DOC-baiyyinah Notes
DOC-baiyyinah Notes
DOC-baiyyinah Notes
2.9 اإلضافة........................................................................................................................................ 24
The smallest unit in language is the letter. Letters come together to form words, words come together
to form fragments, and fragments come together to form sentences. We will begin our study by learning
about the unit that is second from the bottom on the hierarchy – words. There are THREE TYPES of WORDS
in Arabic:
1. ا ِْسم
2. ف ِْعل
3. َح ْرف
Every word in Arabic falls into one of these three categories. Let us learn the definition of each.
ُا ِالسْم
An اسمis defined as A PERSON , PLACE , THING, IDEA, ADJECTIVE , ADVERB, and MORE . Let us look at examples
of each.
- Muhammad
- Maryam
- teacher
- writer
Notice that the name of the person can be specific (Muhammad/Maryam) or general
- Egypt
- Arabia
- school
- store
Notice again that the name of the place can be specific (Egypt/Arabia) or general (school/store)
- book
- pen
- camera
- table
A thing is a material object that can be touched (see the examples above).
- justice
- happiness
- education
- authority
Ideas are different than things in that they are abstract and intangible – things that cannot be
touched (see the examples above).
- He will succeed.
- He will give up.
The action has not yet occurred; it is something that will occur in the future.
To test whether a word is a فعلor not, place the word “I” before it. If it makes sense, it is a فعل.
Otherwise, it is not.
Let us put the word “came” to the test. → I came → This makes sense, so “came” is a فعل
Let us put the word “ice cream” to the test. → I ice cream → This does not make sense, so “ice cream is
not a ”فعل.
ُال َح ْرف
definition for a حرفis a word that is neither an اسمnor a فعل.
- to
- from
- in
- with
- until
- if
For instance, “I came from” is an incomplete thought. The word “from” is a حرف. For this reason, it
makes no sense on its own and requires either an اسمor فعلafter it. “I came from home,” on the other
hand, is a complete thought because the حرفis followed by an اسم.
➢ DRILL 1 Determine whether the words below are ( اسمI) or ( فعلF) or ( حرفH ).
We invited guests for dinner. They arrived early. I told my son to give them fruits and drinks and I put
the chicken in the oven hurriedly. He dropped the tray on the white carpet and the drinks spilled.
Guests are coming again today. I will remind him to carry the tray carefully this time.
In addition to the vocabulary listed above you are responsible for the following tables included in
these chapters:
- Muslim Chart
o Normal
o Light
- Pronouns
- Harf of Jarr
- Harf of Nasb
- Special Mudhaaf
- 5 Special Isms
CHAPTER 2 – اإلعراب
The first of the three types of words that we will study is the اسم. Every اسمhas four properties. Their four
properties are status ()اإلعراب, gender ()اجلنس, number ()العدد, and type ()القسم.
Status إعراب
Gender جنس
Number عدد
Sentences Fragments Words حرف
Status إعراب
Gender جنس
Number عدد
Status is the first of the four properties. Status has to do with the role an اسمis playing in a sentence. In
Arabic, an اسمcan have one of three statuses. The status depends on the role the اسمis playing.
STATUS #1 : THE DOER - رَ ف ع
The doer is the one who carries out the action. Take a look at the following examples.
The action here is “ate”. Now ask yourself who it was who ate. It is the speaker “I” who did the
action. In this sentence “I” is the doer.
My tooth is aching.
The action here is “aching”. Now asking yourself what is doing the aching. It is the tooth. In this
sentence “tooth” is the doer.
رفعis also known as the default status. If there is no reason for an اسمto be put in another status, it
remains in the رفعstatus.
ْ ْ ٌ ُ َ
The doer is always in the َرف ٌعstatus. The way you say “in the َرفعstatus” in Arabic is م ْرف ْوع. MEMORIZE this
term and use it.
ْ َ
The detail refers to additional information about the action. When looking for a detail in a sentence,
follow a two-step process:
ْ َ ْ َ َْ
The detail is always in the نصبstatus. The way you say “in the نصبstatus” in Arabic is من ُص ْو ٌب. MEMORIZE
this term and use it.
This status is straightforward and easy to spot. There are some cases, however, in which the “of” is not
clear and the sentence must be rearranged to make the “of” easy to spot. The fragment “my book” for
instance, can be rearranged to read “book of mine.” In this case, the word “my” or “mine” is the word
after of.
How do you know when a fragment needs rearranging? Whenever you see possession (his, hers, my, our
etc.), the fragment can be rearranged to show the “of”.
The after-of is always in the َجرstatus. The way you say “in the َجرstatus” in Arabic is َم ُر ْو ٌر. MEMORIZE this
term and use it.
➢ DRILL 1 Determine the status of each اسم. Label them ( رفعR) or ( نصبN) or ( جرJ ).
The teacher entered the classroom. His student was sleeping soundly. He threw a pencil, and the
student woke up suddenly. The student’s mother called the teacher the next day and confronted him
In English, we were able to determine the status based on the meaning. In Arabic, however, status is
determined by a marker or sign at the end of the word.
As you know, there are three statuses in Arabic. There are, however, more than three status markers or
signs. In other words, there are more than three ways that the status of a word can show. This is
because each status can show in different ways depending on the number and the gender of the word.
It is important to keep in mind that whenever you are trying to figure out the status of an Ism you must
look at the ending of the word. There are two types of endings we will see, ending sounds (vowel
change at the end) and ending combinations (letters added to the end of a word).
The number/gender variations are singular, pair, masculine plural, and feminine plural. Take a look at
the charts below. Notice how each status looks different depending on the number and the gender of
the word.
The word مسلمis the base. Anything beyond the last letter – in this case, the ( – مwhether it is a حركةor
letters) is part of the status marker.
َ ْ ُم ْسلم
ي ي
َْ ْ ُ
ُم ْس ِل ًما
ِِ ِ مس ِلم نصب
يَ ْ ُم ْسلم ي
َْ ْ ُ
ُم ْس ِلم
ِِ ِ مس ِلم جر
The word مسلمis the base and the status marker is the حركةthat sits on the last letter. This type of status
marker is called an ENDING SOUND.
رفع ٌ
نصب ً
جر مسلم
To make a singular word feminine, just add a ةto the end of the word. This makes the base for the
feminine مسلمة. The status marker is the حركة.
***N OTE that when adding a ةto any word, the letter before the ةgets a فتحة.
The base is مسلمand everything beyond that is the status marker. Here, the فتحةon the مas well as the ان
make up the status marker. We call this an ENDING COMBINATION because it is made up of more than a
single حركة.
رفع ان َ
ِ مسلم
نصب يِ مسلم
جر ي ِ مسلم
Notice that the نصبand جرforms are exactly the same. The way to distinguish between them is context.
By the time we complete our study of fragments and sentences, you will easily be able to distinguish
between the نصبand جرforms.
When creating the pair form of the feminine, the base is مسلمةand the ending combination is the ان
ِ that
attaches to the end. In script, however, nothing can attach to a ة, so it opens up and becomes a ت.
رفع تان َ
ِ مسلم
نصب يِ مسلمت
جر ي ِ مسلمت
There are two variations of the plural: masculine and feminine. Take a look at the charts below.
In the plural masculine form, the status is determined by an ending combination just as it is in the pair
form. The combination is made up of two letters that attach to the end of the word.
َ ُ
رفع مسلم ْون
نصب يَ ْ مسلم
جر ي َ ْ مسلم
Notice that word مسلمremains the same throughout. The ending combination acts as an add-on and
does not change the make-up of the word. Notice that the last letter in the word, the م, gets a ضمةin the
رفعform and a كرسةin the نصبand جرforms. Also notice that the نصبand جرforms are exactly the
same. The way to distinguish between the نصبand جرforms is context.
In the plural feminine form, the status is determined by an ending combination just as it is in the pair
and plural masculine forms. The combination is made up of two letters that attach to the end of the
Notice that the مgets a فتحةin all the forms. Also notice that the نصبand جرforms are exactly the same.
The way to distinguish between them is context.
Now that you are familiar with all of the status markers, you should be able to determine the status of a
word in Arabic. It is important to note that when determining status, you should ALWAYS look for ending
combinations BEFORE you look for ending sounds.
Furthermore, notice that there is no real difference in ending sounds or combinations for singular
masculine/feminine and pair masculine/feminine. Therefore, the Muslim Chart can be further simplified
as follows:
10 | P a g e
ُم ْس ِلمات َ ْ ُم ْسلم
ي ي
َْ ْ ُ ْ ُ
ِِ ِ مس ِلم مس ِلم جر
➢ DRILL 3 Is the word “Muslim” ( رفعR) or ( نصبN) or ( جرJ). How would you write the word
in Arabic?
Lightness and heaviness are not from among the four properties of the اسم. Rather, the discussion of
light and heavy is a sub-topic that falls under status. Now that we have learned about the different
11 | P a g e
markers that we can use to determine status, we will learn about different variations and forms that
these markers can take.
Notice that every word in the مسلمchart ends in an ‘n’ sound, whether it be an ending sound or
combination. These words are considered heavy. HEAVY is the DEFAULT . To make a word light, all you
have to do is remove the ‘n’ sound at the end.
ْ َّ َ َ
1) If the word ends in a double accent ()اتلن ِويْن, replace the double accent with a single ح َركة. For
instance, the word مسلم would become مسلم. ُ The word مسلماتwould become مسلمات.
2) If the word ends in the letter ن, all you have to do is drop the ن. For instance, the word مسلمون
becomes مسلمو.
12 | P a g e
ْ ُ ْ َ ُم ْس ِل َم َ
ِ مس ِل ت ُم ْس ِل َمة نصب
مات ْ ُ ْ َ ُم ْس ِل َم ُم ْس ِل َم ِة
ِ مس ِل ت جر
As stated previously, the heavy form is the default form for an اسم. An اسمis not made light unless there
is a reason. The details pertaining to these reasons will be discussed later on in the book.
Gender جنس
Number عدد
Type قسم
*Note that the discussion of heavy and light becomes irrelevant when the word has an الon it. This is
because تنوينand الNEVER come together. For example, the word املسلم is incorrect. You can only say
املسلم. The words that end in ن, on the other hand, keep their نeven when there is an الon the word.
The word املسلمونis correct; there is no need to drop the ن.
L /H/ I
ْ ُ ُْ
5. مه ِلكو L /H/ I
6. القائِ ِلي
َ َ َ ًْ ُ
L /H/ I 7. اجد ِ مس L /H/ I 8. م ِبينا
َ َ َّ ََْْ
L /H/ I 9. ات ِ السمو L /H/ I 10. ي
ِ ِابنت
Flexibility is not one of the four properties of the اسم. Rather, it is a sub-topic under status. This topic,
just like light and heavy, deals with the different forms the status markers can take.
** The discussion of flexibility only pertains to words that have an ENDING SOUND. **
Therefore, for flexibility we are only focused on the following parts of the Muslim Chart:
13 | P a g e
Plural Feminine Plural Masculine Pair Singular
ٌ َ
ُم ْس ِلمات ُم ْس ِل ُم ْون مان
ِ مس ِل
ْ ُ ُم ْس ِل ٌم رفع
ُم ْس ِلمات ي َ ْ ُم ْسلم ي
َْ ْ ُ
ُم ْس ِل ًما
ِِ ِ مس ِلم نصب
ُم ْس ِلمات ي َ ْ ُم ْسلم ي
َْ ْ ُ
ُم ْس ِلم
ِِ ِ مس ِلم جر
ْ ُ
FULLY-FLEXIBLE (مع َرب/فَصَ ُْ
ِ )منis the default state for a word. It is the broadest category. A fully-flexible
word is a word that can show all three statuses in a normal way according to what we learned in the
نصب: مسلما (an)
جر: ( مسلمin)
This means that they look the same in the رفعstatus, the نصبstatus, and the جرstatus. Words that end
ْ َ َ ُ ً ُ ََ
in (ى) أ ِلف َمق ُص ْو َرةor a normal (ا) اare non-flexible. Words like م ْوس, هدى, and زك ِر َّيا, for example, are non-
َ اء اإل َش َ َ
flexible. All of the pointer words (ار ِة ُ )أ ْس َمin the singular and plural forms as well as all of the أ ْس َماء
موصولةare non-flexible. We will learn about these types of أ ْس َماءin detail later. For the time being, learn
to recognize them and know that they are non-flexible.
14 | P a g e
ْ َّ َّ َ َ َ
اَّلي َنِ اَّل ْي
ِ ذلِك هذا
ْ َّاال،وات
ئ ْ َّ ال،ت َّ
ْ اال تْ َّال َ ْ
تِلك ه ِذ ِه
ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ُْ َ
َم ْن ما أوالئِك ه ُؤال ِء
Non-Flexible Endings all look the same, there is no way to distinguish them by looking at the
word alone:
ُم ْو َ ى
رفع: س
ُم ْو َ ى
نصب: س
ُم ْو َ ى
جر: س
Notice that نصبand جرlook the same. We have seen this problem before in ending
**Unlike a non-flexible word, there are times when a partly-flexible word can be made fully flexible by
showing a كرسةin the جرform. A partly-flexible word can be made fully-flexible in two ways:
1) by adding an ال
2) by making it a ( مضافdiscussed in a later chapter)
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There is no clear marker for partly flexible words. You will become accustomed to identifying partly-
flexible words as you are exposed to more vocabulary. However, there are a few categories of partly-
flexible words we can familiarize ourselves with to make identification of partly-flexible words easier.
Non-Arab names are partly-flexible. Arab names are fully-flexible. There are four Arab prophet’s names
ٌ َُ ٌ ُ ُ
ٌ ْش َعي.
mentioned in the Quran. They are: ُم َّمد, ه ْود, صا ِل ٌح, and ب Take a look at the chart below. Take note of
the differences between how the partly-flexible names and the fully-flexible names look in each status.
ِإسما ِعيل ِإسما ِعيل ِإسما ِعيل
ْ ْ ْ
إِبْرا ِهي َم إِبْرا ِهي َم إِبْرا ِهي ُم
َُْ َُْ َُْ
يعق ْو َب يعق ْو َب يعق ْو ُب
َم ْر َي َم َم ْر َي َم َم ْر َي ُم
َُ ً َُ ٌ َُ
ُم َّمد ُم َّمدا ُم َّمد
ُ ً ُ ٌ ُ
ه ْود ه ْودا ه ْود
صا ِلح صاِلًا
ِ صا ِل ٌح
ْ ُ ْ ُ ٌ ُْش َعي
ش َعيب ش َعيبًا ب
There is one exception to this rule. Three-letter names with a سكونon the middle letter are always fully-
flexible, even if they are non-Arab names.
ُ ُ ُ
ل ْوط ل ْو ًطا ل ْو ٌط
ُ ُ ٌ ُ
ن ْوح ن ْو ًحا ن ْوح
16 | P a g e
All feminine names are partly-flexible. Masculine names that have no feminine counterpart are also
partly flexible. Below are some commonly occurring uniquely masculine names. Memorize them. We
will learn the rest as we encounter them.
ب َ ََزيْن ب َ ََزيْن ب ُ ََزيْن
َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ
ِإي َمان ِإي َمان ِإي َمان
َ َْ َ َْ ُ َْ
َح َزة َح َزة َح َزة
َ َ ُ
Uniquely masculine
عاو َية ُ عاو َية ُ عاو َية ُ
ِ م ِ م ِ م
ُ ُ ُ
ع َم َر ع َم َر ع َم ُر
َ ُْ َ ُْ ُ ُْ
عث َمان عث َمان عث َمان
Again, three-letter names with a سكونon the middle letter are always fully-flexible.
Some names of places have an ال. In such cases, the name is fully-flexible.
17 | P a g e
ْ َْ ْ
الهن ِد
ِ الهند
ِ الهن ُد
Names of places that are three letters with a سكونon the middle letter are fully-flexible.
There are certain word patterns that are partly-flexible. We will look at these patterns in our study of
Note: In your vocabulary, partly flexible words will be denoted by having a single vowel ending, not a
تنوين. For now, as you memorize new vocabulary, make a note of which words are partly-flexible.
Number عدد
Type قسم
َّ َ َ ُْ
F / P / N 5. جهنم F/P/N 6. نوح
َّ َ ْ
F / P / N 7. مكة F/P/N 8.َعدن
َ ُ َّ َ َ
F / P / N 9. عمر F/P/N 10. زكريا
Before we continue with our study of the remaining 3 properties of the Ism, lets take a look at Isms that
don’t follow the rules of status mentioned above: Pronouns.
Pronouns are a special type of اسمthat do not display their four properties in a standard way. We will
18 | P a g e
َ َُْ َ and
learn about two types of pronouns in this chapter. They are independent pronouns (المنف ِصلة )الضمائِر
َ ُ
attached pronouns (الم َّت ِصلة َ
)الضمائِر. We will see how each type of pronoun shows status. Pronouns are an
integral part of the Arabic language, as almost every sentence contains a pronoun.
Independent pronouns are pronouns that stand alone as their own word and do not attach to another
word. Independent pronouns are always in the رفعstatus. As for type, pronouns are always proper. The
number and gender of each pronoun is based on its meaning and labeled in the chart below.
MEMORIZE the pronouns and their meanings and know their properties.
third person
They Both of them She
ْأَ ْنتُم ُ َْ
أنتما َأَنْت
second person
َّأَنْ ُت َْ َْ
All of you You two You
أنتما ت
ِ أن
All of you You two You
ََُنْن َ
first person
We I
Every independent pronoun has an attached counterpart. Attached pronouns attach either to a حرفor a
فعلor another اسم. Attached pronouns are always either in the نصبor جرstatus. All attached pronouns
look the same in the نصبand جرstatus except for the أناversion. The way to tell what is نصبand what is
جرis to look at what the pronoun is attached to. This will be discussed further in later chapters.
MEMORIZE the attached pronouns and their meanings. Review the independent pronouns. MEMORIZE
the two in conjunction.
19 | P a g e
ُ ُ ُ
ِه ْم ه ْم
ِهما هما ـ ِه ـه
They Both of them He
ُ ُ َ
ِه َّن ه َّن هما ِهما ها
They Both of them She
ُ ُ
ك ْم كما َك
All of you You two You
ك َّن كما ِك
All of you You two You
نا ْ
)ِن (نصب) ي (جرِ
We I
Notice that for many of the pronouns, there are two variations with differences in the حركة. These
variations do not indicate a change in status or any other property. Rather, the حركةon the attached
pronoun may change depending on the last حركةon the word it attaches to. You will get a feel for this
with time. The only exception to this is the أناversion, where the different versions indicate different
So far in our discussion of status, we have seen the 3 forms of status, رفع نصب جر, show themselves in
many different ways. The following chart is a summary of the different ways we see the 3 forms of
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**Remember the whole objective behind our study of the ways status is shown is so that we can
accurately and confidently identify whether a word is رفع, نصب, or جر.**
Before we continue on to the remaining 3 properties of an Ism, we are going to pause for a moment and
learn some fragments that will help us put our knowledge of status into action. Learning these
fragments will also allow us to solve the problem of words that look the same in the نصبand جرforms.
Once we learn these fragments we will know when to expect a word to be نصبand when we should
expect a word to be جر.
َّ ُ
A fragment ()م َركبَة ناقِ َصة is less than a sentence but more than a word. A fragment is formed when two or
more words come together but do not form a complete thought. The words in a fragment have a
relationship with each other. Sometimes this relationship is between a حرفand an اسمand sometimes it
is between an اسمand another اسم. There are five basic fragments in the Arabic language. In order to
observe “status in action” we will begin with the first three fragments:
ْ َ ُ
1) والمج ُر ْو ُر اجلار
حرف+ اسمfragments
2) واس ُمها ْ انل ْصبَّ َح ْر ُف
3) اإلضافة ِ اسم+ اسمfragment
The first two fragments mentioned are fragments in which the relationship is a relationship between a
حرفand an اسم. The remaining fragment is between an اسمand another اسم.
21 | P a g e
َ ْ ُْ
Except خال Since ُمذ Since/For ُمنذ
Except َعدا From ِم ْن Except حاشا Maybe ُر َّب
َ َ
To/Towards إِىل Until َح َّّت On/Upon/Against َع About/Away from ع ْن In ِْ
***N OTE that all the letters in the top row attach directly to the word following it.
َ ْ َفتwhen it comes before all attached pronouns
***N OTE The لـtakes كرسةusually, but it takes a حة
Remember that the حرف جرmakes the اسمafter it جر. Let’s look back at the different ways the جرstatus
shows itself:
َ ََْ َ الس
َّ عن ْ َ َ
نلا ِف أدن اع ِة َص
ِ والع
Non-flexible, جار جمرور جار جمرور جار
but still جمرور
فتحة = جمرور
on لـ
➢ DRILL 6 Are the following جار وَمرورfragments? If they are, underline the جارand circle the
ْ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ
Y / N رس
ِ م ع الع Y / N ح َّّت َم ْط ل ِع الف ج ِر
َ Y / N ج ي ْل
ِّ جار ة م ْن س
ِ ِ
َ ِبِِ
ْ ْ َ ََ ُ ْ ْ َ ْ َ
Y / N يِ ك ِ َع ط عامِ ال ِم س Y / N ك َع ص ف َم أ ك ْو ل Y / N َم ْن أ ع َط ى
22 | P a g e
ََْ ْ َ ُ ِّ ُ ْ
Y / N ال
ِ ع ن األ ن
ف Y / N لُِك ه َم َز ة Y / N ِفْ َم ع ِز ل
َ َ ْ ِّ َ ْ
Y / N يات
ِ والع ا ِد Y / N َب ع د اَّل ك ِر Y / N لل
ِ تا
َ َّ
However ك َّن ِ ل Certainly ِإن
َّ َ َّ َ
So that, hopefully, maybe ل َعل That أن
َّ َ َّ َ َ
Because بِأن As though كأن
َّ َ َ َْيل
Because ِألن If only ت
***Note that if the حرفends in a نand it is followed by an attached pronoun that begins with a نا( ن/)ِن, the two
َّ ِّ ْ إ َِّن.
نcan merge or remain separate. For example ِِن+ إِنcan become إ ِ ِْنor نِ
Remember that the حرف انلصبmakes the اسمafter it نصب. Let’s look back at the different ways the نصب
status shows itself:
23 | P a g e
َ َ
ًأ َّن ل َ ُه ْم أ ْجرا َِف َعنْها َ َّ َ َ َ إ َّن
ٌّ ِ ك َح كأن كيْ ٌم
َ الل َعليْ ٌم
ح ِ ِ
اسمه حرف نصب
اسمه حرف نصب
➢ DRILL 7 Are the following حرف انلصب واسمهاfragments? If so, circle the حرف انلصبand
underline its اسم.
َّ َ َ ُ َُ ْ َ
Y / N أ ن ُه ْم Y / N يل ْتَ ِن Y / N أ ن ت ق ْو ل وا
ََ ْ َ َ إنَّ ُ ِيل َ ْع لَ َم َ
Y / N الص فا والم رو ة Y / N الل Y / N َلُ َو ِيل ًّا
ُ ْ َ َ َّ َّ َ َ َّ َ َ
Y / N إِن ه َو Y / N اع ة ل ع ل الس Y / N ك أ ن ُه ْم
َ َّ
إِن ه ذا
َ َ ْ َّ َ َ َّ
إِن َع ل يْك الل ع ن ة اس ِ َّْث انل َ َ َو ل َك َّن أ َ ْك
Y / N Y / N Y / N ِ
2.9 اإلضافة
An إضافةis a construction that indicates possession or belonging. In English, belonging can be expressed
using the word “of”. For example, “the book of Allah” expresses possession and would be considered an
إضافة. This fragment is made up of two parts. The first is the word before the “of” and is called the مضاف.
The word before “of” is that which is possessed. The second part is the word after the “of”. This is called
the مضاف إيله. The word after “of” is the owner or the one who possesses.
When you see a fragment that seems to indicate belonging but does not contain an “of,” the fragment
can be rearranged to make the “of” apparent. For example, “the cat’s paws” can be rearranged to read
“the paws of the cat.” The fragment “his eyes” can be rearranged to read “eyes of his”.
24 | P a g e
my ears a book of fiqh his opinions
Also know that nothing can come between a مضافand مضاف إيله.
**Remember, there are times when a partly-flexible word can be made fully flexible by showing a كرسة
in the جرform. A partly-flexible word can be made fully-flexible in two ways:
1) by adding an ال
2) by making it a مضاف
Remember that the مضاف إيلهmust be جر. Let’s look back at the different ways the جرstatus shows itself:
ْ ُ
َو ُجنُ ْود ِإب ْ ِلي َس
- partly-flexible word, - light
shows جرwith a فتحة - no ال
25 | P a g e
ق ْو ُم ُم ْوس
- non-flexible word
- light
cannot show status
- no ال
َر َّبنا
- attached pronoun as
- light
مضاف إيله
- no ال
- followed by جر
Recall that there are very few reasons to make something light. If you see an اسمthat is light with no ال
followed directly by another اسم, chances are it is an إضافة, even if you cannot be completely sure that
the word after it is in the جرstatus. This is the second of two reasons for a word to be in جرstatus.
You may also recall that the إضافةconstruction was referenced in passing a few times in previous chapters.
Now that you know what an إضافةis, let us reiterate and relearn these rules.
1) One of the four scenarios in which a word is made light is when it is a مضاف
2) One of the scenarios in which a partly-flexible word is made fully-flexible is when it is a مضاف
إضافةC H A I N S
Take a look at the fragment “my mother’s food” or “the food of the mother of mine.” Notice that in this
fragment, the word “of” appears twice. The presence of more than one “of” creates what we call an
إضافةchain. In this chain, the middle word “mother” is a مضاف إيلهto the word before it “food” and a
26 | P a g e
مضافto the word after it “mine”. In a chain, any word that appears between two other words serves as
a مضاف إيلهto the word before it and a مضافto the word after it.
اَلي ْ ِن
ِّ َِمالك يَ ْوم - light
- followed by جر ِ ِ - no ال
أم ِر َر ِّب ِه
- attached pronoun as - light
مضاف إيله - no ال
َ َ ْ ذ ْك ُر َر
َح ِة َر ِّبك ِ
- attached pronoun as - light
مضاف إيله - no ال
If the answer to all three of these questions is “yes,” it is an إضافة. Otherwise, it is not.
27 | P a g e
→ Remember that non-flexible words cannot show their جر. If the first word looks like a مضاف,
assume that the non-flexible word that follows it is a مضاف إيله.
➢ DRILL 9 Are the following إضافةfragments? If they are, label the “ مضافM” and the مضاف إيله
َ ُ ُ َْ ْ
Y / N ُم ْر ِس ل و انلَّاق ِة Y / N َع ص ف م أ ك و ل
ْ Y / N لل ُ
ِ ِك تاب ا
ٌ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َ
Y / N بال
ِ اكجل
ِ موج Y / N ِع ن د َر بِّ ِه ْم Y / N ق ْو َم ي ُ ْو ن َس
َْ َ َ َ
Y / N أ م ِر َر ب ِّ ِه Y / N َ ج
اء اِل َق Y / N ِم ْن ق ْو مِ ُم ْوس
ُ ٌ ك ْ َ َ ْ َ
ُ ْغ ي
Y / N تاب َم ْر ق ْو ٌم ِ Y / N َب ع د اَّل ِِك رى Y / N موات
َّ ب
S P E C I A L مضاف
There is a handful of words in Arabic that always appear as مضافbut do not necessarily create the
meaning of belonging or possession. MEMORIZE them along with their meanings.
َ ْ َب
ي in front of
َ َأ
مام above
َ َ
ف ْوق
َح ْول behind خلف
َْ َ
under تَ ََْت
َْ َ قَ َّد َ َ
with/at/by ِعند right in front of ام before قبْل
َ ْ
with/in support of َم َع far behind َ َو
راء after َبعد
ْ َ َ َ ُ
especially from ِم ْن َُلن in the presence of ََلى besides/other
than/less than
The words above remain منصوبunless preceded by a حرف جر. The Arabic term for these special مضافis
َ ْ َ
ظ ْرف. Note that َُلنis always preceded by a ِم ْن. The ِم ْنis a حرف جر. Together َلنand منthey make a ظرف.
ٌ ْ َ ٌّ ُ
some of َبعض any, which أ ٌّي all, each, every ك
ِمثل the same نف ُس
other than, non
ُ ْ َغ
The above special مضافdo not denote time or place and can appear in any status.
28 | P a g e
األسماء اخلمسة
There are five special اسمthat commonly appear as مضاف. They are special in that when they appear as
مضافthey do not show their status through an ending sound. Rather, they show their status through
the letter that corresponds with each ending حركة.
This means that if the word is:
❖ مرفوع, it would normally end in a ضمة, then in the case of these special five words, it would
end in a واو.
❖ منصوبand would normally end in a فتحة, it ends in an ألف.
❖ َمرورand would normally end in a كرسة, it ends in a ياء.
Remember that this only occurs when these words appear as مضاف. When they do not appear as مضاف,
they look like any other اسمand display their status like any other اسم.
AS مضاف
Notice that the last word in the table does not have a non مضافversion. This is because this word only
َ ُ
ever appears as a مضاف. The feminine version of this word is ذات/
ِ ذات/ذات. This version also only appears
as a ;مضافhowever, it displays its status in a normal way.
َ إ َىل ذ ي ُ َ َ َ َْ َ
ًاه ْم ُش َع يْب ا ْ َ ُ ُ َ
R/N/J الع ْر ِش ِ ِ R/N/J مدين أخ R/N/J الع ِظ يْ ِم
َ ضل
ِ والل ذ و الف
29 | P a g e
َ ُ َ ُ ََ ُ ُ َُ ُ َ ُ َ َ
R/N/J اكن ذا ق ْر ب R/N/J
ُخ ْوه ل ي س ف وأ R/N/J ب ِأ خ ل ك ْم ِم ْن أ بِيْك ْم
➢ DRILL 10 Underline the مضافonce and the مضاف إيلهtwice. Determine the status of the
30 | P a g e
The following are vocabulary words that you are responsible for from the chapter.
ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َْ َ ْ َأ ْ َ
َ ْ َخ- خ ََض َ َ
َصف َراء-صفر أ َس ْوداء- أ ْس َود ْحر – ْح َراء َضاء أ أبْ َيض – َبيْضاء
yellow black red green white
َْ َ َ ْ َ َْ َ ْ َأ َ ْ َ
أ ْز َرق – زرقاء أك َب أكث ح َسن أعظم
blue bigger more better greater
ْ َ َ َ َ َْ َْ َْ َ
أبْكم – بكم أ َصم – صم أظلم أق َرب أعلم
mute deaf more unjust closer more knowing
ْأَ ْع ََم – عَم َ
ق َدم
َ ْ ر
جل – أ ْرجل
أيْد- يَد
ْ َ ْ
عي ْون/َعي – أعي
blind foot leg hand eye/spring
َْ َْ َ َ
دار – دِيَار أنفس- نفس َح ْرب أ ْرض آذان- أذن
house person war land ear
ْ ْ َسعِي/َج َه َّنم َ
َط ِريق/َسبِيْل َسماء – َسموات
َ َ رِ َياح- رِيْح ش ْمس
path hellfire sky wind sun
َ َْ َْ
ناس – أناس َعصا كأس نار َخر
a people staff cup fire alcohol
َ َْ َ َ ْ َْ َْ
ق ْرن – قر ْون آل ق ْوم – أقوام
َ ح ِْزب أهلون- أهل
a generation family/people a nation a faction family/people
*Lines 1-2, the word after the dash “-“ is the feminine version
*Lines 3-end, the word after the dash “-“ is the plural version and the slash “/” indicates a synonymous meaning
C O M M O N صفات
ٌ ْ َكب
ي ٌ ْ َصغ
ي ٌ ْقَري
)ب (من
)بَ ِعيْد (عن
ِ ِ ِ
big small close far
َُش ِديْ ٌد – أَ ِش َّداء ٌ َ
ِ ٌ ْ َكث
ٌ َ
ق ِليْل
intense beautiful many/a lot few/little
أ ِيلْ ٌم يٌ ْ ُمب ُ ُك َر- َكريْ ٌم
ماء بٌ َِّطي
ِ ِ
painful clear noble/generous pure/good
ْ َ ٌ
َع ِزيْ ٌز ق ِدي ٌم َج ِديْد َع ِظيْ ٌم
mighty/respected old new great
كيْ ٌم َ
ِ ح َُض ِعيْ ٌف – ُض َع َفاء ُقَو ٌّي – أَقْو َياء َ َ َرحيْ ٌم – ُر
َُحاء ِ
ِ ِ
wise weak strong merciful
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CHAPTER 3 – القسم- العدد-اجلنس
Remember every اسمhas four properties. Their four properties are status ()اإلعراب, gender ()الجنس,
number ()العدد, and type ()القسم. We spent a lot of time focusing on status ( )اإلعرابas it is unique to the
Arabic language and the most extensive of the 4 properties.
Status إعراب
Gender جنس
Number عدد
Sentences Fragments Words حرف
Status إعراب
Gender جنس
Number عدد
Gender is the second of the four properties of the اسم. Every word in the Arabic language is either
masculine ( )مذَ َّكرor feminine ()م َؤنَّث. The DEFAULT GENDER for an اسمis MASCULINE . There are six categories
of feminine words. If a word does not fall into one of these six categories, it is masculine.
32 | P a g e
Sister أخت
Mother أم
Cow َبق َرة
When a word has THREE LETTERS and those three letters are followed by اءor ى, the word is
considered feminine. In the word ِذ ْك َرىfor example, there are three letters before the ى. This word is
feminine. In the word هدًى, on the other hand, there are only two letters before the ى. This word is
not considered feminine. As for the ة, almost all words that end in a ةare feminine.
Body parts that come in pairs are feminine, both in the dual and singular forms.
َ َ
lip شفة ear أذ ن hand يَد
َ ْ َْ
foot ق َدم leg رِجل eye عي
َ َ
shin ساق cheek خد elbow م ِْرفق
ْ َ َ ْ
ankle كعب heel عقِب shoulder َمنكِب
Most specific names of places are feminine. The word “school” or “masjid” is not a specific name of
a place.
ْ ْ َْ
Egypt مِص Sudan الس ْودان America أم ِريكا
ْ َ َْ َّ
Morocco المغ ِرب Yathrib ثب ِ ي Makkah َمكة
33 | P a g e
All non-human plurals are considered feminine. This holds true regardless of the gender of the
singular form. Take a look at the chart below. The singular form of سياراتis ( سيارةf). The singular
form of مساجدis ( مسجدm), and the singular form of كتبis ( كتابm).
There is a set of words that do not fall into any of the categories above and are feminine only
because the Arabs decided to treat them as such. The Arabic term for this is ُسماعِي ٌ َّم َؤن.
َ ُث
Land أ ْرض War َح ْرب
Wind رِيْح Sky َسماء
ْ َ
Well بِئ Sun ش ْمس
House دار Person نفس
Cup كأس Fire نار
َْ َْ
Wine َخر Bucket دلو
Hellfire َج َه َّنم Path َسبِيْل
Hellfire َس ِعي Path َط ِريْق
Staff عصا
The following story will help you remember these words and their definitions.
During a حربa soldier was daydreaming, looking up at the سماءuntil the شمسcame up.
When he snapped out of it, he realized that he was the only نفسleft on the battlefield. He
was surrounded by نار, so he used a دلوfull of water to make a سبيلand طريقfor himself to a
safer أرض. In the hot, blowing ريح, he was desperately looking for a بئرto draw more water
from. In his search, he found an empty دارinside which there was a كأسfull of خمر. He
remembered his fear of جهنمand السعير, and he used his عصاto strike the drink.
34 | P a g e
ُ ُ َْْ َ
M/F ظل َمات.3 M/F ي ِ عين.4
َ َّ
M/F اِل ُ ْس َن.5 M/F َمكة.6
َْ ْ ُ َ َ
M/F ي
ِ مؤ ِمن.7 M/F أبْك ُم.8
M/F َع َصا.9 M/F َصابِ ًرا.10
Status إعراب
Gender جنس
Number عدد
The third property of the اسمis number. All words in Arabic have a singular version (ُ)م ْف َر ٌد, a pair version
( )مثَنَّىand a plural version (ُ) َجم ٌع. The singular and pair are standard and easy to recognize. They are the
first and second columns of the مسلمchart. When it comes to plurals, however, there are four types. They
َّ َ
1) The sound masculine plural – اجل ْمع المذكر السال ِم
َّ َ
2) The sound feminine plural – اجل ْمع المؤنث السال ِم
ْ َ َْ
3) The broken plural – س ْي
ِ َجع تك
َْ ْ
4) The plural by meaning – اسم َجع
This type of plural is known as a sound plural because the original make-up of the word remains sound.
That is to say the original form of the word does not change. The ين/ ونendings are simply added onto
the singular version without affecting its form.
The sound feminine plural refers to the third column in the feminine version of the مسلمchart ( ،ُم ْس ِلمات
مات ْ ُ ْ ُ
ٍ مس ِل،مات
ٍ )مس ِل. This type of plural is used for both beings of intellect and inanimate objects. It cannot
be used to refer to mixed groups (a group made up of both men and women).
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This type of plural is known as a sound plural because the original make-up of the word remains sound.
The اتٍ / اتendings are simply added onto the singular version without affecting its form.
Broken plurals are plurals in which the original make-up of the word is broken. In English, generally, to
create a plural, an “s” is added to the end of the word and the original word remains unchanged. For
example, “book” becomes “books” and “house” becomes “houses”. There are some words, however,
that do not follow this pattern. The plural of “goose”, for instance is “geese”. The plural of “tooth” is
“teeth”, and the plural of “mouse” is “mice”.
ٌ َ َ
In a similar way, in many cases in Arabic, an ending combination (ات ٍ /ات/ين/ )ونcan be added to the
singular version of a word to make it plural. There are some cases, however, where the original form of
the اسمis broken. The plural of َم ْس ِجدfor example, is ساجد َ
ِ م. The اappears in the middle of the word inُ ُ
the plural version and breaks the original form of the word. Likewise, the plural of the word تاب ٌ كis ب
ٌ كت.
In this case, the اis eliminated and the حركاتon the word change. The original form of the word does not
remain intact.
Because broken plurals do not have an ending combination that indicates that they are plural, they tend
to look like singular words. The only way to tell the difference between a singular word and a broken
plural is to know the definition or memorize the broken plural patterns. Below are some common
broken plural patterns that appear in the Quran.
Notice that some broken plural patterns are partly-flexible and some are fully-flexible.
There are words that appear to be singular but are considered plural because they have a plural
meaning in that they refer to a group comprised of many members.
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What is meant by “grammatical treatment” will become clearer when we study pronouns, pointing
words, fragments, and sentences. For now, memorize the rules below. There are two rules pertaining
to the grammatical treatment of plurals.
Status إعراب
Gender جنس
Number عدد
37 | P a g e
هم هما ه َو
ه َّن هما ه َِ
َْأنْتم َْ
أنتما ََأنْت
ََّأنْت َْ
أنتما ت
ِ أن
َْ َ
َنن أنا
The fourth property of the اسمis type. Every word in the Arabic language is either common ( )نَك َِرةor
proper () َم ْع ِرفَة. Common words are generic words that do not refer to something specific. Proper words
are specific. An example of a معرفة/ نكرةpair would be “a girl,” which refers to an unspecified girl and
“Maryam,” which refers to a specific person. Another example of a معرفة/ نكرةpair would be “a chair,”
which refers to an unspecified chair and “the chair,” which refers to a specific chair. C OMMON ( )نَك َِرةis
the DEFAULT for a word. There are seven categories of proper ( ) َم ْع ِرفَةwords. Unless something falls under
one of these categories, it is assumed to be common ()نَك َِرة.
a. by adding an ال
b. by making it a مضاف
Specific names of people and places such as ُ َح ْمزَ ةor ُ َم َّكةare always معرفة.
3) PRONOUNS ()الضمائر
Pronouns (he, she, they, we, etc.) are always معرفة. The following are the ضمائرfor recognition
purposes. We have discussed pronouns in detail previously.
Words used to point (this, that, those, these) are always معرفة. Below are the أسماءُاإلشارةfor
recognition purposes. We will learn their definitions and how to use them in a later chapter.
38 | P a g e
أسماء اإلشارة
َ َ َ َ
هؤال ِء ان
ِ ه ذ هذا
َ ََ َ
هؤال ِء ان
ِ هت ِ ه ِذه
َ َ َ َ َ
أ ْوالئِك ذان ِك ذل ِك
َ َ َ َ ْ
أ ْوالئِك تان ِك ت ِلك
5) األسماء الموصولة
Below are the أسماءُموصولةfor recognition purposes. We will learn their definitions and how to use
them in a later chapter.
األسماء الموصولة
َّ َ َّ ْ َّاَّل
اَّل ِْي َن ان
ِ اَّل ِي
َّ ْ َّ ْ َّ َ َّ ْ َّال
االئ ِ ْي،وات ِ ال،اال ِت ان
ِ اتل ت ِ
َم ْن ما
The مضافgets its type from the مضافُإليه. If the مضافُإليهis proper, the مضافis also proper. If the
مضافُإليهis common, the مضافis also common.
39 | P a g e
Note that the meaning of ُ كلchanges depending on the number and type of the مضافُإليه. Below are the
possible scenarios:
1) If the مضاف إيلهis SINGULAR AND COMMON , the meaning is each and every
2) If the مضاف إيلهis SINGULAR AND PROPER , the meaning is the entire
➢ DRILL 4 Translate the following fragments. Use the word bank below.
– ث َم َرةfruit َط عام- food
َّ ل َّ
ُك أ َّم ة
ِ ُك اثل َم
رات ِ
َْ ل ْ َ ل
ُك ن ف س
ِ جد
ِ ُك م س
َ ل
َّ ُك
الط عا ِم ُك ش ي ْ َط ان
40 | P a g e
اسم حرف فعل
41 | P a g e
42 | P a g e
Now that we have completed our study of the 4 properties of an اسم, we can look at the remaining
fragments. Recall that we already covered three of the five fragments under “status in action.” The
remaining two fragments will require us to use our knowledge of all 4 properties of an اسم.
ً ْ َ ً َ
ق ْوال ث ِقيال
الصفة الموصوف
Status: نصب Status: نصب
Number: singular Number: singular
Gender: masculine Gender: masculine
Type: common A heavy word Type: common
الصفة ْ ُ ُ َّ َّ الموصوف
Status: رفع الطامة الكْبى Status: رفع
Number: singular Number: singular
Gender: feminine Gender: feminine
Type: proper The biggest calamity Type: proper
ٌ َْ ُُ
َح ٌر ُم ْستن ِف َرة
Status: رفع
Status: رفع
Number: singular
Number: singular
Gender: feminine
Gender: feminine
Type: common
Type: common
Alarmed donkeys
recall that non-human plurals are
treated as singular feminine
43 | P a g e
الصفة الموصوف
Status: نصب
Status: نصب
َ ْ الق ْو َم الفاسق
Number: plural
Number: plural
Gender: masculine ِ ِ Gender: masculine
Type: proper Type: proper
ْ َُ
َحيَاتنا اَلنيَا
Status: رفع Status: رفع
Number: singular Number: singular
Gender: feminine Gender: feminine
Type: proper Type: proper
Our lowest life
The صفةgets an الbecause the The fragment is proper because
موصوفis proper the مضاف إيلهis proper
Also keep in mind that an اسمthat is inherently proper such as a pronoun, pointing word or اسم موصول
cannot appear as a موصوف.
➢ DRILL 1 Are the following موصوف وصفةfragments? Underline the موصوفonce and the صفة
It is important to note that when the names of Allah appear in succession, they are not considered
موصوف وصفةeven though they match in all four properties. This is a common occurrence in the Quran.
Below are two such examples.
َّ َو ُه َو ٌ َ ٌّ َ ُ
الع ِليْ ُم
َ السميْ ُع
ِ َحيْد
ِ والل غ ِن
44 | P a g e
The grammatical rules for this fragment are as follows:
1) The اسم اإلشارةand the مشار إيلهmust MATCH IN ALL FOUR PROPERTIES .
2) The مشار إيلهMUST HAVE AN الON IT
3) Nothing can come between اسم اإلشارةand its مشار إيله.
Below are the أسماء اإلشارةused for pointing at something that is NEAR . MEMORIZE them along with their
these both of these this
َ َ َ
ه ُؤال ِء تان
ِ ه ه ِذ ِه
these both of these this
Below are the أسماء اإلشارةused for pointing at something that is FAR . MEMORIZE them along with their
َ ُْ
َ ى َ ى
أوالئِك ذنِك ذلِك
َ ُْ
those both of those that
َ ى َ ْ
أوالئِك ت ِنك تِلك
those both of those that
Recall that the SINGULAR and PLURAL versions of pointers are NON- FLEXIBLE . The PAIR version, on the
other hand functions like the normal pair ending combination we know from the مسلمchart. Below are
the نصبand جرversions of the pair. MEMORIZE them.
جر/نصب رفع
َ َ ى
ىهذي ْ ِن ان
ِ ه ذ
َْى ى
ي ِ هت تان
ِ ه
َ َ َ ى
ذي ْ ِنك ذنِك
َ َْ َ ى
تي ِنك ت ِنك
45 | P a g e
Let us take a look at a few examples.
َ َ
ُ ك الك
المشار إيله
Status: رفع
تاب ِ ِ ذل اسم اإلشارة
Status: رفع
Number: singular Number: singular
Gender: masculine Gender: masculine
That book Type: proper
Type: proper
ك الر ُسل
المشار إيله اسم اإلشارة
Status: رفع
Number: plural
َُ ُِأُ ُْوالئ Status: رفع
Number: plural
Gender: masculine Gender: masculine
Type: proper Those prophets Type: proper
Keep in mind that most اسم اإلشارةare non-flexible so they don’t show different endings for different
If we look at our list of fragments and try to plug in اسم اإلشارةin the place of an اسمwe would find it in the
following fragments:
46 | P a g e
We would not find it in a موصوف و صفةor as a مضافbecause it does not make sense in the language. Take
a look at the following examples.
جمرور ف هذا حرف ل
In this
َ َ َّ
اسمه إن ه ىـ ُؤال ِء حرف نصب
Certainly these
َ ى
مضاف إيله بعد ذلِك مضاف
After that
In addition to the basic examples mentioned above, we also find اسم اإلشارةin more complex fragments.
We find an اسم اإلشارة و مشار إيلهfragment connected to another fragment. For example, if I wanted to say
“in this house”, in Arabic I would write ابليت
ِ ف ىهذا.ِ Notice that we have a جار و َمرورfragment and a اسم
اإلشارة و مشار إيله. Recall that the اسم اإلشارةand the مشار إيلهmust MATCH IN ALL FOUR PROPERTIES,
therefore they must match in status. In the above example, ابليت ِ ِف ىهذا, we see the effect of the حرف جر
transfer through the اسم اإلشارةand we see the مشار إيلهin جرstatus. Take a look at the following examples.
47 | P a g e
Here are some more examples:
ُ ك َ َْ ُ ى
الرج ِل ِ بيت ذل
In the above examples, an easy way to figure out the status of the مشار إيلهis to think of the اسم اإلشارةas a
pipe that transfers any status changes through it directly to the مشار إيله.
Recall that a مضافCANNOT have an ال. Recall also that the مشار إيلهMUST have an ال. So, when pointing at
an إضافةhow are these two rules reconciled? How would you point, for instance, at the fragment لل ُ َْ
ِ ?بيت ا
لل ُ َْ
ِ هذا بيت اwould not be a fragment because there is no الon the word following the اسم اإلشارة. On the
other hand, لل ُ ْ َ هذاwould be incorrect, because بيتis a مضافand cannot take an ال.
ِ ابليت ا
The solution is to place the اسم اإلشارةAFTER the إضافة. The correct way to point at the fragment بيت الل
would be بيت الل هذا. Take a look at the following examples.
ف اع ِم ِه ْم هذا
َ ْ ُ
ِبِ َو ِرقِكم ه ِذه
48 | P a g e
َ ُ
قاء يَ ْو ِمك ْم هذا
َ ِل
➢ DRILL 2 Choose the appropriate pointer to create an مشار إيله+ اسم إشارةfragment. Tell whether it
should come before (B) or after (A).
connect between two or more اسم, they carry over the status of that اسم.
When labeling something that contains a حرف عطف, the حرفitself is simply labeled as a حرف عطف.
ٌ ْ
Whatever comes after the حرفis labeled as ______ َمع ُط ْوف َع. What goes in the blank is whatever comes
before the حرف.
49 | P a g e
يَ الصادق َّ ي َوالْ َقانتَات َو َ ي َوال ْ ُم ْؤمنَات َوالْ َقانت َ ي َوال ْ ُم ْسل َمات َوال ْ ُم ْؤمن َ إ َّن ال ْ ُم ْسلم
ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ
َ َ َ ُْ َ َ َ َاخلَاش َعات َوال ْ ُمت ْ َ َ ْ َ
َ اخل َّ َ َّ َ َّ
ِ ِ ق د ص ت م الو ي ق د
ِ ِ ص ِ ِ و ي ع
ِ ِ ات و
اش ِ ات َوالصابِ ِرين َوالصابِ َر ِ َوالصا ِدق
َ َّ َ َّ
...اتِ َوالصائِ ِمي َوالصائِم
Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the
obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and
patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women,
the fasting men and fasting women…
Notice how the effect of " "إنis carried on to so many words by using a حرف عطف. The " "وis connecting a
series of أسماءand they all carry the same status.
ََ َ َُْ َُ َ َُْ ْ ََ َْ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ ى
اطمة وموس وزك ِريا ِ أبو ُممد وُممود وأَحد وف
Father of Muhammad and Mahmood and Ahmad and Fatima and Musa and Zakariya
Notice how a series of أسماءare connected as multiple مضاف إيلهto a single مضافby use of connector
letter ""و. All the connected words share جرstatus because they are connected to a مضاف إيله. Keep in
mind different أسماءshow جرstatus in different ways.
ٌَ َ َ ْ ُ
اِل س ن و ِز ياد ة R/N/J ْشى َ ْ ُ َر َْح َ ًة َو ب R/N/J
ُُم ْو َس َوأ َخاه
َ َ ْ َّ َ َ ُ ْ َّ ً ْ ُ
R/N/J ماوات َواأل ْرض
الس R/N/J اَّل ي َن
ِ هو و R/N/J واَّل ي َن
ِ ه ود ا
َ ُ ً ُ َ َ ٌْ َ
R/N/J ماوات َواأل ْر ِض
ِ السَّ R/N/J ه د ى َو ن ْو ٌر R/N/J ي َوأ بْ ق خ
50 | P a g e
دار ٌس
ِ نائِ ٌم راج ٌع
studying sleeping returning
ٌ ٌ
آ ِكل اعبِد )ناظ ٌر(إىل
eating worshipping looking (at)
53 | P a g e
ُ َّ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ
CHAPTER 5 – اجل م ل ة االس ِم ي ة
There are two types of sentences in the Arabic language. They are اجلملة االسميةand اجلملة الفعلية. If a
sentence begins with an اسم, it is a َجلة اسمية. There are few exceptions to this rule. If a sentence begins
with a فعل, it is a َجلة فعلية. There are no exceptions to this rule.
As soon as we find two words that are not a part of one of the following relationships, we have a break in
the chain:
ْ َ ُ
1) والمج ُر ْو ُر اجلار
2) واس ُمها ْ َح ْر ُف نَّ ْصب
3) اإلضافة ِ
ُ َ ِّ ُ
4) الم ْو ُص ْوف والصفةَ
َ َ ُ ُ ْ
َ اس ُم اإل
5) شار إِيلْه شار ِة والمِ
َ ُ
6) َح ْرف ع ْطف
If you find multiple breaks, the “is” goes after the first break.
54 | P a g e
Take a look at the following examples.
ْ َُ َ َ َ ُ َ
ابلنُ ْون | ِزيْنة اِل َيا ِة اَلنياالمال و
ْ ُ َّ َ ُ ََْ
لل والرسو ِلِ ِ | األنفال
ْ ُ ْ
َبع ُضك ْم | ِم ْن َبعض
Independent pronouns are followed by an invisible “is”. They usually appear at the very beginning of the
sentence. If the independent pronoun is followed by an اسم, the pronoun and the اسمmatch in number
and gender.
َ ُْ ْ ُ ٌ َْ ْ َُْ
After-is رسفون
ِ أنتم | قوم م Before-is
Number: plural Number: plural
Gender: masculine Gender: masculine
55 | P a g e
الل َُ
Number: singular | هو Before-is
Number: singular
Gender: masculine Gender: masculine
He is Allah.
ُْ ٌْ َ َ
أنا | خي ِمنه Before-is
Number: singular Number: singular
Gender: masculine/feminine Gender: masculine/feminine
ْ ُ
After-is تاب
ِ ك ِ ه َو | ِمن ال Before-is
Can come as a ;جار وجمرورhas Number: singular
no number or gender. Gender: masculine
There is an invisible “is” after an اسم اإلشارةif the word after it does not have an ال. It usually appears at
the very beginning of the sentence. If the اسم اإلشارةis followed by an اسم, it matches with the اسمin
number and gender.
ار ُ ك أَ ْص
َّ حاب
َ ُْ
Number: plural ِ | ِأوالئ Before-is
Number: plural
Gender: masculine Gender: masculine
ْ ْ
Can come as a ; جار وجمرhas no
ِ هذا | ِمن ِعن ِد ا Before-is
Number: singular
number or gender. Gender: masculine
56 | P a g e
ُ َ ُ َ
After-is ه ُؤال ِء | شفعائنا Before-is
Number: plural
Number: plural
Gender: masculine
Gender: masculine
the word that comes after the اسم اإلشارة
does not have ال These are our intercessors
Number: singular
ِ هذه | ناقة ا Before-is
Gender: feminine Number: singular
Gender: feminine
the word that comes after the اسم اإلشارة
does not have ال
This is Allah’s she-camel
Also know that اسم اإلشارة واملشار إيلهis not the only relationship that an اسم إشارةcan be in. An اسم إشارةcan
appear as اسم إنor as a َمرورor as a مضاف إيلهto name a few.
ار َّ ُُْ َ َ ْ ُ ُ َ
ت ِلك الق َرى ُهذ ه األَ ن ْهار
S / F ِ أ و الئ ِك و ق ود انل S / F S / F ِ ِ
َ َ ْ َ َْ ْ َ َ هذا
S / F ه ؤال ِء ق ْو ٌم S / F ب
ِ ذلك ِم ن أ ن با ِء الغ ي S / F
ٌ ح
A حرف انلصبalong with its اسمis followed by an “is”. It generally appears at the beginning of a sentence.
The اسمof إِنmatches in number and gender with the word after “is”.
57 | P a g e
Take a look at the following examples.
ُ إنَّها َب َق َر ٌة َص ْف
راء | ِ
Certainly it is a yellow cow.
Remember that the “is” comes AFTER the اسمof the حرف نصب. It does not come between the حرف انلصب
and its اسم.
When a proper word is followed directly by a common word, an “is” goes between them. The two words
usually match in number and gender.
انَ َْ ُ َْ ُ َ
Number: pair ِ يداه| مبسوطت Before-is
Number: pair
Gender: feminine Gender: feminine
Type: common Type: proper
the “before-is” and “after-is” match in
number and gender
His (2) hands are extended.
واس ٌع َع ِلي ٌم ُ
ِ | والل
Note that this is a list of common breaks in the chain for your reference. Not all breaks fit into one of
these four categories.
58 | P a g e
➢ DRILL 2 Draw a line at the break in the chain. Translate the ayaat using the word bank.
ٌ َ
بَالغ- announcement – َم ْط ِو ٌّيfolded ناظ ٌر
ِ – one who looks
ٌ ِّ – َميdead
ت – َغرcave
ٌ َ ُ ََ ٌ ُ
ِ هذا بالغ لِل.1 أنا يُ ْو ُسف.2 السماوات َم ْط ِو َّيات
َّ َو.3
َّ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َّ ٌ ِّ َ َ َّ َ ْ َ ُ
اظ ِريْ َن
ِ اء لِلن ِه بيض.4 ت َو ِإن ُه ْم َميِّتُ ْون ِإنك مي.5 ار
ِ هما ِف الغ.6
Think of sentence-level labels as buckets that contain words or fragments inside of them. Sentence-level
labels are the higher-level labels that deal with the parts of a sentence on a larger scale. Fragment-level
labels are used to further dissect the sentence-level material.
Rather than thinking of these two types of labels as separate systems, think of them as two levels of the
same system. The inner-workings of this system will become clearer as we move through the chapter.
S E N T E N C E -L E V E L L A B E L S
A َجلة اسميةis made up of three parts. They are:
َ ُْ
1) المبتَدأ – The مبتدأis the part BEFORE “is”. It is made up of a single اسمor an اسم+ اسمfragment or a
HoN and its اسم. It is مرفوعby default. The four common breaks in the chain that we learned
are considered common types of مبتدأ.
2) – اخل َ َْبThe خْبis the part AFTER “is”. It is made up of a single اسمor an اسم+ اسمfragment. It is
مرفوعby default.
ِّ ُ
3) المتَ َعلق باخل َ َْب – The متعلق باخلْبis the part AFTER “is”. It is made up of a جار وَمرورor a special مضاف
fragment of time and place.
59 | P a g e
Every َجلة اسميةmust have a part BEFORE “is” and a part AFTER “is”. This means that it must have a مبتدأ
and either a خْبor a متعلق باخلْب. It may have both a خْبand a متعلق باخلْب. In this case, the “is” goes at the
first break in the chain. Again, you CANNOT have a َجلة اسميةwithout a مبتدأ.
Take a look at the following examples. The مبتدأis underlined once, the خْبtwice, and the متعلق باخلْبthree
َ َ َ َ َّ
ِإن َصالتك َسك ٌن ل ُه ْم
Certainly your prayer is relief for them.
َ ْ ي اِلاكم
ي ُ ْ َو ُه َو َخ
And He is the best of judges.
Notice that there is no متعلق باخلْب, only a خْب.
ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ َّ
ِإن أبانا ل ِِف ضالل م ِبي
Certainly our father is in clear error
Notice that there is no خْب, only a متعلق باخلْب.
The المon the فis what is called الم اتلوكي ِد, or the المof emphasis.
F R A G M E N T -L E V E L L A B E L S
Recall that on a sentence-level, we have the مبتدأ, the خْب, and the متعلق باخلْب. Each of these is like a
bucket that holds either an اسمor a fragment inside of it. When doing fragment-level labeling, we are
pulling the contents out of the sentence-level buckets and analyzing them.
60 | P a g e
اجلملة االسمية
خب مبتدأ
- جار وَمرور -single اسم
-single اسم
- special مضاف - اسم+ اسمfragment
- اسم+ اسمfragment
-HoN & its اسم
In the ayah above, on a sentence-level, we have a مبتدأbucket, a خْبbucket, and a متعلق باخلْبbucket. Let
us look at what we have contained within each.
ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ َّ
ِإن أبانا ل ِِف ضالل م ِبي
Certainly our father is in clear error
In the ayah above, on a sentence-level, we have a مبتدأbucket and a متعلق باخلْبbucket. Let us look at
what we have contained within each.
61 | P a g e
2) Within the متعلق باخلْبwe have two fragments:
َ َ
a. ل ِِف ض اللis a جار وَمرور
ْ َ
b. ض الل ُم بِ يis a موصوف وصفة
➢ DRILL 3 Underline the مبتدأonce, the خْبtwice, and the متعلق باخلْبthree times.
ٌ َ ُ ِّ َ ُ َ َ ُ َّ
ِ هذا بالغ لِل.1 ِإِن َم َعك ْم.2 ِإنه لق ْول َر ُس ْول ك ِريْم.3
َّ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َّ ٌ ِّ َ َ َّ َ ْ َ ُ
اظ ِريْ َن
ِ اء لِلن ِه بيض.4 ت َو ِإن ُه ْم َميِّتُ ْون ِإنك مي.5 ار
ِ هما ِف الغ.6
It is possible for this order to be shifted for rhetorical purposes. Shifting the order can produce several
different meanings. The meaning produced by the shift in order is determined by the type of shift and
the context.
َّ َ ُ
In terms of labeling, when something appears before it is expected to, it is labeled as مقدم, which means
“brought forward”. When something appears after it is expected to, it is labeled as ُم َؤخرwhich means
“delayed”. If there is something that is مقدمin a sentence, there will necessarily be something مؤخر.
The first pattern (in which the متعلق باخلْبcomes before the )مبتدأgenerally produces a meaning of
exclusivity or ِاخ ِتصاص. Take a look at the following examples.
مؤخر مقدم
ُ المص
ي ِ َوإِىل ا
ِ ِ لل
And to Allah alone is the final place of return
مؤخر مقدم
َْ ُ َ َُْ َ
ِ و ِعنده مفاتِح الغي
And with Him exclusively are the keys to the unseen
62 | P a g e
مؤخر مقدم
ْ َ َّ كُ ْ ُ َُ
ماوات َواألر ِض
ِ الس َل مل
For Him alone is the ownership of the skies and the earth
Know that if the مبتدأis common, it MUST be made مؤخر. When the مبتدأis common, there is no بالغة
implication in the متعلق باخلْبbeing brought forward. This is because it is the only way to structure the
مؤخر مقدم
ٌ ُُ
ِف قل ْوبِ ِه ْم َم َرض
There is a sickness in their hearts
(lit. In their hearts is a sickness)
ً َ َ ً ْ َ ْ ُ َ َّ
أن لهم أجرا حسنا
That they have a beautiful compensation
In the example shown above, the ( حرف نصب واسمهاthe )مبتدأis considered مؤخر. Since this fragment can be in a long-distance
relationship, if one portion is مؤخر, the entire fragment is مؤخر.
The second pattern (in which the مبتدأremains in its place and the خْبand متعلق باخلْبswitch places) can
produce a variety of meanings. The intended meaning is determined by context. Emphasis ()اتل ْو ِكيْد
َّ and
giving importance or showing interest ( )االه ِت َمامare two of the many possibilities.
َ ْ َ ِّ ُ َ ُ َ
َشء ق ِدي ْ ٌر والل َع ك
And Allah is completely capable over every single thing.
Note that there is a difference between “abnormal” and “unusual” or “rare”. The structures introduced
in this section defy the standard, but are commonly used and commonly found in the Quran and other
63 | P a g e
➢ DRILL 4 Underline the مبتدأonce, the خْبtwice, and the متعلق باخلْبthree times. If a
component is مقدمor مؤخر, mention that it is.
ُ ُ َ ْ َْ َ ْ ْ َُ ٌ َ ٌ
السما ِء ِر ْزقك ْم
َّ ِف
ْ َو.1
ِ ف غفلة ُمع ِر ُض ْونِ وهم.2 ِفيْ ِه آيات بَيِّنات.3
ٌ ُ َ ُ َ َّ َ ْ َ ُْ ََ َ ٌ َف ُه ْم ِفيْ ِه َس.6
الل بِك ْم ل َرؤ ْوف َر ِحيْ ٌم و ِإن.4 الوار ِث ِمثل ذلِك
ِ وَع.5 واء
The متعلق باخلْب مقدمfollowed by a مبتدأ مؤخرstructure is used. MEMORIZE the templates for each type of
There are two templates that are commonly used to express possession. As stated previously, both of
these templates are made up of a متعلق باخلْب مقدمfollowed by a مبتدأ مؤخر.
In the first template, the متعلق باخلْب مقدمis made up of a )حرف اجلر( المfollowed by THE OWNER OF THE ITEM .
ٌ ْ َ
مبتدأ مؤخر َشبِ َلا متعلق باخلب مقدم
ْ َ َ ْ ُ ِّ َ ُ ْ َ َّ ْ
ِ لِْلك ِر ِمثل حظ األنثي
The male has the equivalent of the share of two females.
(lit. For the male is the equivalent of the share of two females.)
64 | P a g e
➢ DRILL 5 Translate the following ayaat. Use the word bank provided below.
ْ َ َ ْ َ ُ
– أعمالdeeds – َعذابpunishment – أ ِيلْمpainful – أجرreward – ن ْورlight
ُ ُ ْ َ ُ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ ٌ َ َْ ْ ُ ُ ُ ْ َ َ
نلا أعمانلا َولك ْم أعمالك ْم.3 ذاب أ ِيلْ ٌم َولِلَك ِف ِرين ع.2 ل ُه ْم أج ُره ْم َون ْو ُره ْم.1
In the second template, the متعلق باخلْب مقدمis made up of a ( عندspecial )مضافfollowed by THE OWNER OF
َْ ُ َ َُْ َ
ِ و ِعنده مفاتِح الغي
And with him exclusively are the keys to the unseen.
This template is used to express closeness but does not imply permanent possession.
“T H E R E I S ” S E N T E N C E S
There are two templates that are commonly used to express the existence of something at a certain
ٌ ُُ ْ
ف قل ْوبِ ِه ْم َم َرض ِ
There is a disease in their hearts.
65 | P a g e
ٌ َْ
َو َبين ُهما ِحجاب
And there is a barrier between the two of them.
*See APPENDIX II for “There Is” sentence structure in Modern Standard Arabic.
➢ DRILL 6 Translate the following ayaat. Use the word bank provided below.
َْ َ
ِ – trespasser – أكْثmost – بَ ِّيclear – ِر ْزقprovisions
َ ُ ْ ْث ُهَ ْ ََ َ ُْ ْ ُ ْ ُْ ٌ َ ٌ ُ ُ
الفاسق ْون
ِ م ُ ِمنهم المؤ ِمنون وأك.3 ِفيْ ِه آيات بَيِّنات.2 السما ِء ِر ْزقك ْم
َّ ِف
ْ َو.1
The خْبbucket is special and different than the other two buckets in that it can hold a FULL SENTENCE
within it. It can carry both َجلة اسميةand َجلة فعلية. We will study more about َجلة فعليةas a خْبafter we
study فعل.
For now, take a look at the following examples of a َجلة اسميةas a خْب.
خب هذا ه َو اِلَق مبتدأ
ْ ُ ُ ُ َّ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ
خب إِنك أنت عالم الغيو ِب مبتدأ
66 | P a g e
In the examples above, there are two tiers of sentence-level labeling. This is because the خْب, which is a
sentence-level label, has a sentence inside of it. After completing the first tier of sentence-level labeling,
the sentence inside the خْبis pulled out and labeled like any other sentence.
ه َو اِلَق
It is the truth.
ُ َّ َ ْ َ
ت َعال ُم الغيُ ْو ِب أن
You are the knower of the unseen.
➢ DRILL 7 Underline the مبتدأonce, the خْبtwice, and the متعلق باخلْبthree times. Rewrite the
contents of the خْبin the box provided and repeat the underlining process.
َ َُ
َّ ك ُه ْم َوقُ ْو ُد َ َ َ َّ ُ الس َف َه
ُ إ َّن ُه ْم ُه ْم.1
ِ انل ِ وأالئ.3 إِن هذا ل ُه َو الق َص ُص اِلَق.2 اء ِ
H A V I N G M U L T I P L E خب
Know that it is possible to have two or more خْبback-to-back with no حرف العطفbetween them. This
occurs most commonly with the names of Allah, but also elsewhere in the Quran and other literature.
واس ٌع َع ِلي ٌم ُ
ِ | والل
67 | P a g e
We learned that when there is no الon the word following a اسمُإشارة, a sentence is formed. For example,
ٌُ هذاُبَيْتtranslates as “This is a house”. However, if you wanted to say “This is the house,” the word
“house” would require an ال. Adding an الwould turn the sentence into a fragment. What is the
The solution is to add the الand then to add what is called a referee pronoun between the اسمُاإلشارةand
the word following. This pronoun should match with the اسمُاإلشارةin number and gender. The correct
way to say “This is the house” is:
Take a look at the following examples in which the referee pronoun is used.
➢ DRILL 8 Turn the following fragments into sentences without removing the ال.
َ ْ َ
أ ْوالئِك المفل ِح ْون .1
َّ ِلك
الار اآلخ َِرة ت .2
هذا ابلَالء .3
هذه ايلَد .4
هؤالءِ المؤمِنات .5
68 | P a g e
In Modern Standard Arabic, there is another template to create the “There Is” sentence structure. It is
َ ”هُ
made up of the word “ناك followed by a مبتدأ مؤخرfollowed by a متعلق باخلْب. This template is unique to
modern Arabic and does not occur in the Quran. Below shows how the previous “there is” sentences
would be expressed in modern Arabic:
ُُ ٌ َ ُه
ناك َم َرض ِف قل ْوبِ ِه ْم
There is a disease in their hearts.
َْ ٌ َ ُه
ناك ِحجاب بَين ُهما
And there is a barrier between the two of them.
69 | P a g e
ََش ٌء – أَ ْش ُ
ٌ َْ ٌ
مال – أموال
َ ٌّ َ ْ َ ُ َ َ
اء/ن ِبي ْونن ِِب – أن ِبي
ٌ ٌ
َر ُس ْول – ُر ُسل
thing wealth prophet messenger
ِس – أَ ْ َ
ِسارٌ ٌّ ب – أَ ْص َ
حابٌ َصاح ٌ
َ ْ ٌ َ َ ْ ُ
ح ِديث – أحا ِديث
ْ ٌ
ِحك َمة
secrets companion/dweller discourse/speech wisdom
ُ ُ ً ْ ُ ُ َ َ َ ً َُ ََ
to enter دخل يَدخل دخ ْوال to ask ُسؤاال َسأل ي َ ْسأل
ً كتُ ََُ َ َ ْ ًَ َََ ََُْ
to write ب ِكتابَة ك تب ي to read ِقراءة قرأ يقرأ
َ َ َ َْ ُ ُ َ ْ ً
to eat أكل يأكل أكال to hear َس ِم َع ي َ ْس َم ُع َس ْم ًعا
ُ َْ َ ََ َُْ ََ
to leave/emerge خ َر َج َي ُر ُج خ ُر ْو ًجا to look نظ َر ينظ ُر نظ ًرا (إىل)
َ ً
د َر َس يَد ُر ُس ِد
ب ذهابًا
َ ب ي َ ْذ َه ُ َذ َه َ
to study to go
َ َُ ُ َ ً ًْ ََْ ُ َ
to say قال يق ْول ق ْوال to memorize/protect َح ِفظ َيفظ ِحفظا
ْ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ََْ
to mention/remember ذك َر يَذك ُر ِذك ًرا to know َع ِل َم يعل ُم ِعل ًما
َ َ َُْ َ ًْ
to return َر َج َع يَ ْر ِج ُع ُر ُج ْو ًاع to create خل َق َيل ُق خلقا
70 | P a g e
َ الفِ ْع ل
ْ ِ الم
CHAPTER 6 – اض
A فعلin Arabic differs from an English verb in that every فعلcontains a pronoun inside of it. This pronoun
serves as a doer. Together, an action and a doer make a full sentence. Because a فعلcontains both, it is
considered a full sentence, a َجلة فعلية.
There are other فعلforms that can be derived from these three types, but they are not considered
separate types or categories of فعل. They are considered variations of these three basic types.
Just as a جملةُاسميةhas three parts, there are also three parts to a جملةُفعلية. They are:
1) – الفعلthe action
2) – الفاعلthe doer; the one who carries out the action
3) – المفعولthe detail
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6.2 الفعل الماضىي
Because every فعلhas a pronoun inside of it, the فعلtakes on a different form depending on what
pronoun it contains. Observe how the ending of eachُ فعلchanges depending on the pronoun. MEMORIZE
all of the أفعالin the chart below along with their corresponding pronouns.
third person
They helped. Both of them helped. She helped.
ْ َ َأَ ْنتُ ْم ن
َْص ُتم ُْ َ َ َُْ
أنتما نَصتما
َ ْ َ َ َ َْ
أنت نَصت
second person
َّ ُ ْأَن ُْ َ َ َُْ َ َْ
All of you helped. You two helped. You helped.
ََّص ُتن
ْ َ َت ن أنتما نَصتما ْ َ
ت نَص ِت ِ أن
All of you helped. You two helped. You helped.
ْ َ َََنْ ُن ن ُ ْ َ َ َ
َصنا أنا نَصت
first person
We helped. I helped.
َ َت َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َّ َ ََكت
الو َم ِا ْستَ ْم َسك َ َّ ك
ْب ت َجاهد أ ْسل َم َعل َم َس ِم َع ب
➢ DRILL 2 What is the inside pronoun? Pay attention to the endings of each فعل.
َ ْ فَ َّر ق.6 ْ َ َ َ
ت أ خ ذ ت.1
َ َ ْ َّ
أ ك ال.7 اِت بَع نا.2
ُ ْ َم نَن.8 ُ ََ
ت ت ف َّر ق ْوا.3
ََك ْ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َّ
ْب اِ س ت. 9 اَِّت ذ ت ْم.4
َّ ُ ْ ا َّت َق ي.10
خان تَا.5
72 | P a g e
6.3 الفاعل
The فاعلis the doer of the action. There are two types of فاعل:
1) INSIDE – )الض ِم ْي الم ْس َت ِت( فاعلthis is the built-in pronoun that every فعلcontains.
2) OUTSIDE – فاعلthis type of فاعلis used when the doer is someone or something other than a
pronoun (e.g “Muhammad” rather than “he”).
تان َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ
The two Muslimahs helped. ِ ) نَصت المس ِلم6 The two Muslims helped. مان
ِ ) نَص المس ِل2
ُ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ) ن3
The Muslimahs helped. الم ْس ِلمات ُ ت ) نَص7 The Muslims helped. الم ْس ِل ُم ْونُ َص
Notice that only the هوform and the هيform are used despite the variety in the number of the outside
فاعل. Also notice that the فعلand outside فاعلmatch in gender.
Know that every جلمةُفعليةmust have a فاعل, whether it be inside or outside. But you cannot have both.
➢ DRILL 3 Inside or outside doer? If you find an outside doer, circle it. If you find an inside
doer, write out the pronoun.
َ َ َ َ ُ َّ َ َ َ َُ ْ َفَما َرِب
I / O قال َُل ُم ْوس I / O َودخل َجنتَه I / O ارت ُه ْم ت ِِت ِ
َ َّ ْ َ َّ َ ُ َ ْ َّ ْ ُ ْ َ َ َ َاستَ ْط َعما أَ ْهلَها
ْ َف
I / O الر ُس ْول واتبعنا I / O أخذتهم الرجفة I / O
73 | P a g e
6.4 المفعول
The مفعولis defined as a detail that pertains to the action. The detail refers to additional information
about the action. Such information includes:
The answer to these questions is the مفعول. Remember that details are منصوب. There are six types of
details (ُ) َمفَا ِعيْل, each answering a different question.
#1 – المفعول به
The مفعولُبهtells you WHO or WHAT was the action done to. This is the most common of the six مفاعيل.
The مفعولُبهcan take two forms. It can either appear as a regular اسمin the sentence or as a pronoun
attached to the فعل.
74 | P a g e
َ َ َّ َخلَ َق
ماوات َواأل ْرض
ِ الس
He created the skies and the earth.
What did He create? The skies and the earth.
َ ْ َ َ ََ
فأخذهم العذاب
Then the punishment took them.
Who did the punishment take? It took them.
***Note: when attaching a pronoun to the أنتمform of a فعل, a helper وgoes between the فعلand the
pronoun to make the pronunciation of the word smoother.
➢ DRILL 4 Write the inside pronoun on the first line. Write the attached pronoun on the
second line. Then translate.
Hint: The inside pronoun translates as the doer and the attached pronoun translates as the detail.
َ َ َ ن.1
ص ك ْم
َّ َ
ع ل ْمناه.2
َسأ تلَه ْم.3
َسأ تل م ْوه َّن.4
ك تَبْناها.5
َ َ
دخ ل ْوه.6
خاطبَه ْم
َ .7
ْ َ
ق َرأ ناه.8
َ َ
ْراد ِن أ.9
75 | P a g e
َ َ َ
أك له.10
#2 – المفعول فيه
The مفعولُفيهtells you WHEN or WHERE the action took place. It often appears as a special مضافof time
or place. It can also appear as an اسمthat denotes time but is not a مضاف. When فيappears in a جملةُفعلية,
that جارُمجرورis a مفعولُفيه.
َ َ َْ
َو َرفعنا ف ْوقك ْم الط ْو َر
And We raised the mount over you.
َ َ
Where did we raise the mount? Over you. ف وْ قis a special مضاف.
ً َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ ِّ
ً َال َون
هارا إِِن دعوت قو ِم يل
Certainly, I called my people night and day.
When did I call? During the night and the day. يلالand نهاراare words that denote time.
َ َ ُ َ
الم ِدين ِة َمك ْرت ُم ْو ُه ِف
All of you plotted it in the city.
Where did you all plot? In the city. فيoftentimes denotes time or place.
#3 – المفعول هل
The مفعولُلهtells you WHY the action took place. It is often translated as “because of” or “out of” but is
not limited to these translations. Most often, the مفعولُلهis a مصدر. We will learn to recognize a مصدر
when we study صرف.
ْ َ ْ ْ َ َ
غاء َوجهِ َر لب ِ ِه ْمِ صبوا ابت
They persevered for the pleasure of their Master.
Why did they persevere? For the pleasure of their Master.
#4 – المفعول المطلق
The مفعولُمطلقhas three main functions.
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2. to describe the action (when the مفعول مطلقhas a )صفة
3. to indicate the number of times an action happened (when the مفعول مطلقhas a number)
It appears as a مصدرthat shares the same root letters as the فعل. Again, we will learn more about this
when we study صرف.
ْ َ َّ َ
َوَك َم اهلل م ْوىس تكل ِيْما
And Allah spoke to Musa directly.
#5 – احلال
The حالtells you HOW the action took place. It describes the state of the doer or the action. It often
translates as an adverb (e.g angrily) or as “while” or “as,” but is not limited to these translations.
ْ َ َ
فخ َر َج مِنها خائِفا
Then he left it fearfully.
In what state did he leave? He left fearfully.
َ َْ
َوانقلب ْوا صاغ ِِريْ َن
And they returned belittled.
In what state did they return? They returned in the state of being belittled.
***Note that a جملةُفعليةdoes not require a مفعولto be considered complete. There is no limit to how
many مفاعيلthere can be in one sentence.
#6 – المتعلق بالفعل
Recall that a جارُومجرورwithin a جملةُاسميةis labelled as a متعلقُبالخبر. Within a جملةُفعلية, a جارُومجرورis
labelled as a متعلقُبالفعل. Literally, متعلقmeans “related to” or “associated with”. There are many أفعالthat
are associated with a حرف.
For example, ظ َُر َ َن, which means to look, comes with إِلى. So if we wanted to say “He looked at him,” we
would say ظ َرُإِل ْي ُِهَ َ نrather than ُظ َره
َ َن. There are many such examples. A فعلcoming with an accompanying
حرفis very common.
***Note that حروفthat are associated with أفعالdo not always have to be translated.
77 | P a g e
ْ ْ ََ
نظ َر َبعضه ْم إِىل َبعض
They looked at each other.
(lit. Some of them look at some others.)
َْ َ َ َ َّ
َصفك ْم عنه ْم ثم
And then He averted all of you away from them.
➢ DRILL 5 Underline the فعلonce, the فاعلtwice, and the متعلقُبالفعل/ مفعولthree times. If the
فاعلis an inside pronoun, write it out underneath the فعل.
َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ ََ
ج َعلناه ْم َسلفا َو َمثال ل ِآلخرِيْ َن ف َوق َتل داو ْود َجال ْوت قاتله ْم اهلل
As for the مفعولُفيه, it is flexible in its position and it is not considered abnormal if it is shifted.
ْ َّ َ َ
لَع اهلل ِ ت َوَكنا
فعلُمؤخر متعلقُبالفعلُمقدم
We have relied only on Allah
In the example above, the shift in order creates the meaning of exclusivity.
When it comes to attached pronouns, it is normal for the attached مفعولُبهto come before the فاعل. This
is because it is attached to the فعلand cannot be separated. This is NOT considered an abnormal
قاتلهم اهلل
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Recall that a جملةُاسميةcan act as a خبر. Likewise, a جملةُفعليةcan also act as a خبر. When this occurs, the
entire sentence is labeled as a خبر. This is the first tier of sentence-level labeling. As for the second tier,
the sentence is pulled out of the خبرbucket and labeled like any other جملةُفعلية. Take a look at the
example below.
ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ
ً ْك َفت
حا ُم ِبينا إِنا فتحنا ل
Inside this خبر, we have a complete جملةُفعلية. On a sentence level, the word فتحناserves as the فعلas
well as the فاعل. The fragment لكis a متعلقُبالفعل, and فتحاُمبيناis a مفعولُمطلق.
When the خبرis a جملةُفعلية, the pronoun inside the فعلmust match with the مبتدأin number and
َّ matches in number and gender with the pronoun
gender. In the example above, the نحن( مبتدأ+)إن
inside the فتَحْ نا( خبر.)
➢ DRILL 6 Convert the following جملُفعليةinto جملُاسمية. Remember to match the مبتدأand the
خبر. The first one is done as an example.
ُ َ َ الم ْس ِل ُم ْو َن ن
َص ْوا ُ َ
الم ْس ِل ُم ْو ن
ُ َصَ َ َن
ُ ِّ ت الن
ساء ْ ََك تَب
ان َّ َ َ َ
ِ ح َض الط ِابل
ان َّ ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ
ِ اِس ت م ت ع ت األم
َّ َ ب َ َد أ
اَل ْر ُس
79 | P a g e
Quotes in Arabic are considered to be a type of مفعولُبه, because they answer the question “What did x
ُِ َمق ْولُالقَ ْو.
say?” The term for this in Arabic is ل
In some cases, the مقولُالقولdoes not always have to be a sentence. Take a look at the example below.
َ ُ
قال ْوا ن َع ْم
They said, “yes”.
In Arabic, most question words have no grammatical effect and can simply be added to the beginning of
a sentence, both اسميةand فعلية.
Below are some commonly used question words and their definitions.
َ َ َْ َ َ َ
أي أ/هل كيْف ل ِماذا أ ْي َن َم َت ما/ماذا َم ْن
which did how why where when what who
Take a look at how these question words are used with a جملةُفعلية
Who studied? َم ْن د َر َس؟
Did Zaynab study? ب؟ُ َت َزيْن ْ أَ َد َر َس/َهل
Take a look at how these question words are used with a جملةُاسمية
80 | P a g e
Who is he? َم ْن ه َو؟
ٌ ُ َ
Is he present? هل ه َو َم ْو ُج ْود؟
When is it? َمّت ه َو؟
Where is it? أي َن ه َوُ؟
ٌ ُ
Why is he here? ِملاذا ه َو َم ْو ُج ْود؟
What is it? ما ه َو؟/ماذا
Note that when َُ أَيْنor ماare used with a sentence that has a جارُومجرورin it, the حرفُجرcomes before
the question word.
In the case of ما, the حرفُجرmerges with the ماand the اis omitted and replaced with a فتحة.
ُ َْ
Where is he from? ِم ْن أي َن ه َو؟
َ ُ َ َ َ َّ َ
What are they asking each other about? ساءل ْون؟ عم ي ت
The )ع ْن ( حرف جرcomes before the question word ()ما. The اis replaced with a ـ.َ
What were you all in? ِفيْ َم كنتُ ْم؟
For what (reason) did you give them permission? ُ ِل َم أ َ ِذ ْنتَ ُلَه ُْم؟
ِل َمtranslates literally as “for what” but can be translated more naturally as “why”.
81 | P a g e
ُ ْ َ ٌ َع َذ ٌ ع َق
أج ٌر – أ ُج ْو ٌر ٌ َج َز
اء اب اب ِ
reward compensation torment punishment
ٌب – ُذنُ ْوب
ٌ َْذن ٌ ثَ َو ْ ٌ ح َس
اب ِإث ٌم اب ِ
sin reward sin accounting/reckoning
ٌ َْوق
ٌ ُ
ق َّوة
تق َوى
time weakness strength piety
Will not لن
Did not لم
Should ِلـ
+ قد َ َ
Qur’anic Arabic: certainly
مضارع+ قد have/already will مضارع+ س ْوف/سـ
Modern Arabic: might ماض
ٌ َ ُ ٌْ
ِ ِفعل مضa present tense فعل
َْ ُْ
ِفعل أمرa commanding فعل
ْ َ ُْ
ِفعل نهa forbidding فعل
ٌ ُ ٌ َ ُ ٌْ
ارع َم ْرف ْوع
ِ فِعل مضa normal present tense فعل
ْ ٌ َ ُ ٌْ
ارع َمن ُص ْو ٌب
ِ فِعل مضa light present tense فعل
َْ ٌ َ ُ ٌْ
ارع َم ُز ْو ٌم
ِ فِعل مضa lightest present tense فعل
اصبَة َّ حرف اِل ُ ُر ْو ُفof light
ِ انل
ُ َ ُْ ُُ
از َمة
ِ حرف اِلروف اجلof lightest
CHAPTER 7 – الفعل المضارع
Recall that الفعل المضارعis used to express actions occurring in the present tense or future tense. In terms
of usage and sentence structure, all the rules of الجملة الفعليةapply when it comes to الفعل المضارعas well. In
this chapter, we will cover the فعل مضارعchart as well as a few concepts that are unique to الفعل المضارع.
third person
They help. Both of them help. She helps.
second person
All of you help. You two help. You help.
We help. I help.
Notice that الفعل المضارعALWAYS begins with one of four letters. They are أ ي ت ن. The حركةon these
letters can be a فتحةor a ضمة. Whichever it is, that حركةwill remain the same throughout the chart.
Remember that you are looking at the beginning and ending of each فعلto determine the inside
pronoun. Use the following code to help you.
84 | P a g e
ون+ ي ان
ِ +ي ُـ+ ي
ن+ي ان
ِ +ت ُـ+ ت
ون+ ت ان
ِ +ت ُـ+ ت
َ ْ
ن+ت ان
ِ +ت ِي َن+ ت
ُـ+ ن ُـ+ أ
َ ََيت ُ َ ََ ُ ِّ ُ ْ َ
الو ُم ي َ ْستَ ْم ِسك ُ َّ ك
ْب يت ْيا ِه ُد ي ُ ْس ِل ُم ي َعل ُم ي َ ْس َم ُع ُ ُكت
ب ي
➢ DRILL 2 What is the inside pronoun? Pay attention to the beginning and ending of each
عان َ ََ َ ُ َْ ْ َ
ْش ْو ن
ِ ي ْتاج.11 ِ ي س ت ب.6
َ ْ َ ْ
ت ع ل ُم.12 ي َك تُ ُم.7
ُ أ ُن َب.13
ُ ِّ َ ُ
ْن ل ن.8
َ ْ َ ُْ
ي َش َه ُد ْو ن.14 ت ؤ ِم نُ ْو ن.9
ُ ُ ْ َْ
ِت ا ِد ل.15 رس ق َنِ ي.10
1) NORMAL ( – )مرفوعThis is the DEFAULT form of the فعلwhen there is no حرفaffecting it.
2) LIGHT ( – )منصوبThis is the form the فعلtakes when affected by الحروف الناصبة للمضارع.
3) LIGHTEST ( – )مجزومThis is the form that the فعلtakes when affected by الحروف الجازمة للمضارع.
Then let us learn these two sets of حروف. Then let us learn how to construct the light and lightest forms.
85 | P a g e
MEMORIZE الحروف الناصبة للمضارعalong with their meanings.
To أن
Will not ل ْن
So that, in order to ِْل َك
Until, to the point that, so that َح َّّت
➔ لكيis a compound حرف. The المcan be used on its own and so can كَي, or they can be used
together. The meaning remains the same.
➔ حتىcan come before a فعل ماضas well. In this case, it means “until” or “to the point that”. Since
الفعل الماضيdoes not change, the حرفhas no effect.
ُ ُ َْين
َص ْوا
ين َُصا َ ُ َْين
َ ْ ُ َْ َْ َ ُ َْتن
َصن ين تن َُصا َص
َص ْواُ ُ َْتن َْ
تن َُصا َ ُ َْتن
َ ْ ُ َْ َْ ُ َْ
َصن تن تن َُصا َص ْيِ تن
َ ُ َْنن
َص َأَنْ َُص
Take a look at the following examples. Notice how the حروفaffect the أفعالafter them.
َ َ ْ َْ ْ
ِ ي ِريد أن ُي ِرجك ِم م ِْن أ ْر
ضك ْم
He wants to expel you all from your land.
َْ َ ْ
قل ل ْن َينف َعك ْم الفِرار
Say, “Fleeing will not benefit you all.”
86 | P a g e
َّ َ ل َ َ ْ َََْ ْ َْ َ ل
ِ وأنزنلا إِيلك اَّلِكر تلِ ب ِي ل ِلن
We sent down the reminder so that you can clarify for the people
ْ َ َ َ َْ َ ل
حك كثِيا ِ ك نس ب
So that we can glorify You a lot.
ْ َْ َ ْ َ َ َّ
ِإَونا ل ْن ندخلها َح َّت ُيرج ْوا مِنها
We definitely will not enter it until they exit from it.
َْ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ
ِجاء أمر اهلل مان َح َّت َّ
ِ وغرتكم األ
False hopes deluded you until the command of Allah came.
Notice that حتىis followed by a فعل ماض.
MEMORIZE الحروف الجازمة للمضارعalong with their meanings.
If إِن
Did not ل ْم
Not yet ل َّما
And should َولـ
Then should فلـ
Should ل ِـ
87 | P a g e
To make a فعلlightest ()مجزوم:
ْ ْ ْ َْين
َينص ْوا َينصا ص
َ ْ َْ َْ ْ َْتن
صن ين تنصا ص
َْ َْ ْ َْتن
تنص ْوا تنصا ص
َ ْ َْ َْ ْ َتنْص
صن تن تنصا ي ِ
ْ َْنن
ص َْأنْص
Take a look at the following examples. Notice how the حروفaffect the أفعالafter them
َ إ َن َتنْص ْوا
ْ ْاهلل َين
صك ْم ِ
If you aid Allah, He will aid you.
Notice that that إنis affecting two words: ( )تنصرواand ()ينصر كم.
ْ َْْ َل
نل بِهِ سلطانا
ِ لم ي
He did not send down any authority for it.
َ ْ ْ َ َّ َ
ِ ع لما يذوقوا
They have not yet tasted My punishment.
َ َ َّ َ َ
ِقام عبْد اهلل ولما
And when the slave of Allah stood up.
Notice that لَ َّماis followed by a فعل ماض. In this case, it translates as “when” and has no effect on the فعل.
88 | P a g e
ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ َ ْ ََْ
ىل َويلؤمِن ْوا ِب
ِ جيبوا
ِ فليست
So then they should respond to me and they should believe in me
َ ْ ِيلَ َت َف َّقه ْوا ِف ل
الِي ْ ِن َو ِيلنذِر ْوا ق ْو َمه ْم ِ
They should obtain a deep understanding of the religion and they should warn their people.
َ ْ
ت ؤمِن ْو ن.1
َ َ
ت عْ ل م.2
ن َ ل.3
ن ِل
اج عا ِنَ ي َ َت.4
ي َ ْْسِق َن.5
89 | P a g e
command, which is why it is grouped together with فعل األمر. Both of these types are constructed using
الفعل المضارعas a frame, which is why they are usually studied alongside الفعل المضارع.
When it comes to commanding and forbidding, we are concerned only with the SECOND PERSON
PRONOUNS ( َ أَنتthrough ) أَنت َّنbecause you cannot command or forbid yourself (first person) or someone
who is not present (third person).
F O R B I D D I N G – فعل انليه
We will begin by learning how to construct النهي, because it is simpler. Follow a three-step process:
1) Begin with your فعلin the SECOND -PERSON مضارعFORM and make sure that the pronoun matches
with the one being forbidden
2) Put the فعلin the LIGHTEST FORM
3) Put a “ ”الin front of the فعل
If you wanted to command Maryam not to help, for instance, you would follow this process:
Below is the forbidding chart. MEMORIZE it along with the pronouns and meanings.
َ ْ ُ ْ َ َّ ُ ْ َ َْ ْأَنْت ال َتنْ َُصي
All of you don’t help! You two don’t help! You don’t help!
ُ َْ ُ
أنت ال تنَصن أنتما ال تنَصا ِ ِ
All of you don’t help! You two don’t help! You don’t help!
1. a ال
2. a فعلthat is lightest
Note that “ ”الcan be used to negate a فعل مضارعas well as to forbid. If the فعلfollowing the “ ”الis NOT in
the lightest form, it is negation, NOT forbidding. Negation differs from forbidding in that it is a simple
statement of fact or an observation, whereas فعل النهيdemands action from the listener by forbidding.
ال ت َنص ِري, for example, is in the forbidding form because it is lightest. It translates as “Don’t help!”
90 | P a g e
Compare this to َال ت َنص ِريِن, which is not lightest. It is a negative statement that translates as “You do not
Both occur frequently in the Quran, so learning how to distinguish between them is important.
Recall that it is not possible to directly forbid someone who is not present. It is, however, possible to say
“someone should not do something.” This is what is known as an indirect forbidding or a third person
ُ ُ ُْه ْم ال َين
َص ْوا
َْ ُ
هما ال ين َُصا ْ ُ ُْه َو ال َين
They should not help. They (2) should not help. He should not help.
َ ْ ُ ْ َ َّ ُ َْ ُ ْ ُ ْه ال َتن
َصن هن ال ين هما ال تن َُصا َص َ ِ
They should not help. They (2) should not help. She should not help.
Remember to look for an outside فاعلif the one being forbidden is not a pronoun. Take a look at the
following examples.
َخ ْذ الم ْؤمِن ْو َن الاكف ِريْ َن أ ْو ِيلاء َّ
ِ ال َيت
The believers should not take the disbelievers as friends.
ْ َ ْ َْ َ
فال َيزنك كفره
His disbelief should not sadden you.
C O M M A N D I N G – فعل األمر
Use the following process to construct a command:
1) Begin with your فعلin the second-person مضارعform and make sure that the pronoun matches
with the one being commanded
2) Put the فعلin the lightest form
3) Remove the ت, the first letter of the فعل
IF the new first letter after removing the تhas something OTHER THAN a سكونon it, your job is done.
91 | P a g e
IF the new first letter after removing the تhas a سكونon it, then it is impossible to pronounce, so the
following steps must be taken in order to make it pronounceable.
َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َّ ُ ْ َ ُْ َُْ ْأَنْت اُنْ َُصي
All of you don’t help! You two don’t help! You don’t help!
أنت انَصن ُ
أنتما انَصا ِ ِ
All of you don’t help! You two don’t help! You don’t help!
GO! ( َ)أنت
Determine حركة
ْ ا ِذْ َه
Start off with
Remove first ت:
normal 2nd Make lightest:
for helper ألف:
بْ تَ ْذ َه ْ ذْ َه
َ َْ ب ْ اذْ َه
تذهب ب
AID! ()أنتن
ِ )أن
Note that the helper ألفis not pronounced when reading Quran if there is a word before it. The حركةis
not written on the ألفin the Uthmani script.
92 | P a g e
Also note that commands in the أَسلَ َمfamily always begin with a َ أ. This is the only exception to the rules
mentioned above. We will learn more about this family when we study صرف. For now, know that if a فعل
rhymes with أَسلَ َمin the past-tense and يسلِمin the present-tense, it is from the أّسلَ َمfamily.
Note that in your vocabulary, the words from the أسلمfamily are under “F A M I L Y IV ”. It will always be
written as َ أ.
WARN! ()أنتم
َْأن ْ ِذروا
Start off with Remove first Add أسلمfamily
normal 2nd Make lightest: ت: همزة:
تنذِر ْوا
َ ْ ْ
نذِر ْوا َْ
تنذِر ْون أنذِر ْوا
َ ُ َْ ْ َ
ْش ْو ن ِ ي س ت ب.1
َ ْ َ
ت ع ل ُم.2
يَ ْ ْن ل ِّ َ ُ
ِ ت.3
عان َ ََ
ِ ت ْتاج.4
ْ َْ
رس ق َن ِ ي.5
There is, however, one structure in particular that occurs with الفعل المضارعand فعل األمرand does not
occur with الفعل الماضي.
When it comes to الفعل المضارعand فعل األمر, it is possible to move the مفعول بهbefore the فعل, even if the
مفعول بهis a pronoun. This is done through the use of a place-holder, ِإيّا
ْ َ َ َّ َْ َ ل
اك ن ْس َت ِعياك نعبد ِإَوي إِي
We worship You alone and we rely on You alone.
This placeholder is also used when doing عطفor a pronoun onto another pronoun.
93 | P a g e
َ َْ
َنن ن ْرزقه ْم ِإَويلاك ْم
We will provide for them and for you all.
Note that a فعلthat has a نون التوكيدwill always translate in the future tense.
To add two levels of emphasis to a فعل مضارع, two نونare added. This is known as ( نون التوكيد الثقيلةthe
heavy نونof emphasis).
The light نونof emphasis only occurs twice in the Quran, while the heavy نونof emphasis occurs
countless times. For this reason, we will focus on that.
Take a look at the chart below. The frequently used forms are highlighted. Familiarize yourself with
َّ ْ ل َْ َّ َ ْ َ
هم َينصن ان ِ هما ينص صن هو ين
َْ َْ ل ل َْ َّ َ ْ َ
انِ هن ينصن ان ِ هما تنص صن ه تن
َّ ْ َ ل َْ َّ َ ْ َ َ
أنتم تنصن ان
ِ أنتما تنص صن أنت تن
َْ ْ ل ل َْ َّ ْ َ
ِ أنت تنص ان
ِ أنتما تنص صنِ أنت تن
َّ َ ْ َ َّ َ ْ َ
صن َنن نن أنا أنصن
Notice that when the original فعلhas a وas part of the ending (أنتم/)هم, it is replaced with a ضمةwhen the
نونis added.
When the original ends in a نحن( ضمة/أنا/ َأنت/هي/)هو, it is replaced with a فتحةwhen the نونis added.
Take a look at the following examples. Pay attention to the first letter of the فعلas well as the last حركة
to figure out the inside pronoun.
َّ َّ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ْ َّ َ ْ َ
ضنا أو تلعودن ِِف مِلتِناِ نلخ ِرجنكم مِن أر
We will definitely expel you all from our land or you all will definitely come back to our religion.
94 | P a g e
Notice the حركةbefore the نون التوكيد. Notice how it is a فتحةon ( لنخرجنmeaning the original was a )ضمةand a ضمةon لتعودن
(meaning the original was a )واو.
ْ ْ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ ل
تلنبِئنهم بِأم ِرهِم هذا
You will most definitely inform them of this matter of theirs
َّ َ
فعل انليه الم ؤ ك د
The نهيcan be emphasized to convey the meaning “don’t you dare…” For the second person, it will
translate as “don’t you dare”, and for third person, it will be translated as “X should not at all”.
The فعلis constructed the same way as the مضارعand a الis added before it.
َّ ُ ُ ْ َ ِّ َْ َّ َ ُ ْ َ
َصن أنتم ال تن أنتما ال تن َُصان َصن َ
أنت ال تن
ِّ ْ ُ ْ َ ِّ َْ َّ ُ ْ َ
َصنان أنت ال تن أنتما ال تن َُصان َصن ِ أنت ال تن ِ
َ ْ َ َ َ َّ َ َ ْ َ
اهلل اغفال ع َّما َيع َمل الظال ِم ْون وال َتسب
Don’t you dare think that Allah is unaware of the wrongdoers.
➢ DRILL 6 What is the inside pronoun? Pay attention to the first letter as well as the حركة
on the letter before the نون.
َّ َ ُ َ ُ ُ َ
أل ك ِف َر ن.5 يل َق ْو ل َّن.1
ُ َُ َ ََْ
ل ت ْس ئَل َّن.6 ْن ع َّن ِ نل.2
َّ َ َيل ُبَ ِّط.7
ئ نَّ ُ ِّ َتل ُب َي.3
َ ْ َُ َ َُ
خ ل َّن ِ نل د.8 ال ت ق ْو ل َّن.4
95 | P a g e
We have completed basics of أسماءand أفعال, so now we can distinguish between an اسمand a فعلjust by
looking at the word, regardless of whether we know the definition or not. Use the following tips to help
you distinguish between the two.
االسم الفعل
An اسمcan take تنوينor الor ة A فعلcannot
If it ends in ين/ ونand the first letter is something If it ends in ين/ ونand the first letter is a يor ت, it
other than يor ت, it is an اسم is an فعل
If comes after a حرف الجرor a حرف النصبor a If it comes after a حرف ناصبة للمضارعor a حرف
special مضافit is an اسم جازمةor قَدor سor ف
َ سو
َ , it is a فعل
ْ َََْ َ
ْثت اِ ن ت. 5 ش ِف ي ْع.1
ْ ِّ َ ْ َ َ ُ َْ ْ ُ
ب ع د اَّل ك رى.6 ْش ْو ن ِ م س ت ب.2
ُ ْ َس يُص ي.7 َ َّ
ب ِ الس ائ ِل .3
َ أ َ ْن ي َْت.8
اج عا
ََ ْ َ ْ َ
ق د أ ف ل ح.4
ْ ف قُل ُ ْو ب ه م.9 ُ إ َّن.5
َ ْ الم ناف ق
ِِ ِِ ِ
96 | P a g e
-in رفعstatus
imperative action
- فعلis ه/هو
97 | P a g e
َ َ َ َ َ َْ ٌ ٌ َ َ َُ ٌ ْ ََ
عال ٌم – عال ُم ْون أن َع ٌام ِإله – ِآل َهة شك ُاء – شيك ِ
world/creation cattle َ god/diety partner/associate
ٌ َ ٌ َ ٌ ُ َ ٌ ٌ
(f) َو ِاحدة/واحدِ (f) ِإ ْحدى/ أ َحد (َو ْحد)ه َم َّرة – َم َّرات
one one alone times (occurrences)
َ ُ َ َ
to gather (s.t) َج َم َع َي ْج َم ُع َج ْم ًعا to know ع َرف َي ْع ِرف َم ْع ِرفة
ْ َ َ ً َ ُ َ ََ
to lift/raise َرف َع َي ْرف ُع َرف ًعا to perish/be destroyed هلك َي ْه ِلك هالكا
َْ ُ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ ً ُ َ
to kill قتل يقتل قتل to find َو َجد َي ِجد ُو ُج ْودا
ْ َ َ ًَّ ُ َ
to prevent/protect َمن َع َي ْمن ُع َمن ًعا to assume ظ َّن َيظ ُّن ظنا
ًْ ُ َُْ َ َ َ
to provide for/sustain رزق يرزق رزقا to make َج َع َل َي ْج َع ُل َج ْعل
ً َ ْ ُِ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ
to presume/deem ح ِسب يحسب حسبانا to worship ع َبد َي ْع ُبد ِعبادة
ْ َ ِّ َ َّ َ ً َ
to speak/talk to )كل َم ُيكل ُم تك ِل ْي ًما (ـه to make (s/t) clear ت ْب ِي ْينا يُ ِ ُي َب يَ َّ َب
َْ َ َ َ ِ َّ
to change s/t غ َّ َب ُيغ ِ ُب تغ ِي ْ ًبا to change/exchange ت ْب ِد ْيل ُي َبد ُل َبد َل
َ ِ َّ َ
to torture عذ َب ُي َعذ ُب ت ْع ِذ ْي ًبا
ً ُي ْخر ُج إ ْخ َر َْ ْ َ َأ ْع َج
to make leave/bring forth اجا َأخ َر َج to impress ب ُي ْع ِج ُب ِإع َج ًابا
ْ ِ ِ ْ ْ ً َْ ُ َ ََْ
to feed ُيط ِع ُم ِإط َع ًاما َأط َع َم to destroy أ َهلك ُي ْه ِلك ِإهل كا
َ ْ ْ َ ْ ْ ْ ْ
to make enter ُيد ِخ ُل ِإدخال أدخ َل to honor أ ك َر َم ُيك ِر ُم ِإك َر ًاما
ً َ ُ َّ َ َ َ َ َّ َ َ َ َ ِّ َ َ َّ َ َ
to become clear ي ت َب ُّيناتبي يتب to think/contemplate ) ِف/تفك َر َيتفك ُر تفك ًرا (عن
ً ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ ََ ْ ً َ ِ ُ َّ َ َ َّ
to differ )(ف
ِ ِاختلف يخت ِلف ِاخ ِتالفا to take s/t as s/t else ِاتخذ َيت ِخذ ِاتخاذا
99 | P a g e
ُْ ْ
فِعل َمعل ْومactive verb, doer is known
َْ ْ
فِعل َم ُه ْولpassive verb, doer is unknown
َ َ
نائِب الفا ِعلthe “done to”, the one affected by a passive فعل
ِ فِعلan intransitive verb (a فعلthat cannot take a )مفعول به
فِعل ُمتَ َعدa transitive verb (a فعلthat can take a )مفعول به
َْْ ُ ْ َ ََُ
ِ متعد لِمفعولa فعلthat takes two مفعول به
100 | P a g e
أفعال متعدية لمفعولي
ْ َ ِّ ُ َّ
to teach َعل َم ي َعل ُم تع ِليْ ًما.1
َ ۡ ُ َّ
٤ َعل َمه ٱل َب َيان
He taught him language
ً َ ْ َ ََ
to protect ِق ِوقايَة
ِ وَق ي.2
ۡ َ َ َّ ََ ُ َّ ُ ُ َ َ َ
١١ … ش ذ ِلك ٱل َي ۡو ِم فوقىهم ٱّلل
So Allah protected them from the evil of that day…
ً َ ْ ِّ َ ُ َّ َ
to give s/o their full share of s/t ِف ت ْو ِفيَة وَّف يو.3
ُ َ َ ُ َّ َ َ ُ َ َ َّ َ َ َ َ
٣٩ … ووجد ٱّلل ِعندهۥفوفىه ِحسابهۥ...
And he found Allah at it, so He gave to him in full his reckoning
ًْ ُ َْ َ
to make َج َعل ْي َعل َجعال.4
َ َّ ً َ َ َ
٥٨ … ف َج َعل ُه ۡم ُجذ ذا ِإل ك ِب ٗبا
So he made them all into fragments, except for the biggest of them
ً َ ِّ ُ َ َ َ َّ
to take (s/o as s/t) ِاَّتذ يتَّ ِخذ اَِّتاذا.5
ُ ُ َّ َ ّٞ ُ ُ َ َ َّ َّ
٦ … ِإن ٱلش ۡيطـ َن لك ۡم َعدو فٱت ِخذو ُه َعد ًّوا
No doubt, Shaytan is especially for you all an enemy so take him as an enemy.
ًَُْ َ َ ََ
to see رأى يرى رؤية.6
ُۖ ۡ َ ٓ َ َ َ َ َ َ ٗ َ َ َ ۡ َّ َ َ َّ َ َ
٧٨ … ال هـذا َر ِ ِب هـذا أ ك َ ُب فلما رءا ٱلشمس ب ِازغة ق
And when he saw the sun rising, he said “This is my master, this is bigger.”
ًّ َ َُ َ
to assume ظ َّن يظن ظنا.7
َ ُ ُّ ُ َ َ ِ
٣٧ … … َو ِإ ِب ألظنهۥكـ ِذ ٗبا
Certainly, I definitely assume him to be a liar.
ً ُ ُ َ َْ َ َ
to consider, to deem ح ْسبَانا ح ِسب َيسب.8
َ َ
ۡ َ َ ٗ ُ ُۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ
٤٤ … … فل َّما َرأته َح ِس َبته ل َّجة َوكشفت َعن َساق ۡي َها
So when she saw it, she thought it a body of water and uncovered her
ً َ َ َ َ
to find ْي ُد ُو ُج ْودا
ِ وجد.9
ُ َۡ َّ
٤٤ … … ِإنا َو َجدنـه َص ِاب ٗرا
Indeed, We found him patient.
ً َ َُْ َ ََ
to leave ْت ُك ت ْراك ترك ي.10
ُۖ ٗ ۡ َ ُ َ َ َ َ ّٞ َ ُ َ َ َ َ
٢٦٤ … …فأصابهۥ و ِابل فبكهۥ صلدا
And it is hit by a downpour then it leaves it bare
101 | P a g e
ً أَ ْع َطى ُي ْعط ْي إ ْع َطاء.11
to give ِ ِ
َ َ ۡ َ َ َ َ ٓ َّ
١ ِإنا أ ۡعط ۡينـك ٱلك ۡوث َر
Certainly We gave you Al-Kawthar.
ً َج َزى َْيْز ْي َج َز.12
to reward, compensate
َ ُ َ ِ
َ ُ ْ ُ َ َّ
٣٥ … َو َي ۡج ِز َي ـ ُه ۡم أ ۡج َرهم ِبأ ۡح َس ِن ٱل ِذي كانوا َي ۡع َملون
[And to] reward them their due with the best of what they َ ً َ َ usedْ َ to َ do
ً ْ ْ ُ َ ْ
ْ ِ أسق يس/ِق ِسقاية ْ ِ َسق يس.13
to give drink إسقاء ِ ِق
٢١ ورا ً ش ٗابا َط ُه َ ََ … َو َس َقى ُه ۡم َرُّب ـ ُه ۡم
And their Master gave them a pure drink
ً َ ْ ُ ْ ََ َْ
to make s/o enter s/t أدخل يُد ِخل إِدخاال.14
َۡ ۡ َ َ َّ َ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ِّ
٥…ي َوٱل ُمؤ ِمنـ ِت َجنـ ٖت ت ۡج ِري ِمن ت ۡح ِت َها ٱألن َهـ ُر ليد ِخل ٱلمؤ ِم ِن
To make the believing men and believing women enter gardens from
under which rivers flow
َ َ
to exchange/change بَ َّدل يبَ لدِل تبْدِيْال.15
ۡ َ َ ْ َ ۡ ُ َّ َ َ ۡ ْ ُ َّ َ َ َّ َ َ َ ۡ َ َ
٢٨ ٱّلل كف ٗرا َوأ َحلوا ق ۡو َم ُه ۡم د َار ٱل َب َو ِار ِ ألم تر ِإَل ٱل ِذين بدلوا ِنعمت
Do you not see those who exchange the blessing of Allah for disbelief
ً ُ َ
to bless s/o with s/t َر َزق يَ ْر ُزق ِر ْزقا.16
ٗ ًۡ ُۡ ََ َ َ ُ ُ ُ َ َ َ َ
٨٨ … ال َيـق ۡو ِم أ َر َء ۡيت ۡم ِإن كنت َعَل َب ِين ٖة ِمن َّر ِ ِب َو َرزق ِ ِي ِمنه ِرزقا َح َسنا ق
He said, “My people! Did you not consider if I am upon clear evidence from
my Master and He blesses me good provisions from it…”
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CHAPTER 8 – الفعل المبىن للمجهول
The passive فعل, or الفعلُالمبنيُللمجهول, is a فعل-form that is used to express the occurrence of an action
while keeping the doer of that action anonymous. In Arabic, مجهولliterally means “unknown” or
“anonymous”. The sentence, “The cake was eaten,” for example, is considered مجهول, because the one
who ate the cake is not known. The same goes for the sentence “The cake is eaten”. Both ماضand
مضارعcan be made مجهول.
We were told good things about the The students had breakfast on campus
A/ P A/ P
Arabic program. this morning.
Her parents were going to move from The cupboards are being emptied right
A/ P A/ P
abroad. now.
They were advised against buying real We were on our way to work when he
A/ P A/ P
estate in California. called.
1) المبي للمجهول
ِ – الفعلthe action itself; the passive فعل
2) – نائب الفاعلthe “done-to”; the thing/person the action was done to
In the sentence “The cake was eaten” the passive فعلis “was eaten”. The done-to or the نائبُالفاعلis “the
Know that because the one carrying out the فعلis anonymous, a sentence with a فعلُمبنيُللمجهولcan
never have a فاعلin it. Also know that because the done-to is labeled as the نائبُالفاعل, passive sentences
do not contain a مفعولُبه.
Additional information can appear in the sentence in the form of a متعلقُبالفعلor a ظرف.
Let us learn more about the two core components of a جملةُفعليةwith a passive.
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➢ DRILL 2 Underline the فعلonce and the نائب الفاعلtwice.
5. My team was never defeated. We were given the gold medal at the tournament last year.
ْ ْ َْ
①ا ِْس َتغف َر←② ا ِْس َتغ ِف َر←③ ا ْستغ ِف َر
1. Begin with the active form.
ْ ْ
***Notice that the غ ( سكون/ س ) do not change.
104 | P a g e
َ َ
①ق َتل ْوا←② قت ِل ْوا←③ قتِل ْوا
1. Begin with the active form
2. The second to last letter of the original )ق ت َل ( فعلtakes a كرسة.
MEMORIZE the chart below. Notice how the حراكتdiffer from the حراكتon the non-passive version.
third person
They were helped. Both of them were helped. She was helped.
ْ ُأَ ْنتُ ْم ن
َْص ُتم ُْ ُ َُْ
أنتما ن َِصتما
َ ْ ُ َ َْ
أنت ن َِصت
second person
َّ ُ ْأَن ُْ ُ َُْ ُ َْ
All of you were helped. You two were helped. You were helped.
ََّص ُتن
ْ ُت ن أنتما ن َِصتما ْ
ت ن َِص ِت
ِ ِ أن
All of you were helped. You two were helped. You were helped.
ْ ََُنْ ُن ن ُ ْ ُ َ
first person
➢ DRILL 3 Write out the passive version of the أفعالbelow then do the past-passive نصchart for
each فعلorally.
َ ََ ََ َ َ ََْ َ َ َ َّ َ َ َ ََ
تق َّبل قاتل أنشأ َب َعث خل َق َعل َم أخذ َج َع
105 | P a g e
الفعل المضارع المبىن للمجهول
Take a look at the following present passive أفعال:
َ ُي ْع
َج ْب ُأُ ْر َفع َُُّتْ َرج َ ُ َ َُْ
َص ْون ينت ُُينْ ََص
They (f) are impressed I am lifted She is expelled They are given victory He is helped
َْ ْ ْ
①ي َ ْس َتغ ِفر←② ي ْس َتغفِر←③ ي ْس َتغفر
1. Begin with the active form.
ْ ْ
***Notice that the غ ( سكون/ س ) do not change.
َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ
① َيقتل ْون←② يقتل ْون←③ يق َتل ْون
1. Begin with the active form
2. The second to last letter of the original )ق ت َل ( فعلtakes a كرسة.
106 | P a g e
MEMORIZE the chart below. Notice how the حراكتdiffer from the حراكتon the non-passive version.
third person
They are helped. Both of them are helped. She is helped.
second person
All of you are helped. You two are helped. You are helped.
ُ َ ََْنْ ُن ُنن
َص ُأَنا أُنْ ََص
first person
We are helped. I am helped.
➢ DRILL 4 Write out the passive version of the أفعالbelow then do the present-passive نصchart
for each فعلorally.
َ َ ْ َْ ل ْ َْ
َي َتق َّبل يقات ِل ينشِئ َيبْ َعث ُيلق ي َعل ِم يَأخذ َي َمع
107 | P a g e
Once you have figured out the tense, the inside pronoun, and whether it is active or passive, you should
be able to translate.
ُ ُ / ماض
خ ِلق ْوا معلوم/ َمهول
ِّ / ماض
ُعل ْمنا معلوم/ َمهول
ُ ِّ َ ُ / ماض
نفضل معلوم/ َمهول
ُ ُ / ماض
أ ِم ْرت معلوم/ َمهول
َّ َ َ / ماض
يتَذك ُر معلوم/ َمهول
َ ُ / ماض
ت ْر َج ُع ْون معلوم/ َمهول
نائب الفاعل
Recall that the نائبُالفاعلis the DONE-TO. In the sentence “The cake was eaten,” the word “cake” is the
نائبُالفاعل. Though the roles differ, the grammatical rules of the نائب الفاعلare exactly the same as the
rules of the فاعل. Let us refresh.
108 | P a g e
When the نائبُالفاعلis outside:
ُض َب َمثل
An example was struck.
ْ َأنْزل
ت س ْو َرة ِ
A surah was sent down.
ي ْر َزق ْون فِيْ َها
They are given provisions in it.
َ ْ ت ل لِلم َّتق
ْ َّ
It was prepared for the God-conscious.
109 | P a g e
➢ DRILL 6 Underline the فعلonce and the نائب الفاعلtwice. If you find an inside نائب الفاعل, write
the pronoun underneath the فعل. Then translate the ayaat using the word bank provided.
َ َش
َ َ
ق ِبل ِقتال َ ََكت
ب ُص ْور
َ ََ
ن فخ
intercession to accept fighting to mandate trumpet to blow
ٌ ٌ َ َْ ْ َ ُ َ ُ َ ُ
ِ ن ِفخ ِف الصو ِر نفخة ث َّم ِإيلْ ِه ت ْر َج ُع ْون
ٌَ َ ْ َُُْ ُ ُ َ َ ُ
فاعة ال يقبل ِمنها ش ب َعليْك ْم ال ِقتالك ِت
َْ َ َ َْ ْ
آيات اهلل ِ يكفر بِها أ ْو ي ْس َت ْه َزأ بِها فال تقعد ْوا َم َعه ْم
ِ إِذا َس ِمعت ْم
If you hear the signs of Allah being disbelieved in or mocked, do not sit with them.
This command applies regardless of who is disbelieving and mocking. There is no reason to mention the فاعل.
َ َ َ
َ اخران َيق ْومان َم َّ َ َ َّ َ َ َ َ ْ َ
قامهما ِ ِ ئ ف اِم ثِ إ اق ح ِتس ا ما هن فإِن ع ِث لَع أ
If it is discovered that they (2) are guilty, let two others take their place
This command applies regardless of who discovers that they are guilty. There is no reason to mention the فاعل.
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َ َ َْ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ َّ َ َ
ي أش أرِيْ َد َب َم ْن ِِف األ ْر ِض أم أراد ب ِ ِه ْم َربه ْم َرشدا ِوأنا ال ندر
We do not know if evil is intended for those on earth, or if their Master intends guidance
for them.
Notice that when evil is mentioned, the passive is used. When guidance is mentioned, the active is used and the doer
(Allah) is mentioned. It is understood that the doer is the same in both cases. Nevertheless, the jinn who say this only
associate Allah’s name with good out of respect.
You may have noticed that the role of the ( نائبُالفاعلthe done-to) in a passive sentence is similar to the
role of the مفعولُبهin a non-passive sentence. Though the labels and statuses are different, they both
play the role of the thing/person that is affected by the فعل.
- In the sentence “Hamza ate the cookie,” the word “cookie” is the thing that is affected by the
action. This sentence is not passive, so “cookie” is the مفعول به.
- In the sentence “The cookie was eaten,” the word “cookie” is the thing that is affected by the
action. This sentence is passive, so “cookie” is the نائب الفاعل.
Again, the labels differ, but the roles that a مفعولُبهand a نائبُالفاعلplay are very similar. Knowing this, it
will not surprise you to know that when converting a non-passive sentence to a passive sentence, what
was the مفعولُبهin the non-passive version becomes the نائبُالفاعلin the passive version.
This is because if there is no مفعولُبه, there is nothing that can be turned into a نائبُالفاعل.
Recall that the مفعولُبهis optional. A sentence made up of a فعلand فاعلis considered a complete
sentence. In some cases, a sentence lacks a مفعولُبهsimply because the speaker chooses not to mention
it. In other cases, a sentence lacks a مفعولُبهbecause the فعلin the sentence cannot take a مفعولُبه. A فعل
that cannot take a مفعولُبهis called a ٌُالز ٌُم
ِ ِف ْعل.
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الفعل الالزم
A فعلُالزمis a فعلthat CANNOT take a مفعولُبه. This is because the nature of the action is such that it only
affects the فاعلand cannot affect anything external. “To sleep” would be an example of a فعلُالزم. This is
because the action of sleeping only affects the فاعل. It is not possible to sleep someone else or to sleep
A good way to test whether a فعلis الزمis to use “something” or “someone” as a placeholder for your
مفعولُبه. If the sentence does not make sense after doing so, or if it requires some sort of preposition or
حرفin order to make it make sense, the فعلis الزم.
I read something.
This sentence makes sense. The فعلis not الزم.
I fell something.
I fell someone.
Neither of these sentences make sense. The فعلis الزم.
I laughed something.
I laughed someone.
Neither of these sentences make sense. The فعلis الزم.
Since the two actions “to fall” and “to laugh” require a preposition, then they are الزم, and therefore
cannot be made passive.
الفعل المتعدي
A ُ ِف ْعلٌُمت َ َعدis the opposite of a فعلُالزم. It is a فعلthat CAN take a مفعولُبه. This is because the nature of the
action is such that it affects something else or someone else. To figure out if a فعلis متعد, use the same
test mentioned previously.
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➢ DRILL 7 الزمor ?متعد
ْ َّ َ ْ َ ْ ل
ِ عل ِمنا من ِطق الط
We were taught the speech of birds.
Notice that there is one نحن( نائب الفاعلinside )علمناand one )منطق الطب ( مفعول به.
A passive verb: the doer of the action is unknown.
if it is past tense, look for the following sounds… if it has those sounds, then translate it as…
if it is present tense, look for the following sounds… if it has those sounds, then translate it as…
ُـ َـ َـ X is ed
113 | P a g e
ِ فِعل an intransitive verb, cannot take a مفعول بهcannot be made passive
فِعل ُمتَ َعد a transitive verb, can take a مفعول به can be made passive
114 | P a g e
َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ ُ َ
كذلِك/هكذا (f) أخ َرى/آخ ُر آخ ٌر
ِ (f) أ ْول/أ َّول
like that/in that way other last first
ُ ْ ََمْنُ ْو ٌن – ََمَان َ ُْْ ُ
ْذ ُوو/ ُن – أَ ْغنِيَاء
ٌّ َغ ُي – ُف َق َراء
ٌ ْ فَق
ي ِ أولو ِ ِ
insane, lunatic people of… rich poor
ٌ َج َو َ ً َ َُْ ٌَذ َك ٌر – ُذ ُك ْور
اب بَ َص – أبْصار أنَث – إِناثا
answer eyesight female male
ً ُ ُ َْ َ ََ ً ُ ُ ُ ُ َْ َ َ َ
to come down ْنل ن ُز ْوال ِ نزل ي to prostrate )ج ْودا (لـ سجد يسجد س
ً ْ ُ ُ َْ ََ َ ًََْ ُ َ َْ َ َ
to forgive (غفر يغ ِفر غفرانا )لـ to have/show mercy ر ِحم يرحم رَحة
ً ُ ْ َ َْ ََْ ََ
to dislike ك ِر َه يَك َر ُه ك ْرها to benefit نف َع ينف ُع نف ًعا
ً ُ َْ َ ُ َْ َ
to be sad َح ِزن َي َزن َح َزنا to sit َجل َس ْي ِل ُس ُجل ْو ًسا
ُ ُ َ ً َ ْ ُ ُ َ َْ َ َ
to fall َسق َط ي َ ْسق ُط ُسق ْو ًطا to lose/suffer a loss رسانا خ ِرس َيرس خ
ْ ُ ُ ْ َ َ َ َْ َ
to thank/be grateful شك َر يَشك ُر شك ًرا to be happy ف ِر َح يف َر ُح ف َر ًحا
ًْ ُ َ َ َ ً َ ُ َْ َََ
to own َملك ي ْم ِلك ُملَك to carry َحل َي ِمل َحْال
ً َْ ُ ُ َ ْ ْ َ ِّ َ ُ َّ َ
to burn s/t َح َّرق َيَ ِّرق َت ِريْقا to bring forward قد َم يقد ُم تق ِدي ًما
ً ْ ُ ُْ َ ََْ ً ْ ُْ َ َ َْ
to send down ْنل إِن َزاال
ِ أنزل ي to associate partners ْش ُك إَِشااك
ِ أَشك ي
ْ ُ ََْ َ َ َ ْ
ً خت َص ً َا َّتبَ َع يَتَّب ُع ا ِّتب
to dispute اما ِ ِاختصم َيت ِصم ِا to follow ااع ِ ِ ِ
115 | P a g e
انلا ِفيَة
َّ ال the الof negation (comes before an اسمor a فعل, does not change its status)
ْ ْ
انلا ِفيَة لِل ِجن ِس
َّ الthe الof categorical negation (only comes before an اسم, makes it light and )نصب
انلا ِهيَة
َّ ال the الof forbidding (makes a فعل مضارعlightest)
حروفthat are added onto a part of the sentence for emphasis, but it does not
الزائِ َدة
َّ اِل ُ ُر ْوف
change its role in the sentence
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Thus far, we have learned how to construct and recognize positive sentences, both فعليةand اسمية. Now
we will learn how to negate them. There are tools of negation that are UNIQUE to الجملةُالفعلية. There are
tools of negation that are UNIQUE to الجملةُاالسمية. And there are tool of negation that are SHARED by
P A S T -T E N S E N E G A T I O N
There are two ways to negate the past-tense. They are:
1) مضارع+ ل ْم
2) ماض+ ما
Recall that لَ ُْمcan only occur with the مضارع, but it always pushes the meaning to the past. It also causes
the فعلto be مجزوم.
This ماis called ماُالنافية. It does not affect the فعلgrammatically in any way. In terms of meaning, it differs
from لَ ُْمin that it is used for refutation or in a context of debate.
اج ِدي َن َّ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ َ
ِ لم يكن ِمن الس
He was not among those who prostrated.
The ayah above is speaking about Iblis. There is no debate as to whether he prostrated or not, so لمis used rather than ما.
َ ْ الم ْْشك
ُ اكن م ْن ما
ِِ ِ
No, he was not among those who committed shirk.
The ayah above is speaking about Ibrahim (AS). There were debates amongst the people of the book as to his beliefs, so ما
is used for refutation.
P R E S E N T -T E N S E N E G A T I O N
There are two ways to negate the present-tense. They are:
1) مضارع+ ال
2) مضارع+ ما
The الthat is used to negate the مضارعis called الُالنافيةand does not affect the فعلin any way. Do not
confuse this with الُالناهية, the الthat is used for forbidding.
ماُالنافيةdiffers from الُالنافيةin that it is used for refutation or in the context of a debate.
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Since the present and future tense share the مضارعform, this type of negation can sometimes be
translated as future-tense. Context reveals which is intended.
َ ُْ ُْ
اآلخ ِر
ِ ِلل َوايلَ ْوم
ِ ال يؤ ِمنون بِا
They do not believe in Allah and the last day.
ْ َ ك ِم ْن
َ َْ ُ َ َ
وما يَضون
No, they will not harm you at all.
ُْ َ لis the only way to negate explicitly in the future-tense. Recall that it occurs with a فعلُمضارعand that
it makes it منصوب.
واحد َ َ َ ْ َ َْ
ِ لن نص ِْب َع طعام
We will not endure one type of food.
Note that لَ َّماis also used for negation. It is not associated with a particular tense and translates as “not
yet”. It occurs with the مضارعand makes it مجزوم.
ُ ُُ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ َّ َ َ
ف قل ِبك ْمِ اإليمان
ِ ولما يدخ ِل
Faith has not yet entered your hearts.
➢ DRILL 1 Negate the following sentences.
ْ َ َ َ َ
قال ْوا َك َِمة الكف ِر .يؤِمِن ْون بِاهللِ وايلَ ْو ِم اآلخ ِِر
َ َ ْ َ
.َسنؤمِن لك .ِآمن ْوا بِاهللِ وايلَ ْو ِم اآلخِر
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Notice that they both come before the مبتدأand do not change its status. When negating using these
tools, one of two things can happen to the خبر:
There are two tools of negation and two ways to treat the خبرfor each. This makes four ways total to
negate a جلمةُاسمية.
These four variations yield similar meanings. Let us go through each variable and see how it differs from
the alternative.
ابلاء الزائدة
The بis used for extra emphasis. It is considered زائدة, or extra, meaning that its presence does not
change the role of the word in the sentence – it is only there for emphasis. The variations without the باء
translate as “not…” while the variations with the باءtranslate as “not at all…”. Grammatically the باءis
from the حروفُالجر, but because it is زائدةIT DOES NOT CREATE A متعلقُبالخبر. The خبرwith the باءon it is still
considered a خبر. This is one of the few cases in which a جارُومجرورin a جملةُاسميةis not considered a
ماis used for refutation or in the context of debate, while ليسis used for plain negation. One way to
capture this in translation is by using a “no” at the beginning of the sentence.
ليسis an odd type of فعلُماض. This means that it conjugates and can have an inside pronoun. When
negating a sentence that has a pronoun as a مبتدأ, the pronoun no longer appears as an independent
pronoun. Rather it appears as a ضميرُمستترinside of ليس. The ما, on the other hand, cannot conjugate nor
can it carry a pronoun. It always remains the same.
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MEMORIZE the ليسchart.
َ َ َ
ه ْم ليْس ْوا هما ليْسا ه َو ليْ َس
They are not… Both of them are not… He is not…
َ َ ْ ه لَيْ َس
ه َّن ل ْس َن هما ليْ َستا ت َِ
َ َْ َ َْ َ ْ َأن
They are not… Both of them are not… She is not…
أنت ْم ل ْست ْم أنتما ل ْستما َ ت ل َ ْس
َّ ْ َأن َ َْ َ َْ
All of you are not… You two are not… You are not…
َّت ل َ ْست ْ
أنتما لستما ت ْ
ِ ت لسِ أن
َ َ
All of you are not… You two are not… You are not…
َ َْ
َنن ل ْسنا أنا ل ْست
We are not… I am not…
ْ َ ْ َ ً ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َْ
ت بِ ُمؤ ِمن لسOR ت ُمؤ ِمنات ُمؤ ِم ٌن← لسأن
ْ َ ْ َ ٌ ْ ُ
ل ْس َن بِ ُمؤ ِمناتOR ه َّن ُمؤ ِمنات← ل ْس َن ُمؤ ِمنات
When constructing or translating, make sure that ليسand the خبرmatch in number and gender. Notice
that in the examples above, when the مبتدأis masculine, so is the خبرand vice versa.
Take a look at the examples below. Notice how the different tools of negation are used in the Quran and
notice how this affects the translation.
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خْب منصوب مبتدأ مرفوع ليس
ً لَي ْ ُس ْوا َس
They are not the same.
Also know that if the sentence contains a متعلق باخلب, neither ماnor ليسhave an effect on the متعلق باخلب.
َ ْ أ ُم ُه ِم ْن ِم
َص اخلاِس يْ َن
ه ْم ِم ْن
ِ ِ
a. light
b. منصوب
c. followed by a جار وجمرور
َ َ َ
َشيْك َُل
ِ ال
He has absolutely no partner.
(lit. There is absolutely no partner for Him.)
َ ال َرْي
ب ِف ْي ِه
There is absolutely no doubt in it.
In terms of labeling, the الُالنافيةalong with the اسمthat follows it ( )اسمُالmake up the مبتدأ. The جارُومجرور
that follows is the متعلقُبالخبر.
الُالنافيةُللجنسis the third reason to make an اسمlight. Recall that the first two reasons were مضافand
partly-flexible words.
Know that if the اسمthat follows is مرفوعand heavy, the الis not نافيةُللجنس. Rather, it is a regular الُنافيةand
there is room for exception.
Take a look at the following examples and notice how each is translated.
ٌ ْ ُ َ ٌ ْ َّ َ ُ ْ
ٌ ْ آن ُمب
ي ِ ِإن هو ِإل ِذكر وقر JI
It is nothing but a remembrance and a clear Quran
If you remove إنand إال, you are left with هو ذكر للعالمي, a regular جملة اسمية.
ُ ْ ٌ ََ َ َّ ْ ُ ْ َ
رس ِمثلنا ما أنتم ِإل ب JI
You all are nothing but humans like us.
َ أنتم, a regular جملة اسمية.
If you remove إنand إال, you are left with برس مثلنا
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َ َّ َ ُ ُ ْ
إ ِن َيق ْول ْون ِإل ك ِذ ًبا JF
They utter nothing but lies.
If you remove إنand إال, you are left with يقولون كذبا, a regular جملة فعلية.
َّ ُ َ ُُ ْ
ما َيأ كل ْون ِ ِف ُبط ْو ِن ِه ْم ِإل الن َار JF
They eat into their bellies nothing but fire.
If you remove إنand إال, you are left with يأكلون ِف بطونهم النار, a regular جملة فعلية.
Note that these templates can also be used when the sentence structure is irregular. Take a look at the
example below.
ُ ُ َ َّ ْ ُ َّ
ُ ْ المب
ي َ َ
ِ وما عَل الرسو ِل ِإل البالغ
The messenger’s only obligation is clear conveying.
(lit. There is nothing upon the messenger but clear conveying.)
ُ ُ
If you remove إنand إال, you are left with المبي عَل الرسول البالغ, a جملة اسميةmade up of a متعلق بالخبand a مبتدأ مؤخر.
➢ DRILL 3 Give the non-negative version of the ayah then translate the negative version.
َْ َ َ َّ َّ
to guess – ُي رص، خ َر َص possessed - َم ْس ح وْ ر assumption – ظ لن to follow – ي َت ب ِع، ا ِت بَ َع
َ ُ ُ ْ َ َّ ْ ُ ْ َّ َّ َ َّ ْ
ص ْو نإِن ه م إ ِال َي ر إِن ي َت بِ ُع ْو ن إ ِال الظ َّن
من الزائدة
Recall that زائدmeans “extra” or “additional”. The حروفُزائدةas a whole are حروفthat can attach to an
ُ اسمor a fragment without changing its role in the sentence, but adds a new shade of meaning. In the
case of منُالزائدة, it adds the meaning of NOT A SINGLE or ANY .
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➔ Within a َجلة فعلية, the من الزائدةwill attach itself to a فاعلor a مفعول به.
Not any منthat you see can be considered ;منُالزائدةit has to meet the following conditions:
َ ٌ
الم ْطبَ ِخ من أكل؟
َ هل ف الم ْطبَ ِخ أكل؟
َ هل ف
Notice how the منُالزائدةlatched itself onto the مبتدأ. It changed its status and gave it an additional shade
of meaning, but it did not change its role in the sentence.
منُالزائدةis very easy to spot in a جملةُاسمية. If you have a string of متعلقُبالخبرwith no اسمin the رفعstatus,
then you have yourself a منُزائدة. Also, it will almost always come in “he has…” or “there is…” sentence
Not a single warner came to them. A warner did not come to them.
َ ُ ُ َ ٌَ ُ ُ َ
ما ت ْسقط ِم ْن َو َرق ٍة ما ت ْسقط َو َرقة
Not a single leaf falls. Not a leaf falls.
َ ِّ ً َ ِّ
َو َما ُي َعل َم ِان ِم ْن أ َح ٍد َو َما ُي َعل َم ِان أ َحدا
ْ َ ُ ْ َ ُ
ال َي ْم ِلك ْون ِم ْن ِقط ِم ْب ال َي ْم ِلك ْون ِقط ِم ْ ًبا
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They don’t have control over a single membrane They don’t have control over a membrane
surrounding a date pit. surrounding a date pit.
This ayah is referring to the gods people associate with Allah and how they cannot control the littlest, most insignificant
Notice how the منُالزائدةlatched itself onto the فاعلin the first two examples and onto the مفعولُبهin the
second two. It changed its status and gave it an additional shade of meaning, but it did not change its
role in the sentence.
Recognizing منُالزائدةand its role in a جملةُفعليةis not as straight forward as recognizing it within a ُجملة
اسمية, but there is a thought process and some clues that can help you out.
If you find as you are translating, the standard meanings of منdo not make any sense. You think it
might a منُالزائدة. You ask yourself two questions.
If both answers are yes, use the following hints to help you find what role it is playing in the
✓ If a فعلis الزم, the من الزائدةwill definitely be the فاعل, as it cannot take a مفعول به.
✓ If a فعلalready has a ( مفعول بهas an attached pronoun or the like), it will most likely be the
فاعل, as most أفعالdo not take more than one مفعول به.
✓ If the فعلalready has an inside doer (not in هوor )ه, then the من زائدةis certainly the مفعول
Once you’ve determined the role, remove the منُالزائدةand see if the sentence still makes sense.
DRILL 4 Determine what role is the جارُومجرورplaying in the ayah, then translate.
َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ
to reveal – ي ُ ْو ِح، أ ْو ح end - َز وال leaf – َو َر ق ة to fall – س ق ُط ي، س ق ط
َ ُ َ
مفعول به فاعل مبتدأ َم ا ت ْس ق ُط ِم ْن َو َر ق ة
ُ َ
مفعول به فاعل مبتدأ َم ا لك ْم ِم ْن َز َوال
ْ َ َ ُ َُ َ
مفعول به فاعل مبتدأ َو ما أ ْس أل ك ْم َع ل يْ ِه ِم ْن أ جر
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الof Categorical Negation الof Negation
an اسم نصبthat is light, common, singular and اسم+ ال , common, and singular رفعthat is heavy, اسم+ ال
126 | P a g e
these tools are used both on َجلة اسميةand َجلة فعلية
من الزائدة
-an extra من. Does not change the role of the word that comes after it
-it has to meet the following conditions:
1. Will always come in either a NEGATED SENTENCE or a QUESTIONING SENTENCE
2. The WORD FOLLOWING it will always be COMMON
3. The sentence should still make sense after its removal.
-Within a جملة اسمية, the من الزائدةwill attach itself to a مبتدأ.
-Within a جملة فعلية, the من الزائدةwill attach itself to a فاعلor a مفعول به.
127 | P a g e
ْ ًْ َ ُ َْ ََ َ
to place َو َض َع يَ َض ُع َوض ًعا to understand عقل يع ِقل عقال
ًَ َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ
to witness ش ِه َد يَش َه ُد ش َهادة to feel )ش َع َر يَش ُع ُر ش ُع ْو ًرا (بِـ
ً ُ ُ َْ َ ََ ً ُ َْ َ
to come down ْنل ن ُز ْوال
ِ نزل ي to sit/ to lie in wait ق َع َد يق ُع ُد ق ُع ْودا
ً ْ ََُْ َََ ْ َ َ
to do )فعل يفعل فِعال (بـ to falsely claim َزع َم يَ ْزع ُم َزع ًما
ًْ ُ َْ َ َ
to give permission أ ِذن يَأذن إِذنا
َْ َ ل َ َّ َ َْ َ ل َ َّ َ
to prefer ضيْالِ ضل تفِ يف فضل to delay جيْالِ جل تأ ِ أجل يؤ
َْ ْ َ ََْ ْ َ َ َّ َ َ ل
to start/create ينشِ ئ إِنشاء أنشأ to call out أذن يؤذِن تأذ ِْينا
ً َ َ َُ َ ً َ ُ َُ َ َ َ
to strive جاهد ْيا ِهد ِجهادا وَماهدة
ً َْ ُْ ََْ ً ْ ُْ ْ َ
to spend أنف َق ين ِف ُق ِإنفاقا to prepare أعتَ َد يع ِت ُد ِإعتادا
ً ْأَفْلَ َح ُي ْفل ُح إف
الحا )اضا (عنً أَ ْع َر َض ُي ْعر ُض إ ْع َر
to succeed ِ ِ to turn away ِ ِ
ً َ ُ َّ َ َ َّ َ
to rely )ت َوَّك يتَ َوَّك ت َوُّك (لَع
ْ َْ َ ا ِْكتَ َس
to earn ِ ب يَكت
سب ا ِكت َِسابا
128 | P a g e
ُ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َّ َ
اكن يَك ْون أ ْصبَ َح يُص ِب ُح ظل يظل
to be… to become… to remain…
ُ َ َ ما َد َْ
ال يَ َزال/ما َزال ام لي َس
to still be… as long as… is not…
َ ٌْ
فِعل ناقِ ٌصincomplete verbs, needs a خْبto be complete
األفعالُالناقصةare a set of أفعالthat are incomplete in meaning. األفعالُالناقصةare also known as كانُوأخواتها,
or “ كانand her sisters”. This is because كانis the most commonly used فعلُناقص. Take a look at the list
below. Pay attention to the definitions.
ْ َ َ
1. يكون, اكن
To be…
2. يصبِح, أصبح
ْ ََ ْ َ To become…
ََ َّ َ
3. يظل, ظل
To remain…
َ َ
4. ال يزال/ما زال
To still be…
5. ما دام
As long as…
129 | P a g e
َ َْ
6. ليس
Is not…
Notice that the أفعالabove do not convey a complete thought. For example, were you to hear someone
say “َُ ”كانor “He was…” you would be left with the questions “What/who was he?” Compare this to a
normal فعل, like “ُ ”أ َ َك َلor “He ate”. This is a complete sentence as it conveys a complete thought.
Because these أفعالare incomplete in meaning, they do not operate like a normal فعل. In fact, a sentence
that contains a فعلُناقصis not even considered a جملةُفعلية. It is considered a جملةُاسمية.
Just as we defined the part before “is” as a مبتدأand the part after “is” as the خبرor متعلقُبالخبرin a regular
جملةُاسمية, in this new type of جملةُاسميةthat we are learning about, the part before “was” (or any of the
other sisters of )كانis the مبتدأand the part after it is the خبرorمتعلقُبالخبر.
A key difference, however, is that while the “is” in a regular جملةُاسميةis invisible, the “was” (or any of the
other )أفعالُناقصةis not. It is considered part of the مبتدأ.
➢ DRILL 1 Underline the مبتدأonce, the خبرtwice, and the متعلقُبالخبرthree times.
1) A فعل ناقص
2) An اسمthat belongs to that فعل ناقص
The rules of the اسمof a فعلُناقصand the rules of a فاعلare EXACTLY THE SAME .
There are two types of اسم: OUTSIDE and INSIDE .
a. When the اسمis outside, it must be مرفوع, must come after the فعل, and the فعلmust be in
the ه/ هوform.
b. When the اسمis a pronoun, it appears inside the فعل, which simply conjugates according to
that pronoun.
As mentioned previously. When the اسمis a pronoun, it is an inside اسمand the فعلconjugates according
to the pronoun. MEMORIZE the charts for all of the أفعالُناقصة.
مضارع ماض
َ ُ ُ ُ ْ ُ َ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ َ ُ
نان ه ْم يَك ْون ْون ِ هما يكو ه َو يَك ْون ه ْم اكن ْوا هما اكنا ه َو اكن
ه َّن يَك َّن
نان ْ ُ َ ُ ُ ُ َ َ
ه تك ْون
ه َّن ك َّن
ُ َ ُ ْ َه اكن َ ِ
ِ هما تكو ِ هما اكنتا ت
َ ُ ُ َ َْ ُ َ َُْ ُ ُ َ َ َْ ْ ُ َْ ُْ َْ َ ْت ُكن َ ْأَن
نان أنتُ ْم تك ْون ْون ِ
و أنتما ت ت تك ْون أن أنتُ ْم كنتُ ْم أنتُما كنتُما ت
ُ َ َّ ُ ْ َ ُ َ َُْ َ ْ ك ْون ُ َ َْ َّ ُ ْت ُكن َّ ُ ْأَن ُْ َْ ْ ُ َْ
ت تك َّن نان أن ِ
و أنتما ت ي ِ تت ِ أن ت أنتُما كنتُما تِ ت كن ِ أن
ُ ُ َ َْ ُ ُ َ َ َّ ُ ْ َ ُ ْأَنا ُكن
َن ُن نك ْون أنا أك ْون َن ُن كنا ت
نه أمر
َ ُ ُ َْ َ ُ َ َْ َ َ َ ُ َْ ُ ُ ُ َ َْ َ َ ُ
أنتُم ال تك ْون ْوا أنتُما ال تك ْونا نت ال تك ْن أ أنتُم ك ْون ْوا أنتُما ك ْونا نت ك ْن أ
َ ْ ُ َّ َ ُ َ ُ َ َْ َ ُ َْ َ ْ ُ َّ ُ ُ َ َْ ْ ُ َ
ت ال تك َّن أن أنتُما ال تك ْونا ت ال تك ْو ِن
أن ِ ت ك َّن أن أنتُما ك ْونا ت ك ْو ِن
أن ِ
مضارع ماض
ُ ََ َ ُ َ َ َّ ُ ََ ُ َ ُ َ َّ ُ َ َّ
ه ْم يظل ْون هما يظال ِن ه َو يظل ه ْم ظل ْوا هما ظال ه َو ظل
ُ َْ َْ ُ َ َ َّ َ ََ ُ َ ْ ُ َ َّ ه َظلَّ ْ
ه َّن يظلل َن هما تظال ِن ه تظل ِ ه َّن ظ ِلل َن هما ظلتا ت ِ َ
َْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ َْ َ َ َ َْ َ ْ َْ َ ْ ت َظللْ َ أَنْ َ
أنتُ ْم تظل ْون أنتُما تظال ِن ت تظل أن أنتُ ْم ظ ِللتُ ْم أنتُما ظ ِللتُما ت ِ
َ ْ ُ َّ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َّ أَنْت َت َظلِّ ْ َ ت َظللْ ُ َّ أَنْ ُ َّ َْ َ ْ َْ َ ْ
ت تظلل َن أن أنتُما تظال ِن ي ِ ت ِ أنتُما ظ ِللتُما تت ظ ِلل ِ أن ِ
َْ ََ َ ََ َْ ُ َ ْ أَنا َظللْ ُ
َن ُن نظل أنا أظل َنن ظ ِللنا ت ِ
مضارع ماض
ُ َ ُ ُهما ال/ما يَ ُ ُ ُ ُ َ ُ َ ُ
زاالن ه ْم ال/ما يَزال ْون ِ ه َو ال/ما يَزال ه ْم ما زال ْوا هما ما زاال ه َو ما زال
ْ ُ َ ُ َ ُ ْ ُ ُهما ما َ َ ه ما زالَ ْ
زاالن ه َّن ال/ما يَ َزل َن ِ ه ال/ما تزال هما ال/ما ت ِ َ ه َّن ما ِزل َن زاتلا ت ِ َ
َ ُ َ َْ َ زال أَ ْنتُ َ ُ أَنْ َ ْ َْ ْ َْ ت ما زلْ َ أَنْ َ
زاالن أنتُ ْم ال/ما تزال ْون ِ ت ما / ال ما ت ما/ ال ت أنتُ ْم ما ِز ُتل ْم أنتُما ما ِز ُتلما ت ِ
َ َ َْ َ ْ َُّ َ ي أَ ْنتُ
أَنْت ال/ما تَزال ْ َ ت ما زل ْ ُ َّ أَنْ ُ َّ ْ َْ ْ َْ
زاالن أنت ال/ما تزلن ِ ت ما / ال ما ِ ِ ت ِ أنتُما ما ِز ُتلما تِ ِ ل ز ما تأن ِ
َ ُ ْ َ ُ َ َ ْ َْ أَنا ما زلْ ُ
َن ُن ال/ما نزال أنا ال/ما أزال َن ُن ما ِزنلا ت ِ
ُه ْم ما ُ
دام ْوا
هما ما داما ُه َو ما َ
ُه َّن ما ُد َ
من ُهما ما َ
دامتا ت دام ْ
ه َ ِ َ
ُْ َْ ُْ َْ ت ما ُد ْم َ أَنْ َ
أنتُ ْم ما دمتُ ْم أنتُما ما دمتُما ت
ت أَنْ ُ َّ
ت ما ُد ْم ُ َّ ُْ َْ
أنتُما ما دمتُما ت
ُْ َْ
ت ما دم ِ أن ِ
َن ُن ما دمنا
ت أَنا ما ُد ْم ُ
َُ ( َليcovered previously) only appear in the ماض, but translate in the present.
***Notice that ماُدامand ْس
The مضارعis not used. Also notice that the charts for ُصبِحْ ي،ح ْ َ أare not included. This is because the فعل
َُ َصب
conjugates in a normal way according to the نصرchart.
4. He remained 9. Be (you)!
In Arabic, the only difference between the خبرof a فعلُناقصand a normal خبرis that when a sentence
contains a فعلُناقص, THE خبرIS منصوب. Contrast this with an ordinary جملةُاسميةwhere the خبرis مرفوع.
As for the متعلقُبالخبر, the rules are the same. It is made up of either a جارُومجرورor a ظرف.
As is the case with an ordinary جملةُاسمية, a sentence only requires one of the two to be considered
complete as is the case with a normal جملةُاسمية.
ُ ُ َ َ َ
ِ وكان ع ْرشه عَل
His throne was on water.
َ ُُْ
كنت ْم أ ْعداء
All of you were enemies.
➢ DRILL 4 Underline the مبتدأonce, the خبرtwice, and the متعلقُبالخبرthree times.
َ َ َ ْ ُ ً ْ َْ َ
ت َع ل يْ ِه ق ائ ِ ًم ا ما د م لل َم ف ُع ْو ال
ِ َو َكن أ م ُر ا
ًّ ُ ْ َّ َ ً ْ ْ ْ ْ ََ
ظ ل َوج ُه ه ُم ْس َود ا ص ب َح تُ ْم ب ِنِ ع َم تِ ِه إِ خ َوان ا فأ
It is also possible for the متعلقُبالخبرto come before the مبتدأ. This occurs with but is not limited to
possessive (ُ )لَهsentences.
َ َ َ
َوَكن َُل ث َم ٌر
And he had fruit.
(lit. And for him was fruit.)
ُ َْ َ َ ََْ
ٌ ك ْم ُج
ناح فليس علي
So, there is no blame on you.
Notice that the جارُومجرورcomes between the فعلُناقصand its اسم. It never comes before the فعل.
When the فعلis مضارعand it comes after كان, one of two meaning is conveyed. The first is “was/were -
doing” as in “I was cooking.” The second is “used to x” as in “I used to cook”. Context reveals which of
the two meanings is intended.
As is the case with an ordinary جملةُاسمية, the مبتدأand the خبرmatch in number and gender, so the
pronoun inside of the )كان( مبتدأmatches with the pronoun inside of the فعلُمضارعinside of the خبر. Know
that the status of the فعلremains unchanged. It is always مرفوع.
ُ َ َّ ُ َّ
ُ َن ْو ُض َونَلْ َع
)ب ( إِنما كنا
We were only chatting idly and playing.
When the فعلinside of the خبرis ماض, it implies that the event occurred long ago. This construction is
not used in modern Arabic and only appears a few times in the Quran. The pronoun inside of كان
matches with the pronoun inside of the فعلُماض.
ُ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ُ ُ ْ ُ ْأنا
ت (قلتُه) فقد َع ِل ْمتَه ِإن كن
Had I said it long ago, you would have known it.
Recall that when translating a جملةُفعلية, you translate the فاعل, then the فعل, then the details.
When translating a sentence with a فعلُناقص, you translate the اسم, then the فعلُناقص, then the ُمتعلق/خبر
*Note that it may be easier to use ماfor the time being. This is because many of the أفعالُناقصةare irregular and do
not display their جزمin a normal way.
→ To negate in the present ُيَك ْون+ الor ُيَك ْون+ ماis used.
Note that all the حروفthat can come with a normal فعلcan come with a فعلُناقص. This includes the
حروفُجازمةand حروفُناصبةas well as س, ف َ , and قَ ُْد.
َُ س ْو
ً ْ َّ ُ ً ْ ْ
ك ن ا إِخ وان ا َس ن ُص بِ ُح إِخ وان ا
ُ ً ْ َ َ َْ َ ُ ْ ُ َ
طابلَ ة ه نا
ِ اكن ت ح َر ٌج
َ ك ي كو ن علي
There are two negative sentence templates that convey a unique meaning and are used specifically with
the word كان. They are:
ْ َ َ
1) ___ما اكن ل ِـ___ أن
ُْ َ أand is a فعلُمضارع.
Y comes after the ن
ُ ُ ْ ْ َ َ َ
ما اكن ل ُه ْم أن يَدخل ْوها
It is not appropriate for them to enter it.
2) ____ما اكن___ ل ِـ
This template translates as “X would not be one to Y”.
ُه َو طال ٌ
َ ََ
َُل قل ٌم ُه َو ( َي ْق َرأُ الكتَ َ
َ َ ُ َ َ ْ َّ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ َ ْ
األ ْوالد ذا ِهبُ ْون ِعن َد ُه َمفا ِتيْ ُح الرسول (ينصحكم بِتق َوى ا ِ
ف َْ ُس َم َّي ُة ِ ْ ٌ َ َ ْ َ َّ َ ْ ُ َّ ُ
ابلي ِ ج َر ِة َر ُجل نائِ ٌم
الش َ َتت ت (ت َع ِل ْمنَ ُه ْم) أن
اكن Translates as: was Translates as: used to have Translates as: used to do
َ َ َ َ َ ََ
اكن َُل قل ٌم اكن ( َي ْق َرأُ الكتَ َ
اكن ِ اب) ِ
َ َ َْ ُ
الد َذاهب ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ َ ْ
ي ِِ اكن األو اكن ِعن َد ُه َمفا ِتيْ ُح الرسول (ينصحكم بِتق َوى ا ِ
لل) اكن
ف َْ ت ُس َم َّي ُة ْ
َاكنَ ْ ٌ َ َ ْ َ َّ ُ ْ ُ َّ ُ
ابلي ِ ِ ج َر ِة َر ُجل نائِ ٌم
الش َ اكن َتت ت (ت َع ِل ْمنَ ُه ْم) كن
اكن +مضارع used to do ما زال/ال يزال +مضارع is still doing
َ, with the addition of two templates.جلة فعلية sentences negate like aاكن
ما +ماض ال +مضارع ما اكن ِلـ(اسم َمرور) أن (فعل مضارع منصوب)
)فعل( ) toاسم( It was not appropriate for
لن +مضارع منصوب
لم +مضارع َمزوم ما +مضارع ما اكن (اسم مرفوع) ِلـ(فعل مضارع منصوب)
).فعل( ) was not one toاسم(
َ َ
ذاك ٌء ٌ ُ ُ ٌ َ ٌ ٌ ُ َ
الم – ظل َمات ظ ِجيَاع- َجائِ ٌع شبْ َعان – ِشبَاع
intelligence, mental
Darkness hungry full, satiated
اك ِذ ٌب
َصا ِدق
ٌ َ َ
اجة – َح َوائِ ُج ح ُ َِك – أَ ْذ ِكي
اء ٌّ ِ َذ
Dishonest Truthful need, necessity smart
ٌ َْ ٌ ْ َ ٌ َ ٌ
ُ ْ ان – ب َ َسات
ٌ َ ُْ ب – أن ِصبَة ن ِصي َز َم ٌن – أ ْز َمان َو ِحيْد
ي ِ بست
portion, share, time period, only, exclusive,
dividend, fate duration individual
ُ أفعال
ً َ ُ َْ َََ ًْ ُ َ َ َ
to carry َحل َي ِمل َحْال to own َملك ي ْم ِلك ُملَك
ً َ ْ ُ ُ َ َْ َ َ ً ُ ُ ْ َ َ
to lose رسانا خ ِرس َيرس خ to include ش َمل يَش ُمل ش ُم ْوال
َّ َّ َ ْ ْ َ ً ُ ْ َ
They lost at basketball. ِخ ِْسوا ِِف كرة ِ السلة to hate ك ِر َه يَك َر ُه ك ْرها
َ ْ َ ً َ ُ َْ َ
to become full ش ِب َع يَشبَ ُع شبْ ًعا to become thirsty َع ِطش يع َطش ع َطشا
َْ َُ َ ً َْ ُ
to decide on s/t )ق َّر َر يق ِّر ُر تق ِريْ ًرا (َع to move (s/t) َح َّر َك َيَ ِّر ُك َت ِريْكا
َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َّ َ ِّ َ ُ َ َّ َ
ً ْ ك ُر َت ْفك
حفظ الق ْرآن
I decided to memorize
قررت لَع أن أ to contemplate (s/t) )يا (ف ِ فكر يف
the Quran.
ْ َ ِّ َ ُ َ َّ َ ْ َ ِّ ُ َّ
) َع،ج ُع تش ِجيْ ًعا (ـه )َعل َق ي َعل ُق تع ِليْ ًق (َع
to encourage s/o to hang/to comment
شجع يش
towards s/t on
َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َّ َ
ش َّج َعه األ ْس َتاذ لَع المخ َز ِن
He hung his clothes in the
The teacher encouraged him closet. علق ِبلاسه ِِف
towards completing his studies. َ أ َ ْن ي َتاب َع د َِر
اس َته Don’t comment about on his
َْ َ ْ َ ل
ِ ال تعل ِق لَع أمرِه
138 | P a g e
َ َ َ َ َ ال َت َت
ْ ِ ح َّر ْك َ ُ َّ َ َ َ َ َّ َ َ
ِف ك ْرس لِيِك هكذا ي تبَينًا
Don’t move in your
to become clear تبي يتب
chair like that.
ً ْ ُ َْ َ ْ
ِاحتَ َمل َيتَ ِمل ِاح ِت َماال
ً ِّ ُ َ َ َّ
to tolerate to be described )ِات َصف ي َّت ِصف ِات َصافا (بـ
ََ َ َْ َ ْ
ل ْن َن َت ِمل أذاه ْم الص ْد ِق
ل َّ
ِ ِ َيت ِصف المؤمِن ب
A Mu’min is described with
We will not tolerate their harm.
ً ْ ُ َْ ََ ْ ً َ ْ ْ ُ َْ َْ َ َ َْْ
to differ ِاختَلف َيتَ ِلف ِاخ ِتالفا to hasten, urge جاال ِاستعجل يستع ِجل ِاس ِتع
139 | P a g e
There are a handful of tools that appear before a complete sentence and cause it to function like an
ordinary اسم. They create what is known as a compound اسم.
ْ ل
11.2 أنAND أن
ُْ َ أmakes the فعلafter it light. We learned that ن
We learned that ن َُّ َ أmakes the اسمafter it منصوب. That is
one function that each of these حروفserve. Both of these حروف, however, serve another function. They
transform a sentence into a compound اسم.
ْ َ
Let us begin by studying ن ُْ َ أ. ن
ُْ َ أtransforms a جملةُفعليةinto a compound اسم.
Take يَذهَبُإلىُالمسج ُِدas an example. It is a normal جملةُفعلية. In order to make it function like an اسم, simply
place an ن ُْ َ أbefore it.
َ أ َ ْنُ َي ْذهis a compound اسمand can play the role that any other اسمcan play. Take a look at the
َبُإلىُالمس ِْج ُِد
following example.
َ ي ِريْدُُأ َ ْنُ َي ْذه
َُبُ ِإلىُال َمس ِْج ِد
He wants to go to the masjid.
َ ”أنْ ُيَ ْذهanswers the questions “What does he want to do?” This means that it is a detail or a
“To go to the masjid” or “َُبُإِلىُال َمس ِْج ِد
ُْ َ أis ص َد ِريَّة
The technical term for this type of ن ْ أ َ ْنُال َم.
َّ َ
َُّ َ أ. ن
Next, let us take a look at ن َُّ َ أtransforms a جملةُاسميةinto a compound اسم.
Take ٌُ ه َوُطالِبas an example. It is a normal جملةُاسمية. In order to make it function like an اسم, simply place
an ُ أنbefore it.
ٌُ أَنَّهُطالِبis a compound اسمand can play the role of a regular ism.
َُسب ْونَُُأَنَّه ْمُم ْهتَد ْون
َ َو َي ْح
They believe that they are committed to guidance
“That they are committed to guidance” or “َُ ”أَنَّه ْمُم ْهتَد ْونanswers the question “What do they believe?” This means that it is a detail or
a مفعولُبه. It is labeled as a مفعولُبهُفيُمحلُنصب.
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َ ُُت َ َبيَّنَُُلَهُُأَنَّه
That is he is an enemy became clear to him.
َ ُ ”أَنَّهis acting as the فاعل. What did the action of becoming clear? That he is an
َُ تَبَيَّنis a فعلُالزمand cannot take a مفعول. Here, “ُعدو
Note that إذwill remain heavy when it does not have a مضافُإليه, as in ُيَ ْو َمئِذ.
إ ِ ذا
ِإذاcan come with a جملةُاسميةand a جملةُفعلية, both ماضand مضارع. It translates differently depending on
what follows.
ْ َُو ِجل
ُ تُقل ْوبه ُْم َ ِإذاُذ ِك َرُهللا
ُ مضافُإليه ُ ظرفُومضاف
When Allah is mentioned (even once), their hearts are humbled.
The use of the فعلُمضارعindicates a repeated event.
Also note that though يَ ْو َُمhas the potential to create a compound اسم, it can also act as an ordinary ظرف
and can be followed by a regular اسم.
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– أدوات االستفهامQUESTIONING WORDS
َ َ َْ َ َ َ
أي أ/ه ل كيْف ل ِماذا أ ْي َن َم َت ما/ماذا َم ْن
which did how why where when what who
الم اتلوكيد
ْق َ د
َ ْ ََْ َ ْ َْ َل َ َ
ق ْد أفل َح المؤمِن ْون ِي مِنك ْم ق ْد َي ْعلم اهلل المعوِق
Certainly, the believers have Allah already knows the
already succeeded. hinderers among you.
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سوف/ س
َْ َ
َ َ َ
َس َيق ْول ْون ثالثة رابِعه ْم َكبه ْم ْ قَ َال َس ْو َف أ ْس َت ْغفِر لَك ْم َر ل
ب ِ
They will say “four, the fifth is He said “I will ask my master for
their dog.” forgiveness for you.”
واو استئنافية
LABEL: واوُاالستئناف/واوُاستئنافية
َّ َ َ
َواهلل خل َق ُك دابَّة م ِْن ماء
Allah created every creature
from water.
إ ِ مَّ ا
- means “either”
- always used twice in a sentence to mean “either x or y”
- has no grammatical effect
َْ َ َ َ َ َْ ْ َ
َ ِ إ ِ َّما أ ْن تل
ق وِإ ِ َّما أن نك ْون أ َّول َم ْن أل ِق
Either you throw down, or we
will be the first to throw down.
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حروف العطف
- connects two words
- carries over status
LABEL: ُطفْ ع
َ ُحرف
َ and
بَ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ ل َ َ َ َّ
ِ ِ إِن اهلل ومالئِكته يصلون لَع انل
Certainly Allah and His angels send their blessings to the Prophet.
أَو: or
َ ََ َ َ َ َ َ َ
ارة ِ أ ْو أشد ق ْس َوةف ِيه اكحل ِج
How do you disbelieve in Allah when you were lifeless then he gave life to
you, then he will make you lifeless, then he will give you life, then you will
be returned to Him?
َ and then/so
ْ َ َ َ َّ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َّ
اك ف َع َدلكاَّلِي خلق فسو
The one who create you then fashioned you perfectly then proportioned
بَل: rather
َْ َّ حانَه بَل َّهل َما ِف َّ َ َ َّ
َ ْاهلل َو َلا سب َ
ات َواأل ْر ِض َ الس َم
ِ او ِ َوقالوا اَّتذ
And they said “Allah took a son”. He is above that! Rather he has
whatever is in the skies and the earth.
لَكِن: however
ْ َ َ َّ َ َ ْ ْ ِ ْ أ َ ْس ِم ْع به ْم َو َأب
ص يَ ْو َم يَأت ْون َنا لك ِْن الظال ِم ْون ايلَ ْو َم ِِف ضالل مبِي ِِ
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How clearly they will hear and see on that day that they come to us;
however, the wrongdoers today are in clear error.
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