5 Benchmark Rti

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The text discusses references related to multi-tiered systems of support and response to intervention models. It also mentions several organizations that work in the area of positive behavioral interventions and supports as well as learning disabilities in the context of RTI.

Some references cited in the text include Brown-Chidsey, R., & Bickford, R. (2016); Buffum, et. al, (2012); Metcalf, T. (2020); OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (2020); Prasse, D. (2020); Shapiro, E. (2020).

Organizations mentioned include the National Center for Learning Disabilities, Solution Tree Press, and the RTI Action Network.

Sc󰈊o󰈡󰈘w󰈏󰇷e C󰉉󰈹r󰈏󰇹u󰈘󰈀r R󰇵󰈻󰈦on󰈻󰈩

to I󰈝󰉄󰈩r󰉏󰇵󰈞ti󰈡󰈝 P󰈹󰈢po󰈻󰈀󰈘
Alyssa Myers
College of Education, Grand Canyon University
Strengthening Curriculum Programs to Promote
Continuous School Improvement
Tammy Summerville
Wednesday, December 16th, 2020
Individualized Instruction
Targeted Interventions
Reduce Learning Gaps
Increase Student Performance
Behavior Interventions / PBIS
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Effec󰉃󰈎󰉐󰇵 In󰉃e󰈹v󰈩󰈝󰉄󰈏on D󰈎󰈻󰇸󰉊s󰈻i󰈡󰈞 Q󰉊es󰉃󰈎󰈢󰈞s
Research-Based Do we have evidence that the intervention can work? Do we have evidence that the
intervention is working for students currently in the intervention?

Directive Do we require targeted students to attend?

Do we hold students accountable when they don’t?

Timely How long does it take us to identify and place a student in or out of this intervention?

Highly-Trained How well trained and qualified are the individuals implementing this intervention?

Systematic Can we guarantee that every student who needs the intervention, gets the intervention?

Targeted Unmotivated Learner/Failed Learner:

Is the intervention for intentional non-learners (won’t do) or failed learners (can’t do)?

Tier 2 or Tier 3:
Is the intervention supplemental support (Tier 2) or intensive support (Tier 3)?

Desired Student Learning Outcomes:

+ Are our interventions targeted to specific standards/outcomes?
+ Are students grouped by the cause of their struggles, or the symptoms?



1 UN󰈾󰈐󰉈󰈣SA󰈴
Go󰈡d 󰈪󰇵󰇷a󰈈󰈡g󰉘 Supports for all students

Preventative & Proactive

Core instruction
2 TA󰈤󰉁󰉋T󰉈󰉍
St󰈸u󰇸t󰉉󰈸󰇵󰈼 & Sy󰈻󰉄em󰈻

Supports for some students

Focus on skill deficits

Target specific needs

*At risk* students

3 IN󰈜󰉋󰈯S󰈽󰈐E
Ana󰈗󰉙z󰈩 B󰇵󰈊a󰉐󰈎󰈢r

Supports for few students

Individualized & intensified

Academic & behavioral goals

M󰈜󰈟S 󰉇ra󰈚󰈩󰉓󰈢r󰈔
Uni󰉏󰈩󰈹s󰇽󰈗 Pro󰈇󰈹󰈩s󰈻
Sc󰈸e󰈩󰈞󰈏n󰈇 Mon󰈎󰉃󰈢󰈹in󰈇

Tool to identify students who Assess performance, improvement,
may need additional supports responsiveness, and evaluation

Stu󰇷󰈩󰈞 Mul󰉃󰈎-󰈴󰇵󰉐el Dat󰈀-󰉗󰇽󰈻e󰇶

Pre󰉏󰈩󰈞t󰈏o󰈝 S󰉙s󰉃e󰈛 Dec󰈎󰈻󰈏o󰈞 M󰈀k󰈏󰈝󰈈
Use data from screening and
Tiers of intensity for instruction,
monitoring to modify & adjust
intervention and supports
instruction and interventions.
Min - 90 min / Max -120 min Min - 15 min / Max - 45 min Min - 45 min / Max - 90 min

❏ Benchmark Advance ❏ Benchmark Intervention ❏ 95% Group Ph. Awareness

❏ Treasures ❏ 95% Group Program ❏ 95% Group Phonics
❏ SRA Mastery ❏ Triumphs ❏ SRA Corrective Placement
❏ CKLA Reading ❏ Six-Minute Solution ❏ SRA Language for Learning
❏ Learning Dynamics ❏ SuccessMaker ❏ Tier 1 and 2 Interventions
❏ Achieve3000 ❏ Achieve3000 Supplemental
❏ Lexia/PowerUp ❏ CKLA Assessment/Remediation
❏ Engage NY Modules ❏ CKLA Skills Placement
❏ Freckle & Zearn (K-5) ❏ Fountas & Pinnell
❏ Galileo/ATI ❏ EngageNY Unit Tasks (Tier 2 only)
❏ Actively Learn ❏ EasyCBM
❏ MAZE/MComp ❏ Tier 1 Interventions
❏ DIBELS Benchmark

Behavior Interventions/Resources:
SWIS Management System, Function-Behavior Assessments, Behavior Intervention Plans, CICO
Sheets, Targeted Social Skills Groups, Boystown/PBIS, Reinforcement Systems, AIMSWeb
Behavioral Intervention Strategies
✗ Targeted & Social Skills Groups
✗ Reinforcement Schedules
✗ Work:Break Systems
✗ Adjusted “Unstructured Times”
✗ In-School Detention Models
✗ Caring Adult Relationships

Stu󰇷󰈩󰈞t D󰇽󰉃a
󰈢󰈇󰉙 & As󰈻
e 󰈼s 󰈚󰈩 󰈞 t
Professional Developments

PBIS/Boystown Trainings
Data Discussions/PLCs
Overview of Programs

Accountability Piece

Feedback and Coaching

Im󰈥󰈘em󰈩󰈝󰉄󰈏n󰈇 C󰈋an󰈇󰈩
Progress Monitoring
Se󰉅󰈎n󰈇 G󰈢a󰈘s
Sam󰈥󰈘󰈩 In󰉃󰇵󰈹ve󰈝󰉄󰈎󰈢n P󰈗a󰈞s/Go󰈀l󰈻
The 2nd Grade Team will move students up by using fluency, 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each lesson on
place value/addition/subtraction/skip counting. We are using Engage New York for math lessons. The
interventions will move 35% from Tier 3 to Tier 2, and 47% from Tier 2 to Tier 1 interventions.

The 3rd Grade Team will use 95% Intervention during our Benchmark Advance built small group time in order to
move students from Tier 3 to Tier 2. Our goal is to move 8 students (20%) from Tier 3 to Tier 2. The Third Grade
Team will also utilize standards based interventions, test preparation and computer based testing preparation to
have 42% of students pass AzMerit. The team will intervene during small group time weekly to move students
towards proficiency. Teacher will meet with students on a needs basis goal is to move 80% of students passing
on CFAS.

The 5th Grade Team will increase benchmark scores from 38% to 50% and decrease the intensive scores from
39% to 29% as measured by AIMsWeb Plus. The 5th Grade Intervention Plan is as follows:

❏ Tier 3 → 95% group vowel teams lessons 4 times a week for 20 minutes
❏ Tier 2 → 6 minute fluency and comprehension (close reading) lessons 2 times a week for 20 minutes
❏ Tier 1 → students will receive close reading lessons 2 times a week for 20 minutes

*Students are also pulled out during intervention blocks to meet with interventionists in small groups.
*These students have been selected based on universal screening results and AIMSWeb baseline data.
C.W. Harris Elementary has a shared
commitment to educational excellence for
every student. Our mission is to increase

each component of the Instructional Core
effectively with fidelity.

Mis󰈻󰈎󰈢󰈞 & Vis󰈎󰈢󰈝 Stu󰇷󰈩󰈞t󰈻

If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.
If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.
If a child doesn’t know how to divide, we teach.
If a child doesn’t know how to share, we teach.
If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we…..
Brown-Chidsey, R., & Bickford, R. (2016). Practical handbook of multi-tiered systems of support: Building academic
and behavioral success in schools (1st ed.). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Buffum, et. al, (2012). Simplifying response to intervention: effective intervention evaluation and alignment chart
protocol. Solution Tree Press. (2020). Retrieved from https://solutiontree.s3.amazonaws.com/solutiontree/media/SRTI
Metcalf, T. (2020). What’s your plan? Accurate decision making within a multi-tier system of support: critical areas in tier 2.
National Center for Learning Disabilities: RTI Action Network. Retrieved from
OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (2020). What is tier 3 support? Retrieved
from https://www.pbis.org/pbis/tier-3
Prasse, D. (2020). Why adopt an RTI model? The RTI Action Network: National Center for Learning Disabilities. (2020).
Retrieved from http://www.rtinetwork.org/learn/what/whyrti
Shapiro, E. (2020). Tiered instruction and intervention in a response-to-intervention model. National Center for Learning
Disabilities: RTI Action Network. Retrieved from http://www.rtinetwork.org/tieredinstruction/intervention-rti-model

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