Rti - Progress Monitoring

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RTII Progress Monitoring


Tier 1 Tier2 Tier3

Formative and DIBELS DIBELS

CBM-Curriculum Bases Measures Including 1) pre-reading (phoneme

segmentation fluency; letter sound fluency); 2) reading (word identification
fluency; passage reading fluency; maze fluency); 3) mathematics (computation;
concepts and applications); 4) spelling; and 5) written expression (correct word
DIBELS- The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are
a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early
literacy skills from kindergarten through 8th grade.

It is important to use progress monitoring to assess a students progress,

and make decisions based on the data collected. In Tier 1 you can use
DIBELS to get bench marks of where students are at and if they are falling
below academic standards. This may help you decide if more strategies
and supports need to be put in place moving student from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
Tier one is where students are all learning the core base academics with
little to no extra supports. Formative and informative assessments can help
determine if students are understanding the core based instruction. Moving
onto Tier 2 and Tier 3 you need data based assessments and progress
monitoring strategies such as Curriculum Based Measures where you can
collect and graph data being collected. Continue use of DIBELS to see
where student is at. CBM can be done more frequently weekly or biweekly.


What progress monitoring strategies Gorski, D. (n.d.). Progress Monitoring Within a Response-
to-Intervention Model. Retrieved November 13, 2020, from

McLane, K. (2013, November 07). What Is Curriculum-Based Measurement and What Does It
Mean to My Child? Retrieved November 13, 2020, from

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