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AND8228/D Identification of Transient Voltage Noise Sources: Application Note

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Identification of Transient
Voltage Noise Sources
Prepared by: Jim Lepkowski
ON Semiconductor



INTRODUCTION behavior in control circuits because the system may not be

able to distinguish a legitimate signal from a surge induced
One of the first steps required to solve an EMI problem is
signal. Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) devices can be
to identify the noise source. Identifying the noise source
used to suppress surge pulses and increase the reliably of a
provides the information needed to predict the damage
system without significantly adding to the cost and
potential of the surge voltage. Knowledge of the noise
complexity of the circuits.
source can be used to select an appropriate suppression
circuit. This document provides guidelines to estimate the Problem Definition
magnitude, duration, energy and frequency of several The noise source−path−receptor model shown in Figure 1
common noise sources that result from conduction and can be used to identify EMI problems. A noise source,
coupling between power and data lines. receptor and coupling path must be present in order for EMI
Transient voltage surges are a major contributor to the to become a problem. The noise source produces the energy
early failure of semiconductors and other sensitive electrical that will disturb the operation of the receptor when a
components. In addition, voltage surges can cause erratic coupling path exists between the source and receptor.

Figure 1. The Noise Source−Path−Receptor EMI Model

Table 1 provides a summary of the techniques that can be Table 1. Techniques to Suppress Conducted and
used to suppress conduction and radiation noise sources. Radiated Noise
EMI filters and TVS devices are used to solve conduction Suppression Techniques
problems, while shielding is used for radiation or RF Noise Source At Source At Receiver
suppression. In many applications, a combination of
Conduction EMI Filters EMI Filters
suppression techniques is required to build a robust system
TVS Devices TVS Devices
with a high noise immunity level.
Radiation Shielding Shielding
Conduction → Radiation EMI Filters Shielding
TVS Devices

Radiation → Conduction Shielding EMI Filters

TVS Devices

© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2005 1 Publication Order Number:

July, 2005 − Rev. 0 AND8228/D

Common Electrical System EMI Sources The power supply and data cables are usually the main
Transient surge voltages result from the sudden release of entry points for transient surge voltages. In many systems a
stored energy. EMI transients can usually be attributed to: common power supply is shared by a number of electronic
• Power source fluctuations modules as shown in Figure 2. The voltage surges produced
• Sudden load changes by inductive loads such as motors or relays can effect the
operation of electronic modules that share the same power.
• Short circuits
In addition, the power and data lines are often located in the
• Opening or closing of switch contacts same wire bundle. The parasitic cable capacitances and
• Coupled electronic disturbances via cables inductances create a path for the surge voltages produced on
• Inductive switching the power lines to be coupled into the data lines.
• Lightning

Figure 2. External system noise can easily enter an electronic module from conduction and
coupling via the power supply and data cables.

An input/output (I/O) connector is used to provide the

interface between the internal PCB circuits and the external
modules. The power and data lines that are exposed to
external noise sources typically enter the PCB at the I/O
connector; thus, TVS surge protection must be provided at
the connector. Locating the TVS devices close to the
connector helps to suppress the surge pulse from being
coupled into adjacent traces on the PCB.
The noise sources located on the PCB must also be
analyzed in addition to the external noise sources located
outside the electronic module. Figure 3 provides an example
of noise sources located on a PCB. Common examples of
PCB noise sources include switched mode power supplies
(SMPS), digital logic ICs, data clocks and high current load
driver circuits. The N− and P−channel stacked configuration
used in CMOS ICs is an example of an often neglected noise Figure 3. Common PCB Noise Sources
source. A CMOS IC’s power supply is shorted to ground
The immunity level required to protect against surge
during the transition time when both transistors are
voltages will vary for each application. The automotive noise
turned−on, producing a high shoot−through current. This
sources shown in Table 2 provide an example of the transients
problem is typically solved with a decoupling capacitor;
that can be expected to occur in a DC powered system. For
however, a surge voltage will be produced on the power line
other applications, EMI test standards such as the IEC
if the capacitance is inadequate.
61000−4 [2] specification can be used as a baseline to define
the surge immunity level needed to build a robust product.


Table 2. Typical Automotive Transients

Noise Source Length of Transient Energy Voltage Amplitude Occurrence
Load Dump 200 to 400 ms > 10 J +60 to +125 V Infrequent
Inductive Load Switching < 300 ms <1J −300 to +80 V Often
Alternator Field Decay 200 ms <1J −100 to −40 V Every Turn−off
Mutual Coupling in Wiring 1.0 ms <1J < "200 V Often

ESD < 50 ns <10 mJ 8.0 kV (Contact) Infrequent

15 kV (Air Discharge)

EMI Immunity Tests chatter and ignition system noise. Repetitive switching
Electronic systems must be able to survive the high energy transients are typically coupled into the wiring harness
transients that are produced by non−repetitive and repetitive because of the cable’s parasitic capacitance and inductance.
transient surge voltages, lightning and ESD. The definition Figure 4 provides an example of a MOSFET load driver
of non−repetitive and repetitive surges is determined by the circuit that can produce a burst of short duration, high
duration of the transient and the time between surges. A voltage surge pulses. The surge pulses can be suppressed
non−repetitive surge can be defined as a transient voltage using a free−wheeling diode (D1) or an avalanche TVS
with a pulse width of typically 50 to 2000 ms and a repeat rate diode (Z1). Diode D1 or Z1 is required because the parasitic
of usually one pulse per second. Repetitive surges are drain−to−source Zener diode inherent in a MOSFET
represented by a burst of 15 to 300 ms of 50 ns transient typically has a poor surge rating.
pulses. Examples of non−repetitive noise sources include
lightning, load dump, power switching, load changes and
short circuit faults. Repetitive noise sources include
inductive load switching, relay contact chatter and ignition
system noise.

Pass/Fail Test Criteria

The pass/fail criterion of an EMI test is determined by
both the operational status of the system and if any damage
occurs to the circuits. In some systems a fault is allowed
during the EMI test surge; however, normal operation must
resume after completion of the transient event. The test
criteria can also be defined by the maximum surge voltage
that the system can be guaranteed to withstand without being
damaged. Figure 4. A low−side driver is an example of a
circuit that can produce a repetitive burst of high
Non−Repetitive Surge Immunity frequency, short duration surge pulses.
The non−repetitive surge tests are used to test a module’s
transient immunity from noise sources such as power Lightning
switching, sudden load changes or a short circuit fault in the Lightning produces a transient surge voltage that can cause
power distribution system. A DC motor is an example of a significant damage to an electronic system through either a
noise source that can produce a single surge pulse when direct or an indirect strike. A direct lightning strike requires
power is removed because the motor continues to rotate for a very high energy TVS device such as a gas discharge tube
a short duration because of inertia. protection circuit. The indirect strike produces an intense
electric and magnetic field that is coupled into the data and
Repetitive Surge Immunity power lines, producing a large surge voltage. The magnitude
The repetitive or electrical fast transients (EFT) surge of an indirect strike depends on the distance from the
tests are used to test a module’s transient immunity from lightning strike and typically the energy is low enough that it
noise sources such as inductive load switching, relay contact can be absorbed by a TVS Zener diode.


The ESD immunity level can be specified by several
different tests. ICs typically use the human body model
(HBM) and machine model (MM) tests, while system level
tests use the IEC 61000−4−2 specification. The HBM and
IEC ESD specifications are designed to simulate the direct
contact of a person to an object such as the I/O pin of a
connector; however, the IEC test is more severe than the
HBM. The IEC test is defined by the discharge of a 150 pF
capacitor through a 330 W resistor, while the HBM uses a
100 pF capacitor and 1500 W resistor. In contrast, the MM
Vs = −75 to −100 V
test is intended to model an ESD event that can occur during
UA = 13.5 V
the PCB assembly process. Ri = 10 W
td = 2000 ms
EMI Noise Sources tr = 1.0 ms
The ISO 7637 EMI specification can be used as a t1 = 0.5 to 5.0 s
guideline to identify the pulse characteristics of common t2 = 200 ms
noise sources found in a DC system [3],[4]. ISO 7637 t3 < 100 ms
defines the conducted immunity requirements for
Figure 6. ISO 7637−2, Pulse 1 Waveform
automotive and trucks; however, many other industries also
have load switching and inductive loads. The transient
voltages produced by noise sources such as motors or relays ISO 7637−2, Test Pulse 2a and 2b
will be similar and the ISO specification can be used as a Test pulses 2a and 2b correspond to positive voltage
starting point to estimate the surge immunity requirements. transients that are created due to the sudden interruption of
In addition, the ISO tests can measure the reliability of a current in a load that is connected in parallel with an
system by performing the tests for an extended time period electronic module. Low−side drivers that are used to
with multiple surge pulses. Reference [5] provides a study turn−on electronic modules, motors and relays are examples
showing that the ISO 7637 specification is representative of of systems that can produce the surge pulses simulated by
the surge voltages measured on a bus. pulse 2a and 2b. The pulse 2a and 2b test configurations,
shown in Figures 7 and 8 respectively, simulate the
ISO 7637−2, Test Pulse 1
transients that occur due to the inductance of the wiring
Figure 5 shows a schematic of the condition that generates
harness. The pulse 2a test models the case when the load
a surge pulse when power is removed from an inductive
switch opens while power is applied to the load. In contrast,
load. The device under test (DUT) remains connected in
the pulse 2b test measures the response when a load such as
parallel with the inductance. This produces a negative
a motor is running and power is disconnected. The test
voltage as shown in Figure 6. DC motors, solenoids and
waveforms are shown in Figures 9 and 10. Figure 11 shows
relays are common examples of inductive loads that are
the voltage suppression capability of the NUP2105L TVS
often connected in parallel with an electronic module.
Zener diode for the pulse 2a test.

Figure 5. A high energy negative surge pulse is

produced when power is removed from an Figure 7. Test pulse 2a of ISO 7637−2 represents
inductive load, such as a DC motor, that is in the surge produced by the inductance of the
parallel with an electronic module. This test case wiring when power is removed from a load that is
is simulated by pulse 1 of ISO 7637−2. connected in parallel with an electronic module.


Figure 8. Test pulse 2b of ISO 7637−2 represents

the surge produced by the inductance of the
wiring when power is removed from both the
parallel load and the electronic module.

Figure 11. Test Response of the NUP2105L

to the Pulse 2a Waveform

ISO 7637−3, Test Pulse 3a and 3b

Test pulses 3a and 3b simulate the switching noise
produced by a switching process that is influenced by the
parasitic capacitance and inductance of the wire harness.
Relay and switch contact bouncing are two examples of
noise sources that produce a short burst of high frequency
pulses. The ISO 7637−3 test is similar to the −2 test, except
Us = 37 to 50 V
UA = 13.5 V
that the −3 test is intended for data lines while the −2 test is
Ri = 2.0 W for power lines. Figure 12 shows a schematic of the pulse 3a
td = 50 ms and 3b test configuration. The pulse 3a test has a negative
tr = 1.0 ms waveform, as shown in Figure 13. Figure 14 shows the
t1 = 0.2 to 5.0 s positive waveform of the pulse 3b test. The 3a and 3b pulses
Figure 9. ISO 7637−2, Pulse 2a Waveform are also termed as the electrical fast transient (EFT) tests.

Figure 12. The ISO 7637−3 pulse 3a and 3b tests

simulate the voltage transients that are
produced by load switching, and the parasitic
wire inductance and capacitance.

Us = 10 V
Ri = 0 to 0.05 W
td = 0.2 to 2.0 s
t12 = 1.0 ms
tr = 1.0 ms
t6 = 1.0 ms

Figure 10. ISO 7637−2, Pulse 2b Waveform


Figure 15. The load dump test simulates the

Vs = −60 V
Ri = 50 W
surge voltages produced on a power supply
td = 0.1 ms line if the alternator is disconnected while the
tr = 5.0 ns battery is being charged.
t1 = 100 ms
t2 = 10 ms
t3 = 90 ms

Figure 13. ISO 7637−3, Pulse 3a Waveform

Vs = 65 to 87 V
VB = 14 V
Rs = 0.5 to 4.0 W
tr = 5.0 to 10 ms
t = 40 to 400 ms
Vs = 40 V Figure 16. ISO 7637−2, Pulse 5a Waveform
Ri = 50 W
td = 0.1 ms
tr = 5.0 ns
t1 = 100 ms
t2 = 10 ms
t3 = 90 ms

Figure 14. ISO 7637−3, Pulse 3b Waveform

ISO 7637−2, Test Pulses 5a and 5b

Figure 15 shows an example of the “load dump” test that
occurs if the battery is disconnected from the alternator
while the engine is running. Waveforms of the 5a and 5b test
pulses are shown in Figures 16 and 17. The amplitude and Vs = 65 to 87 V
duration of the load dump pulse varies from a number of VB = 14 V
factors, such as the speed of the alternator and the level of the Rs = 0.5 to 4.0 W
field excitation when the battery is disconnected. The tr = 5.0 to 10 ms
t = 40 to 400 ms
unsuppressed 5a pulse is typically the highest energy and
most serve surge test in an automotive application. In some Figure 17. ISO 7637−2, Pulse 5b Waveform
vehicles, the load dump amplitude is limited by a clamping
device that is located inside the alternator. The pulse 5b A TVS avalanche diode can be used to provide load dump
waveform is used for a suppressed system. Automotive protection. Figure 18 shows that the MR2535L TVS diode
systems are often tested per load dump specifications that provides approximately 35 A of load dump protection to a
are different than the ISO 7637 specification. Many systems linear voltage regulator.
require the pulse 5a test to have a surge magnitude of 120 V,
while 35 V is a typical value for the suppressed pulse 5b test.


Figure 19. Test Response of the NUP2105L

to the 10 x 1000 ms Waveform

Figure 18. Test Response of the MR2535L and

NCV8502 to the Pulse 5a Waveform

Lightning Protection
The lightning protection immunity level provided by a
TVS device can be defined by both a long 10 ms x 1000 ms Figure 20. Test Response of the NUP2105L
and a short 8.0 ms x 20 ms pulse. Primary systems that are to the 8 x 20 ms Waveform
directly exposed to lightning, such as outdoor telephone
lines, typically use the 10 ms x 1000 ms pulse to define their ESD Tests
immunity level. The shorter 8.0 ms x 20 ms pulse is often Many EMI specifications require an ESD rating of at least
used for secondary systems, such as the wiring inside a 8.0 kV; however, an immunity level of greater than 30 kV
building that is located down stream from a primary system. can be provided by a TVS device. It is often difficult to
The 10 ms x 1000 ms surge test, shown in Figure 19, is quantify the immunity level required by a system because
often termed as the Bellcore GR−1089 CORE test and is ESD can produce gradual changes to the impedance of an
popular in telecommunication applications. The surge I/O circuit. The circuit may continue to operate with ESD
voltage waveform is defined by a double exponential pulse damage and a complete failure may not show up until after
with a specified rise time (tr) of 10 ms and duration (td) of an extended time. The NUP2105L TVS diode has an IEC
1000 ms. The IEC 61000−4−5 specification defines the contact rating of 30 kV, a level which will prevent ESD
8.0 ms x 20 s test pulse, shown in Figure 20. The NUP2105L failures. Table 3 provides a summary of the ESD rating of
has a rating of 1.0 A and 10 A for the 10 ms x 1000 ms and the NUP2105L.
8.0 x 20 ms tests, respectively.
Table 3. ESD Rating for the NUP2105L
ESD Test NUP2105L Test Results
IEC 61000−4−2
Contact w"30 kV
Non−Contact (Air) w"30 kV
Human Body Model (HBM) 16 kV
Machine Model 400 V


1. Cherniak, S., “AN843 – A Review of 4. “ISO 7637−3, Electrical Disturbance by
Transients and Their Means of Suppression”, Conduction and Coupling – Electrical Transient
ON Semiconductor, 2001. Transmission by Capacitive and Inductive
2. “IEC 61000−4−x, Electromagnetic Compatibility Coupling via Lines Other Than Supply Lines”,
(EMC) − Part 4: Testing and Measurement ISO, 1995.
Techniques”, International Electromechanical 5. Joffe, E., “Power Line Transients on a Bus
Commission (IEC), 2000. due to the Operation of the Electrical Systems”,
3. “ISO 7637−2, Electrical Disturbance from International Symposium on EMC,
Conduction and Coupling − Electrical Transient pages 758−761, 1999.
Conduction Along Supply Lines Only”, 6. Ott, H., Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic
International Standard Organization (ISO), 2004. Systems, John Wiley, N.Y., 1998.

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