TYIT EJ Previous Year Question Unitwise

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Enterprise Java

1. Explain the architecture of Java Enterprise Application.
2. Classify the EE Containers. Explain.
3. Write a short note on javax.servlet package.
4. Explain the life cycle of a servlet application.
5. Explain the architecture of JDBC.
6. Explain the architecture of Java Enterprise Application.
7. What is Java Enterprise Edition(Java EE)? Explain.
8. Write a note on Multi-Tier EE application architecture.
9. List and explain the tasks that servlet can do.
10. Explain the life cycle of servlet.
11. Write a servlet code to display square and square root of numbers between 25 and 365
in tabular form.
12. List and explain four types of JDBC drivers.
13. What are the challenges of Enterprise Application Development?
14. List and explain Java Container types.
15. What are the alternatives to CGI? Explain in detail.
16. Write short note on Part and WebConnection interfaces.
17. Explain Deployment descriptor file with its elements.
18. Explain RowSet and its type in JDBC.
19. What is an enterprise application? What is the enterprise edition of Java?
20. Define Java EE containers with the various Java Container types.
21. Explain the life cycle of a servlet application.
22. Write a short note on javax.Servlet.Servlet package.
23. What is JDBC statement object? Explain its 3 types.
24. List and explain each of the four JDBC driver types.

1. Explain the importance of RequestDispatcher Interface in javax.servlet. Add suitable
example to explain the methods of the interface.
2. Explain how java handles session management of a servlet application through
3. What is cookie? Explain the need of the creation of the same. Explain the methods of
cookie class that facilitative the creation, manipulation and deletion of the cookies.
4. What is Non-Blocking I/O? Explain writeListener and ReadListener performing in
NonBlocking I/O?
5. Explain the working of Non-Blocking I/O.
6. Explain about the file uploading feature of servlet.
7. Explain Cookie class with its constructor and any five methods.
8. Write a servlet program to create a session and display the folowing: 1)SessionID
2)New or Old 3)Creation Time
9. Write a servlet program GardeServlet.java that accepts Grade through radio buttons
from index.html page, if the string is "A", "B", "C" OR "D", the program should
dispatch the direct to the Success.html page containing message "Congratulations!!!,
current servlet.
10. Explain the following w.r.t. working with files in servlet.
11. Explain using a code snippet the onDataAvailble() and onAllDataRead() methods of
ReadListener interface.
12. What is RequestDispatcher? Explain the two methods of RequestDispatcher.
13. Explain methods of RequestDispatcher interface.
14. Explain setting, sending and reading of Cookie in java servlet.
15. What is session tracking?What are the ways to track the sessions?
16. Write short note on creation and invalidation of sessions.
17. Which points are important while uploading a file?
18. Explain the working of Non-Blocking I/O.
19. Explain two methods of RequestDispatcher interface.
20. Where are cookies used? Describe any four important methods of cookie class.
21. What is a session? Explain Session Management Rules.
22. What is Non-Blocking I/O? How it works?
23. Write a servlet code to download a file.
24. Which things needs to be carefully checked and understood while writing file
uploading code in servlet?
1. What are the directives in JSP? Explain page directive in detail.(with all its attributes)
2. What is EL? Explain immediate EL, Deferred EL, LValue and Rvalue in detail.
3. Explain the advantages of JSTL over JSP.
4. Explain JSTL core tag library.
5. Explain the implicit objects of JSP.
6. Explain the various scope of JSP application.
7. Explain the reasons to use JSP.
8. What are directives?Explain page directive with any of its four attributes.
9. Develop a simple JSP application to accept values from html page and display on next
page. (Name-txt, age-txt, hobbies-checkbox, email-txt, gender-radio button).
10. Explain the <jsp:useBean> tag with its attribute. Support your answer with suitable
code snippet.
11. List the name of JSP implicit objects. Explain any Two in details.
12. What is wrong in using JSP scriplet tag? How JSTL fixes JSP scriplet shortcomings?
13. How JSP functions and executes?
14. How to set and acess the properties of java bean in JSP?
15. What are the types of Expression available in EL?
16. Write short note on Restriction, Projection and Partitioning Operators in EL.
17. Explain Conditional or Flow Control Statements in XML Tag Library with examples.
18. How to query and update data in JSTL?
19. What is use of Java Server Pages? Give the difference between JSP and Servlets.
20. Explain Life Cycle of a JSP Page.
21. What are directives in JSP? Explain its types.
22. Give an explanation of the jsp:useBean action tag’s attributes and usage.
23. Write a short note on <JSP:plugin> Action.
24. What exactly is JSTL? Describe XPath in detail.

1. Explain about enterprise bean container.
2. What are the different types of beans? Explain.
3. Explain the working behind message driven bean.
4. Explain the concept of naming service. Add suitable illustration to it.
5. Explain basic look up in JNDI. Also explain resource injection in JNDI.
6. Explain the life cycle of an interceptor.
7. Explain benefits of EJB.
8. Write a note on different types of session beans.
9. Explain life cycle of a message driven bean using suitable diagram.
10. Write a stateless session bean code to represent BookInformation. (BookId integer,
BookName String , Pages integer, Price double).
11. What is an interceptor? How an interceptor is defined and how aroundInvoke() is
added to it?
12. What is Java Naming and Directory Interface? Explain.
13. Write short note on Enterprise Bean Server and Enterprise Bean.
14. Describe Packaging of Enterprise Beans in JAR and WAR Modules.
15. How to access No-Interface View and Local Business Interface?
16. Write short note on Lifecycle of a Message Driven Bean with onMessage() Method.
17. How to define Interceptor? What is the role of AroundInvoke Method?
18. What is DataSource Resource Definition in Java EE?
19. What is EJB? Explain its advantages.
20. Write a detailed note on the type of session beans.
21. Write a short note on Remote and Local Interfaces.
22. Describe message-driven beans characteristics.
23. What is a naming service?
24. Write a note on DataSource Resource Definition in Java EE7.

1. Explain the persistent standards available in java.
2. Draw and explain the architecture of hibernate framework.
3. Explain JPA architecture with the help of a neat diagram.
4. What is Impedance Mismatch? How it can be solved?
5. Explain different components of hibernate.
6. Explain the modus operandi behind hibernate application.
7. What is Persistence? Explain.
8. Explain with suitable diagram architecture of Java Persistence API.
9. Write a JSP code to add guest feedback using JPA in GuestBook table in
database.(Make suitable assumptions)
10. What is Hibernate? Explain Object Relational Mapping.
11. Explain the architecture of Hibernate with suitable diagram.
12. Write a JSP code to add visitor's feedback using Hibernate in FeedBack table in
database. (Make suitable assumptions)
13. Explain Java Persistence API with Specification.
14. What is the Impedance Mismatch? How it can be solved?
15. What is the relationship between JPA, ORM, Database and the application?
16. Write short note on Functions in JPQL and Downcasting in JPQL.
17. How hibernate works?
18. Explain the structure of hibernate.cfg.xml.
19. Explain following 1)JOIN condition Using ON 2)Entity Listeners Using CDI
20. Where does Java Persistence API fit In?
21. Why is there a need for Object Relational Mapping (ORM)?
22. Write a short note on Functions in JPQL and Downcasting in JPQL.
23. What is Hibernate? Explain the features of Hibernate.
24. Explain the components of Hibernate configuration.

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