Transfer Policy

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File No.A-22012/01 /2016-ISH.

No. A-22012/01/2016-ISH-1
Government of India
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi marg,
New Delhi, dated 15th June. 2022


The Director General,

N. S. Mankikar Marg,
Sion, Mumbai- 400022.

Subject: Transfer Policy of Group 'A', 'B' and 'C' Employees of DGFASLI-reg.

I am directed to refer to above mentioned subject and to state that the
competent authority has accorded approval of the online Transfer Policy of Group 'A',
'B' and 'C' Employees of DGFASLI. The revised transfer policy shall come into force
with immediate effect and supersedes the earlier transfer/posting guidelines. A copy
of the same is enclosed for information and necessary action.

2. DGFASLI to ensure following points for implementation of the revised transfer


(i) Henceforth, all transfers/ postings shall be done based on the revised
transfer policy;
(ii) Posting of officers/ officials on return from deputation/long leave/long term
training etc. shall be done based on the revised transfer policy; and
(iii) Initial posting of officers/ officials shall be in accordance with the revised
transfer policy;

3. DGFASLI to complete all necessary activities/ formalities such as filling of

employees' details on the portal including posting history, security audit of the newly
created portal for transfer etc. by 22.06.2022 and thereafter call for options for
Annual General Transfer-2022. All transfer/ posting orders to be issued by

.. Yours faithfully,

(K. R Meena)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Encl: As above
Digitally Signed by Keshram
Date: 15-06-2022 11:00:57
Reason: Approved
File No.A-22012/01/2016-ISH.I

Copy for information to:-

i. PS to Hon'ble LEM.
ii. PS to Hon'ble MOS,L&E.
iii. PPS to Secretary(L&E).
iv.PPS to AS(L&E)/ Sr. PPS to JS (VB)/ PA to Director (ISH).


1. Vision: To ensure equitable distribution of Government employees at different

locations in a fair and transparent manner and to maximize JOb satisfaction amongst
employees and further to improve performance of the Department.

2. Application : This policy shall be applicable to all the employees i.e. Group 'A', '8'
& 'C' employees belonging to DGFASLI working on regular basis.

3. Definitions : In this policy, unless there be anything repugnant in the subject or


(a) 'Blocked Posts' means the vacancies of a cadre remain unfilled at any given
point of time due to shortage of employees in the department. Block posts shall be
decided before hand of submission of preferences by the employees.
(b) 'Employees of Special Category' means widow/ divorced/ legally separated/
unmarried female or male employee more than 40 years of age/ spouse of serving
military personnel/ Paramilitary personnel working outside the countryi widower
having one or more minor children and/ or unmarried daughter(s).
(c) 'Prescribed Tenure' In general:
(i) The minimum tenure fo r every Officer/ Official in a particular place shall
generally not be less than 02 years, provided there is no serious complaint of
misconduct against the Officer/ Official or it is expedient in public interest to
transfer himiher before the completion of the minimum tenure.
(ii) The maximum tenure for every officer/ official in a particular place of posting
in Dock Safety shall not be more than three years.
(iii) The maximum tenure of Group 'A' & Gazetted Group '8 ' Officers posted in
RLI , CLI & DGFASLI shall not be more than 6 years at a time at a particular
location including tenure at Dock Safety.
(iv) The maximum tenure of Non Gazetted Group '8' and 'C' Officers/ Officials
posted in RLI, CLI & DGFASLI shall not be more than 6 years at a time at a
particular location including th.e tenure at Dock Safety.
(v) Under exceptional circumstances, if an officer needs to be retained beyond
the stipulated tenure or needs to be transferred before completion of
prescribed tenure, the same will be examined by the Transfer Committee
and its recommendations will be put up to the Competent Authority for
(d) 'Qualifying date' for the purpose of calculation of vacant post(s} shall be the
3151 March of the calendar year of transfer;
(e) 'Service' means duty period and all kinds of leave including extraordinary leave
availed by a Govt. employee during the prescribed tenure.
(f) 'Transfer' means posting/appointment from one DGFASLI office to another on or
before completion of prescribed tenure in an Office; ~';-~
(g) Vacant Post for transfer' means ....
(i) A post not occupied by any employee;
(ii) A post presently occupied by an employee for a prescribed period and
become available for rotational transfer; and
(iii) A post occupied by an employee who has been adjudged eligible and
allowed by the competent authority to participate in general transfer drive
even if he has not completed the prescribed tenure in the Office where he is
presently posted.
Note1- Where there are Blocked Posts in a cadre the same shall be excluded from the
number of vacant posts for transfer.

Note 2-The post against which an employee has been posted /transferred on compulsion
of administrative reasons or litigation nature shall also not be included in the vacant posts
for transfer.

Note 3- DGFASLI shall prepare the list of vacant posts for transfer and notify them for
information of officers/ officials due for transfer for giving preference by them.

4. General Principles:
(a) Time schedule for online transfers:
(i) General transfers online will be made only once in a year. However,
transfer/posting necessitated by promotion, direct recruitment, post needed
to be filled up in public interest, can be made anytime by the competent
(ii) The online annual transfer/posting process will be completed upto 31st March
and implemented by 31st April of every year.
(iii) The DDO concerned shall not draw the salary of the employees who have
not complied with the orders.

(b) Liable to be posted anywhere:

(i) The officers/ officials belonging to DGFASLI are liable to be transferred and
posted anywhere in India. Transfer/Posting shall be made keeping in view
the need to expose individual officers to all the different kinds of work
entrusted to the DGFASLI organisation; and
(ii) An officer will not be posted at a particular RLI/ CLI/ IDS on more than three
occasions during entire service period.

(c) Online portal for taking options for transfer: DGFASLI to enter posting records
of all employees on the online portal for the first time. Employees shall be asked to
confirm the same. Thereafter, employees shall update the posting detail, every year
before start of transfer process, which shall be verified by DGFASLI.

(d) Rationalization and Blocking of Posts: To avoid disproportionate concentration

of employees at a particular station, the department may rationalize their sanctioned
posts and also block actual vacant posts to be kept vacant in the transfer drive. In the
long run, however the departments may increase/ decrease the total number of
sanctioned posts as per their assessment/ recruitment in consultation with Ministry. ~

5. Merit Criteria for the allotment of post:

(a) Merit for allotment of vacant post to an employee shall be based on the total
composite score of points earned by the employee out of 100 points as
described in the table given below. The employee earning highest points shall
be eligible to be transferred against a particular vacancy.
(b) Age shall be the prime factor for deciding the claim of an employee against a
vacancy since it shall have weightage of 20 points, out of total 100 points.
(c) A special category employee shall get weightage of 15 points.
(d) Other factors shall carry total weightage of 65 points.
(e) The employees who are 100% blind or having 80% or more loco motors
disabilities involving both the legs shall be eligible for their choice of posting.
(f) There will be a fixed tenure of posting of 3 years at a stretch in NER for officers
with service of 10 years or less. If more than 10 years of service, the tenure will
be 2 years at a stretch in NER. The officer on completion of fixed tenure of
service mentioned above will be eligible for posting to a station of his/ her
choice, as far as practicable subject to the availability of vacancies.

(A) Age: The first set of merit points will be the AQe of the Government emplovee concerned as enumerated below:-
S.N Major Factor Sub Factor Max ! Criteria for calculation
0. Points !
(i) Age (present date i.e. (31s' Eldest person shall be given 20 I Age in no of days ! 365 (maxtmum four
March of the year of maximum points ! decimal points only.)

consideration minus date
of birth)
(B) S Jecial Category: The second set of merit points will come from the Special CateQorv enumerated hereinafter:
(ii) Special Category female/ (i) Widow/ divorced/ legally 15 All females/ males of this category shall
male employees separated/ unmarried female be given 15 Points only.
or male employee more than
40 years of age/ spouse of
serving military personnel!
. Paramilitary personnel J
J working outside the country; I

1 and ·
• (ii) Widower having one or I
more minor children and/ or
unmarried daughter(s}. I
(C) Other factors: The third set of merit points will come from other factors enumerated hereinafter:

(iii) Differently abled persons Disability as per Right of 20 40% to 60% disability= 10 Marks
Persons with Disability Act, =
Above 60% to 80 % 15 marks
2016. Above 80% =20 marks

(iv) Serious medical conditions Self/ spouse/ dependent 15 Valid medical certificate issued during
a. Suffering from unmarried children/ last one year by AIIMS or Central Govt.
cancer or dependent parents. Hospitals or State Government Hospital
b. Having undergone or CGHS empanelled Hospitals.
by-pass heart surgery or
c. Kidney transplant
d. Currently
underooinq dialysis.
(v) Differently-abled or Male/Female employee 10 Male/Female employee having mentally
mentally challenged having mentally challenged challenged or 100% differently abled
children or 100% differently abled children shall be provided maximum 10
child points.
(vi) Spouse case Only applicable to spouse. 10 Employees spouses working in any
Department/ Board! Corporation under
any State Govt. or Govt. of India.
(vii) Children Education Up to two children studying 10 Weightage of 10 points will be given to
in 1Olh/ 1ih Standards employees whose children will go to
101h or 121h standard(s) in next
academic year of the annual general

6. Procedure to be adopted:

(a) All transfer in DGFSLI shall be based on objective criteria as mentioned in para-5
above and shall be through online portal.
(b) DGFASLI shall seek preferences for choice of Offices/Institutes of DGFASLI from
the eligible employees for transfer.
(c) The option once availed and confirmed by the employee shall be final and cannot
be changed.
(d) The post occupied by an employee who is due for superannuation within one year
or less service shall not be considered as vacant post for transfer drive.
(e) The post occupied by differently abled persons shall not be considered as vacant
post for transfer drive, unless the employee desires for transfer.
(f) An employee aggrieved with the transfer process can represent to DGFASLI within
thirty days after joining at the new place of posting.
(g) T.A. on transfer will be admissible as per the Department of Expenditure's
instructions as amended from time to time, provided that T.A. on transfer shall not
be admissible whete an officer is posted at station of his choice after making such
request through proper channE;ll.
(h) Time schedule for various procedures/ actions related to the Annual General
Transfer shall be as prescribed in the Table below. An authority shall dispose of the
function indicated under the table within a reasonable time subject to limit
prescribed herein.

Date Exercise Remarks

151 January Calling of option by DGFALI by 15m January Reference to a date in this
15-31 s, January Submission of proposal before the Transfer able shall be taken as the
.Committee. next working day in case of

1 -1St" February Holding meeting of Transfer Committee he indicated date is a

15-23ro February Obtaining of approval o"ftiiecompetent authority-an<l holiday.
issuing transfer order.

7. Bar against canvassing: Officers shall not be allowed to bring outside

influence/political influence to further his/her request for posting of his/her choice
as enumerated in Rule 20 of Central Civil Service (conduct) Rules, 1964.

8. Appointment by promotion/direct recruitment: List of the employees taken in a

cadre through direct recruitment/ promotion I repatriation shall be placed before
the Transfer Committee.

9. List of officers eligible for transfer along with their options shall be placed before
the Transfer Committee.
j •

10. Composition of Transfer Committee in r/o the officers of DGFASLI will be as


(a) Group 'A' officers of the ievel of Assistant Director and above:

Special Secretary/ Additional Secretary, MoLE -Chairperson

Joint Secretary, ISH, MoLE -Member
Director General, DGFASLI -Member

(b) For officers/ officials below the level of Assistant Directors:-

Deputy Director General, DGFASLI (HQ) -Member

Director level Officer of DGFASLI -Member
Director/ Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary (ISH), MoLE - Member
Deputy Secretary/ Under Secretary, DGFASLI -Member

11. The Competent Authority for approval of the transfer/posting of officers in

DGFASLI will be as follows:-

(a) Hon'ble LEM/ Hon'ble MoS (L&E) in respect of the officers of the level of
Assistant Director and above; and
(b) DG, DGFASLI in r/o officers below the level of Assistant Director.

12. Clarification & Implementation: In case of any doubt of the provisions of this policy,
the Ministry shall be the competent authority to clarify such doubt or to remove
such difficulty.

13. Power to relax: Notwithstanding anything contained in the policy, the Competent
Authority of appropriate Level shall be competent to transfer an employee to any
place in relaxation of any or all of the above provisions after recording reasons
justifying such relaxation.


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