Thermal Oil-Level Sensor: Technical Information
Thermal Oil-Level Sensor: Technical Information
Thermal Oil-Level Sensor: Technical Information
© Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt 4 May 2006 Thermal oil-level sensor 1-2
The filling-level sensor is made up of two parallel printed-
conductor structures which cover the motor-oil measuring
range. These temperature-dependent resistor elements are
operated in a bridge circuit, where one is used as a reference
element and the other as a measuring element. Controlled by
the electronics, the measuring element is heated up briefly (at
output = high) and then cools down again (at output = low).
This process is repeated continuously. The high times are
dependent on the oil temperature and the low times
proportional to the filling level.
The oil temperature is measured by a sensor. This is installed
at the lower end in a plastic housing insulated from oil and
completely submersed (see diagram).
Schematic diagram
Effects of failure
Reasons for the oil-level sensor to fail:
• Internal short-circuits
• Failure of the measuring elements
• Failure of the sensor electronics
• Penetration of motor oil through damage to the
• Lack of voltage and earth connection
Technical Information
© Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Lippstadt 4 May 2006 Thermal oil-level sensor 2-2
The following tests should be taken into account during
Visual test:
If there is visible damage to the housing of the thermal oil-
level sensor, the wiring or the plug, the sensor should be
replaced or the wiring repaired.
Testing the voltage supply and earth connection
The voltage supply (observe manufacturer's notes) and the
earth connection should be checked at the sensor plug.
Test with the oscilloscope:
The oscilloscope can be used to tap and display the signal at
the signal cable (A). Note: This measurement can be used
only to establish whether a signal is transmitted to the control + - A
unit. It is not possible to use the signal displayed to make a Pin assignment
statement about correct sensor function.
Test with diagnosis equipment:
Suitable diagnosis equipment should be used to take a
readout of the fault memory. Sensor-related faults should be Signal pattern
eliminated and the fault memory erased.
Installation note:
The torque of the fastening screws of 9.5 +/- 1 Nm must not
be exceeded during installation.