3 5 PLC Action Research Minutes

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PLC Action Research Minutes

Location: Portable 15, Elizabeth's Room

Date: 3/5
Attendees: Diana, Mary, Shari, Maddie, Elizabeth, Hayley Apologies:
Time:  3:30
Facilitator: Mary Minute Taking: Maddie Timekeeper: Elizabeth Screen Presenter: Shari Norms Monitor: Diana
Meeting Norms:
We start and finish at the agreed time, and stick to time frames on the agenda.
We honour, support and action decisions made in the best interest of the students.
We actively listen to one voice at a time.
We all participate and contribute - everyone is given an opportunity to voice their opinions or thoughts.
We feel comfortable to speak honestly and openly.
We will attend meetings prepared and organised.

Time Guiding Questions Minutes

5 minutes Getting Grounded Possible activity with students - colour the world with kindness.

Check In

Hayley - teal. meeting, after meeting, after meeting!

Mary - yellow, bit escalated from afternoon

Maddie - WANT to be white/peaceful - but not quite there

Elizabeth - not black, second closed to black - navy

Shari - same as Maddie.

10 minutes Admin

- Social Committee Rep - Maddie

- Excursion Attendance Check ACTION - send emails or make phone calls home about attendance before the end of week 4.

Hayley Benchmarking - begin with kids between E-J.

- Assessment Schedule Words their way - don’t need to analyse just hold onto it.

Speaking and Listening - could we possibly record the F&P comprehension questions rather than
Bridge book?

2 minutes PLC AIP: The percentage of students working at or above level in English will increase from the previous
year using the following measures:

PAT reading
What is the curriculum focus area for IC (i.e.
English, Mathematics or Science)? Fountas and Pinnell Running records

Teacher judgement

Excellence in Teaching and Learning - evaluating impact on learning.

Link to Fiso Cake: Reading

Slice: Comprehension

How does our IC align with or school Crumb: Retell

improvement plans?
(i.e. Cake, Slice, Crumb)

DAA - from previous meeting. Have all 3 students running records from -6 months, level G - I section of the Venn diagram.
actions been completed?
Focus - low ‘within the text’ comprehension.

Stage of Inquiry Cycle

What protocol will you use at this stage of the inquiry?

(Delete any stage that is not applicable at the time) Blue = From Week 1 PLC

What are we specifically trying to find out? Next key area of work - reading for meaning, improving comprehension
20 minutes
2020 F&P / End term 1 Running Record / Anecdotal Notes

What evidence sources will we use or

already have?
- Running records results show that most students are unable to provide a detailed retell.
- Most students are able to read accurately however are lacking in comprehension.
- Students are not reading for meaning
What does our evidence tell us? (Write 3-4
- When ‘re-telling’ students may pick one or two random events, not tell in sequential order.
baseline evidence statements to summarise
- When asked to re-tell, students want to re-read the text rather than use their own words.
the analysis of the findings of what students
already know or can do and the gaps for
focusing on next).

What is our goal? Goal - To improve students oral re-tell.

What is the learning intention (related to What is currently happening for the learners?
the strand and sub strand focus area)?
- reading accurately

- re-tell, either one or random parts, really good beginning but nothing else, or for minority
What will be our measure of success (i.e. of students they shared way too much information
success criteria)?
- no sequencing in re-tell

- same comprehension results whether running record was fiction or non fiction
How will we measure impact? What
evidence do we plan to gather to show
SC -

- Picture sequencing/story maps

- Begin by retelling a known narrative using beginning, middle and end

- Progress by retell using beginning, middle, end problem and solution

- Include characters names in retell, plus above (5 finger retell)

- End - use 5 finger retell to retell an unknown narrative

Measuring Impact

- 3 students from each class in the G-I part of the Venn diagram (6 months behind). Analyise
running records from the end of term 1, do another running record at the end of the unit
and compare comprehension score (see decisions, actions and accountability)

What is already working well and what Working Well

evidence would tell us this?
- 5 finger retell. Students are able to explain what each finger is, and know the difference
between each part of the retell
- Scaffolding well
What new learning might we need to
- Separating each part of the re-tell
embark on? Who might help us?
- Working on the retell in reading is translating into their writing
- Kids seeming to enjoy re-telling now that they know how to do it properly

What do we plan to DO that will have the New Learning

greatest impact on student learning?
- Rubric for Scoring the Comprehension Conversation (Nadine to join meeting)
- Use this for 3 x students identified when doing their benchmark
- Start using F&P Language during class time - ‘what are the important things that happened
in the story?’

Lesson ideas for planning

1. Prompt cards with questions - students could make their own to have in their book box.
2. Beginning, middle, and end - how this fits with characters, setting, problem and solution.
- Beginning - characters and setting
- Middle - problem
- End - solution

3. Student self evaluation on a retell (Week 5)

What high impact strategies will be Multiple Exposures

Worked Examples - how to deconstruct a narrative



Explicit Teaching

How will we measure progress along the

Continue to discuss in PLC and planning - what is working well, what is missing etc
Reading groups

Class discussion

Student self evaluation

How will we share our learning?

PLC and Planning

What are our next


10 minutes Decisions Actions Accountability

- Detailed comprehension evaluation - Complete this with 3 students identified - all, bring to Week 4
(in orange folder) as having a low retell

10 minutes Reflection Protocol

- Finding that this PLC process is more streamlined

- Better equipped to differentiate because we have more time to evaluate, plan and discuss

- Feeling that PLC is working, all on the same page, all contributing

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