Control of Stock Consistency in Head Box Approach Flow System

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Control of Stock Consistency in Head Box Approach Flow System

Conference Paper · October 2019

DOI: 10.1109/CISCT46613.2019.9008146

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5 authors, including:

Pradeep Kumar Juneja Mayank Chaturvedi

Graphic Era University Griffith University


Amiya Kumar Ray Vikas Joshi

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Graphic Era University


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Control of Stock Consistency in Head Box Approach
Flow System
P K Juneja M Chaturvedi A. K. Ray
Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Enineering Dept. of Electrical Enineering Dept. of Paper Technology
Graphic Era (Deemed to be University) Graphic Era (Deemed to be University) IIT Roorkee
Dehradun, India Dehradun, India Roorkee, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Vikas Joshi N Belwal

Dept. of Electrical Enineering Dept. of Electronics & Comm.
Graphic Era (Deemed to be University) Engineering
Dehradun, India Graphic Era (Deemed to be University)
[email protected] Dehradun, India
[email protected]

Abstract— It has been identified that head box of a wet end paper
machine is important to control to maintain the quality of feed liquor
for production of pulp for raw materials during cooking in digesters.
Controlling the head box efficiently will not only make the industry
sustainable in terms of good quality of production of paper and
paper products but also combats efficiently the solid waste disposal
problem by converting this waste to wealth. Presence of delay time
and availability of different transfer functions for the same
parameter challenge the situation further. Therefore, an attempt has
been made to solve this issue.

Keywords – consistency; headbox; FOPDT; dead time

Consistency is one of the most significant variable for paper
machine, as without its information it is beyond the realm of
Fig. 2. Consistency control with white water
imagination to expect to improve efficiency with ideal quality.
Generally the dilution water from different sources is added to the Feedback provided by consistency sensor is transmitted
thick stock preceding fan pump and after that prompted stream to through a transmitter to the controller. An error signal is generated
a consistency sensor, before feeding it to the headbox. by comparing measured variable with the set point. This error
signal is then provided to the controller to regulate valve position
which is governing the flow of dilution water to the stock.
Site of the sensor, loop scheme and process nature determines
the value of the transportation lag for the consistency control.
Consistency control can be practiced subsequent to blending chest.
A graphic representation is shown in Fig. 1 and in Fig. 2.
David wood [1] provided an exhaustive report for the
contemporary model of headbox control, including maintaining
the consistency of paper. According to the report, consistent
properties can be achieved by arranging the slice adjacent to the
parallel by alleviating the headbox and slice lip mounting against
Fig. 1. Dilution before entering headbox for consistency control temperature deviations, through the paper breadth. He further
emphasized that the automation and adjustable slice lip can
improve headbox control.

978-1-7281-2443-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Griffith University. Downloaded on December 23,2020 at 23:28:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Talvio [2] executed hypothetical and experimental studies
analysis of control and stability for the headbox of paper machine. 0.5
Step Response

An extensive survey on the advancements of control of paper G1

pade 1
manufacturing headbox was conducted by Weber et al. [3]. He 0
pade 2

emphasized upon the headbox for twin-weir and fourdrinier pade 3

pade 5
machine with their equipment and control description. pade 15
-0.5 pade 20

Tuladhar et al [4] analyzed simulation results of mill test on an

operating paper machine and MD basis weight signal flow. The -1

result indicated the presence of very low frequency variation,

caused by consistency dynamics. The simulation result indicated -1.5
that the decoupled control action is feasible using MPC controller.
A case study was presented by Paattilamm J. et al. [5] on a -2

paper machine headbox control. Kumar Prasanna et al [6] has

described paper machine control and optimization for different -2.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
sub system of paper machine loop including consistency control Time (sec)

in approach flow, headbox, mainly single variable and total head

have been controlled traditionally by controlling air pad for stream Fig. 3. Step responses for G1 transfer function without approximation (blue) and
flow valve, the recirculation valve or by fan pump speed control. Padè approximation of first (green), second (red), third (cyan), fifth (magenta),
fifteenth (yellow) and twentieth (black) order
Aidun et al [7] investigated two classes of secondary streams
in headbox resulting from symmetrical properties, kinematics and TABLE I. STEP RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS FOR DIFFERENT PADÈ
the others, from unsettled signal of the flow field and the prototype
established is examined by means of direct arithmetic simulation.
Percentage Percent error
Nissinen, et al. [8] studied the feasibility of designing error in rise in settling
multivariable PI controller for headbox with rectifier rolls without Order of Padè Rise Settling time in time in
overflow provided with air cushion in a multi-grade paper time, time, comparison comparison to
sec sec to without without
machine. The system has been considered as MIMO system approximat approximatio
instead of SISO system. The process dynamics for such system ion n
was identified. Based on the process model and the structure of the
multivariable PI controller a process simulator was built. The without dead time
simulator was used to test different tuning methods which could 8.44 21.9 0 0
be applied to the system.
On-line real time SISO feedback control of recycled white With Ist order
11.5 23.0 36.25 5
water consistency can be a way to retention control. Thick stock approximation
wet end chemistry processes and machine direction basis weight
variation play key roles in this regard. Hence papermaker’s control With second order
9.39 21.3 11.25 2.73
strategy should be to minimize the deviation in the recycled white approximation
water consistency [9, 10].
With third order
Small errors in the headbox and tray consistency and ash data 8.83 21.6 4.62 1.36
can produce large variation in the calculated first pass retention
values [11]. With fifth order
8.58 21.7 1.65 0.913
DYNAMICS With fifteenth
order 8.42 21.8 0.236 0.45
Generally, consistency offers a first order with time delay approximation
response [12] and consequently it is a significant candidate for
executing the dead time approximation for additional With twentieth
order 8.42 21.8 0.236 0.45
investigation. The dead time expression comprises an exponential approximation
term in the transfer function and to handle dead time in Laplace
domain, it is expected to use approximations for the dead time In this section, dead time approximation of consistency process
expression. The Padè approximation is quite advantageous in transfer function, for various orders of Padè approximations viz
control study in this respect [13, 14]. first, second, third, fourth, fifth, tenth, fifteen and twentieth order
approximation is performed for comparative analysis of step

978-1-7281-2443-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Griffith University. Downloaded on December 23,2020 at 23:28:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
responses and exhibited by Fig. 3. The consistency transfer TABLE II. FIVE TRANSFER FUNCTION MODELS FOR CONSISTENCY
function can be modeled as FOPDT model as under [15, 16]:

constant (τ)

Bump tests
Delay time

value of K
Bump test
Gain (K)


θD / τ
( )=


(1 + )

−2.035 .
where, θD is the transportation. G1
3.84 6.84 1.78 5.0
2.03 Span=2% (1 + 3.84 )
Nancy formulated the following dynamics with time delay of
the order of 6.84 seconds due to transmitter location comparative 0.03 0.035
to the dilution point. The sensor measurement dynamics cased a -
G2 0.75 10 5 0.5 span = (1 + 10 )
time constant of 3.84 seconds. 16.67

−0.0407 . G3 -1.4 3 3 1 -5.0 Span=
( )= (2) (1 + 3 )
(1 + 3.84 ) 3%

- -0.0625 −2.08
G4 5 5 1 -5.0
From Table I, it is clear that in Padè approximation for first 2.08 Span=3% (1 + 5 )
order the percentage error in rise time is very large i.e. 36.25% as
compared to Padè approximation for fifteenth order, for which the - -0.0386 −1.93 .
G5 3.51 5.7 1.62 4.91
error is 0.236%. The error is same for fifteenth and twentieth order. 1.93 Span=2% (1 + 3.51 )
The error is decreasing with increase in order of approximation.
Similarly, percentage error in settling time for Padè first order
approximation is 5% and for fifteenth order is 0.236%. The error It is obvious that their input and output conditions are different
is same for twentieth order approximation. The error is decreasing for all the cases though the transmitter ranges and nominal values
with increase in order of approximation. The higher the order of are nearly the same. The step responses for these five transfer
the approximation used, the more accurate it is at higher function models are shown in Fig. 4 and their corresponding Bode
frequencies. plots in Fig. 5.
−1.93 .
The first step is to identify the process transfer function in the
analysis of dynamics and control. Analysis of first principles, i.e. Step Response
the conservation principles and in-plant experiments are two 0.5

approaches possible to derive the process transfer function. The G1

experimental approach is used more often, which involves 0
performing a “bump test”. A bump test is an online process which G4
involves testing the effect of small step change in controller output -0.5 G5
on process and manipulated variables. Many bump tests should be

done to ensure the results to be representative. -1

Five different transfer function models are selected for the

consistency parameter available in literature as shown in Table II. -1.5
It is interesting to note that the dead times are different; in two
cases (G1(s) and G5(s)) the value of dead time is higher than -2
process time constant. The two cases (G3(s) and G4(s)) have the
dead time value equal to time constant and in one case G2(s) the -2.5
dead time value is equal to time constant. It is obvious that their 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

input and output conditions are different for all the cases though Time (sec)

the transmitter ranges and nominal values are nearly the same. Fig. 4. step responses for five process models

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Griffith University. Downloaded on December 23,2020 at 23:28:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table IV shows the comparison between the different models
Bode Diagram
of consistency parameter for stability margins. Although all the
models are stable but the model with G3(s) transfer function
model has a minimum gain margin and phase margin compared
Magnitude (dB)


to others. The models G1(s) and G5(s) have same gain margin. The
0 G4oltf
model G5(s) has the maximum gain margin and phase margin
-40 requirements.
G3(s) gave the best step response among these five transfer
Phase (deg)

180 functions in terms of desirable minimum values of characteristics,

rise time and settling time. The process model with G5(s) process
transfer function is relatively more stable than others and G3(s) is
1 2
the least stable. In relative comparison of stability for all the
Frequency (rad/sec) models the sequence is G5(s), G1(s), G2(s), G4(s), and G3(s) in
decreasing order of stability.
Fig. 5. Bode diagram for five different models indicating stability margins
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[3] R.Weber, N.Y.Gaitonde, “Non-interactive distillation tower analyzer
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Wg Wp
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(rad/sec) (rad/sec)
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Griffith University. Downloaded on December 23,2020 at 23:28:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Griffith University. Downloaded on December 23,2020 at 23:28:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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