AC Power Surge Protectors

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The document discusses surge protection devices and gas discharge tubes manufactured by CITEL to protect networks and equipment from overvoltages induced by lightning.

CITEL's only business is protecting networks and equipment from transient overvoltages, in particular those induced by lightning.

CITEL manufactures gas discharge tubes (GDTs) and Surge Protection Devices (SPDs).






General Catalog
8.1 edition







September 2010 - This document could be modified without notice.
An international network
Sèvres : - Headquarters
- General management
- Administrative and Financial Department
- Sales division : France and Export
- Research and Development

Reims - Production and Shipment

Citel Electronics GmbH - Bochum (Germany)
Citel Inc. - Miramar (USA)
Shanghai Citel Electronics Co., Ltd - Shanghai (China)

In more than 50 countries
A long history......
1937 CITEL founded.
Manufacture of tubular light bulbs.
1944 Manufacture of the first Surge Arrester.
1976 CITEL acquired by the present Management.
Light bulb manufacture discontinued.
1978 CITEL gas tubes approved for ALCATEL electronic telecom exchanges.
1985 CITEL America founded in Miami.
1988 CITEL Electronics GmbH founded in Düsseldorf.
1992 Acquisition of the CLAUDE gas tube line from GTE Sylvania.
1996 Acquisition of SUPERSAFE in the Netherlands.
1996 Founding of Shanghaï CITEL Electronics Co., Ltd.
1998 CITEL listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.
1999 New Headquarters in Issy les Moulineaux
2000 New technology for AC surge protectors (VG series).
2005 New JV for coaxial surge protectors production CITEL Tong Da).
2007 AC surge protectors become the best-selling range
2008 New Headquaters in Sèvres.

The specialist in
overvoltage protection
CITEL’s only business is protecting networks and equipment from tran-
sient overvoltages, in particular those induced by lightning. For this, CITEL
manufactures two complementary basic products:

- Gas discharge tubes (or GDTs) are the basic passive components
used to protect telephone exchanges and equipment from voltage surges;
they are generally installed on telephone networks by telecommunications

- Surge Protection Devices (or SPDs) are units combining several

protection components. They may be used by the installer or by the end
customer. They are designed to be incorporated in an installation to pro-
tect all electric, electronic, and data-processing equipment from transient
Transient overvoltages
The users of electronic equipment and telephone and data-process-
ing systems must face the problem of keeping this equipment in op-
eration in spite of the transient overvoltages induced by lightning.
There are several reasons:

Integration of electronic components makes the equipment more vulnerable.

Interruptions of service are unacceptable.
Data transmission networks cover large areas and are exposed
to more disturbances.

The origin of overvoltages

Transient overvoltages have four main causes :
Industrial and switching surges
Electrostatic discharges (ESD)
Nuclear electromagnetic pulses (NEMP)

The overvoltages of different origins differ in amplitude, energy, waveform,

and recurrence rate.

Lightning and industrial overvoltages have been with us for a long time, but
ESD and NEMP disturbances are much more specific and arise from recent
technological developments (massive use of semiconductors for the former,
thermonuclear weapons for the latter).

Lightning, investigated since Benjamin Franklin’s first research in 1749, has
paradoxically become a growing threat to our highly electronic society.

Lightning formation
A lightning flash is generated between two zones of opposite charge, typically
between two storm clouds or between one cloud and the ground.

The flash may travel several miles, advancing toward the ground in succes-
sive leaps: the leader creates a highly ionized channel. When it reaches the
ground, the real flash or return stroke takes place.

A current in the tens of thousands of Amperes will then travel from ground to
cloud or vice versa via the ionized channel.

Direct effects
At the moment of discharge there is an impulse current flow that ranges from
1,000 to 200,000 Amperes peak, with a rise time of about few microseconds.
This direct effect is a small factor in damage to electric and electronic systems,
because it is highly localized.

The best protection is still the classic lightning rod or Lightning Protection Sys-
tem (LPS), designed to capture the discharge current and conduct it to a par-
ticular point.
NEMP phenomena
Indirect effects (Nuclear ElectroMagnetic Pulses)
There are three types of indirect electrical effects : A high-altitude nuclear explosion, above the atmosphere, creates an intense
electromagnetic field (up to 50 kV/m in 10ns), radiated to a ground area up
Impact on overhead lines to 1200 kilometers in radius.
Such lines are very exposed and may be struck directly by lightning, which will
first partially or completely destroy the cables, then cause high surge voltages In the ground, the field induces very large transient overvoltages in power and
that travel naturally along the conductors to line-connected equipment. The transmission lines, antennas, etc., destroying the terminal equipment (power
extent of the damage depends on the distance between the strike and the circuit, computer terminals, telephone equipment, etc.).
The field rise may reach several kV/ns. While it is difficult to eliminate all
Rise in ground potential overvoltages induced by an electromagnetic pulse, there are ways to reduce
The flow of lightning in the ground causes earth potential increases that vary them and strengthen the systems to be protected. In spite of the amplitude of
according to the current intensity and the local earth impedance. In an installa- the phenomenon, protection can be provided by shielding and filtering/surge
tion that may be connected to several grounds (e.g. a link between buildings), protection adapted to NEMP.
a strike will cause a very large potential difference and equipment connected
to the affected networks will be destroyed or severely disrupted.
Effects of overvoltages
Electromagnetic radiation
The flash may be regarded as an antenna several miles high carrying an im- Overvoltages have many types of effects on electronic equipment; in order of
pulse current of several tenth of kilo-amperes, radiating intense electromag- decreasing importance:
netic fields (several kV/m at more than 1 km). Destruction
These fields induce strong voltages and currents in lines near or on equipment. Voltage breakdown of semiconductor junctions
The values depend on the distance from the flash and the properties of the Destruction of bonding of components
link. Destruction of traces of PCBs or contacts
Destruction of triacs/thyristors by dV/dt.
Interference with operation
Impact on Coupling by Random operation of latches, thyristors, and triacs
overhead lines radiation Rise in ground
potential Erasure of memory
Program errors or crashes
Data and transmission errors
Premature ageing
Components exposed to overvoltages have a shorter life.

Affected network
Surge Protection devices
or equipment
The Surge Protection Devices (or SPD : this is a generic name for any device
to protect from voltage surges) is a recognized and effective solution for the
overvoltage problem. For greatest effectiveness, however, it must be chosen
according to the risk and installed in accordance with the applicable stan-
Industrial surges dards.
This term covers phenomena caused by switching electric power sources on
or off.
Industrial surges are caused by:
Starting motors or transformers Because of the diversity and importance of transients, standards organizations
Neon and sodium light starters have created specifications for testing the effects of overvoltages on equip-
Switching power networks ment.
Switch «bounce» in an inductive circuit The phenomena were first characterized and a series of standardized waves
Operation of fuses and circuit-breakers created (1.2/50μs voltage wave and 8/20μs and 10/350μs current wave-
Falling power lines... forms), then a number of standards defining surge arrester performance were
These phenomena generate transients of several kV with rise times in the order issued, among them :
of a few microseconds, disturbing equipment in networks to which the source
of disturbance is connected.
Surge Protectors for Low-Voltage installations :
NF EN 61643-11 (France)
Electrostatic overvoltages (ESD)
EN 61643-11 (Europe)
Electrically, a human being has a capacitance ranging from 100 to 300 pico-
UL 1449 (USA)
farads, and can pick up a charge of as much as 15kV by walking on a carpet,
IEC 61643-1 (International)
then touch some conducting object and be discharged in a few nanoseconds,
with a current of about ten Amperes. All integrated circuits (CMOS, etc.) are
Surge Protectors for Telecom equipment :
quite vulnerable to this kind of disturbance, which is generally eliminated by
IEC 61643-21 (International)
shielding and grounding.
ITU-T recommendations K11, K12, K17, K20, K21, K36 (International)
UL 497 A/B (USA)

Din Rail AC Power Surge Protectors


DS Surge Protectors
CITEL DS AC power Surge Protective Devices (SPD) are designed to meet «Selection» standards :
all surge protection needs for low voltage installations. They define the basic rules to select the surge protector in accordance with
Designed for mounting on DIN rails, these protectors are easy to install in the general electrical code :
standardized panels and cabinets and are equipped with thermal discon- - Germany : DIN VDE 0100 part 443 and 534
nection devices and indicators allowing total operating safety. - International : IEC 60364-4-433 and 5-534
- France : NF C 15-100 sect. 443 and 534
DS surge protectors are available with several protection diagrams to com-
ply with different installation needs and standard requirements.

CITEL AC power surge protectors offer three levels of surge protection cor- Operating principle
responding to different IEC or EN classes.
DS surge protectors are based on zinc metal-oxide varistors (MOV), the
best compromise between a fast response time (<25 ns) and a high dis-
charge current capacity, which are the main parameters to provide efficient
Nevertheless the end of life of these varistors must be absolutely monitored
Standards thus requiring the systematic use of built-in thermal disconnection devices
To ensure efficient and reliable performances, all CITEL’s AC power surge (see «Disconnection devices»).
protectors comply with the leading standards.
Relevant standards in the AC surge protection field could be split into 3
types of documents : DS40 surge protector diagram

«Product» standards :
These documents address the type of tests the SPD manufacturer must
apply on its devices :
- Europe : EN 61643-11 V : Varistor
- International : IEC 61643-1 Ft : Thermal fuse
- USA : UL1449-2ed t° : Thermal disconnection
C : Remote signaling contact
- France : NF EN 61643-11

«Installation» standards :
These documents give the main information about AC power surge protec-
tors and its proper installation:
- International : IEC 61643-12 guide
- USA : IEEE C62-41
- France : UTE C15-443 guide
VG technology by CITEL Residual voltage - Ures
In order to improve the surge protection efficiency, CITEL has developed a This parameter is the residual voltage across the SPD terminal during the
patented technology which combines high energy varistor (MOV) network injection of a selected impulse current. It may be lower than the protection
and specific gas tube (GDT) : by this way, the «VG» Type 1 surge protectors level Up, for surge protectors like «VG» series.
(DS150VG, DS250VG, DUT250VG) can get higher performances in :
- Protection level,
- Life duration (due to the suppression of leakage current),
- Continuous operation and power quality (no follow current)
Type of surge protectors
- End of life behaviour. A3
The AC power surge protectors are split into 3 categories by IEC 61643-1
For instance, these features allow it to reach, even with a single stage of and EN 61643-11 standards, with the following 3 classes of tests. These
surge protection, the same protection efficiency as a double stage associa- different tests depend on the location of the surge protector in the AC
tion (Type 1 + Type 2 SPDs). network and on the external conditions.

Type 1 Surge Protectors

Surge protectors parameters Type 1 surge protectors are designed to be installed where a direct light-
Surge protectors are defined by a series of electrical specifications which ning strike risk is high, especially when the building is equipped with ex-
will help the user to select the right protection specific to their installation: ternal lightning protection system (LPS or lightning rod). In this situation,
EN 61643-11 and IEC 61643-1 standards require the Class I test to be
Operating voltage - Uc applied to surge protectors : this test is characterized by the injection of
The maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) Uc is the maximum 10/350 μs impulse current in order to simulate the direct lightning strike
r.m.s voltage which may be applied continuously to the SPD. consequence. Therefore these Type 1 surge protectors must be especially
powerful to conduct this high energy impulse current.
Temporary overvoltage - UT
The temporary overvoltage UT (TOV) is the maximum r.m.s. value the surge
protector can withstand during 5 seconds, without failure. In many cases ,
this parameter UT is equal to Uc.
Different SPD types
following IEC and EN standards
Discharge current - In and Imax
The maximum discharge current (Imax), applicable to Type 2 SPD, is the
maximum impulse current 8/20 μs a surge protector can withstand without Type 1 Type 2 Type 2 (or Type 3)
destruction . SPD SPD SPD

The nominal discharge current (In) is the level of impulse current a surge
protector Type 1 or Type 2 can withstand repeatedly (15 surges) without
DS250 DS70R DS10
DS150 DS40 DS210D

Impulse current - Iimp

The impulse current (Iimp), used in Class I test applicable to Type 1 SPDs,
is the maximum impulse 10/350 μs current a surge protector can withstand
without destruction. This test simulates the effect, on AC power surge pro-
tectors, of a direct lightning strike on an installation.

Open circuit voltage - Uoc

This parameter is used only for Class III test, applicable to Type 3 SPD and
consists of the injection of a combination wave (1.2/50 μs in open circuit
- 8/20 μs in short circuit).

Protection level - Up
This is the maximum voltage on the surge protector output when sub-
jected to an impulse current equivalent to its nominal discharge current
(In). Therefore this parameter characterizes the performance of the SPD
in limiting the transient overvoltage across its terminal in order to protect
the equipment.
Din Rail AC power Surge Protectors

Type 2 surge protectors Remote Signaling

Type 2 surge protectors are designed to be installed at the beginning of Most DS surge protectors are available in «remote signaling» versions. This
the installation, in the main switchboard, or close to sensitive terminals, on feature, which allows remote checking of the status of the surge protector,
installations without LPS (lightning rods). These protectors are tested fol- is especially important when the products are hard to reach or unsuper-
lowing the Class II test from IEC61643-11 or EN61643-11standards and vised.
based on 8/20 μs impulse current injection. The system consists of an auxiliary changeover contact that is activated if
the surge protector module changes status.
Type 3 surge protectors This lets the user monitor :
A4 In case of very sensitive or remote equipment, secondary stage of surge - the good operation of the SPD
protectors is required : these low energy SPDs could be Type 2 or Type 3. - the presence of the plug-in modules (if any)
Type 3 SPDs are tested with a combination waveform (1,2/50 μs - 8/20 - the end of life (disconnection) of the surge protector.
μs) following Class III test. The remote signaling version allows the choice of signaling system ap-
propriate to the installation (light, buzzer, automation, modem transmis-

Pluggable design
The design of some DS surge protectors (DS10, DS40, DS70R...) is based
on the use of a pluggable module that plugs into a matching receptacle.
Disconnection devices This makes replacement, and checking very easy without impairing the pro-
In compliance with the standards, the AC power surge protectors are tection function. On multipolar surge protectors, the possibility of replacing
equipped with external and internal disconnection devices in order to pro- a single pole makes rehabilitating a surge protector less expensive.
vide total safety in case of failure. The plug-in module is identified with a color label in relation with the type
(Black = Type 1 ; Red = Type 2 ; Blue = Type 2 low power or Type 3) and
2 types of devices are necessary : are keying for operating voltage, in order to avoid misapplications.
- Internal thermal security which will disconnect the surge protector from
the AC network in case of thermal runaway. In such a case, the user will be
warned about the trouble by an indicator (mechanical or light) in front of
the protector and will carry out the replacement of the defective SPD. AC power Surge Protector DS40

Connection Safety remote

- External electrical disconnection (fuses or breaker) to disconnect the Conductor or Bus signaling
surge protector from the AC network in case of internal short circuit, e.g.
due to an excessive impulse current. The rating of the external fuses (or keying
breaker) are in relation with the discharge capability of the SPD and the
prospective short-circuit current of the installation. To ease the selection of DIN mounting
these components, the rating and type of fuses (or breaker) is mentioned Din rail format

in the SPD instructions by the manufacturer.

Note : even if standards require safety devices, the risk of disconnection of the surge Indicators
protectors is very low.
Identification of version

Marking Pluggable
DS surge protectors are designed for repetitive operation and do not re-
quire specific maintenance. Nevertheless, in case of an extreme event, a
controlled end of life could occur (see above) and a maintenance opera-
tion must be performed .

DS surge protectors are equipped with a failure indicator (mechanical or
light) linked to the internal thermal disconnector : in case of safety discon-
nection, the indicator will switch on and the SPD must be replaced.
Surge protection installation Installation
DS surge protectors are connected in parallel on the AC network and must
Location be equipped with external fuses (or breakers) for short-circuit protection
DS surge protectors are installed as follows, according to their types : (see paragraph «Disconnection devices»).
- Type 1 or «Heavy duty» : at the origin of the installation, in a separate - The total length of connection wires to AC network must be lower than
box or on the main electrical panel, for efficient discharge of high lightning 0.5 m in order not to increase the protection level (Up) provided by the
currents. SPD.
- Type 2 or «Primary» : at the origin of the installation, on the main elec- - Wiring is made by screw connections. On some models, a distribution
trical panel, so as to shunt lightning currents as directly as possible and bus can be used. A5
thereby avoid coupling. - The protection wire coming from the SPD must be connected to the bond-
- Type 2 (or Type 3) or «Secondary» : on the secondary panel, near the ing bar of the electrical panel. Paralleling the protection wire with phases
sensitive equipment, to limit ringing and improve the level of protection. conductors must be avoided.
- The cross sectional wire must be 4 mm² minimum for Type 2 SPD’s and
10 mm² for Type 1.
Wiring - Local earthing resistance must be in compliance with the electrical rules.
Since lightning surges are essentially common-mode phenomena, DS
surge protectors are connected mainly in the common mode (between the Further information can be found in IEC 61643-12 standard (selection and
active conductors and ground). application principles for low voltage SPD).
Some recommendations call for additional differential-mode protection
(between phase and neutral). For this case, CITEL proposes special surge
protectors (types DUT40, DS210D...) or, when the standards allow, combi-
nations of surge protectors between phases and neutral (differential mode) Installation example (Type 2 surge protector DS44S)
with a special surge protector (DS100EG, DS40G) between neutral and
ground (common mode) : this type of mounting, named «CT2 connection» Type «S» or delayed
in IEC 60364 standard, is used in surge protectors such as DS44-230/G. AC network ground fault breaker Installation

Protection modes Fuses or


Common mode protection Disconnection

CT1 Connection check light
total length of
3-Phase the conductor
L1 < 0,5 m
L2 surge protector
L3 DS44S-400

P to ground
DS44-400 bar

Common and differential mode protection

CT2 Connection


D i n R a i l L o w Vo l t a g e S u r g e P r o t e c t o r s

Choosing Surge Protectors Choosing Iimp

The impulse current Iimp is defined for Type 1 SPD. The minimum rating for
CITEL’s line of AC power surge protectors is designed to cover all possible Iimp is 12.5 kA by pole, following IEC 60364-5-534 . This level is adapted
configurations in low voltage installations. to the real phenomenon.
They are available in many versions, which differ in :
- Type or test class (1 , 2 or 3) CITEL proposes, in its Type 1 SPD range, 2 levels of Iimp current : 15 and
- Operating voltage (Uc) 25 kA.
- AC network configuration (Single/3-Phase)
A6 - Discharge currents (Iimp, Imax, In) Configuration Iimp CITEL
- Protection level (Up) Very high lightning density 25 kA DS250E
- Protection technology (varistors, gas tube-varistor, filter) Bad earthing DS250VG
- Features (differential mode, plug-in, remote signaling...). DUT250VG
High, meduim or low lightning 15 kA DS150E
The surge protection selection must be done following the local electrical density DS150VG
code requirements (e.g. : minimum rating for In) and specific conditions
(e.g. : high lightning density).

Choosing In and Imax currents

Choosing the Type of surge protectors The relevant nominal discharge current In for the SPD is in relation with the
This choice is in relation to the LPS condition (Lightning Protection System) lightning risk in the installation area.
and the SPD location in the installation. The minimum rating of In for a SPD connected at the installation entrance
is 5 kA (8/20 μs waveform), required by standard.
Nevertheless higher ratings are advised in case of high lightning density.
Configuration SPD Location CITEL
Moreover higher values of In current will increase the SPD lifetime.
Installation equipped Type 1 Origin of the DS150
DS250 Imax (max. discharge current) rating is linked to In .
with LPS or could be hit installation origin
by lightning (Panel or main DUT250VG
switchboard) DUM125
Conditions In CITEL
Installation without LPS Type 2 main switchboard DS70R, DS40
Very high lightning density > 20 kA DS70R
Secondary protection Type 2 close to protected DS10
High or medium lightning density 10-20 kA DS40
(downstream primary (or Type 3) equipment DS215
Low lightning density 5 kA DS10
or secondary SPD DS215

Choosing of the operating voltage Uc

The SPD Uc voltage (maximum continuous operating voltage) depends
Choosing the protection level Up
- Nominal voltage of the AC network (Uo)
The user must select a surge protector with a protection level Up adapted
- Level of possible temporary overvoltages (TOV) UT
to the withstand level of terminal equipment. In every case, the lower the
- Type of AC system (TN, TT, IT).
protection level Up, the better the protection.
IEC 60364 standard calls for the minimum protection level of 2.5 kV for
Operating voltage Uc (Line/Ground)
a SPD connected at the entrance of a 230/400 V network : this level is in
AC Network 230/400V 120/208V compliance with the withstand of robust devices (electromechanical type).
AC system TT TN IT TN Electronic-based terminals have lower impulse withstand and require a
better protection : so, surge protectors with 1.5 kV protection are necessary
Voltage Uc 255 V 255 V 400 V 150 V to provide efficient protection.
Voltage UT 400 V 335 V - - Conditions Recommended Up
230/400 V 120/208 V
Example of DS42-400 DS42-320 or DS42-400 DS42-120
AC network AC network
CITEL product DS42-400
SPD at the installation entrance 2.5 kV max. 1.5 kV max.
Electromechanical protected equipment 2.5 kV 1.5 kV
AC network configuration Electronic-based protected equipment 1.5 kV 0.8 kV
DS surge protectors are available for single, 3-Phase and 3-Phase + neu-
tral AC networks. A relevant choice of the SPD technology, as well as the use of coordination
diagram can help to improve the protection level.
Choosing the SPD technology
DS surge protectors are based on Varistor (MOV) technology. Some ver- Coordination by conductor
sions use different electrical diagrams :
L1 L2 < 10 m
- «VG» technology : this Gas tube-Varistor hybrib association, used in Type Ph
1 SPD (DS150VG, DS250VG, DUT250VG), improves the protection level
Up and the residual voltage Ures.
- Association with RFI filter : The Surge protection panel CBB and secon- P2
dary SPD DS-HF combine surge protection stage and filter stage in order
to improve the protection level. A7

Coordination of Surge Protectors Coordination by inductor

In order to provide maximum protection efficiency, it is necessary to create
L2 < 10 m
a «coordination» diagram, that means installation of a «primary» SPD at Ph
the network entrance and a «secondary» close to sensitive equipment.

L P3

This association is required in the 2 following cases :

- High sensitivity equipment :
Improvement of protection level. P2 : Primary surge protector (ex. DS40)
P3 : Seconadary surge protector (ex. DS215/G)
- Long distance (greater than 30 m) of wire between equipment to be L : Coordination inductors (ex. DSH35)
protected and primary SPD : L1 : Length of conductor between surge protector
L2 : Length of conductor between surge protector and installation
Reduction of ringing voltages created during the surge transmission.

Efficient SPD coordination is performed by including between primary and

secondary SPDs :
- a minimum length of wire (> 10 m).
- a coordination inductor (DSH range).
International Standards for AC Surge Protection

The performance, selection and application of AC surge protectors are 3 - The installation is connected to an overhead AC network and the local
defined by standards, to ensure an efficient and secure use. keraunic level Nk ≤ 25 (or the lightning density Ng ≤ 2.5) :
National standards are often based on IEC international standards. In the Surge Protector not required.
field of AC surge protection, several documents must be taken into con-
sideration. 4 - The installation is connected to an underground AC network
Surge Protector not required.

Nevertheless, in the two last cases, a more accurate analysis could be

A8 done, taking into account the type of equipment (sensitivity, cost..) or the
Standards in surge protection consequences of a service interruption (downtime costs, human hazards...)
Related standards for test performance, selection and application of low : IEC 61662 international standard proposes a method for assessing the
voltage SPDs are : risk related to surges due to lightning.

General rules : IEC 60364 standard : 5 - The unavailability of the electrical network could have consequences
- Section 4-443 : «Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric ori- on human safety.
gin or due to switching» : Surge Protector mandatory or risk analysis required.
This section of IEC 60364 is intended to describe the means by which
transient overvoltages can be limited to reduce the risk of failures in
the installation, and in electrical equipment connected to it, to an ac-
ceptable level. Application of the AC surge protectors following IEC 60364
Type of installation Nk < 25 Nk > 25
- Section 5-534 : «Devices for protection against overvoltages» : Installation equipped with direct Mandatory Mandatory
This section gives the basic requirements for the selection and imple- lightning protection system (LPS) (Type 1) (Type 1)
mentation of the SPDs for electrical installation of buildings to obtain Connection to overhead AC line No Mandatory
a limitation of transient overvoltages. mandatory* (Type 2)
Connection to underground AC line Non Non
Product standard : IEC 61643-1 : mandatory* mandatory*
This document addresses performance tests for AC surge protective de- The unavailabalitiy of the electrical Risk analysis Mandatory
network could have consequences on required
vices (SPDs) following different classes (Class I , II or III test). It is mainly
human safety
dedicated to surge protector manufacturers (*) Surge protectors are recommended in case of sensitive equipment or when a
reinforced reliability is required.
Selection and application guide : IEC 61643-12 :
This guide addresses the selection and application principles of SPDs in
practical situations.
Depending on the countries, AC surge protectors could be recommended
or mandatory in relation with the external conditions (type of network and
The section 4-443 of IEC 60364 recommends SPDs on electrical installa-
lightning threat). Risk assessment methods are also available to determine
tions if they are supplied by overhead lines (partially or totally) and if the
more accurately the need of surge protection. In any case, all the present
local keraunic level is equal or greater than 25. Some national standards
electrical installations are crowded with sensitive devices, making the use
based on IEC make the SPD installation mandatory in these conditions.
of surge protectors more and more relevant.

Example of keraunic levels (France)

Recommendations for SPD installation
Section 5-534 gives the minimum performance required for SPD installed
at the entrance of installation, as nominal discharge current In ≥ 5 kA for
Type 2 SPD and Lightning current Iimp ≥ 12.5 kA for Type 1 SPD.

1 - The installation equipped with lightning rod (LPS): Lightning Risks

Recommendation : Type 1 SPD, with Lightning impulse current Low : Nk < 15
Medium : 15 < Nk< 25
Iimp of 12,5 kA minimum, connected at the origin of the installation. High : Nk > 25

2 - The installation is connected to an overhead AC network and the local

keraunic level Nk ≥ 25 (or the lightning density Ng ≥ 2.5) :
Recommendation : Type 2 SPD, with nominal discharge current
In ≥ 5 kA, connected at the origin of the installation. La Réunion
St Pierre et Miquelon
DS Series
DS surge protectors are available in single phase and 3-Phase versions.
They can be chosen in several configurations : monobloc, multipole, pre-
wired in panels....
Imax * Iimp *
Versions Description Main Features Comments
(8/20 μs) (10/350 μs)

1-pole reinforced Very high energy Type 1 Surge protectors

DS250E 140 kA 25 kA Designed to be installed where a direct lightning
surge protector
strike risk is high, especially when the building is
1-pole reinforced Very high energy equipped with external lightning protection sys-
DS250VG 70 kA 25 kA
surge protector Low Up tem (LPS). In this situation, EN 61643-11 and IEC
1-pole Very high energy 61643-1 standards require the Class I test be ap-
surge protector
140 kA 15 kA plied to surge protectors : this test is characterized A9
by the injection of 10/350 μs impulse current in
Type 1

1-pole reinforced Very high energy order to simulate the direct lightning strike conse-
DS150VG 40 kA 15 kA
surge protector Low Up quence. Therefore these Type 1 surge protectors
N/PE Very high energy must be especially powerful to conduct this high
DS100EG 100 kA 50-100kA energy impulse current.
surge protector Low Up
3-Phase Compact
DUT250VG 100 kA 25 kA
surge protector Very high energy
1 and 3-Phase Compact, High energy,
DUM125 100 kA 12.5 kA
surge protector cost effecitve
1-pole and multipo- Pluggable Type 2 Surge protectors
DS70R 70 kA
lar surge protectors Designed to be installed at the beginning of the ins-
Type 2

tallation, in the main switchboard, or close to sen-

1-pole and multipo-
DS40 40 kA Pluggable sitive terminals, on installations without LPS. These
lar surge protectors
protectors are tested following the Class II test from
Single and 3-Phase Pluggable IEC61643-11 or EN61643-11standards and based
DS40/G 40 kA
surge protector Commun/diff. mode on 8/20 μs impulse current injection.

Single phase Pluggable, Compact,

DS240/G 40 kA
surge protector Common /diff. mode
3-Phase Monobloc
DUT40 40 kA
surge protector Common/diff. mode.
1-pole and multipo- Type 2 or Type 3 Surge protectors
DS10 10 kA Pluggable
lar surge protector In case of very sensitive or remote equipment, se-
condary stage of surge protectors are required :
Single and 3-Phase Pluggable
DS10/G 10 kA these low energy SPDs could be Type 2 or Type 3.
surge protectors Common/Diff Mode.
Type 3 SPDs are tested with combination waveform
Type 2 (or 3)

3-Phase Monobloc (1,2/50 μs - 8/20 μs) following Class III test.

DUT10 10 kA
surge protector Common/Diff Mode.
Single phase Pluggable
DS215/G 15 kA
surge protector Common/Diff Mode.

Single phase surge RFI filter

DS-HF 10 kA
protector + filter Low Up

1-pole surge
DS210DC 6 kA Pluggable
Single and 3-Phase Surge protection panels - Type 1 or Type 2
CB.. 40-140 kA 15 kA Several diagrams
surge protector panel 3 protection diagrams
Surge protectors for Type 1 and 2 SPDs for photovoltaic installation
DS..PV 40 kA 12,5 kA from 500 to 1000 Vdc
Coordination Nominal currents : 16 A, Components to connect in series between 2 SPDs
inductors 35 A, 63 and 100 A in order to insure coordination.
* Discharge currents by pole.
DS surge protectors wiring

Common mode protection (CT1connection)

Common mode (L/PE) protection provided by DS surge protectors in relation with
the different types of AC network. Called CT1 connection type in IEC 60364 std.

1 4
Type 1 Surge Protector Type 2 Surge Protector
Single-phase network Single-phase network Diagram

Main swichtboard Main swichtboard



Remote signaling P
Type 1 surge of disconnection
DS152 and
DS252 series Type 2 Surge
DS70R, DS40
and DS10 series
Remote signaling
of disconnection PE PE

Ground Ground

2 5
Type 1 Surge Protector Type 2 Surge Protector
3-Phase network 3-Phase network Diagram

Main swichtboard Main swichtboard

L2 L1
L3 L3
F F F L3
Remote signaling
Type 1 surge of disconnection P
DS153 and
DS253 series Type 2 surge
DS70R, DS40
Remote signaling and DS10 series
of disconnection

Busbar Ground Ground

3 6
Type 1 Surge Protector Type 2 Surge Protector
3-Phase network + neutral 3-Phase network + neutral Diagram
Main swichtboard Main swichtboard D
L1 L1
L2 L2
L3 N
N L3
Remote signaling
of disconnection P
Type 1
Surge protector
DS154 and DS254
series Type 2 surge
DS70R, DS40
and DS10 series
Remote signaling
of disconnection PE PE

Busbar Ground Ground P : Surge protector

D : Circuit breaker
F : Associated disconnector
(fuse or circuit-breaker)
DS surge protectors wiring

Common and Differential mode protection (CT2 connection )

Common mode (L/PE) and differential mode (L/N) protection provided by DS surge protectors in relation
to the different types of AC network. These configurations CT2 (following IEC 60364) are also called “1+1” and “3+1” mounting.

7 9
Type 1 Surge Protector Type 2 Surge Protector
Single-phase network Single-phase network Diagram

Main swichtboard
Main swichtboard L1 L
L3 N
L1 N

Remote signaling P
of disconnection
Type 1 surge
DS152/G and
DS252/G Type 2 Surge
protector G
Remote signaling
of disconnection

Busbar «1+1» Ground Ground

8 10
Type 1 Surge Protector Type 2 Surge Protector
3-Phase network + neutral 3-Phase network + neutral Diagram

Main swichtboard Main swichtboard D

L1 L1
L2 L2
N L3
Remote signaling
of disconnection P
Type 1 surge
DS154/G and
DS254/G Type 2 surge
series protector
Remote signaling DS14/G
of disconnection PE PE

Busbar «3+1» Ground Ground

Type 1 Surge Protector
3-Phase network + neutral Diagram

Main swichtboard
L1 L1
L2 L2
N L3

Type 1
surge protector

P : Surge Protector G

G : Surge protector with GDT

PE D : Circuit breaker
F : Associated disconnector
Ground (fuse or circuit-breaker)
DS surge protectors wiring

Multipole Type 2 surge protectors wiring

Wiring instructions for Multipole Type 2 surge protectors.

Type 2 surge protector + Filter
Single phase network Diagram


A12 N L

Type 2 Surge DS-HF




13 Type 2 Surge protector

Single-phase network Diagram


Remote signaling P
of disconnection

Type 2 Surge
DS240/G DS240/G


Type 2 Surge protector
3-Phase network + neutral Diagram

N L2
L2 L3
L3 N

Type 2 Surge


Ground P : Surge protector

RFI : RFI filter
D : Breaker
F : Associated disconnector
(fuse or circuit-breaker)
DS surge protectors wiring

Coordination of Surge Protector

In order to provide maximum protection efficiency, it is necessary to create
a «coordination» diagram: that means installation of a «primary» SPD at
the network entrance and a «secondary» close to sensitive equipment.
Efficient SPD coordination is performed by including, between primary and
secondary SPDs :
- a minimum length of wire (> 10 m).
- coordination inductors (DSH range: see below). A13
Futher information is available in installation instruction sheet.

Example of coordination on 3-Phase network.


Type 1 Surge
DS150 and
DS250 series Type 2 surge
DS70R and
DS40 series

Coordination inductors PE



L2 P : Surge protector
N D : Breaker
F F F : Associated disconnector
(fuse or circuit-breaker)
L : Coordination inductor
DS surge protectors wiring

Associated fuses
To comply with standards and safety, the AC surge protectors must be pro-
tected against a possible end of life in short-circuit : the user must install
on each SPD branch, a protection against short circuit current (fuses or
The rating of this fuse is given by the SPD manufacturer in the product
datasheet and installation instructions. The choice of this rating depends
of 2 criteria:
- Withstand of the short-circuit current test in the IEC 61643-1
A14 Fuses on each
standard : the fuse must cut safely the short-circuit current before
an harsh destruction of the SPD. branch, rating and
- Withstand of the discharge currents (In or Imax) : the fuse must type in the SPD instal-
be able to conduct the discharge current of the SPD without blow- lation instructions.

CITEL has selected some fuses and DIN rail holders to fit with his SPD
range. The fuses are equipped with failure indicators to check easily their
opening and the holders can be supplied with or without contact for re-
mote signal of fuse status.

Fuses for SPD

Rating Dimensions Fuse P/N
125 A gG 22x58 mm 6062 0125
100 A gG 22x58 mm 6062 0100
50 A gG 22x58 mm 6062 0050
20 A gG 22x58 mm 6062 0020

Fuse holders
Number of poles with remote withou remote
signaling contact signaling contact
1 pole 5603 5011 5603 5001
2 poles 5603 5012 5603 5002
3 poles 5603 5013 5603 5003
4 poles 5603 5016 5603 5006
Type 1 Surge Protector
Network Type of Neutral
voltage DS250VG DS150VG DS250E DS150E DUT250VG DUM125 Protection Mode configuration
Network A10-A12)

230/400 V DS250VG-300 DS150VG-300 DS250E-300 DS150E-300 - - Common Mode Uniphase 230 V - -

- DS150VG-400 DS250E-400 DS150E-400 - - Common Mode Uniphase 400 V - -
- DS152VG-400 DS252E-400 DS152E-400 - DUM125-400 Common Mode Single phase TT - TN - ( IT ) 1
DS252VG-300 DS152VG-300 DS252E-300 DS152E-300 - DUM125-400 Common Mode Single phase TNS 1
DS252VG-300/G DS152VG-300/G DS252E-300/G DS152E-300/G - - Common and Differential Mode Single phase TT - TNS 7
DS253VG-300 DS153VG-300 DS253E-300 DS153E-300 - - Common Mode 3-phase TNC 2
- DS153VG-400 DS253E-400 DS153E-400 - - Common Mode 3-phase TNC - IT 2
- DS154VG-400 DS254E-400 DS154E-400 - DUT125-400 Common Mode 3-phase + N TT - TN - ( IT ) 3
DS254VG-300 DS154VG-300 DS254E-300 DS154E-300 - DUT125-400 Common Mode 3-phase + N TNS 3
DS254VG-300/G DS154VG-300/G DS254E-300/G DS154E-300/G DUT250VG-300/G - Common and Differential Mode 3-phase + N TT - TNS 8
120/208 V DS250VG-120 DS150VG-120 DS250E-120 DS150E-120 - - Common Mode Uniphasé 120 V - -
DS252VG-120 DS152VG-120 DS252E-120 DS152E-120 - - Common Mode Single phase TNS 1
DS252VG-120/G DS152VG-120/G DS252E-120/G DS152E-120/G - - Common and Differential Mode Single phase TT - TNS 7
DS253VG-120 DS153VG-120 DS253E-120 DS153E-120 - - Common Mode 3-phase TNC 2
DS254VG-120 DS154VG-120 DS254E-120 DS154E-120 - - Common Mode 3-phase + N TNS 3
DS254VG-120/G DS154VG-120/G DS254E-120/G DS154E-120/G - - Common and Differential Mode 3-phase + N TNS 8 A15

Type 2 Surge Protector

Network Diagram
voltage DS70R DS40 DS10 Protection Mode Type of Network (pages A10-
230/400 V DS71R-230 DS41-230 DS11-230 Common Mode Uniphase 230 V - -
DS71R-400 DS41-400 DS11-400 Common Mode Uniphase 400 V - -
DS72R-400 DS42-400 DS12-400 Common Mode Single phase TT - TN - IT 4
DS72R-230 DS42-230 DS12-230 Common Mode Single phase TNS 4
- DS42-230/G DS12-230/G Common and Differential Mode Single phase TT - TN 9
DS73R-230 DS43-230 DS13-230 Common Mode 3-phase TNC 5
DS73R-400 DS43-400 DS13-400 Common Mode 3-phase TNC - IT 5
DS74R-400 DS44-400 DS14-400 Common Mode 3-phase + N TT - TN - IT 6
DS74R-230 DS44-230 DS14-230 Common Mode 3-phase + N TNS 6
- DS44-230/G DS14-230/G Common and Differential Mode 3-phase + N TT - TNS 10
120/208 V DS71R-120 DS41-120 DS11-120 Common Mode Uniphasé 120 V - -
DS72R-120 DS42-120 DS12-120 Common Mode Single phase TNS 4
- DS42-120/G DS12-120/G Common and Differential Mode Single phase TT - TNS 9
DS73R-120 DS43-120 DS13-120 Common Mode 3-phase TNC 5
DS74R-120 DS44-120 DS14-120 Common Mode 3-phase + N TNS 6
- DS44-120/G DS14-120/G Common and Differential Mode 3-phase + N TNS 10
Accessories DSM70R-400 DSM40-400 DSM10-400 Plug-in 400 V module - - -
DSM70R-230 DSM40-230 DSM10-230 Plug-in 230 V module - - -
DSM70R-120 DSM40-120 DSM10-120 Plug-in 120 V module - - -
DSB12-400 DSB1-400 DSB1-400 Base for 1 module 400 V - - -
DSB12-230 DSB1-230 DSB1-230 Base for 1 module 230 V - - -
DSB12-120 DSB1-120 DSB1-120 Base for 1 module 120 V - - -
DSB12-S2-400 DSB1-S1-400 DSB1-S1-400 Base for 1 module 400V + remote signal - - -
DSB12-S2-230 DSB1-S1-230 DSB1-S1-230 Base for 1 module 230V + remote signal - - -
DSB12-S2-120 DSB1-S1-120 DSB1-S1-120 Base for 1 module 120V + remote signal - - -

Type 2 (or Type 3) Surge Protector

Network DUT40 DUT10 Type of Neutral Diagram
DS240 DS215 DS-HF Protection Mode
voltage DUM40 DUM10 Network configuration (page A12)
230/400 V - DS240-400 - DS215-400 - Common Mode Single phase TT - TN - IT 13
DUM40-230/G DS240-230/G DUM10-230/G DS215-230/G DS-HF Common and Differential Mode Single phase TT - TN 13/12
- DS240-230 - DS215-400 - Common Mode Single phase TNS 13
DUT40-230/G DS240-230/G DUM10-230/G DS215-230/G - Common and Differential Mode Single phase TNS 13
DUT40-230/G - DUT10-230/G - - Common and Differential Mode 3-phase TT - TNS 14
- 2 x DS240-400 - 2 x DS215-400 - Common Mode 3-phase + N TT - TNS - IT -
DUT40-230/G - DUT10-230/G - - Common and Differential Mode 3-phase + N TT - TNS 14
120/208 V DUM40-120/G DS240-120 DUM10-120/G DS215-120 DS-HF-120 Common (and Differential) Mode Single phase TT - TNS 13/12
DUT40-120/G 2 x DS240-120 DUT10-120/G 2 x DS215-120 - Common (and Differential) Mode 3-phase + N TT - TNS 13
Accessoires - DSM240-400 - DSM215-400 - Plug-in 400 V module - - -
- DSM240-230 - DSM215-230 - Plug-in 230 V module - - -
- DSM240-120 - DSM215-120 - Plug-in 120 V module - - -
- DSB2-400 - DSB2-400 - Base for 1 module 400 V - - -
- DSB2-230 - DSB2-230 - Base for 1 module 230 V - - -
- DSB2-120 - DSB2-120 - Base for 1 module 120 V - - -
- DSB2-S2-400 - DSB2-S2-400 - Base for 1 module 400V + remote signal - - -
- DSB2-S2-230 - DSB2-S2-230 - Base for 1 module 230V + remote signal - - -
- DSB2-S2-120 - DSB2-S2-120 - Base for 1 module 120V + remote signal - - -
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 25 kA
Dimensions and Diagram

67 36



Lin Lout

Ft V : High energy varistor network

G : Heavy duty gas Tube
G Ft : Thermal fuse
C : Remote signaling contact
The DS250VG is a Extreme Duty Type 1 AC Surge Protector Device t
t° : Thermal disconnection system
V MI : Disconnection indicator
(SPD) designed to be connected at the entrance of the electrical
installation. This SPD provides an efficient protection against direct

and indirect effects and is particularly useful in a high lightning den-

sity area where the risk of heavy surge current or even direct strike is
high (e.g. : buildings equipped with lightning rods).
The DS250VG is a one-pole SPD and can be used in common
mode (2, 3 or 4 DS250VGs connected between L/PE and N/PE = Characteristics
CT1 configuration) or common and differential mode (DS250VGs CITEL part number DS250VG-300 DS250VG-120
connected between L/N and 1 x DS100G between N/PE = CT2 AC Network 230/400V 120/208V
configuration). See pages A20 and A21. Connection mode L/N, L/PE L/N, L/PE
AC system TT, TN TT, TN
Max operating voltage Uc 255 Vac 150 Vac
This SPD is designed to withstand a 25 kA lightning current (10/350 TOV withstand UT 400 vac 150 Vac
μs impulse). It is based on specific heavy duty GDT and high energy Operating current lc none none
MOV block : this technology allows the best behaviour possible on Leakage current at Uc
Follow current If none none
the AC network (no follow current and no leakage current) and a Nominal discharge current ln 30kA 30 kA
very low residual voltage. 15 x 8/20 μs impulses

The SPD is DIN rail compatible and is featured with a double termi- Maximal discharge current lmax 70 kA 70 kA
max. withstand @ 8/20 μs
nal for line wire to allow improved connection to the AC network. Max. lightning current by pole limp 25 kA 25 kA
To meet standards, the DS250VG includes a thermal disconnection max. withstand @ 10/350 μs
Residual voltage (at Iimp) Ures 0.8 kV 0.5 kV
mechanism, fault indicator and an internal microswitch for remote 1.5 kV 1 kV
Protection level (at In) Up
signaling. Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuse type gG - 125 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Type 1 Surge protector Dimensions see diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 6-35 mm² / by bus
25 kA on 10/350 μs impulse Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator
F03052E - document could be modified without notice

Remote signaling of disconnection output on changeover contact

Low voltage Up Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Internal disconnection, status indicator Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic PEI UL94-5VA
and remote signaling
Standards compliance
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
UL 1449 ed. 2 recognition NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 250 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r M u l t i p o l a r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r
DS254VG Dimensions and Diagram
67 144

L1 L2 L3 N


VGG 300/G

1 2 3
DS250VG AC surge protectors are designed to be connected L/N (L/N) L/N (L/N) L (L) (N) N L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3)

in multi-pole configuration to protect single phase, 3-phase and t°







3-phase+Neutral AC networks. They are sometimes associated with G G G


a dedicated N/PE SPD (DS100G, «Gas tube» technology surge pro- V V V V

tector). C C C C C C

2 configurations are available:

Common mode : CT1 Configuration
The DS250VG are connected between active wires (Phase(s) 4 5
L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) (N) N
and Neutral) and earthing network (PE).
L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) N (N)

Common and differential mode : CT2 Configuration
t° t° t° t° t° t° t°

The DS250VG are connected between Phase(s) and Neutral)
for differential mode protection. A specific surge protector
DS100G is connected between Neutral to PE for common mode

protection. This CT2 version provides an enhanced protection


mode Iimp Up Up
Part number Network AC system Diagram
total L/PE L/N

DS254VG-300/G 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 100 kA 1.5 kV 1.5 kV

DS254VG-120/G 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 100 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV

DS254VG-300 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 100 kA 1.5 kV -

F03052E - document could be modified without notice

DS254VG-120 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 100 kA 1 kV -

DS253VG-300 400 V 3-phase TNC • 75 kA 1.5 kV -

DS253VG-120 208 V 3-phase TNC • 75 kA 1 kV -

DS252VG-300/G 230 V single phase TN • • 50 kA 1.5 kV 1.5 kV

DS252VG-120/G 120 V single phase TN • • 50 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV

DS252VG-300 230 V single phase TN • 50 kA 1.5 kV -

DS252VG-120 120V single phase TN • 50 kA 1 kV -
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 25 kA
Dimensions and Diagram
67 36



Lin Lout

V : High energy varistor network
Ft Ft : Thermal fuse
C : Remote signaling contact
t o
t o
t° : Thermal disconnection system
The DS250E is a Extreme Duty Type 1 AC Surge Protector Device MI : Disconnection indicator
(SPD) designed to be connected at the entrance of the electrical
installation. This SPD provides an efficient protection against direct

and indirect effects and is particularly useful in a high lightning den-

sity area where the risk of heavy surge current or even direct strike is
high (e.g. : buildings equipped with lightning rods).
The DS250E is a one-pole SPD and can be used in common mode
(DS250Es connected between L/PE and N/PE) or common and dif- Characteristics
ferential mode (DS250Es connected between L/N and 1 x DS100G DS250E-400 DS250E-300 DS250E-120
CITEL part number
between N/PE). Network 230/400V 230/400V 120/208V
This SPD is designed to withstand a 25 kA lightning current (10/350 Connection mode L/PE L/N L/N, L/PE
μs impulse). It is based on «multi-MOV» diagram : this technology AC system IT, TT TT,TN TT, TN
Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 330 Vac 150 Vac
allows a very high discharge capability and the best behaviour pos-
TOV withstand UT 400 Vac 330 Vac 150 Vac
sible on AC network (no follow current). Operating current lc < 2 mA < 2 mA < 2 mA
To meet standards, the DS250E includes a thermal disconnection Leakage current at Uc

mechanism, fault indicator and an internal microswitch for remote Follow current If none none none
Nominal discharge current ln 50 kA 70 kA 70 kA
signaling. 15 x 8/20 μs impulses
This SPD is DIN rail compatible and is featured with a double termi- Maximal discharge current lmax 140 kA 140 kA 140 kA
max. withstand @ 8/20 μs
nal for line wire to allow improved connection to the AC network. Max. lightning current by pole limp 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA
max. withstand @ 10/350 μs
Residual voltage (at Iimp) Ures 2 kV 1.5 kV 0.6 kV
Protection level (at In) Up 2.5 kV 2.5 kV 1 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 125 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Type 1 High-energy Surge Protector Dimensions See diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 6-35 mm² / by bus
Iimp : 25 kA on 10/350 μs impulse Disconnection indicator 3 mechanical indicators
F03082C - document could be modified without notice

Remote signaling of disconnection output on changeover contact

Imax : 140 kA on 8/20 μs impulse Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Internal disconnections, status indicators
Protection class IP20
and remote signaling Housing material Thermoplastic PEI UL94-5VA
Standards compliance
IEC 61643-1, EN 61643-11 and IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
UL1449 ed.2 compliance NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 250 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r M u l t i p o l a r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r
DS254E Dimensions and Diagram
67 144

L1 L2 L3 N



1 2 3
L/N (L/N) L/N (L/N) L (L) (N) N L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3)
DS250E AC surge protectors are designed to be connected in
Ft Ft MI Ft Ft Ft Ft
multi-pole configuration to protect single phase, 3-phase and
t° t° t° t° t° t°

3-phase+Neutral AC networks. They are sometimes associated V V V G V V V

with a dedicated N/PE SPD (DS100G, «Gas tube» technology

surge protector).

2 configurations are available:

Common mode : CT1 Configuration
4 5
The DS250E are connected between active wires (Phase(s) and L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) (N) N L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) N (N)

Neutral) and earthing network (PE). Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI

Common and differential mode : CT2 Configuration t° t° t° t° t° t° t°

The DS250E are connected between Phase(s) and Neutral) V V V G V V V V

for differential mode protection. A specific surge protector C C C C C C C

DS100G is connected between Neutral to PE for common

mode protection. This CT2 version provides an enhanced pro-
tection efficiency.

mode Iimp Up Up
Part number Network AC system Diagram
total L/PE L/N

DS254E-300/G 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 100 kA 2.5 kV 2.5 kV

DS254E-120/G 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 100 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV

DS254E-400 230/400 V 3-phase+N IT • 100 kA 2.5 kV -

DS254E-300 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 100 kA 2.5 kV - 5

DS254E-120 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 100 kA 1 kV -
F03082C - document could be modified without notice

DS253E-400 400 V 3-phase IT-TT • 75 kA 2.5 kV -

DS253E-300 400 V 3-phase TNC • 75 kA 2.5 kV - 3

DS253E-120 208 V 3-phase TNC • 75 kA 1 kV -

DS252E-300/G 230 V single phase TN • • 50 kA 2.5 kV 2.5 kV

DS252E-120/G 120 V single phase TN • • 50 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV

DS252E-400 230V single phase TT-IT • 50 kA 2.5 kV -

DS252E-300 230V single phase TN • 50 kA 2.5 kV - 1

DS252E-120 120 V single phase TN • 50 kA 1 kV -
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 15 kA
Dimensions and Diagram

67 36



Lin Lout

V : High-energy varistor network
G : Heavy duty gas Tube
Ft : Thermal fuse
o C : Remote signaling contact
The DS150VG is a Heavy Duty Type 1 AC Surge Protector Device V t° : Thermal disconnection system
(SPD) designed to be connected at the entrance of the electrical in- C
MI : Disconnection indicator
stallation. This SPD provides an efficient protection against direct and
indirect effects and is particularly useful in a high lightning density
area where the risk of heavy surge current or even direct strike is high
(e.g. : buildings equipped with lightning rods)
The DS150VG is a one-pole SPD and can be used in common mode
(2, 3 or 4 DS150VGs connected between L/PE and N/PE = CT1 Characteristics
configuration) or common and differential mode (DS150VGs con- CITEL part number DS150VG-400 DS150VG-300 DS150VG-120
nected between L/N and 1 x DS100EG between N/PE = CT2 con- Network 230/400V 230/400V 120/208V
figuration). Connection mode L/PE L/N L/N, L/PE
AC system IT, TT, TN TT, TN TT, TN
Max operating voltage Uc 255 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
This SPD is designed to withstand a 15 kA lightning current (10/350 TOV withstand UT 400 Vac 300 Vac 150 Vac
μs impulse). It is based on specific heavy duty GDT and high energy Operating current lc none none none
Leakage current at Uc
MOV block : this technology allows the best behaviour possible on
Follow current If none none none
AC network (no follow current and no leakage current) and a very Nominal discharge current ln 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
low residual voltage. 15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximal discharge current lmax 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
max. withstand 8/20 μs
The SPD is DIN rail compatible and is featured with a double terminal Max. lightning current by pole limp 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA
max. withstand 10/350 μs
for line wire to allow improved connection to the AC network.
Residual voltage (at Iimp) Ures 0.8 kV 0.6 kV 0.4 kV
To meet standards, the DS150VG includes a thermal disconnection Protection leval (at In) Up 1.5 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV
mechanism, fault indicator and an internal microswitch for remote Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
signaling. Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 100 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Type 1 Surge protector Dimensions see diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 6-35 mm² / by bus
Iimp : 15 kA on 10/350 μs impulse Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator
F99713M - document could be modified without notice

Remote signaling of disconnection output on changeover contact

Low voltage Up Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Internal disconnection, status indicator Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic PEI UL94-5VA
and remote signaling
Standards compliance
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
UL 1449 ed. 2 recognition NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS

Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used (up
to 200 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r M u l t i p o l a r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r
DS154VG Dimensions and Diagram
67 144

L1 L2 L3 N



1 2 3
DS150VG AC surge protectors are designed to be connected L/N (L/N) L/N (L/N) L (L) (N) N L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3)

in multi-pole configuration to protect single phase, 3-phase and Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI Ft MI

t° t° t° t° t°
3-phase+Neutral AC networks. They are sometimes associated


with a dedicated N/PE SPD (DS100EG, «Gas tube» technology V V V


surge protector). C C C C C C

2 configurations are available:

Common mode : CT1 Configuration
The DS150VG are connected between active wires (Phase(s) 4 5
and Neutral) and earthing network (PE). L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) (N) N L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) N (N)

Common and differential mode : CT2 Configuration t°








The DS150VG are connected between Phase(s) and Neutral) G G G G G G G

for differential mode protection. A specific surge protector V V V V V V V

DS100EG is connected between Neutral to PE for common C C C C C C C

mode protection. This CT2 version provides an enhanced pro-

tection efficiency.

mode Iimp Up Up
Part number Network AC system Diagram
total L/PE L/N

DS154VG-300/G 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 50 kA 1.5 kV 1.5 kV

DS154VG-120/G 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 50 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV
F99713M - document could be modified without notice

DS154VG-300 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 60 kA 1.5 kV -

DS154VG-120 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 60 kA 1 kV -

DS153VG-300 400 V 3-phase TNC • 45 kA 1.5 kV -

DS153VG-120 208 V 3-phase TNC • 45 kA 1 kV -

DS152VG-300/G 230 V single phase TN • • 30 kA 1.5 kV 1.5 kV

DS152VG-120/G 120 V single phase TN • • 30 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV

DS152VG-300 230 V single phase TN • 30 kA 1.5 kV -

DS152VG-120 120V single phase TN • 30 kA 1 kV -
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 15 kA
Dimensions and Diagram

67 36



Lin Lout

MI MI MI V : High-energy varistor network

Ft Ft : Thermal fuse
C : Remote signaling contact
o o
t o
t t° : Thermal disconnection system
The DS150E is a Heavy Duty Type 1 AC Surge Protector Device MI : Disconnection indicator
(SPD) designed to be connected at the entrance of the electrical V V V

installation. This SPD provides an efficient protection against direct C

and indirect effects and is particularly useful in a high lightning den-

sity area where the risk of heavy surge current or even direct strike is
high (e.g. : buildings equipped with lightning rods).
The DS150E is a one-pole SPD and can be used in common mode
(DS150Es connected between L/PE and N/PE) or common and dif- Characteristics
ferential mode (DS150Es connected between L/N and 1 x DS100EG
CITEL part number DS150E-400 DS150E-300 DS150E-120
between N/PE). Network 230/400V 230/400V 120/208V
This SPD is designed to withstand a 15 kA lightning current (10/350 Connection mode L/PE L/N L/N, L/PE
μs impulse). It is based on «multi-MOV» diagram : this technology AC system IT, TT, TN TT, TN TT, TN
allows a very discharge capability and the best behaviour possible Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 300 Vac 150 Vac
TOV withstand UT 400 Vac 300 Vac 150 Vac
on AC network (no follow current). Operating current lc < 2 mA < 2 mA < 2 mA
To meet standards, the DS150E includes a thermal disconnection Leakage current at Uc
mechanism, fault indicator and an internal microswitch for remote Follow current If none none none
Nominal discharge current ln 60 kA 70 kA 70 kA
signaling. 15 x 8/20 μs impulses
The SPD is DIN rail compatible and is featured with a double termi- Maximum discharge current lmax 140 kA 140 kA 140 kA
max. withstand 8/20 μs
nal for line wire to allow improved connection to the AC network.
Max. lightning current by pole limp 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA
max. withstand 10/350 μs
Residual voltage (at Iimp) Ures 1.5 kV 0.9 kV 0.5 kV
Protection level (at In) Up 2.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 125 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Type 1 High-energy Surge Protector Dimensions see diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 6-35 mm² / by bus
Iimp : 15 kA on 10/350 μs impulse
F97036S - document could be modified without notice

Disconnection indicator 3 mechanical indicators

Remote signaling of disconnection output on changeover contact
Imax : 140 kA on 8/20 μs impulse Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Internal disconnections, status indicators
Protection class IP20
and remote signaling Housing material Thermoplastic PEI UL94-5VA
Standards compliance
IEC 61643-1, EN 61643-11 and UL 1449 ed.2 NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 200 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r M u l t i p o l a r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r
DS154E Dimensions and Diagram
67 144

L1 L2 L3 N



1 2 3
DS150E AC surge protectors are designed to be connected in
L/N (L/N) L/N (L/N) L (L) (N) N L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3)

multi-pole configuration to protect single phase, 3-phase and t°







3-phase+Neutral AC networks. They are sometimes associated V V V G V V V

with a dedicated N/PE SPD (DS100EG, «Gas tube» technology

surge protector). C C C C C C

2 configurations are available:

Common mode : CT1 Configuration
The DS150E are connected between active wires (Phase(s) and 4 5
L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) (N) N L1 (L1) L2 (L2) L3 (L3) N (N)
Neutral) and earthing network (PE).
Ft Ft Ft Ft
Common and differential mode : CT2 Configuration
t° t° t° t° t° t° t°

The DS150E are connected between Phase(s) and Neutral) V V V G V V V V

for differential mode protection. A specific surge protector

DS100EG is connected between Neutral to PE for common

mode protection. This CT2 version provides an enhanced pro-

tection efficiency.

mode Iimp Up Up
Part number Network AC system Diagram
total L/PE L/N

DS154E-300/G 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 50 kA 2 kV 2 kV

DS154E-120/G 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 50 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV

DS154E-400 230/400 V 3-phase+N IT • 60 kA 2.5 kV -

DS154E-300 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 60 kA 2 kV - 5

DS154E-120 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 60 kA 1 kV -
F97036S - document could be modified without notice

DS153E-400 400 V 3-phase IT-TT • 45 kA 2.5 kV -

DS153E-300 400 V 3-phase TNC • 45 kA 2 kV - 3

DS153E-120 208 V 3-phase TNC • 45 kA 1 kV -

DS152E-300/G 230 V single phase TN • • 30 kA 2 kV 2 kV

DS152E-120/G 120 V single phase TN • • 30 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV

DS152E-400 230V single phase TT-IT • 30 kA 2.5 kV -

DS152E-300 230V single phase TN • 30 kA 2 kV - 1

DS152E-120 120 V single phase TN • 30 kA 1 kV -
Ty p e 1 N / P E AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 50/100 kA
DS100G Dimensions and Diagram
67 36




GDT GDT: High-energy spark gap

This Type 1 Surge Protector is designed to be used in association
with DS150 surge protectors to provide common and differential
surge protection for AC networks , following the «CT2» configuration
in IEC60364-5-534 standard . For the possible associations, refer to
pages A20 and A21.
The DS100EG is connected between the Neutral (N) and Protective
Earth (PE) wires.
The DS100EG is based on CITEL P100 high energy gas tube, which
provides much lower residual voltages than the air spark gap tech-
CITEL part number DS100G-600 DS100EG-600 DS100EG-350
nology and a very high discharge current capability on a 10/350 μs 230/400V 120/208V
Network 230/400V
or 8/20 μs impulses. Connexion mode N/PE N/PE N/PE
It is mechanically similar to the DS150 series, therefore making easy AC system TT, TNS TT, TNS TT, TNS
to use both products jointly. Max. operating voltage Uc 255 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 400 Vac 150 Vac
Operating current lc none none none
Leakage current at Uc
N/PE Type 1 Surge Protector Follow current If yes yes yes
Nominal discharge current ln 50 kA 50 kA 50 kA
Iimp : 50 and 100 kA (10/350 μs) 15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 200 kA 150 kA 150 kA
Imax : 200 and 150 kA (8/20 μs) max. withstand 8/20 μs
Max. lightning current by pole limp 100 kA 50 kA 50 kA
Adapted to DS250/DS150 range max. withstand 10/350 μs
1.5 kV 1.5 kV
Protection level (at In) Up 1.5 kV
EN 61643-11 and IEC 61643-1 compliance Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
Mechanical characteristics
UL 1449 ed.2 Recognition Dimensions see diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 6-35 mm² / by bus
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Association with DS150VG protectors Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
For example : DS154VG-300/G Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic PEI UL94-5VA
Standards compliance
L1 L2 L3 N
F98022J - document could be modified without notice

NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II

IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS

External bus
Ty p e 1 AC p o w e r 3 - P h a s e S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 50 kA
DUT250VG -300/G
Dimensions and Diagram

67 70
L1 L2 L3 N



L1 L2 L3 N
V : High-energy varistor network
Ft Ft Ft
G : Heavy duty GDT
GN GN : Heavy duty N/PE GDT
Ft : Thermal fuse
MI : Disconnection indicator
The DUT250VG-300/G is a Compact and Heavy Duty Type 1 AC
Surge Protector Device (SPD) designed to be connected at the en-
trance of the electrical installation, on a 3-Phase 230/400V AC
This SPD provides an efficient protection against direct and indi-
rect effects and is particularly useful in a high lightning density area
where the risk of heavy surge current or even direct strike is high
(e.g.: buildings equipped with lightning rods or metallic poles, as
radio base stations).
CITEL part number DUT250VG-300/G
AC Network 3-Phase 230/400V
The DUT250VG-300/G is a 3-Phase+Neutral SPD and provides a AC system TT, TN
common (L/G) and differential (L/N) mode protection. It complies to Protection modes L/N and N/PE
the Connection Type 2 configuration following IEC 60364-5-534. Max. operating voltage Uc 255 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac
Operating current lc none
This SPD is designed to withstand 25 kA lightning surge current Leakage current at Uc
(10/350 μs impulse) by pole. It is based on specific heavy duty Discharge currents ln /Imax 40 kA / 100 kA
15 impulses and max. withstand 8/20μs
GDTs and high energy MOV blocks : this technology allows the best Max. lightning current by pole limp 25 kA
behaviour possible on AC network (no follow current and no leak- max. withstand 10/350 μs
Total. lightning current ltotal 50 kA (2)
age current) and a very low residual voltage. max. withstand 10/350 μs
This SPD is built in a compact enclosure for DIN rail mounting. Protection level (at In) Up 1.5 kV
Admissible short circuit current 25000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Type 1 3-Phase Surge protector Required external fuses Fuses type gG - 125 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Common and Differential mode Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions see diagram
Very compact monobloc enclosure
Connection by screw terminals : 6-35 mm²
Iimp by pole/total : 25 kA/50 kA Disconnection indicator red light indicators
Remote signaling of disconnection none
Low voltage Up
F05031A - document could be modified without notice

Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm

Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
No Follow current Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
EN 61643-11 and IEC 61643-1 compliance Standards compliance
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 250 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Note 2: Specific version wiuth Iimp total = 100 kA available.
T y p e 1 S u r g e P r o t e c t o r S i n g l e a n d 3 - p h a s e 12.5 kA
DUT125 Dimensions and Diagram

67 36 72

DUM125 DUM125 DUM125





t o
V : High-energy varistor network
Ft : Thermal fuse
V V C : Remote signaling contact
DUM125 is a single-phase Type 1 AC Surge Protector Device (SPD) t° : Thermal disconnection system
MI : Disconnection indicator
designed to be connected at the entrance of the electrical instal- C

lation. This SPD provides an efficient protection against direct and

indirect effects and is particularly useful in a high lightning density
area where the risk of heavy surge current or even direct strike is
high (e.g.: buildings equipped with lightning rods).
The DUM125 provides a common mode protection (between L/PE Characteristics
and N/PE). The DUT125 version (made of 2 DUM125) is designed Single phase network DUM125-400 DUM125-120
for 3-phase+N AC networks. 3-phase + neutral network DUT125-400 DUT125-120
AC network 230/400V 120/208V
This SPD is designed to withstand a 12.5 kA lightning current (10/350
Mode de connexion L/PE L/N, L/PE
μs impulse). It is based on «multi-MOV» diagram : this technology AC system IT, TT, TN TT, TN
allows a very discharge capability and the best behaviour possible Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 150 Vac
on AC network (no follow current). Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 150 Vac
The DUM125 fits on DIN rail and is connected in parallel on the AC Operating current lc < 2 mA < 2 mA
Leakage current at Uc
network to be protected. Follow current If none none
To meet standards, DUM125 includes a thermal disconnection Nominal discharge current ln 40 kA 40 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulse
mechanism, fault indicator and an internal microswitch for remote
Max. discharge current lmax 100 kA 100 kA
signaling. max. withstand 8/20 μs
Max. lightning current by pole limp
12.5 kA 12.5 kA
max. withstand 10/350 μs
Total lightning current ltotal 25 kA (DUM125) 25 kA (DUM125)
max. withstand 10/350 μs 50 kA (DUT125) 50 kA (DUT125)
Residual voltage (at Iimp) Ures 1.5 kV 0.5 kV
Protection level (at In) Up 2 kV 1 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 125 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Single and 3-phase Type 1 AC SPD Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions see diagram
Iimp : 12.5 kA (10/350 μs) Connection by screw terminal : 6-35 mm² / by bus
Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator by pôle
F07091 - document could be modified without notice

Imax : 100 kA (8/20 μs) Remote signaling of disconnection output on changeover contact
Internal disconnections, status indicators Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
and remote signaling Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic PEI UL94-5VA
Complies EN 61643-11, IEC 61643-1 Standards compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II
and UL1449 ed.2 IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
EN 61643-11 Europe Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Type 1 Multipolar Surge Protectors
Type 1 surge protectors are heavy duty devices, designed to be installed
at the origin of the AC installations equipped with LPS (Lightning Protection These multipolar SPDs are using different technologies :
System). They are necessary to protect sensitive equipment connected to
AC network against direct and indirect effects of lightning. Following the DS250VG, DS150VG, DUT250VG : «Gas tube/MultiMOV» technology,
different national electrical codes, these SPDs can be recommended or DS250E,DS150E, DUM125 : «MultiMOV» technology,
mandatory. DS100EG, DS100G : N/PE SPD, «Gas tube» technology.

These surge protectors are available in a wide range of versions to be Part number information
adaptable to all configurations : A27
- Iimp by pole : 12.2, 15 and 25 kA (10/350 μs) DS154VG-300/G
- Total Iimp : up to 100 kA « » = CT1 configuration (common mode)
- Single, 3 or 3-Phase+Neutral AC network «G» = CT2 configuration (common and diff.)
- 230/400V or 120/208V AC network Operating voltage
- All AC system types «VG» = «GDT/MOV» technology
- Common mode protection (CT1 configuration) or Common and Dif- «E» = «MOV» technology
ferential mode protection (CT2 configuration) Number of protected poles
- Hard-wired single-pole units or monobloc unit. Iimp by pole : «15»=15 kA ; «25»=25 kA ; «125»=12,5 kA
«DS» = single-pole units
«DUM» = monobloc single-phase unit
«DUT» = monobloc 3-phase unit

Voltage Ures Voltage Up
Network Network Mode Type of Neutral Iimp Width
230/400V 120/208V network configuration total (mm)

230/400 V 120/208 V 230/400 V 120/208 V

DS252VG-300/G DS252VG-120/G • • Single phase TT-TN 50 kA 0.8 kV 0.5 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 72

DS252E-300/G DS252E-120/G • • Single phase TT-TN 50 kA 1.5 kV 0.6 kV 2.5 kV 1 kV 72
DS152VG-300/G DS152VG-120/G • • Single phase TT-TN 30 kA 0.6 kV 0.4 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 72
DS152E-300/G DS152E-120/G • • Single phase TT-TN 30 kA 0.9 kV 0.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV 72
DS152VG-400 - • Single phase TT-TN 30 kA 0.8 kV - 1.5 kV - 72
DS152E-400 - • Single phase IT-TT-TN 30 kA 1.5 kV - 2.5 kV - 72
DS252VG-400 DS252VG-120 • Single phase TN 50 kA 0.8 kV 0.5 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 72
DS252E-300 DS252E-120 • Single phase TN 50 kA 1.5 kV 0.6 kV 2.5 kV 1 kV 72
DS152VG-300 DS152VG-120 • Single phase TN 30 kA 0.6 kV 0.4 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 72
DS152E-300 DS152E-120 • Single phase TN 30 kA 0.9 kV 0.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV 72
DUM125-400 DUM125-120 • Single phase IT-TT-TN 25 kA 1.5 kV 0.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV 36
DS253VG-300 DS253VG-120 • 3-phase TNC 75 kA 0.8 kV 0.5 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 108
DS253E-300 DS253E-120 • 3-phase TNC 75 kA 1.5 kV 0.6 kV 2.5 kV 1 kV 108
DS153VG-300 DS153VG-120 • 3-phase TNC 45 kA 0.6 kV 0.4 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 108
DS153E-300 DS153E-120 • 3-phase TNC 45 kA 0.9 kV 0.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV 108
DS153VG-400 - • 3-phase TNC 45 kA 0.8 kV - 1.5 kV - 108
DS153E-400 - • 3-phase IT-TNC 45 kA 1.5 kV - 2.5 kV - 108

DUT250VG-300/G - • • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 50 kA 0.8 kV 0.5 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 70

DS254VG-300/G DS254VG-120/G • • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 100 kA 0.8 kV 0.5 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 144

DS254E-300/G DS254E-120/G • • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 100 kA 1.5 kV 0.6 kV 2.5 kV 1 kV 144

DS154VG-300/G DS154VG-120/G • • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 50 kA 0.6 kV 0.4 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 144
DS154E-300/G DS154E-120/G • • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 50 kA 0.9 kV 0.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV 144
DS154VG-400 - • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 60 kA 0.8 kV - 1.5 kV - 144
DS154E-400 - • 3-phase + N IT-TT-TNS 60 kA 1.5 kV - 2.5 kV - 144
DS254VG-400 DS254VG-120 • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 100 kA 0.8 kV 0.5 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 144
DS254E-300 DS254E-120 • 3-phase + N TNS 100 kA 1.5 kV 0.6 kV 2.5 kV 1 kV 144
DS154VG-300 DS154VG-120 • 3-phase + N TNS 60 kA 0.6 kV 0.4 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 144
DS154E-300 DS154E-120 • 3-phase + N TNS 60 kA 0.9 kV 0.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV 144
DUT125-400 DUT125-120 • Single phase IT-TT-TNS 50 kA 1.5 kV 0.5 kV 2 kV 1 kV 72
Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 70 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

67 18




Electrical diagram


1. 4
1. 1
1. 2
DS71RS (1 pole)

DS70R Type 2 AC Surge Protectors are used mainly for primary pro-
tection of single and three-phase networks at the main electrical Ft Ft
Mi V : High energy varistor
panel. They provide common-mode protection (between the active Ft : Thermal Fuse
conductors and protective wire) and are available in one-phase, V V C : Remote signaling contact
single-phase, three-phase, and three-phase+neutral versions. t : Thermal disconnection system

The DS70R high impulse discharge capability classifies this SPD as

re-inforced Type 2, useful in case of high lightning density areas.
IEC60364 standard requests Type 2 SPD at the entrance of installa-
tion if the keraunic level Nk > 25. Characteristics
CITEL part number DS71R-400 DS71R-230 DS71R-120
The SPD is based on association of high energy varistors equipped Network 230/400V 230/400V 120/208V
with thermal disconnector and failure indicator, to comply with stan- Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
dards. Version with a remote signaling for disconnection indication Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
is also available (DS7*RS). Operating current lc < 1 mA < 1 mA < 1 mA
Leakage current at Uc
Follow current If none none none
The DS70R is available for the main values of AC voltages. Nominal discharge current ln 30 kA 30 kA 30 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 70 kA 70 kA 70 kA
The DS70R is DIN rail compatible and is built with a plug-in mod- max. withstand 8/20 μs
ule (DSM70R-xxx) and a fixed base, which allows an easy and fast Protection level (at In) Up 1.8 kV 1.4 kV 1 kV
Residual voltage at 10 kA 1.4 kV 1 kV 0.7 kV
Residual voltage at 5 kA 1.2 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 100 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions see diagram
Re-inforced Type 2 Surge Protector
Connection by screw terminals : 4-25 mm² / by bus
Discharge currents : In : 30 kA/ Imax : 70 kA
F00071E - document could be modified without notice

Disconnection indicator 2 mechanical indicators by pole

Remote signaling of disconnection Option DS70RS - output on changeover contact
Pluggable module by phase Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Remote Signaling option Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Standards compliance
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Class II Test
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Class II Test
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 160 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r M u l t i p o l a r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r

Dimensions and Diagram

The DS70R surge protectors are designed to be used in a multipolar
configuration to protect single-phase, 3-phase or 3-phase+neutral A29
AC networks. Each pole of the SPD is connected between Line(s) and
67 36 54 72 PE and Neutral and PE.



1 2 3

1 2
L/N L/N L1 L2 L3


t° t° t° t° t°



L1 L2 L3 N


t° t° t° t°



mode Imax Up
Part number Network AC System Diagram
total L/PE

DS74R-400 230/400 V 3-phase+N IT-TT • 280 kA 1.8 kV

DS74R-230 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 280 kA 1.4 kV 3

DS74R-120 120/208 V 3-phase+N TN • 280 kA 1 kV

DS73R-400 400 V 3-phase IT • 210 kA 1.8 kV

DS73R-230 400 V 3-phase TNC • 210 kA 1.4 kV 2

F00071E - document could be modified without notice

DS73R-120 208 V 3-phase TNC • 210 kA 1 kV

DS72R-400 230V Single phase IT • 140 kA 1.8 kV

DS72R-230 230V Single phase TT-TN • 140 kA 1.4 kV 1

DS72R-120 120 V Single phase TN • 140 kA 1 kV
Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 40 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

67 18





Electrical diagram

DS41S (1 pole)

DS40 Type 2 AC Surge Protectors are used mainly for primary pro- Mi Ft
tection of single and 3-Phase networks at the main electrical panel. t

V: High-energy varistor
They provide common-mode (between L and PE) or common and Ft: Thermal fuse
differential mode (L/PE and L/N) when associated with DS40G C: Remote signaling contact
t°: Thermal disconnection system
(DS4x-xxx/G version). They are available in one-phase, single- Mi : Disconnection indicator
phase, three-phase, and three-phase+neutral versions.

The DS40 impulse discharge capability classifies this SPD as regular

Type 2, useful in case of medium lightning density areas. IEC60364
standard requests Type 2 SPD at the entrance of installation if the
keraunic level Nk > 25. CITEL part number DS41-400 DS41-230 DS41-120
Network 230/400V 230/400V 120/208V
This SPD is based on high energy varistor equipped with thermal Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
disconnector and failure indicator, to comply with standards. Version
Operating current lc < 1 mA < 1 mA < 1 mA
with a remote signaling for disconnection indication is also available Leakage current at Uc
(DS4*S). Follow current If none none none
Nominal discharge current ln 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulse
The DS40 is available for a large range of AC voltages. Maximum discharge current lmax 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
The DS40 is DIN rail compatible and is built with a plug-in mod- max. withstand 8/20 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 1.8 kV 1.25 kV 0.9 kV
ule (DSM40-xxx) and a fixed base, which allows an easy and fast 0.7 kV
Residual voltage at 10 kA 1.5 kV 1.1 kV
maintenance. Residual voltage at 5 kA 1.3 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 50 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions see diagram
Type 2 AC Surge Protector Connection by screw terminals : 4-25 mm² / by bus
Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator
F99091K - document could be modified without notice

Discharge currents : In : 20 kA/Imax : 40 kA Remote signaling of disconnection Option DS40S - output on changeover contact
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Pluggable module for each phase Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Protection class IP20
Remote signaling option Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0

IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Standards compliance

EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Class II Test
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Class II Test
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 125 A). For further information, please consult product instructions..
Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r M u l t i p o l a r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r
Dimensions and Diagram
67 1 2 4 5



44 36 36 72 72



54 The DS40 surge protectors are designed to be used in a multipolar

configuration to protect single-phase, 3-phase or 3-phase+neutral
AC networks. They are sometimes associated with dedicated N/PE
surge protector based on gas tube technology (DS40G).
1 2 3
L/N L/N L N L1 L2 L3

2 possible configurations :
t° t° t° t° t° t°
Common mode : CT1 configuration
DS40 surge protectors are connected between line(s), Neutral

and protective wire (PE).
Common and Differential mode : CT2 configuration
DS40 surge protectors are connected between line(s) and Neu-
4 L/N L/N L/N L/N
5 L1 L2 L3 N
tral to provide differential mode protection. A specific surge pro-
Ft Ft Ft
tector DS40G is connected between Neutral and Protective wire

t° t° t° t° t° t° t°
(PE) for common mode protection. This configuration provides
the highest efficiency.

mode Imax Up Up
Part Number Network AC system Diagram
total L/PE L/N

DS44-230/G 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 40 kA 1.5 kV 1.25 kV

DS44-120/G 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 40 kA 1.5 kV 0.9 kV

DS44-400 230/400 V 3-phase+N IT • 160 kA 1.8 kV -

DS44-230 230/400 V 3-phase+N TN • 160 kA 1.25 kV - 4

DS44-120 120/208 V 3-phase+N TN • 160 kA 0.9 kV -

F99091K - document could be modified without notice

DS43-400 400 V 3-phase IT-TT-TNC 120 kA 1.8 kV -

DS43-230 400 V 3-phase TNC • 120 kA 1.25 kV - 3

DS43-120 208 V 3-phase TNC • 120 kA 0.9 kV -

DS42-230/G 230 V Single phase TT-TN • • 40 kA 1.5 kV 1.25 kV

DS42-120/G 120 V Single phase TN • • 40 kA 1.5 kV 0.9 kV

DS42-400 230V Single phase IT • 80 kA 1.8 kV -

DS42-230 230V Single phase TN • 80 kA 1.25 kV - 1

DS42-120 120 V Single phase TN • 80 kA 0.9 kV -
*) or DS4x-320x (e.g: DS44-320/G) in case of possible temporary voltages (bad quality AC voltage or supply by AC generator set).
Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 10 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

67 18

10.6 DS11S




Electrical diagram


C DS11S (1 pole)
DS10 Type 2 AC Surge Protectors are used mainly for primary pro- Mi Ft
tection of single and 3-Phase networks at the main electrical panel. t

They provide common-mode (between L and PE) or common and V : Varistor

differential mode (L/PE and L/N) when associated with DS40G. V Ft : Thermal fuse
C : Remote signaling contact
They are available in one-phase, single-phase, three-phase, and t° : Thermal disconnection system
three-phase+neutral versions.

The DS10 impulse discharge capability classifies this SPD as sec-

ondary Type 2 or Type 3, useful downstream a Type 2 SPD (e.g.
DS40) to protect a remote or sensitive equipment.
CITEL part number DS11-400 DS11-230 DS11-120
This SPD is based on high energy Varistor equipped with thermal 120/208V
Single phase network 230/400V 230/400V
disconnector and failure indicator, to comply with standards. Version Neutral configuration TT-IT TN TN
with a remote signaling for disconnection indication is also available Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
(DS1*S). Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
Operating current lc < 1 mA < 1 mA < 1 mA
The DS10 is available for a large range of AC voltages. Leakage current at Uc
The DS10 is DIN rail compatible and is built with plug-in modules Follow current If none none none
(DSM10-xxx) and a fixed base, which allows an easy and fast main- Nominal discharge current ln 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
tenance. Maximum discharge current lmax 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
max. withstand 8/20 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 1.3 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV
Combination waveform test Uoc 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV
Type 2 (or 3) Surge Protector Class III test
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
Discharge current : In : 5 kA/ Imax : 10 kA Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Pluggable module by phase Fuses Fuses type gG - 20 A max. (see Note 1)
Remote signaling option Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Dimensions See diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 4-25 mm² / by bus
F900711F - document could be modified without notice

Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator by pole

Remote signaling of disconnection Option DS10S - output on changeover contact
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Standards compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II et III
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II and III
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II and III
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 40 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r M u l t i p o l a r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r
Dimensions and Diagram
67 1 2 4 5



44 36 36 72 72

3 54


L L L DS12S-230/G


The DS10 surge protectors are designed to be used in a multipolar

1 2 3 configuration to protect single-phase, 3-phase or 3-phase+neutral
L/N L/N L N L1 L2 L3
AC networks. They are sometimes associated with dedicated N/PE






surge protector based on gas tube technology (DS40G).

2 possible configurations :
Common mode : CT1 configuration
DS10 surge protectors are connected between line(s), Neutral
and protective wire (PE).
4 5
L/N L/N L/N L/N L1 L2 L3 N
Common and Differential mode : CT2 configuration



DS10 surge protectors are connected between line(s) and Neu-
t° t° t° t°

tral to provide differential mode protection. A specific surge pro-
tector DS40G is connected between Neutral and Protective wire
C C (PE) for common mode protection. This configuration provides
the highest efficiency.

mode Imax Up Up
Part number Network AC system Diagram
total L/PE L/N

DS14-230/G 230/400 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 40 kA 1.5 kV 0.9 kV

DS14-120/G 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • • 40 kA 1.5 kV 0.6 kV

DS14-400 230/400 V 3-phase+N IT • 40 kA 1.3 kV -

DS14-230 230/400 V 3-phase+N TN • 40 kA 0.9 kV - 4

DS14-120 120/208 V 3-phase+N TT-TN • 40 kA 0.6 kV -

F00711F - document could be modified without notice

DS13-400 400 V 3-phase IT-TT 30 kA 1.3 kV -

DS13-230 400 V 3-phase TNC • 30 kA 0.9 kV - 3

DS13-120 208 V 3-phase TNC • 30 kA 0.6 kV -

DS12-230/G 230 V Single phase TT-TN • • 20 kA 1.5 kV 0.9 kV

DS12-120/G 120 V Single phase TN • • 20 kA 1.5 kV 0.6 kV

DS12-400 230V Single phase IT • 20 kA 1.3 kV -

DS12-230 230V Single phase TN • 20 kA 0.9 kV - 1

DS12-120 120 V Single phase TN • 20 kA 0.6 kV -
Ty p e 2 N / P E S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 40 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

67 18




Electrical diagram

This Type 2 AC surge protector is designed to be associated with a

DS10 or DS40 surge protector to order to provide a common and
differential mode protection, following the CT2 configuration (IEC GDT
GDT : Specific gas tube
60364-5-534). refer pages A31 and A33.
The DS40G is connected only between Neutral wire (N) and Protec-
tive Earth wire (PE).
The internal protection component is a specific gas tube which al-
lows high discharge current in 8/20μs wavaform and low residual
The DS40G is made with a fixed base and a plug-in module in order
to comply mechanically with the DS10/DS40 range. Characteristics
CITEL part number DS40G-600
Network 230/400V or 120/208V A2
Maximum operating voltage Uc 255 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac
Operating current lc none
Leakage current at Uc
Follow current interruption Ifi > 100 A
Nominal discharge current ln 20 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Type 2 N/PE surge protectors Maximum discharge current lmax 40 kA
max withstand 8/20 μs
DS40/DS10 series compliance Protection level (at In) Up 1.5 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A
Discharge currents : In : 20 kA/Imax : 40 kA Mechanical characteristics
Configuration Pluggable
Plug-in module
Dimensions See diagram
Comply IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 Connection by screw terminal : 4-25 mm² / by bus
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Protection class IP20
DS40G+DS40 association (DS44-230/G) Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Standards compliance
F04083C - document could be modified without notice

L1 L2 L3 N L1 L2 L3 N NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II

IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
EN 61643-11 Europe Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II




Equivalent diagram
Type 2 Multipolar Surge Protectors
Type 2 surge protectors are designed to be installed at the origin of the These SPDs comply IEC 61643-1 standard, Class II test.
AC power installations. They are necessary to protect sensitive equipment These Multipolar surge protectors fit on DIN rail.
connected to AC network against indirect effects of lightning. Following To meet standards, they include thermal disconnection mechanisms, fault
the different national electrical codes, these SPDs can be recommended indicators and internal microswitches for remote signaling (option).
practices or mandatory requirements. In case of failure indication, the multipolar configuration based on uni-
polar modules allows a cost effective maintenance by replacing only the
These surge protectors are available in a wide range of versions to be defective element.
adaptable to all configurations :
- Imax by pole : 10 and 70 kA (8/20 μs) Part number information A35
- Total Imax : up to 240 kA
- Single, 3 or 3-Phase+Neutral AC network DS44S-230/G
- 230/400 V or 120/208 V AC network « » = CT1 configuration (common mode)
- All AC system types «G» = CT2 configuration (common and differential mode)
- Common mode protection (CT1 configuration) or Common and Dif- Operating voltage
ferential mode protection (CT2 configuration). «S» = Remote signal option
Number of protected poles
These multipolare SPDs are based on single-pole surge protectors with Imax : «1» = 10 kA ; «4» = 40 kA ; «7» = 70 kA
internal MOVs, associated for CT2 configuration with N/PE gas tube surge «DS» = Plug-in

Protection Voltage Up Voltage Up

Red Red mode Type of AC
network 230/400 V network 120/208 V
230/400V 120/208V network system

pole at In at 5 kA* at In at 5 kA*

DS42-230/G DS42-120/G • • Single phase TT-TN 40 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV

28 DS12-230/G DS12-120/G • • Single phase TT-TN 10 kA 1 kV 1 kV 0.6 kV 0.6 kV

DS72R-400 - • Single phase IT-TT-TN 70 kA 2.5 kV 1.3 kV - -

DS42-400 - • Single phase IT-TT-TN 40 kA 2 kV 1.5 kV - -

DS12-400 - • Single phase IT-TT-TN 10 kA 1.5 kV 1.5 kV - -

DS72R-230 DS72R-120 • Single phase TN 70 kA 2 kV 0.8 kV 1 kV 0.5 kV

DS42-230 DS42-120 • Single phase TN 40 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV

DS12-230 DS12-120 • Single phase TN 10 kA 1 kV 1 kV 0.6 kV 0.6 kV

DS73R-400 - • 3-phase IT-TNC 70 kA 2.5 kV 1.3 kV - -

DS43-400 - • 3-phase IT-TNC 40 kA 2 kV 1.5 kV - -

DS13-400 - • 3-phase IT-TNC 10 kA 1.5 kV 1.5 kV - -

DS73R-230 DS73R-120 • 3-phase TNC 70 kA 2 kV 0.8 kV 1 kV 0.5 kV

DS43-230 DS43-120 • 3-phase TNC 40 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV

DS13-230 DS13-120 • 3-phase TNC 10 kA 1 kV 1 kV 0.6 kV 0.6 kV

DS44-230/G DS44-120/G • • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 40 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV

DS14-230/G DS14-120/G • • 3-phase + N TT-TNS 10 kA 1 kV 1 kV 0.6 kV 0.6 kV

DS74R-400 - • 3-phase + N IT-TT-TNS 70 kA 2.5 kV 1.3 kV - -

DS44-400 - • 3-phase + N IT-TT-TNS 40 kA 2 kV 1.5 kV - -

DS12-400 - • 3-phase + N IT-TT-TNS 10 kA 1.5 kV 1.5 kV - -

DS74R-230 DS74R-120 • 3-phase + N TNS 70 kA 2 kV 0.8 kV 1 kV 0.5 kV

DS44-230 DS44-120 • 3-phase + N TNS 40 kA 1.5 kV 1 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV

DS14-230 DS14-120 • 3-phase + N TNS 10 kA 1 kV 1 kV 0.6 kV 0.6 kV
Single and 3-Phase AC Surge Protectors 40 kA
DUT40 - DUM40
Dimensions (in mm)

67 70 36

L1 L2 L3 N L N



Electrical diagram

L1 L2 L3 N
DUT40 (3-Phase) and DUM40 (Single Phase) Type 2 surge protec- GN : GDT
tors are used to protect sensitive equipment, connected to AC net- Ft Ft Ft
Ft : Thermal fuse
t° : Thermal disconnection
work, against transient surge voltages due to lightning. mechanism
The technology used is an association of gas tube and varistors
equipped with thermal disconnectors and operating indicators.

DUT40 and DUM40 are installed at the entrance of the AC network,

in the main electrical panel, and protect the whole electrical installa-
tion. Nevertheless they could be associated with a secondary stage
of surge protectors (DUT10, DS210D..) close by the sensitive and
AC network 230/400V 120/208 V
remote equipment.
3-phase version DUT40-230/G DUT40-120/G
These surge protectors provide common and differential mode pro- Single phase version DUM40-230/G DUM40-120/G
tection with a maximum discharge current of 40 kA. AC system TN - TT TN - TT
Max. operating voltage Uc 255 Vac 150 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 150 Vac
Operating current lc none none
Leakage current at Uc
Follow current If none none
Nominal discharge current ln 15 kA 15 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 40 kA 40 kA
max. withstand 8/20 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 2 kV/ 1.5 kV (MC/MD) 1.5 kV/ 1 kV (MC/MD)
Admissible short-circuit current 10000 A 10000 A
3-Phase and Single phase Surge Protector Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
Type 2 monobloc Fuses gG type - 50 A max. (see Note 1)
Discharge currents: In: 15 kA / Imax: 40 kA Installation ground fault breaker «S» type or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Common/Differential mode Dimensions Voir drawing
Connection to AC network screw terminal : 4-35 mm²
Protection levels Up: 2/1.5 kV Disconnection indicators Red light(s) on
Remote signaling of disconnection none
Disconnection indicators
F050312B - document could be modified without notice

Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm

Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Standards compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be
used (up to 125 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
1 - p h a s e Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 40 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

67 18





Electrical diagram

DS240S-xxx/G DS240S-xxx
The DS240 Type 2 surge protectors are compact devices designed to L N L/N L/N

protect single phase networks at the main switchboard. They provide C C V : High energy varistor
GDT : High energy Gas tube
a common or common/differential mode protection. Ft
Ft : Thermal fuse
V V V C : Remote signaling contact
DS240 are available for 230V or 120V AC networks and for the dif- t° : Thermal disconnection system

ferent distribution systems (TN, TT, IT).

This SPD is based on high energy varistor equipped with thermal
disconnectors and failure indicator, to comply with standards. Version
with a remote signaling for disconnection indication is also available
The DS240 is DIN rail compatible and is built with a plug-in module
and a fixed base, which allows an easy and fast maintenance.
CITEL part number DS240-400 DS240-230/G DS240-120/G
Single-phase network 230 V 230 V 120 V
Neutral configuration TT-TN-IT TN TN
Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
Operating current lc < 1 mA < 1 mA < 1 mA
Leakage current at Uc
Protection mode(s) MC (2) MC/MD (2) MC/MD (2)
Compact single-phase Type 2 SPD Nominal discharge current ln 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Discharge currents : In : 20 kA / Imax : 40 kA Maximum discharge current lmax 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
max. withstand 8/20 μs
Common/Differential mode Protection level (at In) Up 1.8 kV 1.5/1.25 kV (2) 1.5/0.9 kV (2)
Residual voltage at 5 kA 1.3 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV
Pluggable module Admissible short-circuit current 10000 A 10000 A 10000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Remote signaling contact (option) Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 50 A max. (see Note 1)
Complies with EN 61643-11 and IEC 61643-1
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Remote signaling

Dimensions see diagram

Part number Neutral Connection by screw terminals : 1,5-10 mm² (L/N) or 2,5-25 mm² (PE)

available configuration

Disconnection indicator 2 mechanical indicators

F050315B - document could be modified without notice

Remote signaling of disconnection Option DS240S - output on changeover contact

DS240-230/G 230 V Single phase TT-TN • • Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
DS240S-230/G 230 V Single phase TT-TN • • • Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
DS240-400 230 V Single phase IT • Protection class IP20
DS240S-400 230 V Single phase IT • • Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
DS240-230 230 V Single phase TN • Standards compliance
DS240S-230 230 V Single phase TN • • NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
DS240-120/G 120 V Single phase TT-TN • • IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
DS240S-120/G 120 V Single phase TT-TN • • • EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
DS240-120 120 V Single phase TT-TN • UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
DS240S-120 120 V Single phase TT-TN • •
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 125 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Note 2 : MC = Common mode (L/PE or N/PE)/ MD = Differential mode (L/N)
Single and 3-Phase AC Surge Protectors 10 kA
DUT10 - DUM10
Dimensions (in mm)

67 70 36

L1 L2 L3 N L N


Electrical diagram

L1 L2 L3 N

DUT10 (3-Phase) and DUM10 (Single Phase) Type 2 surge protec- Ft Ft Ft GN : GDT
tors are used to protect sensitive equipment, connected to AC net- Ft : Thermal fuse
t° : Thermal disconnection
work, against transient surge voltages due to lightning. V V V
The technology used is an association of gas tube and varistors
equipped with thermal disconnectors and operating indicators.

DUT10 and DUM10 are installed close by the sensitive equipment,

in the distribution panel. They have to be used downstream a pri-
mary SPD (DS40, DUT40...) located in the main electrical panel.
These surge protectors provide common and differential mode pro- Characteristics
tection with a maximum discharge current of 40 kA. AC network 230/400V 120/208 V
3-phase version DUT10-230/G DUT10-120/G
These SPDs could be also classified as Type 3 following IEC Single phase version DUM10-230/G DUM10-120/G
61643-1 AC system TN - TT TN - TT
Max. operating voltage Uc 255 Vac 150 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 150 Vac
Operating current lc none none
Leakage current at Uc
Follow current If none none
Nominal discharge current ln 5 kA 5 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 10 kA 10 kA
max. withstand 8/20 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 1.5 kV/ 1 kV (MC/MD) 1.5 kV/0.6 kV (MC/MD)
Admissible short-circuit current 10000 A 10000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
3-Phase and Single phase Surge Protector
Fuses gG type - 20 A max. (see Note 1)
Type 2 (or 3) monobloc Installation ground fault breaker «S» type or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Discharge currents: In: 5 kA / Imax: 10 kA Dimensions Voir drawing
Connection to AC network screw terminal : 4-35 mm²
Common/Differential mode Disconnection indicators Red light(s) on
F050317B - document could be modified without notice

Remote signaling of disconnection none

Protection levels Up: 1.5/1 kV Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Disconnection indicators Protection class IP20
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Standards compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be
used (up to 40 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
1 - p h a s e Ty p e 2 AC p o w e r S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 15 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

67 18





Electrical diagram

DS215S-xxx/G DS215S-xxx

The DS215 Type 2 surge protectors are compact devices designed L N L/N L/N

to protect single phase networks at the main switchboard. They pro- C C

vide a common mode protection. Ft

V : High energy varistor
DS215 are available for 230V or 120V AC network and the different V V V Ft : Thermal fuse
C : Remote signaling contact
distribution systems (TN, TT, IT). GDT
t° : Thermal disconnection system
This SPD is based on high energy varistor equipped with thermal GDT :Gas discharge tube N/PE
disconnectors and failure indicator, to comply with standards. Ver-
sion with a remote signaling for disconnection indication is also
available (DS215S).
The DS215 is DIN rail compatible and is built with a plug-in module
and a fixed base, which allows an easy and fast maintenance. Characteristics
CITEL part number DS215-400 DS215-230/G DS215-120/G
Single-phase network 230 V 230 V 120 V
Neutral configuration TT-TN-IT TN TN
Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 255 Vac 150 Vac
Operating current lc < 1 mA << 1 mA << 1 mA
Leakage current at Uc
Compact single-phase Type 2 SPD Protection Mode(s) MC (2) MC/MD (2) MC/MD (2)
Nominal discharge current ln 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Discharge currents : In : 5 kA / Imax : 15 kA 15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA
Common/Differential mode max. withstand 8/20 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 1.3 kV 1.5/0.9 kV (2) 1.5/0.6 kV (2)
Pluggable module Residual voltage at 5 kA 1.3 kV 0.9 kV 0.6 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 10000 A 10000 A 10000 A
Remote signaling contact (option) Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnector internal
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Fuses Fuses type gG - 20 A max. (see Note 1)
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Protection Mechanical characteristics

Dimensions see diagram


Part number Neutral

Network Connection by screw terminals : 1,5-10 mm² (L/N) or 2,5-25 mm² (PE)

available configuration

Disconnection indicator 2 mechanical indicators

F07094 - document could be modified without notice

Remote signaling of disconnection Option DS215S - output on changeover contact

DS215-230/G 230 V Single phase TT-TN • • Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
DS215S-230/G 230 V Single phase TT-TN • • • Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
DS215-400 230 V Single phase IT •
DS215S-400 230 V Single phase IT • • Protection class IP20
DS215-230 230 V Single phase TN • Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
DS215S-230 230 V Single phase TN • • Standards compliance
DS215-120/G 120 V Single phase TT-TN • • NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
DS215S-120/G 120 V Single phase TT-TN • • • IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
DS215-120 120 V Single phase TT-TN • EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
DS215S-120 120 V Single phase TT-TN • • UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 40 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Note 2 : MC = Common mode (L/PE or N/PE)/ MD = Differential mode (L/N)
S i n g l e p h a s e Ty p e 2 AC S u r g e P r o t e c t o r 10 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

58 18




Electrical diagram


DS98 AC surge protector is used for the ‘secondary» protection of

the single phase networks against the surge voltages created by V : MOV
GDT : Gas tube
lightning. t
t o
Ft : Thermal fuse
It is based on an association between a high energy gas tube and V V t° : Thermal disconnection mechanism
varistors. DS98 is equipped with an internal thermal safety which
will disconnect the unit from the AC network in case of end of life. GDT

This disconnection will be indicated by the turn on of the red led in L N

the front.
Very compact, the DS98 surge protector must be installed close by
the equipment to protect, downstream a «primary» surge protector Characterics
( e.g. DS40). DS98 provides both a common and differential mode CITEL part Number DS98-400 DS98-120
Single Phase AC network 230 V 120 V
AC system TN - TT - IT TN - TT
These surge protectors can be classified as Type 2 or Type 3, follow- Max. operating voltage Uc 255 Vac 150 Vac
ing test class II or III from IEC 61643-1 standard. TOV withstand UT 400 Vac 150 Vac
The electrical configuration of the DS98 allows a connection in par- Max. load current IL
16 A 16 A
in case of series mounting
allel or series modes. In the last case, the maximum load current Leakage current lc without without
is 16 A. Leakage current at Uc
Follow current If without without
Nominal discharge current ln 5 kA 5 kA
15 x 8/20 μs current impulse
Maximal discharge current lmax 10 kA 10 kA
max. withstand in 8/20 μs impulse
Protection level (@ In) Up 1.5 kV/ 1 kV 0.7 kV/ 0.7 kV
Common mode/Differential mode
Tenue en onde combinée Uoc 10 kV 10 kV
Cost effective Single phase Surge Protector Test de classe III
Admissible short circuit current 10000 A 10000 A
Type 2 (or 3) monobloc Associated disconnection devices
Thermal disconnetor internal
Discharge currents: In: 5 kA / Imax: 10 kA Fuses Fuse type gG - 20 A max. (see Note 1)
RDC breaker (if any) «S» Type or delayed
Common/Differential mode Caractéristiques mécaniques
Dimensions see diagram
Series or parallel wiring Connection to network by screw terminal : 2,5 mm² max
F06021B - document could be modified without notice

Disconnection indicatot Red light on

IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Protection class IP20
housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Standard compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II et III
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II et III
EN 61643-11 Europe Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II et III
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 40 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Note 2 : MC = Common mode (L/PE or N/PE)/ MD = Differential mode (L/N)
Single-Phase Surge Protector and Filter 10 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

59 70


Electrical diagram


The DS-HF is a secondary Type 2 surge protector and RFI filter espe- Lin

cially designed to protect sensitive equipment connected to single- Nin

Ft Ft Ft

phase networks. V: Varistor

The «surge protection» function is completed by RFI filtering : this GDT: Gas discharge tube
Ft: Thermal fuse
combination of functions results in enhanced efficiency against tran- GDT
t°: Thermal disconnection
sient overvoltages (improved protection level) and RF interferences. system

The DS-HF can be classified as secondary Type 2 or Type 3 SPD

following IEC 61643-1. It is connected in series on AC network Characteristics
(maximum line current 16 A) , downstream of a primary Type 2 SPD CITEL part number DS-HF DS-HF-120
(e.g. DS40), installed in the main electrical switchboard, to protect a Single-phase network 230 V 120 V
remote or sensitive equipment. AC system TN - TT - IT TN - TT
Max. operating voltage Uc 255 Vac 150 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 150 Vac
Operating current lc < 1 mA < 1 mA
leakage current at Uc
Max. line current IL 16 A 16 A
Nominal discharge current ln 3 kA 3 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 10 kA 10 kA
Max. withstand 8/20 μs
Protection level (CM/DM) Up 1 kV/ 0.8 kV 0.6 kV/ 0.5 kV
Combination waveform test Uoc 6 kV 6 kV
Class III test
RFI filtering 0.1 - 30 MHz 0.1 - 30 MHz
Surge protector with RFI filtering Admissible short-circuit current 10000 A 10000 A
Associated disconnection devices
Discharge currents : In : 3kA / Imax : 10 kA Thermal disconnector internal
Fuses Fuses type gG - 20 A max. (see Note 1)
Common and differential mode protection Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed
Mechanical characteristics
Low protection level Dimensions see diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 0,75 - 4 mm²
Operating/disconnection indicators Voltage/operating indicator Green led(s) on
F99077E - document could be modified without notice

IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance Disconnection indicator Green led off
Remote signaling of disconnection none
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Standards compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II et III
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II et III
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II and III
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: Rating in compliance with nominal discharge current. In order to increase service continuity, higher rating can be used
(up to 40 A). For further information, please consult product instructions.
Coordination Inductors
Dimensions (in mm)

DSH35 - DSH2x16

Lin Lout


Lin Lout

DSH63 - DSH100
59 106

Lin Lout


These coordination inductors are specially designed to control the

implementation of the primary and secondary levels of DS surge
They are necessary where the coordination cannot be accomplished
using the «natural» inductance of the active conductors (in particular
in a small volume, where the length of line wire between primary
Electrical diagram
SPD and secondary SPD is lower than 10 m).
DSH inductors are DIN rail compatible and are connected in series
DSH35 DSH63 DSH2x16
on the line to be protected and depend on the maximum line cur-
rent. Lin Lout Lin Lout Lin Lin

Several current values are available: 16A, 35A, 63A and 100 A.

Lin Lout Lout Lout

L : inductor

Coordination inductors for Surge Protectors

For use with the DS series Characteristics
CITEL part number DSH100 DSH63 DSH35 DSH2x16
35A, 63A, 100A and 2 x 16A versions Type inductor inductor inductor double
Connexion mode 1 DSH in 1 DSH in 1 DSH in 1 DSH in
series on series on series on series on 2
each active each active each active active wires
wire wire wire
Max. operating voltage Uc 500 Vac 500 Vac 500 Vac 500 Vac
Max. line current IL 100 A 63 A 35 A 2 x 16 A
Line inductance 15 μH 15 μH 15 μH 2 x 15 μH
F050319A - document could be modified without notice

Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions see diagram
Connection - by screw terminals : 6-35 mm² (DSH2x16 and DSH35),
4-50 mm² (DSH63 and DSH100)
- by bus (DSH2x16 et DSH35)
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0 and UL94-5VA (DSH35-DSH2x16)
DC power supply surge protector 2-6 kA
Dimensions (in mm)

67 18

+ -



Electrical diagram
+ -

The DS210..DC surge protector is designed to protect equipment Ft Ft

connected to DC (and AC) power supplies from lightning surges.
V: Varistor
It is based on varistors matched to the network voltage (12, 24, 48, V V
Ft: Thermal fuse
75, 95,110 and 130Vdc): the varistors have thermal disconnection t°: Thermal disconnection system
devices to control any end-of-life case. A green LED that indicates
«Power On» when lit and «Disconnection» when off, facilitates main-
tenance. In addition, the «surge protection» function is pluggable
to make replacement simple and rapid (spare module : DSM210-..
The DS210..DC is DIN rail compatible and is connected in parallel
on the line to be protected. Surge protector for DC supplies
From 12 to 130V
Discharge currents : Imax : 2 to 6 kA
Disconnection indicator
Pluggable module

CITEL part number DS210-12DC DS210-24DC DS210-48DC DS210-75DC DS210-95DC DS210-110DC DS210-130DC
Nominal DC voltage Un-dc 12 Vdc 24 Vdc 48 Vdc 75 Vdc 95 Vdc 110 Vdc 130 Vdc
Maximal AC voltage Uc 10 Vac 15 Vac 40 Vac 60 Vac 75 Vac 95 Vac 115 Vac
Maximal DC voltage Uc-dc 15 Vdc 30 Vdc 56 Vdc 85 Vdc 100 Vdc 125 Vdc 150 Vdc
Nominal discharge current ln 1 kA 1 kA 1 kA 2 kA 2 kA 2 kA 2 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 2 kA 2 kA 2 kA 6 kA 6 kA 6 kA 6 kA
Max. withstand 8/20 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 85 V 105 V 180 V 250 V 300 V 350 V 400 V
Associated disconnection devices
F98061E - document could be modified without notice

Thermal disconnector internal

Fuses Fuses type gG - 10 A
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions see diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 1.5-10 mm² (active wires) - 2,5-25 mm² (Ground)
Disconnection indicator Green led off
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Ty p e 1 S u r g e P r o t e c t o r f o r P h o t o v o l t a i c 12.5 kA
Dimensions and Diagram

70 72



+ -
V : High energy MOV
Ft : Thermal fuse
Ft Ft t° : Thermal disconnection mechanism
t t

DS60PV are Type 1 Heavy Duty Surge Protectors are designed to V V

protect against lightning surge voltages in photovoltaic power sup-
ply networks. These units must be installed in parallel on the DC
networks to be protected and provide common mode protection.
These protectors are recommended when a direct lightning strike is
possible on the installation.
The DS60PV is available for the main operating voltages in photo-
voltaic : 500 and 1000 Vdc. Characteristics
The use of Type 1 surge protector is recommended at both ends of CITEL part number DS60PV-500 DS60PV-1000
the DC power supply line (solar panel side and inverter/converter Nominal voltage network 500 Vdc 1000 Vdc
side) in case of risk of direct lightning strike on the installation. Max. operating voltage Uc 550 Vdc 1000 Vdc
The electrical diagram of the DS60PV is based on high energy Operating current lc < 1 mA < 1 mA
Leakage current at Uc
MOVs equipped with specific thermal disconnectors, related failure Follow current If none none
indicators and contact for remote signaling (option). It is designed Nominal discharge current ln 40 kA 40 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
to conduct heavy lightning currents (10/350 μs waveform) possible Max. lightning current by pole limp 12.5 kA 12.5 kA
in case of direct strikes on installation. tenue max. 10/350 μs
The DS60PV is made with a monobloc enclosure and mounts on Residual voltage (at Iimp) Ures 1.6 kV 1.9 kV
Protection level (at In) Up 1.7 kV 2.4 kV
DIN rail.
Associated disconnection
Thermal disconnector internal
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions See diagram
Connection by screw terminals : 6-35 mm² / by bus
Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator
Type 1 SPD for Photovoltaic Remote signaling output on changeover contact (option DS60PVS)
Iimp : 12,5 kA (10/350 μs wave by pole) Mounting Symmetrical rail 35 mm
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Itotal : 25 kA (10/350 μs wave) Protection clase IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic PEI UL94-5VA
Internal disconnector, failure indicator Standards compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II
Remote signal option IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class I and II
F07099 - document could be modified without notice

EN 61643-11 Europe Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe I et II

Complies EN 61643-11, IEC 61643-1 UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Ty p e 2 S u r g e P r o t e c t o r f o r P h o t o v o l t a i c 40 kA
Dimensions and diagram
DS50PV-800 DS50PV-500
DS50PV-1000 DS50PV-600
67 54 36

+ - + -




+ - + -


t t

DS50PV are Type 2 Surge Protectors are designed to protect against

lightning surge voltages in photovoltaic power supply networks. V V V V V

These units must be installed in parallel on the DC networks to be C


protected and provide common and differential modes protection.

The DS50PV is available for the main operating voltages in photo- DS50PV-800 DS50PV-500
V : High energy MOV
voltaic : 500, 600, 800 and 1000 Vdc. DS50PV-1000 DS50PV-600
Ft : Thermal fuse
The use of Type 2 surge protector is recommended at both ends of t° : Thermal disconnection mechanism
C : Contact for remote signal (Option DS50PVS)
the DC power supply line (solar panel side and inverter/converter
side), especially if the line routing is external and long.
The electrical diagram of the DS50PV is based on high energy MOVs
equipped with specific thermal disconnectors and related failure in-
CITEL part number DS50PV-500 DS50PV-600 DS50PV-800 DS50PV-1000
dicators. A remote signal feature is also available (DS50PVS-xxx) Network voltage 500 Vdc 600 Vdc 800 Vdc 1000 Vdc
The DS50PV is made with plug-in modules to allow a fast and easy Protection mode MC (1) MC MC/MD MC/MD
maintenance in case of failure (disconnection from the DC net- Max. operating voltage Ucpv 530 Vdc 680 Vdc 840 Vdc 1060 Vdc
work). Operating current lc < 0.1 mA <0. 1 mA <0. 1 mA < 0.1 mA
Leakage current at Uc
Follow current If none aucun aucun aucun
Nominal discharge current ln 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA
tenue max. 8/20 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 1.8 kV 2.5 kV 3 kV 3.6 kV
Residual voltage at 10 kA 1.5 kV 2.2 kV 2.5 kV 3 kV
Residual voltage at 5 kA 1.3 kV 1.8 kV 2.2 kV 2.6 kV
Type 2 Surge Protector for Photovoltaic Disconnector
Thermal Disconnector internal
Discharge currents In: 20 kA / Imax: 40 kA Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions see diagram
Plug-in modules Connection by screw terminals : 4-25 mm² / by bus
Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator by pole
Remote signal option Remote signaling Option DS50PVS - output on changeover contact
Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm
IEC 61643-1 compliance
F07097D - document could be modified without notice

Operating temperature -40/+85 °C

Protection class IP20
Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Standards compliance
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD - Test Class II
EN 61643-11 Europe Parafoudre Basse Tension - Essais Classe II
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS
Note 1: MC = Common Mode (+/PE ou -/PE) et MC/MD = Common Mode and Differential Mode (+/-)
AC power Surge Protector Panels




The surge protector panels are intended to protect 230/400V or Versions

120/208V (Single or 3-Phase) electrical installations from transient Many versions are available to fit different needs :
overvoltages generated by lightning or by the electrical environ- - Imax (by pole) : 70 or 40 kA (Type 2 surge protector)
ment. - Iimp (by pole) : 15 or 25 kA (Type 1 surge protector)
These panels are based on the use of DIN rail AC power surge pro- - Single and 3-Phase network
tectors (DS series) : these protections combine performance (very - Network voltage : 230/400V or 120/208V
high discharge capacity, fast response time, common and differen- - Signaling and remote signaling of disconnection
tial mode protection) and safety (electrical and thermal disconnec- - Fuses included
tion, indication and remote signaling). - RFI filtering (CBB and CBA)
Installation of these surge protector panels do not require any ex-
ternal devices, these ones being already equipped with protective Options for specific versions :
fuses in compliance with standards - Breaker
- Resetting breaker system
3 types of panels are available : - Lightning counter
CBC series : - AC network monitoring
«Single stage» surge protection panel, they are factory hardwired, - Data or telecom line protection
including protective fuses. Their implementations are optimized and
surge protection efficiency enhanced. Safety
According to standards, the surge protection panels are equipped
CBB series : with devices to monitor their end of life :
«Double stage» surge protection panel with coordination inductors - Protective fuses for short-circuit currents
to decrease dramatically the residual voltage at the output of the - Thermal disconnectors included in the surge protectors to prevent
protection. RFI filtering feature integrated. from thermal runaway.
The status of these safety devices are monitored by indicators and
CBA series : auxiliary dry contacts : in case of one or more failure, these mecha-
«Surge + isolation» protection panel designed for maximum effi- nisms will operate and any equipment connected will be activated
ciency (Up< 0,5 kV) and with galvanic isolation from the upstream (buzzer, external indicators, modem transmission...).
network (by high isolation transformer). RFI Filtering feature inte-
F050323A - document could be modified without notice

AC power Surge Protector Panels

CBC version A47


P1 : Primary surge protector

P2 : Secondary surge protector
L : Coordination inductor
F : Fuses
C : Remote signaling contact
RF : RFI filtering
Single and 3-Phase surge protector panels
Type 1 and Type 2 CBB version
Common mode and differential mode
«Coordination» and «Isolation» versions F

Disconnection indicator and remote signaling

of thermal and electrical disconnection RF

Individual module for each phase

Pluggable module (Type 2)
IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 compliance
Specific versions on request CBA version

F Transformer

F050323A - document could be modified without notice
AC power Surge Protector Panels

CITEL part number CBC CBB CBA
Configuration Single stage Coordination + Filtering Coordination + Isolation
Type of protection Type 1 Type 2 Type 2 Type 1 Type 2 Type 2 Type 2
Network voltage* 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V 230/400V
A48 Max. operating voltage Uc 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Temporary overvoltage withstand UT 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac 400 Vac
Single phase network (TT, TN) CBC152-230 CBC72-230 CBC42-230 CBB152-xx-230 CBB72-xx-230 CBB42-xx-230 CBA42-xx-KVA-230
3-Phase network (TNC, IT) CBC153-400 CBC73-400 CBC43-400 CBB153-xx-400 CBB73-xx-400 CBB43-xx-400 -
3-Phase + neutral network (TT, TNS) CBC154-230 CBC74-230 CBC44-230 CBB154-xx-230 CBB74-xx-230 CBB44-xx-230 CBA154-xx-KVA-230
Common and differential mode protection yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
RFI filtering no no no yes yes yes yes
Max. line current IL - - - 35 or 63 A 35 or 63 A 35 or 63 A 4 at 44 A (single)/1,5 à 15 A (tri)
Maximum Power - - - 8 or 15 kVA (single phase)/24 or 44 kVA (tri) 1 - 3 - 5 - 8 -10 kVA
Operating current lc none none none < 1 mA < 1 mA < 1 mA < 1 mA
Leakage current at Uc
Follow current If none none none none none none none
Nominal discharge current ln 20 kA 30 kA 15 kA 20 kA 30 kA 15 kA 15 kA
15 x 8/20 μs impulses
Maximum discharge current lmax - 70 kA 40 kA - 70 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Max. withstand 8/20 μs
Max. lightning current Iimp 15 kA - - 15 kA - - 15 kA
Max. withstand. 10/350 μs
Protection level (at In) Up 1,5 kV 2 kV 1,5 kV 1 kV 1.3 kV 1.1 kV 0.5 kV
Admissible short-circuit current 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A 25000 A
Thermal disconnectors internal to each surge protector internal to each surge protector internal to each surge protectors
Electrical disconnectors internal to each panel internal to each panel internal to each panel
Installation ground fault breaker Type «S» or delayed (if required) Type «S» or delayed (if required) Type «S» or delayed (if required)
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions See table «Part number» See table «Part number» See table «Part number»
Weight See table «Part number See table «Part number» See table «Part number»
Protection class IP65 IP65 IP45
Housing material ABS UL94-V0 ABS UL94-V0 Metal
Operating temperature -40/+85 °C -40/+85 °C -40/+85 °C
Mounting Wall mounted by screws (not supplied) Wall mounted by screws (not supplied) Wall mounted by screws or set down
Wiring access Transparency hinged front door Transparency hinged front door Transparency hinged front door
Connection by screws : 2,5-25 mm² and 6-35 mm² (CBC15x) by screws : 2,5-25 mm² and 6-35 mm² (CBC15x) by screw terminals : 6-25 mm²
Mechanical indicators on surge
Disconnection indication Mechanical indicators on surge protectors and fuses Mechanical indicators on surge protectors and fuses
protectors and fuses
Auxiliary contacts on surge
Remote signaling of disconnection Auxiliary contacts on surge protectors and fuses Auxiliary contacts on surge protectors and fuses
protectors and fuses
Standards compliance
IEC 61643-1 International Low Voltage SPD Low Voltage SPD Low Voltage SPD
NF EN 61643-11 France Parafoudre Basse Tension Parafoudre Basse Tension Parafoudre Basse Tension
EN 61643-11 Europe Low Voltage SPD Low Voltage SPD Low Voltage SPD
UL1449 ed.2 USA Low Voltage TVSS Low Voltage TVSS Low Voltage TVSS

*) Each part number is available in 120/208 V network

F050323A - document could be modified without notice
AC power Surge Protector Panels

Part number
CBC series
Network 230V Network 120V Discharge current by Max. line Dimension
Max. Power Weight
Single phase single phase pole current (l x h x p - in mm)
CBC152-230 CBC152-120 Iimp = 15 kA (10/350μs) - - 1.7 kg A49
CBC72-230 CBC72-120 Imax = 70 kA - - 215 x 210 x 100 1.5 kg
CBC42-230 CBC42-120 Imax = 40 kA - - 1.4 kg
Network 230/400V Network 120/208V
3-Phase 3-Phase
CBC153-400 CBC153-120 Iimp = 15 kA (10/350μs) - - 410 x 285 x 140 3.8 kg
CBC73-400 CBC73-120 Imax = 70 kA - - 2.6 kg
298 x 260 x 140
CBC43-400 CBC43-120 Imax = 40 kA - - 2.4 kg
Network 230/400V Network 120/208V
3-Phase+neutral 3-Phase+neutral
CBC154-230 CBC154-120 Iimp = 15 kA (10/350μs) - - 410 x 285 x 140 4.2 kg
CBC74-230 CBC74-120 Imax = 70 kA - - 3 kg
298 x 260 x 140
CBC44-230 CBC44-120 Imax = 40 kA - - 2.8 kg

CBB series
Network 230V Network 120V Discharge current Max. line Dimension
Power max. Weight
single phase single phase by pole current (l x h x p - in mm)
CBB152-35-230 CBB152-35-120 Iimp = 15 kA (10/350μs) 35 A 8 kVA 4.1 kg
CBB152-63-230 CBB152-63-120 Iimp = 15 kA (10/350μs) 63 A 14.5 kVA 4.4 kg
CBB72-35-230 CBB72-35-120 Imax = 70 kA 35 A 8 kVA 4 kg
410 x 285 x 140
CBB72-63-230 CBB72-63-120 Imax = 70 kA 63 A 14.5 kVA 4.3 kg
CBB42-35-230 CBB42-35-120 Imax = 40 kA 35 A 8 kVA 3.7 kg
CBB42-63-230 CBB42-63-120 Imax = 40 kA 63 A 14.5 kVA 4 kg
Network 230/400V Network 120/208V
3-Phase+neutral 3-Phase+neutral
CBB154-35-230 CBB154-35-120 Iimp = 15 kA (10/350μs) 35 A 24 kVA 7.5 kg
CBB14-63-230 CBB154-63-120 Iimp = 15 kA (10/350μs) 63 A 44 kVA 8.1 kg
CBB74-35-230 CBB74-35-120 Imax = 70 kA 35 A 24 kVA 7.5 kg
410 x 463 x 140
CBB74-63-230 CBB74-63-120 Imax = 70 kA 63 A 44 kVA 7.9 kg
CBB44-35-230 CBB44-35-120 Imax = 40 kA 35 A 24 kVA 6.9 kg
CBB44-63-230 CBB44-63-120 Imax = 40 kA 63 A 44 kVA 7.5 kg

CBA series
Network 230V Network 120V Discharge current Max. line Dimension
Power max. Weight
single phase single phase by pole current (l x h x p - in mm)
CBA42-1KVA-230 CBA42-1KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 5A 1 kVA 34 kg
600 x 400 x 250
CBA42-3KVA-230 CBA42-3KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 13 A 3 kVA 56 kg
CBA42-5KVA-230 CBA42-5KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 22 A 5 kVA 75 kg
CBA42-8KVA-230 CBA42-8KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 35 A 8 kVA 600 x 400 x 400 76 kg
CBA42-10KVA-230 CBA42-10KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 44 A 10 kVA 80 kg
Network 230/400V Network 120/208V
3-Phase+neutral 3-Phase+neutral
CBA44-1KVA-230 CBA44-1KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 1.5 A 1 kVA 35 kg
CBA44-3KVA-230 CBA44-3KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 4.5 A 3 kVA 62 kg
F050323A - document could be modified without notice

CBA44-5KVA-230 CBA44-5KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 7.5 A 5 kVA 700 x 500 x 250 76 kg

CBA44-8KVA-230 CBA44-8KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 11.5 A 8 kVA 82 kg
CBA44-10KVA-230 CBA44-10KVA-120 Imax = 40 kA 14.5 A 10 kVA 87 kg
Specific AC Surge Protection Panels
Series M


The M Series AC surge protection panels have been espe- Series M80 M100 M160 M200
cially designed for the standards, the AC networks and the Max. discharge current Imax 80 kA 100 kA 160 kA 200 kA
by phase (1)
installation conditions used in the USA
Type of Network
They are available for different types of AC configurations, in 120/240 Vac Split Phase 3Ph+PE M80-120T M100-120T M160-120T M200-120T
several discharge capabilities and are equipped with features 120/208 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE M80-120Y M100-120Y M160-120Y M200-120Y
220/380 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE M80-220Y M100-220Y M160-220Y M200-220Y
(LED status indicators, audible alarm...). AC Surge protec- 277/480 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE M80-277Y M100-277Y M160-277Y M200-277Y
tion panels, single or 3-Phase, available in several discharge 240/415 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE M80-240Y M100-240Y M160-240Y M200-240Y
120/120/240 Vac Hi-Leg Delta 3Ph/N PE M80-240DCT M100-240DCT M160-240DCT M200-240DCT
capabilities (Imax = 80, 100, 160 and 200 kA) and built in 240 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE M80-240D M100-240D M160-2s40D M200-240D
NEMA 4 enclosures. 347/600 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE - - M160-347Y M200-347Y
480 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE
Surge protection diagram is based on high energy MOVs and - - M160-480D M200-480D
Protection modes L/N - L/PE - N/PE - L/L
filtering capacitors in order to provide very high discharge cur-
Admissible short-circuit current 200 kA
rents, low residual voltages and EMI/RFI filtering operation. RFI filtering - 40 dB
In compliance with UL1449 standard, the operation safety, in Standards compliance UL1449 -IEC 61643-1
case of end of life, is given by internal disconnectors linked to Safety
status indicators and a remote signaling circuit. Thermal disconnector internal to each surge protector
Electrical disconnector internal to each panel
Failure indicators by Led
Failure indicators in option audible alarm and remote signaling
Mechanical characteristics
Housing material Metal - NEMA 4
AC Surge protection Panels Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Mounting Wall mounting by screws (not supplied)
RFI filter Connection to AC network on screw terminal
Dimensions (H x L x D) 203 x 152 x 89 mm (8’’x 6’’x 3.5’’)
Comply US AC networks Specific features
Disconnection switch no
Common & differential mode protection Replaceable internal surge protectors no

Signaling and remote signaling 1) The 8/20μs discharge current values are given following the north american process

UL1449 2ed. & IEC 61643-1 compliance

F050328A - document could be modified without notice

Voltage specifications
Residual voltage (V) follow. UL1449@500 A
Version Network max Voltage (Uc)
Mxxx-120T 120/240 Vac Split Phase 3Ph+PE 150Vac 400 400 500 800
Mxxx-120Y 120/208 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 150Vac 400 400 500 800
Mxxx-220Y 220/380 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 320Vac 1000 1000 1000 1800
Mxxx-277Y 277/480 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 320Vac 1000 1000 1000 1800
Mxxx-240Y 240/415 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 320Vac 1000 1000 1000 1800
Mxxx-240DCT 120/120/240 Vac Hi-Leg Delta 3Ph/N PE 150/320Vac 1000 1000 1000 1000
Mxxx-240D 240 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE 320Vac - 1000 - 1800
Mxxx-347Y 347/600 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 550Vac 1500 1500 1500 3000
Mxxx-480D 480 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE 500Vac - 1500 - 3000
AC Surge protection Panels - Modular
SP Series


These AC surge protection panels have been especially Series SP120 SP165 SP200 SP330 SP400
adapted to US standards, AC networks and installation con- Max. discharge current
120 kA 165 kA 200 kA 300 kA 400 kA
Imax (8/20μs) by phase (1)
ditions. They are available in various configurations (single, Courant de choc
60 kA 60 kA 60 kA 60 kA 60 kA
3-phase...), various types (Type 1, Type 2) and equipped with Iimp (10/350μs) by phase (1)
different features. Type of AC Network
120/240 Vac Split Phase 3Ph+PE SP120-120T SP165-120T SP200-120T SP330-120T SP400-120T
120/208 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE SP120-120Y SP165-120Y SP200-120Y SP330-120Y SP400-120Y
These panels are based on CITEL DS range modular surge 277/480 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE SP120-277Y SP165-277Y SP200-277Y SP330-277Y SP400-277Y
protectors and are built with metallic housings (NEMA 4/12). 240/415 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE SP120-240Y SP165-240Y SP200-240Y SP330-240Y SP400-240Y
240 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE SP120-240D SP165-240D SP200-240D SP330-240D SP400-240D
They are in compliance with the relevant UL and IEC stan- 347/600 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE SP120-347Y SP165-347Y SP200-347Y SP330-347Y SP400-347Y
dards. 480 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE SP120-480D SP165-480D SP200-480D SP330-480D SP400-480D
280x230x115 381x381x190 381x381x190 381x381x190 381x381x190
(H x L x D in mm)
They are equipped with internal fuses to provide protection
Protection mode L/N - L/PE - N/PE - L/L
in case of short circuit currents and disconnection from AC Admissible short-circuit current 200 kA
network. Featuring failure indicators (Leds, buzzers) and re- Standards compliance UL1449 -IEC 61643-1
mote signal. Safety
Thermal disconnector internal on each surge protector
Electrical disconnector internal on each panel
Failure indicators Light indictor
Failure indicators in option audible alarme and remote signal
Mechanical characteristics
Housing material Metal - NEMA 4/12
Single & 3-phase surge protection Panels Operating temperature -40/+85 °C
Mounting Wall mounting by screws (not supplied)
Comply US AC networks Connection to AC network on screw terminal 35 mm² max.
Specific features
Common & Differential mode protection Disconnection switch in option
Replaceable internal surge protectors yes
Fault indicator & remote signal 1) The 8/20μs discharge current values are given following the north american process

Comply UL1449 2ed. & IEC 61643-1

F050328A - document could be modified without notice

Voltage specifications
Residual voltage (V) following UL1449@500 A Residual voltage (V) following UL449@10 kA
Version Network max. Voltage (Uc)
SP120 SP165 SP200 SP330 SP400 SP120 SP165 SP200 SP330 SP400
SPxxx-120T 120/240 Vac Split Phase 3Ph+PE 150Vac 385 435 435 415 415 605 585 585 575 575
SPxxx-120Y 120/208 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 150Vac 385 435 435 415 415 605 585 585 575 575
SPxxx-277Y 277/480 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 330Vac 735 850 850 820 820 975 955 955 925 925
SPxxx-240Y 240/415 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 330Vac 645 745 745 710 710 865 840 840 820 820
SPxxx-240D 240 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE 330Vac 645 745 745 710 710 865 840 840 820 820
SPxxx-347Y 347/600 Vac Wye 3Ph/N+PE 550Vac 970 935 935 905 905 1350 1310 1310 1210 1210
SPxxx-480D 480 Vac Delta 3Ph+PE 550Vac 1415 1440 1440 1410 1410 1570 1500 1500 1480 1480

AC Surge Protectors
Plug and Hard-wired

P L U G a n d H A R D -W I R E D
AC power Surge Protectors

CITEL proposes a line of surge protectors for the single-phase AC net- The «Outlet» or «Multi-outlet» configurations of the Parasurge series allow
work access of sensitive terminal equipment. These products, named a fast and error-free installation by the end user.
«Parasurge», are available in various formats : Note: The wall outlet, receiving the Parasurge unit, must be connected to
the earthing network by the dedicated wire.
Plug-in outlet units (Parasurge, PBF)
AC/telecom combined outlet units (Parasurge)
Multi-outlet units (Parasurge Multi) Operation
Hard-wired units (MSB)
These surge protectors are based on an hybrid association of gas tube and
«Terminal» Surge Protectors varistors in order to obtain a relevant discharge current, in a compact size,
adapted to a secondary cost effective surge protection.
In order to ensure an efficient protection against surge voltages of ter- Moreover, they are equipped, in compliance with IEC 61643-1 standard ,
minals connected to AC network, it is recommended to install, close to with internal thermal safety which will disconnect the unit from AC network
sensitive equipment, an extra surge protector, in addition to the surge pro- in case of end of life. The operating status of the Parasurge is given by
tector installed at the entrance of the installation. This approach is more light indicator.
B2 necessary as the equipment to protect is further away of the primary surge
protector (> 30 m). «3-stage» Diagram
The MSB-HF versions use a multi-stage diagram for enhanced efficiency.
With these three protection stages, each having a distinct role, the surge
> 30 m protectors combine three functions normally provided by separate de-
Ph/N vices.

P1 P2 A - Input stage based on a gas discharge tube and varistors for a high
DS Parasurge discharge current capacity.
B - Intermediate stage consisting of an RFI filter to reject RF interfer-
ence and coordinate the input and output stages.
C - Output stage based on varistors for a very short response time and
low residual voltage.
These surge protectors are compact, easy to install and protect an equip-
ment (Parasurge) or a set of equipment (Parasurge Multi). They provide an This version is recommended for the protection of especially sensitive
adapted protection level (Up = 1.5 kV) and relevant discharge currents equipment.
(In=2.5 kA and Imax=5 kA).

Choosing a secondary surge protector

A wide choice of formats are available to provide a solution for any con-
The choice will be based on installation constraints : Network A B C Equipment
Simple, rapid installation Single/multiple outlet boxes
Telephone/Data equipment Combined units
Fixed, built-in installation Hard-wired units

The outlet-based versions are generally available in French and German


Theses surge protectors are used as secondary surge protection, in asso-
ciation with a primary surge protection (e.g. DS series) installed in the main
electrical switch board. The Parasurge protectors are designed to operate
in coordination with the primary surge protectors.
They are tested following Class II or Class III Test of the IEC 61643-1
These units are installed close by the sensitive equipment, providing a
greater efficiency.
AC power Surge Protectors

The Combined Surge Protectors

Terminals connected to several networks, as communication terminals con-
nected to telecom line and AC power network, are especially sensitive to
surge voltages : during a lightning event, surge voltages will occur, in com-
mon mode, on AC network and telecom network. But transient voltages
will appear also between these networks themselves : this phenomena will
create disturbances or destructions in the telecom equipment connected to
these networks.


AC network Sparkover Telecom line

Induction Induction
loop loop

For this reason, it is important to improve the safety of equipment as :

Modems (PSTN or ADSL)

Fax machines
TV set-top boxes
Telephone sets
Alarm transmitters
TV set

The Parasurge series from CITEL is the perfect answer to this issue, by offer-
ing a range of combined surge protectors (Telecom/AC, TV/AC, Telecom/
TV/AC versions).
Plug-in AC Surge Protection units


CITEL offers a wide range of surge protectors in plug-in unit format. tion circuit for analog telecom line (PSTN or ADSL).
The various available versions allow the protection against lightning This unit is installed easily on the wall AC outlet and the telecom line is con-
surge voltages of different types of sensitive equipment, such as per- nected on the RJ11 connectors of the Parasurge.
sonal computer or TV/Video systems.
This «plug-in» format, to fit in the wall AC outlet, allows a fast and Parasurge D/ISDN
error-free installation, directly on the wall outlet, by the end user. Version for ISDN line. This Parasurge is equipped with adapted surge protec-
This range of surge protectors is available with French, German or tion circuit and relevant RJ45 connectors.
US plugs.
Parasurge D/TV
Parasurge D Plug-in unit, similar to Parasurge D, but with an extra surge protection circuit
Plug-in unit built in with surge protection circuit for AC network. It for TV antenna or cable.
is based on gas tube and varistors hybrid association, with thermal This unit is installed easily on the wall AC outlet and the coaxial line is con-
safety to comply IEC 61643-1 standard. nected on the coaxial TV connectors of the Parasurge.
It is equipped with light indicators for surge protection status (active
or disconnected) and AC voltage status (voltage on/voltage off).
This Parasurge is available in French (Parasurge F), German
(Parasurge D) or US (Parasurge US) plugs.

Parasurge D/TEL
Plug-in unit, similar to Parasurge D, but with an extra surge protec-

Type 2 (or 3) AC Surge Protectors

«Plug-in» format
- Single AC plug version
- Telecom/AC version (Fax, Modem...)
- TV/AC version (antenna, satellite, cable)
F05042A - Document could be modified without notice

French, German, US AC plugs

Protection and AC voltage status indicators
Instantaneous installation
Complies with IEC 61643-1
Plug-in AC Surge Protection units

Dimensions (in mm)

60.5 40 60.5 40

103.5 103.5






Parasurge Parasurge F.. or D... Parasurge US..
Nominal voltage 230 V single phase 120 V single phase
Max. operating voltage (Uc) 250 Vac 150 Vac
Maximum line current 16 A 15 A
Protection level (Up) 1.5 kV 0.8 kV
Max. discharge current (Imax) 5 kA (1 x 8/20µs impulse)
Nominal discharge current (In) 2.5 kA (15 x 8/20µs impulse)
Safety disconnection disconnection by internal fuse
AC voltage on Orange led on
Surge protection active Green led on
Compliance IEC 61643-1
Combined versions for : Telecom-ADSL ISDN TV
Part number :
- French plug Parasurge F/TEL Parasurge F/RNIS Parasurge F/TV
- German plug Parasurge D/TEL Parasurge D/ISDN Parasurge D/TV
- US plug Parasurge US/TEL
Connection RJ11 RJ45 IEC or F connector
F05042A - Document could be modified without notice

Maximum line voltage 180 V 180 V 70 V

Protection level (Up) 240 V 240 V 300 V
Maximum discharge current (Imax) 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Nominal discharge current (In) 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
Multi-outlet Strip Surge Protectors
Dimensions (in mm)







CITEL offers a wide range of surge protectors in multi-outlet strip for-

mat. The various available versions allow the protection against light-
ning surge voltages of different types of sensitive equipment, such as
personal computer or TV/Video systems.
This «multi-outlet strip» format allows a convenient, fast and error-free
installation by the end user and replace a standard multi-outlet strip. Characteristics
This range of surge protectors is available with French and German Parasurge Multi (AC paramaters for all the models)
plugs/outlets. Nominal voltage 230 V single phase
The specific shape of the strip allows easy cord management.
Max. operating voltage (Uc) 250 Vac
Maximum line current 16 A
Parasurge Multi D
Protection level (Up) 1.5 kV
6-outlet strip built in with surge protection circuit for AC network. It is
based on gas tube and varistors hybrid association, with thermal safety Max. discharge current (Imax) 5 kA (1 x 8/20µs)

to comply IEC 61643-1 standard. Nominal discharge current (In) 2.5 kA (15 x 8/20µs)
It is equipped with switch and light indicators for surge protection status Safety disconnection Disconnection by internal fuse
(active or disconnected) and AC voltage status (voltage on/voltage AC voltage on Light switch on
off). Surge protection active Green light on
Compliance IEC 61643-1
Parasurge Multi D/TEL
Combined versions for : Telecom-ADSL TV antenna-sat.-cable
5-outlet strip, similar to Parasurge Multi D, but with an extra surge pro-
Models :
tection circuit for telecom line (PSTN or ADSL). This unit is connected - French plug/outlets Parasurge Multi F/TEL Parasurge Multi F/TV
by its cord on the wall AC outlet and the telecom line is connected on - German plug/outlets Parasurge Multi D/TEL Parasurge Mulit D/TV
the RJ11 connectors of the Parasurge Multi D/Tel. Connector RJ11 Coax. IEC et Coax. F
This surge protector is especially dedicated to personal computer sys- Max. line voltage 180 V 70 V
tem equipped with modem. Protection level (Up) 240 V 300 V
Maximum discharge current (Imax) 5 kA 5 kA
Parasurge Multi D/TV
Nominal discharge currentl (In) 2.5 kA 2.5 kA
5-outlet strip, similar to Parasurge D, but with an extra surge protection
circuit for TV antenna or cable.
«Multi-outlet strip» Surge Protectors
F04072B - Document could be modified without notice

This unit is connected by its cord on the wall AC outlet and the TV line is
connected on the TV connectors of the Parasurge Multi D/TV. - 6-outlet version
This surge protector is especially dedicated to Home Cinema installa- - 5-outlet + Telecom/AC version (Fax, Modem...)
tion with TV antenna or Cable TV connection. - 5--outlet + TV/AC version (antenna, satellite, cable)
French or German outlets
Protection and AC voltage status indicators
General switch
Complies with IEC 61643-1
Multi-outlet Strip Surge/RFI Protectors
Dimensions (in mm)






Parasurge MultiPro F
6-outlet strip built in with surge protection circuit for AC network. It
is based on gas tube and varistors hybrid association, with thermal 0

safety to comply IEC 61643-1 standard.

It is equipped with switch and light indicators for surge protection
status (active or disconnected) and AC voltage status (voltage on/ PARASURGE MULTIMEDIA F

voltage off). Moreover, this unit is featured with a RFI filter to protect
against HF disturbances.
The specific shape of the strip allows an easy cord management. 42

Parasurge MultiMedia F
6-outlet strip, similar to Parasurge MultiPro F, but with extra surge
protection circuits for telecom line (PSTN or ADSL) and TV connec-
tion. This unit is connected by its cord on the wall AC outlet and the
telecom line and TV is connected on the connectors of the Parasurge
MultiMedia F.
This surge protector is especially dedicated to computer/video sys- Product type Surge/RFI protector 6-outlet strip

tem equipped with modem and TV connection. Nominal voltage 230 V single phase
Max. operating voltage (Uc) 250 Vac
Parasurge MultiMedia F/MS Maximum line current 16 A
Version built-in with an «Master/Slave» feature : Automatic switch Protection level (Up) 1.5 kV
on/off of all the devices connected to the Parasurge in relation with Max. discharge current (Imax) 5 kA (1 x 8/20µs)
the status of the device connected on the «Master» outlet. That al-
Nominal discharge current (In) 2.5 kA (15 x 8/20µs)
lows an easy and safe control of the PC or Home Cinema system.
Safety disconnection Disconnection by internal fuse
AC voltage on Light switch on
«Multi-outlet strip» Surge Protectors Surge protection active Green light on

«MultiMedia» version : Compliance IEC 61643-1

Fonctionnalités Parasurge Parasurge
Telecom/TV protectors
F05046A - Document could be modified without notice

MultiPro F MultiMedia F
6 protected outlets yes yes
Protection and AC voltage status indicators
General switch yes yes
General switch AC surge protection yes yes

Complies with IEC 61643-1 RFI filter yes yes

Telecom (or ADSL) surge protection no yes
«Master/Slave» option
TV surge protection no yes
Hard-wired AC Surge Protectors



These surge protector units are designed to protect a single-phase input MSB10 range :
and are recommended for mounting on a board or in a utility box. This This compact plastic housings include an electrical diagram based on ther-
series lets you choose a product by housing (metal or plastic), dimensions, mally protected varistors and gas tube. The units are equipped with a led to
performance, connection mode (series or parallel), or type of connection indicate the right operation of the surge protection circuit.
(wires or screw terminal block). These surge protector comply with IEC When the led is switched off, it indicate, that the protector is disconnected
61643-1 or EN 61643-11, Class 2 or Class 3 Test. following a major defect.
MSB10 : Parallel connection to AC line and mounting on wall or plate
MSB-HF : by self-adhesive tape.
Metal box with output by wires, with 3-stage protection: MSB10C : Enclosure with cap and removable protection circuit. Con-
- Gas discharge tube stage for a high discharge current capacity. nection through screw terminal. Wall mounting.
- RFI filtering stage to limit RF interference. MSB10V : Connection through screw terminal. Wall mounting.
- Clamping stage for low residual voltage. MSB6 : Ultra compact version to include inside AC outlet. End of fife
warning by buzzer.
Simplified version of the MSB-HF with a 1-stage surge protection, connect-
ed to the network in parallel.

Référence CITEL MSB-230HF MSB-130HF MSB-230 MSB-130 MSB10-400 MSB10-120 MSB10C-400 MSB10V-400 MSB6-400
AC network 230 Vac 110-130 Vac 230 Vac 110-130 Vac 230 Vac 110-130 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac
Max. operating voltage - Uc 255 V 150 V 255 V 150 V 255 V 150 V 255 V 255 V 255 V
Maximum line current 16 A 16 A - - - - 16 A 16 A -
Protection level - Up 0.9 kV 0.6 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 1.5 kV 1 kV 1.5 kV 1.5 kV 1.5 kV
Maximum discharge current - Imax 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
(1 impulse @ 8/20µs)

Maximum discharge current - In 3 kA 3 kA 3 kA 3 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA

(15 impulses @ 8/20µs)
RFI filter 0,1 - 30 MHz 0,1 - 30 MHz none none none none none none none
- Attenuation @ 0,3 MHz 25 dB 25 dB
F05048A - Document could be modified without notice

- Attenuation @ 1 MHz 30 dB 30 dB
- Attenuation @ 10 MHz 40 dB 40 dB
Fail-safe disconnection and disconnection and disconnection disconnection disconnection disconnection disconnection and disconnection and disconnection
AC line cut off AC line cut off AC line cut off AC line cut off
Disconnection signalling green light off green light off green light off green light off green light off green light off green light off green light off Buzzer

No-connection to orange light off no no no no no no no no

earth signalling
Wiring wires wires wires wires wires wires screw terminal screw terminal wire
Mounting wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall AC outlet
Hard-wired AC Surge Protectors

Dimensions (in mm)






63 40 63 40


68 49
25.2 50 40 40 35
68 diam 4 49
25.2 50 40 40 35
diam 4

60 60 42 105
60 25 BUZZER

Ft Ft Ft 150
60 Lout 60 42 60
Ft to to
RFI to V
Equipt. Filter 150
to V V L N

Nin Nout

to to 150 11
GDT Equipt
40 L N
V63 V 40

GDT 11
24 24
Equipt Line


24 24
Electrical diagrams N L

Lin Lout
Ft L N
to MSB10V
Lt o N Ft Ft
to to

Ft V FtV Ft V V
Lin Lout Ft V
Ft Lin to to
to V Nin Nout
Filter V V
Ft Ft Ft
Nin Nout to V to
to to to to
F05048A - Document could be modified without notice

Wide range of hard-wired AC Surge Protectors

Surge/RFI Protection version
Operating indicators
Comply with IEC 61643-1

Te l e p h o n e a n d d a t a n e t w o r k s u r g e p r o t e c t o r s

Introduction Voltage
Lines Diagram
Nominal Residual
Telecommunication and data transmission devices (PBX, modems, data
terminals etc..) are becoming increasingly vulnerable to lightning-induced Switched telephone /ADSL 170 V 210 V Standard protection
voltage surges. Leased lines 24 V 35 V Enhanced protection
These devices are becoming more complex, sensitive and are currently Enhanced Protection
ISDN, T2 primary access 06 V 15 V
connected to several networks. This situation increases the risk for these Low capacitance
sensitive devices to be stressed by destructive surge voltages, induced by ISDN, T0 primary access 48V 62V Enhanced protection
lightning or by electrical switching operations.
Moreover, these devices are nowadays installed at every level of every in- Mechanical configurations
stallation (industrial, commercial and residential buildings), making these Surge protectors for telecom networks are designed to fit with existing in-
possible disturbances unacceptable and/or costly. stallation. So, the CITEL surge protectors are available in different versions
To make this telecom or data equipment sufficiently reliable, the installa- to allow :
tion of a dedicated surge protector, against transient overvoltages, is highly
recommended. Mounting on telecom MDF
Mounting on DIN rail
Surge protectors for telecom and data transmission terminals could be Insertion in connection strips
divided in 3 types : Wall mounting
Plug-in on termination outlets
Surge protectors for telecom networks
Surge protectors for industrial networks The decision whether or not to use surge protection would be taken by
Surge protectors for Local Area Networks (LANs) simplified risk assessment (see «Risk analysis» paragraph), or by detailed
C2 risk assessment (as the one included in IEC 61643-22 standard), or by
CITEL products differ by their electrical diagrams and their mechanical specific installation conditions as :
configurations, adapted to the need of each type of network.
Conditions Recommendation
Reminder: External telecom lines Systematic protection
Devices connected to telecom or data networks, are also connected to Lines downstream PBX Protection in long or inter-building
the AC distribution network : in order to ensure a coordinated protection, lines
surge protectors must be installed on each inter-connected networks. Existing AC surge protector Systematic protection

Protecting industrial networks

Protecting telecommunication Industrial installations, business or smart buildings are packed with an in-
equipment creasing quantity of measurement, control, supervisory equipment.
These systems are built with controller cards, probes, sensors and various
Telecom devices (PBX, Modems, Terminals..) are especially exposed to
sensitive electronic components: downtime on the operation on this equip-
lightning surges. CITEL offers a range of surge protectors dedicated to the
ment can be costy.
protecting of these types of telecommunication networks :

Thus, it is increasingly vital to guarantee a relevant level of reliability to

Ssurge protectors analog these systems: this can be obtained by installing dataline surge protec-
matched with telecom line telephone

line Equipment to be protected
Industrial or business installations are equipped with many different types
PCM/T2 of sensitive terminals, which must be protected against transient voltages,

ISDN/T0 Industrial process equipment

SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)
Transmission systems
I/O cards
Te l e p h o n e a n d d a t a n e t w o r k s u r g e p r o t e c t o r s

Interfaces, converters Mechanical configuration

Probes The surge protectors for data-processing networks are designed to fit with
Actuators the existing installation. In consequence, the surge protectors are equipped
Access control system with standard connectors (e.g. : RJ45) and are available in single enclo-
Fire detection system sure to protect a terminal equipment, or in 19’’ rack unit format to protect
Displays at the hub level.

Many data transmissions (or fieldbus) exist on the market. The table below
Technology of surge protectors
provides relevant CITEL surge protector model (DLA series : Din rail plug- All Citel telephone and data line surge protectors are based on reliable
gable module, and DLU series : Din rail monobloc module) in relation to multistage hybrid diagram that combines a high discharge current capacity
the type of data transmission. with fast response time.
All Citel telephone and data line surge protectors use a combination of
Network Wiring DLU DLA a 3-electrode gas discharge tube and fast clamping diodes, in order to
4-20 mA 1 pair DLU-24D3 DLA-24D3 provide:
Profibus-FMS 1 pair+Shield DLU-12D3 DLA-12D3
Profibus-PA 1 pair+Shield DLU-48D3 DLA-48D3
A nominal discharge current (repeated without destruction) greater
Profibus-DP 1 pair+Shield DLU-12DBC DLA-12DBC
than 5 kA @ 8/20 μs impulse
Interbus 1 pair+Shield DLU-12D3 DLA-12D3
An ultrafast response time < 1 ns
Foundation Fieldbus-H1 1 pair+Shield DLU-12D3 DLA-12D3
Foundation Fieldbus-H2 1 pair+Shield DLU-48DBC DLA-48DBC
Safety operation in end of life
WorldFIP 1 pair+Shield DLU-48DBC DLA-48DBC (Fail-safe behaviour)
Fipway 1 pair+Shield DLU-48DBC DLA-48DBC Low insertion losses to not disturb the transmission signal.
LONworks 1 pair+Shield DLU-48DBC DLA-12DBC C3
Batibus 1 pair+Shield DLU-12D3 DLA-12D3 The systematic use of 3-electrode discharge tubes provides optimum pro-
RS485 1 pair+Shield DLU-06D3 DLA-06D3 tection through simultaneous sparkover.
RS422 2 pairs DLU2-06D3 2 x DLA-06D3 This set of characteristics is essential for optimum reliability of the protected
RS232 4 wires DLU2-12D3 2 x DLA-12D3 equipment whatever the incident disturbance.

Mechanical configuration Various protection diagrams are available according to requirements and
CITEL surge protectors for industrial data network are designed to fit on the type of network to be protected:
symmetrical DIN rail.
In order to offer a large range of solutions, the surge protectors are avail-
able in various configurations : Standard protection, used mainly for the analog telecom network
Number of protected wires : from 1 wire to 2 pairs. (PSTN)
Transmission and protection of the shield wire Enhanced protection, for very low voltage transmission lines.
Plug-in modules : Version with removable module to ease the mainte- Line+Shield Protection : Transmission and protection for the shield
nance process. wire.
«K20» protection complying with the ITU-T K20 International
Protecting data-processing networks recommendation
«Low capacitance» protection for high bit rate links (> 1 Mbit/s)
As is the case in telecom or industrial networks, the installation of surge «Cat 5» or «Cat 6» surge protection : designed for very high bitrate
protectors on data-processing networks is necessary, especially in the fol- LAN (up to 1000 Mbit/s).
lowing cases : See list of diagrams, page C5.
Inter-building networks
Wide networks
High Electromagnetic disturbance density Standards
Tests process and installation recommendations for communication line
As for the other types of transmission lines, CITEL surge protectors for Local surge protectors must comply the following standards:
Area Networks (LANs) are based on association tripolar gas tubes and fast
clamping diodes to ensure efficiency on lightning surges. International:
However, two additional parameters are to be taken into account: very - IEC 61643-21 : Tests of surge protectors for communication lines.
low transmission voltage and high bitrate of the transmission. The CITEL - IEC 61643-22 : Choice/installation of surge protectors for communication lines.
surge protectors for data-processing networks are designed to fulfill these France:
requirements. - NF EN 61643-21 : Tests of surge protectors for communication lines
- Guide UTE C 15-443 : Choice/installation of surge protectors
Te l e p h o n e a n d d a t a n e t w o r k s u r g e p r o t e c t o r s

Use of surge protectors Installation

In case of lack of recommendations or standard requirements, the deci- To be effective, surge protectors must be installed in accordance with the
sion of using surge protectors on telecom and datalines could be taken following principles :
by following : The earth point of the surge protector and of the protected equipment
- the requirements of the terminal equipment manufacturer. must be interconnected.
- a curative action following equipment failure. The protection is installed on the network entrance, to divert impulse
- a risk analysis. currents as fast as possible.
The protected equipment must be nearby (protector/equipment dis-
Risk analysis tance less than 30 m long). If this rule cannot be followed, «secondary»
In order to assess quickly the probability of the lightning surges and theirs protection must be installed near the equipment
consequences, a simplified risk analysis could be performed following the (coordinated surge protection).
table below. The grounding conductor (between the earth output of the protector
Parameters Low Risk High Risk and the installation bonding circuit) must be as short as possible (less
Lightning density (Ng) < 2,5 > 2,5 than 0.50 m) and have a cross-sectional area of at least 2.5 mm².
Site configuration Single building Multiple buildings The earth resistance must comply with the standards in force (no spe-
Transmission length Short Long cial earthing requested).
External lines distribution Underground Overhead Protected and unprotected cables must be kept well apart to limit cou-
Electrical disturbances Low High pling.
Existing lightning rod No Yes
Lightning events Never Already Maintenance
Equipment sensitivity Low High
C4 CITEL dataline surge protectors require no maintenance or replacement.
Equipment costs Low High
They are designed to withstand repeated and heavy impulse currents with-
Low or accep- Expensive or unac-
Downtime costs out damage.
table ceptable
Nevertheless a controlled fail-safe mode (short circuit to earth) is planned
The level of recommendation (from «no recommendation» to «highly in case of surges exceeding the parameters of the surge protectors:
recommended») of using surge protectors increase with the number of Protective short-circuit occurs in the following cases :
parameters classified as «high risk» on the table. - sustained contact between the telecom line and a power line.
A more detailed risk analysis is available on the IEC 61643-22 standard. - exceptionally heavy lightning impulse current.
In these rare cases, the surge protectors will go definitively in short-circuit.
By this way, it protects the terminal equipment and warns about its failure.
Surge Protection parameters To re-active the line, the surge protector must be replace.
The basic parameters of the surge protector for datalines could be con-
In choosing surge protection for your installation, bear the following in
trolled with dedicated testers (CITEL SPT1003).
mind :
The type of line :
- There is an appropriate level of protection and protection diagram for
each type of line.
The site configuration : Special conditions : Lightning rod
- Number of lines to be protected.
If the installation to be protected is equipped with LPS (lightning rod), the
The requested type of installation :
surge protectors for telecom or datalines, connected on external lines must
The CITEL line provides the following possibilities :
be able to conduct 10/350 μs surge current with a rating of 2.5 kA mini-
- Installation in wall-mounted box, plug mounting, on distribution frame
mum (D1 category test in IEC 61643-21 standard).
- various types of connection (wrapping, IDC, screw terminals...)
Some surge protectors are equipped with pluggable modules (E280,
Te l e p h o n e a n d d a t a n e t w o r k s u r g e p r o t e c t o r s

Typical diagrams

Standard Protection Reinforced Protection Low capacitiance Protection




Protection + Shield «K20» type Protection High bitrate Protection




3-electrode GDT 2-electrode GDT 2-pole MOV 3-pole MOV

Protection Protection Protection Protection

Low capacitance
3- pole diode «CAT6» Protection Grounding Line continuity

P : 3-pole gas tube

PB : 2-pole gas tube
R : Line resistor
D : Fast Clamping Diode
D3 : 3-pole Clamping Diode
DBC : Low capacitance clamping diode
1,2 and 4-pair Surge Protectors
B180, B280, B480

B480 B180

The B180, B280 and B480 units are designed to protect, against
Dimensions (in mm)
surge voltages, terminals connected to telephone or data networks.
The electrical diagram is based on GDT and clamping diodes to B180
guarantee a maximum efficiency. 68
25.2 50

C6 These boxes are available for 1, 2 and 4 pairs : the protection print-
ed circuit is removable for easy and fast maintenance (removable
protection circuit S180.., S280.., S480..).

These compact boxes are designed for wall mounting and screw
connection. Versions exist for most telephone and datalines. 2 1
1 2

2 2
Equipt Line
Special versions are also available for the combined protection of 1 1

data transmission and remote power lines ( e.g. B480-24D3/A12 :

3 x 24V transmission pairs + 1 x 12Vdc power supply).
Contact us for more information.


1 to 4-pair surge protection units 35 60


All types of telephone and data lines

Removable protection circuit
Wall mounting and screw connection

F050411A - Document could be modified without notice

1, 2 and 4-pair Surge Protectors
B180, B280, B480

Configuration CITEL part number

1-pair unit B180-T - B180-24D3 B180-12D3 B180-06D3 -

2-pair unit B280-T B280-48D3 B280-24D3 B280-12D3 B280-06D3 B280-06DBC

4-pairs unit B480-T B480-48D3 B480-24D3 B480-12D3 B480-06D3 B480-06DBC

Application Telephone line ISDN-T0 Leased line RS232 RS422 T2 - T1
ADSL 48 V line 4-20 mA RS485 10BaseT
Configuration protected
- B180... 1 pair - LS 2 wires / 1 pair 2 wires 1 pair -
- B280... 2 pairs 1 channel LS 4 wires / 2 pairs 4 wires 2 pairs 1 channel
- B480... 4 pairs 2 channels 2 LS 4 wires/2x2pairs 8 wires 4 pairs/ 2x2 pairs 2 channels
Nominal line voltage (Un) 150 V 48 V 24 V 12 V 6V 6V
Maximum line voltage (Uc) 170 V 53 V 28 V 15 V 8V 8V
Minimum clamping voltage 190 V 60 V 35 V 20 V 10 V 15 V
Protection level (Up) 220 V 70 V 40 V 30 V 20 V 25 V
8/20μs impulse - 5 kA
Nominal discharge current (In) 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
8/20μs impulse - 10 times
Max. discharge current (Imax) 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
8/20μs impulse - 1 time
Lightning current (Iimp) 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10/350μs impulse - 2 times
Type of diagram A B B B B C
End of life Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit


Mechanical Characteristics Electrical diagram (for 1 pair)

Mounting wall (screws non included)
Dimensions see drawings schémas
Wiring screw terminal - mini/maxi cross section : 0.4/1.5 mm²
Huosing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0 A B
Spare circuit for B180-xx = S180-xx
for B280-xx = S280-xx
for B480-xx = S480-xx

P : 3-electrode gas tube

R : Resistor
D : Clamping diode
D3 : 3-pole clamping diode
DBC : 3-pole low capacitance diode
F050411A - Document could be modified without notice
DIN rail Surge Protector for dataline/telecom
Dimensions (in mm)

18 58
3 4
1 2 1 2

DIN rail DIN rail 90

Earth on
rail DIN
3 4 1 2
1 2


Electrical diagrams
DLU and DLU2 surge protectors are designed to protect, against DLU
surge voltages due to lightning, terminals equipment connected to 1-pair version
industrial buses, telecom lines or datalines.
These surge protectors must be installed on symmetrical DIN rail R
and are available for most of the transmission lines : line voltage 1 1
C8 from 6 to 170 V, bitrate up to 10 Mbit/s.
Electrical diagrams of DLU models are built with gas tubes and fast P D
clamping diodes in order to provide high discharge current capabil-
ity and fast operation. 2
The 2 versions are available: PB
1-pair (DLU) or 2-pair (DLU2) protection. These units are made with
DIN rail monobloc enclosure. Transmission and protection of the
shield wire by gas tube (DLU). Direct earthing through DIN rail.

2-pair version

For «DIN» rail mounting

All types of Telephone and Data lines 1

Monobloc housing
2-pair version (DLU2)
Transmission and protection of shield wire (DLU) 2 2
IEC 61643-21 compliance 3 3

F030716B - Document could be modified without notice

4 4

P : 3-electrode gas tube

Pb : : 2-electrode gas tube
R : Resistor
D : Clamping diode
DIN rail surge protector for dataline/telecom

1-pair version : DLU
CITEL part number DLU-170 DLU-48D3 DLU-48DBC DLU-24D3 DLU-12D3 DLU-12DBC DLU-06D3 DLU-06DBC
Telephone Fipway
4-20 mA Interbus Profibus-DP 6 V line high
Typical Application line 48 V line WorldFIP RS485
24 V line Fieldbus-H1 LONwork bitrate
ADSL Fieldbus-H2
1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair 1 pair
+ shield + shield + shield + shield + shield + shield + shield + shield
Nominal line voltage (Un) 150 V 48 V 48 V 24 V 12 V 12 V 6V 6V
Max. line voltage (Uc) 170 V 53 V 53 V 28 V 15 V 15 V 10 V 10 V
Max. line current 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA
Protection level (Up)
220 V 70 V 75 V 40 V 30 V 35 V 20 V 25 V
8/20μs impulse - 5 kA
Nominal discharge current (In)
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
8/20μs impulse - 10 times
Max. discharge current (Imax)
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
8/20μs impulse - 1 time
Impulse current (Iimp)
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10/350μs impulse - 2 times
Type of diagram D D D D D D C C
End of life Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit
Modular shape
Symmetrical DIN rail mounting
Dimensions : see drawing
Mechanical characteristics
Connection by screw - max. cross section 1.5 mm² C9
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Earth connection via DIN rail (DLU, DLU2) and screw terminal (DLU).

2-pair version : DLU2

CITEL part number DLU2-170 DLU2-48D3 DLU2-24D3 DLU2-12D3 DLU2-06D3 DLU2-06DBC
4-20 mA T2 - T1
Typical Application line 48 V line RS232 RS422
24 V line 10BaseT
Configuration 2 pairs 2 pairs 2 pairs 4 wires 2 pairs 2 pairs
Nominal line voltage (Un) 150 V 48 V 24 V 12 V 6V 6V
Max. line voltage (Uc) 170 V 53 V 28 V 15 V 10 V 10 V
Max. line current 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA
Protection level (Up)
220 V 70 V 70 V 30 V 20 V 25 V
8/20μs impulse - 5 kA
Nominal discharge current (In)
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
8/20μs impulse - 10 times
Max. discharge current (Imax)
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
8/20μs impulse - 1 time
Impulse current (Iimp)
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10/350μs impulse - 2 times
Type of diagram D C C C C C
End of life Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit
Modular shape
Symmetrical DIN rail mounting
F030716B - Document could be modified without notice

Dimensions : see drawing

Mechanical characteristics
Connection by screw - max. cross section 1.5 mm²
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Earth connection via DIN rail (DLU, DLU2) and screw terminal (DLU).
DIN rail plug-in Surge Protector for dataline/telecom
Dimensions (in mm)
13 65

1 2


1 2


Electrical diagrams

standard version
DLA surge protectors are designed to protect, against surge voltages module
due to lightning, terminals equipment connected to industrial buses, R

telecom lines or datalines. Ligne 1 1 Equipt

These surge protectors must be installed on symmetrical DIN rail and
are available for most of the transmission lines : line voltage from 6 P D
C10 to 170 V, bitrate up to 10 Mbit/s.
Electrical diagrams are built with gas tubes and fast clamping diodes
in order to provide high discharge current capability and fast opera- 2 2
tion. PB
These products are 1-pair surge protectors with removable module
for easy maintenance (spare module : P/N DLAM...). Transmission
and protection of the shield wire by gas tube. Direct earthing through
DIN rail. Line continuity in case of plug-in module removal. Earth possible
on rail DIN
Specific versions :
DLAW : in this version, the removal of the plug-in module will cut the DLAW
line transmission off. specific version Plug-in
DLAH : version designed for lines with higher line current (remote module
supply...) up to 2,4 A.
1 1

2 2
Pluggable surge protection for «DIN» mounting
All types of Telephone and Data lines
Shield wire protection
Without (DLA) or with (DLAW) line cut-off.
F070911 - Document could be modified without notice

IEC 61643-21 compliance

P : 3-electrode gas tube
Pb : : 2-electrode gas tube
R : Resistor
D : Clamping diode
DIN rail surge protector for dataline/telecom
Référence CITEL DLA-170 DLA-48D3 DLA-24D3 DLA-12D3 DLA-06D3 DLA-06DBC
Telephone line ISDN-T0 Leased line RS422 MIC/T2
Utilisations type RS232
ADSL 48 V line 4-20 mA RS485 10BaseT
Configuration 1 pair+shield 1 pair+shield 1 pair+shield 1 pair+shield 1 pair+shield 1 pair+shield
Nominal line voltage (Un) 150 V 48 V 24 V 12 V 6V 6V
Max. line voltage (Uc) 170 V 53 V 28 V 15 V 8V 8V
Max. line current 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA
Protection level (Up)
220 V 70 V 40 V 30 V 20 V 25 V
8/20μs impulse - 5 kA
Nominal discharge current (In)
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
8/20μs impulse - 10 times
Max. discharge current (Imax)
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
8/20μs impulse - 1 time
Impulse current (Iimp)
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
10/350μs impulse - 2 times
Type of diagram D D D D D D
End of life Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit
Spare module DLAM-170 DLAM-48D3 DLAM-24D3 DLAM-12D3 DLAM-06D3 DLAM-06DBC
DLA-xxx : standard version (line continuity in case of removal of plug-in module)
Versions DLAW-xxx : specific version (line cut-off in case of removal of plug-in module)
DLAH-xxx : «remote supply» version (max. line current = 2,4 A)
Symmetrical DIN rail mounting
Dimensions : see drawing
Mechanical specifications Connection by screw - min/max. cross section 0.4/1.5 mm²
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Earth connection via DIN rail and screw terminal

F070911 - Document could be modified without notice
D I N r a i l p l u g - i n S u r g e P r o t e c t o r f o r d a t a l i n e - AT E X
Dimensions (in mm)
13 65

1 2

90Earth on
rail DIN

1 2

Electrical diagrams

DLA-EX surge protectors are designed to protect against surge volt- 1 1
ages due to lightning, terminal equipments connected to intrinsic
safe circuits. P D
In compliance with ATEX directives, they are classified as EEx ia and
can operate in explosive areas by using the principle of energy limi-
C12 tation. R
2 2
These surge protectors fit on DIN rail and are available for 12, 24 PB
and 48 Vdc line voltages.
Electrical diagrams are built with gas tubes and fast clamping di-
odes in order to provide high discharge current capability and fast
These products are 1-pair surge protectors with removable module
P : 3-pole gas tube
for easy maintenance (spare module : P/N DLAM-EX...). Transmis- PB : 2-pole gas tube
sion and protection of the shield wire by gas tube. Direct earthing R : Resistor
D : Clamping diode
through DIN rail. Line continuity in case of plug-in module removal.

CITEL part number DLA-EX-48D3 DLA-EX-24D3 DLA-EX-12D3
Typical use 48 V line 4-20 mA
Configuration 1 pair+shield 1 pair+shield 1 pair+shield
Nominal line voltage (Un) 48 V 24 V 12 V
Max. line voltage (Uc) 53 V 28 V 15 V

Pluggable surge protection for «DIN» mounting Max. line current 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA
Protection level (Up)
70 V 40 V 30 V
For datalines up to 48 Vdc 8/20μs impulse - 5 kA
Nominal discharge current (In)
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
Shield wire protection 8/20μs impulse - 10 times
Max. discharge current (Imax)
Comply with ATEX directive 8/20μs impulse - 1 time
20 kA 20 kA 20 kA
F070914 - Document could be modified without notice

Impulse current (Iimp)

IEC 61643-21 compliance 10/350μs impulse - 2 times
5 kA 5 kA 5 kA

Type of diagram D D D
End of life Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit
Spare module DLAM-EX-48D3 DLAM-EX-24D3 DLAM-EX-12D3
Symmetrical DIN rail mounting
Connection by screw - min/max. cross section 0.4/1.5
Mechanical specifications mm²
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Earth connection via DIN rail and screw terminal
1-wire compact DIN surge protector
Dimensions (in mm)

12 59



Electrical diagrams

DLR surge protectors are designed to protect, against surge voltages
due to lightning, terminals equipment connected to industrial buses,
transmission and supply lines. PB V
These surge protectors must be installed on symmetrical DIN rail
and are designed to protect transmission lines (DLR-G with internal
GDT) and power supply lines (DLR-V with internal whit MOV). C13
They protect and transmit 1 wire and are available in several volt-
ages depending of the line to protect.
PB : 2-electrode gas tube
V : varistor

Compact and cost effective

For «DIN» rail mounting
For transmission and power lines

CITEL part number DLR-G90 DLR-G230 DLR-G600 DLR-V30 DLR-V130 DLR-V275
Techonology Gas tube Gas tube Gas tube Varistor Varistor Varistor
Dataline or Telecom line or
Dataline with Power supply
Application Dataline Telecom line Power supply Power supply
high voltage 230 Vac
12 - 24 V 120 Vac
Configuration 1 wire 1 wire 1 wire 1 wire 1 wire 1 wire
38 Vdc 170 Vdc
Max. line voltage (Uc) 65 Vdc 170 Vdc 450 Vdc 275 Vac
30 Vac 130 Vac
Max. line current 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA > 10 A > 10 A > 10 A
Protection level (Up)
< 400 V < 600 V < 1000 V 140 V 480 V 900 V
8/20μs impulse (at In)
F070917 - Document could be modified without notice

Nominal discharge current (In)

20 kA 20 kA 10 kA 1 kA 3 kA 3 kA
8/20μs impulse - 10 times
Type of diagram F F F G G G
Symmetrical DIN rail mounting
Dimensions : see drawing
Mechanical characteristics connection by screw - max. cross section 4 mm²
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Termination cap: DLR-AP
2-pair plug-in Surge Protector
E280 series
Dimensions (in mm)



Equip Line
2b 2a 1b 1a 1a 1b 2a 2b


P2 P2
P1 P1

The E280 concept is based on the use of plug-in modules to protect

Electrical diagram
telecom and data lines. The E280 line covers all multi-line tele-
phone (PBX) and data installation configurations: there is an E280 For 1 pair
module and a suitable support for every type. A R B R
E280 surge protectors use a high-speed 3-electrode gas discharge
C14 tube/clamping diode combination for a high discharge current ca- P D P D3
pacity and a very short response time. Several diagrams are avail-
able to meet different line needs and standards.
Each module protects two pairs and is available for all types of line.
The «plug-in» concept makes maintenance easy and lets you mix
different types of line on the same support. C R K1 CTP

Specific versions for AC or DC powerline surge protection are also P DBC P
available : R

- E280-A.. : Surge protector built with GDT and fast clamping di-
odes. Maximum line current : 0.5 A.
- E280-AV.. : Surge protector built with varistors. Maximum line cur-
rent : 10 A. J Z

E280 modules are compatible with a range of supports that includes

multi-line boxes (ref. BNxx), «backplane» circuits for telephone dis-
tribution frames and DIN rails (ref. FPSUxx), and IDC modules for
distribution frame mounting (ref. MMP).
A2 L H

2 pairs plug-in module


Optimized modularity and maintenance

F93046G - Document could be modified without notice

Can be adapted to all types of line

P : 3-electrode gas tube DBC : 3-pole low capacitance diode
Gas tube / diode combination R : Resistor CTP : Thermistor
D : Clamping diode L : Inductor
For power supplies from 6 Vdc to 220 Vac D3 : 3-pole clamping diode V : Varistor

2-pair plug-in Surge Protector
E280 series

E280 series
Surge protectors for telecom and data lines

CITEL part number E280-TM E280-K20 E280-48D3M E280-24D3M E280-12D3M E280-06D3M E280-06DBC E280G ELM
Application Telephone Telephone ISDN-T0 Leased line RS232 RS422 T2 - T1 Earthing Continuity
line - line - Telex 4-20 mA RS485 10BaseT
ADSL K20 std
Nominal line voltage (Un) 150 V 150 V 48 V 24 V 12 V 6V 6V - -
Max. line voltage (Uc) 170 V 220 V 53 V 28 V 15 V 8V 8V - -
Max. line current (IL) 300 mA 150 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA - >1A
Max. frequency 3 MHz 3 Mhz 1 MHz 0,5 MHz 0,5 MHz 0,5 MHz 20 MHz - > 20 MHz
Protection level (Up) 220 V 260 V 70 V 40 V 30 V 20 V 25 V - -
8/20μs impulse - 5kA

Nominal discharge current (In) 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA > 5 kA -

8/20μs impulse - 10 times

Max. discharge current (Imax) 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA > 10 kA -

8/20μs impulse - 1 time

Lightning current (Iimp) 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 2.5 kA > 2.5 kA -
10/350μs impulse - 2 times

Type of diagram A K1 B B B B C J Z
End of life short-circuit cut-off and short-circuit short-circuit short-circuit short-circuit short-circuit - -
Mechanical characteristics 2 pairs plug-in module
Montage sur support type BN, FPSU, MMP
Dimensions : see drawing
Connectique : contact mâle laiton doré 0,5 μ
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0

E280A series
Surge protectors for DC and AC power lines

CITEL part number E280-A06 E280-A12 E280-A24 E280-A48 E280-AV12 E280-AV24 E280-AV35 E280-AV48 E280-AV110 E280-AV220
Max. DC voltage (Uc-dc) 8V 15 V 28 V 53 V 18 V 26 V 35 V 54 V 125 V 300 V
Max. AC voltage (Uc-ac) 5 Vac 10 Vac 18 Vac 38 Vac 14 Vac 20 Vac 30 Vac 40 Vac 95 Vac 250 Vac
Max. line current (IL) 500 mA 500 mA 500 mA 500 mA 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A
Protection level (Up) 20 V 30 V 50 V 60 V 40 V 60 V 90 V 130 V 250 V 600 V
at In

Nominal discharge current (In) 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 1.5 kA 1.5 kA 1.5 kA 1.5 kA 4.5 kA 4.5 kA
8/20μs impulse - 10 times
F93046G - Document could be modified without notice

Max. discharge current (Imax) 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 3 kA 3 kA 3 kA 3 kA 6.5 kA 6.5 kA

8/20μs impulse - 1 time

Type of diagram A2 A2 A2 A2 H H H H H H
Support for E280 plug-in modules


Multi-pair boxes and supports are designed to be equipped with BN series : 8, 16 or 32 pairs
E280 plug-in surge protector, in order to propose solution to each Metal enclosures for E280
kind of existing multilines installations.
3 configurations are available :
FPSU series : 4, 8 or 16 pairs
for MDF or DIN rail mounting
C16 BN series : Metallic enclosures for wall mounting, when no existing FP series : 10 or 25 pairs
panel is available on the network to install E280 surge protectors. Wall mounting plate
Available in 8, 16 or 32 pairs.
MMP module : 4 pairs
Connector strip for 2 E280
FPSU series : System built with backplane, designed to receive
E280 plug-in modules, featured with terminals for line connection Connection : IDC, Screw, Wrapping, Punchdown
and equipped with specific support for mounting on MDF profiles
or symmetrical DIN rail. Available for 4,8, or 16 pairs. Version with
wall mounting plate : FP series (10 or 25 pairs).

BN and FPSU are equipped with different type of connection termi-

nal : Screw, Wrapping, IDC (France), IDC (USA : Quick Connect 66
and ATT110).

MMP module : this connector strip, designed to receive 2 E280

surge protectors (4 pairs), is installed on MDF in mechanical ad-
aptation with the other connectors strips. Earthing is automatically
performed through the pin in contact with the metallic frame.

Format Metal enclosures Supports/boards Strip
CITEL part number BN08 BN16 BN32 FPSU04 FPSU08 FPSU16 FP10 FP25 MMP
F050417A - Document could be modified without notice

Max. number of pairs 8 16 32 4 8 16 10 25 4

Max. number of E280s 4 8 16 2 4 8 5 13 2
I/O connection :
Screw terminals BN08V BN16V BN32V FPSU04V FPSU08V FPSU16V - - -
Wrapping BN08W BN16W BN32W FPSU04W FPSU08W FPSU16W - - -
Quick connect 66 (USA) - - - - - - FP10QC66 FP25QC66 -
ATT110 (USA) - - - - - - FP10-110 - -
Mounting system Wall Wall Wall MDF* MDF* MDF* Wall Wall MDF*
DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail
Earth connection 2 nuts with M4 screws 2 nuts with M4 screws Earth pin

*) Compatible with MDF profile : PAO15001 (Infra+), HPU (3M-Pouyet), 09649 (Alcatel) and CITEL profile
Support for E280 plug-in modules

Dimensions (in mm)




External Ligne
lines 40
1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b

BN 166



Diam. 4,5

BN08 W BN16 W BN32 W

FPSU 140

F050417A - Document could be modified without notice



1 and 10-pair Surge Protectors for LSA+*
Dimensions (in mm)




Earthing 103
LSA10 frame 99



These surge protectors are designed to protect, from lightning surg-

es, telephone equipment connected to the telecom network through LSA10
123 22
a MDF equipped with connection strips.
They are compatible with LSA+ connection strip.
The mechanical design allows instantaneous installation, without
C18 wiring modification, on the connection system and fast maintenance. 40,2

Nevertheless the connection strips, receiving the surge protectors,

must be imperatively equipped a earthing contact connected to the
bonding network of the installation (earthing frame in option).
The electrical diagram combines a 3-electrode gas tube with clamp- Electrical diagram
ing diode to provide a high discharge current capacity and a very
fast response time. A M
2 versions : 1 pair (E1LSA) or 10 pairs (LSA10).
These products are in compliance with analog or high speed digital R
telecom networks.

P : 3-pole gas tube

R : Resistor
D : Clamping Diode
DBC : Low capacitance Clamping Diode

Surge protectors for LSA+ connection strip Characteristics

CITEL part number E1LSA-T E1LSA-06DBC LSA10-T LSA10-06DBC
Fast installation with no wiring
Application Analog line T2 - T1 Analog line T2 - T1
modification ADSL 10BaseT ADSL 10BaseT
Configuration 1 pair 1 pair 10 pairs 10 pairs
Fast Maintenance
Nominal line voltage (Un) 150 V 6V 150 V 6V
For analog or high speed telecom lines Max. line voltage (Uc) 170 V 8V 170 V 8V
Max. line current (IL) 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA 300 mA
F070920 - Document could be modified without notice

Max. frecuency 3 MHz > 20 MHz 3 MHz > 20 MHz

Protection level (Up) 230 V 25 V 230 V 25 V
8/20μS impulse - 5kA

Max. discharge current (Imax) 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA

8/20μs impulse - 1 time

End of life short-circuit short-circuit short-circuit short-circuit

Type of diagram A M A M
Mechanical characteristics Mouting on LSA+ connection strip
Dimensions : see drawing
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0
1-pair «5-pin» plug-in Surge Protector

Dimensions (in mm)

The DP80-TW series is designed to protect large telephone equip- 12,8

ment (PBXs, central offices) against lightning surges. This protection 43 10

is based in hybrid protection diagram (gas tube and diodes) and in
K20 configuration (in compliance with ITU-T recommendation K20).
The DP80-TW is a one-pair plug-in module that uses the 5-pin con-
C16 figuration, and so can be adapted to CITEL TC99 and similar 100- C19
pair connector block.
TC99 100-pair MDF connector block allows the connection, protec-
tion, and disconnection of up to 100 pairs in a small volume, mak-
ing it ideal for PBXs where space and effective protection are both
critical. Connection is performed by Wrapping .


CITEL part number DP80-TW

Application Analog line
Configuration 1 pair
Nominal line voltage (Un) 150 V
Max. line voltage (Uc) 170 V 216
Max. line curre,t (IL) 100 mA
Max. frecuency 3 MHz
Protection level (Up) < 700 V
8/20μs impulse - 5kA

Nominal discharge current (In) 10 kA

8/20μs impulse - 10 times

End of life Short-circuit on heavy surge and line cut-

Electrical diagram
off+reset on overcurrent.
Mechanical characteristics Mouting on «5-pin» connector block (type
CITEL TC99 : 100 paires )
F07021A - Document could be modified without notice

Dimensions : see drawing PTC

Contact: brass gold plated 0,5 μ
Housing material : Thermoplastic UL94-V0
Discharge current 8/20μs : 5 kA
«5-pin» configuration
P : 3-electrode gas tube
100-pair MDF connector block : TC99 PTC : Thermistance
FS : External short-circuit
Te l e c o m S u r g e P r o t e c t o r s
MJ8-2RN, B180T/MJ6, MJ6-1T

Dimensions (in mm)

B180T/MJ6 MJ8-2RN

58,5 58,5

18,5 18,5


MJ8-2RN MJ6-1T

These surge protectors are designed to protect sensitive telecom ter- 50
minals (modems, fax machines, wireless telephone sets...) against
lightning surges. They are equipped with standard telecom connection
allowing easy and instantaneous installation.
The protection diagram combines a gas discharge tube with fast clamp-
C20 ing diode, in order to provide maximum efficiency. These units need no C
special maintenance.
MJ8-2RN 56
Designed for ISDN terminal, the MJ8-2RN surge protector features in/
out RJ45 connectors in compliance with T0/S0 ISDN requirements. Fast
wall or frame mounting by self-gripping fasteners.
Compatible with RJ11 connector, it protects one PSTN or ADSL line.
Instantaneous installation on between existing plugs. Fast wall or frame Electrical diagrams
mounting by self-gripping fasteners.
MJ6-1T and MJ4-1T A B
Compatible with RJ11 or RJ9 connector , it protects one PSTN or ADSL
line. Connection to line by screw terminal and connection toward pro-
tected equipment on RJ11 or RJ9 connectors. Wall mounting.

Protection for one telephone line P : 3-electrode gas tube

R : Resistor
For PSTN, ISDN, ADSL lines D3 : 3-pole clamping diode

Instantaneous installation
RJ11 or RJ45 connectors
F050423A - Document could be modified without notice

CITEL part number MJ8-2RN B180-T/MJ6 MJ6-1T MJ4-1T

Max. line voltage (Uc) 48 V 170 V 170 V 170 V
Residual voltage (Up) 70 V 210 V 210 V 210 V
Nominal discharge current (In) 2.5 kA 2.5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
I/O connections RJ45/RJ45 RJ11/RJ11 RJ11/screw RJ9/screw
Connector wiring 4-5/3-6 3-4 3-4 2-3
Mounting on equipment on equipment wall wall
frame frame
Earthing by wire by wire screw terminal screw terminal
Type of diagram B A A A
Data «D-Sub» Surge Protectors

Dimensions (in mm)


D 5-2
DD1 24V
4V 61




These surge protectors are designed to protect sensitive equipment

linked to datalines equipped with D-Sub connectors, as RS232,
RS422 and RS485 lines.
They protect against surge voltages due to lightning or switching op- 53,5

erations. They are equipped with D-sud connectors for fast and easy
C18 maintenance. In order to comply with the line configuration, all the
wires are transmitted and protected.

The surge protection diagram is based on ultra-fast clamping diodes

in to reach an high level of efficiency. Nevertheless, their low dis-
charge capability make them usable only to protect indoor transmis-
sion lines. Characteristics
CITEL part number DDx-6V DDx-24V
Type of line RS422/RS485 RS232
Connectique Sub-D 25 pts DD25-6V DD25-24V
Connectique Sub-D 15 pts DD15-6V DD15-24V
Connectique Sub-D 9 pts DD9-6V DD9-24V
Max. line voltage (Uc) 6V 15 V
«D-Sub» surge protectors Capacitance < 30 pF < 30 pF
Maximum data rate < 40 Mbps < 40 Mbps
For RS232, RS422, RS485 lines Clamping voltage (Up) 7.5 V 18 V
Nominal discharge current (In) 400 A 300 A
Instantaneous installation
Connector wiring all wires transmitted and all wires transmitted and
9 pts, 15 pts ou 25 pts connectors protected protected
Mounting on connector on connector
Earthing by wire by wire
Housing material thermoplastic thermoplastic
Dimensions see drawings see drawings
F070925A - Document could be modified without notice
10BaseT/100BaseT/1000BaseT surge protectors


CL MJ8-505 MJ8-2ETH

This range of surge protectors is designed to protect data processing equip- ZS-CAT6/CL : Version designed to protect one terminal connected to a
ment, connected to twisted pair Ethernet 10 to 1000 Mbit/s network (10BaseT 1000BaseT «Category 6» network. Shielded enclosure equipped with in/out
or 100BaseT), against lightning or switching surges. RJ45 connectors. All the 8 wires are protected. These surge protectors for
Electrical diagrams used are based on miniature GDT and clamping diode remote terminals are used in association with a multiline rack surge protection
network in order to provide a maximum efficiency and a minimum low loss- (PL24-CAT5/CL), centralized protection at the hub level.
C22 es.
These surge protectors are equipped with standard RJ45 connector for easy PL24-CAT6/CL : This 19’’ panel is designed for the surge protection of
installation. multi-line inputs of a Category 6 - 1000BaseT STP network at the hub level.
Several versions are available : The maximum capacity is 24 channels with the PL24-CAT5/CL panel (12
channels with the PL12-CAT6/CL panel). The 19’’ format, 1HE high (44 mm),
MJ8-2ETH : Basic version to protect one terminal connected to an unshield- allows installation in all standard cabinets. The product uses shielded RJ45
ed 10BaseT network (UTP). Featured with in/out RJ45 connectors. Fast wall connectors. The circuit diagram and construction allow a bit rate of 1000
or frame mounting by self-gripping fasteners. Mbps and ensure Category 5 conformity. All 8 wires of each RJ45 connector
are protected
MJ8-CAT6 : surge protector dedicated to protect terminals
on100/1000BaseT UTP networks. Compliance with «Cat5/6» standard. All MJ8-505 : Designed for «PoE» network (Power over Ethernet , IEEE802-3af
of the 8 wires are protected. Featured with in/out RJ45 connectors. Easy std), this surge protector is useful for the HotPoints used in WiFi networks or
mounting directly on cable. for the IPBX terminals . Protection of the 100BaseT transmission and up to 60
Vdc power supply. Equipped with in/out unsheilded RJ45 connectors.

CITEL part number MJ8-2ETH MJ8-CAT6 ZS-CAT6/CL * PL12-CAT6/CL * PL24-CAT6/CL * MJ8-505-24D3A60-12***
Protection 1 line 1 line 1 line 12 lines max 24 lines max. 1 line
Application Ethernet 10baseT - UTP Ethernet 100/1000baseT Ethernet 1000baseT Ethernet 1000BaseT Ethernet 1000BaseT PoE (Power over
- UTP STP STP STP Ethernet)
Maximum data rate 10 MHz 250 MHz 250 MHz 250 MHz 250 MHz 100 MHz
EN50173 standard compliance Category 3 Category 6 Category 6 * Category 6 * Category 6 * Category 5
F040526B- Document could be modified without notice

- input RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 shielded IDC connector RJ45 shielded RJ45 shielded
- protected input RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 shielded RJ45 shielded RJ45 shielded RJ45 shielded
Wiring 2 pairs 4 pairs 4 pairs + shielded 4 pairs + shielded 4 pairs + shielded 2 pairs Ethernet
(1-2/3-6) (1-2/3-6/7-8/4-5) (1-2/3-6/7-8/4-5) (1-2/3-6/7-8/4-5) (1-2/3-6/7-8/4-5) (1-2/3-6) + 1 DC supply
60 Vdc** (7-8 or 4-5)
Protection diagram C L M N N L
Nominal discharge currents :
- Line/Line 2500 A 300 A 300 A 300 A 300 A 300 A
- Line/Ground 2500 A 300 A 10000 A 2500 A 2500 A 300 A
Mounting on cable/wall on cable wall on rack 19’’ on rack 19’’ on cable
*) available in «Category 5» version : ZS-CAT5/CL , PL12-CAT5/CL , PL24-CAT5/CL
**) others pwoer suplly voltages on request.
***) Outdoor versions on request
10BaseT/100BaseT/1000BaseT surge protectors

Dimensions (in mm)


58.5 25 90 23 90
500 2400
RJ45 38
43.5 RJ45


19" (483 mm)



Electrical diagrams (for 1 pair)



P : 3-electrode gas tube

R : Resistor
DBC : 3-pole low capacitance clamping diode
F040526B - Document could be modified without notice

for 10BaseT/100BaseT/1000BaseT network

Unshielded and shielded version
Category 5 and 6 versions
«PoE» version (indoor and outdoor)
Multiline version for Rack 19’’
Coaxial network and CATV Surge Protectors


CX surge protectors are designed to protect sensitive equipment, con- CXP-DCB

nected to coaxial lines as computer networks, video-transmission, against Version built with extra decoupling line circuit (DC block) to prevent
transient surge voltages and disturbances created by lightning. DC or low frequency currents and to improve the residual voltage on
Several versions are available to fit the different networks : surge voltages.

C24 CXC CX surge protectors are built with shielded metallic housings and are
Gas tube/Clamping diode hybrid association allowing heavy discharge available with the main types of coaxial connectors.
current and low residual voltage.
These surge protectors are specially well adapted high frequency coaxial
transmission as Ethernet 10Base5 or 10Base2, or video-transmissions.

Coaxial surge protectors
Based on single Gas tube protection stage for heavy discharge current and
very wide bandwidth (up to 1000 MHz). Multiples diagrams :
Particularly adapted to TV or Radio receivers. - GDT
- GDT/Diodes
CNP-90TV - DC Block
Cost effective version dedicated to TV receptors (Aerial, Cable or Satellite).
Based on Gas Tube protection. F type connector in/out.
Different connectors
Low insertion losses

Ethernet 10Base2, TV Aerial, Satellite or
Application TV, Radiocom TV, Radiocom
Videotransmission Câble
Bande passante (fmax) 0-70 MHz 0-1000 MHz 0-1000 MHz 125-1000 MHz
Insertion loss @ fmax < 0.6 dB < 0.3 dB < 0.15 dB < 0.15 dB
Max. line voltage (Uc) 6 V* 75 V 60 V* 60 V*
F050429A - Document could be modified without notice

Protection level (Up) 25 V / < 600 V

< 600 V < 600 V < 200 V
@ In (8/20 μs impulse) (L-B / B-PE**)
Nominal discharge current (In) 2.5 kA / 10 kA 2.5 kA / 10 kA
10 kA 10 kA
8/20μs impulse - 10 times (L-B / B-PE**) (L-B / B-PE)**
Tinned Brass housing Plastic+metal housing Tinned Brass housing
Cable mounting Frame mounting Frame mounting
Mechanical characteristics
Dimensions : see diagram Dimensions : see diagram Dimensions : see diagram
Earthing by wire Earthing by wire Earthing on screw *) other voltages available on request
Operating temperature -40/+80°C -40/+80°C -40/+80°C **) L-B : Line-Shield / B-PE : Shield-Ground
Coaxial network and CATV Surge Protectors

Dimensions (in mm) Electrical diagram



23 P DBC P P



P : 2-electrode gas tube

DBC : Low capacitance diode
C : Decoupling capacitor
R : Resistor

diam. 5


F F 24

32 48



Part number
CITEL part number CXC06* CXP* CXP-DCB* CNP*
F050429A - Document could be modified without notice

F Connector - - CXP09-F/FM-DCB -
- - CXP09-NW/MF-DCB -
N Connector - - CXP25-N/MF-DCB -
- - CXP09-NW/FF-DCB -
BNC Connector CXC06-B/FM - CXP09-B/FM-DCB -
MF : input Male/output Female
FM : input Female/output Male
FF : input Female/output Female
W : Feedthrough mounting
*) others configurations possible on request.
RF Surge Protection

Protection of the radiocommunication Quarter Wave Protection

PRC series
equipment The other way to protect antenna lines is relevant replacement of the gas
Radiocommunication systems, connected to antennae, are especially ex- tube by a proper short-circuit chosen according to the operating frequency
posed to lightning phenomena, the maximum risk being a direct strike on band. This short-circuit is tuned to one quarter of the wavelength, giving
the antenna pole. its name to «quarter-wave protection». This tuned short-circuit between the
Equipment, as GSM/UMTS or TETRA base stations, must consider this risk conducting core and the external ground acts as a band-pass filter.
in order to insure a relevant service continuity. The filter may be selective (narrow band) or wide-band, according to the
CITEL offers several surge protection technologies for RF lines to comply calculation of the various mechanical elements.
to the different operation requirements. Since lightning has a low-frequency spectrum (from a few hundred kHz to a
few MHz), it will be filtered out from the operating frequencies.
RF surge protection technology
Gas Tube Protection
P8AX series RF Surge Protectors diagrams
The gas discharge tube (GDT) is the only surge protection component us-
able on very high frequency transmission (several GHz) due to its very low Earth
capacitance. In a coaxial surge protector, the GDT is connected in parallel
between the central conductor and the external shield ; when its sparkover
voltage is reached, during an overvoltage, the line is briefly practically
shorted (arc voltage). The sparkover voltage depends on the rise front of Antenna Equipment
the overvoltage. The higher the dV/dt of the overvoltage, the higher the
sparkover voltage of the surge protector.
When the overvoltage disappears, the gas discharge tube returns to its
original condition of high insulation and is ready to operate again. Earth
The gas tube is removable, making maintenance rapid in the end-of-life
The greater advantage of this technology is its very wide bandwidth : form
DC (so, compatible with DC voltage injection) to several GHz.
D2 Antenna Equipment

DC Blocked Protection
CXP-DCB series
This version is a relevant hybrid association between a filter stage and a
gas tube : a such configuration allows a addition of the advantages of the CXP-DCB
both stages : Low frequency disturbances reduction (DC and lightning volt-
ages) and high discharge current capability.
Antenna Equipment

Insertion Losses (dB)

+ 0,2

- 0,2
0,2 dB/div.


-1,6 F (Ghz)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
RF Surge Protection

Table below allows comparison between the 3 technologies of RF coaxial surge

protectors, in order to select the right solution regarding the application and the

Technology Gas tube DC Block Quarter wave


Principle Sparkover Sparkover + Filtering Adapted short-circuit/selective band filter

Residual voltage from 70V to 600 V in relation with the dV/dt, < 100 V < 20 V
then arc regime (short-circuit of the line in the Short-circuit of the line in the full bandwidth : RF signal not disturbed during the protection
full bandwidth). RF signal disturbed during the RF signal disturbed during the protection ope- operation.
protection operation. ration.

Bandwidth DC to 3GHz (dependent of the coaxial con- 125-1000 MHz Narrox band (GSM, DCS1800, PCS, DECT,
nector and of the impedance) GPS)
DC injection Compatible Not compatible Not compatible
8/20μs discharge 20 kA 10 kA Fonction de la connectique : 100 kA pour le
current capability 7/16, 50 kA pour le N
Life expectancy Linked to the GDT stress Linked to the GDT stress Illimited
Connectors N, BNC, TNC, UHF, SMA, 7/16 N, BNC, TNC, F 7/16, N, TNC....

Installation 2 types of mounting

The efficiency of coaxial protectors is highly dependent on proper instal- Feedthrough mounting
lation, in particular their connection to the earthing network of the instal- Direct mounting of the surge protector on the grounded frame at the instal-
lation. lation entrance : D3
The following installations rules must be strictly observed to insure the ef- - perfect connection to the bonding network
ficiency : - best location (conduction of the surge currents at the entrance of the
Equipotential bonding network : all the bonding conductors of the - good mechanical withstand.
installation must be interconnected and connected to the installation
earthing network. Alternative mounting
- connection to the bonding network by wire (4 mm² minimum and shortest
Optimized connection of the protector to the bonding network : to length possible).
reduce the residual voltages during lightning discharge currents, the
connection of the protector to the bonding network must be as short
as possible (less than 50 cm) and has a proper cross section (at least
4 mm²).
The «feedthrough mounting» versions meet perfectly all these require-
Warning : for good contact, remove carefully all paintings or insulating

Location of the protectors : they should preferably be placed at the en-

trance of the installation (to limit the penetration of lightning currents)
and also near sensitive equipment (to enhance protection).
RF Coaxial Protectors


CITEL offers a comprehensive range of surge protectors designed for CXP and CXP-DCB series
RF coaxial lines. Various technologies are available to comply the dif- CXP protectors are based on GDT to provide high discharge current capa-
ferent uses and requirements. bility without destruction. Its particular mounting allows good adaptation to
. radio and TV system. Typical applications include radio terminals and TV sets
(antenna, cable or satellite)
P8AX series CXP-DCB version is built-in with an extra «DC block» stage in order to reduce
The P8AX series is based on gas discharge tube (GDT) and designed low frequency disturbances (DC and lightning voltages) and decrease signifi-
for RF line surge protection. Available for different power and with cantly the residual voltage.
coaxial connectors (N, BNC, TNC, UHF, SMA, 7/16, 7/8 cable), P8AX Main characteristics (CXP) :
units could be provide in feedthrough mounting version and with vari- - Insertion losses < 0,5 dB
ous impedance (50 or 75 ohms). - VSWR < 1,3
Main characteristics : - Imax : 20 kA (8/20μs)
D4 - Insertion losses < 0,2 dB - Bandwidth : DC - 1000 MHz
- VSWR < 1,2 - Connectors : F, BNC, SE, N ..
- Imax : 20 kA (8/20μs)
- Bandwidth : 0 to several GHz Main characteristics (CXP-DCB) :
- Connectors: N, BNC, TNC, 7/16, F, SMA, UHF, 7/8 cable. - «DC Block» feature
- Waterproof - Insertion losses < 0,15 dB
- VSWR < 1,2
PRC series - Imax : 10 kA (8/20μs)
PRC protectors are based on «Quarter-Wave» technology and are - Bandwidth : 125 - 1000 MHz
available in more than 30 versions : various connectors (7/16, N, - Connectors : N, BNC
TNC, 7/8 cable, BNC) and bandwidth (from 450 MHz to 6 GHz).
These devices provide a very low residual voltage and are mainte- Note: Comprehensive information about these ranges could be found in the dedicated CITEL
catalog : «Surge Protective Protection for coaxial lines».
nance free.
Main characteristics :
- Insertion losses < 0,2 dB
- VSWR < 1,2
- Bandwidth : - 430-460 MHz
- 870-950 MHz
F92083A - Document could be modified without notice

- 1700-1950 MHz 3 technologies of coaxial protectors :

- 1700-2200 MHz - Gas tube : P8AX series
- Imax : 100 kA (8/20μs)
- Connectors : 7/16, N, BNC, TNC, 7/8 cable. - Quarter wave : PRC series

- Gas tube + Filter : CXP-DCB series

Various types of coaxial connectors

Low insertion losses
RF Coaxial Protectors
Technology Gas tube Quarter wave Gas tube Gas tube + Filter
Typical application RF transmission, DC supply UMTS, GPS, GSM TV, Satellite RF transmission
PRC450.. : 420-480 MHz
PRC900.. : 870-960 MHz
Bandwidth (fmax) 0 to several GHz 0-1000 MHz 125-1000 MHz
PRC1800 : 1700-1950 MHz
PRC822 : 800-2200 MHz
Insertion losses @ fmax < 0.2 dB < 0.2 dB < 0.5 dB < 0.15 dB
VSWR @ fmax < 1.2 < 1.2 < 1.3 < 1.2
25 W : P8AX09.. 1500 W (related to connec- 25 W : CXP09.. 25 W : CXP09..DCB
Maximum peak power
190 W : P8AX25.. tor type) 190 W : CXP25.. 190 W : CXP25..DCB
Protection level (Up)
< 600 V < 20 V < 600 V < 100 V
@ In (8/20 μs)

Maximal discharge current (Imax) ~ 100 kA (related to

20 kA 20 kA 10 kA
8/20μs - 1 impulse connector type)
- Material: brass CuZnSn
- Amagnetic surface - Material: brass CuZnSn - Material: brass - Material: brass
coating - Amagnetic surface coating - Amagnetic surface - Amagnetic surface
Mechanical specifications
- Mounting : on cable - Mounting : on cable coating coating
or feedthrough («W» or feedthrough («W» option) - Mounting : on frame - Mounting : on frame
Operating temperature -40/+80°C 40/+80°C 80°C 40/+80°C
* For complete technical information, refer to the dedicated catalog : «Surge Protective Protection for coaxial lines».

Part numbers*
F connector - -
N connector CXP..-N/FM-DCB
BNC connector CXP..-B/FM-DCB
P8AX..-7-16/MF PRC..-7-16/MF
7/16 connector - -
P8AX..-7-16/FF PRC..-7-16/FF
SMA connector - - -
TNC connector - -
UHF connector - - -
* For complete list of part numbers, refer to the dedicated catalog : «Surge Protective Protection for coaxial lines».
Note: PRC series are available in «feedthrough» version : «W» option ( e.g.: PRC822-716W/FF)

(example) (example) (example)
F92083A - Document could be modified without notice

62.7 13.8
26 diam. 16.2

diam. 5
85 42.5

*For complete information on mechanical dimensions , refer to the dedicated catalog : «Surge Protective Protection for coaxial lines».
Gas Discharge Tubes

gas discharge tube

Gas Discharge Tubes

These components are made of two or three electrodes in an enclosure

filled with a (non-radioactive) rare gas at a controlled pressure.
The enclosure is a ceramic tube with its ends closed off by metal caps that Breakdown
also serve as electrodes.
Their main use is to protect telecommunications lines, but other uses are
Glow voltage

electrode «Fail Safe» Arc voltage

Operating regimes

Rare gas insulating disk
Electrical characteristics
emissive product Ground The main electrical characteristics defining a gas discharge tube are:
electrode DC sparkover voltage (Volts)
Impulse sparkover voltage (Volts)
Discharge current capacity (kA)
Insulation resistance (Gohms)
Capacitance (pF).
The gas discharge tube may be regarded as a sort of very fast switch DC sparkover voltage
having conductance properties that change very rapidly, when breakdown This is the main characteristic defining the gas discharge tube.
occurs, from open-circuit to quasi-short circuit (arc voltage about 20V). It is the voltage at which breakdown will occur between the electrodes
There are accordingly four operating domains in the behavior of a gas when a slowly increasing voltage (dV/dt = 100 V/s) is applied to the
discharge tube: component; it depends on the electrode spacing, the pressure, and the
properties of the gas mixture and of the emissive substance.

Non-operating domain, characterized by practically infinite insu- Range of DC sparkover voltages available:
lation resistance; minimum 75V
average 230V
Glow domain : At breakdown, the conductance increases suddenly; high voltage 500V
if the current drained off by the gas tube is less than about 0.5A (this very high voltage 1000 to 3000V
is a rough value that differs according to the type of component), the The tolerance on the breakdown voltage is generally ± 20%. .
glow voltage across the terminals will be in the 80-100V range;

Arc regime : as the current increases, the gas discharge tube shifts
from the glow voltage to the arc voltage (20V). It is in this domain
that the gas discharge tube is most effective, because the current dis- DC sparkover Impulse sparkover
charged can reach several thousand amperes without the arc voltage voltage = 250 V voltage = 600 V

across its terminals increasing.

1200 Dynamic area
Extinction : At a bias voltage roughly equal to the glow voltage, the Static
gas tube recovers its initial insulating properties. 800


100 V/s 0.1 V/µs 1 kV/µs

DC and Impulse sparkover voltages
Gas Discharge Tubes

Discharge current The CITEL line

This depends on the properties of the gas, the volume, and the material
and treatment of the electrodes. It is the major characteristic of the GDT CITEL proposes a full line of gas discharge tubes to meet most configura-
and the one that distinguishes it from other protection devices (Varistor, tion needs and specifications found on the market :
Zener diode, etc.): 5 to 20kA with an 8/20µs impulse for the standard
components. This is the value the device can withstand repeatedly (say for 2- and 3-electrode gas discharge tubes
ten impulses) without destruction or alteration of its basic specifications. Sparkover voltages from 75 to 3500 V
Discharge capacities from 2.5 to 150 kA
Impulse sparkover voltage Optional external short-circuit device
Sparkover voltage in the presence of a steep rise front (dV/dt = 1kV/µs): Installation on support, on printed circuit, or surface-mounted devices.
the impulse sparkover voltage increases with increasing dV/dt.

Insulation resistance and capacitance

These characteristics make the gas discharge tube practically «invisible»
in a line in a steady-state context: insulation resistance very high (>10
Gohm), capacitance very low (<1 pF).

3-electrode configuration
Protecting a two-wire line (for example a telephone pair) with two 2-elec-
trode gas discharge tubes (connected between the wires and ground) may
cause the following problem:
The line is subjected to an overvoltage in common mode; because of the
dispersion of the sparkover voltages (± 20%), one of the gas discharge
tubes sparks over a very short time before the other (a few microseconds);
the wire that has sparked over is therefore grounded (neglecting the arc
voltages), turning the common-mode overvoltage into a differential-mode
overvoltage, very dangerous for the terminal equipment. This risk disap-
pears when the second gas discharge tube arcs over (a few microseconds
3-electrode geometry eliminates this drawback: the sparkover of one pole
causes a «general» breakdown of the device almost instantaneously (a few
nanoseconds) because there is only one gas-filled enclosure.

End of life
Gas discharge tubes are designed to withstand several impulses without E3
destruction or loss of the initial characteristics (typical impulse tests: 10
times 5 kA impulses of each polarity).
On the other hand, a sustained strong current (e.g. 10 A rms for 15 sec-
onds, simulating the fall of a AC power line onto a telecommunication line)
will put the device out of service definitively.
If a fail-safe end of life is desired (i.e. a short-circuit that will report the fault
to the user when the line fault is detected), gas discharge tubes with the
fail-safe feature (external short-circuit) should be chosen.

CITEL gas discharge tubes comply with the specifications of main telecom
operators (France Telecom, British Telecom, etc.) and with the ITU-T K12
international recommendation.
2-electrode Miniature 2-electrode
Gas discharge tube G a s d i s c h a r g e Tu b e


Dimensions (in mm) Dimensions (in mm)

6 + 0.3
5 ± 0.2

Ø5 Ø 8 + 0.3

61 + 0.1
61± 1

Ø 0.8 Ø 0.8

Characteristics Characteristics
CITEL part number BA90* BA150 BA230 BA300 BA350 BA550 CITEL part number BB75* BB90 BB150 BB230 BB350 BB500
DC sparkover voltage 90 V 150 V 230 V 300 V 350 V 550 V DC sparkover voltage 75 V 90 V 150 V 230 V 350 V 500 V
E4 (100V/s) (100V/s)

Tolerance +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% Tolerance +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20%

Impulse sparkover voltage < 700 V < 700 V < 700 V < 900 V < 900 V <1200V Impulse sparkover voltage <700V <700V <700V <750V <850V <2000V
(1kV/µs) (1kV/µs)

Holdover voltage > 80V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V Holdover voltage > 60 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V
(R = 330 W in serie (R = 330 W in serie
RC = 150 W/100nF in //) RC = 150 W/100nF in //)
F92093G - Document could be modified without notice

Insulation resistance >10GW >10GW >10GW >10GW >10GW >10GW Insulation resistance >10 GW >10 GW >10 GW >10 GW >10 GW >10 GW
(at 100Vdc or 50Vdc for*) (at 100Vdc or 50Vdc for*)

Capacitance (at 1 MHz) <0.3 pF <0.3 pF <0.3 pF <0.3 pF <0.3 pF <0.3 pF Capacitance (at 1 MHz) <0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF
F92097B - Document could be modified without notice

AC discharge current 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A AC discharge current 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A

(50Hz, 1s, 5 times) (50Hz, 1s, 5 times)

Nominal discharge current 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA Nominal discharge current 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

(8/20µs, 10 times) (8/20µs, 10 times)

Options Lead termination : BAS Options Lead termination : BBS

External fail-safe : BAC External Fail-Safe : BBC
SMD version : BACMS in 90V/20, 230V/20 , 350V/20
Tape : BA en Bande
Gas discharge tube
BH-BHS (High voltage series)


Dimensions (in mm)

6 + 0.3 (75-600V)
BH 6.8 + 0.3 (800-1500V)
8 + 0.3 (2000-3500V)

Ø 8 + 0.3

61 + 0.1


CITEL part number BH75 BH90 BH230 BH350 BH470 BH500 BH600 BH800 BH1400 BH2500 BH3500
DC sparkover voltage 75 V 90 V 230 V 350 V 470 V 500 V 600 V 800 V 1400 V 2500 V 3500 V
Tolerance +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% -15/+20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20 % +/-15 %

Impulse sparkover voltage < 700 V < 700 V < 700 V < 850 V < 1100 V < 1200 V < 1200 V < 1400 V < 2000 V < 3800 V < 4600 V

Holdover voltage > 60 V > 60 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V
(R = 330 ohms in serie
RC = 150 ohms/100nF in //)

Insulation resistance > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW
(at 100Vdc)

Capacitance (at 1 MHz) < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF < 0.8 pF
F00823B - Document could be modified without notice

AC discharge current 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 15 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A
(50Hz, 1s, 5 times)

Nominal discharge current 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA

(8/20µs, 10 times)

Options Lead termination (Ø 1 or Ø 0.8 mm) : BHS

External short-circuit : BHC (from 90 to 600 V)
2-electrode 2-electrode glass-metal
Gas discharge tube Gas discharge tube
(replacement P980 and CA5R)


Dimensions (in mm) Dimensions (in mm)

32,5 11 max

11.4 max

21 + 0.1

27 max. Ø1 Ø5
50 8±1

E6 Characteristics Characteristics
CITEL part number CA8B*230 CA8B*250 CA8BB350 CA8BB-540 CITEL part number BAS21-230 BAS21-250 BAS21-350
DC sparkover voltage 230 V 250 V 350 V 540 V DC sparkover voltage 230 V 250 V 350 V
(100V/s) (100V/s)

Tolerance +/-20% +/-12% +/-20% +/-20% Tolerance +/-20% +/-20% +/-20%

Impulse sparkover voltage < 750 V < 750 V < 900 V < 1000 V Impulse Sparkover voltage < 700 V < 700 V < 900 V
(1kV/µs) (1kV/µs)

Arc voltage < 20 V < 20 V < 20 V < 20 V Arc voltage < 20 V < 20 V < 20 V
F00825A - Document could be modified without notice

Insulation resistance > 1GW > 1 GW > 1 GW > 1 GW Insulation resistance > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW
(at 100Vdc) (at 100 Vdc)
F070936 - Document could be modified without notice

Capacitance (at 1 MHz) < 5 pF < 5 pF < 5 pF > 5 pF Capacitance (at 1 MHz) < 0.3 pF < 0.3 pF < 0.3 pF

Holdover voltage > 72 V > 72 V > 72 V > 72 V Holdover voltage > 72 V > 72 V > 72 V
(R = 330 W in serie (R = 330 W in serie
RC = 150 W/100nF in //) RC = 150 W/100 nF in //)

AC discharge current 20 A 20 A 20 A 10 A AC discharge current 5A 5A 5A

(50 Hz, 0.6s, 10 times) (50 Hz, 1s, 10 times)

Nominal discharge current 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA Nominal discarge current 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA

(8/20µs, 10 times) (8/20µs, 10 times)

Options Sliding version : CA8BB Options External Fail-Safe : BAS21C (remplacement P980)
Blade termination : CA8BC
3-electrode with lead termination : CA8T31
3-electrode Miniature 3-electrode
Gas discharge tube Gas discharge tube


Dimensions (in mm) Dimensions (in mm)

BM BMC 9.1±0.3 12.2 max 8.7 max

7,5±0,5 7,5±0,5 7.8 max

ø 5±0,15 7.8 max 11±0.5 max

5±0.5 ø1

4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4

±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.3
7,5±0,5 47±5
E1 E2 9.1±0,3
ø 0.8 E1 E2
ø 8.1±0.15
M 18±0.5
ø 0.8

Characteristics Characteristics E7
CITEL part number BM90* BM150 BM230 BM350 BM500 CITEL part number BT90* BT150 BT230 BT350 BT500

DC sparkover voltage 90 V 150 V 230 V 350 V 500 V DC sparkover voltage 90 V 150 V 230 V 350 V 500 V
(100V/s) E/M (100V/s) E/M

Tolerance +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% Tolerance +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20% +/-20%

Impulse sparkover voltage < 700 V < 700 V < 800 V < 1100 V < 1200 V Impulse sparkover voltage > 70 V > 120 V > 184 V > 280 V > 400 V
(1 kV/µs) E/M (100 V/s) E1/E2

Insulation resistance > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW Impulse sparkover voltage < 700 V < 700 V < 800 V < 900 V < 1200 V
(1kV/µs) E/M
F92099D - Document could be modified without notice

(at 100 Vdc or 50 Vdc for*)

Capacitance (at 1 MHZ) < 0.5 pF < 0.5 pF < 0.5 pF < 0.5 pF < 0.5 pF Insulation resistance > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW > 10 GW >10 GW
F95114D - Document could be modified without notice

E/M ,E1/E2 (at 100V or 50V for*)

Holdover voltage > 60 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V
(R = 330 W in serie Capacitance (at 1 MHz) < 0.9 pF < 0.9 pF < 0.9 pF <0.9 pF < 0.9 pF
RC = 150 W / 100nF in //) E/M, E1/E2

AC discharge current 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A Holdover voltage > 70 V > 70 V > 70 V > 70 V > 70 V

(50 Hz, 1s,10 times) E/M ,E1/E2 (R = 330 W in serie
E1+E2/M RC = 150 W / 100nF in //)

Nominal discharge 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA AC discharge current 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A

current (8/20µs, 10 times) (50 Hz,1s,10 times)
Nominal discharge current 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA 10 kA
Options External Fail-Safe : BMC or BMFL (8/20µs, 10 times)
Axial lead termination : BMS Options External Fail-Safe : BTRC
SMD version : BM CMS Axial lead termination : BTS (Ø 1 or Ø 0.8 mm wire)
Tape : BM en Bande Radial lead termination : BTR (Ø 1 or Ø 0.8 mm wire)
N/PE 2-electrode N/PE 2-electrode
Gas discharge tube Gas discharge tube


Dimensions (in mm) Dimensions (in mm)


7.8 ± 0.3
7.8 ± 0.3

ø11.8 ± 0.3 ø15.8 ± 0.3

E8 Characteristics Characteristics
CITEL part number BG-800 BG-1000 BG-1300 CITEL part number BF-800
DC sparkover voltage 650-1000 V 850-1200 V 1100-1600 V DC sparkover voltage 650-1000 V
(100V/s) (100V/s)

Impulse sparkover voltage < 1500 V < 1800 V < 2000 V Impulse sparkover voltage < 1500 V
(1.2/50µs - 6 kV) (onde 1.2/50µs - 6 kV)

Tension extinction alternative > 255 Vac > 255 Vac > 255 Vac Tension extinction alternative > 255 Vac
( sous 100 A) sous 100 A
F08012 - Document could be modified without notice

Insulation resistance > 1GW > 1 GW > 1 GW Insulation resistance > 1GW
(at 100Vdc) (at 100Vdc)

Nominal discharge current (In) 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA Nominal discharge current (In) 30 kA

F08015 - Document could be modified without notice

( test 8/20µs - NF EN 616473-11) ( test 8/20µs suivant NF EN 616473-11)

Maximum discharge current (Imax) 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA Max. discharge current (Imax) 70 kA

( test 8/20µs - NF EN 616473-11) ( test 8/20µs suivant NF EN 616473-11)

Courant de choc (Iimp) >15 kA > 15 kA > 15 kA Courant de choc (Iimp) > 25 kA
( test 10/350µs suivant NF EN 616473-11) ( test 10/350µs suivant NF EN 616473-11)
2-electrode Heavy Duty
Gas discharge tube Gas discharge tube
BB-HF P100


Dimensions (in mm) Dimensions (in mm)

P100N 15 15

BB-HF 16
6,05 ± 0.15

P100 15 32 15

min 29
10.7±0.2 10.7±0.2
P100S max 53 1.4±0,2
61 ± 1 500±30
175±10 175±10

ø 0,8

P100C 8±1 37±3 6.5


Characteristics E9
CITEL part number BBS-HF80 BB-HF90* BB-HF250 BB-HF350 BB-HF500 Characteristics
DC sparkover voltage 65-95 V 72-108 V 200-300 V 300-400 V 400-500 V
CITEL part number P100-350 P100-500
DC sparkover voltage (100V/s) 350 V 500 V
Impulse sparkover voltage ≤ 700 V ≤ 700 V ≤ 750 V ≤ 900 V ≤ 1200 V
(1 kV/µs) Tolerance +/-20% +/-20%
Insulation resistance ≥ 10 GW ≥ 10 GW ≥ 10 GW ≥ 10 GW ≥ 10 GW Impulse sparkover voltage (1kV/µs) < 1000 V < 1500 V
(at 100 Vdc or 50 Vdc for*)
Holdover voltage 80 V 80 V
F95011D - Document could be modified without notice

Capacitance (at 1 MHz) < 0.7 pF < 0.7 pF < 0.7 pF < 0.7 pF < 0.7 pF
Insulation resistance (at 100Vdc) > 1 GW > 1 GW
Holdover voltage > 60 V > 60 V > 80 V > 80 V > 80 V
F08018 - Document could be modified without notice

(R = 330 W in serie Capacitance (at 1 MHz) 10 pF 10 pF

RC = 150 W / 100nF in //) AC discharge current (50Hz, 1s, 5 times) 100 A 100 A
AC discharge current 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A Maximuml discharge current (8/20µs, 1 time) 150 kA 150 kA
(50 Hz, 1s,10 times)
Maximum lightning current (10/350µs , 1 time) 45 kA 45 kA
Nominal discharge 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA 5 kA
current (8/20µs, 10 times) Options Bare version : P100N
Blade termination : P100
Nominal discharge 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA Cable termination : P100S
current (8/20µs, 1 time) Cable/terminal termination : P100C
Options *Sortie par fils axiaux : BBS-HF80 et BBS-HF90
Obstructions Lights
Obstruction lights

Outdoor Surge Protector for AC/Traction network
VP range
Dimensions (in mm)

19 M8

44 73

diam. 47

6 mm²

Electrical diagram

The VP is a surge protector designed to protect AC or DC power

lines against lightning transient voltages.
It is mounted on outdoor carrier poles to protect overhead lines as
AC lines or DC traction lines, and it is connected between one wire t°
and earth.
The internal electrical diagram is based on high energy varistor
(MOV). To take care of permanent overvoltage or component age-
ing, the surge protector device (SPD) is equipped with a thermal
disconnector mechanism: in case of overheating, the protective
component disconnects itself from the line and the bottom part of
the unit is ejected, indicating at distance the failure and the need V : High energy varistor
of maintenance. t° : Thermal disconnector
VP surge protectors are available in various operating voltages.

CITEL part number VP25/150 VP25/275 VP25/320 VP25/440 VP25/550 1-pole surge protector
Product type 1-pole surge 1-pole surge 1-pole surge 1-pole surge 1-pole surge
protector protector protector protector protector
For AC distribution or Traction lines
Maximum operating voltage - Uc 150 Vac 275 Vac 320 Vac 440 Vac 550 Vac Outdoor installation
200 Vdc 350 Vdc 420 Vdc 580 Vdc 745 Vdc
Nominal discharge current - In 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA Currents In/Imax : 15/25 kA
15 x 8/20 µs
F01109G - Document could be modified without notice

Maximum discharge current - Imax 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA 25 kA

1 x 8/20 µs
Protection level - Up 0.8 kV 1.1 kV 1.2 kV 1.5 kV 1.8 kV
@ 15 kA
Response time < 25 ns
Mounting Outdoor (IP66) or indoor
Connection Phase connection on threaded rod (8 mm diameter)
Earth connection through 6 mm² wire
Operating Temperature -40/+80°C
Enclosure Thermoplastic UV resistant
Compliance IEC 61643-1 Class II test, EN 61643-11 Class II test
Isolating Spark Gaps
Dimensions (in mm)

SGP 16 M8

59 94


P100S 45.9

P100S 500 ±30

175 175

These spark gaps are designed to protect metallic elements, like an-
tennas, poles, pipes, roofing equipment... which are not connected
to earth for operating reason, against the risk of flashover during a P100C
ø8 37 ø 6.5
lightning strike on the installation.
When a large or exposed metallic element is not connected, for
operating reasons, to the earthing system, it is better, in order to 195

avoid destructive flashovers, to connect between the element and

the grounded structure (or lightning conductor) a spark gap, which
allows a punctual and a brief connection to earth during the light-
ning strike.
In stand-by situation, the spark gap insulates the element from the Electrical diagram
earth. During the lightning strike, the spark gap fires to create equi-
potentiality and to avoid destructive flashovers.

Several versions are available :

P100S - P100C
Specific version of the high energy gas tube P100, featured with iso-
lated sleeve for outdoor application and connection cables (P100S-
350) or (P100C-350) for easy wiring.
Very heavy discharge current : Imax 150 kA (@ 8/20µs) and Iimp
60 kA (@ 10/350 µs).
SGP CITEL part number P100 SGP
Air spark gap with high sparkover voltage (1000 and 2500 V) and Technology Gas tube Air spark gap
heavy discharge current. Connection on threaded pin. DC sparkover 280-420 V 1000-1500 V (SGP1)
2500-4000 V (SGP2.5)
Impulse sparkover (1 kV/µs) < 1 kV < 2000 V (SGP1)
F050436A - Document could be modified without

< 5000 V (SGP2.5)

Isolating Spark gaps Insulation resistance > 1 GOhm > 1 GOhm

Outdoor or indoor application Max. discharge current

(8/20 µs)
150 kA 100 kA

Discharge currents up to 150 kA Max. lightning current 60 kA 30 kA

(10/350 µs)
Dimensions see drawing see drawing
Connection wires (P100S) threaded rod M8
wire terminal (P100C)
Outdoor application Yes Yes
Lightning counters
C F- 0 1 , P 8 0 1 1

P8011 CF-01


Down conductor or earthing wire .

Flat 30x2 mm
Lightning counters are designed to detect and record the impulse or Round diam. 6-10 mm
current conducted by the down conductor of the lightning protection
system (LPS) or by the earthing wire of a protective surge protection
Mounting flange
(SPD). (supplied)
These units are useful to assess the stress of the protection devices,
in order to perform their efficient maintenance.
2 versions are available :

This device counts each impulse current greater than 0.3 kA. It is de-
signed for outdoor or indoor application and is mounted directly on
the down conductor with the supplied flange. A reset of the counter
could be perform by returning the unit in factory.
CharacteristicsDown conductor
diameter 8 mm

CITEL part number CF-01 P8011

This lightning counter is also available with solar supply (outdoor Lightning counter
CF-01 Description Lightning counters Lightning counters
outdoors or indoor
Clamp outdoor
Minimum current sensibility 0.3 kA 0.3 kA
This version is in compliance with NF C 17-106 guide and counts Max. admissible impulse current 100 kA 100 kA

lightning and surge currents from 0.3 to 100 kA. The 6-digit LED dis- Maximum numbers of events 999 999999
play allows an easy reading whatever the conditions. P8011 counter Type d’affichage LCD LED
can be itself controlled by an dedicated tester in case of mainte- Dimensions 65x50x45 mm 146x95x42 mm
nance cycle required. Weight 0.15 kg 0.5 kg
Enclosure Polycarbonate IP54 Polycarbonate IP67
Power supply internal by battery internal by battery
F020162D - Document could be modified without notice

Life expectancy > 10 years > 10 years

Lightning current counters (before battery replacement)
Mounting by flange on round (Ø by flange on round (Ø
For LPS and SPD 6 to 10) or flat (30x2) 6 to 10) or flat (30x2)
conductor conductor
Outdoor or indoor application Compliance NFC 17-106 NFC 17-106
Compliance with NF C17-106 std.
S u r g e p r o t e c t o r Te s t e r s
T1000KE, SPT1003

T1000KE SPT1003

These portable testers are designed to control the electrical parame-

ters of the different types of surge protection components or devices,
like gas tubes (GDT) , varistors (MOV) or voltage clamping diodes.

T1000KE tester
Designed for the DC sparkover test of the gas discharge tube, the
T1000KE is a compact unit. Its digital display and single push-button
for test make the measurement easy and accurate in all conditions.
The tester T1000KE provides a wide range of voltage tests (from 0 Characteristics
to 999 Volts). CITEL part number T1000KE SPT1003
Description GDT tester GDT, MOV, Diode, SPD
SPT1003 tester tester
This unit is designed to control all kinds of surge protective compo- Test Sparkover voltage Sparkover and clamping
voltages - Line continuity
nents (GDT, MOV, clamping diodes) or AC or data surge protective
devices (SPD). It can test 2-pole (MOV, Diode, GDT), 3-pole (GDT)
Display Led 3 digits Led 3 digits
or 2-port (2 wires in, 2 wires out, earthing point = SPD). Extra fea-
Voltage range 0-999 V 0-999 V
ture of line continuity control (2-port SPD). Digital display.
Rise time of the test voltage slope 5000 V/s 5000 V/s
Precision +/- 2 % +/- 2,5 %
Operating temperature -20/+50°C -20/+50°C
Dimensions 150x93x29 mm 65x118x188 mm
Weight 0.36 kg 0.5 kg
Portable Testers
Test leads 2 leads supplied 5 leads supplied
Fast test process (450 mm length) (1000 mm length)
Power supply internal by 4 AA batteries by 230Vac/14Vdc G5
F96031D - Document could be modified without notice

3-digit display adaptater (supplied)

Life expectancy 20000 tests approx. -
For GDT, MOV, clamping Diodes and Surge (before battery replacement)

Obstruction lights for buildings, chimneys, cranes, towers...

OBSTA HI STI, OBSTA STI y OBSTA STIF obstruction lights

Any object that could present a hazard for low-flying aircraft, OBSTA HI STI STI 48V STI 24 V STIF
must be marked by beacon lights. The organizations involved Part number 13110 13200 13300 13410
(ICAO and FAA) have drawn up regulations defining how Characteristics
dangerous obstacles must be marked. These regulations lay
down rules on the installation and characteristics of beacons. Input voltage 110 V AC to 48 VDC 24 VDC 12 VDC
240 V AC
OBSTA has developed original lighting technics complying with
Surge protection Yes Yes Yes Yes
regulations in force.
The basic objective was to develop high performance equipment. Alarm indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes

The use of filament lamps was therefore rejected, since they Luminous intensity > 35 candélas > 10 candelas >10 candelas > 10 candelas
have major disadvantages (limited life and low reliability). Current drawn 370 up to 730 mA 250 mA 500 mA 500 mA
Power consumption 45 W 12 W 12 W 6W
Life time 100 000 h.* 100 000 h.* 100 000 h.* 100 000 h.*
Regulations ICAO and FAA ICAO ICAO ICAO and FAA
Available in 12, 24 or 48 V DC ; 120 and 240 V AC
(*) : lifetime based on 50 years experience in this technology.
Compliant with ICAO and FAA regulations
Options : Fixing brackets ; Junction box and monitoring box ; Shielded cable ; Photocell 24V CC, 48V CC
Inherent generation of «aviation» red or 240V AC ; Battery cabinet; Solar station.

Neon is not sensitive to high temperature and EMC

Perfect waterproofing
Alarm indicator included
Surge Protector included
Very long lifetime expectancy

Obstruction lights for buildings, chimneys, cranes, towers...

NAVILITE with led technology

48 VDC 24 VDC 12 VDC 240 VAC
Part 13900 13901 13902 13910 + 13900
Input voltage 48 VDC 24 VDC 12 VDC 240 V AC
Luminous intensity > 10 candelas > 10 candelas > 10 candelas > 10 candelas
Current drawn 125 mA 250 mA 500 mA 70 mA
Power consumption 6W 6W 6W 6W
Lifetime 100 000 h.* 100 000 h.* 100 000 h.* 100 000 h.*
(*) : estimated lifetime (MTBF) given by LED manufacturer under certain conditions.

Options : Fixing bracket ; Box for one main and one back-up light with photocell and alarm indicator available in 48VDC
and 240 VAC; Outdoor cable; Solar station.
The NAVILITE is designed as beacon for obstruction lights. It falls into low
intensity category. Please consult OBSTA catalogue for futher information.

The NAVILITE series have been designed to replace incandescent lights with
LED technology and for mobile or fixed obstacles like crane. It is available
in 12VDC, 24VDC, 48VDC, 120VAC or 240VAC in option. The NAVILITE
series is one piece molded which integrates 4 or 12 levels of LED.
Compliant with ICAO and FAA regulations
Advantages of this conception:
- Good heat dissipation for optimum led performance (led are sensitive Perfect waterproofing
to high temperature), Good heat dissipation
- Perfectly waterproof. No risk of corrosion,
- Redundancy mounting of diodes Resistant to shock and vibration
Lasts years longer than an incandescent lamp
Low power consumption

Klinkmann Lat
Ganību dambis 2a, Rīga, LV-1045 Tālr. +371 67 38 1615, +371 67 38 1617
Fakss +371 67 38 2451

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