Pop Cycle - Final
Pop Cycle - Final
Pop Cycle - Final
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Student will need guidance on what topic to
• Student may need extra guidance on where • I will go over the rubric with the student
Focus Students research and what sources to use to gather
to gather information for project. Like my and make clear what the student needs to
• Summarize critical needs and how information on specific human impact. I will
ELL, I will give this student a list of possible do to earn desired grade. I will also
you will address them during this provide the student with a list of possible
topics and a list of credible sources to provide extra guidance during the goal-
lesson. topics and a list of credible sources to
choose from. I also will request to meet setting exercise so the student has clear
choose from, as well as offer guidance in
with the student one-on-one before the due objectives and a plan for how to reach
class while the student begins the research
date to check in on the student’s progress. those objectives.
I would like all my students to develop skills for evaluating the credibility of
When I assign research projects, I introduce them to the APA style as that will
• What specific feedback regarding your focus students online resources, however I realize this may be challenging for my focus
be what they will use at the university level (in science classes at least). I also
do you want from your ME? students. How should I provide them with guidance while also challenging them
show them the Purdue Owl website. Another good website is paperpile.com.
to identify credible sources on their own?
I plan on providing my students with a list of possible topics to choose for their
project. They will be responsible for explaining the chemistry of the human I like the second choice. By providing a list, you are communicating to them
Specific Feedback impact and proposing a method of reducing the impact. Should I not provide a your expectations but by letting them know they are free to explore something
• What additional specific feedback do you want from list and challenge students to discover a human impact on their own? Or should I not included on the list will allow them the opportunity to work on something
your ME regarding lesson implementation? just provide a list and mention that they can choose a topic not on the list of they are interested in. I believe this will appeal to the creatives in your focus
they would like to explore other topics? The goal is to appeal to each student’s group.
interests and allow them to build off of their prior knowledge and experience.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
• Students will begin with a goal-setting exercise. I will then go over
the instructions and the rubric for the project while also providing
some examples for topics they can choose. Students will spend
most of class researching their topic and preparing their project. I
Instructional Planning will guide students throughout the block by providing them with
• How is the lesson structured (opening, body, and credible sources or helping them evaluate the credibility of
closing)? sources they discovered.
I like the idea of a goal-setting activity—this will make sure students are aware
• What varied teaching strategies and differentiated • I will provide students with a list of potential topics and a list of
of the learning objectives of the lesson.
instruction will help students meet lesson goals? credible sources. I will also provide students with a detailed rubric
• What progress monitoring strategies will be used? and sentence frames so all students are aware of expectations
How will results inform instruction? and what information that need to gather for their project.
• I will check in with all students at the end of the block to assess
their progress and identify any common misconceptions or areas
of growth. I will also see if their progress aligns with the
expectations they identified during the goal-setting exercise.
• I will allow students to choose their own topic for the project so
Student Engagement/Learning they can choose a topic that is relevant to them.
• How will you make the lesson relevant to all the
• Students will show progress by checking in with me at the end of This will be a great way to ensure content is relevant and of interest to each
the block to show how they’ve progressed and make sure they student.
• How will students show progress towards master of have clear direction moving forward as they prepare to work from
lesson objectives? home.
• Students will work at the own pace and have a choice for their
Classroom Management topic of research and how they would like to demonstrate their
• How will you maintain a positive learning knowledge. They will be able to work one-on-one with me and/or
environment with a welcoming climate of caring, with their peers throughout the block. Using the goal-setting exercise to encourage students to buy in to the classroom
respect, and fairness? • For students that are not being productive in class and/or policies and procedures is a good idea.
• Identify specific classroom procedures and strategies distracting others, I will go over their goal-setting exercise with
for preventing/redirecting challenging behaviors. them and explain how their behavior is not conducive to
achieving the goals they set for themselves.
• I will close the lesson by asking students to share the progress
they made on their project during the block. Students will share
Closure 1) the topic they chose, 2) the main sources they’ve used so far,
• How will you close your lesson? and 3) how they plan on presenting the information (what Checking in with each student before the end of the block will ensure they
• How will you assess student learning and prepare app/program they plan on using). know what is expected of them.
them for the next lesson? • I will assess student learning by using the rubric to grade the
students’ projects. I will begin the next lesson by addressing any
common misconceptions I identified during the grading process.
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery
Student groups answered worksheet questions that included all
EXAMPLE When teacher reviewed worksheet, she asked additional questions Students completed the worksheets and were able to ask questions.
levels of Bloom’s (“Identify 6 problem-solving strategies; pick two
CSTP 1: Engaging All Students of analysis and evaluation (“which problem-solving strategy do Most groups needed revisions for their questions;
strategies and identify at least one similarity and one difference
• In what ways were students you prefer? How could you create a math problem that could be
between them”). Groups then selected a strategy and created
comparison/contrast was the most common analysis question. I
engaged? solved with this strategy?”) need to give them a Bloom’s question stems handout next time.
two math problems to exchange tomorrow.
Specific Feedback Students were able to choose a topic and begin research
• What information can you I gave the NT information on how I introduce research topics
His students produced well-researched projects from varied before the end of the block. While most students chose a
provide the NT regarding in addition to a website that I believe will be helpful to
and reliable sources. topic from the list I provided, some chose topics that were
requested special increase his students’ digital literacy.
not on the list that were of interest to them.
CSTP 2: Effective Learning Students seemed to know exactly what was expected of them
Environment The students paid attention, they did not distract each and what they needed to accomplish by the end of the block.
The NT made sure students were paying attention to him as
• How did students and he started the lesson. The students contributed to the
other and they did not distract themselves by staying on Students remained on task knowing that I would check in on
teacher contribute to an their iPads. They put their iPads away according to the NT their progress by the end of the block. I limited distractions
learning environment by paying attention.
effective learning instructions. by asking them to close their iPads when I was giving
environment? instructions.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
CSTP 3: Organizing
Subject Matter The NT explained the project very well he then followed up
• What actions of the NT with a video that made the topic interesting and relevant to By playing the two videos at the start of class, I was able to
contributed to student his students. access students’ prior knowledge. By having students
assimilation of subject complete the goal-setting activity, I ensured students were
Immediately after the presentation, students began their
matter? The students began their projects by first goal setting, they aware what the objectives of the lesson were and how they’d
work. As the NT circulated around the room to each
• How did students construct then began their research using reputable websites. This
student, he was able to confirm they were on task and
be building on their prior knowledge. Students didn’t seem to
knowledge of subject was on of the topics the NT wanted to concentrate on. have any misconceptions about how humans can negatively
understood his expectations for the project.
matter? impact biodiversity. A couple students seemed to struggle
• What misconceptions did I do not believe there were any misconceptions. The NT with selecting a topic, so I directed them toward the
students have and how presented a well prepared lesson and the students had no instructions and a list of possible topics to choose from.
were they addressed by trouble understanding its goals.
the teacher?
CSTP 5: Assessing Student After students completed their research, they presented Students submitted their presentation after having over a
Learning their findings in a presentation of their choice: iMovie, week to work on it and check in with me along the way.
• How did students Keynote, Prezi etc.
demonstrate achievement Some students did not develop descriptions that were in-
of lesson objectives? Because this was a project that allowed students to choose The students produced iMovies, Keynote Presentation, depth or cite credible sources. A couple students copied and
• In what ways did students their subject and they wanted to present it there were none Prezi’s among other means of presenting all they had pasted bits of information instead of rewriting in their own
struggle or demonstrate that struggled with it. learned. words.
limited understanding?
• What teacher actions The lesson was well thought out and prepared. By speaking I believe that checking in with each student one-on-one and
contributed to student with each student he ensured they understood his having students complete the goal-setting activity helped
achievement? expectations and could complete the project well. contribute to student achievement.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Focus Student 3 turned in one of the most impressive
Focus Student 2 also chose a very unique topic projects out of all my students. While many of my
To what degree did focus Focus Student 1 chose a very specific, relevant topic that no (overharvesting of shark fins). I was impressed with the student chose to create a slideshow presentation, this
students achieve lesson one else in the class chose. The descriptions lacked a little overall organization of the presentation and the inclusion student made a 7 minute video that resembled a
objectives? depth on certain portions, but the student answered all the of relevant images and graphics. Like my ELL, this student newscast. The student went into great depth and and
questions and met all the requirements. lacked depth on some descriptions, but overall submitted included relevant graphs and images. All requirements
quality work. were exceeded and the student actually received bonus
points for creativity.
What would you do differently Next time, NT would like to encourage students to use a program/app that they have not used before to present their information. He would also like to check in with each student after
next time? giving them more time to work on the project so he can give feedback and ensure they are submitting quality, in-depth work.
The NT would like to provide feedback in various forms to ensure that the students who were unable to earn scores higher than 80% have a better understanding of how to use the
What are next steps? rubric to earn more points in the future.
Other Comments/Notes
I would like to take this opportunity to commend the NT on how well thought out this lesson plan was. I appreciated the subject he chose for its relevance as well as its integration with the core subject matter of Chemistry. He
made something that many consider to be abstract, tangible, which is something our students need to be able to solve the many environmental problems we face as a global community.
All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the NT ILP as appropriate.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 3 of 3