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Understanding Distance Racing: Below

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Understanding distance racing

Pacing patterns surfacing in mental, physical aspects of various sports

1stth &

quarters of a race
are the fastest The average speed of a Coppell runner
during the mile is fastest during the first
and fourth quarters of a race. Both track
and swimming data indicate the fastest
speeds are at the beginning and end, while
the slowest speeds are around the middle.
in long distance races.

tense activity, the body will switch over to anaerobic you’re trying to go below
Anjali Krishna respiration. This is the use of lactic acid that builds up that 40 seconds.”
CO-SPORTS EDITOR in the blood as the strain of activity increases. Eventu- Beginning any race,

@anjalikrishna_ ally, the acid reaches a threshold and at this point, the the immediate starting
amount of lactate in the blood is overwhelming and a speed is typically the fastest

hether pushing off the starting block for racer is forced to stop. a racer will go throughout.
a 500-yard freestyle or starting a 5K run “It’s very scientific, it’s pure physiology,” Coppell swim Common belief holds that
alongside many others, distinct patterns coach Marieke Maestebroek said. “[When] I talk about a the end of any race is the
emerge as long-distance racers compete longer race like a 500 [yards], [a swimmer] has to stay out toughest but in reality, the
using various strategies tailored to improve performance. of that oxygen deprivation zone where they don’t build up quarter of a race end of races often turn out
Coppell’s long-dis- that lactic acid early on in the race in their muscles, because is the slowest to have the second fastest
tance racing and they won’t get through the whole 500 yards. Now if you do a paces. Instead, the third
The training strategies in shorter race, they’re going to get [lactic acid building] in the quarter of any race tends

swim are designed start, but if they get too crazy with it in the beginning, they to be the hardest and slow-
to avoid buildup of won’t get through the race in a decent way.” est as racers feel their top speed has already been met.
lactic acid. Typical- Coppell’s strategies for racing the 5K in cross country “There’s a few people who are mentally talented that
& ly, the human body are derived from personal mile times. In order to avoid can bite through that difficult part of the race,” Maes-

gets its energy aero- reaching a lactic acid threshold too quickly, runners prac- tebroek said. “You can train yourself to get tougher in
bically (with oxygen) tice with tempo runs to increase the threshold, allowing practice to get through that uncomfortable part of the
but when unable to the body to more effectively clear lactate. race better but some people are mentally tougher and
are fastest in races get that energy as “Let’s say you have five miles,” Coppell cross country able to ignore it and cut through it better than others.”
quickly as necessary coach Nick Benton said. “If we were doing a tempo run,
through aerobic res- it would be about 40 seconds slower than your mile time, ANJALI ‘22 can be reached at
piration during in- which would then get you ready for a race. In your races, [email protected].

The middle
is paced
The average splits for the boys 500-

BELOW yard freestyle for the Coppell swim team

range from 28 to 32 seconds. Both track
absolute speed and swimming data indicate the fastest
speeds are at the beginning and end, while
in races the slowest speeds are around the middle
in long distance races..

Graphics by Srihari Yechangunja

YouTube: Coppell Student Media Daily News: coppellstudentmedia.com

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