Food Microbiology: Christopher H. Sommers, Shiowshuh Sheen
Food Microbiology: Christopher H. Sommers, Shiowshuh Sheen
Food Microbiology: Christopher H. Sommers, Shiowshuh Sheen
Food Microbiology
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Article history: Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, can occasionally be contracted as a naso-pharyngeal or
Received 31 July 2014 gastrointestinal illness through consumption of contaminated meat. In this study, the use of 254 nm
Received in revised form ultraviolet light (UV-C) to inactivate a multi-isolate cocktail of avirulent Y. pestis on food and food contact
16 January 2015
surfaces was investigated. When a commercial UV-C conveyor was used (5 mW/cm2/s) 0.5 J/cm2 inac-
Accepted 14 February 2015
tivated >7 log of the Y. pestis cocktail on agar plates. At 0.5 J/cm2, UV-C inactivated ca. 4 log of Y. pestis in
Available online 21 February 2015
beef, chicken, and catfish, exudates inoculated onto high density polypropylene or polyethylene, and
stainless steel coupons, and >6 log was eliminated at 1 J/cm2. Approximately 1 log was inactivated on
Yersinia pestis
chicken breast, beef steak, and catfish fillet surfaces at a UV-C dose of 1 J/cm2. UV-C treatment prior to
Ultraviolet freezing of the foods did not increase the inactivation of Y. pestis over freezing alone. These results
Food indicate that routine use of UV-C during food processing would provide workers and consumers some
Food contact surfaces protection against Y. pestis.
Beef Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0740-0020/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 C.H. Sommers, S. Sheen / Food Microbiology 50 (2015) 1e4
ground beef at 48.9e60 C to range from 193 to 0.56 min, respec- then resuspended as a cocktail in 30 mL Butterfield's Phosphate
tively, with a z-value of 4.57 C. Buffer (BPB) (Applied Research Institute, Newtown, CT).
Ultraviolet light (UV-C, 254 nm), a U.S. Food and Drug Admin- One hundred mL (0.1 mL) of the Y. pestis undiluted cocktail was
istration (FDA) approved food safety intervention technology, can plated onto duplicate BHIA plates which were then allowed to dry
be used for decontamination of food and food contact surfaces (CFR, for approximately 5 min. The agar plates were then exposed to 0.5 J/
2005). UV-C exerts its bacteriocidal effect primarily through the cm2 UV-C using the UV-C conveyor as described below.
formation of DNA adducts including cyclobutane pyrimidine di- For experiments using exudates on high density polypropylene
mers and 6e4 photoproducts, either killing the bacteria or (HDPP) and polyethylene (HDPE) and stainless steel coupons (bead
rendering them unable to reproduce, and to some extent through blasted and electropolished) 0.1 mL of Y. pestis cocktail was pipetted
oxidation of proteins in the bacterial cell (Reardon and Sancar, into 0.9 mL of the sterile food exudates, mixed by vortexing for ca.
2005; Krisko and Radman, 2010). The technology has been 10 s, and 0.1 mL transferred to the chilled (4 C) food contact sur-
increasingly adopted by the health care industry for decontami- faces and exposed to UV-C as described below. Prior to experi-
nation of surfaces in medical facilities and in recent years the food mentation stainless steel coupons were sterilized by autoclaving
processing industry has expressed significant interest in using it for while HDPP and HDPE were cleaned with 70% ethanol and then
surface decontamination of foods and food contact surfaces in the subjected to 10 J/cm2 UV-C.
food processing environment (Salvage, 2014; Rutala et al., 2010; Chicken, fish, and beef pieces were inoculated on one side of the
Koutchma, 2008; Koutchma et al., 2008). UV-C is of particular ap- surface with 1.0 mL (ca. 106 CFU/ml), which was then spread on the
peal to the medical and food processing industries because it is a food surface (3 3 cm) using a sterile inoculation loop. The inoc-
green and sustainable technology which does not require the use of ulated pieces were allowed to sit in a refrigerator (4 C) for ca. 30
water or chemicals to exert its bacterial effects. min, and then passed through the conveyor to obtain the required
While a great deal of information is available on the use of ul- UV-C doses (0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 J/cm2).
traviolet light (UV-C) to inactivate common foodborne pathogens Following exposure to UV-C, food samples were placed in sterile
(Sommers et al., 2010; Sumner et al., 1996; Stermer et al., 1987), polynylon bags (Uline, Inc., Philadelphia, PA) containing 100 ml BPB
relatively little information is available on the inactivation of and rinsed manually by massaging for ca. 30 s. The solution was
Y. pestis on foods with ultraviolet light. The purpose of this study then serially diluted in 9 ml BPB and two 0.1 mL aliquots per
was to determine the ability of Y. pestis to survive treatment with dilution were spread on BHI agar plates (BD-Difco, Sparks, MD). The
UV-C on agar plates, food contact surfaces, and foods using a plates were then incubated for 3 days at 30 C prior to enumeration
commercial UV-C conveyor. of bacterial colonies. Each experiment was conducted indepen-
dently a minimum of 3 times (n ¼ 3).
2. Materials and methods
2.4. Exposure to ultraviolet light (UV-C)
2.1. Food products
A commercial food-grade UV-C conveyor (Reyco Systems, Inc.,
Catfish fillets (2e3 oz) were obtained from the USDA-ARS Cat- Meridan, ID) was used to treat exudates inoculated with avirulent
fish Genetics Laboratory in Stoneville, Mississippi. Beef steaks (3e4 Y. pestis on surfaces of BHI agar plates, stainless steel coupons, HDPP
oz) and boneless skinless chicken breast fillets (3e4 oz) were ob- and HDPE, and the foods themselves. The UV-C intensity was
tained fresh from a local butcher. The meat, poultry, and ready-to- 5 mW/s/cm2, and 100 s of exposure provided a total UV-C dose of
eat meat products were gamma irradiated to an absorbed dose of approximately 0.5 J/cm2. All experiments were conducted in a BSL-
5 kGy at 4 C to inactivate background microflora, which was 2 laboratory.
reduced to less than to <0.1 CFU/g as determined by plating on The exudates (0.1 mL, ca. 107 CFU) were inoculated onto BHI agar
Brain Heart Infusion agar (BD-Difco, Sparks, MD). Exudate (drip/ plates, stainless steel or polypropylene coupon surfaces were run
purge) was obtained from the irradiated products by pouring through the conveyor either once, twice or four times to obtain ex-
excess liquid into sterile test tubes. Food was stored at 0e4 C until posures of 0.5 J/cm2, 1.0 J/cm2 or 2.0 J/cm2, respectively. Beef steaks,
ready for use, while exudates were stored at 20 C. chicken breast, and catfish fillets were passed through the conveyor
up to 4 times to obtain the maximum UV-C dose of 2.0 J/cm2.
UV-C intensity was monitored using a calibrated UVX Radiom-
2.2. Avirulent Yersinia pestis isolates eter (UVP Inc., Upland, CA). The temperature of the room was
approximately 15 C during the exposure to UV-C, and the food
Four avirulent Y. pestis strains (KUMA, Yokohama, KIM5, and temperature did not increase to more than 15 C at the end of the
CO99) were obtained from Dr. Susan Straley (Univ. Kentucky) and process as measured using an infrared thermometer.
Dr. Robert Brubaker (Mich. State Univ.) through Dr. George Paoli at
USDA's Eastern Regional Research Center (Wyndmoor, PA). The 2.5. Freezing
Y. pestis strains were propagated on Brain Heart Infusion Agar
(BHIA) (BD-Difco, Sparks, MD) at 30 C for approximately 3 days Catfish fillets, chicken breasts, and beef steaks were inoculated
and maintained at 0e4 C until ready for use. and treated with UV-C as described above and then frozen using
dry ice. The individual samples were then packaged in polynylon
2.3. Propagation and inoculation bags (Uline Inc., Philadelphia, PA), sealed using a Multi-Vac 300
packager to ca. 5000 Pa and stored at 20 C for ca. 30 days. To
Each Y. pestis strain was cultured independently in 30 ml BHI assess bacterial counts after freezing, the samples were thawed in a
Broth (Brain Heart Infusion, BD-Difco, Sparks, MD) in a sterile 50- refrigerator (ca. 4 C) overnight.
mL conical tube at 30 C (150 rpm) for 36 h, to a density of
approximately 108 CFU/ml, using a New Brunswick Model G24 2.6. Statistical analysis
Incubator (Edison, NJ). The cultures were then sedimented by
centrifugation (1200 g) using a Fisher Scientific Marathon Log reductions were determined according to Diehl (1995). Each
21000R Centrifuge (Needham Heights, MA). The cell pellets were experiment was conducted independently a minimum of 3 times.
C.H. Sommers, S. Sheen / Food Microbiology 50 (2015) 1e4 3
Each experiment was conducted independently 3 times. Values are log10 reductions Each experiment was conducted independently 5 times. Values are log10 reductions
as compared to the untreated controls with the standard error of the mean in as compared to the untreated controls with the standard error of the mean in
parenthesis. There was no statistical difference in the log10 reductions as deter- parenthesis. There is no statistical difference in the log10 reductions as determined
mined by ANOVA (p > 0.05). by ANOVA (p > 0.05).
4 C.H. Sommers, S. Sheen / Food Microbiology 50 (2015) 1e4
4. Conclusions Koutchma, T., 2008. UV-C light for processing foods. IUVA News 8, 24e28.
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dose of 0.5e1.0 J/cm2. A ca. 1 log reduction of avirulent Y. pestis was Paoli, G., Sommers, C., 2014. Inactivation of avirulent pgmþ and Dpgm Yersinia
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Acknowledgments Rose, L., O'Connell, H., 2009. UV light inactivation of bacterial biothreat agents. Appl.
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