Transfer Policy of Officers

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(Reference: HRDD Circular No. 392 dated16.04.2007)

Service conditions of officer staff are governed by PNB (Officers’) Service

Regulations, 1979, as amended from time to time. Regulations 47, 48 and 49 lay
down provisions relating to transferability which read as under:

Reg. 47: Every officer is liable for transfer to any office or branch of the Bank or
to any place in India.

Reg. 48: Every officer shall be available for Bank’s duties at any time of the day.

Reg. 49: Joining Time on Transfer:

49(i) An officer shall be eligible for joining time on one occasion, and
exceeding seven days, exclusive of the number of days spent on
to enable him:
a) to join a new post to which he is appointed while on duty
in his
old post,
b) to join a new post on return from leave.
(ii) During the joining time, an officer shall be eligible to draw the
emoluments as applicable to the place of transfer.
(iii) In calculating the joining time admissible to an officer, the day
on which
he is relieved from his old post shall be excluded, but public
holidays following the day of his relief shall not be included in
computing the joining time.
(iv) No joining time shall be admissible to an officer when the
transfer does not involve a posting to a different place.
(v) No joining time will be admissible to an officer when his posting
is of a temporary nature, irrespective of the fact that the posting
is to a place or station other than the one at which he is
permanently posted.
Besides, Transfer Policy as well as modifications to some of the provisions of the
Transfer Policy for officers has been discussed in the various Central MRM Meetings
held with the All India Punjab National Bank Officers’ Association and accordingly,
instructions on Transferability and Posting of officers have been issued by the Bank
from time to time.

As desired by the All India Punjab National Bank Officers’ Association and
with a view to consolidate the instructions on transfer and posting of
officers for ready reference, the same are presented as Annexure 1 –
‘Transfer Policy for Officers’. These instructions should however be read
along with the Regulations referred to above.

Annexure 1



i) No officer shall remain in the same office for more than 3 years. The
period of stay in the office will exclude the period of service as
workman in the same office.
ii) No officer shall remain for more than 7 years at the same station. The
period of stay at one station will exclude the period of service as
workman in the same station.
iii) Normally, an officer should be allowed to stay at one office for a period
of 3 years, unless in the meantime, he is promoted and has to be
transferred to another office. He can, however, be allowed to continue
in the same office on promotion, provided there is a suitable vacancy
in the higher scale / grade and he has not completed 2 years’ stay at
this office.

Officers posted at a branch for unduly long period, in violation of the

above stipulated period, are likely to develop interests. In order to
eliminate the scope for frauds and corruption, Rotational transfers
must be effected regularly.

If in any case, Regional Manager feels an exception is required, he is to

make out a case and the Zonal Manager has to go through the reasons
before agreeing to defer the transfer proposal.
For transfers to be effected before completion of an year’s stay at a
station, prior concurrence should be obtained from the Zonal Manager.
For transfers to be effected after a year’s stay but before expiry of 2
years, reasons for effecting transfers should be advised to the Zonal
Manager. Reasons should also be stated in the copy of transfer orders
endorsed to the Human Resources Development Division, HO.
iv) Competent Authorities to effect transfer of officers:

 Officers in JMG Scale-I:

i) Before completion of 1 year stay

in a branch / office : Zonal Manager
ii) After completion of 1 year but before
completing 2 year stay in a branch / office : Regional
reasons /
should be
furnished to
the Zonal
Manager in
such cases.
iii) After completion of 2 years stay : Regional
iv) Inter-Regional Transfers within the Zone : Zonal Manager

 Officers in MMG Scale-II & III:

Intra-Regional / inter-Region transfers

(both admn. and on request) within the Zone : Zonal Manager
 Inter-Zone transfers of all officers : HRDD, HO



a) Officers posted in Administrative offices such as HO Divisions, Zonal /

Regional Office etc. should have adequate experience of working in
branches, preferably as Incumbent Incharge. Due to their experience
at branch level, they would be better equipped for conceptual,
analytical and decision making skills required for formulation /
implementation of guidelines.

b) The normal tenure of an officer at Zonal Office or any other

Administrative office may be 3 to 5 years and on completion of the
term, the officer should generally be posted in branches. Transfer from
one Administrative office to another should be avoided.
c) While effecting the rotational transfers, the requirement of the offices
and the expertise of the officers in specific areas like Credit, Foreign
Exchange, Investment etc. should be kept in view and the authority
competent to transfer can exempt such officers until suitable
substitutes are trained. The same procedure be followed in case of
Technical officers like SSIOs, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Law
Officers etc.

d) Transfer of officers working in Foreign Exchange offices / Overseas

branches etc. whenever effected under the para ‘Stay at one office /
station’ should only be made in consultation with respective Divisions
at Head Office.


Transfer of Technical Officers such as Agriculture Officers, SSI Officers,

Economic Officers etc. will normally be made by the Regional Manager in
consultation with the Zonal Manager. For inter-Zonal transfers, the Competent
Authority will be Human Resources Development Division, Head Office.


i) All officers on promotion should be transferred to outstation offices,

provided they have completed a period of 2 years’ stay at the same
station. This rule will not, however, apply to officers posted in
metropolitan towns of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. However,
officers in such towns should be transferred to other local offices on

As a matter of prudent policy, it is always desirable that an officer

required to assume higher responsibilities should normally be moved
out from his previous office to another one, either in the same station
or outside as per needs of the Bank.

ii) Officers promoted to MMG Scale-II under the Fast Track Channel shall
invariably be posted out of their parent zone irrespective of vacancy
position in the parent zone.

iii) An officer transferred to other office / station on promotion or in the

same capacity should not be transferred back to the same station /
office within a period of 2 years.

iv) Government Guidelines on transfer of Physically Handicapped

In terms of the Government guidelines, subject to administrative
exigencies, a physically handicapped employee in the Bank, in all
cadres, whose relevant disability is to the extent of minimum 40% and
who has been given Disability certificate by the Chief Medical Officer,
should normally be exempted from routine periodic outstation
transfers. He should not normally be transferred even on promotion if
a vacancy exists in the same Branch / Office / Town / City. When the
transfer of a physically handicapped employee becomes inevitable on
promotion to a place other than his original place of appointment due
to non-availability of vacancy, it should be ensured that such employee
is kept close to his original place of posting and in no case is
transferred to far off / remote places. This concession would not be
available to such of the handicapped employees who are transferred
on grounds of disciplinary action or are involved in fraudulent

The Chairman & Managing Director of the Bank may grant exemption
in individual cases of physically handicapped officers keeping in view
whether the handicap is of such a nature that it is not possible for
them to serve in a rural / semi-urban branch. (In view of the above,
the complete case of such officers, should be sent to Human Resources
Development Division, HO through Regional / Zonal Manager giving the
details of handicap and their recommendations.)

v) Posting of officers promoted from Clerical cadre through Seniority

Channel :

a) Special Assistants / Clerks on promotion as officers on the

basis of seniority-cum-absence of demerit and interview
should be transferred to a station other than the one at
which they were working as Special Assistants / Clerks.
Relaxation can, however, be made in cases where such
employees have not completed 3 years’ stay at the existing

b) Lady Special Assistants on promotion as officers through

seniority-cum-absence of demerit and interview, may not,
however, be transferred to outstation offices provided
there is a vacancy of officer at the same office / station.


i) An officer transferred to other Zone / Region on promotion will not be

eligible for transfer back to the same Region / Zone for a period of 2
years. This is also applicable to those officers who on promotion, are
retained in the same Zone but allocated to a different Region in the
Zone. However, all the transfers will be effected subject to
requirements of the Bank and availability of vacancies and subject to
the provisions of Regulation 47 of the PNB (Officers’) Service

ii) Officers joining the Bank as Management Trainees may be considered

for transfer from the Zone allocated to them on completion of their
training period to any other Zone after completion of 2 years of their
stay there.

iii) Lady officers transferred on promotion to any other Zone / Region shall
be eligible to seek transfer after completion of 1 year stay in that Zone
/ Region.

iv) The physically handicapped employees, who are sent out of their
Zones on all promotions, shall be eligible to seek transfer back to
original Zone after completion of 1 year stay in other Zones. The
request of physically handicapped employees for transfer back to
original Zone shall be considered provided no disciplinary action case is
pending against them.

v) The proforma for seeking request transfer by officers is available as per

Annexure 2. Branch Managers / Regional Managers / Chief Managers
should ensure before giving the recommendations that the transfer
application is complete in all respects and the information particularly
at column no. 7 & 8 is duly filled in. Leave availed in excess of Privilege
leave earned / Sick leave due for the period of stay in the transferee
Region / Zone during their stay at the transferee Region / Zone as also
the period of temporary transfer/posting out of the transferee Zone /
Region, if any, shall be excluded from the total period of stay at the
transferee Region / Zone for determining their eligibility to seek

vi) The transfer application of the officers should not be rejected on the
grounds that integrity of the officer is doubtful and these should be
considered on merits, i.e. the reasons given and as per the roster
system maintained in the administrative offices along with the requests
of other officers. Further, if the integrity of the officer is doubtful, this
information should be supplied to the concerned authorities in a
confidential manner.

vii) At the time of relieving of officers in the case of inter-Region / Zone

transfers, it must be ensured that the officer has submitted upto date
PAF and Annual Return of Assets & Liabilities.

viii) In case an officer makes a request for posting in a rural branch in a

Zone, he should immediately be posted there. In case of non-
availability of vacancies in rural branches, the names of officers be
entered in a roster for posting in rural offices on an ongoing basis. In
case of non-availability of rural branches in the Zone the officer may be
asked to give his choice of another Zone where his services can be
utilized in rural branches. Such requests be sent to HRDD, HO. The
posting to rural branches of such officers be made according to roster
on an ongoing basis.


A roster should be maintained in all the Regional / Zonal Offices to register

representations for transfer from eligible officers. As far as possible, transfers
should be made in the order of receipt of such representations. Departure
from this roster may be made only in cases with pressing compassionate
grounds or in the case of an officer who has longer stay out of the Region to
which he wants to go than the officer registered earlier.



The instructions issued vide PNB Parivar (HRMS) Circular Letter no. 7/2006
dated 01.04.2006 in respect of recording of transfer requests, PNB Parivar
(HRMS) Circular Letter no. 25/2006 dated 15.07.2006 in respect of
administrative transfer orders and PNB Parivar (HRMS) Circular Letter no.
26/2006 dated 26.07.2006 in respect of request transfer orders (relieving and
reporting), should be strictly adhered to at the concerned level.


The transfer orders issued at various levels should be implemented on time.

In order to ensure that uniform pattern is adopted in the matter of
implementation of transfer orders, the following should be ensured for the
purpose of relieving the officers on transfer for any reason:

a) In cases of transfer on promotion, as per the date of reporting

stipulated by HO, no representation etc. should be forwarded for
change of date of reporting and the officers concerned should be
relieved as per the stipulation in the letter of promotion /
deployment / transfer etc.

b) In cases of Rotational transfers, for transfers within the same station

officers concerned should be relieved within 7 days, for transfers within
the same Region - within 2 weeks, for inter-Region transfers - within 1

The above periods are only outer limits and transfers should normally
be implemented immediately after they are issued. In case of
Incumbents Incharge, it should be stipulated that he should handover
charge to next man and proceed to take up the new assignment.

c) In the case of inter-Zone transfers, as and when the transfers are

approved by HO, transfer orders should be implemented within a
maximum period of 3 months and compliance thereof reported to
Human Resources Development Division.

If due to exigency of work or any other valid reason, exception is

warranted in any specific case, the same may be considered by the
next higher authority to the authority empowered to consider the
transfer of the officer concerned.


Officers can seek cancellation of their transfer requests till the time their
orders have not been issued. Once the transfer orders have been issued no
request for cancellation of the same will be entertained.

The transfer orders are issued keeping in view the manpower requirement at
the required places and suitable substitutes are provided from other Zones.
Non-relieving of officers in spite of approval of their transfer request or
cancellation of their orders at that stage creates imbalance in the whole
manpower planning exercise.


The Incumbent Incharge (where the Second Man is not fairly senior /
conversant) should not, as far as possible, be transferred during the course of
audit as the outgoing Incumbent Incharge would be busy in handing over
charge to the incoming Incumbent. Further, as far as possible, Branch
Managers / Officers during the course of inspection should be sanctioned
leave only when it is absolutely necessary.


Those Officers, who are sportsmen and who have played or have been
playing in PNB teams may be posted, as far as possible, in cities within the
Regions where avenues for playing games are available. Further, sportsmen
working as Clerks / Special Assistants on qualifying for promotion as officers,
through selectivity process may be retained in the existing Zone, even though
on merits they have to go out, provided, they fulfill the following eligibility

- They should be members of All India PNB team and must have
represented PNB in open tournaments / State level tournaments or
they must have represented the State at National level. The posting of
such of the players in the same Zone, on their promotion as officers
shall be subject to annual review and the officers concerned may be
considered for transfer to places in other Zones where similar sports
facilities may be available.

Exemption from rural branch experience may be considered in respect

of those active sportsmen officers who participate in the games
indicated by the Banks’ Sports Board, at State or National level. Cases
of such officers may be referred to the Human Resources Development
Division, HO for approval of the Competent Authority.



i) Officers posted in the interior of the rural / difficult / high altitude

areas, shall be eligible for transfer after completion of a period of 2
years’ stay at such stations. They may be transferred at one of the 3
places of their choice, if suitable vacancy is available there, otherwise
they may be asked to give more choices of stations and, as far as
possible, they may be posted at one of these stations.

[ RMs have been delegated with the powers to identify and approve
the areas as ‘difficult centers’ on the basis of discussions in the Local
MRMs with the representatives of Officers’ Association (AIPNBOA) ].

ii) Officer posted in hard areas (only such places which have been
identified by the State / Centre as hard area) shall be eligible to seek
transfer to other areas in the same Region (non-hard areas, as far as
possible) after a stay of 1 year at these stations.


In terms of the guidelines, officers transferred from other parts of the country
for posting in NER, are eligible for posting for a period of 3 years at a place of
choice out of 3 places to be indicated by them, on completion of their tenure
in NER. It is clarified as under:

The requisite tenure in respect of officers who are posted to NER in the same
scale on administrative grounds to meet the exigencies of Bank business as
also in respect of officers posted to NER on promotion shall be 2 years.

The above guidelines shall not apply to Management Trainees posted to NER
on their first assignment after completion of the training.


Presently, officers transferred to branches in Kashmir Valley from other

stations are being considered for transfer to one of the 3 regions as per the
choices given by them, after a period of 18 months stay in the Valley.
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Office Bearers of Central / State / Zonal Committee or even that of local units
of any Trade Union/Association should not be posted in the Staff /
Establishment Section at Regional / Zonal Offices and at Training Centers.



With a view to avoid the inconvenience faced by the Training Centers and to
maintain the quality of training, it should be ensured that shifting of the
Faculty members / Training Managers posted at the various Training Centers
to the field, and posting of new members is not resorted to without seeking
the prior consent of Human Resources Development Division, HO.



The Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Banking Division in consultation

with IBA has examined the issue of posting of Officers / employees whose
children are mentally retarded at the place of their choice as the facilities for
medical aid and education of such children are not available at all stations and
such children require special care and support of their parents and has
advised as under:

a) As far as possible banks may consider on merit of each case,

posting of the parent at a place which will facilitate special
medical care, education and rehabilitation of his / her child;

b) Such posting may not be claimed as a matter of right. Banks

may decide each case after being satisfied from an examination
of medical records / reports from competent medical authority
that the child would need special medical and educational
support beyond the scope of normal / ordinary medical and
educational systems. No special consideration would be
necessary if the mental handicap / disability is mild and the
normal educational system will settle with extra coaching;

c) The posting of the employee parent to a place having facilities

for treatment and training of mentally handicapped / spastic
children would be subject to availability of vacancy / post at the
place of choice, corresponding to his / her cadre, grade and
specialization. The rules regarding rural / semi-urban service,
however, would be relaxed in such cases; and

d) If the posting / transfer is necessitated on account of promotion

/ re-categorization of post, effort may be made to post the
officer to a place closest to the centre where appropriate
medical and educational facility would be available to the child.
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The aforesaid guidelines may be kept in view while affecting the transfers of
those officers who have mentally retarded children.

Officers during the period of 3 years preceding their retirement may be

posted in offices nearer to their home towns if possible, to enable them to
make arrangements for their retired life in time.


Management Trainees after completion of their training and Promotee

officers, must initially be posted in rural offices for a minimum period of 2
years to give them adequate branch experience.


In order to implement the Government guidelines for rural / semi-urban

postings, officers who do not have the requisite rural branch experience
should invariably be posted in rural areas and, as far as possible, those
having rural experience may not repeatedly be posted in rural areas.
Transfers of officers to rural / semi-urban areas be made in a phased manner
on the basis of a roster.

Officers in JMG & MMG who do not possess the requisite period of rural /
semi-urban branch experience as required in terms of Government guidelines,
shall be posted in rural or semi-urban branch, on their promotion, for
completion of the requisite period of experience.

Where an officer is posted at a rural / semi-urban branch in terms of

Government guidelines (for completing the requisite tenure to become eligible
for promotion to higher grade) and if the spouse is also employed in the same
Bank, then the spouse of the officer may be posted in a nearby branch /
centre. If the spouse is employed in another Public Sector Bank, the junior
spouse may apply to the Competent Authority in his / her Bank and the said
authority may post the said officer to the office / branch of the Bank at the
station where the senior spouse is working and if there is no branch / office of
the Bank at the station, then to the state, where he / she is posted. Such
transfers for the junior spouse, however, should be restricted to a specified
number of times only.

Officers posted in rural / semi-urban areas for acquiring experience in terms

of Government guidelines should not be posted to urban / Metro areas on
deputation and such period of deputation, if any, shall not be counted for
reckoning the minimum stay of rural / semi-urban posting respectively.


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The Competent Authority to post Incumbents Incharge at the Extension
Counters shall be as under:
Where the Extension Counter is situated:
a) within the municipal limits :Branch Manager of the parent
b) outside the municipal limits :Regional Manager

However, for stop-gap arrangement, the concerned Branch Manager may

depute an officer from the branch to manage the counter.
The Incumbents Incharge of the Extension Counters will be under the
administrative control of the parent branch to which the Extension Counter is


The extant guidelines provide that all officers and award staff should stay at
the station of their posting and avoid unnecessary travel by staying away
from their place of posting. Regulation 13.1 of the PNB Officer Employees
(Conduct) Regulations 1977 also provides that no officer shall leave the
station without having first obtained the permission of the Competent
Authority and breach of the same constitutes misconduct.

Officers posted in rural areas having population of less than 10,000 are
allowed to keep their families at a place other than the place of posting, if
educational and housing facilities are not available at the place of their
posting. The officers, however, and particularly Incumbents Incharge, have to
reside at the place of posting only and not to leave the place of station
without first having obtained the permission of the Competent Authority. Any
deviation of the above will be viewed seriously and conduct of officers will be
dealt in accordance with the Service Rules / Regulations.

The purpose of providing the above facility is to ensure that the officers stay
at the place of their posting to establish the rapport with the public for the
purpose of development of business and to facilitate meetings of the
customers either early in the morning or in the late afternoon at their place
thus providing scope for better contacts. Such visits/contacts of customers at
their place would augment the efforts of recovery.



During temporary transfer of officers from one station to another, they are
entitled to salary and allowances of their permanent place of posting.


An officer in appropriate grade / scale may be posted as Second Man in all

branches. In small and newly opened offices an Officer / Special Assistant
may be posted as Second Man but care should be taken to avoid posting of a
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Special Assistant / Officer, debarred for promotion as Second Man in such


i) As far as possible, transfers should be made in the same part of the

country such as South, East, North, West, and cross-country transfers
such as from Gujarat to Nagaland and Kerala to Punjab involving a
lot of dislocation to the members of the staff and their families should
be avoided.

ii) Zonal Managers have been vested with powers to post Scale- III/II
Managers anywhere in the Zone after taking into consideration the
requirement of different Regions for their effective utilization. In such
of the zones which are spread over more than one State, Zonal
Managers, while effecting the transfer of Managers in Scale-II, would
see that they are posted within the same State to the extent possible.

iii) As far as possible (except in the case of promotions where posting to

an outstation office is necessary) an officer and his / her spouse, if
both employed in our Bank, should be posted at the same station but
in different offices.

iv) Except in emergent circumstances and on promotions, as far as

possible, transfer should be made at the end of academic year and
within the same language area.

The transfers may be effected by and large in the month of April / May
after the work pertaining to closing is concluded and to synchronize
with the end of the academic session. Normally all outstation transfers
effected under the rotational transfer and inter-Regional transfers
made either on administrative grounds or on request should be
synchronized as above. This shall, however, be without prejudice to
the Bank’s right to effect transfers, in emergent circumstances, at any
point of time. The transfers effected on promotion would also be
excluded from the purview of the aforementioned provision.

v) An officer should not be shifted to another office in the same capacity

in quick succession or within the same station without proper
justification and prior concurrence of the Zonal Manager.

vi) While effecting transfers, either on promotion or in accordance with

the guidelines, the spirit should be respected that the transferred
employee is not posted to a branch from where he / she has earlier
moved out within last 3 years or where he / she has already worked
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for a total period of 5 years or more during his / her earlier career. If
for administrative reasons, some deviations are called for, then the
transferring authority should obtain prior concurrence of his higher

vii) As far as possible, officers should not be asked to initially report to

Regional / Zonal Offices, as is often the case, to collect their posting
orders. Regional Managers / Zonal Managers should be able to decide
posting of officers beforehand and issue orders accordingly. This
applies to transfers either on account of transfer guidelines or
administrative transfers and would obviate the delay in posting,
inconvenience and expenditure on travel.
viii) Zonal Managers should regularly monitor the transfers made by
Regional Managers in order to ensure that the transfers are made in
terms of guidelines laid down by Head Office. Similarly, Head Office
will monitor transfers made by the Zonal Managers. Copies of all
transfer orders should, therefore, invariably be sent to the Zonal Office
/ Head Office for their scrutiny.

ix) It is also requested that transfer of officers should not be made in

haste unless required in emergency and in an unceremonious manner
so as to look insulting to the officer concerned. There should be a
proper send-off so that the officer feels motivated and honoured to
take his next assignment.

x) All applications / representations received from officers in response to

circulars from HO and / or requests made by the employees eligible for
seeking transfer should be forwarded to the Competent Authority along
with views / recommendations to enable them to take a decision in the
matter. The officer concerned should be informed of the manner of
disposal of his request.

In case it is not possible to relieve any of the officers for want of

substitute(s) or otherwise, appropriate note may be given while
forwarding such applications.
xi) The Zonal / Regional Managers must keep in view the remarks
mentioned against the column ‘Integrity of Officers’ in the PAF while
deciding the posting of an officer, particularly Incumbent Incharge. The
Zonal / Regional Managers should ensure that the officers having
adverse remarks are not posted in branches on such seats where they
had earlier indulged in nefarious / fraudulent practices and had put the
Bank into loss.


Apart from provisions of Regulation 49 of PNB (Officers’) Service Regulations,

1979, guidelines in respect of Joining Time available to officers on transfer
from one place to another are as under:
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(i) Calculation:

a) The day of relieving of the officer shall be excluded from the

period to be reckoned for calculating the joining time.

b) Public Holidays / Weekly Off days immediately following the

date of relieving are not to be included in computing the joining

c) The total joining time shall not exceed 7 days. Holidays /

Weekly Off days, other than those in (b) above, falling in
between the period of 7 days shall be taken into account for
computing the total period of joining time admissible.

For instance, if an officer is relieved on 26.09.98, the joining time

period will be calculated from 28.09.98 (27.09.98 being Sunday and
falling immediately after the date of relieving shall be excluded) upto
4.10.98. It may be noted that both 2nd October being a public holiday
and 4th October being Sunday are to be included for the purpose of
calculating joining time, in the above example.

d) The period actually spent on journey will be allowed in addition

to the joining time calculated as above.

e) Joining time shall not be admissible to an officer on local

transfer or on postings within the same station. Further, joining
time shall also not be admissible when an officer is transferred
to a place within the urban agglomeration.

f) Joining time is to be availed on 1 occasion only and not in 2 or

more installments.

g) Joining time is not to be combined with any kind of leave.

(ii) Joining Time admissible in case of transfers effected on Administrative


a) Officers transferred on administrative grounds who do not avail

joining time before reporting at the transferee place, may avail
joining time at their option at any time within the stipulated
period of 6 months subject to the approval of leave sanctioning
authority. Such officers who avail joining time at a later date
shall be entitled to traveling expenses for self for going to their
last place of posting to shift their family etc. However, no
Halting Allowance shall be payable in such cases.
b) If an officer is transferred from one place to another during the
midst of the academic year and has been permitted to keep his
family at the previous place of posting for a limited period of 1
year or till the end of academic session of his children,
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whichever is earlier, such officers may avail joining time for the
purpose of shifting their family beyond the period of 6 months
but upto the end of the academic session or 1 year, whichever
is earlier. They shall also be entitled to travel expenses for self
and family beyond the period of 6 months as above. In all other
cases, officers should avail joining time within 6 months.

(iii) Joining Time admissible in case of request transfers:

a) Joining time on request transfer may be allowed to be availed

within a period of 6 months or if the officer has been allowed to
keep the family at the previous place of posting, then he may be
allowed to avail joining time upto the end of the academic
session or a period of 1 year, whichever is earlier.

b) Journey period for availing joining time shall also be allowed in

addition to the joining time subject to production of proof of

c) TA/DA to the eligible officer, i.e. officer who has put in more
than 5 years in one Region/Zone, on his request transfer to
another Region / Zone, may be paid once, and the option to
claim TA/DA may be left to the officer i.e. he may claim it either
at the time of reporting at the transferee place or at a later date
while shifting his family from the previous place to the new
place of posting. However, it may be clarified that if the officer
opts to avail TA/DA at a later date while availing joining time,
then no TA/DA shall be payable to him for the journey
undertaken by him from his headquarters to the previous place
of posting. He will be entitled to TA/DA only for the journey
from his previous place of posting to the present place of
posting with his family.

(iv) Joining Time to Management Trainees:

Management Trainees are not entitled to any joining time for their
posting from Regional Office to their permanent place of posting. Even
after completion of their last phase of training, they shall not be
entitled to joining time for reporting to their Zone / Region. They shall
only be entitled to actual journey time.

(v) Competent Authority for sanction of Joining Time:

Leave sanctioning authority shall be the Competent Authority to

sanction joining time.


- 17 -

An officer on transfer after being relieved from the previous office would
cease to be under the administrative control of that office. He will be under
the administrative control of the transferee office. Accordingly, sanction of
leave, payment of salary etc. will be dealt by the transferee office.

As regards the Competent Authority to sanction leave, payment of salary etc.

to such employees who have not reported at the transferee office even after
availing joining time, it is clarified that the transferee office may sanction the
leave only after satisfying the reasons for leave applied for and release the
salary etc. for such period of leave. Where the Competent Authority to
sanction the leave is not satisfied with the reasons for which the leave is
applied for, the salary for such period may not be released. Period of such
absence from duty may be treated as unauthorized and necessary action may
be taken against the employee for such unauthorized absence in terms of


Annexure 2


1. Name of the Officer : ____________________________

2. Date of Birth : ____________________________
3. Present Grade / Scale with date : ____________________________
4. Office of Posting with date : ____________________________
5. Date of joining the Bank : ____________________________
6. Qualifications : ____________________________
7. Details of rural / semi-urban branch experience in Officer Cadre:
Name of the Status of the Date of Date of Total Period
branch Branch Joining relieving

8. Leave other than Casual Leave availed during the last 3 years:

Date Nature of Leave No. of days

From To
- 18 -

9. Details of transfer so far effected:

Date Branch from which Branch to which Whether at

transferred transferred request

10. Whether willing to be re-designated

as per Bank’s requirement : _______________________

11. Proposed Regions / Zones of

transfer in order of preference : 1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________

12. Reasons for seeking transfer :

(copies of documents in support of
reasons mentioned must be enclosed)

13. Undertaking:

I undertake that after issuance of my transfer orders, I will not apply for
change of Zone, withdrawal / cancellation of transfer, and my services can be
utilized any where at a point of need in the transferee Zone.

(Signature of officer)

14. BM’s recommendations :

It is confirmed that PAF and Assets & Liabilities statements of the subject
officer have been obtained and forwarded to the controlling office.

The transfer diary no. as per HRMS is: _________________.

(Signature of Branch Manager)

15. RM’s Recommendations:

a) Whether any disciplinary action has

been initiated or contemplated :
b) Whether any vigilance case is pending :
c) Whether integrity of the officer is
doubtful or otherwise :
- 19 -
d) Recommendations of the above
transfer request :

The transfer diary no. as per HRMS is: _________________.

(Signature of Regional Manager)

16. ZM’s Recommendations:

The transfer diary no. as per HRMS is: _________________.

(Signature of Zonal Manager)


(Reference: HRDD Circular No. 324 dated 02.06.2006)

Time and again we have been receiving references for cancellation of transfer
requests of officers after the transfer orders have been issued on the basis of
request made by them.

We have to clarify that the transfer orders are issued keeping in view the manpower
requirement at the required places and suitable substitutes are provided from other

Non-relieving of officers in spite of approval of their transfer request or cancellation

of their orders at that stage creates imbalance in the whole manpower planning

It is therefore informed that the officers can seek cancellation of their transfer
requests till the time their orders have not been issued. Once the transfer orders
are issued, no request for cancellation of the same will be entertained.


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