Pop Cycle Form-Anderson Sem 2

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.17
Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle
1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should be transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for ILP.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Scott Anderson [email protected] World History 10th Grade
Mentor Email School/District Date
Michael Cook [email protected] California Virtual Academies March 21 , 2023
Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title
5. Analyze the Nazi policy of
pursuing racial purity,
10.8 Students analyze the especially against the European
causes and consequences of Jews; its transformation into
The Holocaust Discovering the Horror
World War II. the Final Solution; and the
Holocaust that resulted in the
murder of six million Jewish
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating
NT pedagogical skills are newly formed and Skills are developing as NT investigates Skills are applied as NT makes Skills are refined as NT combines elements Skills are polished as NT expands ability to
just coming into prominence and examines pedagogical practices increased relevant and suitable use of into a cohesive and unified pedagogical add new methods and strategies into
pedagogical choices repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
T- Uses gathered information about students’ prior knowledge,
Connecting learning to students’ prior cultural backgrounds, life experiences, and interest to support
1.2 knowledge, backgrounds, life student learning.
experiences, and interests S- Students participate in single lessons or sequences of lessons
related to their interests and experiences.
T- Develops expectations with some student involvement.
Communicates, models and explains expectations for individual and
group behavior.
Developing, communicating, and
maintaining T-Exploring
2.5 Reviews standards for behavior with students in single lessons or
high standards for individual and group S-Exploring
sequence of lessons in anticipation of need for reinforcement.
S- Students know expectations for behavior and consequences and
respond to guidance in following them.
Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
The student I chose has severe The student of my choice has
The EL student I am choosing has a anxiety issues. They currently been diagnosed with severe
very high “F” in my course. I chose have a 67% in my class. I chose ADHD. One of their biggest
them because they seem to work them because they work obstacles seems to be
Focus Students
• Summarize critical needs and extremely hard with limited results. I extremely hard, but we have had organizational issues. They
how you will address them during am going to try and pair the EL with a to get very specific, using their IEP, currently have a 70% in my class,
this lesson.
non-EL in possible “breakout rooms” to find the best learning platform but they are on the grade
to summarize key points of the for them. The student does not rollercoaster between high “F”
lesson lecture before completing any like to be called directly on. The and low “C”. Prior to completing
assessments. student has to have shortened the formative assessment, I will
tests, quizzes, overall assignments. meet face-to-face with the
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 4
student via “breakout room” and
help them create a plan to
complete any/all lesson work.
Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback
Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson plan. Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis Inquiry focus/special emphasis was to understand
• What is your inquiry focus and/or special emphasis? the Nazi policy and events of the Holocaust in
• How will you incorporate the inquiry focus and/or I will make sure lesson focus is clearly stated.
special emphasis into the lesson? Germany pre-war up to liberation. Did I inform
• What specific feedback do you want from your ME?
students of the lesson focus?
I will let you know the pros and cons of
collaboration work. As we have spoken
Inquiry Focus/Students Did I provide opportunities for my focus students
• What specific feedback regarding your focus students about, the online platform sometimes
do you want from your ME? to work collaboratively with their peers?
provides difficulties in working
Specific Feedback
Did I access prior knowledge and begin teaching If your formative assessment shows the
• What additional specific feedback do you want from at a relevant point in time based on formative students know more/less than you thought,
your ME regarding lesson implementation?
assessment at the beginning of the lesson? how will you adapt?
Instructional Planning
• How is the lesson structured (opening, body, and Formative assessments like the intro timeline
closing)? activity, posing open ended questions, and class How will you ensure that you cover all of
• What varied teaching strategies and differentiated
instruction will help students meet lesson goals? discussion help me know where students needed your main ideas so quickly in one lesson?
• What progress monitoring strategies will be used?
How will results inform instruction?
the lesson to begin and pace my instruction.
Student Engagement/Learning

Will there be time embedded during the
How will you make the lesson relevant to all the Students examine primary sources and answer
students? lesson to do this or will this be an
• How will students show progress towards master of text dependent questions on the Holocaust.
lesson objectives? independent activity afterwards?
This is a heavy topic. I will give students a
Classroom Management disclaimer stating I am considerate of their
• How will you maintain a positive learning If a student feels overwhelmed and needs a
environment with a welcoming climate of caring, feelings and would only include imagery of
respect, and fairness? break, how will they communicate that with

content I knew they could handle being that
Identify specific classroom procedures and strategies you?
for preventing/redirecting challenging behaviors. much of the imagery from the time is graphic in
I will close my lesson with a Padlet exit ticket. I
want the students to critically think and answer
• How will you close your lesson? “Since the Holocaust, there have been numerous How will you use their answers to use this
• How will you assess student learning and prepare mass genocides that still occurred…why is this? exit ticket in subsequent lessons?
them for the next lesson?
What can be done to stop these atrocities in the
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery
Student groups answered worksheet questions that included all
EXAMPLE When teacher reviewed worksheet, she asked additional questions of Students completed the worksheets and were able to ask
levels of Bloom’s (“Identify 6 problem-solving strategies; pick two
CSTP 1: Engaging All Students analysis and evaluation (“which problem-solving strategy do you questions. Most groups needed revisions for their questions;
strategies and identify at least one similarity and one difference
• In what ways were students prefer? How could you create a math problem that could be solved comparison/contrast was the most common analysis question. I
between them”). Groups then selected a strategy and created
engaged? with this strategy?”) need to give them a Bloom’s question stems handout next time.
two math problems to exchange tomorrow.

Teacher began the lesson with a

disclaimer about the sensitive A few students participated orally
Specific Feedback
• What information can you
content of the lesson. Then teacher while others added answers to the Students used the information in
provide the NT regarding asked an open ended recall question chat in response to teacher’s open this lesson to complete two lesson
requested special
feedback? to assess prior knowledge. Teacher ended question to assess prior quizzes.
provided additional historical context knowledge.
based on student answers.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 4
CSTP 1: Engaging All
Students Teacher paused throughout lesson to
• In what ways were students
engaged? How were check for understanding and
students not engaged?
• How did students
reviewing student responses. Students were actively engaged by Did focus students follow through
contribute to their Teacher paired focus students with a adding questions and comments to with agreed upon plan? If so, did
• How did teacher and/or peer for support. Teacher met with the chat and aloud. Some students teacher have a second check in? Or,
students monitor
focus students afterwards to clarify, did not participate at all. provide feedback on assignment?
• How were the focus review, and make a plan for work
students engaged and
supported throughout the completion.

CSTP 2: Effective Learning Teacher included primary source

Environment The use of multimedia kept
• How did students and images to accompany lesson ppt. Students responded with questions
students involved in the lesson and
teacher contribute to an Additionally, a short video was about the images and videos.
effective learning learning process.
environment? included to support student learning.

CSTP 3: Organizing
Subject Matter
• What actions of the NT Teacher lectured, examined primary
contributed to student The topic of the Holocaust is a
sources, and asked questions Students responded to exit ticket
assimilation of subject heavy one. Teacher took the time
matter? throughout lesson. Misconceptions question with honest answers that
• How did students construct to address all questions and
knowledge of subject about genocides were addressed further sparked a “going further”
matter? misconceptions surrounding the
• What misconceptions did
after the lesson once exit ticket discussion.
students have and how answers were reviewed.
were they addressed by
the teacher?

CSTP 4: Learning Teacher went out of their way to

• How were students
Students participated by answering tell students that though the topic
Teacher lectured and asked questions
supported through questions both on microphone and is heavy, they would not be seeing
differentiated instruction? throughout the lesson. Teacher used
• How did students chat box. Students responded to the graphic images associated with
participate? multimedia to engage learners.
• How did the NT contribute
exit ticket. the Holocaust. Teacher made
to student learning? students feel comfortable.

Student achievement was

demonstrated on the lesson quizzes
CSTP 5: Assessing Student
After the brief conversation after
taken. Limited understanding was
Learning The use of formative assessments the opening question, I did a poll
• How did students seen right away after opening
(beginning and end of lesson) helped asking the students if they realized
demonstrate achievement question. There were many
of lesson objectives? student success. The strategic pairing this wasn’t the only mass genocide
• In what ways did students misconceptions about the
struggle or demonstrate of students, specifically focus in history and I shared their
limited understanding? Holocaust. The opening question

students, helped create student answers. It was an overwhelming
What teacher actions led to a brief discussion that there
contributed to student success. percentage of students that did not
achievement? have been many mass genocides
realize this.
before/since this took place in
World War II.
Section 4: Post Observation Conference
To what degree did students
achieve lesson objectives? As measured by the formative assessment data, just over 70% of students mastered lesson objectives.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Student and teacher met face-
Student failed the lesson quiz. In
To what degree did focus to-face before assessment and
speaking with them afterwards, I Student passed the
students achieve lesson talked about lesson objectives,
objectives? could tell they understood the overall modified/shortened quiz. Student
answered questions, etc.
concept but were a little confused mastered lesson objective.
Student passed the assessment
taking the quiz.
and mastered content.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 3 of 4
Being that there were so many misconceptions regarding mass genocide, next time I may try and work in a
What would you do differently
next time? mini-lesson before I teach this topic. The Holocaust is a tremendous topic to try and cover in such a short
amount of time.
One strength was my sensitivity disclaimer. I think that was mindful of student emotions with such a heavy
What were three top Lesson
Strengths? topic. Another was finding the misconception after my opening question and pivoting. Lastly, the outcome of
students that mastered the standard.
I should have taught a mini lesson before diving into this large subject. Next time I might add on a post-
What were three top areas for
improvement? conference for target students to debrief (was the plan we created successful?) Maybe next time I’ll use some
sort of opening survey as an assessment instead of an open-ended question.

What are next steps? The next steps are to make this lesson better and better each year that I teach it.

Other Comments/Notes

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the NT ILP as appropriate.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 4 of 4

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