replacing the wall, and
the designer’s choices. But it’s important to recognize the fact that
bringing the water out in front of the appliance alerts the homeowner
if water spills onto the floor or leaks into a wall, when paper-faced
to the problem.
gypsum board contacts the floor in that location, the moisture wicks
upward quickly. And it may be difficult to dry out, which increases In the case of washer hose connections, a burst hose will dump
mold risk. many gallons per minute of water into the building. So a pan with
a drain is really the only effective way to minimize the catastrophic
consequences of a burst hose.
In contrast, leaks from refrigerator supply water lines are slow
and small–more like drips than streams. So a pan which simply makes
the leak apparent to the owner–by bringing the water forward into the
occupied space–will probably be adequate to alert the homeowner
to repair the leak, avoiding the need to connect to a drain.
In construction, the rubber meets the road. All the theory and
all the best (and worst) development and design decisions come up
against what can really be accomplished by the crews, the subcontrac-
tors, the suppliers and... the supervisor.
Given the astonishing complexity of the process and the design,
the limitations of time and budget, the random skills and attitudes
of available labor, plus the weather–it’s a small miracle that anything
gets built at all, let alone built in a way that won’t lead to mold.
In spite of these obstacles, as one very experienced California
construction executive recently pointed out: “We can reduce 90% of
the mold risk by simply installing the details as designed, and in the
right sequence. The design of the assembly doesn’t have to be ideal, 1. Note the importance of perimeter 2. The finish grading and
drainage when houses are close-set. the driveway both slope
and the crew doesn’t have to be flawless—they never are. You just If this driveway did not drain, water away from the
have to avoid doing it really badly: by missing one of the compo- from the roof would flow against the foundation, reducing the
nents, or assembling it backwards or upside down, or not recognizing foundation. risk that irrigation water
will collect near the
the danger of soggy materials.” building. Otherwise, over
time, some water could
With this observation in mind, here are some suggestions for the 3. Here’s a different home where the leak into the house at
construction phase of the project. grading is not sloped away, so water the foundation to ruin
collects near the foundation every day. flooring and grow mold.
Further, the irrigation spray heads must not spray water up against and pallets are probably less expensive than the schedule interruption
the side of the building. The siding and window penetrations are not that comes from having to discard and replace rain-wet material, or
intended to take the large, continuous moisture load of a daily spray paying to dry it out quickly, or waiting for rain-wet material to dry
of water from below. They’re really designed to protect the building out in the air through natural convection.
from water dripping down from above. So it’s important to check that
the irrigation spray heads are all directed away from the building, 2. KEEPING WATER OUT
and not towards it. During construction, things get wet. There’s no way to avoid this,
because buildings are built outdoors. At the same time, it’s possible
Dry storage for pre-purchased lumber & wall board to minimize the amount of water that gets into the partly-constructed
The builder can reduce mold risk by covering any stored piles of building, and to sequence the trades so that there’s a higher prob-
lumber and gypsum board to protect them from rain. ability of water-tight connections between key components.
Mold on wall board and framing lumber usually grows when these
Foundation slabs - Avoiding both mold and cracks
materials are bought in large volumes to get a good price, then left
Because of the warping and cracking problems caused by rapid
on-site for several weeks until needed for each house.
dry-out in desert climates, and because of the difficulty of placing
In California, storing materials on-site without covers does not and flowing a “dry” batch of concrete, many builders prefer laying
seem risky, because on average the air is dry. That’s why lumber is down the vapor retarder first, then placing and pre-wetting a bed of
usually green or just air-dried in California. Historically, green lumber sand or fine aggregate on top of the vapor retarder. The concrete is
dries out inside the building over the first year or two after construc- poured on top of the wetted layer.
tion (which is not done in most other parts of the US).
The logic for this practice seems strong in some respects. A
But every now and then–even in California–it rains. After rain, soaked-sand or aggregate layer immediately under the slab provides
somebody might notice that the piles of stored wallboard or lumber a reservoir of extra water, useful in a hot climate to provide the water
are now wet. Often, the natural inclination is cover it, to protect it necessary for complete cure. The extra water also partly compensates
from any further rain. for the problem of rapid evaporation from the top of the slab, which
Unfortunately, covering piles of rain-wetted lumber and damp leads to poor surface strength and spalling.
paper-faced gypsum board to protect it from mold is like dousing a Unfortunately, this design also leads to mold and failed flooring.
fire with gasoline to extinguish the flames—the tactic has the opposite The water trapped in the sand or fine aggregate diffuses upward into
of the intended effect. The more effective approach is to: the flooring, because it can’t drain downwards through the vapor
• Store lumber and gypsum board up on pallets, so that retarder. And California law is now quite clear that the designer and
rain water or moisture will not soak into the material builder are responsible for ensuring that floors do not fail due to
from the ground. moisture coming up through the foundation. (For details, see the
• Cover the palletized stacks with tarps before it rains. discussion in the designer’s section of this report.)
This approach seems like it costs time and money against a small So these days, the practice recommended by the American Con-
risk of rain (in most of California for much of the year). But tarps crete Institute in their standard ACI 302.1R-04 calls for placing the
capillary break ( the crushed stone or coarse aggregate layer) first. effective flashing, any leakage stays inside to help grow mold, rather
Then lay the vapor retarder over the stone, and pour the slab directly than being guided back outdoors where it can do no harm.
on top of the vapor retarder. One reason leaks happen at windows is because responsibility is
This is all very well for keeping water out of the flooring. But what diffused between the window manufacturer, the framing crew and the
can the builder do to avoid the premature dryout, spalling, cracking siding crew, with the construction project manager being responsible
and warping which may be more likely now that there is no wet layer for coordination. But this does not always work effectively, because
under the curing concrete? Suggestions include: whenever “everybody is responsible,” nobody really is.
• Spraying the slab immediately with a curing com- One way to reduce the risks is to establish a sequence which
pound, to keep the cement and aggregate from encourages water-tight connections between windows, flashing and
separating from the water, which would weaken the the water-resistive barrier that keeps the water from penetrating into
surface layer of concrete. the sheathing and the interior walls.
• Using a wetted covering to keep moisture in the slab For example, it’s common to have the framing crew install the
until it has reached 80% of its ultimate strength–usu- windows, and then have the lath and plaster crew later install the
ally 7 to 30 days after pour, depending on the mix. water-resistive layer along with the stucco. Sometimes, the days-apart
For a comprehensive visual and technical explanation of ways to separation of these two operations leads to gaps and leaks.
install concrete to avoid moisture problems in flooring, the reader is As an alternative, if the framing crew first installs the water-
encouraged to consult the book titled Concrete Floors and Moisture, resistive barrier, and then that same crew installs the windows, the
written by Howard Kanare in 2005 and published by the Portland probability of a water-tight connection between WRB and window
Cement Association ( flashing is much higher. The bottom line is that if you often have leaks,
consider a different sequence as part of the solution.
Logical trade sequence to minimize leaks around windows
Often, buildings leak water around their windows, because the
flashing around those windows is either missing or ineffective. Without
Fig. 4.3
Avoiding cracks and surface defects
in dry climates
Keep the concrete wet after finishing, then
use either a sprayed liquid curing compound
or a plastic sheet to ensure that enough
water stays in the concrete to cure properly,
These measures minimize common cracking,
warping and surface spalling without the
need to saturate the underlayment—water
which eventually diffuses upward to support
mold growth in flooring.
let water drain out of the bottom of the stucco before it penetrates
imperfections in the water-resistive barrier.
Laboratory experiments confirm that stucco can adhere so tightly
to the metal that no water can get through the joint. When that joint
is clogged, the only way the wall can release the water is to dry it
slowly out the front of the stucco, instead of the much faster and more
effective mechanism of gravity drainage.
To avoid moisture accumulation in the stucco at the bottom of
the wall, the designer can specify that before the stucco is applied,
the plaster and lath crew must spray the weep screed and any con-
trol joint metal with household lubricant (while being careful not
to overspray onto housewrap, because oily lubricant would let the
housewrap transmit water instead of excluding it).
The research in this area is weak, because it is not based on mold the dimensional change and drying stress that occurs between 19%
in completed building assemblies–which are both more robust and moisture content and 8% moisture content is already substantial. For
more fragile than these same assemblies in the laboratory. So the example, a two-story house is likely to shorten by about 3/4” as the
19% maximum for the supporting frame is not a guarantee that no framing lumber dries from 19% to 8%. An initial moisture content
mold will grow on the wall board. Also, buildings have been built higher than 19% would only increase the probability of nails popping
with wood framing moisture levels near 19% without problems. It all out of wall board, or wall-ceiling joints cracking open, or chimney
depends on what is next to that moist wood, how wet the wall board flashing coming loose as the framing dries and the frame adjusts to
is at installation, how quickly the moisture leaves the wood, whether the new dimensions of the lumber.
any trim or wall covering traps that moisture in the wall board, and So measuring wood moisture content and making sure the frame
many other factors. is dry before applying wall board makes sense both to reduce mold
But overall, forensic building investigators in California have risk and to minimize callbacks caused by aesthetic problems.
noted an association between wood framing moisture over 19% and Measuring moisture content is very simple. Just push the pins of a
mold growing on paper-faced gypsum wall board. moisture meter into the wood and take the reading. Deciding where
The US Department of Agriculture’s Wood Handbook suggests to measure and how many places is more complicated. Research
that wood for framing be below a 15% average moisture content, and is not extensive regarding measurement locations and measurement
without a reading above 19%, largely to minimize the dimensional frequency to be sure of avoiding problems.
change and warping that happens as the framing dries. (The Canadian Until better-supported recommendations are available, the
Wood Council and the recommendations in the Gypsum Construc- builder might consider taking some advice supported by a report
tion Handbook also agree with 19% as a maximum.) In most parts to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.1 Take several
of California, wood dried indoors will dry down to about 8%. So moisture measurements along the length of the sole plate, and two
measurements on several vertical studs in each wall: at the base of the
stud, and about halfway from the floor to the ceiling. If any moisture
reading is above 19%, then take more readings on that wall to see
if all of its framing is wet, or if the members are only wet where the
initial measurements were taken.
Fig. 4.6
Moisture measurements Measure moisture in wall board before paint and cabinets
Things get wet—and they might stay wet Wet wall board grows mold. Strong cautions are given by the
enough to grow mold after everything is
gypsum manufacturing industry and the installers’ associations to
“make sure the wall board is dry before applying finishes.” Unfor-
The only way to know for certain is to tunately, these industries and the field research are silent on exactly
measure the moisture content of framing
how dry the wall board must be to ensure that finishes will not fail
before hanging wall board, and measure
wall board before painting or hanging and that mold growth will not happen. That’s probably because no
cabinents. single moisture content number covers all cases.
Fig. 4.7
Building the way it was
It doesn’t have to be perfect...
just not really bad. Installing
something the way it was
designed solves most problems,
but that’s not always as easy as it
sounds when more than one trade
is involved in joining separate
Anecdotal experience from forensic investigators suggests that a Sequencing (and supervision) to ensure it’s built as designed
maximum moisture content of 0.8% is seldom associated with mold When different trades meet at a corner, who goes under, and who
growth, but that 1.1% is often observed in moldy wall board. When goes over? Unless both workers know the answer, and know why it is
wall board moisture content is measured with a wood moisture meter important, there’s only a 50-50 chance of correct assembly. And with
(much easier to find and less expensive than meters with gypsum water, the consequences of the wrong guess are quite problematic.
scales), a gypsum moisture content of 0.9% would read as roughly Figure 4.7 shows one example. The designer, builder and supervisor
16% softwood moisture content. (Investigators sometimes record all knew that the roofing paper must lap under the housewrap—but
this reading as the “Wood moisture equivalent,” or they abbreviate the guy installing the paper either didn’t know that, or didn’t care.
the description as WME). The supervisor caught this one, because the fault is obvious to him,
So perhaps until comprehensive research or more explicit guid- and because he understands the consequences. The key is to pass
ance from industry becomes available, it might be useful to use 0.9% that understanding along to the workers, and give them enough time
(or 16% as measured by a wood moisture meter) as an indicator so they can install the design the way it was intended.
that gypsum wall board is “dry enough” to apply finish, and to avoid
mold growth.
Fig. 4.8 It is a small matter requiring very little time and cost to check
Plumbing leaks are all too common the angles and to adjust the start and end points of the spray heads.
after construction
But making sure that daily spray water stays off the house is a major
This photo serves as a reminder of the
number of potential leak points in the reduction in the net annual water load, and therefore a major reduc-
plumbing system. Every connection is tion in mold risk for all parties.
vulnerable, and of course there’s always the
possibility of nail punctures....
One builder has a standing contract with
a drying service because the problem is so
frequent. One way to reduce the frequency Make sure spray-on cellulose insulation is dry before covering
is to require photo documentation of the with gypsum wall board
pressure test that all plumbers are supposed
to accomplish. Spray-on cellulose insulation is a very effective insulator, and it
helps seal up cracks, improving the air tightness of the exterior wall.
But it goes on wet.
Require documented plumbing pressure test Spray-on cellulose must not be covered up until it has dried
With flexible, cross-linked polyethylene tubing (PEX), plumbing down to a moisture content low enough to avoid transferring excess
of water lines is much faster than in the past, with fewer joints. But moisture to the more mold-vulnerable wall board which covers it.
water leaks after construction remain a significant cause of mold The cellulose insulation itself might be treated to limit mold growth,
problems. Although codes call for pressure-testing of the water sup- but the moisture it contains can play havoc with nearby materials.
ply lines, the test is not always documented well, perhaps reflecting
Use a wood-based moisture meter with long, insulated probes to
some occasional shortcomings in this area.
penetrate all the way to the back of the cellulose—to the insulation
The builder can reduce his risk of mold by insisting on docu- in contact with the sheathing. As a rule of thumb, if the cellulose
mentation of the pressure test results, including the clearly printed moisture content as measured on the softwood scale reads under
name and contact information of the tester, the date of the test and 16%, it’s probably dry enough to cover with wall board. But:
the starting and ending times with photographs of the measured
• The manufacturer of the insulation will have specific
pressures with time and date stamps on the photos.
guidance on this topic.
Documentation of the required test should not add cost to the
• If the interior walls are to be covered with material
plumbing subcontract, and it will clearly indicate to the installer that
that inhibits drying (like thick paint or vinyl wall
leaks are not acceptable. The documentation will also help establish
covering), the risk of trapping moisture and growing
who is responsible for leaks if they occur later in construction, or dur-
mold is much higher.
ing ownership–reducing the financial risks of mold for the builder.
• If the gypsum board has been treated with fungicide,
Check and set the arc of irrigation spray heads it may be less sensitive to mold growth from drying
Rotating spray heads are not always checked and adjusted at insulation.
the end of the project, and the homeowner may not be aware of the • “Factory-dry” gypsum board will measure less than
importance of keeping water off the building. 8% moisture content when measured with a typical
wood-based meter, and under 0.5% when measured Consider applying mold-resistant sealer to gain drying time
by a meter designed only for gypsum. If the gypsum Sometimes when construction gets wet it’s not practical to dry it
board has been left out in the rain or is otherwise quickly. Or in other cases, the amount of moisture remaining in the
partly moistened, it may be very vulnerable to mold framing might be a concern for the wall board, but not for the frame.
growth catalyzed by additional moisture from the In those cases and others, the builder might consider spraying a mold-
insulation, so a lower insulation moisture content will resistant coating, often called a sealer, onto mold-sensitive materials
be needed to prevent a problem. that run a risk of absorbing moisture as nearby wet material dries
out. Coatings, such as that seen in figure 4.9, can provide a measure
Dry to keep the project on schedule of insurance against mold growth during a temporary high-moisture
It’s all very well to recommend keeping materials dry, and using condition during construction.
dry framing lumber. But what happens to the schedule when things It’s important to keep in mind that drying is the only certain way
get wet in spite of good precautions? There are two choices, neither to prevent mold. But the more mold-resistant the material, the longer
of which is especially appealing: the drying time can be without mold growth.
1. Keep moving. Enclose wet materials, hope for the best
and add money to the warranty reserve to cover the
cost of some percent of failure.
2. Dry out the wet material with dehumidifiers, blowers
and/or a drying service, adding cost and possibly
another trade to the job.
The “keep moving” tactic may be the most common and highest
risk approach. But in some cases it’s appropriate, such as when the
excess moisture is confined to a part of the structure that’s likely to
dry out, and the weather is likely to be dry, and any gypsum board
will remain unfinished—as in a semi-finished garage.
Fig. 4.9
In parts of the house that would require costly repair, such as Mold-resistant sealers can extend
bathrooms and kitchens, or rooms with extensive finished woodwork, safe drying time
drying quickly with fans and dehumidifiers is probably the most It’s always better to keep materials dry, or
to dry them out quickly when they get wet.
certain way to minimize risk and keep the schedule on-track. Heat- Ultimately, keeping materials dry is the only
ers may also be useful for drying, provided they are indirect-fired. certain means of preventing mold growth. But
when the construction moisture is temporary
Direct-fired heaters add a great deal of moisture to the air, and are and not extensive, or when you seek an extra
often counterproductive. For more extensive wetting situations, it may measure of insurance against occasional
be less costly to employ a drying service company. This is a robust small leaks, a mold-resistant coating can
reduce mold risk for moisture-sensitive
and competitive industry, which has grown nationwide during the last materials, which essentially buys drying time
20 years to help minimize property insurance losses. for the building.
How to deal with mold if it grows during construction From what is currently known about the health effects of moldy
If the building grows mold before it is occupied, you can be sure that building materials3, it’s clear that it’s a bad idea to breathe building-
its materials were much too wet to close in, or that the joints are very related mold, or ingest it or to rub it against your skin. It’s also clear
vulnerable to water intrusion. In either case, the problem is not likely that some people are more sensitive to building-related mold than
to be inexpensive to fix. The basic answer to mold problems is: others, and that people who are not currently sensitive can become
1. Figure out why the materials got wet enough to grow sensitized after repeated exposure. So in addition to being concerned
mold, and stop the source of the moisture. with the future occupants’ health, the builder should take precautions
to protect workers from fungal exposure. The appropriate levels of
2. Remove the moldy material right away. Use personal
protection are not clear in a construction situation. But in general, the
protective equipment to avoid inhaling the fungal frag-
more the space is enclosed, the greater the risk to workers removing
ments and cover exposed skin to avoid skin contact.
moldy material. So mold which grows later in the schedule requires
Pull moldy materials and assemblies apart gently;
more care in removal than at early stages when the building may still
don’t hack them up so that fungal fragments and
be open to outdoor air dilution.
contaminated dust fill the workers’ breathing zone.
During construction, it’s nearly always less costly to remove and
2. Measure the moisture content of remaining materials
replace moldy materials than to attempt to clean them to a level
near where the mold grew. If they are still damp, dry
of cleanliness that would avoid respiratory irritation (or worse)
them out.
in sensitive occupants. But to explore this option, a builder can
3. Photograph, measure and record the moisture content review guidelines developed for mold remediation by the cleaning
of the materials after they are dry, to document the fact industry. Standard S520 was produced by a volunteer committee of
that they are not only free of mold, but do not have professionals supervised by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and
enough moisture in them to grow mold in any new Restoration Certification ( That standard provides
materials. highly detailed guidance on how to inspect for and clean up mold in
4. Rebuild the affected area with new, dry material. existing buildings. Following the recommendations of S520 is a fairly
This advice is informed by guidelines published by the US Envi- time-consuming and costly procedure. Cleaning is more suited to
ronmental Protection Agency’s Indoor Environment Division in 2001.2 long-occupied buildings where there is no low-cost access to removal
Their guidelines were intended for mold remediation in schools and and reconstruction, as is the case on a construction job site.
commercial buildings after they have been built and occupied. There Removing mold from a construction project is seldom going to
are currently no mold removal guidelines intended specifically for be either quick, easy or cheap. Buildings are completed more quickly
residential buildings still under construction. and less expensively when materials are kept dry.
siding. The chances are very good that one of these assemblies will Adjust irrigation spray heads to keep water off the house
leak to some extent. If the irrigation nozzles are not directed perfectly, If the irrigation spray heads rotate, it’s important that their spray
or if one or more of the nozzles are snapped off, the system can be arcs be adjusted so they will not spray water on the house. Some of
responsible for daily water infiltration, and the mold which results. the most notorious mold problems in California housing have come
Secondly, the plants themselves shelter the building from wind, from irrigation systems that wetted down the walls daily, combined
preventing the lower part of the building’s exterior from drying out with slight imperfections and wider-than-ideal joints between windows
after rain or misdirected irrigation. and walls. The spray water gets in through cracks and diffuses slowly
through exterior cladding, and mold grows.
So in the interest of both water conservation and reducing mold
risk, it’s best not to choose plantings that must be near the founda- Although the builder might have adjusted these arcs before
tion, and to avoid plants which need an irrigation system to survive. turning over the house, he also might not have. And even if he did,
the spray angles are bound to go out of adjustment over the life of
These will not always be popular alternatives. When an owner
the building. The homeowner can reduce the mold risk in a major
decides in favor of foundation plantings and daily irrigation, he should
way, for basically no cost, by simply making sure that the irrigation
be aware that these are risky with respect to mold. To minimize that
spray heads are not soaking down the building, nor allowing water
risk, the owner should, at the very least, ensure that:
to pool near the foundation.
• Bushes and other plants are placed as far away from
the foundation as your aesthetic preference allows, Xeriscape (dry landscaping) reduces mold risk
and kept trimmed as low as possible, to let drying air Most of California is a dry climate, which has an inherently lower
circulate near the foundation behind them. mold risk than, for example, South Florida with its high water table
and constant rain.
But the typical landscaping preference for a green lawn radically If you must paint stucco, as many owners do, recognize that every
increases the water load on California houses, raising the mold risk coat of paint makes it less likely that trapped water will be able to dry
from any slight imperfection in the exterior walls or foundation. The out. The thicker the paint, the greater the mold risk.
numbers are staggering. A family home in the Los Angeles area uses When you have no choice but to paint, be certain to get a very
thousands of gallons per month for irrigation. If any of that water permeable paint. Ask for paint rated at 10 perm or greater.
gets into the exterior walls or foundation of your home, it can sup-
port mold growth. Dry out carpets after cleaning
To reduce mold risk to the inherently low levels allowed by the Most commercial carpet cleaners leave a great deal of water
dry California climate, an owner can choose xeriscape instead of in the carpet—gallons and gallons of it. Of course many cleaning
plants or design features which need daily watering, like grass lawns. companies are more careful to extract a high percentage of the water
Xeriscape relies on native plants and grasses which tolerate lower they spray. But the prudent homeowner will recognize the potential
annual rain rates, or which can thrive with very little irrigation. for problems when gallons of water are sprayed into the home, and
Most often, the choice of landscaping is heavily influenced by the will make sure that the carpets dry out completely before the drying
owner. If you decide you like the “dry look,” you can conserve our fans and/or dehumidifiers are shut down after carpet cleaning.
national water resources, save yourself money, reduce the time you Ask your contractor to demonstrate the fact that the carpet is dry
spend on weekly maintenance and also reduce the risk of mold. before his drying equipment is removed. When in doubt, step on a
paper towel laid onto the carpet. If it comes up damp, the drying is
Keep gutters free of leaves and keep rain water away from your not yet complete.
Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water flowing down Don’t disconnect the clothes dryer exhaust hose
the side of the house instead of being drained away from the founda- In all but the cold climate zones, internally-generated humidity
tion. Make sure that water can flow freely through the gutters and is usually not a concern in California. But there are exceptions. One
downspouts. Then, make sure that when water exits the downspout, is the classic case of the clothes dryer which vents its humid air into
it’s well-away from the foundation. Two feet away from the edge of the building rather than to the weather. When clothes dry, they release
the house is a good minimum. many pounds of water vapor into the exhaust air. If that highly humid
air is not vented out of the home, it will cause problems indoors, and
can, over time, lead to mold.
2. KEEPING WATER OUT This caution is especially important in cold climates. The volume
of condensation is greater when the walls are colder. At the same
Use highly-permeable paint for exterior stucco
time, it seems like it might be a good energy saving technique to keep
Over time, stucco cracks. That’s the fact. When you paint stucco,
hot air inside the home when it’s cold outdoors. It’s not a good idea.
any moisture that gets through the cracks can be trapped there, and
High humidity indoors leads to mold. Make sure the dryer is venting
will lead to mold at some point–usually at the bottom of the wall. If
its exhaust air outdoors, all the time, in all climates.
you have an option during construction, choose a pigmented stucco
mix rather than painted stucco.
Recognize that indoor plants evaporate moisture constantly 3. LIMITING MOLD GROWTH
A few plants are not going to release enough water vapor to cause The longer materials stay wet, the higher the probability they
a mold problem. But if you really enjoy having a dense growth of will grow mold. The earlier sections of this report have numerous
plants indoors, recognize that they are loading the home with water suggestions for developers and builders with respect to features that
vapor all day, every day. All of the water you pour into their pots is can be built into the home to allow it to drain water and to dry out
eventually evaporated into the air. So if you are providing them with any water quickly. It’s useful for the owner to also appreciate the
many pints per day, it’s useful to remember that these pounds of water importance of quick drying and to avoid changing the building in
vapor should be removed from the air, either by exhausting some air ways that prevent fast drying.
periodically, or by running a dehumidifier.
Invest in a low-cost humidity monitor. If you find the indoor rela- Know where the master water shut-off valve is located
tive humidity is constantly above 50%, you might want to consider When pipes break, it’s rather discouraging to watch gallon after
installing a dehumidifier. If it’s constantly above 60%, realize you’re gallon of water pour onto the floors and into the walls. So it’s a good
running a degree of mold risk more common in humid climates. If idea to find the master shut-off valve for the water supplied to your
it’s frequently above 70%, realize that some forms of mold are able home. That way, there’s a better chance you’ll be able to find it during
to grow in common building materials that have absorbed humidity a panic situation, and shut it off.
at that level–even without gross water leakage.
Dry moist materials immediately
Use your shower and kitchen exhaust fans Any time you see water inside the home, stop the source, mop
Showers and boiling pots are frequent–but small–sources of it up and dry out the remaining moisture immediately–in as few
internally-generated water vapor in homes. Neither of these humid- minutes or hours as possible. Don’t wait until the experts arrive to
ity loads is significant compared to even a small water leak in the do these obvious things.
exterior building envelope. Until recently, it was not clear to the insurance industry or to
On the other hand, if you have many people living in your home owners that wetted buildings were any immediate concern. So
home and they all take showers once a day, the water vapor load for years the industry asked homeowners to wait until the adjustor
can become a contributor to excess moisture in the walls near the could visit the wetted home before beginning any repairs. That was
bathroom. Similarly, if your cooking preferences tend towards pots very poor advice with respect to minimizing mold risk, and typical
which boil for long periods, recognize that the kitchen air is filling adjustor case loads have increased ten-fold in the last 20 years, which
with water vapor. means mold could grow for days or weeks before any insurance
If you simply run the kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans when representative reviews the case.
these activities are underway, you’ll get rid of the excess humidity So these days, the advice from the insurance industry is to dry
and prevent any negative effects from the modest amount of moisture immediately. In fact, some companies may decline to cover all or part
generated by these two sources. of a water loss if the homeowner has not “mitigated the damage” by
drying immediately.
This advice is not a substitute for professional drying when the Avoid storing paper and fabric in damp locations
damage is extensive. When a pipe breaks in a winter cottage and the It’s futile to prohibit storage in damp spaces. But one should
damage is not discovered for hours or days, you’ll need professional recognize the mold risk and take steps to minimize the dimension
help to make sure everything has been dried to quantified moisture of the problem. For example, store papers and clothing in plastic or
levels. Also, the level of concern should be equal to the amount and metal containers, and lift these up on blocks, to avoid direct contact
duration of wetting involved. A few molecules of water are not an im- with moist surfaces. And consider using a dehumidifier in those
portant mold risk. If the kids occasionally drip water though the house storage spaces, when the environment is damp.
from wet bathing suits, one should not panic about mold risk.
The main point is that your fast response keeps water from If you see condensation, it’s a potential problem
spreading into materials which might soak it up. Reducing total water If you see visible condensation on the inside of your home, it’s
absorption reduces the net mold risk. Also, the longer things stay an indicator that moisture is probably building up in the walls at that
wet, the greater the mold risk. So try to dry them out as quickly as moment as well.
possible–in minutes or hours rather than days and weeks. There’s no need to panic when humid air condenses on the
bathroom mirror after a shower. But when, for no obvious reason,
Avoid interior wall finishes which are vapor retarders moisture droplets appear on windows or walls, you can take it as an
When you smell mold but can’t see it, chances are good that indicator that the indoor humidity is rather high. When condensa-
mold is growing inside the walls because moisture has been trapped tion persists over hours, or recurs for many days, it’s time to figure
inside them. out what’s causing the high humidity and eliminate the source of the
You can avoid trapping moisture in the walls by choosing vapor- excess moisture.
permeable paints instead of vapor retarder paints, and by choosing
paper-based wall paper instead of vinyl. For paints, look for perme- If you see water stains indoors in a new home, call the builder
ability ratings above 10 and preferably above 15. When a problem goes beyond slight condensation all the way
to water stains, it’s time to call the builder if the house is within the
Bathrooms are one exception to this advice, and cold climates
warranty period. If the home is older, then you’ll need to investigate
are another. If the building is located in the cold mountains where
the problem yourself, or find a building investigator who is familiar
the heating season is long, then interior vapor retarder paints are
with moisture problems in buildings to diagnose the problem and
useful, especially in bathrooms and kitchens. You’d like to avoid
recommend solutions.
having interior water vapor diffuse outward into the walls, where
it could condense. But except for bathrooms, in most of California, If a stain appears after a rainstorm, it’s likely that the water
vapor retarder paints are not a good idea. They increase mold risk came from rainwater intrusion. If the stain does not seem to have
by keeping the walls from releasing moisture towards the relatively any relation to the timing of rain, then it may be related to leaks in
dry interior of the home. plumbing. But these are only the two most obvious of the dozens of
reasons that water stains appear, and leak investigations can become
quite complex.
If the stains recur, then clearly the problem should be a bigger how dry is “dry enough” to keep mold from growing in common
concern. Documenting the frequency, location and moisture content indoor building materials and furnishings?
of the stained materials will be very helpful to the professional who Somewhat surprisingly, at present there are no simple answers to
helps you diagnose the problem, whether that is the builder or a this question. Laboratory results are not as useful as one might hope.
third party. In the real world, materials are sometimes more fragile and other
times more robust than their behavior in a controlled experiment.
When in doubt, measure moisture content
But it may be useful to know that if you measure the moisture
As most people know, mold cannot grow unless there is enough
content of gypsum wall board or wood products with a moisture meter
moisture in its food source. So as a homeowner, when you notice that
built for wood, and if the reading is above 16%, it’s an indicator that
wall board or wood or carpets are perceptibly wet, it’s clear these
the moisture content is well above the 6 to 8% recommended aver-
materials should be dried out. But then the obvious question arises:
age for wood products indoors in California (USDA Forest Products
Fig. 5.4 Moisture measurements and mold growth
Edge of visible mold growth
This series of photos shows that even over a distance of an inch, moisture content
can vary widely. In the area reading 11% WME (wood moisture equivalent) this piece
of unprotected wall board has grown no mold, even after more than a year of contact
with a damp floor. But across the edge of the visible growth less than an inch away, the
moisture reads 5% higher. And as the meter moves to the right into more moldy areas,
the measurement rises above 19%. When using a wood-based meter, as shown here,
a reading of 16% is an indicator that moisture is well above the USDA recommended
average of 6 to 8% for indoor wood in California climates. (If this particular gypsum
board were “factory” dry, it would read less than 8% on this meter.)
Note: like most readily-available meters, this one is made for wood, not gypsum. A
gypsum meter would show readings of 0.4 in the dry area to 1.1 in the moldy area.
That’s why these readings, taken with a wood meter, are described as WME - wood
moisture equivalent. Also, keep in mind that readings are probably only within ±3 to 5%
of the true value. (Don’t assign much significance to that impressive-looking decimal!)
11% WME, measured on the dry side
15% WME, measured across the visible edge 19% WME, measured on the moldy side 23% WME, measured in the moldy area
Laboratory, Wood Handbook). Such a reading might indicate that Responding to mold risk is similar. A homeowner can decide
either the material is still drying out after construction, or that ex- not to live in a house that has high mold risk. Or having decided to
cess moisture has gotten into that material from some more current purchase a house with higher risks, one can minimize these risks by
source. Note that materials exposed to the weather outdoors change recognizing and minimizing risk factors.
moisture constant constantly, so readings above 16% outdoors are It’s not easy to assess mold risk, even for professionals. But you
quite common and may be normal. can make a good start by reading the earlier sections of this report and
To be clear, the authors of this report have no intention of im- seeing what risk reduction measures can be taken by the developer,
plying a maximum 16% moisture content reading on a wood-based designer and builder. Then compare your home (or the one you are
moisture meter should be considered a standard. Nor do we mean to planning to buy) to those suggestions.
suggest that mold will not grow below that level. Until more conclusive If your home has been built with more risk factors, you might
research can be accomplished, the 16% threshold is simply, in our want to give more attention to any water accumulation. For example, if
opinion, a useful trigger point which suggests further diagnostics by your condominium building is surrounded by decorative earth berms
a professional. covered with grass requiring daily irrigation, you would want to make
sure that water does not run down the berms and collect near the
IN SUMMARY, ADJUST YOUR CONCERN IN PROPORTION foundation of your unit. Or if your hillside house extends all the way
TO BASELINE RISKS to the edge of your uphill neighbor’s property line, you might want
Nothing in life is free of risk. Those living in California are well- to discreetly examine the drainage in his yard to make sure it does
aware that earthquakes happen, but they choose to live in the State not flow water against your walls during a rainstorm.
in spite of that risk. One can minimize the risk from earthquakes by
deciding not to live near fault lines. Or if that is not economically Similarly, in developments with higher risk factors, it would be
practical, one can minimize the risk by understanding what to do if appropriate to make sure that your irrigation, or roof and yard drain-
an earthquake should occur near your home. age are not creating higher mold risk for your neighbors.
Engineered solutions typically work well for targeted problems. can be very good, but you really don’t want to know how it was made.
However, they can have a spectrum of other impacts for untargeted Unfortunately, letting others develop these standards might result in
areas. For example, a high permeance water-resistive barrier is an new regulations or codes that add cost or limit flexibility of designs
excellent method of keeping water out while letting vapor through. without full consideration of the overall impact. It is important for
This solves one type of problem faced by builders – how to keep water builders, designers, and homeowners to get involved in local, state,
out of the wall while letting vapor flow and keep the inside of the and national codes and standards processes to have their viewpoints
wall cavity relatively dry. This technology can actually create another adequately considered. This is often not easy, but the alternative is to
problem when it permits the vapor to flow freely if the interior of the let others decide the future and trust that they will get it right. Getting
wall is cool enough (e.g., air conditioned spaces in humid climates involved is as simple as volunteering and showing up at meetings,
such as Florida) to allow that vapor to condense, because the water- and it can be very rewarding to provide a positive influence on the
resistive barrier will then act to keep the water in the cavity where
future quality of new homes.
it can do damage.
There are numerous problems that might occur under certain FINAL POINTS
combinations of circumstances whose solutions are at odds with other Houses in California face very different environmental factors
high probability scenarios and problems. These conflicting situations
(sun, wind, rain, soil, earthquakes, floods) than houses in the South-
and scenarios force the developer, designer, and homeowner to make
east United States. For this reason, no single approach will work well
tradeoffs and economic decisions that are intended to reduce the net
in all situations. Still, all houses face a number of common challenges
risk, or possibly the risk of the more likely situations at the expense
during their lives such as rain, landscape irrigation, groundwater,
of increased risk for less likely situations.
interior moisture loads, structural leaks, and plumbing leaks. Du-
GETTING INVOLVED IN VOLUNTARY STANDARDS rable, affordable houses require the developer, designer, builder,
Voluntary consensus standards work best to minimize unintended and homeowner to make informed choices that always implement
consequences when all affected parties are involved in creating and the most cost-effective solutions to common problems, and to make
updating them. The slow, deliberative nature of these standards intelligent tradeoffs that improve system performance for the unique
processes has been likened to making sausage: The final product challenges faced by each house in its specific location.
Section 1 - Summary 6. Drying and Control of Moisture Content and Dimensional
1. Construction Quality Survey, September 2003. Criterium Engi- Change - Chapter 12, The Wood Handbook, 1999 edition.
neers, Portland, ME. (PDF) U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Products Laboratory,
2. Custom report provided for this project by the California Insurance Madison, WI.
Department, 2004. 7. “The impact of part-load air conditioner operation on de-
humidification performance,” 1998. Hugh I. Henderson, P.E.
Section 3 - Design Proceedings of the 1998 Indoor Air Quality Symposium. Published
1. ACI 302.1R-04 - Guide for Concrete Floor & Slab Construction by ASHRAE. Atlanta, GA
(PDF) Portland Cement Association, Skokie IL. www.cement.
org Section 4 - Construction
2. Concrete Floors and Moisture, 2005. Howard Kanare. Published 1. Guidelines for on-site measurement of moisture in wood
by the Portland Cement Association, Skokie IL. www.cement. building materials, September 2001. (PDF) Forintek, Canada.
org Published by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation,
Ottawa, ONT, Canada.
3. International Residential Code, 2004 supplement. Section R
703.6.3. Published by the International Code Council, Falls 2. Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings,
Church, VA, 2001. (PDF) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Indoor
Environments Division, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental
4. Water Management Guide 2004. Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D., Pub-
Protection Agency, Indoor Air Division.
lished by Building Science press, Westford, MA. www.building-
3. Damp Indoor Spaces and Human Health, 2004. (PDF) National
5. ASTM Standard E2112: Standard Practice for Installation of
Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC.
Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights. (PDF) ASTM Interna-
tional, Philadelphia, PA.
Suggestions from Government Water in Buildings: An Architect’s Guide to Moisture & Mold, 2005.
Moisture-Resistant Homes: A Best Practice Guide and Plan Review William Rose, Ph.D, AIA, PE John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ www.
Tool for Builders & Designers, 2006. (PDF) Newport Partners.
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Office of Policy
Building Science for Building Enclosures, 2005. John Straube, Ph.D.
Development & Research, Washington, DC.
& Eric Burnett, Ph.D. Building Science Press, Westford, MA. www.
Guidelines for on-site measurement of moisture in wood build-
Humidity Control Design Guide, 2006. Harriman, Brundrett & Kittler.
ing materials, September 2001. Forintek, Canada. Published by the
ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA
Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ottawa, ONT, Canada.
Concrete Foundations
Concrete Floors and Moisture, 2005. Howard Kanare. Published by
Construction Industry Guidelines
the Portland Cement Association, Skokie IL.
“Managing the Risk of Mold in the Construction of Buildings,”
2003. (PDF) Mold Litigation task Force of the Associated General ACI 302.1R04 - Guide for Concrete Floor & Slab Construction
Contractors of America, Arlington, VA (PDF) Portland Cement Association, Skokie IL.