The present study aimed to give an available, easy, safe and effective solution to reduce bacterial load of some our popular foods. Thirty beef liver samples that randomly collected from different retail meat shops at Damietta City, were bacteriologically examined to determine their contamination by some bacterial contaminants that of health significance, total bacterial (mesophilic), coliforms, pathogenic E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and anaerobic gas producing sporeformers counts were performed. The obtained results showed that the concerned bacteria were determined in 100.00; 63.33; 43.33; 20.00 and 20.00 %, respectively. The respective mean values were 48105 28105; 30.8 15.52; 3.2 1.08; 240.67 154 and 91.1 50.18 cell/gm. Studying the effectiveness of vinegar solution 2.5% acetic acid by immersion technique in reducing bacterial load, to improve quality and safety showed reduction by 92.21; 70.72; 38.44; 90.31 and 72.52 % respectively. The public health significance was declared.
Human health is highly attractive word. So, food safety remains a major challenge to food producers and to legislators endeavoring to adequate consumer protection. Beef liver is a very popular meal in developing countries (Polska Norma, 2000). Due to tradition and consumption habits, the liver among the offal products are consumed in large amounts. On the other hand, these products due to specific recipes of production, very short shelf-life, storage conditions and sometimes inappropriate management in the house and shops might be undesirable for consumption. Most reports of outbreaks of food borne diseases indicate that mishandling occurred in food service establishment and home (Simmon, 1972). Raw liver is perceived to responsible for significant amount human illness because of the relatively high frequency of contamination with some indicator organisms as E-coli and staphylococcus aureus (Delmore et al., 1999). The presence of indicator organisms provide a useful index for determining the hygienic quality of food and indicates the extent of sanitation, handling, and distribution, or processing, production and storage (Erwa, 1972). Escherichia coli is the most involved coliforms in food items could taken as indication of feacal contamination, as they are commonly found in the alimentary tract of man and animals, hence the possible presence of enteric pathogens is expected (ICMSF, 1986 & Varnam and Evans, 1991). Staphylococcus aureus possess a public health hazards due to production of thermostable enterotoxin that is responsible for food poisoning throughout the world (ICMSF, 1986).
Clostridia Gram-positive endospore-forming, are obligate anaerobic bacteria. Botulism is a sever food poisoning, result from ingestion of food containing botulinal toxin produced during growth of Cl. botulinum that produces a protein with characteristic neurotoxicity. Measures taken to prevent botulism include reduction of microbial contamination level, acidification, reduction of moisture level and whenever possible destruction of all botulinal spores in food (Solomon and Lilly, 1998). Cl. perfringens possess a public health hazards, numerous exotoxins are responsible for food poisoning. Recently, necrotizing enteritis associated with Cl. perfringens type A has been reported (Eley, 1996). For at least 20 years, scientists have studied techniques to reduce the bacterial contamination on beef carcass and of beef variety meats as liver. These techniques are now used with Hazard Analytical and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and have proven effective in reducing the level of contamination. However, there is need to investigate potential microbiological decontamination techniques for use on beef products in order to improve their microbiological status and so, quality and safety. Acetic acid and its related salts are widely used as acidulants and antimicrobials (Baird-Parker, 1980 & Doores, 1983). The activity of acetic acid varies with food products, environment and microorganisms. However, FSIS-USAD has currently approved the use of solution of acetic acid at concentration of 1.5-2.5 % as antimicrobial treatment to reduce bacterial contamination of meats and its products (FSIS-USAD, 1996). The objective of this study was monitoring some indicator bacteria and anaerobic gas-producing sporeforming bacteria and evaluate effectiveness of commercially available acetic acid (vinegar) in reducing bacterial count of beef liver sold in Damietta City.
Statistical analysis: The mean and standard errors were calculated for all measurements by using statistical programmed (SPSS, 1993). Visual observation: All samples were visually evaluated by laboratory technicians immediately following application of the decontamination treatment to determine its effect on liver appearance.
aeruginosa and Streptococcus faecalis by an average of 65%. While, Levine and Fellers (1939) observed that Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited by using bacteriostatic concentration of acetic acid at pH 5. In addition, Minor and Marth, 1970 reviewed that 99% of Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited by using acetic acid at pH 5 as antimicrobial agent. Woolford (1975) studied the antimicrobial role of acetic acid at different pH degrees and 6, it was observed that Clostridia; Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria were inhibited. A number of surveys have shown that the incidence of Cl. botulinum in meat and meat products to be low but variable (Abrahamson and Riemann, 1971). Cl. perfringens is present in small number in a wide range of meat products. This is of no direct significance, but in raw one the level of contamination tends to reflect the standard of abattoir hygiene (Roberts, 1982). The results in this study indicate the unhygienic quality of sold beef liver which also, indicate the lack of satisfactory sanitary conditions and quality control during slaughtering and/or post handling of liver and in turn create possible hazards for health and food safety. Visual observation: All samples showed slight or negligible change in color and surface appearance when decontamination using technique involved in this study.
In spite of our knowledge of microbiology and implementation of safety producers, such as HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point), the worldwide incidence of food poisoning outbreaks are increasing in gravity (Baird-Parker, 1994 & Kelly et al., 1996). Use of acetic acid immersion as bacteriological hurdles in conjunction with a HACCP system would result in beef liver of improved quality and safety. This study documents that there are home decontamination treatment available to reduce the level of bacteria normally found on commercially sold beef liver. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Great private thanks to my colleague, Dr. Amr El-gohary also, Dr. Fify Anees and Dr. Rania Salem members of Food Inspection Lab, Damietta about their great help during this study.
Fig.(1): Mean values of bacterial examination of beef liver samples before and after immersion in vinegar solution 2.5% acetic acid (n=30).
Mean count /gm 10000000
Total bacterial count (cell/gm) Coliformes count (MPN/gm) Staphylococcus aureus count (cell/gm) Anaerobic sporeformers count (MPN/gm) ( (Total bacterial count (cell/gm) ((Coliformes count (MPN/gm) ((Staphylococcus aureus count (cell/gm) ((Anaerobic sporeformers count (MPN/gm)
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- . . . % . . . . . . . . . . %. . . . . . . . % . .. - . -
Table (1): Statistical analytical results of bacteriological examination of beef liver samples.
Beef liver samples
Bacterial Count/gm
Before immersion in vinegar solution 2.5% acetic acid Total No. of Positive Min. Max Mean sample S.E. No. % 30 30 100.0 0 75 2 10 88 6 10 4810 28 5 10 30.8 15.52 3.2 1.08 240.67 154 91.1 50.18
After immersion in vinegar solution 2.5 % acetic acid Total No. of sample 30 Mean S.E.
5 3
Total bacterial count (cell/gm) Coliformes count (MPN/gm) E. coli count (cell/gm) Staphylococcus aureus count (cell/gm) Anaerobic sporeformers count (MPN/gm)
30 9
3810 3 1410
30 18 12 30 40.0 0 05 16.6 6 20.0 0 <3 9 1.97 0.51 60.0 0 <3 120 9.0 3.9
6 30
Table (2): Reduction percentages of decontamination technique of vinegar solution 2.5% acetic acid on beef liver samples (n=30).
Before immersion Bacterial count/gm Total bacterial count (cell/gm) (MPN/gm) Coliforme s count (MPN/gm) E. coli count (cell/gm) Staphyloc occus aureus count (cell/gm) Mean S.E.
After immersion
Mean S.E.
48105 28 5 10
38103 14103
70.72 38.44
240.67 154
23.33 10.2
25.03 11.36