Daily Co-Ordination Meeting: HPL, CPP Site
Daily Co-Ordination Meeting: HPL, CPP Site
Daily Co-Ordination Meeting: HPL, CPP Site
C. Water Chemistry:
Boiler Water Parameters Cooling Water Parameters
pH Conductivity(µS/cm)
Dated 28.10.2020
Range Actual Range Actual
Parameters Range Actual
DM Water(at B/L) (6.5 – 7.0) * 8.1 <0.20 1.33 pH 7.2 –8.5 7.50
Main Steam sample (8.5 - 9.5) 8.62 <5.0 2.33 Conductivity < 6000 1950
AB-1 (9.0 - 10.0) 9.7 <50 58 Chloride <1600 341
Drum Sample
AB-2 (9.0 - 10.0) 9.8 <50 55 FRC 0.20 - 0.5 0.00
HRSG1 (SHP) (9.0 - 10.0) 9.1 <50 35 COC based on MgH. 3.0-6.0 6.00
HRSG2 (SHP) (9.0 - 10.0) NA <50 NA Remarks if any:
Drum Sample
HRSG1 (MP) (9.8 - 10.6) 10.4 <3000 281
HRSG2 (MP) (9.8 - 10.6) 10.4 <3000 138
Condensate CSTG (8.5-9.5) 8.77 <5.0 2.53
*DM water pH at DM plant O/L is 6.5 to 7.0. However morpholine is dosed to elevate pH & pH parameter at CPP B/L is 6.5 to 9.0&
Conductivity at CPP B/L is 0 to 2.0.
B. Status/major events from last working day/major & chronic issues By SIC :
C. Safety Observations:
1. GT-2 turbine compartment & LGB compartment temperature is very high: Continuous monitoring is to be done to see the further
deterioration of temperature profile.
2. Turbine compartment overall exhaust temp near BT fan suction is 123degC, Highest is 323degC & LGB compartment exhaust tunnel
area max temp is 250degC.
E. Yesterday’s works:
*(Managers should come prepared to answer the status of previous day job status. Status to be filled up in the work request register on the
same day of completion by both Maintenance & operation)
Description Dept. Status Trial OK, defect closed. If not status
D No
Increase the operating level range to as
- Effluent disposal pump-B to be made ready. M U/P
high as possible.
- Balance of plant different location light checking is to be done. E U/P
Light timer checking & changing job is to be done at FOPH &
- E U/P
cooling tower area.
- PM job of DFW pump/motor# B M Completed
- Naphtha tank-A O/L valve open feedback not available, need to be
I Not taken
- Towards soot blower MIV walk way gratings was found in damaged
M Completed
condition. It is to be changed & repaired accordingly.
- Admin building Ac no- D,F cable connection job is to be done. E Not taken
- LED (1 no) light installation job is to be done at GT-2 top floor
E Completed
- Gratings to be placed for inspection of vibration probe of CT fan-B
M Completed
gear box & inspection of blade angle.
- CT fan-B vibration probes checking job is to be done. I Suspended
- Condition monitoring of all running equipments is to be done in
CPP as per attached list.
- Chlorine line fitting valve & header connecting v/V passing. It is to
M Suspended.
be checked & rectified.
- CSTG HMI control room graphics card replacement work is to be
- Erection of scaffolding at HRSG-2 chimney is being done. M U/P Work progress is slow
One rack has been prepared out of 6.
Rest will be done after material
- Fabrication of Store rack is being done. M Hold
Material (0.6T) is available.
F. Pending Issues (to shift from current issues which are more than a month old, to be discussed on first Monday of every month):
No Issue Plans EDC Resp.
Mass flow meter: Naphtha B/L mass flow meter could not be replaced
- Installation technical limit needs to be because of mismatching of flanges. A separate
verified from manual. report will be made and circulated on the issue
0 0 0 5
I. Reminder:
PR Status, Pending Material Inspection, Critical system study related to GT,Pending TBA Status (more than 8 days),and Status of rejected
material, Emergency procurement issues.
J. Critical Issues which are waiting for S/D:
Sl. Date
Area Subject Dept. Comment EDC
No Initiated
Flame scanner installed in both the burners but the
temperature was found high.
Flue gas leakage in HRSG-1 HRSG-2 burner-5 insulation work done again,
burner no-6 & HRSG-2 burner temperature will be measured after HRSG-2 in
HRSG-1/2 no-5 to be attended& flame service.
1. M/I 30-5-2019 Next
scanner installation to be HRSG-1 will be attended later in opportunity.
done. For temporary measurement, insulation shielding is
to be done in flame scanner.
Scope to be finalized and contractor to be informed,
also material to be arranged as per scope.
GT-1 GT-1 both BB4 & BB-5 Will be replaced in next opportunity
2. I 9.10.2019 Next S/D
vibration sensor not working. GT-1 vibration trend to be monitored.
Hydra step needs to be
3. I/M Will be taken up during shutdown. 07.07.2020 Next S/D
HRSG-1/2 serviced.