Automatic Cost Effective Phase Selector System
Automatic Cost Effective Phase Selector System
Automatic Cost Effective Phase Selector System
Abstract: Electricity is lifeline of any country and its continuous and reliability is ensured by making use of automation and
availability at minimum cost ensure the country’s growth. switching load to efficient phase conforms economy. The
Reducing the burden over the energy resources leads to the use of switching circuit make use of elementary electronics devices
alternative sources of energy like Solar, Wind etc. also they are
namely transformer (220V/12V), a bridge rectifier(B20), a set
available free of cost. So modern industries and homes, to ensure
regular power supply incorporates mainly three sources of energy of capacitors having capacitance of 1000 microfarad and 1000
i.e. Solar, Mains (Utility grid), Diesel generator sets. So an microfarad, a voltage regulator (IC7805), an op-amp as a
automatic phase selector circuit is required for the switching comparator (LM358), a transistor (BC547) and relays.
between these supplies with the Solar having the highest priority Most companies, industrial, commercial and even domestic
followed by Mains for having access of cheapest electricity. The are dependent on public power supply which has erratic supply
circuit make use of Transformer, Rectifier, Regulator,
such as phase failure, phase imbalances or total power failure
Comparator and Relays. The switching time is reduced
considerably due to the use of high speed electronics devices. due to one or more technical problem in power generation,
transmission or distribution. If all the three phases are available,
Keywords: Bridge Rectifier, Cost, Mains, Op-amp, Relays, there is need for automation of phase change during phase
Solar, Transformer. failure or total power failure in any of three phases in order to
safe guard consumer appliances from epileptic power supply.
1. Introduction In most cases, many manufacturing companies, whether they
Electricity acts as a backbone of any economy in the world are domestic or industrial, which employ single phase
and for the developing nation power instability and high equipment for its operation sometimes experience challenges
pressure over the natural resources available due to the during failures in power supply.
overpopulation poses a greater threat to their development. So Much time would be required in the process of manual
there is necessity for automation of electric power generated change over. This means that time and the process required for
along with availability of alternative sources of energy for the the phase change may cause serious damages to machines and
purpose of backup to the utility supply. The requirement for the even the products. Hence, there is need for automatic phase
renewable sources can be understood from the following data: switching system. A single phase public utility prepaid meter
India is sixth largest energy consumer in the world, holds a is operated with a single phase power supply unit. If there is a
share of about 3.7% of global energy usage, having phase failure from the public utility power supply, the prepaid
Maharashtra as the top power generator Indian state among meter will stop working until the phase is manually changed to
others. Because of India’s economic growth, the requirement an active phase. So a person needs to be present always to make
for power has rise at an average of 3.9% per annum for the last the changes at any point in time. To overcome this problem
30 years. automatic system is required. The basic idea for the project is
The huge gap between the demand and supply can be met to provide uninterrupted supply to the single phase load. More
only by making use of non-conventional sources of energy for than 70% of the fault are single phase faults. For complexes like
the generation of electricity. Now in this situation there is need hospitals, schools, where there is incoming 3phase supply if any
of selection of phase among the received phases from solar, of the phases, out of the 3 phases faces fault, then the supply
mains and from the diesel generator set. If the changeover is will be automatically shifted to the next available phase from
done manually, it results time wasting and may cause damage the 3phase supply.
to the device, product in nut shell there is risk of massive loss
to the revenue. The changeover must be automatic although at 2. Smart Home Automation System
high speed. Here we felt the need of automation industry. More The prioritized supply from the solar is delivering the power
importantly all electrical systems are built upon the three to the load and the portion of it has been taken to feed the
important factors viz. reliability, safety and economy. Safety switching circuit through the step down transformer. A reduced
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 300
Volume-3, Issue-2, February-2020 | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
voltage output obtained from the secondary of the transformer In Fig. 2, the overall circuit with all the necessary equipment
is delivered to the rectifier and the DC output is smoothened is laid down. This circuit is implemented by making use of the
with the help of capacitors. The 12-volt DC when applied to the transformer (220V/12V), Rectifier, Filter, Voltage regulator,
regulator a voltage of 5 volt is obtained between one of its pin Comparator, Transistor and Relays. The selection of equipment
and common. The 5 volt signal is now feed to the comparator, with proper rating is done by calculating their minimum and
here op-amp acts as the comparator and compare the incoming maximum rating of voltage and current across them under
voltage with a predefined voltage level regulated by the zener normal as well as abnormal operating conditions and proper
diode and if the voltage from the solar remains in the range 200- care is taken in selection of the transformer as it is acting like
220V the input at the inverting terminal of the op-amp remains interface between the electrical and electronics circuit used. The
higher than the non- inverting terminal therefore the outcome protection of delicate ICs must be ensured. The necessary
of the op-amp at pin 6 also remains high making transistor idle equipment which used after the stepping down the voltage to
and the relay continues the condition of normally connected 12V is depicted here. The simplicity of the design with high
(NC) and solar is feeding the load directly. In case the input is performance is what we get from this circuit of automatic cost
below the rated value, the load is automatically connected to the effective phase selector.
Mains if available otherwise the Diesel generator set is asked
A. Electromagnetic Relay
for the supply.
Electromagnetic relays are those relays which are operated
by electromagnetic action. Modern electrical protection relays
are mainly microprocessor based, but still electromagnetic relay
holds its place. It will take much longer time to replace all
electromagnetic relays by microprocessor based static relays.
So before going through detail of protection relay system we
should review the various types of electromagnetic relays.