Automatic Phase Selector3

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Shete Gunjan Pramod et al.

; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology

ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume 5, Issue 2)
Available online at:

Phase transfer switch with power factor correction

Gunjan Pramod Shete Sadika Shahanawaj Naikwadi Pradnya Sanjay Kumbhar
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Nanasaheb Mahadik College of Nanasaheb Mahadik College of Nanasaheb Mahadik College of
Engineering, Peth, Maharashtra Engineering, Peth, Maharashtra Engineering, Peth, Maharashtra

Padmaja Jitendra Patil Pallavi Ashok Tandale

[email protected] [email protected]
Nanasaheb Mahadik College of Nanasaheb Mahadik College of
Engineering, Peth, Maharashtra Engineering, Peth, Maharashtra


Three phase selector with power factor improvement is designed
In the present scenario of three phase application, if low
for automation of phase change during phase failure or total
voltage is available in any one of the three phases and needs
power failure in any of three phases in order to safeguard
equipment to work in normal voltage, then the phase contacts
consumer appliances from the epileptic power supply and to
must be changed manually. The product developed will solve
improve factor automatically whenever power factor falls below
the problems related to three phase applications. The main aim
a certain level.
of this product is to provide an uninterrupted power supply for
three-phase loads even in the failure of a phase in a three-
In most cases, many manufacturing companies, whether they are
phase system. The product is very useful in those industries,
domestic or industrial, which employs single phase equipment
factories, home spaces and offices where the continuous supply
for its operation sometimes experience challenges during failure
of electricity is needed. Normally three phase supply if one or
in power supply. And also we know those inductive loads are the
two-phase fails, power will not be there in the gadget connected
main reason for low power factor in the power system. By
to that particular failed phase(s), to avoid these failures, we
improving the power factor of power system automatically using
bring intelligent three phase changer with Arduino, which
a capacitor bank, power system efficiency can be improving. The
shifts power from alive phase to the failed phase(s)
automated system is developed using Arduino to solve these
instantaneously, thus keeps all the circuits alive.
Keywords— Transformer, Rectifier, Relay, Arduino UNO
Power instability and phase failure have become a serious
problem in developing countries like India to improve their
economic condition. Almost all of the companies; industrial ,
commercial and also domestic loads are run by the public power
supply which associates different problems for example :in
balances among the phases, phase failure or some times
complete power shut down occurs due to various types of
technical problems occurred in the power generation,
transmission and distribution system. Most of the power
consumers use single phase equipment for the operational
purpose which is greatly affected if there is unbalance voltages,
under voltages or overvoltages. A significant amount of time
would be required for the manual switchover the operation and
as a result, serious trouble could be associated with the machines
or in the production process. Moreover, a standby manpower
would always be required to change over the supply voltage overcome these challenges, automatic phase changing
system could be implemented. Here, an automatic phase changer Fig. 1: Block Diagram
circuit has been simulated.
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The above block diagram consists of following major ingredients  Phase sequence meter: When the push button is pressed for
of such a project: time of 30 sec it indicates a sequence of three phase
 Transformer  Voltmeter: By using selector switch it indicates a voltage
 Rectifier circuit between two live phases on the voltmeter.
 Relay  Display: The function of display is to displayed power factor
 Arduino and cut off phase on screen.
 Capacitor bank
 LCD Display
 Voltmeter
 Phase sequence meter

3.1 Forgetting continuous three phase output

We use three steps down transformer, each for a single line that
is R Y B respectively.

Rating of a step-down transformer 12-0-12 volt that is in between

phase and neutral we get 12volt supply and two phases we get
24volt supply.

3.1.1 How to use a centre tapped transformer: A primary

voltage will be induced in the primary coil (I1 and I3) and due to
magnetic Induction, the voltage will be transferred to the
secondary coil. Here in the secondary coil of a centre tapped
transformer, there will be an additional wire (T2) which will be
placed exactly at the centre of the secondary coil, hence the
voltage here will always be zero. If we combine this zero
potential wire (T2) with either T1 or T2, we will get a voltage of
12V AC. If this wire is ignored and the voltage across T1 and T2
is considered then we will get a voltage of 24V AC.

After that, we added rectifier and filter circuit by using a diode

and capacitor for each transformer. Rectifier circuit convert AC
to DC and filter reduces ripple content then we get 12volt DC Fig. 2: Model
3.1.2 Centre tapped full wave rectifier circuit: During the int irr=A0;
positive cycle, diode D1 conducts and during negative cycle
diode D2 conducts. As a result, both half cycles are allowed to int iry=A1;
pass through the average output DC voltage is almost twice of int irb=A2;
the DC voltage of half wave rectifier. int orr=5;
int ory=6;
3.1.3 Filter circuit: The working of the filter circuit is to short int orb=7;
the ripples and block the DC component so that it flows through int irrr=0;
another path and is available across the load. This can be given int iryy=0;
to the relay circuit which is normally open type. When the relay int irbb=0;
is normally open then Arduino will not get 12 volt supply.
void setup()
3.1.4 Relay: Relay are the most commonly used switching {
device in electronics. Relay has three terminals, which are pinMode(irr,INPUT);
common, NO and NC. If relay contacts to NO the load remain pinMode(iry,INPUT);
disconnected before trigger and if connected to NC the load pinMode(irb,INPUT);
remains connected before trigger. When one of the three phases PinMode (Orr, OUTPUT);
is cut off or it gets faulted then respective relay of this phase is pinMode(ory,OUTPUT);
closed and it gives supply to Arduino to sense single phase then pinMode(orb,OUTPUT);
it gives the command to output relay to give it auxiliary three }
phase supply to the output side.

3.2 For poor power factor void loop()

The auxiliary relay used for power factor improvement purpose {
it also normally open type. When the power factor is below 0.8 irrr=digitalRead(irr);
it gives the command to Arduino and it gives the signal to iryy=digitalRead(iry);
capacitor bank to connect the circuit capacitor bank to improve irbb=digitalRead(irb);
power factor. if (irrr==0)
3.3 Indication circuit digitalWrite(orr,HIGH);
 Indicators: It indicates input and output status of each phase delay(1000);
that is it shows input and output in sequence R Y B. }
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