Question Bank

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Question Bank

Module 1 [CO1]
Q1. Illustrate how java beans can be used for reusability of code? [L3]

Q2. Argue that Java Beans are useful in MVC architecture. [L3]

Q3. Summarize the steps to create Java Beans using BDK. [L2]

Q4. Write proper syntax of conditional statements present in JavaScript. [L2]

Q5. Create a program to calculate reverse of a n digit number in JavaScript. [L4]

Q6. Point out the new APIs provided by HTML5? [L2]

Q7. Identify different types of pop-up boxes available in JavaScript? Explain them. [L3]

Q8. What is Scope in JavaScript? Name the different types of Scopes. [L3]

Q9. Differentiate between ‘==’ and ‘===’ operators? [L3]

Q10. Compare the two types of selectors: ID and Class selector. [L3]

Module 2 [CO2]
Q1. Write a JSP program to insert a record into table from form. [L4]

Q2. How can you construct a thread safe JSP page? Argue on the advantages and
disadvantages of using it? [L5]

Q3. Write a JSP program to keep a page counter of how many times it has been visited?

Q4. Justify how data sharing is required for communication between JSP pages. [L5]

Q5. How are variables and methods defined in JSP using proper syntax? [L2]

Q6. Why don’t we need to configure JSP standard tags in web.xml? [L3]

Q7. Give an example where you need JSP Custom Tag? [L2]

Q8. What is difference between JspWriter and Servlet PrintWriter? [L2]

Q9. What is difference between include directive and jsp:include action?[L2]

Q10. What are the benefits of PageContext implicit object? [L2]

Module 3 [CO3]
Q1. Write a java program to establish connection with the database having fields name,
roll_number and marks. Show all those records whose marks are greater than 80%. [L4]

Q2. Examine how do you access database from a JSP page? Explain with the help of
suitable example. [L4]

Q3. Create a jdbc application to insert the registration details:

Registration number, password, user name, email in the registration table. Also perform
update delete operation on the specified rows. [L5]

Q4. Write a Java Program to connect to database query and display results in the working
of jdbc-odbc bridge. [L4]

Q5. Illustrate fetching of the details (name, roll number, Class, Section) from a table
student using JDBC program. [L5]

Q6. What are the JDBC API components? [L3]

Q7. Explain different types of JDBC statements with example. [L3]

Q8. What the differences are between execute, executeQuery, and executeUpdate? [L2]

Q9. How can we execute stored procedures using CallableStatement? [L4]

Q10. How can we maintain the integrity of a database by using JDBC? [L4]

Module 4 [CO4]

Q1. Illustrate the role of service method in the life cycle of a Servlet. [L5]

Q2. Write a servlet program to illustrate the role of controller in MVC design pattern. [L5]

Q3. Construct a Java program to demonstrate the passing and retrieving values using a
servlet. [L4]

Q4. Develop a servlet based application to insert 5 values input from JSP page in SQL
database. [L4]

Q5. Point out the role of a deployment descriptor for servlet? [L3]
Q6. Which element in the deployment descriptor is used to describe the parameters of
servletconfig object? [L4]

Q7. Differentiate between servletconfig and servletcontext. [L3]

Q8. What is a filter? [L2]

Q9. What is the difference between Servlet Request and Servlet Context when calling a
Request Dispatcher? [L2]

Q10. Why session tracking is needed? [L3]

Module 5 [CO5]

Q1. Create a Java Program to implement multiple inheritances using interface. [L3]

Q2. Point out the requirements of a thread and write a program to show multithreading.

Q3. Develop a simple java application program to illustrate the role of threads for
synchronization. [L4]

Q4. Justify that a thread have independent path of execution using run and sleep method
with the help of a Java program. [L4]

Q5.Write a Java Program to implement multiple inheritance using interface. [L3]

Q6. What is a thread and write a program to show multithreading. [L3]

Q7. Write a simple real life application program to illustrate multithreading. [L3]

Q8. Write a program that shows that a thread have independent path of execution using
run and sleep method. [L4]

Q9. Explain the concept of polymorphism using suitable example code. [L3]

Q10. Differentiate overloading and overriding. [L2]

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