Taxation - Czech Republic (TX-CZE) : Syllabus and Study Guide
Taxation - Czech Republic (TX-CZE) : Syllabus and Study Guide
Taxation - Czech Republic (TX-CZE) : Syllabus and Study Guide
June 2019
Taxation –
Czech Republic
syllabus and study guide This shows the breakdown of the main
capabilities (sections) of the syllabus
Overall aim of the syllabus into subject areas. This is the blueprint
for the detailed study guide.
This explains briefly the overall objective
of the syllabus and indicates in the Approach to examining the syllabus
broadest sense the capabilities to be
developed within the exam. This section briefly explains the
structure of the examination and how it
Relational diagram linking Taxation - is assessed.
Czech Republic (TX-CZE) with other
ACCA exams Study Guide
This diagram shows direct and indirect This is the main document that students,
links between this exam and other education and content providers should
exams preceding or following it. It use as the basis of their studies,
indicates where you are expected to instruction and materials. Examinations
have underpinning knowledge and will be based on the detail of the study
where it would be useful to review guide which comprehensively identifies
previous learning before undertaking what could be assessed in any
study. examination session. The study guide is
a precise reflection and breakdown of
Main capabilities the syllabus. It is divided into sections
based on the main capabilities identified
The aim of the syllabus is broken down in the syllabus. These sections are
into several main capabilities which divided into subject areas which relate to
divide the syllabus and study guide into the sub-capabilities included in the
discrete sections. detailed syllabus. Subject areas are
broken down into sub-headings which
Relational diagram of the main describe the detailed outcomes that
capabilities could be assessed in examinations.
These outcomes are described using
This diagram illustrates the flows and verbs indicating what exams may
links between the main capabilities require students to demonstrate, and the
(sections) of the syllabus and should be broad intellectual level at which these
used as an aid to planning teaching and may need to be demonstrated
learning in a structured way. (*see intellectual levels below).
Syllabus rationale
This syllabus and study guide is designed to help with planning study and to provide
detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.
Taxation –
Relational diagram linking Czech Republic
Taxation – Czech Republic (TX- (TX-CZE)
CZE) with other ACCA exams
This diagram shows direct and indirect
links between this exam and other
exams preceding or following it.
Main capabilities
D Explain and compute the effects of value added tax on incorporated and
unincorporated businesses
This diagram illustrates the flows and links between the main capabilities (sections)
of the syllabus and should be used as an aid to planning teaching and learning in a
structured way.
4. The time limits for the submission of C Corporate income tax liabilities
information, claims and payment of
tax, including payments on account 1. The scope of corporate income tax
3. Contributions for employed persons, 1. The scope of value added tax (VAT)
liabilities of employees and
2. The VAT registration requirements
4. Income from self-employment
(business and professional income) 3. The computation of VAT liabilities
For the June 2019 session, the syllabus will be assessed by a three-hour computer-
based exam.
The exam will be predominantly computational and all questions are compulsory.
Section B of the exam comprises four 10 mark questions and two 15 mark
The two 15 mark questions will focus on individual income tax (syllabus area B) and
corporate income tax (syllabus area C).
The section A questions and the other questions in section B can cover any areas of
the syllabus.
b) State the different sources of b) Recognise the due dates for the
revenue law.[2] payment of tax and explain how
taxes are paid.[2]
c) Explain and apply the basic
principles of tax procedure.[2] c) Compute tax prepayments and
state the due dates for making such
d) Explain and apply the rules on the tax prepayments.[2]
determination of competent
authority.[2] d) Explain the system of year end
(annual) clearing of tax and
e) Appreciate the interaction of the calculate the year clearing
Czech tax system with that of other tax payable.[2]
tax jurisdictions.[2]
e) Explain the payroll tax system as
f) Explain the difference between tax applied to employees.[2]
avoidance and tax evasion.[1]
f) Explain the relevant procedures for
g) Explain the need for an ethical and tax collection by final withholding
professional approach.[2] and of withholding as a prepayment
of tax due including relevant
3. The systems for self-assessment, deadlines and competent
the making of returns and other authorities.[2]
reporting obligations
g) List the information and records that
b) Calculate the social security and d) Identify the income subject to final
health care contributions payable.[2] withholding and calculate the tax
c) State the procedures and deadlines
for the payment of contributions.[2] e) Identify the income subject to
withholding as a prepayment and
6. Property, rental, investment and calculate the tax withheld.[2]
other income
f) Compute the amount of monthly
a) Identify the income which falls within payroll deductions in the case of
each of these categories and employees.[2]
explain how the partial tax base is
calculated.[2] g) Calculate the Czech income tax on
foreign income, together with any
b) Recognise the allowable deductions available double taxation relief.[2]
in each case.[2]
8. The use of exemptions and reliefs
c) Explain the special treatments for in deferring and minimising
interest income and dividends.[2] income tax liabilities
d) Explain the treatment for rental a) State which income is exempt from
income.[2] income tax.[2]
e) Explain the treatment of the sale of b) Explain and compute the relief for
shares and securities.[2] contributions to pension schemes
and life insurance.[2]
f) Explain the treatment of the sale of
other non-business assets and c) Explain how income can be
property.[2] attributed to a cooperating person.[2]
b) Identify the limited and unlimited tax a) Recognise the adjustments made to
liability of individuals.[2] the accounting profit for the
purpose of calculating the
Excluded topics: corporate tax base.[2]
c) Explain how the tax residence of a f) Explain the thin capitalisation rules
company is determined.[2] and prepare relevant calculations.[2]
Excluded topics
ACCA periodically reviews its qualification syllabuses so that they fully meet the
needs of stakeholders such as employers, students, regulatory and advisory bodies
and learning providers.