PE and Health 11 Week 2 Q4

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SUBJECT AREA Physical Education and Health 11

CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of sports in optimizing one’s health
STANDARDS as a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as
a career opportunity.
PERFORMANCE The learner leads sports events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
STANDARDS independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.
LEARNING Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical
COMPETENCY activity assessment participation and one’s diet PEH11FH-IIg-i-6
OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the nature and background of athletics.
2. Identify the different categories/events in athletics.
3. Execute different skills in athletics.
Name: _________________________________ Grade &Section: _________________
Subject Teacher: JESSA MAE B. URIARTE

Health Optimizing Physical Education 2:

Athletics in Relation to Health-Related Fitness

Being physically active permits the body systems to function properly with alertness
and energy. Remaining in shape permits a person to efficiently and effectively perform his/her
daily tasks that will lead to better output and performance.
Health-related fitness involves exercise activities that you do in order to try to improve
your physical health and stay healthy. Health related fitness includes five (5) components
namely, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and
body composition.

Brief History
Athletics is composed of sports involving running, walking, jumping and
throwing. It is a group of sports divided mainly in what is popularly known as track and
field and it has been played centuries ago in a sports competition. In 776 B.C, Greeks
started to promote track and field and it opened the Olympic Games. Since then, it
has been staged every four years until 394 A.D. Athens revived the Olympic Games in
1896. After that, the Olympic Games is stage every four years.
In the early stage, the Greeks’ participation in athletics was intended to show
the strong body and skills of the soldiers. The beauty of the games caught the
attention and interest of more than 5000 people. Olympic Games became very
competitive and in 1923 women were included in the event. The competition was
under the support of the Amateur Athletics Union.
Track and field was introduced to the Filipinos by the Americans. It was warmly
accepted as one of the events for competition. Athletics, as part of the local
competition, was governed by the Philippines Athletics Track and Field Association. It
followed the rules of International Amateur Athletic Federation as a world governing
body for track and field athletics. Because of its worth and value, it was included as a
subject in the Physical Education.

Events in Athletics
Running Event
100-meter dash 4 x 100-meter relay
200-meter dash 4 x 400-meter relay
400-meter dash 110-meter high hurdles
800-meter run 100-meter hurdles
1500-meter run 400-meter low hurdles
3000-meter run 3000-meter Steeple Chase
5000-meter run Marathon and Walkathon
Jumping Events Throwing Events
Long Jump Shot Put
Triple Jump Discus Throw
High Jump Javelin Throw
Pole Vault Hammer Throw
Athletics Playing Venue
Running events are played in an oval. It has eight lanes and the inner most lane
measures 400 meters. The seven other lanes are appropriately marked to indicate the 400-
meter distance and the exceeding land measurement.
The surface of the oval is even and levelled, covered by mixture of sand and cinder,
some are combination of asphalt and synthetic rubber. The modern running tracks are made
out of synthetic rubber like materials.

Long Jump and Triple Jump

High Jump Pole Vault

Shot Put Discus Throw

Javelin Throw

Different Athletics Events/Games

According to, similar to ballet, running is just as graceful.
Every stride and kilometer has a purpose inside a race. Each section of the race must meet
specific criteria in order to complete the race in a specific time. Ballerinas have to time their
steps to music; runners must time their strides to pace”.
On the other hand, Stephen Baker says, “Understanding and applying physiology
could improve your running.” Therefore, by combining the art of running and science-based
running, a champion shall be born.

Running Events

Body position of the sprinter

Body position of the distance runner
Sprinters are innately gifted with a larger
number of fast-twitch muscle fibers. It
permits them to execute explosive
movements and participate in high-
intensity exercise for short period of time.
According to National Academy of Sports
Medicine (NASM), the same goes for
power-lifters, bodybuilders and other
strength athletes. Fast-twitch fibers can
produce more force in a shorter time than
slowtwitch fibers. Also, sprinters are
naturally more muscular and have a bigger build than long-distance runners.
The relatively short sprint distances, ranging up to 400 meters, require a sustained top
speed. Originally all sprinters start from a standing position, but in the 1880s the crouch start
was invented, and it became a rule that sprinters must start with both feet and both hands on
the track. The introduction of the adjustable starting block aided the quick start which is critical
in the sprints.
Endurance athletes or long-distance runners have 90 to 95 percent slow-twitch muscle
fibers. According to American Council on Exercise, slow-twitch fibers are slighter and less
powerful but more resilient to fatigue than fast-twitch fibers. So, they rely on oxygen to
function properly. Slow-twitch muscle fibers are well suitable for long-duration aerobic

Short sprint distances, ranging up to 400 meters must start with both feet and both
hands on the track (crouch start).

Did you Know that:

Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt is the fastest man in history with a world record time of
9.58 seconds and the fastest woman is history is Florence Griffith-Joyner with a world record
time of 10.49.

The Hurdles
Hurdling is a sport in
athletics (track and field) in
which a runner sprints and leaps
over a series of hurdles, which
are set on a track with specific
distance apart. Runners must
stay in their respective lanes
throughout the race. If the
runner knocks the hurdles down
while leaping, a runner who
trails a foot or leg alongside a
hurdle or knocks it down with a
hand is disqualified. The Winner
will be the first player who been
complete the course without

What is a Relay?
The relays involve four runners per team. There are two standard events, the

4 × 100- and 4 × 400-meter relays. The first runner in the 4 x 100-meter relay begins the race
in starting blocks. The next three runners receive the baton in the 30 meters passing and
receiving zone. The receiver begins running in the acceleration zone within the exchange
zone (30m). In the relay, runners should not switch hands when carrying the baton. Therefore,
if the first runner will carry the baton in his right hand, the receiving hand of the second runner
will be left hand, the receiving hand of the third runner will be right and the final runner will
handle it in his left hand.

Jumping Events

High Jump
In the high jump event, the athlete
must run in the start and must jump over a
bar without knocking it over. They land on a
big soft cushion. Being able to jump high
without knocking the bar is advantage to win
the game. In this event technique is
important, there are many techniques used
for high jump, but the current, and most
successful, is called the Fosbury Flop. The
Fosbury flop technique involves an
approach from almost straight ahead, then twisting on takeoff and going over the head first
with the back to the bar. Jumpers then land on their back.

Long Jump
Long jumping, is the least complicated of
all field events. It is formerly called broad
jumping. Long jump has been a popular
athletics event since Ancient Greece
Olympics. In long jump, speed is the most
vital ingredient for a successful jump.
Jumpers make their approach down the
runway at almost top speed, plant a foot on
the takeoff board, and leap into the air.
Jumpers must plant the forward foot not
beyond the take-off board to become legal.
The most popular long-jumping style is “Hitch-kick,” where in the runner apparently walks in

Pole Vault
The pole vault may be the toughest to
master of all field events. Pole vaulting is
quite similar to high jump. Vaulters attempt
to vault over a crossbar placed on uprights,
each height. They are given three tries,
then they land on a large soft mattress for
safety. The vaulter runs down the track
holding a pole at one end. After planting
the end of the pole in a metal box in the
ground level, the vaulters propel
themselves up and over a high bar using
both a jump and the spring to gain height.
They must get over the bar without knocking it off

Triple Jump
The triple jump is similar to the long jump, it is known as the hop, step, and jump. The jumper
will first run down the track gaining speed; at the start of the jump or take off point they will
jump or spring from one foot and land on that same foot (hop); next they jump again, at this
time landing on the opposite foot (step); lastly they jump as far as they can and land on both
feet (jump) into the sand pit or landing pit.

Throwing Events

A discus is plate like or round disc (implement),
typically made of plastic with a metal rim. It is
thrown from a concrete circle that is about 2.50
meter in diameter. The thrower’s feet cannot leave
the circle unless the discus lands on sector area or
else the thrower will be at fault, and the throw will
not be counted. To achieve maximum distance in
the discus, the thrower shall maintain these three
components - speed, technique, and strength. The thrower that throws the farthest inside the
sector area and without committing any violation wins.

The Javelin
Javelin is something like a spear (implement). It was
introduced in the Olympics of 708 BC. This event
should be supervised at all times to be sure no one
is hurt. Javelin throw does not use a circle when
throwing. The thrower must hold the javelin at the
grip part and should always be maintained above the
shoulder level. The javelin must lie before the
specified zone and its tip should hit the ground to
become valid. The thrower should maintain his
balance until the javelin lands on the ground. Once the competition has started, the athletes
cannot use the perimeter for practice purpose.

Shot Put
Shot is piece of spherical iron ball that is thrown from
a concrete circle that is seven feet in diameter. The
front of the circle has a metal board called a toe
board or stop board. The goal is to build momentum
and finally push or put the shot inside the sector
landing area. The thrower must stay in a circle until
the shot has landed or else their throw was invalid.
The thrower throws farthest inside the landing sector
and without committing any violation wins.

Guided Activities

Activity I: Let’s Do This

Direction: Perform each activity at a time and answer the given questions below.
Muscular Strength & Endurance Exercise, Cardio-Vascular Endurance exercise & Flexibility


1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how fit do you see yourself? Why?

2. When is the most probable time for you to engage in your own personal workout?
3. Is there any reason why you do not engage in physical activity?
This activity will measure your skill identifying games in each athletic event.
Direction: Fill in the diagram below with the needed information.


Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. Performing different stretching exercises that are targeting the multiple areas of the body
is the best strategy for improving the _____.
A. cardiovascular endurance C. muscular endurance
B. flexibility D. muscular strength
2. Good body composition includes _____.
A. increase range of motion C. weightlifting for muscles
B. increase range of movement D. All of the Above
3. Push-ups are the best exercise when improving _____.
A. cardiovascular endurance C. body composition
B. muscular strength and endurance D. flexibility
4. Sprint is a type of event where in the athlete runs over _____.
A. an obstacle C. short distance
B. long distance D. None of the Above
5. Jumping events in athletics includes _____.
A. hop, hog, walk
B. discus throw, hammer throw, javelin throw
C. high jump, long jump, pole vault, triple jump
D. hurdles, long distance, middle distance, relay, sprint24
6. The following are exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance.
Which does not belong to the group?
A. Power Walking C. Swimming
B. Running D. Weightlifting
7. Mel wants to improve her cardiovascular endurance. What program should she include in
her training routine?
A. Aerobic Training C. Flexibility Training
B. Agility Training D. Strength Training
8. Which is the standard distance of hurdler race for men?
A. 80 and 100m C. 110 and 400m
B. 100 and 400m D. 150 and 250m
9. Where did athletics originate?
A. Ancient Greece C. Britain
B. Ancient Rome D. Russia
10. The following are the different events in athletics. Which of these is a field event?
A. High Jump C. Shotput
B. Relay D. Triple Jump

Answers Key
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. A


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