20-21 Final 2
20-21 Final 2
20-21 Final 2
Tim O’Hearn
College: Lafayette College
Coppell senior inside linebacker “It’s great to go out and build
Tim O’Hearn analyzes the field Major: Undecided a bond with players where all
on Sept. 6, 2019 at Buddy Echols of y’all have the same goal and
Raging crowds. Screaming coach-
Field. O’Hearn committed to play work towards the same goal
es. Whistling referees. Yet the loud-
football at Lafayette College on together. [I am]definitely not
est among the Friday night masses is
Aug. 11. Sidekick file photo ready to be done playing with
Coppell senior inside linebacker Tim
all my friends I’ve been play-
O’Hearn on the field. ing with since middle school,
but I’m looking forward to
new opportunities.”
Chloe Hassman
College: University of Pennsylvania
“I’ve always been drawn to the
city, and I love the East Coast. Major: Biology Coppell senior Chloe Hassman
The [Ivy League schools] are runs during cross country practice
great because you know they’re Throughout her life, Coppell senior at Buddy Echols Field on Sept.
going to prioritize education Chloe Hassman has been surrounded 15. Hassman committed to the
and not let you get behind in by a family of runners that inspire her. University of Pennsylvania for track
the classroom. They encour- She will leave CHS cited as an inspira- and field and cross country on Aug.
age you to explore, take differ- tion to the years below her. 22. Photo by Lilly Gorman
ent classes and go out of your
comfort zone.”