Abaque Whitepaper Peristaltic-in-Mining Oct12
Abaque Whitepaper Peristaltic-in-Mining Oct12
Abaque Whitepaper Peristaltic-in-Mining Oct12
By Johannes Meijer
Mining operations around the globe often take place in harsh conditions, conditions that require reliable pump technology
like that offered by Abaque™ Series Peristaltic (Hose) Pumps (inset).
In compiling a list of the industries that have benefited how important—and profitable—the global mining
the most from advancements in technology, mining industry has become:
would have to be near the top. From an industry that
• The world’s 40 largest mining companies saw
literally began with the use of crude instruments to break
revenues grow by 32% in 2010, to $435 billion
into the Earth’s surface in the search for valuable
commodities, mining has evolved into an incredibly • Net profits for these companies rose 156% from
complex, global economic behemoth. Today, mining 2009, to $110 billion
operations dot all points of the compass, in all climates
and operating conditions, with mining companies According to the report, this eye-catching growth was
constantly searching for the next rich deposit of such driven by rapidly rising commodity prices, as well as the
diverse commodities as gold, copper, iron, coal and rising demand from the robustly emerging economies of
phosphates. China, India, Brazil and Indonesia. China, for example,
was not only the world’s largest producer of gold in 2010,
In 2011, PwC, which is the brand name under which
but for the first time became the world’s largest consumer
member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International
of copper. This global expansion in mining activity has
Limited operate and provide services to their industrial
made relatively obscure nations such as Morocco
clients, released a report titled Mining 2011: Review of
(phosphates), Peru (copper), Namibia (phosphates), South
global trends in the mining industry. The information
Africa (coal and gold), Zambia (copper) and Sweden (iron
contained in the report provides a staggering look at just
ore) major players in the mining industry.
Handling and transferring particulate-laden slurries and highly viscous liquids are a way of In order to successfully handle a wide gamut of fluids in
life in mining operations, no matter the commodity being mined. harsh conditions, the peristaltic pump’s hose—which,
because of its seal-less design, is the only component to
While technological advancements have helped streamline actually come in contact with the pumped medium—
the process of finding commodities and ultimately needs to be able to reliably deliver the millions of
recovering them, mining, at its most basic, still requires pumping cycles that are required during its lifetime.
drilling or digging holes in the Earth’s surface, and taking
big rocks and turning them into small rocks in order to Another consideration when selecting a hose material is
extract the pay lode. These extreme operations in its “fatigue resistance.” This trait defines how resistant to
oftentimes harsh working conditions place a great strain failure the hose material is as it runs through its millions
on the equipment that is used to facilitate the mining of pumping cycles. A hose material that is susceptible to
process. developing cracks and holes relatively early in its
operational life is not as desirable as a material that can
This white paper will highlight why one type of pumping
technology—positive displacement peristaltic (hose)
pumps—can rise to the challenges inherent in the
exploration and extraction of the world’s most valuable
mined commodities.
The Challenge
The design and operational characteristics of peristaltic
(hose) pump technology, which was patented in 1925 in
France, make it a wise choice in a wide range of mining
applications—from moving viscous and/or abrasive slurries
to the transfer of liquids laden with relatively large
particulate matter. These characteristics make peristaltic
(hose) pumps ideal for the full array of diverse operations
within the mining industry.
• Buna®-N – highly wear resistant to natural gas Below: The Abaque pump’s hose restitution after the squeeze produces an almost full
vacuum that draws the product into the hose from the intake piping.
containing products
The mining industry is one of the most diverse in the Johannes Meijer is the Global Product Manager –
global economy. This diversity means that the pumps Peristaltic Pumps for Pump Solutions Group (PSG®).
used in all types of mining operations must be nimble Mr. Meijer can be reached at +49 151 6283 5979 or
and versatile enough to cope with fluids with many [email protected]. Pump Solutions Group (PSG®)
different levels of viscosity, temperature, corrosiveness, is the global leader in positive displacement pump and
toxicity, abrasiveness and particulate levels, to name a supporting technologies, and delivers value-added pumps and
few. These varying product characteristics must also be systems that serve customers requiring safe and efficient
successfully handled while meeting the production needs transfer of critical and valuable materials. Headquartered in
of the mining company. For more than 80 years, Oak Brook Terrace, IL, USA. PSG is comprised of several leading
peristaltic (hose) pump technology, as epitomized by the pump brands, including Abaque™, Almatec ®, Blackmer ®,
standard-setting operation and reliability of the Abaque EnviroGear ®, Griswold™, Maag ®, Mouvex ®, Neptune™,
Series Peristaltic (Hose) Pump family from PSG, has been a Quattroflow™, RedScrew™ and Wilden ®. You can find more
leading choice for mining companies who know the value information at www.psgdover.com.
of highly reliable, environmentally friendly, maintenance-
free pump operation.
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